mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 04:36:36 +00:00
several bugfixes, parser enhancements, see forum post for details
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@5224 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ UPD 2014-01-12_12:09:17 5144 www/frontend/app/view/StatusPanel.js
UPD 2014-01-12_12:55:22 10486 www/frontend/app/view/Viewport.js
UPD 2014-01-12_04:44:35 22438 www/frontend/app/controller/MainController.js
UPD 2014-01-12_02:49:58 16562 www/frontend/app/controller/StatusController.js
UPD 2014-01-12_03:28:35 109269 www/frontend/app/controller/ChartController.js
UPD 2014-03-14_05:50:19 111937 www/frontend/app/controller/ChartController.js
UPD 2013-06-30_11:46:54 5415 www/frontend/app/controller/TableDataController.js
UPD 2013-04-01_07:04:35 202 www/frontend/app/model/ReadingsModel.js
UPD 2013-04-01_07:04:36 338 www/frontend/app/model/SavedChartsModel.js
@ -239,12 +239,21 @@ Ext.define('FHEM.controller.ChartController', {
var splitArr = row.split(" "),
i = 2; // 2 is needed as offset, because get function starts at one and our array at 0
Ext.each(splitArr, function(key) {
if (key.lastIndexOf(":") + 1 === key.length &&
// first we need to check if key is empty string, which can be caused by logfiles
// that contain multiple spaces between key / values in one row...
// in that case, we will skip the entry
if (key !== "" &&
key.lastIndexOf(":") + 1 === key.length &&
!Ext.Array.contains(keyArray, key.replace(":", ""))) {
keyArray.push(key.replace(":", ""));
// only raise counter when key is not empty string (multiple whitespaces),
// as the get function will exactly work like this
if (key !== "") {
@ -781,10 +790,10 @@ Ext.define('FHEM.controller.ChartController', {
// last fallback, similar to parseint
queryString += '$fld[3]*1';
queryString += '$fld[' + (yaxisindex - 1) + ']*1';
// add closing brackets
for (bracket = 1; bracket < count; bracket++) {
for (var bracket = 1; bracket < count; bracket++) {
queryString += ")";
@ -1328,8 +1337,10 @@ Ext.define('FHEM.controller.ChartController', {
* reset the form fields e.g. when loading a new chart
resetFormFields: function() {
this.getLinechartpanel().axiscounter = 0;
//remove a possibly set record of the last loaded chart
this.getLinechartpanel().record = null;
var fieldset = this.getChartformpanel().down('fieldset[name=axesfieldset]');
@ -1396,196 +1407,233 @@ Ext.define('FHEM.controller.ChartController', {
* save the current chart to database
* save the current chart
saveChartData: function() {
saveChartData: function(btn, evt, savename, scope) {
var me = this;
var me = scope ? scope : this,
update = false,
lcp = me.getLinechartpanel();
Ext.Msg.prompt("Select a name", "Enter a name to save the Chart", function(action, savename) {
if (action === "ok" && !Ext.isEmpty(savename)) {
//replacing spaces in name
savename = savename.replace(/ /g, "_");
//replacing + in name
savename = savename.replace(/\+/g, "_");
// detect if we have a loaded chart or a new one
if (lcp && lcp.record && lcp.record !== null) {
// we have a already saved chart, need to update
savename = lcp.record.NAME;
update = true;
} else {
// we got a new chart which needs to be saved
if (!savename || Ext.isEmpty(savename)) {
Ext.Msg.prompt("Select a name", "Enter a name to save the Chart", function(action, savename) {
if (action === "ok" && !Ext.isEmpty(savename)) {
me.saveChartData(null, null, savename, me);
}, me);
// we need to return as the script continues without waiting for user input
if (savename && !Ext.isEmpty(savename)) {
//replacing spaces in name
savename = savename.replace(/ /g, "_");
//replacing + in name
savename = savename.replace(/\+/g, "_");
//getting the necessary values
var logtypes = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('radiogroup[name=datasourceradio]'),
devices = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('combobox[name=devicecombo]'),
yaxes = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('combobox[name=yaxiscombo]'),
rowFieldSets = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('fieldset[commonName=singlerowfieldset]'),
axissideradio = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('radiogroup[name=axisside]'),
