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70_PylonLowVoltage: contrib V0.1.2

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@27860 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
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nasseeder1 2023-08-20 14:11:23 +00:00
parent dfe9976d88
commit 6d7a78d106

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@ -4,20 +4,12 @@
# 70_PylonLowVoltage.pm
# A FHEM module to read BMS values from a
# Pylontech US2000plus/US3000 LiFePo04 battery
# A FHEM module to read BMS values from Pylontech Low Voltage LiFePo04 batteries.
# This module is based on 70_Pylontech.pm written 2019 by Harald Schmitz
# Code modifications and extensions: (c) 2023 by Heiko Maaz e-mail: Heiko dot Maaz at t-online dot de
# This module is based on 70_Pylontech.pm written 2019 by Harald Schmitz.
# Code further development and extensions (c) 2023 by Heiko Maaz e-mail: Heiko dot Maaz at t-online dot de
# Forumlinks:
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php?topic=117466.0 (Source of original module)
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php?topic=126361.0
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php?topic=112947.0
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php?topic=32037.0
# Photovoltaik Forum:
# https://www.photovoltaikforum.com/thread/130061-pylontech-us2000b-daten-protokolle-programme
# Credits to FHEM user: satprofi, Audi_Coupe_S, abc2006
# Copyright notice
@ -41,6 +33,16 @@
# This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
# Forumlinks:
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php?topic=117466.0 (Source of module 70_Pylontech.pm)
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php?topic=126361.0
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php?topic=112947.0
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php?topic=32037.0
# Photovoltaik Forum:
# https://www.photovoltaikforum.com/thread/130061-pylontech-us2000b-daten-protokolle-programme
# Leerzeichen entfernen: sed -i 's/[[:space:]]*$//' 70_PylonLowVoltage.pm
@ -54,6 +56,7 @@ use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday ualarm);
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
use Carp qw(croak carp);
eval "use FHEM::Meta;1" or my $modMetaAbsent = 1; ## no critic 'eval'
eval "use IO::Socket::Timeout;1" or my $iostAbsent = 1; ## no critic 'eval'
@ -113,9 +116,10 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern (Versions history by Heiko Maaz)
my %vNotesIntern = (
"0.1.2" => "20.08.2023 commandref revised, analogValue -> use 'user defined items' ",
"0.1.1" => "16.08.2023 integrate US3000C, add print request command in HEX to Logfile, attr timeout ".
"change validation of received data, change DEF format, extend evaluation of chargeManagmentInfo ".
"add evaluate systemParameters, additional own values packImbalance, packState ",
"change validation of received data, change DEF format, extend evaluation of chargeManagmentInfo ".
"add evaluate systemParameters, additional own values packImbalance, packState ",
"0.1.0" => "12.08.2023 initial version, switch to perl package, attributes: disable, interval, add command hashes ".
"get ... data command, add meta support and version management, more code changes ",
@ -174,7 +178,6 @@ my $definterval = 30; # default A
my $defto = 0.5; # default connection Timeout zum RS485 Gateway
my @blackl = qw(state nextCycletime); # Ausnahmeliste deleteReadingspec
# Steuerhashes
my %hrtnc = ( # RTN Codes
@ -470,7 +473,8 @@ sub Update {
my %readings = ();
my $protocol = 'tcp';
my $rtnerr = q{};
my $socket;
my ($socket, $success);
if(!$interval) {
$hash->{OPMODE} = 'Manual';
@ -486,8 +490,8 @@ sub Update {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - start request cycle to battery number >$hash->{BATADDRESS}< at host:port $hash->{HOST}:$hash->{PORT}");
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die 'gatewaytimeout' };
eval { ## no critic 'eval'
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { croak 'gatewaytimeout' };
ualarm ($timeout * 1000000); # ualarm in Mikrosekunden
$socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => $protocol,
