From 6bf10ce27f897e0655a1dbace00ece80fbc8c55d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: HomeAuto_User <> Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2023 19:07:48 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] 14_SD_UT: new remote for Leroy & DC-1961-TG git-svn-id: 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80 --- fhem/FHEM/ | 251 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------- 1 file changed, 213 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-) diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/ b/fhem/FHEM/ index d107cc282..494d45f3a 100644 --- a/fhem/FHEM/ +++ b/fhem/FHEM/ @@ -302,6 +302,18 @@ # RCnoName20_17E9 plus MS;P1=-744;P2=221;P3=679;P4=-278;P5=-7860;D=2521212134213434343434342134212134212121213421212134343434212121;CP=2;SP=5;R=66;O;m2; # RCnoName20_17E9 minus MS;P0=233;P1=-7903;P3=-278;P5=-738;P6=679;D=0105050563056363636363630563050563050505050505630563050505630505;CP=0;SP=1;R=71;O;m1; #} +# - Remote control with 10 buttons for Leroy Deckenventilator [Protocol 20] +#{,53282.msg1233431.html#msg1233431 @ steffen83 2022-09-01 +# RCnoName20_10_3E00 light_on MU;P0=-8774;P1=282;P2=-775;P3=815;P4=-253;P5=-32001;D=10121234343434341212121212121212121212123434343412121234343412343415;CP=1; +# RCnoName20_10_3E00 light_off MU;P0=-238;P1=831;P3=300;P4=-762;P5=-363;P6=192;P7=-8668;D=01010101010343434343434343434343434103415156464156464641564646734341010101010343434343434343434343434103410103434103434341034343734341010101010343434343434343434343434103410103434103434341034343734341010101010343434343434343434343434103410103434103434341;CP=3;O; +# RCnoName20_10_3E00 fan_stop MU;P0=184;P1=-380;P2=128;P3=-9090;P4=-768;P5=828;P6=-238;P7=298;D=45656565656747474747474747474747474567474560404515124040451040374745656565656747474747474747474747474567474567474565674747456747374745656565656747474747474747474747474567474567474565674747456747374745656565656747474747474747474747474567474567474565674747;CP=7;O; +#} +# - Remote control DC-1961-TG with 12 buttons for ceiling fan with lighting [Protocol 20] +#{,53282.msg1240911.html#msg1240911 @ Skusi 2022-10-23 +# DC_1961_TG_1846 light_on_off MS;P1=291;P2=-753;P3=762;P4=-249;P5=-8312;D=151212123434121212123412121234341234123412341212121234341212341234;CP=1;SP=5;R=224;O;m2; +# DC_1961_TG_1846 fan_off MS;P1=-760;P2=747;P3=-282;P4=253;P5=-8335;D=454141412323414141412341414123234123412341412323234123232323412323;CP=4;SP=5;R=27;O;m2; +# DC_1961_TG_1846 fan_direction MS;P0=-8384;P1=255;P2=-766;P3=754;P4=-263;D=101212123434121212123412121234341234123412341212341234341212341212;CP=1;SP=0;R=27;O;m2; +#} ############################################################################################################################################################################### # - Remote control Momento for wireless digital picture frame [Protocol 97] #{ elektron-bbs 2020-03-21 @@ -400,9 +412,10 @@ package main; use strict; use warnings; +use