yaxesstatistics = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('combobox[name=yaxisstatisticscombo]'),
basesstart = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('numberfield[name=basestart]'),
basesend = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('numberfield[name=baseend]'),
basescolors = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('combobox[name=baselinecolorcombo]'),
basesfills = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('checkboxfield[name=baselinefillcheck]'),
//getting the necessary values
var logtypes = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('radiogroup[name=datasourceradio]'),
devices = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('combobox[name=devicecombo]'),
yaxes = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('combobox[name=yaxiscombo]'),
rowFieldSets = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('fieldset[commonName=singlerowfieldset]'),
axissideradio = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('radiogroup[name=axisside]'),
yaxesstatistics = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('combobox[name=yaxisstatisticscombo]'),
starttime = me.getStarttimepicker().getValue(),
dbstarttime = Ext.Date.format(starttime, 'Y-m-d_H:i:s'),
endtime = me.getEndtimepicker().getValue(),
dbendtime = Ext.Date.format(endtime, 'Y-m-d_H:i:s'),
dynamicradio = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('radiogroup[name=dynamictime]')[0],
generalization = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('radio[boxLabel=active]')[0],
generalizationfactor = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('combobox[name=genfactor]')[0].getValue(),
leftaxisconfiguration = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('radiogroup[name=leftaxisconfiguration]')[0].getChecked()[0].inputValue,
rightaxisconfiguration = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('radiogroup[name=rightaxisconfiguration]')[0].getChecked()[0].inputValue,
chart = me.getChart();
//setting the start / endtime parameter in the chartconfig to the string of the radiofield, gets parsed on load
if (this.getStarttimepicker().isDisabled()) {
dynamicradio.eachBox(function(box, idx) {
if (box.checked) {
dbstarttime = box.inputValue;
dbendtime = box.inputValue;
var jsonConfig = '{';
var i = 0;
Ext.each(devices, function(dev) {
basesstart = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('numberfield[name=basestart]'),
basesend = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('numberfield[name=baseend]'),
basescolors = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('combobox[name=baselinecolorcombo]'),
basesfills = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('checkboxfield[name=baselinefillcheck]'),
var logtype = logtypes[i].getChecked()[0].inputValue,
device = dev.getValue(),
yaxis = yaxes[i].getValue() ? yaxes[i].getValue() : yaxes[i].rawValue,
linestrokewidth = rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.linestrokewidth,
linecolorhexcode = rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.linecolorhexcode.toString(),
fillopacity = rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.fillopacity,
fillcolorhexcode = rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.fillcolorhexcode,
yaxisshowpoints = rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.yaxisshowpoints,
pointshape = rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.pointshape,
pointradius = rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.pointradius,
yaxissmoothing = rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.yaxissmoothing,
yaxislegendcheck = rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.yaxislegendcheck,
pointcolorhexcode = rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.pointcolorhexcode,
yaxisfillcheck = rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.yaxisfillcheck,
yaxisstepcheck = rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.yaxisstepcheck,
yaxisstatistics = yaxesstatistics[i].getValue(),
axisside = axissideradio[i].getChecked()[0].getSubmitValue(),
rightaxistitle = me.getChartformpanel().down('textfield[name=rightaxistitle]').getValue(),
