mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 04:36:36 +00:00
70_Pushover: add new attributes for expire and retry
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@13940 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,15 +20,11 @@ sub Pushover_Initialize($$) {
$hash->{UndefFn} = "Pushover_Undefine";
$hash->{SetFn} = "Pushover_Set";
$hash->{AttrList} =
"disable:0,1 disabledForIntervals do_not_notify:0,1 timestamp:0,1 title sound:pushover,bike,bugle,cashregister,classical,cosmic,falling,gamelan,incoming,intermission,magic,mechanical,pianobar,siren,spacealarm,tugboat,alien,climb,persistent,echo,updown,none device priority:0,1,-1,-2 callbackUrl "
"disable:0,1 disabledForIntervals do_not_notify:0,1 timestamp:0,1 title sound:pushover,bike,bugle,cashregister,classical,cosmic,falling,gamelan,incoming,intermission,magic,mechanical,pianobar,siren,spacealarm,tugboat,alien,climb,persistent,echo,updown,none device priority:0,1,2,-1,-2 callbackUrl retry expire "
. $readingFnAttributes;
#$hash->{parseParams} = 1; # not possible due to legacy msg command schema
$hash->{'.msgParams'} = { parseParams => 1, };
# a priority value of 2 is not predifined as for this also a value for
# retry and expire must be set which will most likely not be used with
# default values.
@ -134,15 +130,14 @@ sub Pushover_Set($@) {
unless ( $cmd =~ /^(msg|msgCancel|glance)$/i ) {
my $usage = "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of msg glance";
sort keys %{ $hash->{READINGS} };
my $cancelIds;
while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each %{ $hash->{READINGS} } ) {
if ( defined( $value->{VAL} )
&& $value->{VAL} ne ""
foreach my $key ( sort keys %{ $hash->{READINGS} } ) {
if ( defined( $hash->{READINGS}{$key}{VAL} )
&& $hash->{READINGS}{$key}{VAL} ne ""
&& $key =~ /^cbCancelId_(\d+)$/ )
$cancelIds .= "," if ($cancelIds);
$cancelIds .= $value->{VAL};
$cancelIds .= $hash->{READINGS}{$key}{VAL};
@ -752,25 +747,18 @@ sub Pushover_SetMessage {
Log3 $name, 5, "Pushover $name: called function Pushover_SetMessage()";
#Set defaults
# Set defaults
$values{title} = AttrVal( $hash->{NAME}, "title", "" );
$values{message} = "";
$values{device} = AttrVal( $hash->{NAME}, "device", "" );
$values{priority} = AttrVal( $hash->{NAME}, "priority", 0 );
$values{sound} = AttrVal( $hash->{NAME}, "sound", "" );
$values{retry} = "";
$values{expire} = "";
$values{retry} = AttrVal( $hash->{NAME}, "retry", "" );
$values{expire} = AttrVal( $hash->{NAME}, "expire", "" );
$values{url_title} = "";
$values{action} = "";
my $callback = (
defined( $attr{$name}{callbackUrl} )
&& defined( $hash->{fhem}{infix} )
? $attr{$name}{callbackUrl}
: ""
#Split parameters
# Split parameters
my $param = join( " ", @_ );
my $argc = 0;
if ( $param =~
@ -832,237 +820,27 @@ sub Pushover_SetMessage {
Log3 $name, 4, "Pushover $name: message=$values{message}";
#Remove quotation marks
if ( $values{title} =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s ) {
$values{title} = $1;
if ( $values{message} =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s ) {
$values{message} = $1;
if ( $values{device} =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s ) {
$values{device} = $1;
if ( $values{priority} =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s ) {
$values{priority} = $1;
if ( $values{sound} =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s ) {
$values{sound} = $1;
if ( $values{retry} =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s ) {
$values{retry} = $1;
if ( $values{expire} =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s ) {
$values{expire} = $1;
if ( $values{url_title} =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s ) {
$values{url_title} = $1;
if ( $values{action} =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s ) {
$values{action} = $1;
# Remove quotation marks
$values{title} = $1
if ( $values{title} =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s );
$values{message} = $1
if ( $values{message} =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s );
$values{device} = $1
if ( $values{device} =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s );
$values{priority} = $1
if ( $values{priority} =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s );
$values{sound} = $1
if ( $values{sound} =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s );
$values{retry} = $1
if ( $values{retry} =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s );
$values{expire} = $1
if ( $values{expire} =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s );
$values{url_title} = $1
if ( $values{url_title} =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s );
$values{action} = $1
if ( $values{action} =~ /^['"](.*)['"]$/s );
# check if we got a user or group key as device and use it as
# user-key instead of hash->USER_KEY
if ( $values{device} =~ /^(([A-Za-z0-9]{30}):)?([A-Za-z0-9,_-]*)(.*)$/ ) {
$values{USER_KEY} = $2 if ( $2 ne "" );
$values{device} = $3;
return $hash->{helper}{FAILED_USERKEYS}{ $values{USER_KEY} }
if ( $values{USER_KEY}
&& defined( $hash->{helper}{FAILED_USERKEYS}{ $values{USER_KEY} } )
