mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 16:56:54 +00:00

HMconfig: change command description for better dispay in WEB frontend

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@10410 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
martinp876 2016-01-08 15:15:50 +00:00
parent 6e2d8ceb80
commit 71e505f8c2

View File

@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ foreach my $al (keys %culHmModel){ # duplicate entries for alias devices
nightTemp =>{a=> 2 ,s=>0.6,l=>7,min=>5 ,max=>25 ,c=>'' ,f=>'2' ,u=>'C' ,d=>1,t=>"lower or night temperatur"},
tempMin =>{a=> 3 ,s=>0.6,l=>7,min=>4.5 ,max=>14.5 ,c=>'' ,f=>'2' ,u=>'C' ,d=>0,t=>"minimum temperatur"},
tempMax =>{a=> 4 ,s=>0.6,l=>7,min=>15 ,max=>30.5 ,c=>'' ,f=>'2' ,u=>'C' ,d=>0,t=>"maximum temperatur"},
winOpnTemp =>{a=> 5 ,s=>0.6,l=>7,min=>5 ,max=>30 ,c=>'' ,f=>'2' ,u=>'C' ,d=>0,t=>"lowering temp whenWindow is opened"},
winOpnTemp =>{a=> 5 ,s=>0.6,l=>7,min=>5 ,max=>30 ,c=>'' ,f=>'2' ,u=>'C' ,d=>0,t=>"lowering temp when Window is opened"},
winOpnPeriod =>{a=> 6 ,s=>0.4,l=>7,min=>0 ,max=>60 ,c=>'' ,f=>'0.2' ,u=>'min' ,d=>0,t=>"period lowering when window is open"},
decalcWeekday =>{a=> 7 ,s=>0.3,l=>7,min=>0 ,max=>7 ,c=>'lit' ,f=>'' ,u=>'' ,d=>0,t=>"decalc at day" ,lit=>{Sat=>0,Sun=>1,Mon=>2,Tue=>3,Wed=>4,Thu=>5,Fri=>6}},
decalcTime =>{a=> 8 ,s=>0.6,l=>7,min=>0 ,max=>1410 ,c=>'min2time' ,f=>'' ,u=>'' ,d=>0,t=>"decalc at hour"},
@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ foreach my $al (keys %culHmModel){ # duplicate entries for alias devices
modePrioParty =>{a=> 18.0,s=>0.3,l=>7,min=>0 ,max=>5 ,c=>'lit' ,f=>'' ,u=>'' ,d=>1,t=>"allow tempChange for party only by: " ,lit=>{RT_TC_SC_SELF=>0,all=>1,RT_TC_CCU_SELF=>2,CCU=>3,self=>4}},
modePrioManu =>{a=> 18.3,s=>0.3,l=>7,min=>0 ,max=>5 ,c=>'lit' ,f=>'' ,u=>'' ,d=>1,t=>"allow tempChange for manual only by: ",lit=>{RT_TC_SC_SELF=>0,all=>1,RT_TC_CCU_SELF=>2,CCU=>3,self=>4}},
winOpnMode =>{a=> 19.5,s=>0.3,l=>7,min=>0 ,max=>4 ,c=>'lit' ,f=>'' ,u=>'' ,d=>0,t=>"enable internal Windoe open in modes: ",lit=>{off=>0,auto=>1,auto_manu=>2,auto_party=>3,on=>4}},
winOpnMode =>{a=> 19.5,s=>0.3,l=>7,min=>0 ,max=>4 ,c=>'lit' ,f=>'' ,u=>'' ,d=>0,t=>"enable internal Window open in modes: ",lit=>{off=>0,auto=>1,auto_manu=>2,auto_party=>3,on=>4}},
winOpnDetFall =>{a=> 19.0,s=>0.5,l=>7,min=>0.5 ,max=>2.5 ,c=>'' ,f=>'10' ,u=>'K' ,d=>0,t=>"detect Window Open if temp falls more then..."},
reguIntI =>{a=>202.0,s=>1 ,l=>7,min=>10 ,max=>20 ,c=>'' ,f=>'' ,u=>'' ,d=>0,t=>"regulator I-param internal mode"},
@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@ $culHmRegChan{"ROTO_ZEL-STG-RM-FWT03"}= $culHmRegChan{"HM-CC-TC03"};
#en-block programming of funktions
%culHmTpl = (