@ -516,14 +520,18 @@ sub Update {
IO::Socket::Timeout->enable_timeouts_on ($socket); # nur notwendig für read or write timeout
$socket->read_timeout ($timeout - 0.2); # Lesetimeout immer kleiner als Sockettimeout
my $rwto = $timeout - 0.05;
$rwto = $rwto <= 0 ? 0.005 : $rwto;
$socket->read_timeout ($rwto); # Read/Writetimeout immer kleiner als Sockettimeout
$socket->write_timeout ($rwto);
my $res;
# relativ statische Werte abrufen
if (ReadingsAge ($name, "serialNumber", 601) >= 0) {
if (ReadingsAge ($name, "serialNumber", 601) >= 60) {
# Abruf serialNumber
$res = Request($hash, $socket, $hrsnb{$hash->{BATADDRESS}}{cmd}, 'serialNumber');
@ -598,33 +606,6 @@ sub Update {
$readings{moduleSoftwareVersion_manufacture} = 'V'.hex (substr ($res, 15, 2)).'.'.hex (substr ($res, 17, 2));
$readings{moduleSoftwareVersion_mainline} = 'V'.hex (substr ($res, 19, 2)).'.'.hex (substr ($res, 21, 2)).'.'.hex (substr ($res, 23, 2));
# Abruf alarmInfo
$res = Request($hash, $socket, $hralm{$hash->{BATADDRESS}}{cmd}, 'alarmInfo');
$rtnerr = respStat ($res);
if ($rtnerr) {
doOnError ({ hash => $hash,
readings => \%readings,
sock => $socket,
state => $rtnerr
$readings{packCellcount} = hex (substr($res, 17, 2));
if (substr($res, 19, 30)=="000000000000000000000000000000" &&
substr($res, 51, 10)=="0000000000" &&
substr($res, 67, 2) =="00" &&
substr($res, 73, 4) =="0000") {
$readings{packAlarmInfo} = "ok";
else {
$readings{packAlarmInfo} = "failure";
# Abruf Systemparameter
$res = Request($hash, $socket, $hrspm{$hash->{BATADDRESS}}{cmd}, 'systemParameters');
@ -654,6 +635,33 @@ sub Update {
$readings{paramDischargeCurrentLimit} = sprintf "%.3f", (65535 - (hex substr ($res, 59, 4))) * 100 / 1000; # mit Symbol (-)
# Abruf alarmInfo
$res = Request($hash, $socket, $hralm{$hash->{BATADDRESS}}{cmd}, 'alarmInfo');
$rtnerr = respStat ($res);
if ($rtnerr) {
doOnError ({ hash => $hash,
readings => \%readings,
sock => $socket,
state => $rtnerr
$readings{packCellcount} = hex (substr($res, 17, 2));
if (substr($res, 19, 30) eq "000000000000000000000000000000" &&
substr($res, 51, 10) eq "0000000000" &&
substr($res, 67, 2) eq "00" &&
substr($res, 73, 4) eq "0000") {
$readings{packAlarmInfo} = "ok";
else {
$readings{packAlarmInfo} = "failure";
# Abruf chargeManagmentInfo
$res = Request($hash, $socket, $hrcmi{$hash->{BATADDRESS}}{cmd}, 'chargeManagmentInfo');
@ -677,8 +685,8 @@ sub Update {
my $cdstat = sprintf "%08b", hex substr ($res, 31, 2); # Rohstatus
$readings{chargeEnable} = substr ($cdstat, 0, 1) == 1 ? 'yes' : 'no'; # Bit 7
$readings{dischargeEnable} = substr ($cdstat, 1, 1) == 1 ? 'yes' : 'no'; # Bit 6
$readings{chargeImmediatelySOC5} = substr ($cdstat, 2, 1) == 1 ? 'yes' : 'no'; # Bit 5 - SOC 5~9% -> für Wechselrichter, die aktives Batteriemanagement bei gegebener DC-Spannungsfunktion haben oder Wechselrichter, der von sich aus einen niedrigen SOC/Spannungsgrenzwert hat
$readings{chargeImmediatelySOC10} = substr ($cdstat, 3, 1) == 1 ? 'yes' : 'no'; # Bit 4 - SOC 9~13% -> für Wechselrichter hat keine aktive Batterieabschaltung haben
$readings{chargeImmediatelySOC05} = substr ($cdstat, 2, 1) == 1 ? 'yes' : 'no'; # Bit 5 - SOC 5~9% -> für Wechselrichter, die aktives Batteriemanagement bei gegebener DC-Spannungsfunktion haben oder Wechselrichter, der von sich aus einen niedrigen SOC/Spannungsgrenzwert hat
$readings{chargeImmediatelySOC09} = substr ($cdstat, 3, 1) == 1 ? 'yes' : 'no'; # Bit 4 - SOC 9~13% -> für Wechselrichter hat keine aktive Batterieabschaltung haben
$readings{chargeFullRequest} = substr ($cdstat, 4, 1) == 1 ? 'yes' : 'no'; # Bit 3 - wenn SOC in 30 Tagen nie höher als 97% -> Flag = 1, wenn SOC-Wert ≥ 97% -> Flag = 0
# Abruf analogValue
@ -700,25 +708,7 @@ sub Update {
$readings{packCellcount} = hex (substr($res, 17, 2));
$readings{packVolt} = hex (substr($res, 105, 4)) / 1000;
my $current = hex (substr($res, 101, 4));
if ($current & 0x8000) {
$current = $current - 0x10000;
$readings{packCurrent} = sprintf "%.2f", $current / 10;
if (length($res) == 128) {
$readings{packCapacity} = hex (substr($res, 115, 4)) / 1000;
$readings{packCapacityRemain} = hex (substr($res, 109, 4)) / 1000;
else {
$readings{packCapacity} = hex (substr($res, 129, 6)) / 1000;
