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Cron.pm: initial checkin

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@27867 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
herrmannj 2023-08-21 11:59:02 +00:00
parent 28d103adb5
commit 69634b8075

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@ -0,0 +1,681 @@
# $Id$
package FHEM::Scheduler::Cron;
use v5.14;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use POSIX qw( strftime );
use List::Util qw ( any first );
use Time::HiRes qw( time );
use Time::Local qw( timelocal );
no strict 'refs';
${ *{__PACKAGE__.'::REVISION'}} = ('$Id$' =~ m/^\$Id:\s*(.*)\s*\$$/)[0] || __PACKAGE__. ' (no SVN ID)';
# class
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $cron_text = shift;
my $param = shift;
my $self = bless {
}, $class;
*log = \&_log;
$self->log(5, '%s loaded', $REVISION) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
do {$self->{error} = sprintf("no cron expression"); last VALIDATE} if (not $cron_text);
do {$self->{error} = sprintf("cron expression exceeds limit"); last VALIDATE} if (length($cron_text) > 255);
last VALIDATE if (not $self->_parse_cron_text($cron_text));
# validate that the date can ever become true
if (scalar @{$self->{list_of_mdays}} ) {
my $first = $self->{list_of_mdays}->[0];
my $ok = 0;
$ok ||= 1 if ($first <= 29);
$ok ||= any { sub{ my $a = shift; any { $a == $_ } (1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) }->($_) } @{$self->{list_of_months}} if ($first == 30);
$ok ||= any { sub{ my $a = shift; any { $a == $_ } (1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12) }->($_) } @{$self->{list_of_months}} if ($first == 31);
if (not $ok) {
$self->{error} = "day and month will never become true";
$self->log(2, '%s', $self->{error}) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
# at that point all validations where passed
# $self->next();
# $self->log(2, '%s', $self->{error}) if ($self->{error} and $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG});
return $self;
# public entrance
# does validation and gate keeper functions
sub next {
my $self = shift;
my $from = shift;
# validate input
my $from_date = substr($from, 0, 8);
# internal method
return $self->_next($from);
# if the time where it was evaluated is in the past but before next date,
# it cant be different and we can skip the evaluation
#my $ts = $from // Time::HiRes::time();
#my $dt = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($ts));
#my $date_from = strftime("%Y%m%d", localtime($ts));
#print "$ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG} $date_from\n";
# is from_date == cached last calc ?
sub _next {
my $self = shift;
my $from = shift;
# validations have already been passed in the public next()
my $from_date = substr($from, 0, 8);
my $from_time = substr($from, 8, 6);
$self->log(5, 'date %s time %s', $from_date, $from_time) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
# thats the case on startup (undef) or when the day component changes
if ($from_date ne ($self->{current_work_date} // '')) {
# supposed to also set current_work_date to the next possible date
my $next_date = $self->_next_date($from_date);
#my $next_time; # = $self->_next_time(-1);
# if 'from_date' is the current day, we need to adjust the time component
if ($from_date == $next_date) {
$self->log(5, 'date unchanged: %s search next time after %s', $next_date, $from_time) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
return $self->_next($from); # day may change
} else {
my $next_time = $self->_next_time(-1);
$self->log(5, 'date changed: %s start time %s', $next_date, $next_time) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
return $next_date.$next_time;
} else {
my $next_time = $self->_next_time($from_time);