autoOff => {p=>"time" ,t=>"staircase - auto off after <time>, extend time with each trigger"
autoOff => {p=>"time" ,t=>"staircase - auto off after -time-, extend time with each trigger"
,reg=>{ OnTime =>"p0"
,OffTime =>"unused"
,SwJtOn =>"on"
@ -1382,15 +1382,15 @@ $culHmRegChan{"ROTO_ZEL-STG-RM-FWT03"}= $culHmRegChan{"HM-CC-TC03"};
#define gets - try use same names as for set
%culHmGlobalGets = (
param => "<param>",
reg => "<addr> ... <list> <peer>",
regVal => "<addr> ... <list> <peer>",
param => "-param-",
reg => "-addr- ... -list- -peer-",
regVal => "-addr- ... -list- -peer-",
regList => "",
cmdList => "",
saveConfig => "<filename> ...",
saveConfig => "-filename- ...",
%culHmVrtGets = (
param => "<param>",
param => "-param-",
cmdList => "",
%culHmSubTypeGets = (
@ -1405,14 +1405,14 @@ $culHmRegChan{"ROTO_ZEL-STG-RM-FWT03"}= $culHmRegChan{"HM-CC-TC03"};
%culHmGlobalSets = (# all but virtuals
regBulk => "<list>:<peer> <addr1:data1> <addr2:data2> ..."
,getRegRaw => "[List0|List1|List2|List3|List4|List5|List6] ... [<PeerChannel>]"
regBulk => "-list-:-peer- -addr1:data1- -addr2:data2- ..."
,getRegRaw => "[List0|List1|List2|List3|List4|List5|List6] ... [-PeerChannel-]"
,getConfig => ""
,regSet => "[prep|exec] <regName> <value> ... [<peerChannel>]"
,regSet => "[prep|exec] -regName- -value- ... [-peerChannel-]"
,clear => "[readings|trigger|register|oldRegs|rssi|msgEvents|attack|all]"
%culHmGlobalSetsVrtDev = (# virtuals and devices without subtype
virtual => "<noButtons>"
virtual => "-noButtons-"
,clear => "[readings|rssi|msgEvents|unknownDev]"
%culHmGlobalSetsDevice = (# all devices but virtuals
@ -1441,61 +1441,61 @@ $culHmSubTypeDevSets{blindActuator} = $culHmSubTypeDevSets{switch};
%culHmGlobalSetsChn = (# all channels but virtuals
sign => "[on|off]"
,peerBulk => "<peer1,peer2,...> [set|unset]"
,peerBulk => "-peer1,peer2,...- [set|unset]"
%culHmSubTypeSets = (# channels of this subtype
switch =>{ "on-for-timer" =>"<ontime>"
,"on-till" =>"<time>"
switch =>{ "on-for-timer" =>"-ontime-"
,"on-till" =>"-time-"
,on =>""
,off =>""
,toggle =>""
,press =>"[long|short] [<peer>] [<repCount(long only)>] [<repDelay>] ..."
,press =>"[long|short] [-peer-] [-repCount(long only)-] [-repDelay-] ..."
,inhibit =>"[on|off]"
,statusRequest =>""
,peerIODev =>"[IO] <btn> [set|unset]... not for future use"
,peerIODev =>"[IO] -btn- [set|unset]... not for future use"
,dimmer =>{ "on-for-timer" =>"<ontime> [<ramptime>]..."
,"on-till" =>"<time> [<ramptime>]..."
,dimmer =>{ "on-for-timer" =>"-ontime- [-ramptime-]..."
,"on-till" =>"-time- [-ramptime-]..."
,on =>""
,off =>""
,toggle =>""
,pct =>"<value> ... [<ontime>] [<ramptime>]"
,pct =>"-value- ... [-ontime-] [-ramptime-]"
,stop =>""
,press =>"[long|short] [on|off|<peer>] [<repCount(long only)>] [<repDelay>] ..."