leftaxistitle = me.getChartformpanel().down('textfield[name=leftaxistitle]').getValue();
//replacing spaces in title
rightaxistitle = rightaxistitle.replace(/ /g, "_");
leftaxistitle = leftaxistitle.replace(/ /g, "_");
//replacing + in title
rightaxistitle = rightaxistitle.replace(/\+/g, "_");
leftaxistitle = leftaxistitle.replace(/\+/g, "_");
if (i === 0) {
jsonConfig += '"y":"' + yaxis + '","device":"' + device + '",';
jsonConfig += '"logtype":"' + logtype + '",';
jsonConfig += '"linestrokewidth":"' + linestrokewidth + '",';
jsonConfig += '"linecolorhexcode":"' + linecolorhexcode + '",';
jsonConfig += '"fillopacity":"' + fillopacity + '",';
jsonConfig += '"fillcolorhexcode":"' + fillcolorhexcode + '",';
jsonConfig += '"yaxisshowpoints":"' + yaxisshowpoints + '",';
jsonConfig += '"pointshape":"' + pointshape + '",';
jsonConfig += '"pointradius":"' + pointradius + '",';
jsonConfig += '"yaxissmoothing":"' + yaxissmoothing + '",';
jsonConfig += '"yaxislegendcheck":"' + yaxislegendcheck + '",';
jsonConfig += '"pointcolorhexcode":"' + pointcolorhexcode + '",';
jsonConfig += '"yaxisfillcheck":"' + yaxisfillcheck + '",';
jsonConfig += '"yaxisstepcheck":"' + yaxisstepcheck + '",';
jsonConfig += '"yaxisside":"' + axisside + '",';
jsonConfig += '"leftaxistitle":"' + leftaxistitle + '",';
jsonConfig += '"rightaxistitle":"' + rightaxistitle + '",';
starttime = me.getStarttimepicker().getValue(),
dbstarttime = Ext.Date.format(starttime, 'Y-m-d_H:i:s'),
endtime = me.getEndtimepicker().getValue(),
dbendtime = Ext.Date.format(endtime, 'Y-m-d_H:i:s'),
dynamicradio = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('radiogroup[name=dynamictime]')[0],
generalization = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('radio[boxLabel=active]')[0],
generalizationfactor = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('combobox[name=genfactor]')[0].getValue(),
leftaxisconfiguration = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('radiogroup[name=leftaxisconfiguration]')[0].getChecked()[0].inputValue,
rightaxisconfiguration = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('radiogroup[name=rightaxisconfiguration]')[0].getChecked()[0].inputValue,
chart = me.getChart(),
store = chart.getStore();
if (yaxisstatistics !== "none") {
jsonConfig += '"yaxisstatistics":"' + yaxisstatistics + '",';
} else {
var logtypename = "y" + (i + 1) + "logtype",
axisname = "y" + (i + 1) + "axis",
devicename = "y" + (i + 1) + "device",
sidename = "y" + (i + 1) + "axisside",
statsname = "y" + (i + 1) + "axisstatistics",
prefix = "y" + (i + 1);
jsonConfig += '"' + axisname + '":"' + yaxis + '","' + devicename + '":"' + device + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + logtypename + '":"' + logtype + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + prefix + 'linestrokewidth' + '":"' + linestrokewidth + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + prefix + 'linecolorhexcode' + '":"' + linecolorhexcode + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + prefix + 'fillopacity' + '":"' + fillopacity + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + prefix + 'fillcolorhexcode' + '":"' + fillcolorhexcode + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + prefix + 'yaxisshowpoints' + '":"' + yaxisshowpoints + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + prefix + 'pointshape' + '":"' + pointshape + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + prefix + 'pointradius' + '":"' + pointradius + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + prefix + 'yaxissmoothing' + '":"' + yaxissmoothing + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + prefix + 'yaxislegendcheck' + '":"' + yaxislegendcheck + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + prefix + 'pointcolorhexcode' + '":"' + pointcolorhexcode + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + prefix + 'axisfillcheck' + '":"' + yaxisfillcheck + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + prefix + 'axisstepcheck' + '":"' + yaxisstepcheck + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + sidename + '":"' + axisside + '",';
if (yaxisstatistics !== "none") {
jsonConfig += '"' + statsname + '":"' + yaxisstatistics + '",';
if(generalization.checked) {