# carry over ?
# adjust date with +1 day
return $from_date.$next_time;
# evaluate different rules and return the earliest possiible date
sub _next_date {
my $self = shift;
my $from = shift; # date
my ($y, $m, $d) = ($from =~ m/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/);
$self->log(5, 'search next date at or after %04d%02d%02d', $y, $m, $d) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
# the mdays/months
if (scalar $self->{list_of_mdays}) {
$self->{next_calender_date} = $self->_next_calendar_date($y, $m, $d);
$self->log(5, 'next calendar date at or after %04d%02d%02d -> %s', $y, $m, $d, $self->{next_calender_date}) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
$self->{current_work_date} = $self->{next_calender_date};
sub _log {
my $self = shift;
my ($verbose, $message, @args) = @_;
no if $] >= 5.022, 'warnings', qw( redundant missing );
no warnings "uninitialized";
local $\ = "\n";
# printf ('%s#%d: ', (split '::', (caller(1))[3])[-1], (caller(0))[2]);
printf ('#%4d%20.20s: ', (caller(0))[2], (split '::', (caller(1))[3])[-1]);
printf($message, @args);
# parser functions
sub _parse_cron_text {
my $self = shift;
my $cron_text = shift;
my ($minute, $hour, $mday, $month, $wday, $remainder) = split /\s/, $cron_text;
$self->log(5, 'parse cron expression: %s', $cron_text) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
my $href = {};
my @list = split(',', $minute);
foreach my $item (@list) {
$self->log(5, 'about to parse minute item: %s', $item) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
if (not $self->_parse_minute_item($item, $href)) {
$self->{error} = "syntax error in minute item: $item";
$self->log(5, 'syntax error in minute item: %s', $item) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
# numerical sort keys and create the list
@{$self->{list_of_minutes}} = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$href;
$self->log(5, 'list_of_minutes: %s', join(',', @{$self->{list_of_minutes}})) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
my $href = {};
my @list = split(',', $hour);
foreach my $item (@list) {
$self->log(5, 'about to parse hour item: %s', $item) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
if (not $self->_parse_hour_item($item, $href)) {
$self->{error} = "syntax error in hour item: $item";
$self->log(5, 'syntax error in hour item: %s', $item) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
# numerical sort keys and create the list
@{$self->{list_of_hours}} = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$href;
$self->log(5, 'list_of_hours: %s', join(',', @{$self->{list_of_hours}})) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
my $href = {};
my @list = split(',', $mday);
# weired mday/wday logic:
# (1) if mday = * and wday = * then expand mdays (DO NOT expand wdays) (it would work but it doesnt make sense to use both)
# (2) if mday constrained and wday constained then expand mdays and wday (use both)
# (3) if mday = * and wday constained then DO NOT expand mdays but expand wday, ...
# (4) EXCEPTION: mdays = * and wdays constained with AND(&.).
# In that case, the result is similar to 3 and the 'AND(&.) will be converted to OR within the wday block (e.g.: * * * * 1,&5 will become * * * * 1,5)
# (5) if mday constrained and wday = * then expand mdays, DO NOT expand wdays
# - not specified: how to treat lists like *,1 or more weired *,* ? -> treat it as constrained (as in * * 1-31 * 0-6)
if (($mday eq '*' and $wday eq '*' ) or
($mday ne '*' and $wday ne '*' ) or
($mday ne '*' and $wday eq '*' )) {
foreach my $item (@list) {
$self->log(5, 'about to parse mday item: %s', $item) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
if (not $self->_parse_mday_item($item, $href)) {
$self->{error} = "syntax error in mday item: $item";
$self->log(5, 'syntax error in mday item: %s', $item) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
} else {
$self->log(5, 'ignore mdays because of mday/wday logic') if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
# numerical sort keys and create the list
@{$self->{list_of_mdays}} = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$href;
$self->log(5, 'list_of_mdays: %s', join(',', @{$self->{list_of_mdays}})) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
my $href = {};
my @list = split(',', $month);
foreach my $item (@list) {
$self->log(5, 'about to parse month item: %s', $item) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
if (not $self->_parse_month_item($item, $href)) {
$self->{error} = "syntax error in month item: $item";
$self->log(5, 'syntax error in month item: %s', $item) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
# numerical sort keys and create the list
@{$self->{list_of_months}} = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$href;
$self->log(5, 'list_of_months: %s', join(',', @{$self->{list_of_months}})) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
my $href_or = {};
my $href_and = {};
my @list = split(',', $wday);
# weired mday/wday logic:
# (1) if mday = * and wday = * then expand mdays (DO NOT expand wdays) (it would work but it doesnt make sense to use both)