$readings{packCapacityRemain} = hex (substr($res, 123, 6)) / 1000;
$readings{packCellcount} = hex (substr($res, 17, 2));
$readings{cellVoltage_01} = sprintf "%.3f", hex(substr($res,19,4)) / 1000;
$readings{cellVoltage_02} = sprintf "%.3f", hex(substr($res,23,4)) / 1000;
$readings{cellVoltage_03} = sprintf "%.3f", hex(substr($res,27,4)) / 1000;
@ -733,13 +723,43 @@ sub Update {
$readings{cellVoltage_12} = sprintf "%.3f", hex(substr($res,63,4)) / 1000;
$readings{cellVoltage_13} = sprintf "%.3f", hex(substr($res,67,4)) / 1000;
$readings{cellVoltage_14} = sprintf "%.3f", hex(substr($res,71,4)) / 1000;
$readings{cellVoltage_15} = sprintf "%.3f", hex(substr($res,75,4)) / 1000;
$readings{packCycles} = hex (substr($res, 119, 4));
$readings{bmsTemperature} = (hex (substr($res, 81, 4)) - 2731) / 10;
$readings{cellTemperature_0104} = (hex (substr($res, 85, 4)) - 2731) / 10;
$readings{cellTemperature_0508} = (hex (substr($res, 89, 4)) - 2731) / 10;
$readings{cellTemperature_0912} = (hex (substr($res, 93, 4)) - 2731) / 10;
$readings{cellTemperature_1315} = (hex (substr($res, 97, 4)) - 2731) / 10;
$readings{cellVoltage_15} = sprintf "%.3f", hex(substr($res,75,4)) / 1000;
# $readings{numberOfTempPos} = hex(substr($res,79,2)); # Anzahl der jetzt folgenden Teperaturpositionen -> 5
$readings{bmsTemperature} = (hex (substr($res, 81, 4)) - 2731) / 10; # 1
$readings{cellTemperature_0104} = (hex (substr($res, 85, 4)) - 2731) / 10; # 2
$readings{cellTemperature_0508} = (hex (substr($res, 89, 4)) - 2731) / 10; # 3
$readings{cellTemperature_0912} = (hex (substr($res, 93, 4)) - 2731) / 10; # 4
$readings{cellTemperature_1315} = (hex (substr($res, 97, 4)) - 2731) / 10; # 5
my $current = hex (substr($res, 101, 4));
$readings{packVolt} = hex (substr($res, 105, 4)) / 1000;
if ($current & 0x8000) {
$current = $current - 0x10000;
$readings{packCurrent} = sprintf "%.3f", $current / 10;
my $udi = hex substr($res, 113, 2); # user defined item: 2: Batterien <= 65Ah, 4: Batterien > 65Ah
$readings{packCycles} = hex substr($res, 119, 4);
$udi = 0;
if ($udi == 2) {
$readings{packCapacityRemain} = hex (substr($res, 109, 4)) / 1000;
$readings{packCapacity} = hex (substr($res, 115, 4)) / 1000;
elsif ($udi == 4) {
$readings{packCapacityRemain} = hex (substr($res, 123, 6)) / 1000;
$readings{packCapacity} = hex (substr($res, 129, 6)) / 1000;
else {
doOnError ({ hash => $hash,
readings => \%readings,
sock => $socket,
state => 'wrong value retrieve analogValue -> user defined items: '.$udi
$success = 1;
}; # eval
if ($@) {
@ -763,13 +783,14 @@ sub Update {
close ($socket) if($socket);
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - got fresh values from battery number >$hash->{BATADDRESS}<");
if ($success) {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - got fresh values from battery number >$hash->{BATADDRESS}<");
additionalReadings (\%readings); # zusätzliche eigene Readings erstellen
$readings{state} = 'connected';
additionalReadings (\%readings); # zusätzliche eigene Readings erstellen
$readings{state} = 'connected' if(!defined $readings{state});
createReadings ($hash, \%readings); # Readings erstellen
createReadings ($hash, \%readings); # Readings erstellen
@ -809,7 +830,7 @@ sub Reread {
$socket->read ($singlechar, 1);
if (!$singlechar && (0+$! == ETIMEDOUT || 0+$! == EWOULDBLOCK)) { # nur notwendig für read timeout
die 'Timeout reading data from battery';
croak 'Timeout reading data from battery';
$res = $res . $singlechar if (!(length($res) == 0 && ord($singlechar) == 13)) # ord 13 -> ASCII dezimal für CR (Hex 0d)
@ -817,7 +838,7 @@ sub Reread {
} while (length($res) == 0 || ord($singlechar) != 13);
Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - data returned raw: ".$res);
Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - data returned:\n" .Hexdump($res));
Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - data returned:\n" .Hexdump ($res));
return $res;
@ -836,13 +857,15 @@ return;
# PylonLowVoltage Hexdump
sub Hexdump {
my $res = shift;
my $offset = 0;
my $result = "";
for my $chunk (unpack "(a16)*", $_[0]) {
for my $chunk (unpack "(a16)*", $res) {
my $hex = unpack "H*", $chunk; # hexadecimal magic
