mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 10:46:53 +00:00
10_RHASSPY: add Get key to SetScenes
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@25899 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ my $languagevars = {
'DefaultChangeIntentRequestRawInput' => 'change command to $rawInput',
'RequestChoiceDevice' => 'there are several possible devices, choose between $first_items and $last_item',
'RequestChoiceRoom' => 'more than one possible device, please choose one of the following rooms $first_items and $last_item',
'RequestChoiceGeneric' => 'there are several options, choose between $options',
'DefaultChoiceNoOutstanding' => "no choice expected",
'NoMinConfidence' => 'minimum confidence not given, level is $confidence',
'timerSet' => {
@ -243,7 +244,7 @@ BEGIN {
defs attr cmds modules L
init_done fhem_started
@ -334,7 +335,7 @@ sub Define {
$hash->{defaultRoom} = $defaultRoom;
my $language = $h->{language} // shift @{$anon} // lc AttrVal('global','language','en');
$hash->{MODULE_VERSION} = '0.5.25';
$hash->{MODULE_VERSION} = '0.5.26a';
$hash->{baseUrl} = $Rhasspy;
initialize_Language($hash, $language) if !defined $hash->{LANGUAGE} || $hash->{LANGUAGE} ne $language;
$hash->{LANGUAGE} = $language;
@ -875,7 +876,7 @@ sub initialize_rhasspyTweaks {
sub configure_DialogManager {
my $hash = shift // return;
my $siteId = shift // 'null'; #ReadingsVal( $hash->{NAME}, 'siteIds', 'default' ) // return;
my $toDisable = shift // [qw(ConfirmAction CancelAction ChoiceRoom ChoiceDevice)];
my $toDisable = shift // [qw(ConfirmAction CancelAction Choice ChoiceRoom ChoiceDevice)];
my $enable = shift // q{false};
my $timer = shift;
my $retArr = shift;
@ -989,7 +990,7 @@ sub init_custom_intents {
sub initialize_devicemap {
my $hash = shift // return;
Log3($hash->{NAME}, 5, "initialize_devicemap called");
my $devspec = $hash->{devspec};
delete $hash->{helper}{devicemap};
@ -1002,6 +1003,7 @@ sub initialize_devicemap {
_analyze_genDevType($hash, $_) if $hash->{useGenericAttrs};
_analyze_rhassypAttr($hash, $_);
InternalTimer(time+125, \&initialize_devicemap, $hash ) if $fhem_started + 90 > time;
@ -1326,11 +1328,16 @@ sub _analyze_genDevType {
if ( $gdt eq 'info' ) {
my $r = $defs{$device}{READINGS};
$currentMapping->{GetState}->{$gdt} = {currentVal => 'STATE', type => 'STATE' };
$currentMapping = _analyze_genDevType_setter( $hash, $device, $allset, $currentMapping );
$hash->{helper}{devicemap}{devices}{$device}{intents} = $currentMapping;
if ( $gdt eq 'scene' ) {
$currentMapping = _analyze_genDevType_setter( $hash, $device, $allset, $currentMapping );
$hash->{helper}{devicemap}{devices}{$device}{intents} = $currentMapping;
@ -1372,10 +1379,12 @@ sub _analyze_genDevType_setter {
my $mapping = shift // {};
my $allValMappings = {
MediaControls => {
MediaControls => {
cmdPlay => 'play', cmdPause => 'pause' ,cmdStop => 'stop', cmdBack => 'previous', cmdFwd => 'next', chanUp => 'channelUp', chanDown => 'channelDown' },
GetState => {
GetState => {
update => 'reread|update|reload' },
SetScene => {
cmdBack => 'previousScene', cmdFwd => 'nextScene' }
for my $okey ( keys %{$allValMappings} ) {
my $ikey = $allValMappings->{$okey};
@ -1420,7 +1429,6 @@ sub _analyze_genDevType_setter {
