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synced 2025-03-03 23:06:37 +00:00
HMInfo:tempListTemplate funktions
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@7444 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -688,6 +688,173 @@ sub HMinfo_tempListTmpl(@) { ##################################################
$ret .= join "",sort @rs;
return $ret;
sub HMinfo_tempListTmplView() { ###############################################
my %tlEntitys;
$tlEntitys{$_}{v} = 1 foreach ((devspec2array("TYPE=CUL_HM:FILTER=DEF=........:FILTER=model=HM-CC-RT.*:FILTER=chanNo=04")
my @tlFiles = ("./tempList.cfg");
my @tlFileMiss;
my @tNfound;# templates found in files
my @dWoTmpl;# Device not using templates
foreach my $d (keys %tlEntitys){
my ($tf,$tn) = split(":",AttrVal($d,"tempListTmpl","empty"));
($tf,$tn) = ("./tempList.cfg",$tf) if (!defined $tn); # no file given, switch parameter
if($tn =~ m/^(none|0) *$/){
push @dWoTmpl,$d;
delete $tlEntitys{$d};
push @tlFiles,$tf;
$tlEntitys{$d}{t} = ("$tf:".($tn eq "empty"?$d:$tn));
@tlFiles = HMinfo_noDup(@tlFiles);
foreach my $fn (@tlFiles){#################################
if (!(-r $fn)){
push @tlFileMiss,$fn;
open(aSave, "$fn") || return("Can't open $fn: $!");
push @tNfound,"$fn:";
my $l = length($fn)+3;
my $spc = sprintf("%${l}s"," ");
my $line = $_;
$line =~ s/\r//g;
next if($line =~ m/#/);
if($line =~ m/^entities:/){
$line =~s/.*://;
foreach my $eN (split(",",$line)){
$eN =~ s/ //g;
push @tNfound,$spc."$eN";
close (aSave);
foreach my $d (keys %tlEntitys){
$tlEntitys{$d}{c} = CUL_HM_tempListTmpl($d,"verify",$tlEntitys{$d}{t});
if ($tlEntitys{$d}{c}){
$tlEntitys{$d}{c} =~ s/\n//g;
$tlEntitys{$d}{c} = "ok" if !($tlEntitys{$d}{c});
my $ret = "";
$ret .= "\nfiles referenced but not found:\n " .join("\n => ",@tlFileMiss) if (@tlFileMiss);
$ret .= "\navailable templates\n " .join("\n " ,@tNfound) if (@tNfound);
$ret .= "\n\n ---------components-----------\n template : device : state\n";
$ret .= "\n " .join("\n " ,(sort map{"$tlEntitys{$_}{t} : $_ : $tlEntitys{$_}{c}" } keys %tlEntitys));
$ret .= "\ndevices not using tempList templates:\n => " .join("\n => ",@dWoTmpl) if (@dWoTmpl);
return $ret;
sub HMinfo_tempListTmplGenLog($$) { ############################################
my ($hiN,$fN) = @_;
$fN = AttrVal($hiN,"configDir",".")."/tempList.cfg" if(!$fN);
open(fnRead, $fN) || return("Can't open file: $!");
my @eNl = ();
my %wdl = ( tempListSun =>"02"
,tempListMon =>"03"
,tempListTue =>"04"
,tempListWed =>"05"
,tempListThu =>"06"
,tempListFri =>"07"
,tempListSat =>"08");
my @plotL;
my $line = $_;
next if($line =~ m/#/);
if($line =~ m/^entities:/){
@eNl = ();
my $eN = $line;
$line =~s/.*://;
foreach my $eN (split(",",$line)){
$eN =~ s/ //g;
push @eNl,$eN;
elsif($line =~ m/(R_)?(P[123])?(_?._)?(tempList[SMFWT]..)(.*)\>/){
my ($p,$wd,$lst) = ($2,$4,$line);
$lst =~s/.*>//;
$lst =~ tr/ +/ /;
$lst =~ s/^ //;
$lst =~ s/ $//;
my @tLst = split(" ","00:00 00.0 ".$lst);
$p = "" if (!defined $p);
for (my $cnt = 0;$cnt < scalar(@tLst);$cnt+=2){
last if ($tLst[$cnt] eq "24:00");
foreach my $e (@eNl){
push @plotL,"2000-01-$wdl{$wd}_$tLst[$cnt]:00 $e$p $tLst[$cnt+3]";
close (fnRead);
open(fnSave, ">${fN}.log") || return("Can't openfile for write: $!");
my %eNh;
foreach (sort @plotL){
print fnSave "\n$_";
my (undef,$eN) = split " ",$_;
$eNh{$eN} = 1;
close (fnSave);
HMinfo_tempListTmplGenGplot($fN,keys %eNh);
sub HMinfo_tempListTmplGenGplot(@) { ##########################################
my ($fN,@eN) = @_;
my $fNfull = $fN;
$fN =~ s/.cfg$//; # remove extention
$fN =~ s/.*\///; # remove directory
#define weekLogF FileLog ./setup/tempList.cfg.log none