FHEM::Meta; no warnings 'portable'; # Support for 64-bit ints required -our $VERSION = '2022-07-27'; +our $VERSION = '2022-09-13'; sub SD_UT_bin2tristate; sub SD_UT_tristate2bin; @@ -766,6 +779,36 @@ my %models = ( Protocol => 'P20', Typ => 'remote' }, + 'RCnoName20_10' => { '00011110' => 'light_on', + '00010110' => 'light_off', + '00010101' => 'fan_low', + '00011111' => 'fan_mid', + '00010100' => 'fan_high', + '00010010' => 'fan_stop', + '00010011' => 'fan_natural', + '00011101' => 'time_1h', + '00010001' => 'time_2h', + '00011001' => 'time_4h', + hex_length => [8], + Protocol => 'P20', + Typ => 'remote' + }, + 'DC_1961_TG' => { '10100111' => 'fan_off', + '10100001' => 'fan_1', + '10100010' => 'fan_2', + '10100011' => 'fan_3', + '10100100' => 'fan_4', + '10100101' => 'fan_5', + '10100110' => 'fan_6', + '10101001' => 'fan_direction', + '10101000' => 'light_on_off', + '10101011' => 'time_2h', + '10101100' => 'time_4h', + '10101101' => 'time_8h', + hex_length => [8], + Protocol => 'P20', + Typ => 'remote' + }, 'Momento' => { '0001' => 'power', '0010' => 'play/pause', '0011' => 'back', @@ -935,6 +978,7 @@ sub SD_UT_Initialize { 'Momento.*' => {ATTR => 'model:Momento', FILTER => '%NAME', autocreateThreshold => '3:180', GPLOT => q{}}, 'OR28V.*' => {ATTR => 'model:OR28V', FILTER => '%NAME', autocreateThreshold => '3:180', GPLOT => q{}}, 'RCnoName20.*' => {ATTR => 'model:RCnoName20', FILTER => '%NAME', autocreateThreshold => '3:180', GPLOT => q{}}, + 'DC_1961_TG.*' => {ATTR => 'model:DC_1961_TG', FILTER => '%NAME', autocreateThreshold => '3:180', GPLOT => q{}}, 'TC6861.*' => {ATTR => 'model:TR401', FILTER => '%NAME', autocreateThreshold => '3:180', GPLOT => q{}}, 'TR401.*' => {ATTR => 'model:TR401', FILTER => '%NAME', autocreateThreshold => '3:180', GPLOT => q{}}, 'Techmar.*' => {ATTR => 'model:Techmar', FILTER => '%NAME', autocreateThreshold => '3:180', GPLOT => q{}}, @@ -942,7 +986,7 @@ sub SD_UT_Initialize { 'xavax.*' => {ATTR => 'model:xavax', FILTER => '%NAME', autocreateThreshold => '3:180', GPLOT => q{}}, 'unknown_please_select_model' => {ATTR => 'model:unknown', FILTER => '%NAME', autocreateThreshold => '5:180', GPLOT => q{}}, }; - return; + return FHEM::Meta::InitMod( __FILE__, $hash ); } ############################# @@ -979,52 +1023,46 @@ sub SD_UT_Define { } ### [2] checks CAME_TOP_432EV & Novy_840029 & Novy_840039 & Unitec_47031 ### - if (($a[2] eq 'CAME_TOP_432EV' || $a[2] eq 'Novy_840029' || $a[2] eq 'Novy_840039' || $a[2] eq 'Unitec_47031') && not $a[3] =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{2}/xms) { - return "wrong HEX-Value! ($a[3]) $a[2] HEX-Value to short | long or not HEX (0-9 | a-f | A-F){2}"; - } + # uncoverable condition true + return "wrong HEX-Value! ($a[3]) $a[2] HEX-Value to short | long or not HEX (0-9 | a-f | A-F){2}" if (($a[2] eq 'CAME_TOP_432EV' || $a[2] eq 'Novy_840029' || $a[2] eq 'Novy_840039' || $a[2] eq 'Unitec_47031') && not $a[3] =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{2}/xms); ### [3] checks