$chunk =~ tr/ -~/./c; # replace unprintables
$hex =~ s/(.{1,8})/$1 /gs; # insert spaces
$hex =~ s/(.{1,8})/$1 /gxs; # insert spaces
$result .= sprintf "0x%08x (%05u) %-*s %s\n", $offset, $offset, 36, $hex, $chunk;
$offset += 16;
@ -901,8 +924,8 @@ sub additionalReadings {
my ($vmax, $vmin);
$readings->{averageCellVolt} = sprintf "%.3f", $readings->{packVolt} / $readings->{packCellcount};
$readings->{packSOC} = sprintf "%.2f", ($readings->{packCapacityRemain} / $readings->{packCapacity} * 100);
$readings->{averageCellVolt} = sprintf "%.3f", $readings->{packVolt} / $readings->{packCellcount} if(defined $readings->{packCellcount});
$readings->{packSOC} = sprintf "%.2f", ($readings->{packCapacityRemain} / $readings->{packCapacity} * 100) if(defined $readings->{packCapacity});
$readings->{packPower} = sprintf "%.2f", $readings->{packCurrent} * $readings->{packVolt};
for (my $i=1; $i <= $readings->{packCellcount}; $i++) {
@ -966,7 +989,7 @@ return;
=item device
=item summary Integration of pylontech LiFePo4 low voltage batteries (incl. BMS) over RS485 via ethernet gateway (ethernet interface)
=item summary Integration of Pylontech LiFePo4 low voltage batteries (incl. BMS) over RS485 via ethernet gateway (ethernet interface)
=item summary_DE Integration von Pylontech Niedervolt Batterien (mit BMS) über RS485 via Ethernet-Gateway (Ethernet Interface)
=begin html
@ -974,43 +997,61 @@ return;
<a id="PylonLowVoltage"></a>
Module for the integration of batteries with battery management system (BMS) from manufacturer Pylontech via RS485 via RS485 / Ethernet gateway.<br>
The test was carried out with a US2000plus Pylontech battery, which was connected via a USRiot "USR-TCP" low-cost Ethernet gateway.<br>
In principle, any other RS485 / Ethernet gateway should also be possible here.<br>
The module thus only communicates via an Ethernet connection.<br>
Module for integration of low voltage batteries with battery management system (BMS) of the manufacturer Pylontech via
RS485/Ethernet gateway. Communication to the RS485 gateway takes place exclusively via an Ethernet connection.<br>
The module has been successfully used so far with Pylontech batteries of the following types: <br>
<li> US2000 </li>
<li> US2000plus </li>
<li> US3000 </li>
<li> US3000C </li>
The following devices have been successfully used as RS485 Ethernet gateways to date: <br>
<li> USR-TCP232-304 from the manufacturer USRiot </li>
<li> Waveshare RS485 to Ethernet Converter </li>
In principle, any other RS485/Ethernet gateway should also be compatible.
This module requires the Perl modules:
<li>IO::Socket::INET (apt-get install libio-socket-multicast-perl)</li>
<li>IO::Socket::Timeout (Installation e.g. via the CPAN shell) </li>
<li>IO::Socket::INET (apt-get install libio-socket-multicast-perl) </li>
<li>IO::Socket::Timeout (Installation e.g. via the CPAN shell or the FHEM Installer module) </li>
<a id="PylonLowVoltage-define"></a>
<code><b>define &lt;name&gt; PylonLowVoltage &lt;bataddress&gt; &lt;hostname/ip&gt; &lt;port&gt; [&lt;timeout&gt;]</b></code><br>
<code><b>define &lt;name&gt; PylonLowVoltage &lt;hostname/ip&gt;:&lt;port&gt; [&lt;bataddress&gt;]</b></code><br>
Device address of the Pylontech battery. Up to 6 pylon tech batteries can be connected via a Pylontech specific link link.<br>
The first battery in the network (to which the RS485 cable is connected) has the address 1, the next battery has the address 2 and so on.<br>
The individual batteries can thus be addressed individually.</li>
Host name oder IP address of the RS485/Ethernet gateways</li>
Host name or IP address of the RS485/Ethernet gateway
Port number of the port configured in the RS485 / Ethernet Gateway</li>
Timeout in seconds for a query (optional, default 10)<br></li>
Port number of the port configured in the RS485/Ethernet gateway
Device address of the Pylontech battery. Up to 6 Pylontech batteries can be connected via a Pylontech-specific
link connection.<br>
The first battery in the network (to which the RS485 connection is connected) has the address 1, the next battery
then has address 2 and so on.<br>
If no device address is specified, address 1 is used.