my $clscene = $scname;
# cleanup HUE scenes
if ($clscene =~ m{[#]}xms) {
#next if $clscene =~ m{[#]\[id}xms;
$clscene = (split m{[#]\[id}xms, $clscene)[0] if $clscene =~ m{[#]\[id}xms;
$clscene =~ s{[#]}{ }gxm;
$scname =~ s{.*[#]\[(id=.+)]}{$1}xms if $scname =~ m{[#]\[id}xms;
@ -1914,7 +1922,7 @@ sub getAllRhasspyScenes {
push @names, split m{,}x, $hash->{helper}{devicemap}{devices}{$device}->{names};
my $scenes = $hash->{helper}{devicemap}{devices}{$device}{intents}{SetScene}->{SetScene};
for (keys %{$scenes}) {
push @sentences, qq{( $scenes->{$_} ){Scene:$_}};
push @sentences, qq{( $scenes->{$_} ){Scene:$_}} if $_ ne 'cmdBack' && $_ ne 'cmdFwd' ;
@ -2773,10 +2781,13 @@ my $dispatchFns = {
GetTime => \&handleIntentGetTime,
GetDate => \&handleIntentGetDate,
SetTimer => \&handleIntentSetTimer,
GetTimer => \&handleIntentGetTimer,
Timer => \&handleIntentSetTimer,
ConfirmAction => \&handleIntentConfirmAction,
CancelAction => \&handleIntentCancelAction,
ChoiceRoom => \&handleIntentChoiceRoom,
ChoiceDevice => \&handleIntentChoiceDevice,
Choice => \&handleIntentChoice,
MsgDialog => \&handleIntentMsgDialog,
ReSpeak => \&handleIntentReSpeak
@ -3379,7 +3390,7 @@ sub respond {
} elsif ( $delay ) {
$sendData->{text} = $response;
$topic = 'continueSession';
my @ca_strings = configure_DialogManager($hash,$data->{siteId}, [qw(ConfirmAction ChoiceRoom ChoiceDevice)], 'false', undef, 1 );
my @ca_strings = configure_DialogManager($hash,$data->{siteId}, [qw(ConfirmAction Choice ChoiceRoom ChoiceDevice)], 'false', undef, 1 );
$sendData->{intentFilter} = [@ca_strings];
} else {
$sendData->{text} = $response;
@ -3463,7 +3474,7 @@ sub sendSpeakCommand {
my $hash = shift;
my $cmd = shift;
my $sendData = {
my $sendData = {
init => {
type => 'notification',
canBeEnqueued => 'true',
@ -3472,13 +3483,13 @@ sub sendSpeakCommand {
if (ref $cmd eq 'HASH') {
return 'speak with explicite params needs siteId and text as arguments!' if !defined $cmd->{siteId} || !defined $cmd->{text};
$sendData->{siteId} = $cmd->{siteId};
$sendData->{siteId} = _getSiteIdbyRoom($hash, $cmd->{siteId});
$sendData->{init}->{text} = $cmd->{text};
} else {
my($unnamedParams, $namedParams) = parseParams($cmd);
if (defined $namedParams->{siteId} && defined $namedParams->{text}) {
$sendData->{siteId} = $namedParams->{siteId};
$sendData->{siteId} = _getSiteIdbyRoom($hash, $namedParams->{siteId});
$sendData->{init}->{text} = $namedParams->{text};
} else {
return 'speak needs siteId and text as arguments!';
@ -3488,12 +3499,25 @@ sub sendSpeakCommand {
return IOWrite($hash, 'publish', qq{hermes/dialogueManager/startSession $json});
sub _getSiteIdbyRoom {
my $hash = shift // return;
my $siteId = shift // return;
my $siteIdList = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, 'siteIds', $siteId);
my $siteId2 = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "room2siteId_$siteId", $siteId);
for my $id ($siteId2, $siteId) {
return $1 if $siteIdList =~ m{\b($id)(?:[,]|\Z)}xmsi;
return $1 if $siteIdList =~ m{\b($id[^,]+)(?:[,]|\Z)}xmsi;
return $siteId;
# start intent recognition by Rhasspy service, see https://rhasspy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/#nlu_query
sub msgDialog {