SA_434_1_mini | QUIGG_DMV | TR_502MSV | BeSmart_S4 ### - if (($a[2] eq 'SA_434_1_mini' || $a[2] eq 'QUIGG_DMV' || $a[2] eq 'TR_502MSV' || $a[2] eq 'BeSmart_S4') && not $a[3] =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{3}/xms) { - return "wrong HEX-Value! ($a[3]) $a[2] HEX-Value to short or long (must be 3 chars) or not HEX (0-9 | a-f | A-F){3}"; - } - ### [4 nibble] checks Neff SF01_01319004 & BOSCH SF01_01319004_Typ2 & Chilitec_22640 & ESTO KL_RF01 & RCnoName20 & xavax & BF_301 & Meikee_xx ### - if (($a[2] eq 'SF01_01319004' || $a[2] eq 'SF01_01319004_Typ2' || $a[2] eq 'Chilitec_22640' || $a[2] eq 'KL_RF01' || $a[2] eq 'RCnoName20' || $a[2] eq 'xavax' || $a[2] eq 'BF_301' || $a[2] eq 'Meikee_21' || $a[2] eq 'Meikee_24') && not $a[3] =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{4}/xms) { - return "Wrong HEX-Value! ($a[3]) $a[2] Hex-value to short or long (must be 4 chars) or not hex (0-9 | a-f | A-F) {4}"; - } + # uncoverable condition true + return "wrong HEX-Value! ($a[3]) $a[2] HEX-Value to short or long (must be 3 chars) or not HEX (0-9 | a-f | A-F){3}" if (($a[2] eq 'SA_434_1_mini' || $a[2] eq 'QUIGG_DMV' || $a[2] eq 'TR_502MSV' || $a[2] eq 'BeSmart_S4') && not $a[3] =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{3}/xms); + ### [4 nibble] checks Neff SF01_01319004 & BOSCH SF01_01319004_Typ2 & Chilitec_22640 & ESTO KL_RF01 & RCnoName20 & RCnoName20_10 & DC-1961-TG & xavax & BF_301 & Meikee_xx ### + # uncoverable condition true + return "Wrong HEX-Value! ($a[3]) $a[2] Hex-value to short or long (must be 4 chars) or not hex (0-9 | a-f | A-F) {4}" if (($a[2] eq 'SF01_01319004' || $a[2] eq 'SF01_01319004_Typ2' || $a[2] eq 'Chilitec_22640' || $a[2] eq 'KL_RF01' || $a[2] eq 'RCnoName20' || $a[2] eq 'RCnoName20_10' || $a[2] eq 'DC_1961_TG' || $a[2] eq 'xavax' || $a[2] eq 'BF_301' || $a[2] eq 'Meikee_21' || $a[2] eq 'Meikee_24') && not $a[3] =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{4}/xms); ### [6] checks Manax | mumbi ### - if ($a[2] eq 'RC_10' && not $a[3] =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{4}_([ABCD]|all)$/xms) { - return "wrong HEX-Value! ($a[3]) $a[2] HEX-Value to short | long or not HEX (0-9 | a-f | A-F){4}_[ABCD]|[all]"; - } - + # uncoverable condition true + return "wrong HEX-Value! ($a[3]) $a[2] HEX-Value to short | long or not HEX (0-9 | a-f | A-F){4}_[ABCD]|[all]" if ($a[2] eq 'RC_10' && not $a[3] =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{4}_([ABCD]|all)$/xms) ; + ### [6] checks MD_2003R | MD_210R | MD_2018R | Navaris | AC114_01B | Visivo ### - if (($a[2] eq 'MD_2003R' || $a[2] eq 'MD_210R' || $a[2] eq 'MD_2018R' || $a[2] eq 'Navaris' || $a[2] eq 'AC114_01B' || $a[2] eq 'Visivo') && not $a[3] =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{6}/xms) { - return "wrong HEX-Value! ($a[3]) $a[2] Hex-value to short or long (must be 6 chars) or not hex (0-9 | a-f | A-F){6}"; - } - + # uncoverable condition true + return "wrong HEX-Value! ($a[3]) $a[2] Hex-value to short or long (must be 6 chars) or not hex (0-9 | a-f | A-F){6}" if (($a[2] eq 'MD_2003R' || $a[2] eq 'MD_210R' || $a[2] eq 'MD_2018R' || $a[2] eq 'Navaris' || $a[2] eq 'AC114_01B' || $a[2] eq 'Visivo') && not $a[3] =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{6}/xms); + ### [7] checks Hoermann HSM4 | Krinner_LUMIX | Momento ### - if (($a[2] eq 'HSM4' || $a[2] eq 'Krinner_LUMIX' || $a[2] eq 'Momento') && not $a[3] =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{7}/xms) { - return "wrong HEX-Value! ($a[3]) $a[2] Hex-value to short or long (must be 7 chars) or not hex (0-9 | a-f | A-F){7}"; - } + # uncoverable branch true + return "wrong HEX-Value! ($a[3]) $a[2] Hex-value to short or long (must be 7 chars) or not hex (0-9 | a-f | A-F){7}" if (($a[2] eq 'HSM4' || $a[2] eq 'Krinner_LUMIX' || $a[2] eq 'Momento') && not $a[3] =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{7}/xms); ### [7] checks Tedsen_SKX1xx, Tedsen_SKX2xx, Tedsen_SKX4xx, Tedsen_SKX6xx (tristate code)### + # uncoverable branch true return "wrong tristate code! ($a[3]) $a[2] code to short or long (must be 7 chars) or values not 0, 1 or F" if (($a[2] eq 'Tedsen_SKX1xx' || $a[2] eq 'Tedsen_SKX2xx' || $a[2] eq 'Tedsen_SKX4xx' || $a[2] eq 'Tedsen_SKX6xx') && not $a[3] =~ /^[01fF]{7}$/xms); ### [8 nibble] checks Techmar ### - if (($a[2] eq 'Techmar') && not $a[3] =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}$/xms) { - return "wrong HEX-Value! ($a[3]) $a[2] Hex-value to short or long (must be 8 chars) or not hex (0-9 | a-f | A-F)"; - } + # uncoverable branch true + return "wrong HEX-Value! ($a[3]) $a[2] Hex-value to short or long (must be 8 chars) or not hex (0-9 | a-f | A-F)" if (($a[2] eq 'Techmar') && not $a[3] =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}$/xms); ### [9] checks Hoermann HS1-868-BS ### + # uncoverable branch true return "wrong HEX-Value! ($a[3]) $a[2] HEX-Value to short | long or not HEX (0-9 | a-f | A-F){9}" if ($a[2] eq 'HS1_868_BS' && not $a[3] =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{9}/xms); ### [14] checks LED_XM21_0 ### + # uncoverable branch true return "wrong HEX-Value! ($a[3]) $a[2] HEX-Value to short | long or not HEX (0-9 | a-f | A-F){14}" if ($a[2] eq 'LED_XM21_0' && not $a[3] =~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{14}/xms); ### [3] checks TR401 (Well-Light) ### - if ($a[2] eq 'TR401' && not $a[3] =~ /^[0-9]_[1-4]/xms) { - return "wrong devicecode! ($a[3]) $a[2] must be [0-9]_[1-4]"; - } + # uncoverable branch true + return "wrong devicecode! ($a[3]) $a[2] must be [0-9]_[1-4]" if ($a[2] eq 'TR401' && not $a[3] =~ /^[0-9]_[1-4]/xms); ### [3] checks TC6861 (Busch-Transcontrol HF) [P121] ### - if ($a[2] eq 'TC6861' && not $a[3] =~ /^[0-9A-F]{3}_[1-3]$/xms) { - return "SD_UT model $a[2] wrong devicecode: ($a[3]) - must be 3 digit house code (hex 0-9 A-F) _ 1 digit channel (dec 1-3) - e.g. 3DC_1"; - } + # uncoverable branch true + return "SD_UT model $a[2] wrong devicecode: ($a[3]) - must be 3 digit house code (hex 0-9 A-F) _ 1 digit channel (dec 1-3) - e.g. 3DC_1" if ($a[2] eq 'TC6861' && not $a[3] =~ /^[0-9A-F]{3}_[1-3]$/xms); $hash->{versionModule} = $VERSION; $hash->{lastMSG} = 'no data'; @@ -1196,8 +1234,8 @@ sub SD_UT_Set { } elsif ($model eq 'OR28V') { $msg = $models{$model}{Protocol} . '#'; $msgEnd .