jsonConfig += '"generalization":"true",';
jsonConfig += '"generalizationfactor":"' + generalizationfactor + '",';
if (leftaxisconfiguration === 'manual') {
var leftaxismin = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('numberfield[name=leftaxisminimum]')[0].getValue(),
leftaxismax = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('numberfield[name=leftaxismaximum]')[0].getValue();
if (Ext.isNumeric(leftaxismin) && Ext.isNumeric(leftaxismax)) {
jsonConfig += '"leftaxismin":"' + leftaxismin + '",';
jsonConfig += '"leftaxismax":"' + leftaxismax + '",';
} else {
Ext.Msg.alert("Error", "Left axis configuration is invalid, values will not be saved!");
if (rightaxisconfiguration === "manual") {
var rightaxismin = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('numberfield[name=rightaxisminimum]')[0].getValue(),
rightaxismax = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('numberfield[name=rightaxismaximum]')[0].getValue();
//setting the start / endtime parameter in the chartconfig to the string of the radiofield, gets parsed on load
if (this.getStarttimepicker().isDisabled()) {
dynamicradio.eachBox(function(box, idx) {
if (box.checked) {
dbstarttime = box.inputValue;
dbendtime = box.inputValue;
if (Ext.isNumeric(rightaxismin) && Ext.isNumeric(rightaxismax)) {
jsonConfig += '"rightaxismin":"' + rightaxismin + '",';
jsonConfig += '"rightaxismax":"' + rightaxismax + '",';
} else {
Ext.Msg.alert("Error", "Right axis configuration is invalid, values will not be saved!");
var j = 0;
Ext.each(basesstart, function(base) {
var basestart = basesstart[j].getValue(),
baseend = basesend[j].getValue(),
basecolor = basescolors[j].getDisplayValue(),
basefill = basesfills[j].checked;
jsonConfig += '"base' + j + 'start":"' + basestart + '","base' + j + 'end":"' + baseend + '",';
jsonConfig += '"base' + j + 'color":"' + basecolor + '","base' + j + 'fill":"' + basefill + '",';
jsonConfig += '"starttime":"' + dbstarttime + '","endtime":"' + dbendtime + '"}';
if (chart) {
//decide if we save to db or to file
var filelogbool = false,
dblogbool = false;
Ext.each(logtypes, function(typeradio) {
if (typeradio.getChecked()[0].inputValue === "filelog") {
filelogbool = true;
} else {
dblogbool = true;
if (filelogbool === true && dblogbool === false) {
var filelogrecfound = false;
// check for create or update
if (update === true) {
// find the current chart and relplace it
Ext.each(FHEM.filelogcharts, function(chart) {
if (chart.ID === lcp.record.ID) {
filelogrecfound = chart;
var jsonConfig = '{';
var i = 0;
Ext.each(devices, function(dev) {
var logtype = logtypes[i].getChecked()[0].inputValue,
device = dev.getValue(),
yaxis = yaxes[i].getValue(),
linestrokewidth = rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.linestrokewidth,
linecolorhexcode = rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.linecolorhexcode.toString(),
fillopacity = rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.fillopacity,
fillcolorhexcode = rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.fillcolorhexcode,
yaxisshowpoints = rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.yaxisshowpoints,
pointshape = rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.pointshape,
pointradius = rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.pointradius,
yaxissmoothing = rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.yaxissmoothing,
yaxislegendcheck = rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.yaxislegendcheck,
pointcolorhexcode = rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.pointcolorhexcode,
yaxisfillcheck = rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.yaxisfillcheck,
yaxisstepcheck = rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.yaxisstepcheck,
yaxisstatistics = yaxesstatistics[i].getValue(),
axisside = axissideradio[i].getChecked()[0].getSubmitValue(),
rightaxistitle = me.getChartformpanel().down('textfield[name=rightaxistitle]').getValue(),
leftaxistitle = me.getChartformpanel().down('textfield[name=leftaxistitle]').getValue();
//replacing spaces in title
rightaxistitle = rightaxistitle.replace(/ /g, "_");
leftaxistitle = leftaxistitle.replace(/ /g, "_");
//replacing + in title