#define wp SVG weekLogF:tempList:CURRENT
#attr wp fixedrange week
#attr wp startDate 2000-01-02
if (!defined($defs{"${fN}_Log"})){
CommandDefine(undef,"${fN}_Log FileLog ${fNfull}.log none");
if (!defined($defs{"${fN}_SVG"})){
CommandDefine(undef,"${fN}_SVG SVG ${fN}_Log:${fN}:CURRENT");
CommandAttr(undef, "${fN}_SVG fixedrange week");
CommandAttr(undef, "${fN}_SVG startDate 2000-01-02");
$fN = "./www/gplot/$fN.gplot";
open(bSave, ">$fN") || return("Can't open $fN for write: $!");
print bSave "\n# Created by FHEM/98_HMInfo.pm, "
."\nset terminal png transparent size <SIZE> crop"
."\nset output '<OUT>.png'"
."\nset xdata time"
."\nset timefmt \"%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S\""
."\nset xlabel \" \""
."\nset title 'weekplan'"
."\nset ytics "
."\nset grid ytics"
."\nset ylabel \"Temperature\""
."\nset y2tics "
."\nset y2label \"invisib\""
."\nset y2range [99:99]"
my $cnt = 0;
my ($func,$plot) = ("","\n\nplot");
foreach my $e (sort @eN){
$func .= "\n#FileLog 3:$e\.\*::";
if ($cnt++ < 8){
$plot .= (($cnt ==0)?"":",")
."\\\n \"<IN>\" using 1:2 axes x1y1 title '$e' ls l$cnt lw 0.5 with steps";
print bSave $func.$plot;
close (bSave);
sub HMinfo_getEntities(@) { ###################################################
my ($filter,$re) = @_;
@ -1107,71 +1274,7 @@ sub HMinfo_GetFn($@) {#########################################################
.join"\n ", @model;
elsif($cmd eq "help") {
$ret = " Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of "
."\n ---checks---"
."\n get configCheck [<typeFilter>] # perform regCheck and regCheck"
."\n get regCheck [<typeFilter>] # find incomplete or inconsistant register readings"
."\n get peerCheck [<typeFilter>] # find incomplete or inconsistant peer lists"
."\n ---actions---"
."\n set saveConfig [<typeFilter>] [<file>] # stores peers and register with saveConfig"
."\n set archConfig [-a] [<file>] # as saveConfig but only if data of entity is complete"
."\n set purgeConfig [<file>] # purge content of saved configfile "
."\n set loadConfig [<typeFilter>] <file> # restores register and peer readings if missing"
."\n set autoReadReg [<typeFilter>] # trigger update readings if attr autoReadReg is set"
."\n set tempList [<typeFilter>][save|restore|verify][<filename>]# handle tempList of thermostat devices"
."\n set tempListTmpl[<typeFilter>][templateName][verify|restore][<filename>]# program a templist from a template in the file to one or multiple devices"
."\n ---infos---"
."\n set update # update HMindfo counts"
."\n get register [<typeFilter>] # devicefilter parse devicename. Partial strings supported"
."\n get peerXref [<typeFilter>] # peer cross-reference"
."\n get models [<typeFilter>] # list of models incl native parameter"
."\n get protoEvents [<typeFilter>] [short|long] # protocol status - names can be filtered"
."\n get msgStat # view message statistic"
."\n get param [<typeFilter>] [<param1>] [<param2>] ... # displays params for all entities as table"
."\n get rssi [<typeFilter>] # displays receive level of the HM devices"
."\n last: most recent"
."\n avg: average overall"
."\n range: min to max value"
."\n count: number of events in calculation"
."\n ---clear status---"
."\n set clear [<typeFilter>] [Protocol|readings|msgStat|register|rssi|all]"
."\n Protocol # delete all protocol-events"
."\n readings # delete all readings"
."\n register # delete all register-readings"
."\n rssi # delete all rssi data"
."\n msgStat # delete message statistics"
."\n all # delete all of the above"
."\n ---help---"
."\n get help #"
."\n ***footnote***"