,up =>"[<changeValue>] [<ontime>] [<ramptime>] ..."
,down =>"[<changeValue>] [<ontime>] [<ramptime>] ..."
,press =>"[long|short] [on|off|-peer-] [-repCount(long only)-] [-repDelay-] ..."
,up =>"[-changeValue-] [-ontime-] [-ramptime-] ..."
,down =>"[-changeValue-] [-ontime-] [-ramptime-] ..."
,inhibit =>"[on|off]"
,statusRequest =>""
,peerIODev =>"[IO] <btn> [set|unset]... not for future use"
,peerIODev =>"[IO] -btn- [set|unset]... not for future use"
,blindActuator =>{ on =>""
,off =>""
,toggle =>""
,toggleDir =>""
,pct =>"[<value>] ... [<ontime>]"
,pct =>"[-value-] ... [-ontime-]"
,stop =>""
,press =>"[long|short] [on|off|<peer>] [<repCount(long only)>] [<repDelay>] ..."
,up =>"[<changeValue>] [<ontime>] [<ramptime>] ..."
,down =>"[<changeValue>] [<ontime>] [<ramptime>] ..."
,press =>"[long|short] [on|off|-peer-] [-repCount(long only)-] [-repDelay-] ..."
,up =>"[-changeValue-] [-ontime-] [-ramptime-] ..."
,down =>"[-changeValue-] [-ontime-] [-ramptime-] ..."
,inhibit =>"[on|off]"
,statusRequest =>""
,peerIODev =>"[IO] <btn> [set|unset]... not for future use"
,peerIODev =>"[IO] -btn- [set|unset]... not for future use"
,remote =>{ peerChan =>"<btnNumber> <actChn> ... [single|dual|reverse] [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"}
,threeStateSensor =>{ peerChan =>"<btnNumber> <actChn> ... single [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"}
,THSensor =>{ peerChan =>"0 <actChn> ... single [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"}
,virtual =>{ peerChan =>"<btnNumber> <actChn> ... [single|dual|reverse] [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"
,press =>"[long|short] [noBurst] [<repCount(long only)>] [<repDelay>] ..."
,postEvent =>"<condition>"
,remote =>{ peerChan =>"-btnNumber- -actChn- ... [single|dual|reverse] [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"}
,threeStateSensor =>{ peerChan =>"-btnNumber- -actChn- ... single [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"}
,THSensor =>{ peerChan =>"0 -actChn- ... single [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"}
,virtual =>{ peerChan =>"-btnNumber- -actChn- ... [single|dual|reverse] [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"
,press =>"[long|short] [noBurst] [-repCount(long only)-] [-repDelay-] ..."
,postEvent =>"-condition-"
,smokeDetector =>{ peerChan =>"<btnNumber> <actChn> ... single [set|unset] actor"}
,smokeDetector =>{ peerChan =>"-btnNumber- -actChn- ... single [set|unset] actor"}
,keyMatic =>{ lock =>""
,unlock =>"[<sec>] ..."
,open =>"[<sec>] ..."
,unlock =>"[-sec-] ..."
,open =>"[-sec-] ..."
,inhibit =>"[on|off]"
,statusRequest =>""
,repeater =>{ setRepeat => "[no1..36] <sendName> <recName> [bdcast-yes|no]"
,repeater =>{ setRepeat => "[no1..36] -sendName- -recName- [bdcast-yes|no]"
,inhibit => "[on|off]"
,statusRequest =>""
@ -1513,23 +1513,23 @@ $culHmSubTypeSets{motionAndBtn} = $culHmSubTypeSets{threeStateSensor};
%culHmModelSets = (# channels of this subtype-------------
"HM-CC-VD" =>{ valvePos =>"[off|0.0..99.0]"}
,"HM-RC-19" =>{ service => "<count>"
,alarm => "<count>"
,display => "<text> [comma|no] [unit] [off|1|2|3] [off|on|slow|fast] <symbol>"
,"HM-RC-19" =>{ service => "-count-"
,alarm => "-count-"
,display => "-text- [comma|no] [unit] [off|1|2|3] [off|on|slow|fast] -symbol-"
,"HM-PB-4DIS-WM" =>{ text => "<txt1> <txt2>..."