<b>Working method</b>
<b>Mode of operation</b>
The module cyclically reads values that the battery management system provides via the RS485 interface.<br>
All data is read out at the interval specified in the definition.
Depending on the setting of the "Interval" attribute, the module cyclically reads values provided by the battery
management system via the RS485 interface.
<a id="PylonLowVoltage-get"></a>
@ -1018,7 +1059,7 @@ All data is read out at the interval specified in the definition.
The data query of the battery management system is executed. The timer of the cyclic query is reinitialized according
The data query of the battery management system is executed. The timer of the cyclic query is reinitialized according
to the set value of the "interval" attribute.
@ -1031,46 +1072,80 @@ All data is read out at the interval specified in the definition.
<a id="PylonLowVoltage-attr-disable"></a>
<li><b>disable 0|1</b><br>
Activates/deactivates the device.
Enables/disables the device definition.
<a id="PylonLowVoltage-attr-interval"></a>
<li><b>interval &lt;seconds&gt;</b><br>
Interval of data retrieval from the battery in seconds. If "interval" is explicitly set to the value "0", there is no
automatic data query. <br>
Interval of the data request from the battery in seconds. If "interval" is explicitly set to the value "0", there is
no automatic data request.<br>
(default: 30)
<a id="PylonLowVoltage-attr-timeout"></a>
<li><b>timeout &lt;seconds&gt;</b><br>
Timeout for establishing the connection to the RS485 gateway. <br>
(default: 0.5)
<a id="PylonLowVoltage-readings"></a>
<li><b>serialNumber</b><br>Serial number (is read only once a minute)<br></li>
<li><b>batteryVoltage</b><br>Battery voltage of the entire battery [in V]<br></li>
<li><b>averageCellVoltage</b><br>Mean cell voltage [in V]<br></li>
<li><b>batteryCurrent</b><br>Battery current [in A]<br></li>
<li><b>SOC</b><br>State of charge [in%]<br></li>
<li><b>cycles</b><br>Number of Cycles - The number of cycles is a measure of battery wear.
A complete load and unload is considered a cycle. If the battery is discharged and recharged 50%, it will only count as half a cycle.
The manufacturer specifies a lifetime of several 1000 cycles (see data sheet).<br></li>
<li><b>cellVoltage_1</b><br>Cell voltage of the 1st cell pack [in V] - In the battery 15 cell packs
are connected in series. Each cell pack consists of parallel cells.<br></li>
<li><b>cellVoltage_2</b><br>Cell voltage of the 2nd cell pack [in V]<br>
<li><b>cellVoltage_15</b><br>Cell voltage of the 15th cell pack [in V]<br></li>
<li><b>bmsTemperature</b><br>Temperature of the battery management system (BMS) [in ° C]<br></li>
<li><b>cellTemperature_0104</b><br>Temperature of cell packs 1 to 4 [in ° C]<br></li>
<li><b>cellTemperature_0508</b><br>Temperature of cell packs 5 to 8 [in ° C]<br></li>
<li><b>cellTemperature_0912</b><br>Temperature of cell packs 9 to 12 [in ° C]<br></li>
<li><b>cellTemperature_1315</b><br>Temperature of cell packs 13 to 15 [in ° C]<br></li>
<li><b>alarmInfo</b><br>Alarm status [ok - battery module is OK, failure - there is a fault in the battery module]<br>(is read only once a minute)<br></li>
<li><b>alarmInfoRaw</b><br>Alarm raw data for more detailed analysis<br>(is read only once a minute)<br></li>
<li><b>state</b><br>Status [ok, failure, offline]<br></li>
<li><b>averageCellVolt</b><br> Average cell voltage (V) </li>
<li><b>bmsTemperature</b><br> Temperature (°C) of the battery management system </li>
<li><b>cellTemperature_0104</b><br> Temperature (°C) of cell packs 1 to 4 </li>
<li><b>cellTemperature_0508</b><br> Temperature (°C) of cell packs 5 to 8 </li>
<li><b>cellTemperature_0912</b><br> Temperature (°C) of the cell packs 9 to 12 </li>
<li><b>cellTemperature_1315</b><br> Temperature (°C) of the cell packs 13 to 15 </li>
<li><b>cellVoltage_XX</b><br> Cell voltage (V) of the cell pack XX. In the battery module "packCellcount"
cell packs are connected in series. Each cell pack consists of single cells
connected in parallel. </li>
<li><b>chargeCurrentLimit</b><br> current limit value for the charging current (A) </li>
<li><b>chargeEnable</b><br> current flag loading allowed </li>
<li><b>chargeFullRequest</b><br> current flag charge battery module fully (from the mains if necessary) </li>
<li><b>chargeImmediatelySOCXX</b><br> current flag charge battery module immediately