rightaxistitle = rightaxistitle.replace(/\+/g, "_");
leftaxistitle = leftaxistitle.replace(/\+/g, "_");
if (i === 0) {
jsonConfig += '"y":"' + yaxis + '","device":"' + device + '",';
jsonConfig += '"logtype":"' + logtype + '",';
jsonConfig += '"linestrokewidth":"' + linestrokewidth + '",';
jsonConfig += '"linecolorhexcode":"' + linecolorhexcode + '",';
jsonConfig += '"fillopacity":"' + fillopacity + '",';
jsonConfig += '"fillcolorhexcode":"' + fillcolorhexcode + '",';
jsonConfig += '"yaxisshowpoints":"' + yaxisshowpoints + '",';
jsonConfig += '"pointshape":"' + pointshape + '",';
jsonConfig += '"pointradius":"' + pointradius + '",';
jsonConfig += '"yaxissmoothing":"' + yaxissmoothing + '",';
jsonConfig += '"yaxislegendcheck":"' + yaxislegendcheck + '",';
jsonConfig += '"pointcolorhexcode":"' + pointcolorhexcode + '",';
jsonConfig += '"yaxisfillcheck":"' + yaxisfillcheck + '",';
jsonConfig += '"yaxisstepcheck":"' + yaxisstepcheck + '",';
jsonConfig += '"yaxisside":"' + axisside + '",';
jsonConfig += '"leftaxistitle":"' + leftaxistitle + '",';
jsonConfig += '"rightaxistitle":"' + rightaxistitle + '",';
if (yaxisstatistics !== "none") {
jsonConfig += '"yaxisstatistics":"' + yaxisstatistics + '",';
if (!filelogrecfound) {
Ext.Msg.alert("Error", "Could not find the original Chart to update..");
} else {
var logtypename = "y" + (i + 1) + "logtype",
axisname = "y" + (i + 1) + "axis",
devicename = "y" + (i + 1) + "device",
sidename = "y" + (i + 1) + "axisside",
statsname = "y" + (i + 1) + "axisstatistics",
prefix = "y" + (i + 1);
jsonConfig += '"' + axisname + '":"' + yaxis + '","' + devicename + '":"' + device + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + logtypename + '":"' + logtype + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + prefix + 'linestrokewidth' + '":"' + linestrokewidth + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + prefix + 'linecolorhexcode' + '":"' + linecolorhexcode + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + prefix + 'fillopacity' + '":"' + fillopacity + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + prefix + 'fillcolorhexcode' + '":"' + fillcolorhexcode + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + prefix + 'yaxisshowpoints' + '":"' + yaxisshowpoints + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + prefix + 'pointshape' + '":"' + pointshape + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + prefix + 'pointradius' + '":"' + pointradius + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + prefix + 'yaxissmoothing' + '":"' + yaxissmoothing + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + prefix + 'yaxislegendcheck' + '":"' + yaxislegendcheck + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + prefix + 'pointcolorhexcode' + '":"' + pointcolorhexcode + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + prefix + 'axisfillcheck' + '":"' + yaxisfillcheck + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + prefix + 'axisstepcheck' + '":"' + yaxisstepcheck + '",';
jsonConfig += '"' + sidename + '":"' + axisside + '",';
if (yaxisstatistics !== "none") {
jsonConfig += '"' + statsname + '":"' + yaxisstatistics + '",';
filelogrecfound.TIMESTAMP = Ext.Date.format(new Date(), 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
filelogrecfound.VALUE = Ext.decode(jsonConfig);
if(generalization.checked) {
jsonConfig += '"generalization":"true",';
jsonConfig += '"generalizationfactor":"' + generalizationfactor + '",';
if (leftaxisconfiguration === 'manual') {
var leftaxismin = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('numberfield[name=leftaxisminimum]')[0].getValue(),
leftaxismax = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('numberfield[name=leftaxismaximum]')[0].getValue();
if (Ext.isNumeric(leftaxismin) && Ext.isNumeric(leftaxismax)) {
jsonConfig += '"leftaxismin":"' + leftaxismin + '",';
jsonConfig += '"leftaxismax":"' + leftaxismax + '",';
} else {
Ext.Msg.alert("Error", "Left axis configuration is invalid, values will not be saved!");
if (rightaxisconfiguration === "manual") {
var rightaxismin = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('numberfield[name=rightaxisminimum]')[0].getValue(),
