mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 10:46:53 +00:00

00_ZWDongle.pm: neighborlist map stuff (Forum #54574)

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@11790 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
rudolfkoenig 2016-07-13 18:50:17 +00:00
parent 9161aaa577
commit 682c96fe2d
3 changed files with 50 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ ZWDongle_Initialize($)
$hash->{AttrFn} = "ZWDongle_Attr";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "ZWDongle_Undef";
$hash->{AttrList}= "do_not_notify:1,0 dummy:1,0 model:ZWDongle disable:0,1 ".
"homeId networkKey neighborListPos";
"homeId networkKey neighborListPos neighborListFmt";
$hash->{FW_detailFn} = "ZWDongle_fhemwebFn";
@ -148,7 +148,6 @@ ZWDongle_fhemwebFn($$$$)
my ($FW_wname, $d, $room, $pageHash) = @_; # pageHash is set for summaryFn.
my $js = "$FW_ME/pgm2/zwave_neighborlist.js";
my $np = AttrVal($d,'neighborListPos','360,430');
"<div id='ZWDongleNr'><a id='zw_snm' href='#'>Show neighbor map</a></div>".
@ -173,27 +172,41 @@ ZWDongle_nlData($)
my @a = devspec2array("TYPE=ZWave,FILTER=IODev=$d");
my (@dn, %nb, @ret);
my $fmt = eval AttrVal($d, "neighborListFmt",
'{ txt=>"NAME", img=>"IMAGE", title=>"Time to ack: timeToAck" }');
for my $e (@a) {
next if($defs{$e}{ZWaveSubDevice} ne "no");
my $title = ReadingsVal($e, "timeToAck", "");
$title = "timeToAck: $title" if($title);
my $img = ZWave_getPic(ReadingsVal($e, "modelId", ""));
my $h = $defs{$e};
next if($h->{ZWaveSubDevice} ne "no");
$h->{IMAGE} = ZWave_getPic(ReadingsVal($e, "modelId", ""));
my $nl = ReadingsVal($e, "neighborList", "");
$nl =~ s/,/ /g; $nl =~ s/\bempty\b//g;
my $pos = AttrVal($e, "neighborListPos", "");
push @dn, $e if($nl =~ m/\b$d\b/);
$nl = ReadingsVal($d, "neighborList_".hex($h->{nodeIdHex}), "")
$nl =~ s/,/ /g; $nl =~ s/\bempty\b//g;
push @dn, $e if($nl =~ m/\b$d\b/);
$nl = '"'.join('","',split(" ", $nl)).'"' if($nl);
push @ret, "\"$e\":{\"txt\":\"$e\",\"pos\":[$pos],\"class\":\"zwBox\",".
($title ? ",\"title\" : \"$title\"" : "").
($img ? ",\"img\" : \"$img\"" : "").
my %line = (
pos => '['.AttrVal($e, "neighborListPos", "").']',
class => '"zwBox"',
neighbors => '['.$nl.']'
my $r = $h->{READINGS};
my $a = $attr{$e};
for my $key (keys %{$fmt}) {
my $val = $fmt->{$key};
$val =~ s/\b(\w+)\b/{ $h->{$1} ? $h->{$1} :
$r->{$1} ? $r->{$1} :
$a->{$1} ? $a->{$1} : $1 }/ge;
$line{$key} = "\"$val\"" if($val ne $fmt->{$key}); # Skip unchanged
push @ret, "\"$e\":{". join(',',map({"\"$_\":$line{$_}" } keys %line)) ."}";
$nb{$e} = $nl;
my $pos = AttrVal($d, "neighborListPos", "");
my $nl = (@dn ? '"'.join('","',@dn).'"' : '');
push @ret, "\"$d\":{\"txt\":\"$d\", \"pos\":[$pos],".
@ -1120,6 +1133,21 @@ ZWDongle_Ready($)
<li><a name="networkKey">networkKey</a><br>
Needed for secure inclusion, hex string with length of 32
<li><a name="neighborListPos">neighborListPos</a><br>
Used by the "Show neighbor map" function in the FHEMWEB ZWDongle detail
screen to store the position of the box.
<li><a name="neighborListFmt">neighborListFmt</a><br>
Used by the "Show neighbor map" function in the FHEMWEB ZWDongle detail
screen. The value is a perl hash, specifiying the values for the keys
txt, img and title. In the value each word is replaced by the
corresponding Internal, Reading or Attribute of the device, if there is
one to replace. Default is
{ txt=>"NAME", img=>"IMAGE", title=>"Time to ack: timeToAck" }

View File

@ -5230,6 +5230,7 @@ s2Hex($)
text after an update. </li>
<li><a href="#ignore">ignore</a></li>
<li><a href="#neighborListPos">neighborListPos</a></li>
<li><a href="#noExplorerFrames">noExplorerFrames</a><br>
turn off the use of Explorer Frames

View File

@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ function
var s = '';
s += '<g data-name="'+o.txt+'">';
s += '<g data-name="'+o.name+'">';
s += '<title>'+o.title+'</title>';
s += '<rect x="'+o.x+'" y="'+o.y+'" rx="5" ry="5" '+
@ -203,19 +203,20 @@ zw_adjustLines(h, name)
var la = h[name].lines;
for(var i1=0; i1<la.length; i1++) {
var se = la[i1].split('-');
var attName = la[i1].replace(".", "\\.");
if(la[i1].indexOf(name) == 0) { // we are the from line
var p = zw_calcPos(h[se[0]], h[se[1]]);
$("svg line[data-name="+la[i1]+"]")
$("svg line[data-name="+attName+"]")
.attr("x1", p.x)
.attr("y1", p.y);
} else {
var p = zw_calcPos(h[se[1]], h[se[0]]);
$("svg line[data-name="+la[i1]+"]")
$("svg line[data-name="+attName+"]")
.attr("x2", p.x)
.attr("y2", p.y);
if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Trident") != -1) {
var svgNode = $("svg line[data-name="+la[i1]+"]")[0];
var svgNode = $("svg line[data-name="+attName+"]")[0];
svgNode.parentNode.insertBefore(svgNode, svgNode);