(05: SOC limit 5-9%, 09: SOC limit 9-13%) </li>
<li><b>chargeVoltageLimit</b><br> current charge voltage limit (V) of the battery module </li>
<li><b>dischargeCurrentLimit</b><br> current limit value for the discharge current (A) </li>
<li><b>dischargeEnable</b><br> current flag unloading allowed </li>
<li><b>dischargeVoltageLimit</b><br> current discharge voltage limit (V) of the battery module </li>
<li><b>packAlarmInfo</b><br> Alarm status (ok - battery module is OK, failure - there is a fault in the
battery module) </li>
<li><b>packCapacity</b><br> nominal capacity (Ah) of the battery module </li>
<li><b>packCapacityRemain</b><br> current capacity (Ah) of the battery module </li>
<li><b>packCellcount</b><br> Number of cell packs in the battery module </li>
<li><b>packCurrent</b><br> current charge current (+) or discharge current (-) of the battery module (A) </li>
<li><b>packCycles</b><br> Number of full cycles - The number of cycles is, to some extent, a measure of the
wear and tear of the battery. A complete charge and discharge is counted as one
cycle. If the battery is discharged and recharged 50%, it only counts as one
half cycle. Pylontech specifies a lifetime of several 1000 cycles
(see data sheet). </li>
<li><b>packImbalance</b><br> current imbalance of voltage between the single cells of the
battery module (%) </li>
<li><b>packPower</b><br> current drawn (+) or delivered (-) power (W) of the battery module </li>
<li><b>packSOC</b><br> State of charge (%) of the battery module </li>
<li><b>packState</b><br> current working status of the battery module </li>
<li><b>packVolt</b><br> current voltage (V) of the battery module </li>
<li><b>paramCellHighVoltLimit</b><br> System parameter upper voltage limit (V) of a cell </li>
<li><b>paramCellLowVoltLimit</b><br> System parameter lower voltage limit (V) of a cell (alarm limit) </li>
<li><b>paramCellUnderVoltLimit</b><br> System parameter undervoltage limit (V) of a cell (protection limit) </li>
<li><b>paramChargeCurrentLimit</b><br> System parameter charging current limit (A) of the battery module </li>
<li><b>paramChargeHighTempLimit</b><br> System parameter upper temperature limit (°C) up to which the battery charges </li>
<li><b>paramChargeLowTempLimit</b><br> System parameter lower temperature limit (°C) up to which the battery charges </li>
<li><b>paramDischargeCurrentLimit</b><br> System parameter discharge current limit (A) of the battery module </li>
<li><b>paramDischargeHighTempLimit</b><br> System parameter upper temperature limit (°C) up to which the battery discharges </li>
<li><b>paramDischargeLowTempLimit</b><br> System parameter lower temperature limit (°C) up to which the battery discharges </li>
<li><b>paramModuleHighVoltLimit</b><br> System parameter upper voltage limit (V) of the battery module </li>
<li><b>paramModuleLowVoltLimit</b><br> System parameter lower voltage limit (V) of the battery module (alarm limit) </li>
<li><b>paramModuleUnderVoltLimit</b><br> System parameter undervoltage limit (V) of the battery module (protection limit) </li>
<li><b>protocolVersion</b><br> PYLON low voltage RS485 protocol version </li>
<li><b>serialNumber</b><br> Serial number </li>
<li><b>softwareVersion</b><br> Firmware version of the battery module </li>
@ -1080,7 +1155,7 @@ are connected in series. Each cell pack consists of parallel cells.<br></li>
<a id="PylonLowVoltage"></a>
Modul zur Einbindung von Batterien mit Batteriemanagmentsystem (BMS) des Herstellers Pylontech über RS485 via
Modul zur Einbindung von Niedervolt-Batterien mit Batteriemanagmentsystem (BMS) des Herstellers Pylontech über RS485 via
RS485/Ethernet-Gateway. Die Kommunikation zum RS485-Gateway erfolgt ausschließlich über eine Ethernet-Verbindung.<br>
Das Modul wurde bisher erfolgreich mit Pylontech Batterien folgender Typen eingesetzt: <br>
@ -1090,26 +1165,23 @@ Das Modul wurde bisher erfolgreich mit Pylontech Batterien folgender Typen einge
<li> US3000 </li>
<li> US3000C </li>
Als RS485-Ethernet-Gateways wurden bisher folgende Geräte eingesetzt: <br>
Als RS485-Ethernet-Gateways wurden bisher folgende Geräte erfolgreich eingesetzt: <br>
<li> USR-TCP232-304 des Herstellers USRiot </li>
<li> Waveshare RS485 to Ethernet Converter </li>
Prinzipiell sollte hier auch jedes andere RS485/Ethernet-Gateway möglich sein.