my $hash = shift;
my $cmd = shift;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"enableMsgDialog", $cmd eq 'enable' ? 1 : 0 ,1);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,'enableMsgDialog', $cmd eq 'enable' ? 1 : 0 ,1);
return initialize_msgDialog($hash) if $cmd eq 'enable';
return disable_msgDialog($hash);
@ -4416,7 +4440,7 @@ sub handleIntentSetNumeric {
my $all = $device->[2];
my $choice = $device->[3];
$data->{customData} = $all;
my $toActivate = $choice eq 'RequestChoiceDevice' ? [qw(ChoiceDevice CancelAction)] : [qw(ChoiceRoom CancelAction)];
my $toActivate = $choice eq 'RequestChoiceDevice' ? [qw(ChoiceDevice Choice CancelAction)] : [qw(ChoiceRoom Choice CancelAction)];
$device = $first;
Log3($hash->{NAME}, 5, "More than one device possible, response is $response, first is $first, all are $all, type is $choice");
return setDialogTimeout($hash, $data, _getDialogueTimeout($hash), $response, $toActivate);
@ -4575,7 +4599,7 @@ sub handleIntentGetNumeric {
my $all = $device->[2];
my $choice = $device->[3];
$data->{customData} = $all;
my $toActivate = $choice eq 'RequestChoiceDevice' ? [qw(ChoiceDevice CancelAction)] : [qw(ChoiceRoom CancelAction)];
my $toActivate = $choice eq 'RequestChoiceDevice' ? [qw(ChoiceDevice Choice CancelAction)] : [qw(ChoiceRoom Choice CancelAction)];
$device = $first;
Log3($hash->{NAME}, 5, "More than one device possible, response is $response, first is $first, all are $all, type is $choice");
return setDialogTimeout($hash, $data, _getDialogueTimeout($hash), $response, $toActivate);
@ -4655,6 +4679,7 @@ sub handleIntentGetState {
my $room = getRoomName($hash, $data);
my $type = $data->{Type} // $data->{type};
my @scenes; my $deviceNames; my $sceneNames;
if ($device eq 'RHASSPY') {
$type //= 'generic';
return respond( $hash, $data, getResponse($hash, 'NoValidData')) if $type !~ m{\Ageneric|control|info|scenes|rooms\z};
@ -4663,11 +4688,12 @@ sub handleIntentGetState {
if ( $type eq 'rooms' ) {
my @rooms = getAllRhasspyMainRooms($hash);
$roomNames = _array2andString( $hash, \@rooms);
$response =~ s{(\$\w+)}{$1}eegx;
return respond( $hash, $data, $response);
my @names; my @scenes;
my @names;
my @intents = qw(SetNumeric SetOnOff GetNumeric GetOnOff MediaControls GetState SetScene);
@intents = [] if $type eq 'rooms';
@intents = qw(GetState GetNumeric) if $type eq 'info';
@intents = qw(SetScene) if $type eq 'scenes';
@ -4690,8 +4716,9 @@ sub handleIntentGetState {
@names = uniq(@names);
@scenes = uniq(@scenes) if @scenes;
my $deviceNames = _array2andString( $hash, \@names );
my $sceneNames = !@scenes ? '' : _array2andString( $hash, \@scenes );
$deviceNames = _array2andString( $hash, \@names );
$sceneNames = !@scenes ? '' : _array2andString( $hash, \@scenes );
$response =~ s{(\$\w+)}{$1}eegx;
return respond( $hash, $data, $response);
@ -4699,7 +4726,18 @@ sub handleIntentGetState {
my $deviceName = $device;
my $intent = 'GetState';
$device = getDeviceByName($hash, $room, $device);
$device = getDeviceByName($hash, $room, $device) // return respond( $hash, $data, getResponse($hash, 'NoDeviceFound') );
if ( $type eq 'scenes' ) {
$response = getResponse( $hash, 'getRHASSPYOptions', $type );