= '#R' . $repeats; # R1 wird vom SIGNALduino nicht als MS erkannt! - ############ RCnoName20 ############ - } elsif ($model eq 'RCnoName20') { + ############ RCnoName20 | RCnoName20_10 | DC-1961-TG ############ + } elsif ($model eq 'RCnoName20' || $model eq 'RCnoName20_10' || $model eq 'DC_1961_TG') { my $adr = sprintf( "%016b", hex($definition[1])); # argument 1 - adress to binary with 16 bits $msg = $models{$model}{Protocol} . '#' . $adr; $msgEnd = '#R' . $repeats; @@ -1365,6 +1403,22 @@ sub SD_UT_Set { $msg .= sprintf('%012b', hex $housecode); $msg .= $models{$model}{ch}{$ch} . $msgEnd; # $msg .= $models{$model}{ch}{$ch} . 'P' . $msgEnd; + ############ RCnoName20_10 or DC-1961-TG [P20] ############ + } elsif ($model eq 'RCnoName20_10' || $model eq 'DC_1961_TG') { + $msg .= $save; # button + my $rollingCode = ReadingsVal($name, 'rollingCode', 0); + $rollingCode += 1; + if ($rollingCode > 7) { + $rollingCode = 0; + } + readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'rollingCode' , $rollingCode, 0); + $msg .= sprintf('%04b', $rollingCode); # rolling code + my $xor = 10; + for (my $n = 4; $n < 32; $n += 4) { # without P20# + $xor ^= oct('0b' . substr($msg, $n, 4)); + } + $msg .= sprintf('%04b', $xor); # check + $msg .= $msgEnd; } else { $msg .= $save.$msgEnd; } @@ -1631,6 +1685,19 @@ sub SD_UT_Parse { $def = $modules{SD_UT}{defptr}{$devicedef}; $model = 'RCnoName20'; $name = 'RCnoName20_' . $deviceCode; + ### Remote control RCnoName20_10 or DC-1961-TG [P20] ### + my $xor = 0; + for (my $n = 0; $n < 8; $n++) { + $xor ^= hex(substr($rawData,$n,1)); + } + if ($xor == 10) { + my $button = substr($bitData,16,8); + $model = 'RCnoName20_10' if exists $models{'RCnoName20_10'}{$button}; + $model = 'DC_1961_TG' if exists $models{'DC_1961_TG'}{$button}; + $devicedef = $model . ' ' . $deviceCode if (!$def); + $def = $modules{SD_UT}{defptr}{$devicedef} if (!$def); + $name = $model . '_' . $deviceCode; + } } if (!$def && $protocol == 92) { ### Remote control Krinner_LUMIX [P92] ### @@ -2060,6 +2127,12 @@ sub SD_UT_Parse { } elsif ($model eq 'RCnoName20' && $protocol == 20) { $state = substr($bitData,16,15); # last bit is filled $deviceCode = substr($rawData,0,4); + ### Remote control RCnoName20_10 or DC-1961-TG[P20] ### + } elsif (($model eq 'RCnoName20_10' || $model eq 'DC_1961_TG') && $protocol == 20) { + $state = substr($bitData,16,8); + $deviceCode = substr($rawData,0,4); + my $rollingCode = hex(substr($rawData,6,1)); + readingsBulkUpdate($hash, 'rollingCode', $rollingCode, 0); ### Remote control xavax [P26] ### } elsif ($model eq 'xavax' && $protocol == 26) { $state = substr($bitData,32,8); @@ -2323,6 +2396,11 @@ sub SD_UT_Attr { $deviceCode = substr($bitData,0,16); $deviceCode = sprintf("%04X", oct( "0b$deviceCode" ) ); $devicename = $devicemodel.'