diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/47_OBIS.pm b/fhem/FHEM/47_OBIS.pm
index 89b2593aa..feaab3d1b 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/47_OBIS.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/47_OBIS.pm
@@ -83,6 +83,17 @@ my %SML_specialities = (
|}x, ""],
+# Mapping for historical energy consumption, used with 1-0:1.8.0
+my %Ext_Channel_Postfix = (
+ "255" => "",
+ "0" => "",
+ "96" => "_last1d",
+ "97" => "_last7d",
+ "98" => "_last30d",
+ "99" => "_last365d",
+ "100" => "_since_rst"
my $SML_ENDTAG = chr(0x1B) . chr(0x1B) . chr(0x1B) . chr(0x1B) . chr(0x1A);
@@ -98,7 +109,7 @@ sub OBIS_Initialize($)
$hash->{GetFn} = "OBIS_Get";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "OBIS_Undef";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "OBIS_Attr";
- $hash->{AttrList}= "do_not_notify:1,0 interval offset_feed offset_energy IODev channels directions alignTime pollingMode:on,off extChannels:on,off unitReadings:on,off ignoreUnknown:on,off valueBracket:first,second,both resetAfterNoDataTime createPreValues:on,off ".
+ $hash->{AttrList}= "do_not_notify:1,0 interval offset_feed offset_energy IODev channels directions alignTime pollingMode:on,off extChannels:on,off,auto unitReadings:on,off ignoreUnknown:on,off valueBracket:first,second,both resetAfterNoDataTime createPreValues:on,off ".
@@ -393,7 +404,7 @@ sub OBIS_trySMLdecode($$)
while ($msg =~ m/(7707)([0-9A-F]*)/g) {
my @list=$&=~/(7707)([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]*)/g;
Log3 $hash,5,"OBIS ($name) - Telegram=$msg" if ($ll>=5);
- if (!@list) {Log3 $hash,3,"OBIS - Empty datagram: .$msg"};
+ if (!@list) {Log3 $hash,3,"OBIS - Empty datagram: .$msg";next};
my $line=hex($list[1])."-".hex($list[2]).":".hex($list[3]).".".hex($list[4]).".".hex($list[5])."*255(";
if ($line eq '255-255:255.255.255*255(') {
@@ -513,7 +524,7 @@ sub OBIS_Parse($$)
my $ignoreUnknownOff = AttrVal($name,"ignoreUnknown","off") eq "off";
my $unitReadingsOff = AttrVal($name,"unitReadings","off") eq "off";
- my $extChannels = AttrVal($name,"extChannels","off") eq "on";
+ my $extChannels = AttrVal($name,"extChannels","auto");
my $ruleCache = $hash->{helper}{RULECACHE};
while($crlfPos > -1)
@@ -580,7 +591,12 @@ sub OBIS_Parse($$)
elsif (rindex ($code, "Counter", 0) eq 0) {
my $L=$hash->{helper}{Channels}{$channel} //$hash->{helper}{Channels}{$1.".".$2} // $OBIS_channels{$1.".".$2} // $channel;
my $chan=$3+0 > 0 ? "_Ch$3" : "";
- if ($extChannels) {$chan.=".$4" if $4;}
+ if ($extChannels eq "auto" && defined $4) {
+ my $ecp = $Ext_Channel_Postfix{$4};
+ $chan.= $ecp // ".$4";
+ } elsif ($extChannels eq "on") {
+ $chan.=".$4" if $4;
+ }
if ($ignoreUnknownOff || $L ne $channel) {
if($1==1) {
Log3($hash,4,"OBIS ($name) - Set ".$L.$chan." to ".((looks_like_number($3) ? $6+0 : $5) +AttrVal($name,"offset_energy",0))) if ($ll>=4);
@@ -948,6 +964,15 @@ sub OBIS_decodeTL {
Here, you can change this text with, e.g.:
attr myOBIS directions {">" => "pwr consuming", "<"=>"pwr feeding"}
(default). The values 0 and 255 will give the base counter name like with off.
+ Values from 96 to 100 add a postfix "_last1d" / "_last7d", "_last30d", "_last365d" and
+ "_since_rst" to the reading. Other values lead to results like "on".off
Historical values are not considered and might overwrite current values.on
Every counter-reading gets appended by the extChannel-number, e.g.
+ total_consumption
becomes total_consumption.255
+ interval
attr myOBIS directions {">" => "pwr consuming", "<"=>"pwr feeding"}
(default). Die Werte 0 und 255 werden wie bei extChannels off geschrieben.
+ Die Werte 96-100 führen zu Postfix "_last1d" / "_last7d", "_last30d", "_last365d" und
+ "_since_rst". Andere Werte werden wie bei "on" geschrieben.off
Historische Werte werden nicht berücksichtigt und
+ überschreiben ggf. aktuelle Werte.on
Jedem Counter-Wert wird die extChannel-Nummer angehängt, aus
+ total_consumption
wird z.B. total_consumption.255
+ interval