@scenes = values %{$hash->{helper}{devicemap}{devices}{$device}{intents}{SetScene}->{SetScene}};
@scenes = uniq(@scenes) if @scenes;
$sceneNames = !@scenes ? '' : _array2andString( $hash, \@scenes );
$deviceNames = $deviceName;
$response =~ s{(\$\w+)}{$1}eegx;
return respond( $hash, $data, $response);
$type //= 'GetState';
my $mapping = getMapping($hash, $device, 'GetState', $type) // return respond( $hash, $data, getResponse($hash, 'NoMappingFound') );
@ -4712,7 +4750,7 @@ sub handleIntentGetState {
} elsif ( defined $mapping->{response} ) {
$response = _getValue($hash, $device, _shuffle_answer($mapping->{response}), undef, $room);
$response = _ReplaceReadingsVal($hash, _shuffle_answer($mapping->{response})) if !$response; #Beta-User: case: plain Text with [device:reading]
} elsif ( defined $data->{type} || $data->{Type} ) {
} elsif ( defined $data->{type} || defined $data->{Type} ) {
my $reading = $data->{Reading} // 'STATE';
$response = getResponse( $hash, 'getStateResponses', $type ) // getResponse( $hash, 'NoValidIntentResponse') ;
$response =~ s{(\$\w+)}{$1}eegx;
@ -4777,7 +4815,7 @@ sub handleIntentSetScene{
my $data = shift // return;
Log3($hash->{NAME}, 5, "handleIntentSetScene called");
return respond( $hash, $data, getResponse( $hash, 'NoValidData' ) ) if !defined $data->{Scene};
return respond( $hash, $data, getResponse( $hash, 'NoValidData' ) ) if !defined $data->{Scene} && (!defined $data->{Get} || $data->{Get} ne 'scenes');
# Device AND Scene are optimum exist
@ -4787,6 +4825,22 @@ sub handleIntentSetScene{
my $scene = $data->{Scene};
my $device = getDeviceByName($hash, $room, $data->{Device});
my $mapping = getMapping($hash, $device, 'SetScene');
#Welche (Szenen | Szenarien | Einstellungen){Get:scenes} (kennt|kann) [(der | die | das)] $de.fhem.Device-scene{Device}
if ( defined $data->{Get} && $data->{Get} eq 'scenes' ) {
delete $data->{Get};
my $response = getResponse( $hash, 'RequestChoiceGeneric' );
my @scenes = values %{$hash->{helper}{devicemap}{devices}{$device}{intents}{SetScene}->{SetScene}};
@scenes = uniq(@scenes) if @scenes;
my $options = !@scenes ? '' : _array2andString( $hash, \@scenes );
$response =~ s{(\$\w+)}{$1}eegx;
#until now: only extended test code
$data->{customData} = join q{,}, @scenes;
my $toActivate = [qw(Choice CancelAction)];
return setDialogTimeout($hash, $data, _getDialogueTimeout($hash), $response, $toActivate);
# restore HUE scenes
$scene = qq([$scene]) if $scene =~ m{id=.+}xms;
@ -4797,6 +4851,7 @@ sub handleIntentSetScene{
return $hash->{NAME} if !$data->{Confirmation} && getNeedsConfirmation( $hash, $data, 'SetScene' );
my $cmd = qq(scene $scene);
$cmd = $scene if $scene eq 'cmdBack' || $scene eq 'cmdFwd';
# execute Cmd
analyzeAndRunCmd($hash, $device, $cmd);
@ -5123,8 +5178,8 @@ sub handleIntentSetColorGroup {
# Handle incoming SetTimer intents
sub handleIntentSetTimer {
# Handle incoming Timer, SetTimer and GetTimer intents
sub handleIntentTimer {
my $hash = shift;
my $data = shift // return;
my $siteId = $data->{siteId} // return;
@ -5256,6 +5311,23 @@ sub handleIntentSetTimer {
return $name;
sub handleIntentGetTimer {
my $hash = shift;
my $data = shift // return;
my $siteId = $data->{siteId} // return;
