diff --git a/fhem/CHANGED b/fhem/CHANGED
index 86d24238f..0798cb014 100644
--- a/fhem/CHANGED
+++ b/fhem/CHANGED
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
+ - bugfix: 88_xs1Dev: new type shutter integrated (Forum #85137)
+ - bugfix: 88_xs1Bridge: actuator functions incorrect (Forum #85137)
- bugfix: 93_DbRep: fix perl warning
- bugfix: 38_netatmo: fixed public stations update, added fixed interval
- bugfix: 93_DbRep: V7.14.1, bugfix for PostgreSQL
diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/88_xs1Bridge.pm b/fhem/FHEM/88_xs1Bridge.pm
index 81ffba991..3abfb7f5e 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/88_xs1Bridge.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/88_xs1Bridge.pm
@@ -318,10 +318,13 @@ sub xs1Bridge_GetUpDate() {
+ my $i3 = 0; ## Counter für real Werte in xs1, da sonst Verschiebungen wenn User ID´s verschiebt, NOTWENDIG!
foreach my $f ( @array ) {
+ $i3++;
if ($f->{"type"} ne "disabled") {
my $xs1Dev = "xs1Dev";
### Aktoren spezifisch
my $xs1_function1 = "-";
my $xs1_function2 = "-";
@@ -331,65 +334,71 @@ sub xs1Bridge_GetUpDate() {
if ($i == 0) {
### xs1 Aktoren nur update bei differenten Wert
if ($update_only_difference == 1) {
- my $oldState = ReadingsVal($name, $readingsname[$i]."_".sprintf("%02d", $f->{"id"}), "unknown"); ## Readings Wert
+ my $oldState = ReadingsVal($name, $readingsname[$i]."_".sprintf("%02d", $i3), "unknown"); ## Readings Wert
my $newState = sprintf("%.1f" , $f->{"value"}); ## ARRAY Wert xs1 aktuell
- Debug " $typ: ".$readingsname[$i]."_".sprintf("%02d", $f->{"id"})." oldState=$oldState newState=$newState" if($debug);
+ Debug " $typ: ".$readingsname[$i]."_".sprintf("%02d", $i3)." oldState=$oldState newState=$newState" if($debug);
if ($oldState ne $newState) {
- readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $readingsname[$i]."_".sprintf("%02d", $f->{"id"}) , $newState, 1);
+ readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $readingsname[$i]."_".sprintf("%02d", $i3) , $newState, 0);
### xs1 Aktoren / Funktion != disable
- my @array2 = @{ $decoded->{'actuator'}->[($f->{"id"})-1]->{$arrayname[4]} };
+ my @array2 = @{ $decoded->{'actuator'}->[$i3-1]->{$arrayname[4]} };
my $i2 = 0; ## Funktionscounter
foreach my $f2 ( @array2 ) {
- $i2 = $i2+1;
+ $i2++;
### xs1 Option - Ansicht Funktionsname
if ($viewDeviceFunction == 1) {
- my $oldState = ReadingsVal($name, $readingsname[$i]."_".sprintf("%02d", $f->{"id"})."_".$arrayname[4]."_".$i2, "unknown"); ## Readings Wert
+ my $oldState = ReadingsVal($name, $readingsname[$i]."_".sprintf("%02d", $i3)."_".$arrayname[4]."_".$i2, "unknown"); ## Readings Wert
my $newState = $f2->{'type'}; ## ARRAY Wert xs1 aktuell
+ if ($oldState ne "unknown" && $newState eq "disabled") { ## FunktionReading del bei disable
+ Debug " $typ: "."Aktor_".sprintf("%02d", $i3)."_function_".$i2." are disabled" if($debug);
+ delete $hash->{READINGS}{"Aktor_".sprintf("%02d", $i3)."_function_".$i2} if($hash->{READINGS});
+ }
if ($f2->{"type"} ne "disabled") { ## Funktion != function -> type disable
if ($oldState ne $newState) {
- readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $readingsname[$i]."_".sprintf("%02d", $f->{"id"})."_".$arrayname[4]."_".$i2 , $f2->{"type"} , 0);
- }
- }
- } else {
- if ($f2->{"type"} ne "disabled") { ## Funktion != function -> type disable
- if ($i2 == 1) {
- $xs1_function1 = $f2->{"type"};
- }elsif ($i2 == 2) {
- $xs1_function2 = $f2->{"type"};
- }elsif ($i2 == 3) {
- $xs1_function3 = $f2->{"type"};
- }elsif ($i2 == 4) {
- $xs1_function4 = $f2->{"type"};
+ readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $readingsname[$i]."_".sprintf("%02d", $i3)."_".$arrayname[4]."_".$i2 , $f2->{"type"} , 1);
+ if ($f2->{"type"} ne "disabled") { ## Funktion != function -> type disable
+ if ($i2 == 1) {
+ $xs1_function1 = $f2->{"type"};
+ }elsif ($i2 == 2) {
+ $xs1_function2 = $f2->{"type"};
+ }elsif ($i2 == 3) {
+ $xs1_function3 = $f2->{"type"};
+ }elsif ($i2 == 4) {
+ $xs1_function4 = $f2->{"type"};
+ }
+ }
### Value der Aktoren | Sensoren
if ($i == 1 || $i == 0 && $update_only_difference == 0) { # Aktoren | Sensoren im intervall - Format 0.0 bzw. 37.0 wie aus xs1
- readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $readingsname[$i]."_".sprintf("%02d", $f->{"id"}) , sprintf("%.1f" , $f->{"value"}), 1);
- $xs1_data = $xs1Dev."#".$readingsname[$i]."#".sprintf("%02d", $f->{"id"})."#".$f->{"type"}."#".sprintf("%.1f" , $f->{"value"})."#"."$xs1_function1"."#"."$xs1_function2"."#"."$xs1_function3"."#"."$xs1_function4"."#".$f->{"name"};
+ readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $readingsname[$i]."_".sprintf("%02d", $i3) , sprintf("%.1f" , $f->{"value"}), 0);
+ $xs1_data = $xs1Dev."#".$readingsname[$i]."#".sprintf("%02d", $i3)."#".$f->{"type"}."#".sprintf("%.1f" , $f->{"value"})."#"."$xs1_function1"."#"."$xs1_function2"."#"."$xs1_function3"."#"."$xs1_function4"."#".$f->{"name"};
} elsif ($i == 0 && $update_only_difference == 1){ # Aktoren | nur bei DIFF - Format 0.0 bzw. 37.0 wie aus xs1
- $xs1_data = $xs1Dev."#".$readingsname[$i]."#".sprintf("%02d", $f->{"id"})."#".$f->{"type"}."#".sprintf("%.1f" , $f->{"value"})."#"."$xs1_function1"."#"."$xs1_function2"."#"."$xs1_function3"."#"."$xs1_function4"."#".$f->{"name"};
+ $xs1_data = $xs1Dev."#".$readingsname[$i]."#".sprintf("%02d", $i3)."#".$f->{"type"}."#".sprintf("%.1f" , $f->{"value"})."#"."$xs1_function1"."#"."$xs1_function2"."#"."$xs1_function3"."#"."$xs1_function4"."#".$f->{"name"};
### Ausgaben je Typ unterschiedlich !!!
- Debug " $typ: ".$readingsname[$i]."_".sprintf("%02d", $f->{"id"})." | ".$f->{"type"}." | ".$f->{"name"}." | ". $f->{"value"}." | "."F1 $xs1_function1 | F2 $xs1_function2 | F3 $xs1_function3 | F4 $xs1_function4" if($debug == 1 && $i == 0);
- Debug " $typ: ".$readingsname[$i]."_".sprintf("%02d", $f->{"id"})." | ".$f->{"type"}." | ".$f->{"name"}." | ". $f->{"value"} if($debug == 1 && $i != 0);
+ Debug " $typ: ".$readingsname[$i]."_".sprintf("%02d", $i3)." | ".$f->{"type"}." | ".$f->{"name"}." | ". $f->{"value"}." | "."F1 $xs1_function1 | F2 $xs1_function2 | F3 $xs1_function3 | F4 $xs1_function4" if($debug == 1 && $i == 0);
+ Debug " $typ: ".$readingsname[$i]."_".sprintf("%02d", $i3)." | ".$f->{"type"}." | ".$f->{"name"}." | ". $f->{"value"} if($debug == 1 && $i != 0);
### Namen der Aktoren | Sensoren
if ($viewDeviceName == 1) {
- readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $readingsname[$i]."_".sprintf("%02d", $f->{"id"})."_name" , $f->{"name"} , 0);
+ readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $readingsname[$i]."_".sprintf("%02d", $i3)."_name" , $f->{"name"} , 0);
### Dispatch an xs1Device Modul
@@ -397,6 +406,17 @@ sub xs1Bridge_GetUpDate() {
Debug " $typ: GetUpDate | Dispatch: $xs1_data" if($debug);
Dispatch($hash,$xs1_data,undef) if($xs1_data);
+ } else {
+ #### ID bzw. Speicherplatz xs1 ist disabled | Reading are delete ####
+ delete $hash->{READINGS}{$readingsname[$i]."_".sprintf("%02d", $i3)} if($hash->{READINGS});
+ delete $hash->{READINGS}{$readingsname[$i]."_".sprintf("%02d", $i3)."_name"} if($hash->{READINGS});
+ if ($i == 0) {
+ for my $count (1..4) {
+ delete $hash->{READINGS}{$readingsname[$i]."_".sprintf("%02d", $i3)."_function_".$count} if($hash->{READINGS});
+ }
+ }
+ #### #### #### ####
} elsif ($i == 2) { ### xs1 Info´s nur bei uptime Änderung
@@ -482,13 +502,17 @@ sub xs1Bridge_Write($) ## Zustellen von Daten via IOWrite() vom logischen zum
$Aktor_ID = substr($Aktor_ID, 1,2);
my $xs1cmd;
- if ($xs1_typ eq "switch") { ## Anpassung Sendebefehl xs1
+ if ($xs1_typ eq "switch" || $xs1_typ eq "shutter") { ## Anpassung Sendebefehl xs1
$xs1cmd = "http://$xs1_ip/control?callback=cname&cmd=set_state_actuator&number=$Aktor_ID&$cmd2";
} elsif ($xs1_typ eq "dimmer") {
if ($cmd eq "off") {
$cmd = 0;
$xs1cmd = "http://$xs1_ip/control?callback=cname&cmd=set_state_actuator&number=$Aktor_ID&value=$cmd";
+ } else {
+ ### keine Verarbeitung zum senden ####
+ Log3 $name, 3, "$typ: Write | $xs1_typ not control xs1";
+ last;
### HTTP Requests #### Start ####
@@ -627,7 +651,7 @@ sub xs1Bridge_Undef($$)
(This can happen more often with DLAN.)
define FileLog_xs1Bridge FileLog ./log/xs1Bridge-%Y-%m.log <name>
define FileLog_xs1Bridge FileLog ./log/xs1Bridge-%Y-%m.log <Name>