_'.$deviceCode; + ############ RCnoName20 ############ + } elsif ($attrValue eq 'RCnoName20' || $attrValue eq 'RCnoName20_10' || $attrValue eq 'DC_1961_TG') { + $deviceCode = substr($bitData,0,16); + $deviceCode = sprintf("%04X", oct( "0b$deviceCode" ) ); + $devicename = $devicemodel.'_'.$deviceCode; ############ unknown ############ } else { $devicename = 'unknown_please_select_model'; @@ -2363,7 +2441,7 @@ sub SD_UT_Attr { ################################### sub SD_UT_bin2tristate { - my $bitData = shift // return undef; + my $bitData = shift // return; my %bintotristate=( '00' => '0', '10' => 'F', @@ -2378,7 +2456,7 @@ sub SD_UT_bin2tristate { ################################### sub SD_UT_tristate2bin { - my $tsData = shift // return undef; + my $tsData = shift // return; my %tristatetobin=( '0' => '00', 'F' => '10', @@ -2422,8 +2500,10 @@ sub SD_UT_tristate2bin {
  • Busch-Transcontrol HF - remote control 6861   (module model: TC6861, protocol 121)
  • CAME swing gate drive   (module model: CAME_TOP_432EV, protocol 86)
  • ChiliTec LED X-Mas light   (module model: Chilitec_22640, protocol 14)
  • +
  • DC-1961-TG - remote control with 12 buttons for ceiling fan with lighting   (module model: DC_1961_TG, protocol 20)
  • ESTO ceiling lamp   (module model: KL_RF01, protocol 93)
  • Remote control with 4 buttons for diesel heating   (module model: RCnoName20, protocol 20)
  • +
  • Remote control with 10 buttons for Leroy ceiling fan   (module model: RCnoName20_10, protocol 20)
  • Hoermann HS1-868-BS   (module model: HS1_868_BS, protocol 69)
  • Hoermann HSM4   (module model: HSM4, protocol 69)
  • Krinner LUMIX X-Mas light string   (module model: Krinner_LUMIX, protocol 92)
  • @@ -2573,7 +2653,7 @@ sub SD_UT_tristate2bin {
  • ignore
  • IODev
  • model
    - The attribute indicates the model type of your device (AC114_01B, BeSmart_S4, Buttons_five, Buttons_six, CAME_TOP_432EV, Chilitec_22640, KL_RF01, HS1-868-BS, HSM4, QUIGG_DMV, LED_XM21_0, Meikee_21, Meikee_24, Momento, Navaris, Novy_840029, Novy_840039, OR28V, RC_10, RH787T, SA_434_1_mini, SF01_01319004, TC6861, TR60C1, Tedsen_SKX1xx, Tedsen_SKX2xx, Tedsen_SKX4xx, Tedsen_SKX6xx, TR_502MSV, Unitec_47031, unknown). + The attribute indicates the model type of your device (AC114_01B, BeSmart_S4, Buttons_five, Buttons_six, CAME_TOP_432EV, Chilitec_22640, DC_1961_TG, HS1-868-BS, HSM4, KL_RF01, LED_XM21_0, Meikee_21, Meikee_24, Momento, Navaris, Novy_840029, Novy_840039, OR28V, QUIGG_DMV, RC_10, RH787T, SA_434_1_mini, SF01_01319004, TC6861, TR60C1, Tedsen_SKX1xx, Tedsen_SKX2xx, Tedsen_SKX4xx, Tedsen_SKX6xx, TR_502MSV, Unitec_47031, unknown).
    If the attribute is changed, a new device is created using autocreate. Autocreate must be activated for this.