$data->{GetTimer} = 'redirected from intent GetTimer';
return handleIntentTimer($hash, $data);
sub handleIntentSetTimer {
my $hash = shift;
my $data = shift // return;
my $siteId = $data->{siteId} // return;
$data->{'.remark'} = 'redirected from intent SetTimer';
return handleIntentTimer($hash, $data);
sub handleIntentNotRecognized {
my $hash = shift // return;
@ -5381,11 +5453,11 @@ sub handleIntentConfirmAction {
return $device;
sub handleIntentChoiceRoom {
sub handleIntentChoice {
my $hash = shift // return;
my $data = shift // return;
Log3($hash->{NAME}, 5, 'handleIntentChoiceRoom called');
Log3($hash->{NAME}, 5, 'handleIntentChoice called');
my $identity = qq($data->{sessionId});
my $data_old = $hash->{helper}{'.delayed'}->{$identity};
@ -5394,10 +5466,9 @@ sub handleIntentChoiceRoom {
return respond( $hash, $data, getResponse( $hash, 'DefaultChoiceNoOutstanding' ) ) if !defined $data_old;
$data_old->{siteId} = $data->{siteId};
$data_old->{sessionId} = $data->{sessionId};
$data_old->{requestType} = $data->{requestType};
$data_old->{Room} = $data->{Room};
for ( qw( siteId sessionId requestType Room Device Scene ) ) {
$data_old->{$_} = $data->{$_} if defined $data->{$_};
my $intent = $data_old->{intent};
my $device = $hash->{NAME};
@ -5410,34 +5481,23 @@ sub handleIntentChoiceRoom {
return $device;
sub handleIntentChoiceRoom {
my $hash = shift // return;
my $data = shift // return;
Log3($hash->{NAME}, 5, 'handleIntentChoiceRoom called');
return handleIntentChoice($hash, $data);
sub handleIntentChoiceDevice {
my $hash = shift // return;
my $data = shift // return;
Log3($hash->{NAME}, 5, 'handleIntentChoiceDevice called');
#my $data_old = $data->{customData};
my $identity = qq($data->{sessionId});
my $data_old = $hash->{helper}{'.delayed'}->{$identity};
delete $hash->{helper}{'.delayed'}{$identity};
deleteSingleRegIntTimer($identity, $hash);
return respond( $hash, $data, getResponse( $hash, 'DefaultChoiceNoOutstanding' ) ) if ! defined $data_old;
$data_old->{siteId} = $data->{siteId};
$data_old->{sessionId} = $data->{sessionId};
$data_old->{requestType} = $data->{requestType};
$data_old->{Device} = $data->{Device};
my $intent = $data_old->{intent};
my $device = $hash->{NAME};
# Passenden Intent-Handler aufrufen
if (ref $dispatchFns->{$intent} eq 'CODE') {
$device = $dispatchFns->{$intent}->($hash, $data_old);
return $device;
return handleIntentChoice($hash, $data);
@ -5463,7 +5523,7 @@ sub setPlayWav {
return 'playWav needs siteId and path to file as parameters!' if !defined $cmd->{siteId} || !defined $cmd->{path};
my $siteId = $cmd->{siteId};
my $siteId = _getSiteIdbyRoom($hash, $cmd->{siteId});
my $filename = $cmd->{path};
my $repeats = $cmd->{repeats};
my $encoding = q{:raw :bytes};
@ -5708,7 +5768,12 @@ So all parameters in define should be provided in the <i>key=value</i> form. In
<li><b>prefix</b>: May be used to distinguishe between different instances of RHASSPY on the FHEM-internal side.<br>
Might be usefull, if you have several instances of RHASSPY in one FHEM running and want e.g. to use different identifier for groups and rooms (e.g. a different language). Not recommended to be set if just one RHASSPY device is defined.</li>
<a id="RHASSPY-genericDeviceType"></a>