# Check if all mandatory arguments are filled:
# "message" can not be empty and if "priority" is set to "2" "retry" and
# "expire" must also be set.
# "url_title" and "action" need to be set together and require "expire"
# to be set as well.
if (
$values{message} ne ""
&& ( ( $values{retry} ne "" && $values{expire} ne "" )
|| $values{priority} < 2 )
&& (
$values{url_title} ne ""
&& $values{action} ne ""
&& $values{expire} ne ""
|| ( $values{url_title} eq "" && $values{action} eq "" )
my $body;
$body = "title=" . urlEncode( $values{title} )
if ( $values{title} ne "" );
if ( $values{message} =~
&& $values{message} !~ /^nohtml:.*/ )
Log3 $name, 4, "Pushover $name: handling message with HTML content";
$body .= "&html=1";
# replace \n by <br /> but ignore \\n
$values{message} =~ s/(?<!\\)(\\n)/<br \/>/g;
elsif ( $values{message} =~ /^nohtml:.*/ ) {
Log3 $name, 4,
"Pushover $name: explicitly ignoring HTML tags in message";
$values{message} =~ s/^(nohtml:).*//;
# HttpUtil's urlEncode() does not handle \n but would escape %
# so we encode first
$values{message} = urlEncode( $values{message} );
# replace any URL-encoded \n with their hex equivalent but ignore \\n
$values{message} =~ s/(?<!%5c)(%5cn)/%0a/g;
# replace any URL-encoded \\n by \n
$values{message} =~ s/%5c%5cn/%5cn/g;
$body .= "&message=" . $values{message};
if ( $values{device} ne "" ) {
$body .= "&device=" . $values{device};
if ( $values{priority} ne "" ) {
$values{priority} = 2 if ( $values{priority} > 2 );
$values{priority} = -2 if ( $values{priority} < -2 );
$body .= "&priority=" . $values{priority};
if ( $values{sound} ne "" ) {
$body .= "&sound=" . $values{sound};
if ( $values{retry} ne "" ) {
$body .= "&retry=" . $values{retry};
if ( $values{expire} ne "" ) {
$body .= "&expire=" . $values{expire};
$values{cbNr} = int( time() ) + $values{expire};
my $cbReading = "cb_" . $values{cbNr};
until ( ReadingsVal( $name, $cbReading, "" ) eq "" ) {
$cbReading = "cb_" . $values{cbNr};
if ( 1 == AttrVal( $hash->{NAME}, "timestamp", 0 ) ) {
$body .= "×tamp=" . int( time() );
if ( $callback ne "" && $values{priority} > 1 ) {
Log3 $name, 5,
"Pushover $name: Adding emergency callback URL $callback";
$body .= "&callback=" . $callback;
if ( $values{url_title} ne ""
&& $values{action} ne ""
&& $values{expire} ne "" )
my $url;
if (
$callback eq ""
|| ( $values{action} !~ /^http[s]?:\/\/.*$/
&& $values{action} =~ /^[\w-]+:\/\/.*$/ )
$url = $values{action};
$values{expire} = "";
else {
$url =
. "?acknowledged=1&acknowledged_by="
. $hash->{USER_KEY}
. "&FhemCallbackId="
. $values{cbNr};
Log3 $name, 5,
"Pushover $name: Adding supplementary URL '$values{url_title}' ($url) with "
. "action '$values{action}' (expires after $values{expire} => "
. "$values{cbNr})";
$body =
. "&url_title="
. urlEncode( $values{url_title} ) . "&url="
. urlEncode($url);
# cleanup callback readings
keys %{ $hash->{READINGS} };
while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each %{ $hash->{READINGS} } ) {
if ( $key =~ /^cb_(\d+)$/ ) {
my $rTit = "cbTitle_" . $1;
my $rMsg = "cbMsg_" . $1;
my $rPrio = "cbPrio_" . $1;
my $rAct = "cbAct_" . $1;
my $rAck = "cbAck_" . $1;
my $rAckAt = "cbAckAt_" . $1;
my $rAckBy = "cbAckBy_" . $1;
my $rCancelId = "cbCancelId_" . $1;
my $rDev = "cbDev_" . $1;
Log3 $name, 5,
"Pushover $name: checking to clean up "
. $hash->{NAME}
. " $key: time="
. $1 . " ack="
. ReadingsVal( $name, $rAck, "-" )
. " curTime="
. int( time() );
if ( ReadingsVal( $name, $rAck, "0" ) eq "1"
|| $1 <= int( time() ) )
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$key};
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$rTit};
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$rMsg};
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$rPrio};
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$rAck};