  • repeats
    @@ -2647,8 +2727,10 @@ sub SD_UT_tristate2bin {
  • Busch-Transcontrol HF - Handsender 6861   (Modulmodel: TC6861, Protokoll 121)
  • CAME Drehtor Antrieb   (Modulmodel: CAME_TOP_432EV, Protokoll 86)
  • ChiliTec LED Christbaumkerzen   (Modulmodel: Chilitec_22640, Protokoll 14)
  • +
  • DC-1961-TG - Fernbedienung mit 12 Tasten für Deckenventilator mit Beleuchtung   (Modulmodel: DC_1961_TG, Protokoll 20)
  • ESTO Deckenlampe   (Modulmodel: KL_RF01, Protokoll 93)
  • Fernbedienung mit 4 Tasten für Diesel-Heizung    (Modulmodel: RCnoName20, Protokoll 20)
  • +
  • Fernbedienung mit 10 Tasten für Leroy Deckenventilator   (Modulmodel: RCnoName20_10, Protokoll 20)
  • Hoermann HS1-868-BS   (Modulmodel: HS1_868_BS, Protokoll 69)
  • Hoermann HSM4   (Modulmodel: HSM4, Protokoll 69)
  • Krinner LUMIX Christbaumkerzen   (Modulmodel: Krinner_LUMIX, Protokol 92)
  • @@ -2798,7 +2880,7 @@ sub SD_UT_tristate2bin {
  • ignore
  • IODev
  • model
    - Diese Attribut bezeichnet den Modelltyp Ihres Gerätes (AC114_01B, BeSmart_S4, Buttons_five, Buttons_six, CAME_TOP_432EV, Chilitec_22640, KL_RF01, HS1-868-BS, HSM4, QUIGG_DMV, LED_XM21_0, Meikee_21, Meikee_24, Momento, Navaris, Novy_840029, Novy_840039, OR28V, RC_10, RH787T, SA_434_1_mini, SF01_01319004, TC6861, TR60C1, Tedsen_SKX1xx, Tedsen_SKX2xx, Tedsen_SKX4xx, Tedsen_SKX6xx, TR_502MSV, Unitec_47031, unknown). + Diese Attribut bezeichnet den Modelltyp Ihres Gerätes (AC114_01B, BeSmart_S4, Buttons_five, Buttons_six, CAME_TOP_432EV, Chilitec_22640, DC_1961_TG, HS1-868-BS, HSM4, KL_RF01, LED_XM21_0, Meikee_21, Meikee_24, Momento, Navaris, Novy_840029, Novy_840039, OR28V, QUIGG_DMV, RC_10, RH787T, SA_434_1_mini, SF01_01319004, TC6861, TR60C1, Tedsen_SKX1xx, Tedsen_SKX2xx, Tedsen_SKX4xx, Tedsen_SKX6xx, TR_502MSV, Unitec_47031, unknown).
    Bei Änderung des Attributes wird ein neues Gerät mittels autocreate erzeugt. Autocreate muss dazu aktiviert sein.
  • repeats
    @@ -2848,4 +2930,97 @@ sub SD_UT_tristate2bin { =end html_DE +=for :application/json;q=META.json +{ + "author": [ + "HomeAuto_User <>", + "elektron-bbs" + ], + "description": "module for some SIGNALduino devices", + "dynamic_config": 1, + "keywords": [ + "fhem-sonstige-systeme", + "fhem-hausautomations-systeme", + "fhem-mod", + "signalduino" + ], + "license": [ + "GPL_2" + ], + "meta-spec": { + "url": "", + "version": 2 + }, + "name": "FHEM::SD_UT", + "prereqs": { + "runtime": { + "requires": { + "FHEM": 5.00918623, + "lib::SD_Protocols": "0", + "perl": 5.018, + "strict": "0", + "warnings": "0" + } + }, + "develop": { + "requires": { + "lib::SD_Protocols": "0", + "strict": "0", + "warnings": "0" + } + } + }, + "release_status": "stable", + "resources": { + "bugtracker": { + "web": "" + }, + "x_testData": [ + { + "url": "", + "testname": "Testdata with SD_UT sensors" + } + ], + "repository": { + "x_master": { + "type": "git", + "url": "", + "web": "" + }, + "type": "svn", + "url": "", + "web": "", + "x_branch": "trunk", + "x_filepath": "fhem/FHEM/", + "x_raw": "", + "x_dev": { + "type": "git", + "url": "", + "web": "", + "x_branch": "master", + "x_filepath": "FHEM/", + "x_raw": "" + } + }, + "x_commandref": { + "web": "" + }, + "x_support_community": { + "board": "Sonstige Systeme", + "boardId": "29", + "cat": "FHEM - Hausautomations-Systeme", + "title": "FHEM - Hausautomations-Systeme >> Sonstige Systeme", + "web": ",29.0.html" + } + }, + "x_fhem_maintainer": [ + "HomeAuto_User", + "elektron-bbs" + ], + "x_fhem_maintainer_github": [ + "HomeAutoUser", + "elektron-bbs" + ] +} +=end :application/json;q=META.json =cut