# (2) if mday constrained and wday constained then expand mdays and wday (use both)
# (3) if mday = * and wday constained then DO NOT expand mdays but expand wday, ...
# (4) EXCEPTION: mdays = * and wdays constained with AND(&.).
# In that case, the result is similar to 3 and the 'AND(&.) will be converted to OR within the wday block (e.g.: * * * * 1,&5 will become * * * * 1,5)
# (5) if mday constrained and wday = * then expand mdays, DO NOT expand wdays
# - not specified: how to treat lists like *,1 or more weired *,* ? -> treat it as constrained (as in * * 1-31 * 0-6)
if (($mday ne '*' and $wday ne '*' ) or
($mday eq '*' and $wday ne '*' )) {
foreach my $item (@list) {
$self->log(5, 'about to parse wday item: %s', $item) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
# replace weekday abbreviation
my %w = (Sun => 0, Mon => 1, Tue => 2, Wed => 3, Thu => 4, Fr => 5, Sat => 6);
$item =~ s/(Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Sat)/$w{$1}/gie;
# RULE 4
$item =~ s/^[&]//s if ($mday eq '*' and $item =~ m/^[&].*/s);
my $res = 1;
$res &&= $self->_parse_wday_item($item, $href_or) if ($item =~ m/^[^&].*/s);
$res &&= $self->_parse_wday_item($item, $href_and) if ($item =~ m/^[&].*/s);
if (not $res) {
$self->{error} = "syntax error in wday item: $item";
$self->log(5, 'syntax error in wday item: %s', $item) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
} else {
$self->log(5, 'ignore wdays because of mday/wday logic') if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
# numerical sort keys and create the list
@{$self->{list_of_or_wdays}} = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$href_or;
$self->log(5, 'list_of_or_wdays: %s', join(',', @{$self->{list_of_or_wdays}})) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
@{$self->{list_of_and_wdays}} = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$href_and;
$self->log(5, 'list_of_and_wdays: %s', join(',', @{$self->{list_of_and_wdays}})) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
return 1;
# the following pvt functions expect one single list item from the corespondig cron text items,
# parse it and write the result to a hash_ref with the matching k/v set to 1
# the use of an hash ref is to speed up the list union afterwards to combine different list entries (if)
sub _parse_minute_item {
my ($self, $in, $href) = @_;
my ($start, $stop, $step);
# special treatment if x~x is found: randomize val within given range
if (my ($lower, $upper) = ($in =~ m/^(0*[0-9]|0*[1-5][0-9])~(0*[0-9]|0*[1-5][0-9])$/)) {
return if ($lower > $upper); # syntax error
my $random = $lower + int(rand($upper + 1 - $lower));
$self->log(5, 'found minute item to randomize: %s, converted to %d', $in, $random) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
$in = $random;
($step) = ($in =~ m/\/(0*[1-9]|0*[1-5][0-9])$/);
($start, $stop) = ($in =~ m/^([*]|0*[0-9]|0*[1-5][0-9])(?:-(0*[0-9]|0*[1-5][0-9]))?(?:\/(?:0*[1-9]|0*[1-5][0-9]))?$/);
return if (not defined($start) or ($start eq '*' and defined($stop))); # syntax error
$stop = (defined($step) or ($start eq '*'))?59:$start if (not defined($stop));
$start = 0 if $start eq '*';
return if ($start > $stop); # syntax error
$step //= 1;
for (my $i = $start; $i <= $stop; $i += $step) {
$href->{$i} = 1;
return 1;
# hour
sub _parse_hour_item {
my ($self, $in, $href) = @_;
my ($start, $stop, $step);
# special treatment if x~x is found: randomize val within given range
if (my ($lower, $upper) = ($in =~ m/^(0*[0-9]|0*[1][0-9]|0*2[0-3])~(0*[0-9]|0*[1][0-9]|0*2[0-3])$/)) {
return if ($lower > $upper); # syntax error
my $random = $lower + int(rand($upper + 1 - $lower));
$self->log(5, 'found hour item to randomize: %s, converted to %d', $in, $random) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
$in = $random;
($step) = ($in =~ m/\/(0*[1-9]|0*[1][0-9]|0*2[0-3])$/);