Prinzipiell sollte auch jedes andere RS485/Ethernet-Gateway kompatibel sein.
Dieses Modul benötigt die Perl-Module:
<li>IO::Socket::INET (apt-get install libio-socket-multicast-perl)</li>
<li>IO::Socket::Timeout (Installation z.B. über die CPAN-Shell) </li>
<li>IO::Socket::INET (apt-get install libio-socket-multicast-perl) </li>
<li>IO::Socket::Timeout (Installation z.B. über die CPAN-Shell oder das FHEM Installer Modul) </li>
<a id="PylonLowVoltage-define"></a>
@ -1136,8 +1208,8 @@ Dieses Modul benötigt die Perl-Module:
Das Modul liest zyklisch Werte aus, die das Batteriemanagementsystem über die RS485-Schnittstelle zur Verfügung stellt.<br>
Alle Daten werden mit dem bei der Definition angegebene Intervall ausgelesen.
Das Modul liest entsprechend der Einstellung des Attributes "interval" zyklisch Werte aus, die das
Batteriemanagementsystem über die RS485-Schnittstelle zur Verfügung stellt.
<a id="PylonLowVoltage-get"></a>
@ -1158,7 +1230,7 @@ Alle Daten werden mit dem bei der Definition angegebene Intervall ausgelesen.
<a id="PylonLowVoltage-attr-disable"></a>
<li><b>disable 0|1</b><br>
Aktiviert/deaktiviert das Gerät.
Aktiviert/deaktiviert die Gerätedefinition.
@ -1181,29 +1253,57 @@ Alle Daten werden mit dem bei der Definition angegebene Intervall ausgelesen.
<a id="PylonLowVoltage-readings"></a>
<li><b>serialNumber</b><br>Seriennummer<br> </li>
<li><b>batteryVoltage</b><br>Batterie Spannung (V) der gesamten Batterie<br> </li>
<li><b>averageCellVoltage</b><br>mittlere Zellenspannung (V) <br> </li>
<li><b>batteryCurrent</b><br>Batteriestrom (A)<br> </li>
<li><b>SOC</b><br>Ladezustand (%)<br> </li>
<li><b>cycles</b><br>Anzahl der Zyklen - Die Anzahl der Zyklen ist in gewisserweise ein Maß für den Verschleiß der Batterie.
Eine komplettes Laden und Entladen wird als ein Zyklus gewertet.
Wird die Batterie 50% Entladen und wieder aufgeladen, zählt das nur als ein halber Zyklus.
Der Hersteller gibt eine Lebensdauer von mehreren 1000 Zyklen an (siehe Datenblatt).<br> </li>
<li><b>cellVoltage_1</b><br>Zellenspannung (V) des 1. Zellenpacks - In der Batterie sind 15 Zellenpacks in Serie geschaltet.
Jedes Zellenpack besteht aus parallel geschalten Einzelzellen.<br> </li>
<li><b>cellVoltage_2</b><br>Zellenspannung (V) des 2. Zellenpacks<br>
<li><b>cellVoltage_15</b><br>Zellenspannung (V) des 15. Zellenpacks<br> </li>
<li><b>bmsTemperature</b><br>Temperatur (°C) des Batteriemanagementsystems<br> </li>
<li><b>cellTemperature_0104</b><br>Temperatur (°C) der Zellenpacks 1 bis 4<br> </li>
<li><b>cellTemperature_0508</b><br>Temperatur (°C) der Zellenpacks 5 bis 8<br> </li>
<li><b>cellTemperature_0912</b><br>Temperatur (°C) der Zellenpacks 9 bis 12<br> </li>
<li><b>cellTemperature_1315</b><br>Temperatur (°C) der Zellenpacks 13 bis 15<br> </li>
<li><b>alarmInfo</b><br>Alarmstatus (ok - Batterienmodul ist in Ordnung, failure - im Batteriemodul liegt eine Störung vor)<br></li> </li>
<li><b>averageCellVolt</b><br> mittlere Zellenspannung (V) </li>
<li><b>bmsTemperature</b><br> Temperatur (°C) des Batteriemanagementsystems </li>
<li><b>cellTemperature_0104</b><br> Temperatur (°C) der Zellenpacks 1 bis 4 </li>
<li><b>cellTemperature_0508</b><br> Temperatur (°C) der Zellenpacks 5 bis 8 </li>
<li><b>cellTemperature_0912</b><br> Temperatur (°C) der Zellenpacks 9 bis 12 </li>
<li><b>cellTemperature_1315</b><br> Temperatur (°C) der Zellenpacks 13 bis 15 </li>
<li><b>cellVoltage_XX</b><br> Zellenspannung (V) des Zellenpacks XX. In dem Batteriemodul sind "packCellcount"
Zellenpacks in Serie geschaltet verbaut. Jedes Zellenpack besteht aus parallel