."\n [<nameFilter>] : only matiching names are processed - partial names are possible"
."\n [<modelsFilter>] : any match in the output are searched. "
."\n set cpRegs <src:peer> <dst:peer>"
."\n copy register for a channel or behavior of channel/peer"
."\n set templateDef <templateName> <param1[:<param2>...]> <description> <reg1>:<val1> [<reg2>:<val2>] ... "
."\n define a template"
."\n set templateSet <entity> <templateName> <peer:[long|short]> [<param1> ...] "
."\n write register according to a given template"
."\n get templateChk [<typeFilter>] <templateName> <peer:[long|short]> [<param1> ...] "
."\n compare whether register match the template values"
."\n get templateList [<templateName>] # gives a list of templates or a description of the named template"
."\n list all currently defined templates or the structure of a given template"
."\n ======= typeFilter options: supress class of devices ===="
."\n set <name> <cmd> [-dcasev] [-f <filter>] [params]"
."\n entities according to list will be processed"
."\n d - device :include devices"
."\n c - channels :include channels"
."\n i - ignore :include devices marked as ignore"
."\n v - virtual :supress fhem virtual"
."\n p - physical :supress physical"
."\n a - aktor :supress actor"
."\n s - sensor :supress sensor"
."\n e - empty :include results even if requested fields are empty"
."\n "
."\n -f - filter :regexp to filter entity names "
."\n "
$ret = HMInfo_help();
@ -1258,13 +1361,22 @@ sub HMinfo_SetFn($@) {#########################################################
$ret = HMinfo_tempList($name,$filter,$a[0],$fn);
elsif($cmd eq "tempListTmpl"){##handle thermostat templist from file --------
if ($a[0] && $a[0] =~ m/(verify|restore)/){#allow default template - i.e. not specified
unshift @a,"";
if ($a[0] && $a[0] eq "status"){#show status
$ret = HMinfo_tempListTmplView();
elsif ($a[0] && $a[0] eq "genPlot"){#generatelog and gplot file
$ret = HMinfo_tempListTmplGenLog($name,$a[1]);
if ($a[0] && $a[0] =~ m/(verify|restore)/){#allow default template - i.e. not specified
unshift @a,"";
my $fn = $a[2]?$a[2]:"";
my $ac = $a[1]?$a[1]:"verify";
$fn = AttrVal($name,"configDir",".")."\/".$fn if ($fn && $fn !~ m/\//);
$ret = HMinfo_tempListTmpl($name,$filter,$a[0],$ac,$fn);
my $fn = $a[2]?$a[2]:"";
my $ac = $a[1]?$a[1]:"verify";
$fn = AttrVal($name,"configDir",".")."\/".$fn if ($fn && $fn !~ m/\//);
$ret = HMinfo_tempListTmpl($name,$filter,$a[0],$ac,$fn);
elsif($cmd eq "loadConfig") {##action: loadConfig----------------------------
my $fn = $a[0]?$a[0]:AttrVal($name,"configFilename","regSave.cfg");
@ -1339,7 +1451,7 @@ sub HMInfo_help(){ ############################################################
."\n set verifyConfig [<typeFilter>] <file> # compare curent date with configfile,report differences"
."\n set autoReadReg [<typeFilter>] # trigger update readings if attr autoReadReg is set"
."\n set tempList [<typeFilter>][save|restore|verify][<filename>]# handle tempList of thermostat devices"
."\n set tempListTmpl[<typeFilter>][templateName][<filename>]# program a templist from a template in the file to one or multiple devices"
."\n set tempListTmpl[<typeFilter>][templateName][verify|restore|status|genPlot] [<filename>]# program a templist from a template in the file to one or multiple devices"
."\n ---infos---"
."\n set update # update HMindfo counts"
."\n get register [<typeFilter>] # devicefilter parse devicename. Partial strings supported"
@ -1360,6 +1472,7 @@ sub HMInfo_help(){ ############################################################
."\n register # delete all register-readings"
."\n rssi # delete all rssi data"
."\n msgStat # delete message statistics"