($start, $stop) = ($in =~ m/^([*]|0*[0-9]|0*1[0-9]|0*2[0-3])(?:-(0*[0-9]|0*1[0-9]|0*2[0-3]))?(?:\/(?:0*[1-9]|0*1[0-9]|0*2[0-3]))?$/);
return if (not defined($start) or ($start eq '*' and defined($stop))); # syntax error
$stop = (defined($step) or ($start eq '*'))?23:$start if (not defined($stop));
$start = 0 if $start eq '*';
return if ($start > $stop); # syntax error
$step //= 1;
for (my $i = $start; $i <= $stop; $i += $step) {
$href->{$i} = 1;
return 1;
# day of month
sub _parse_mday_item {
my ($self, $in, $href) = @_;
my ($start, $stop, $step);
($step) = ($in =~ m/\/(0*[1-9]|0*[1,2][0-9]|0*3[0,1])$/);
($start, $stop) = ($in =~ m/^([*]|0*[1-9]|0*[1,2][0-9]|0*3[0,1])(?:-(0*[1-9]|0*[1,2][0-9]|0*3[0,1]))?(?:\/(?:0*[1-9]|0*[1,2][0-9]|0*3[0,1]))?$/);
return if (not defined($start) or ($start eq '*' and defined($stop))); # syntax error
$stop = (defined($step) or ($start eq '*'))?31:$start if (not defined($stop));
$start = 1 if $start eq '*';
return if ($start > $stop); # syntax error
$step //= 1;
for (my $i = $start; $i <= $stop; $i += $step) {
$href->{$i} = 1;
return 1;
# month
sub _parse_month_item {
my ($self, $in, $href) = @_;
my ($start, $stop, $step);
($step) = ($in =~ m/\/(0*[1-9]|0*1[0-1])$/);
($start, $stop) = ($in =~ m/^([*]|0*[1-9]|0*1[0-2])(?:-(0*[1-9]|0*1[0-2]))?(?:\/(?:0*[1-9]|0*1[1-2]))?$/);
return if (not defined($start) or ($start eq '*' and defined($stop))); # syntax error
$stop = (defined($step) or ($start eq '*'))?12:$start if (not defined($stop));
$start = 1 if $start eq '*';
return if ($start > $stop); # syntax error
$step //= 1;
for (my $i = $start; $i <= $stop; $i += $step) {
$href->{$i} = 1;
return 1;
# wdays expands to 0..6 but accept 0..7
sub _parse_wday_item {
my ($self, $in, $href) = @_;
my ($start, $stop, $step);
($step) = ($in =~ m/\/([1-6])$/);
($start, $stop) = ($in =~ m/^&?([*]|0*[0-7])(?:-([0-7]))?(?:\/(?:[1-6]))?$/);
return if (not defined($start) or ($start eq '*' and defined($stop))); # syntax error
$stop = (defined($step) or ($start eq '*'))?6:$start if (not defined($stop));
$start = 0 if $start eq '*';
return if ($start > $stop); # syntax error
# adjust for sunday 0 or 7
$start %= 7;
$stop %= 7;
$step //= 1;
for (my $i = $start; $i <= $stop; $i += $step) {
$href->{$i} = 1;
return 1;
# Input is the time from which the next time is to be determined
# input hhmmss or -1: 'from' what time is the 'next' to be derived, -1 is 'first of day'
# return is greater to the input time (not including 'now') including a 'carry over' indicate 'another day'
sub _next_time {
my $self = shift;
my $from_time = shift;
# minus 1: first of day, required because 000000 means 'next' after 00:00, but never 00:00 itself. Case: day change first is midnight
# reset ptr to the very first position and return the result
if ($from_time == -1) {
$self->{hour_ptr} = 0;
$self->{minute_ptr} = 0;
return $self->{list_of_hours}->[0] * 1e4 + $self->{list_of_minutes}->[0] * 1e2;
my ($hour, $minute, $second) = ($from_time =~ m/(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/);
print "$from_time, $hour, $minute, $second\n";
my $found = undef;
# initialize ptr or use cached values
# the ptr points to the correspondig list entry
$self->{hour_ptr} //= sub {
my $i = 0;
# print "test month $_[0] \n";
return 0 if ($self->{list_of_hours}->[$i] >= $_[0]);
while ($self->{list_of_hours}->[$i] < $_[0] and $i < $#{$self->{list_of_hours}}) {$i++}
return $i}->($hour);
$self->{minute_ptr} //= sub {
my $i = 0;
# print "test mday $_[0] \n";
return 0 if ($self->{list_of_minutes}->[$i] >= $_[0]);
while ($self->{list_of_minutes}->[$i] < $_[0] and $i < $#{$self->{list_of_minutes}}) {$i++}
return $i}->($minute);
$self->log(5, 'pointer set: hour %d(%d) minute %d(%d)', $self->{hour_ptr}, $self->{list_of_hours}->[$self->{hour_ptr}], $self->{minute_ptr}, $self->{list_of_minutes}->[$self->{minute_ptr}]) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
#my $candiate = sprintf('%02d%02d%02d', $hour, $minute, $second)) {