<li><b>useGenericAttrs</b>: Formerly, RHASSPY only used it's own attributes (see list below) to identifiy options for the subordinated devices you want to control. Today, it is capable to deal with a couple of commonly used <code>genericDeviceType</code> (<i>switch</i>, <i>light</i>, <i>thermostat</i>, <i>thermometer</i>, <i>blind</i> and <i>media</i>), so it will add <code>genericDeviceType</code> to the global attribute list and activate RHASSPY's feature to estimate appropriate settings - similar to rhasspyMapping. <code>useGenericAttrs=0</code> will deactivate this. (do not set this unless you know what you are doing!). Note: <code>homebridgeMapping</code> atm. is not used as source for appropriate mappings in RHASSPY.</li>
<li><b>useGenericAttrs</b>: Formerly, RHASSPY only used it's own attributes (see list below) to identifiy options for the subordinated devices you want to control. Today, it is capable to deal with a couple of commonly used <code>genericDeviceType</code> (<i>switch</i>, <i>light</i>, <i>thermostat</i>, <i>thermometer</i>, <i>blind</i>, <i>media</i>, <i>scene</i> and <i>info</i>), so it will add <code>genericDeviceType</code> to the global attribute list and activate RHASSPY's feature to estimate appropriate settings - similar to rhasspyMapping. <code>useGenericAttrs=0</code> will deactivate this. (do not set this unless you know what you are doing!). Notes:
<li>As some devices may not directly provide all their setter infos at startup time, RHASSPY will do a second automatic devicemap update 2 minutes after each FHEM start. In the meantime not all commands may work.</li>
<li><code>homebridgeMapping</code> atm. is not used as source for appropriate mappings in RHASSPY.</li>
<li><b>handleHotword</b>: Trigger Reading <i>hotword</i> in case of a hotword is detected. See attribute <a href="#RHASSPY-attr-rhasspyHotwords">rhasspyHotwords</a> for further reference.</li>
<li><b>Babble</b>: <a href="#RHASSPY-experimental"><b>experimental!</b></a> Points to a <a href="#Babble ">Babble</a> device. Atm. only used in case if text input from an <a href="#AMADCommBridge">AMADCommBridge</a> is processed, see <a href="#RHASSPY-attr-rhasspySTT">rhasspySTT</a> for details.</li>
<li><b>encoding</b>: <b>most likely deprecated!</b> May be helpfull in case you experience problems in conversion between RHASSPY (module) and Rhasspy (service). Example: <code>encoding=cp-1252</code>. Do not set this unless you experience encoding problems!</li>
@ -6284,14 +6349,17 @@ yellow=rgb FFFF00</code></p>
{Device} and one Color option are mandatory, {Room} is optional. Color options are {Hue} (0-360), {Colortemp} (0-100), {Saturation} (as understood by your device) or {Rgb} (hex value from 000000 to FFFFFF)
<li>SetColorGroup</li> (as SetColor, except for {Group} instead of {Device}).
<li>SetScene</li> {Device} and {Scene} (it's recommended to use the $lng.fhemId.Scenes slot to get that generated automatically!).
<li>SetScene</li> {Device} and {Scene} (it's recommended to use the $lng.fhemId.Scenes slot to get that generated automatically!), {Room} is optional, {Get} with value <i>scenes</i> may be used to request all possible scenes for a device prior to make a choice.