#text => "<btn> [on|off] <txt1> <txt2>...", old style will not be offered anymore
,"HM-PB-4DIS-WM" =>{ text => "-txt1- -txt2-..."
#text => "-btn- [on|off] -txt1- -txt2-...", old style will not be offered anymore
,"HM-OU-LED16" =>{ led => "[off|red|green|orange]"
,ilum => "[0-15] [0-127]"
,statusRequest =>""
,"HM-OU-CFM-PL" =>{ "on-for-timer" =>"<sec>"
,"on-till" =>"<time>"
,"HM-OU-CFM-PL" =>{ "on-for-timer" =>"-sec-"
,"on-till" =>"-time-"
,on =>""
,off =>""
,toggle =>""
,press =>"[long|short] [<peer>] ..."
,press =>"[long|short] [-peer-] ..."
,inhibit =>"[on|off]"
,"HM-CC-TC" =>{ burstXmit =>""}
@ -1563,7 +1563,7 @@ $culHmModelSets{"HM-OU-CM-PCB"} = $culHmModelSets{"HM-SEC-SD"};
,sysTime =>""
,getSerial => ""
,"HM-CC-TC02" =>{ peerChan =>" 0 <actChn> ... single [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"
,"HM-CC-TC02" =>{ peerChan =>" 0 -actChn- ... single [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"
,"desired-temp" =>"[on|off|6.0..30.0]"
,tempListSat =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListSun =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
@ -1572,7 +1572,7 @@ $culHmModelSets{"HM-OU-CM-PCB"} = $culHmModelSets{"HM-SEC-SD"};
,tempListThu =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListWed =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListFri =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListTmpl =>"[verify|restore] [[<file>:]templateName] ..."
,tempListTmpl =>"[verify|restore] [[-file-:]templateName] ..."
,partyMode =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM durationDays ..."
,displayMode =>"[temp-only|temp-hum]"
,displayTemp =>"[actual|setpoint]"
@ -1581,30 +1581,30 @@ $culHmModelSets{"HM-OU-CM-PCB"} = $culHmModelSets{"HM-SEC-SD"};
,statusRequest =>""
,sysTime =>""
,"HM-OU-CFM-PL01" =>{ led =>"[redL|greenL|orangeL|redS|greenS|orangeS|pause][,<color2>...] [<repeat>]"}
,"HM-OU-CFM-PL02" =>{ playTone =>"[replay|<MP3No>[,<MP3No>...]] [<repeat>]"}
,"HM-OU-CFM-PL01" =>{ led =>"[redL|greenL|orangeL|redS|greenS|orangeS|pause][,-color2-...] [-repeat-]"}
,"HM-OU-CFM-PL02" =>{ playTone =>"[replay|-MP3No-[,-MP3No-...]] [-repeat-]"}
,"HM-SEC-WIN01" =>{ stop =>"",
,level =>"<level> <relockDly> <speed>..."
,keydef =>"<btn> <txt1> <txt2>"
,level =>"-level- -relockDly- -speed-..."
,keydef =>"-btn- -txt1- -txt2-"
,inhibit =>"[on|off]"
,press =>"[long|short] [<peer>] [<repCount(long only)>] [<repDelay>]..."
,peerIODev =>"[IO] <btn> [set|unset]... not for future use"
,press =>"[long|short] [-peer-] [-repCount(long only)-] [-repDelay-]..."
,peerIODev =>"[IO] -btn- [set|unset]... not for future use"
,"HM-Sen-RD-O02" =>{ "on-for-timer" =>"<sec>"
,"on-till" =>"<time>"
,"HM-Sen-RD-O02" =>{ "on-for-timer" =>"-sec-"
,"on-till" =>"-time-"
,on =>""
,off =>""
,toggle =>""
,"HM-Sen-RD-O00" =>{ fwUpdate =>"<filename> <bootTime> ..."}
,"HM-MOD-Re-800" =>{ fwUpdate =>"<filename> <bootTime> ..."}
,"HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM00" =>{ fwUpdate =>"<filename> <bootTime> ..."}
,"HM-Sen-RD-O00" =>{ fwUpdate =>"-filename- -bootTime- ..."}
,"HM-MOD-Re-800" =>{ fwUpdate =>"-filename- -bootTime- ..."}
,"HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM00" =>{ fwUpdate =>"-filename- -bootTime- ..."}
,"HM-CC-RT-DN00" =>{ sysTime =>""
,fwUpdate =>"<filename> <bootTime> ..."