#while (sprintf('%02d%02d%02d', $hour, $minute, $second)) {
# }
# Input is the date from which the next date is to be determined
# input array (year, month, mday) 'from'
# return is greater or equal to the input date
sub _next_special_date {
my $self = shift;
my ($year, $month, $mday) = @_;
printf('next weekday from: %4d%02d%02d %s', $year, $month, $mday, "\n");
# return if cache has a value
# test-candidate year
my $y = $year;
# test-candidate month
# initialize cache if not done already
if (not defined($self->{month_ptr_special})) {
$self->{month_ptr_special} = first { print "test $#{$self->{list_of_months}} $_ \n"; $self->{list_of_months}->[$_] >= $month } 0 .. $#{$self->{list_of_months}};
$self->{month_ptr_special} //= 0; # case month < first entry
my $m = $self->{list_of_months}->[$self->{month_ptr_special}];
$y++ if $m < $month;
my $d = ($m != $month)?1:$mday;
printf('first special date candidate: %4d%02d%02d ptr: %d %s', $y, $m, $d, $self->{month_ptr_special}, "\n");
# create a list with converted 'special' dates like 0#1 (first sunday in month)
@{$self->{list_of_special_wdays}} = ('0#5');
my @list;
my $href;
do {
my $first_wday = $self->get_weekday($y, $m, 1);
print "special date: first wday of $m is $first_wday \n";
foreach my $item (@{$self->{list_of_special_wdays}}) {
print "special item $item \n";
my ($wday, $number) = ($item =~ m/^([0-6])#([1-6])$/g);
print "special item: $item = $wday nr $number \n";
my $day_diff = ($wday + 7 - $first_wday) %7;
print "special item: day_diff $day_diff \n";
$day_diff += ($number - 1) * 7;
$day_diff += 1;
print "special item: day_diff $day_diff \n";
if ($self->is_valid_date($y, $m, $day_diff)) {
printf ("add to list %d %d %d \n", $y, $m, $day_diff);
push @list, sprintf('%4d%02d%02d', $y, $m, $day_diff);
# advance ptr
# first day of next available month
if ($self->{month_ptr_special} > $#{$self->{list_of_months}}) {
$self->{month_ptr_special} = 0;
$m = $self->{list_of_months}->[$self->{month_ptr_special}];
$d = 1;
} until (scalar @list)
# Input is the date from which the next date is to be determined
# input array (year, month, mday) 'from'
# return is greater or equal to the input date
sub _next_weekday_date {
my $self = shift;
my ($year, $month, $mday) = @_;
printf('next weekday from: %4d%02d%02d %s', $year, $month, $mday, "\n");
# return if cache has a value
# test-candidate year
my $y = $year;
# test-candidate month
# initialize cache if not done already
if (not defined($self->{month_ptr_wday})) {
$self->{month_ptr_wday} = first { print "test $#{$self->{list_of_months}} $_ \n"; $self->{list_of_months}->[$_] >= $month } 0 .. $#{$self->{list_of_months}};
$self->{month_ptr_wday} //= 0; # case month < first entry
my $m = $self->{list_of_months}->[$self->{month_ptr_wday}];
$y++ if $m < $month;
my $d = ($m != $month)?1:$mday;
printf('first weekday candidate: %4d%02d%02d ptr: %d %s', $y, $m, $d, $self->{month_ptr_wday}, "\n");
until (($self->{next_weekday_date} // 0) >= sprintf('%4d%02d%02d', $year, $month, $mday)) {
# weekday of candidate
my $wday = $self->get_weekday($y, $m, $d);
# first following upcoming wday from the 'or' list. if the first possible wday < current wday, add one week (7 days)
my $first = (first {$_ >= $wday} @{ $self->{list_of_or_wdays} }) // $self->{list_of_or_wdays}->[0] + 7;
# how many days in the future
my $day_diff = $first - $wday;
my $next_wday_in_month = $d + $day_diff;
printf('candidate %4d%02d%02d is weekday %d - next from \'or_list\' is %d - resulting in day %d %s', $y, $m, $d, $wday, $first, $next_wday_in_month, "\n");
# if $next_wday_in_month > days in month, advance ptr to next month
if ($self->is_valid_date($y, $m, $next_wday_in_month)) {
printf('candidate %4d%02d%02d on weekday %d is a valid date %s', $y, $m, $next_wday_in_month, $first % 6, "\n");
$self->{next_weekday_date} = sprintf('%4d%02d%02d', $y, $m, $next_wday_in_month);