."\n all # delete all of the above"
."\n ---help---"
."\n get help #"
."\n ***footnote***"
@ -2155,13 +2268,24 @@ sub HMinfo_noDup(@) {#return list with no duplicates###########################
<li><a name="#HMinfotempListTmpl">tempListTmpl</a> <a href="#HMinfoFilter">[filter] [templateName][verify|restore] [<file>]</a><br>
<li><a name="#HMinfotempListTmpl">tempListTmpl</a> <a href="#HMinfoFilter">[filter] [templateName][verify|restore|status|genPlot] [<file>]</a><br>
program one or more thermostat lists. The list of thermostats is selected by filter.<br>
<li><B>templateName</B> is the name of the template as being named in the file. The file format ist
identical to <a ref="#HMinfotempList">tempList</a>. If the entity in the file matches templateName the subsequent
temp-settings from the file are bing programmed to all Thermostats that match the filter<br></li>
<li><B>file</B> name of the file to be used. Default: <B>tempList.cfg</B></li>
temp-settings from the file are bing programmed to all Thermostats that match the filter
<li><B>status</B> gives an overview of templates being used by any CUL_HM thermostat. It alls showes
templates being defined in the relevant files.
<li><B>genPlot</B> generates a set of records to display templates graphicaly.<br>
Out of the given template-file it generates a .log extended file which contains log-formated template data. timestamps are
set to begin Year 2000.<br>
A prepared .gplot file will be added to gplot directory.<br>
Logfile-entity <file>_Log will be added if not already present. It is necessary for plotting.<br>
SVG-entity <file>_SVG will be generated if not already present. It will display the graph.<br>
<li><B>file</B> name of the file to be used. Default: <B>tempList.cfg</B></li>
@ -2567,14 +2691,24 @@ sub HMinfo_noDup(@) {#return list with no duplicates###########################
<li><B>tempList...</B> Zeiten und Temperaturen sind genau wie im Befehl "set tempList" anzugeben</li>
<li><a name="#HMinfotempListTmpl">tempListTmpl</a> <a href="#HMinfoFilter">[filter]</a>[templateName][verify|restore] [<file>]</a><br>
<li><a name="#HMinfotempListTmpl">tempListTmpl</a> <a href="#HMinfoFilter">[filter]</a>[templateName][verify|restore|status|genPlot] [<file>]</a><br>
programmiert eine oder mehrere Thermostatlisten (Vorlagen). Die Liste der Thermostate wird mittels Filter selektiert.<br>
<li><B>templateName</B> ist der Name wie in der Datei angegeben. Das Dateiformat ist identisch mit
<li><B>templateName</B> ist der Name wie in der Datei angegeben. Das Dateiformat ist identisch mit
dem Format von <a ref="#HMinfotempList">tempList</a>. Wenn die in der Datei angegebene Instanz mit templateName
übereinstimmt, werden die Termperatureinstellungen aus der Datei an diejenigen Thermostate gesendet, die mittels
filter ausgewählt sind.<br></li>
<li><B>file</B> Name der Datei. Vorgabe: <B>tempList.cfg</B></li>
filter ausgewählt sind.
<li><B>status</B> gibt einen Ueberblick aller genutzten template files. Ferner werden vorhandene templates in den files gelistst.
<li><B>genPlot</B> erzeugt einen Satz Daten um temp-templates graphisch darzustellen<br>
Aus den gegebenen template-file wird ein .log erweitertes file erzeugt welches log-formatierte daten beinhaltet.
Zeitmarken sind auf Beginn 2000 terminiert.<br>
Ein .gplot file wird in der gplt directory erzeugt.<br>
Eine Logfile-entity <file>_Log, falls nicht vorhanden, wird erzeugt.<br>
Eine SVG-entity <file>_SVG, falls nicht vorhanden, wird erzeugt.<br>
<li><B>file</B> Name der Datei. Vorgabe: <B>tempList.cfg</B></li>
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