geschalten Einzelzellen. </li>
<li><b>chargeCurrentLimit</b><br> aktueller Grenzwert für den Ladestrom (A) </li>
<li><b>chargeEnable</b><br> aktuelles Flag Laden erlaubt </li>
<li><b>chargeFullRequest</b><br> aktuelles Flag Batteriemodul voll laden (notfalls aus dem Netz) </li>
<li><b>chargeImmediatelySOCXX</b><br> aktuelles Flag Batteriemodul sofort laden
(05: SOC Grenze 5-9%, 09: SOC Grenze 9-13%) </li>
<li><b>chargeVoltageLimit</b><br> aktuelle Ladespannungsgrenze (V) des Batteriemoduls </li>
<li><b>dischargeCurrentLimit</b><br> aktueller Grenzwert für den Entladestrom (A) </li>
<li><b>dischargeEnable</b><br> aktuelles Flag Entladen erlaubt </li>
<li><b>dischargeVoltageLimit</b><br> aktuelle Entladespannungsgrenze (V) des Batteriemoduls </li>
<li><b>packAlarmInfo</b><br> Alarmstatus (ok - Batterienmodul ist in Ordnung, failure - im Batteriemodul liegt
eine Störung vor) </li>
<li><b>packCapacity</b><br> nominale Kapazität (Ah) des Batteriemoduls </li>
<li><b>packCapacityRemain</b><br> aktuelle Kapazität (Ah) des Batteriemoduls </li>
<li><b>packCellcount</b><br> Anzahl der Zellenpacks im Batteriemodul </li>
<li><b>packCurrent</b><br> aktueller Ladestrom (+) bzw. Entladstrom (-) des Batteriemoduls (A) </li>
<li><b>packCycles</b><br> Anzahl der Vollzyklen - Die Anzahl der Zyklen ist in gewisserweise ein Maß für den
Verschleiß der Batterie. Eine komplettes Laden und Entladen wird als ein Zyklus
gewertet. Wird die Batterie 50% entladen und wieder aufgeladen, zählt das nur als ein
halber Zyklus. Pylontech gibt eine Lebensdauer von mehreren 1000 Zyklen an
(siehe Datenblatt). </li>
<li><b>packImbalance</b><br> aktuelles Ungleichgewicht der Spannung zwischen den Einzelzellen des
Batteriemoduls (%) </li>
<li><b>packPower</b><br> aktuell bezogene (+) bzw. gelieferte (-) Leistung (W) des Batteriemoduls </li>
<li><b>packSOC</b><br> Ladezustand (%) des Batteriemoduls </li>
<li><b>packState</b><br> aktueller Arbeitsstatus des Batteriemoduls </li>
<li><b>packVolt</b><br> aktuelle Spannung (V) des Batteriemoduls </li>
<li><b>paramCellHighVoltLimit</b><br> Systemparameter obere Spannungsgrenze (V) einer Zelle </li>
<li><b>paramCellLowVoltLimit</b><br> Systemparameter untere Spannungsgrenze (V) einer Zelle (Alarmgrenze) </li>
<li><b>paramCellUnderVoltLimit</b><br> Systemparameter Unterspannungsgrenze (V) einer Zelle (Schutzgrenze) </li>
<li><b>paramChargeCurrentLimit</b><br> Systemparameter Ladestromgrenze (A) des Batteriemoduls </li>
<li><b>paramChargeHighTempLimit</b><br> Systemparameter obere Temperaturgrenze (°C) bis zu der die Batterie lädt </li>
<li><b>paramChargeLowTempLimit</b><br> Systemparameter untere Temperaturgrenze (°C) bis zu der die Batterie lädt </li>
<li><b>paramDischargeCurrentLimit</b><br> Systemparameter Entladestromgrenze (A) des Batteriemoduls </li>
<li><b>paramDischargeHighTempLimit</b><br> Systemparameter obere Temperaturgrenze (°C) bis zu der die Batterie entlädt </li>
<li><b>paramDischargeLowTempLimit</b><br> Systemparameter untere Temperaturgrenze (°C) bis zu der die Batterie entlädt </li>
<li><b>paramModuleHighVoltLimit</b><br> Systemparameter obere Spannungsgrenze (V) des Batteriemoduls </li>
<li><b>paramModuleLowVoltLimit</b><br> Systemparameter untere Spannungsgrenze (V) des Batteriemoduls (Alarmgrenze) </li>
<li><b>paramModuleUnderVoltLimit</b><br> Systemparameter Unterspannungsgrenze (V) des Batteriemoduls (Schutzgrenze) </li>
<li><b>protocolVersion</b><br> PYLON low voltage RS485 Prokollversion </li>
<li><b>serialNumber</b><br> Seriennummer </li>
<li><b>softwareVersion</b><br> Firmware Version des Batteriemoduls </li>