,fwUpdate =>"-filename- -bootTime- ..."
,"HM-CC-RT-DN04" =>{ controlMode =>"[auto|manual|boost|day|night]"
,controlManu =>"[on|off|5.0..30.0]"
,controlParty =>"<temp> <startDate> <startTime> <enddate> <endTime>"
,controlParty =>"-temp- -startDate- -startTime- -enddate- -endTime-"
,tempListSat =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListSun =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListMon =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
@ -1612,18 +1612,18 @@ $culHmModelSets{"HM-OU-CM-PCB"} = $culHmModelSets{"HM-SEC-SD"};
,tempListThu =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListWed =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListFri =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListTmpl =>"[verify|restore] [[<file>:]templateName] ..."
,tempListTmpl =>"[verify|restore] [[-file-:]templateName] ..."
,"desired-temp" =>"[on|off|5.0..30.0]"
,sysTime =>""
,"HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU00"=>{ sysTime =>""
,getSerial => ""
,fwUpdate =>"<filename> <bootTime> ..."
,fwUpdate =>"-filename- -bootTime- ..."
,"HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU01"=>{ peerChan =>"<btnNumber> <actChn> ... single [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"}
,"HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU01"=>{ peerChan =>"-btnNumber- -actChn- ... single [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"}
,"HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU02"=>{ controlMode =>"[auto|manual|boost|day|night]"
,controlManu =>"[on|off|5.0..30.0]"
,controlParty =>"<temp> <startDate> <startTime> <enddate> <endTime>"
,controlParty =>"-temp- -startDate- -startTime- -enddate- -endTime-"
,tempListSat =>"[prep|exec] [p1|p2|p3] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListSun =>"[prep|exec] [p1|p2|p3] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListMon =>"[prep|exec] [p1|p2|p3] HH:MM temp ..."
@ -1632,52 +1632,52 @@ $culHmModelSets{"HM-OU-CM-PCB"} = $culHmModelSets{"HM-SEC-SD"};
,tempListWed =>"[prep|exec] [p1|p2|p3] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListFri =>"[prep|exec] [p1|p2|p3] HH:MM temp ..."
,"desired-temp" =>"[on|off|5.0..30.0]"
,tempListTmpl =>"[verify|restore] [[<file>:]templateName] ..."
,peerChan =>"<btnNumber> <actChn> ... single [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"
,tempListTmpl =>"[verify|restore] [[-file-:]templateName] ..."
,peerChan =>"-btnNumber- -actChn- ... single [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"
,"HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU07"=>{ peerChan =>"<btnNumber> <actChn> ... single [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"}
,"HM-ES-PMSw1-Pl01" =>{ "on-for-timer" =>"<sec>"
,"on-till" =>"<time>"
,"HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU07"=>{ peerChan =>"-btnNumber- -actChn- ... single [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"}
,"HM-ES-PMSw1-Pl01" =>{ "on-for-timer" =>"-sec-"
,"on-till" =>"-time-"
,on =>""
,off =>""
,toggle =>""
,press =>"[long|short] [<peer>] [<repCount(long only)>] [<repDelay>] ..."
,press =>"[long|short] [-peer-] [-repCount(long only)-] [-repDelay-] ..."
,inhibit =>"[on|off]"
,statusRequest =>""
,"HM-ES-PMSw1-Pl00" =>{ fwUpdate =>"<filename> <bootTime> ..."
,"HM-ES-PMSw1-Pl00" =>{ fwUpdate =>"-filename- -bootTime- ..."