<li>SetTimer</li> Timer info as described in SetTimedOnOff is mandatory, {Room} and/or {Label} are optional to distinguish between different timers. {CancelTimer} key will force RHASSPY to try to remove a running timer (using optional {Room} and/or {Label} key to identify the respective timer).
<li>Timer</li> Timer info as described in <i>SetTimedOnOff</i> is mandatory, {Room} and/or {Label} are optional to distinguish between different timers. {CancelTimer} key will force RHASSPY to try to remove a running timer (using optional {Room} and/or {Label} key to identify the respective timer), {GetTimer} key will be treated as request if there's a timer running (optionally also identified by {Room} and/or {Label} keys).
Required tags to set a timer: at least one of {Hour}, {Hourabs}, {Min} or {Sec}. {Label} and {Room} are optional to distinguish between different timers. If {Hourabs} is provided, all timer info will be regarded as absolute time of day info, otherwise everything is calculated using a "from now" logic.
<li>SetTimer</li> Set a timer, required info as mentionned in <i>Timer</i>
<li>GetTimer</li> Get timer info as mentionned in <i>Timer</i>, key {GetTimer} is not explicitely required.
{Mode} with value 'OK'. All other calls will be interpreted as CancelAction intent call.
<li>CancelAction</li>{Mode} is recommended.
<li>Choice</li>One or more of {Room}, {Device} or {Scene}
@ -6304,6 +6372,7 @@ yellow=rgb FFFF00</code></p>
Typically, RHASSPY derives room info from the name of the siteId. So naming a satellite <i>bedroom</i> will let RHASSPY assign this satellite to the same room, using the group sheme is also supported, e.g. <i>kitchen.front</i> will refer to <i>kitchen</i> as room (if not explicitly given). <br>
You may overwrite that behaviour by setting values to siteId2room readings: <code>setreading siteId2room_mobile_phone1 kitchen</code> will force RHASSPY to link your satellite <i>phone1 kitchen</i> to kitchen as room.
<li>room2siteId_<room></li> Used to identify the satellite to speak messages addressed to a room (same for playing sound files). Should deliver exactly one possible siteId, e.g. <lingingroom.04>
RHASSPY will always respond via the satellite where the dialogue was initiated from. In some cases, you may want additional output to other satellites - e.g. if they don't have (always on) sound output options. Setting this type of reading will lead to (additional!) responses to the given second satellite; naming scheme is the same as for site2room.
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
"DefaultConfirmationTimeout": "Tut mir leid, da hat etwas zu lange gedauert",
"NoValidResponse": "Fehler. Die respond Funktion wurde ohne Antworttext aufgerufen",
"NoValidIntentResponse": "Fehler. Die respond Funktion wurde von $intent ohne Antworttext aufgerufen",
"NoIntentRecognized": "Ich konnte leider keinen passenden Intent finden",
"NoIntentRecognized": "Ich konnte leider keinen passenden Intent finden",
"DefaultConfirmationNoOutstanding": "'Warte grade nicht auf eine Bestätigung",
"DefaultCancelConfirmation": "Habe abgebrochen",
"DefaultConfirmationBack": "Also nochmal",
@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
"DefaultChangeIntentRequestRawInput": "Wechseln zu $rawInput",
"RequestChoiceDevice": "Es kommen mehrere Geräte in Frage, bitte wähle zwischen $first_items oder $last_item",
"RequestChoiceRoom": "Es kommen mehrere Geräte in verschiedenen Räumen in Frage, wähle zwischen $first_items oder $last_item",
"RequestChoiceGeneric": "Es gibt diese Möglichkeiten, unter denen du wählen kannst: $options",
"DefaultError": "Da ist leider etwas schief gegangen",
"NoValidData": "Ich habe leider zu wenig Daten um den Vorgang auszuführen",
"NoDeviceFound": "Tut mir leid, ich konnte kein passendes Gerät finden",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user