# last;
} else {
# first day of next available month
if ($self->{month_ptr_wday} > $#{$self->{list_of_months}}) {
$self->{month_ptr_wday} = 0;
$m = $self->{list_of_months}->[$self->{month_ptr_wday}];
$d = 1;
# Input is the date from which the next date is to be determined
# input array (year, month, mday) 'from'
# return is greater or equal to the input date
sub _next_calendar_date {
my $self = shift;
my ($year, $month, $mday) = @_;
my $found = undef;
# initialize ptr or use cached values
# the ptr points to the correspondig list entry
$self->{month_ptr} //= sub {
my $i = 0;
# print "test month $_[0] \n";
return 0 if ($self->{list_of_months}->[$i] >= $_[0]);
while ($self->{list_of_months}->[$i] < $_[0] and $i < $#{$self->{list_of_months}}) {$i++}
return $i}->($month);
$self->{mday_ptr} //= sub {
my $i = 0;
# print "test mday $_[0] \n";
return 0 if ($self->{list_of_mdays}->[$i] >= $_[0]);
while ($self->{list_of_mdays}->[$i] < $_[0] and $i < $#{$self->{list_of_mdays}}) {$i++}
return $i}->($mday);
$self->log(5, 'pointer set: month %d(%d) mday %d(%d)', $self->{month_ptr}, $self->{list_of_months}->[$self->{month_ptr}], $self->{mday_ptr}, $self->{list_of_mdays}->[$self->{mday_ptr}]) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
my $year_next = $year;
my $candidate;
while (not $found) {
my ($y, $m, $d) = ($year_next, $self->{list_of_months}->[$self->{month_ptr}], $self->{list_of_mdays}->[$self->{mday_ptr}]);
# $candiate = sprintf('%4d%02d%02d', $year_next, $self->{list_of_months}->[$self->{month_ptr}], $self->{list_of_mdays}->[$self->{mday_ptr}]);
$candidate = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $y, $m, $d);
$self->log(5, 'test candidate %d', $candidate) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
# only to debug
# my $wday = $self->get_weekday($y, $m, $d);
# print "ceck candiate: $candiate wday: $wday\n";
# test date is valid (there is no 02-30, and 02-29 only in leap years) and
# date is greater or equal then the 'from' date
if ($self->is_valid_date($y, $m, $d) and $candidate >= sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $year, $month, $mday)) {
# weekdays with 'and' logic
# print "valid candiate: $candiate $wday\n";
$self->log(5, 'test candidate %d on wday %d against \'and\' list %s', $candidate, $self->get_weekday($y, $m, $d), join ',',@{$self->{list_of_and_wdays}}) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
if (scalar @{$self->{list_of_and_wdays}}) {
if (any {$_ == $self->get_weekday($y, $m, $d)} @{$self->{list_of_and_wdays}}) {
$found = 1;
} else {
$found = 1;
# advance ptr
if ($self->{mday_ptr} > $#{$self->{list_of_mdays}}) {
$self->{mday_ptr} = 0;
if ($self->{month_ptr} > $#{$self->{list_of_months}}) {
$self->{month_ptr} = 0;
$self->log(5, 'found candidate %d', $candidate) if $ENV{EXTENDED_DEBUG};
# print "exit: $self->{month_ptr} $self->{mday_ptr} \n";
return $candidate;
sub get_weekday {
my $self = shift;
my ($year, $month, $day) = @_;
# print "wday test $year, $month, $day \n";
if ($month < 3) {
$month += 12;
$year -= 1;
my $k = $year % 100;
my $j = int($year / 100);
# Berechnung des Wochentags mithilfe der Zeller-Congruenz
my $f = $day + int((13 * ($month + 1)) / 5) + $k + int($k / 4) + int($j / 4) - (2 * $j);
my $weekday_num = ($f + 6) % 7; # Modifikation, um Sonntag = 0 zu erhalten
return $weekday_num;
sub is_valid_date {
my $self = shift;
my ($year, $month, $day) = @_;
# Überprüfung der Gültigkeit von Jahr, Monat und Tag
return 0 if $year < 0 || $month < 1 || $month > 12 || $day < 1 || $day > 31;
# Liste der Tage pro Monat (ohne Schaltjahre)
my @days_in_month = (0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
# Schaltjahr-Überprüfung
if ($month == 2 && (($year % 4 == 0 && $year % 100 != 0) || $year % 400 == 0)) {
$days_in_month[2] = 29;
# Überprüfung, ob der Tag im gegebenen Monat existiert
return $day <= $days_in_month[$month];