,getSerial => ""
,getDevInfo => ""
,"HM-CC-RT-DN06" =>{ press =>"[long|short] [<peer>] [<repCount(long only)>] [<repDelay>] ..."}
,"HM-Dis-WM5501" =>{ displayWM =>"[long|short|help] <lineX> <textNo1> <color1> <icon1> [<textNo2> <color2> <icon2>] ...[<textNo6> <color6> <icon6>] "}
,"HM-CC-RT-DN06" =>{ press =>"[long|short] [-peer-] [-repCount(long only)-] [-repDelay-] ..."}
,"HM-Dis-WM5501" =>{ displayWM =>"[long|short|help] -lineX- -textNo1- -color1- -icon1- [-textNo2- -color2- -icon2-] ...[-textNo6- -color6- -icon6-] "}
,"CCU-FHEM00" =>{ update =>""
,hmPairForSec =>"<sec> ..."
,hmPairSerial =>"<serial>"
,hmPairForSec =>"-sec- ..."
,hmPairSerial =>"-serial-"
,defIgnUnknown =>""
,assignIO =>"<IO> [set|unset]..."
,assignIO =>"-IO- [set|unset]..."
,"HM-LC-RGBW-WM01" =>{ "on-for-timer" =>"<ontime> [<ramptime>]..."
,"on-till" =>"<time> [<ramptime>]..."
,"HM-LC-RGBW-WM01" =>{ "on-for-timer" =>"-ontime- [-ramptime-]..."
,"on-till" =>"-time- [-ramptime-]..."
,on =>""
,off =>""
,toggle =>""
,pct =>"<value> ... [<ontime>] [<ramptime>]"
,pct =>"-value- ... [-ontime-] [-ramptime-]"
,stop =>""
,press =>"[long|short] [on|off|<peer>] [<repCount(long only)>] [<repDelay>] ..."
,up =>"[<changeValue>] [<ontime>] [<ramptime>] ..."
,down =>"[<changeValue>] [<ontime>] [<ramptime>] ..."
,press =>"[long|short] [on|off|-peer-] [-repCount(long only)-] [-repDelay-] ..."
,up =>"[-changeValue-] [-ontime-] [-ramptime-] ..."
,down =>"[-changeValue-] [-ontime-] [-ramptime-] ..."
,inhibit =>"[on|off]"
,statusRequest =>""
,peerIODev =>"[IO] <btn> [set|unset]... not for future use"
,brightCol =>"<bright> <colVal> <duration> <ramp>"
,brightAuto =>"<bright> <colProg> <min> <max> <duration> <ramp>"
,peerIODev =>"[IO] -btn- [set|unset]... not for future use"
,brightCol =>"-bright- -colVal- -duration- -ramp-"
,brightAuto =>"-bright- -colProg- -min- -max- -duration- -ramp-"
,"HM-LC-RGBW-WM02" =>{ brightCol =>"<bright> <colVal> <duration> <ramp>" #General rework
,brightAuto =>"<bright> <colProg> <min> <max> <duration> <ramp>"
,"HM-LC-RGBW-WM02" =>{ brightCol =>"-bright- -colVal- -duration- -ramp-" #General rework
,brightAuto =>"-bright- -colProg- -min- -max- -duration- -ramp-"
,"HM-LC-RGBW-WM03" =>{ brightCol =>"<bright> <colVal> <duration> <ramp>"
,brightAuto =>"<bright> <colProg> <min> <max> <duration> <ramp>"
,"HM-LC-RGBW-WM03" =>{ brightCol =>"-bright- -colVal- -duration- -ramp-"
,brightAuto =>"-bright- -colProg- -min- -max- -duration- -ramp-"
@ -1910,7 +1910,7 @@ $culHmChanSets{"HM-CC-RD-O00"} = $culHmChanSets{"HM-LC-Bl1PBU-FM00"};
Val3=> '16,4,$val=(hex($val))',
Fld4=> "20,2",
Val4=> '24,4,$val=(hex($val))'} },
"54" => { txt => "GasEvent" , params => {
"54" => { txt => "GasEvent" , params => {
energy => '00,8,$val=((hex($val)) /1000)'
,power => '06,6,$val=((hex($val)) /1000)'
} },