rightaxismax = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('numberfield[name=rightaxismaximum]')[0].getValue();
if (Ext.isNumeric(rightaxismin) && Ext.isNumeric(rightaxismax)) {
jsonConfig += '"rightaxismin":"' + rightaxismin + '",';
jsonConfig += '"rightaxismax":"' + rightaxismax + '",';
} else {
Ext.Msg.alert("Error", "Right axis configuration is invalid, values will not be saved!");
var j = 0;
Ext.each(basesstart, function(base) {
var basestart = basesstart[j].getValue(),
baseend = basesend[j].getValue(),
basecolor = basescolors[j].getDisplayValue(),
basefill = basesfills[j].checked;
jsonConfig += '"base' + j + 'start":"' + basestart + '","base' + j + 'end":"' + baseend + '",';
jsonConfig += '"base' + j + 'color":"' + basecolor + '","base' + j + 'fill":"' + basefill + '",';
jsonConfig += '"starttime":"' + dbstarttime + '","endtime":"' + dbendtime + '"}';
//decide if we save to db or to file
var filelogbool = false,
dblogbool = false;
Ext.each(logtypes, function(typeradio) {
if (typeradio.getChecked()[0].inputValue === "filelog") {
filelogbool = true;
} else {
dblogbool = true;
if (filelogbool === true && dblogbool === false) {
} else {
// create the current chart object
var chartobject = {},
hash = 0,
@ -1607,42 +1655,56 @@ Ext.define('FHEM.controller.ChartController', {
// append the chartobject to the global FHEM.filelogcharts
} else {
var url = '../../../fhem?cmd=get+' + FHEM.dblogname + '+-+webchart+' + dbstarttime + '+' + dbendtime + '+';
url +=devices[0].getValue() + '+savechart+""+""+' + savename + '+' + jsonConfig + '&XHR=1';
method: 'POST',
disableCaching: false,
url: url,
success: function(response){
var json = Ext.decode(response.responseText);
if (json.success === "true" || json.data && json.data.length === 0) {
Ext.Msg.alert("Success", "Chart successfully saved!");
} else if (json.msg) {
Ext.Msg.alert("Error", "The Chart could not be saved, error Message is:<br><br>" + json.msg);
} else {
Ext.Msg.alert("Error", "The Chart could not be saved!");
failure: function() {
if (json && json.msg) {
Ext.Msg.alert("Error", "The Chart could not be saved, error Message is:<br><br>" + json.msg);
} else {
Ext.Msg.alert("Error", "The Chart could not be saved!");
} else {
var url;
// check for create or update
if (update === true) {
url = '../../../fhem?cmd=get+' + FHEM.dblogname + '+-+webchart+' + dbstarttime + '+' + dbendtime + '+';
url +=devices[0].getValue() + '+updatechart+""+""+' + lcp.record.ID + '+' + jsonConfig + '&XHR=1';
} else {
url = '../../../fhem?cmd=get+' + FHEM.dblogname + '+-+webchart+' + dbstarttime + '+' + dbendtime + '+';
url +=devices[0].getValue() + '+savechart+""+""+' + savename + '+' + jsonConfig + '&XHR=1';
method: 'POST',
disableCaching: false,
url: url,
success: function(response){
if (chart) {
var json = Ext.decode(response.responseText);
if (json.success === "true" || json.data && json.data.length === 0) {
Ext.Msg.alert("Success", "Chart successfully saved!");
} else if (json.msg) {
Ext.Msg.alert("Error", "The Chart could not be saved, error Message is:<br><br>" + json.msg);
} else {
Ext.Msg.alert("Error", "The Chart could not be saved!");
failure: function() {
if (chart) {
if (json && json.msg) {
Ext.Msg.alert("Error", "The Chart could not be saved, error Message is:<br><br>" + json.msg);
} else {
Ext.Msg.alert("Error", "The Chart could not be saved!");
}, this);
} else {
Ext.Msg.alert("Error", "No name for the chart has been found!");
@ -1729,6 +1791,9 @@ Ext.define('FHEM.controller.ChartController', {
if (chartdata && !Ext.isEmpty(chartdata)) {
// set the rec of the loading record to panel to detect if chart needs update or create on save
this.getLinechartpanel().record = record.raw.data;
//reset y-axis max
me.maxYValue = 0;
me.minYValue = 9999999;
@ -1782,6 +1847,9 @@ Ext.define('FHEM.controller.ChartController', {
} else {
yaxes[i].getStore().getProxy().url = url = '../../../fhem?cmd=get+' + FHEM.dblogname + '+-+webchart+""+""+' + chartdata.device + '+getreadings&XHR=1';
// disable the datasource selection, as changing this on a saved chart would be
// a lot of work...
rowFieldSets[i].styleConfig.linestrokewidth = chartdata.linestrokewidth || 2;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user