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$rDev};
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$rAct}
if ( defined( $hash->{READINGS}{$rAct} ) );
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$rAckAt}
if ( defined( $hash->{READINGS}{$rAckAt} ) );
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$rAckBy}
if ( defined( $hash->{READINGS}{$rAckBy} ) );
delete $hash->{READINGS}{$rCancelId}
if ( defined( $hash->{READINGS}{$rCancelId} ) );
Log3 $name, 4,
"Pushover $name: cleaned up expired receipt " . $1;
return Pushover_SendCommand( $hash, "messages.json", $body, %values );
else {
# There was a problem with the arguments, so tell the user the
# correct usage of the 'set msg' command
if ( 1 == $argc && $values{title} eq "" ) {
"Please define the default title in the pushover device arguments.";
else {
"Syntax: $name msg ['<title>'] '<text>' ['<device>' <priority> '<sound>' "
. "[<retry> <expire> ['<url_title>' '<action>']]]";
return Pushover_SetMessage2( $hash, "msg", undef, \%values );
@ -1101,19 +879,21 @@ sub Pushover_SetMessage2 ($$$$) {
? $h->{priority}
: AttrVal( $hash->{NAME}, "priority", undef );
return "priority is out of scope"
return "parameter priority is out of scope"
unless ( !$values{priority} || $values{priority} =~ m/^-?\d+$/ );
return "timestamp is out of scope"
return "parameter timestamp is out of scope"
unless ( !$values{timestamp} || $values{timestamp} =~ m/\d+$/ );
$values{retry} = ( $h->{retry} ? $h->{retry} : undef );
return "retry is out of scope"
$values{retry} =
( $h->{retry} ? $h->{retry} : AttrVal( $name, "retry", undef ) );
return "parameter retry is out of scope"
unless ( !$values{retry}
|| ( $values{retry} =~ m/\d+$/ && $values{retry} >= 30 ) );
$values{expire} = ( $h->{expire} ? $h->{expire} : undef );
return "retry is out of scope"
$values{expire} =
( $h->{expire} ? $h->{expire} : AttrVal( $name, "expire", undef ) );
return "parameter retry is out of scope"
unless ( !$values{expire} || $values{expire} =~ m/\d+$/ );
return "priority 2 messages require parameters retry and expire"
@ -1122,19 +902,29 @@ sub Pushover_SetMessage2 ($$$$) {
&& !defined( $values{retry} )
&& !defined( $values{expire} ) );
return "priority 2 messages require parameter retry"
if ( $values{priority}
&& $values{priority} == 2
&& !defined( $values{retry} ) );
return "priority 2 messages require parameter expire"
if ( $values{priority}
&& $values{priority} == 2
&& !defined( $values{expire} ) );
$values{action} =
$h->{action} ? $h->{action} : ( $h->{url} ? $h->{url} : undef );
$values{url_title} = ( $h->{url_title} ? $h->{url_title} : undef );
return "url_title requires parameter action"
return "parameter url_title requires parameter action"
if ( defined( $values{url_title} )
&& !defined( $values{action} ) );
return "action requires parameter url_title"
return "parameter action requires parameter url_title"
if ( defined( $values{action} )
&& !defined( $values{url_title} ) );
return "messages containing a URL requires parameter expire"
return "messages containing a URL require parameter expire"
if ( defined( $values{action} )
&& defined( $values{url_title} )
&& !defined( $values{expire} ) );
@ -1167,11 +957,11 @@ sub Pushover_SetMessage2 ($$$$) {
$values{subtext} = ( defined( $h->{subtext} ) ? $h->{subtext} : undef );
$values{count} = ( defined( $h->{count} ) ? $h->{count} : undef );
return "count is out of scope"
return "parameter count is out of scope"
unless ( !$values{count} || $values{count} =~ m/-?\d+$/ );
$values{percent} = ( defined( $h->{percent} ) ? $h->{percent} : undef );
return "percent is out of scope"
return "parameter percent is out of scope"
unless (
|| ( $values{percent} =~ m/\d+$/
@ -1213,25 +1003,21 @@ sub Pushover_SetMessage2 ($$$$) {
$body = "title=" . urlEncode( $values{title} )
if ( defined( $values{title} ) );
if ( $values{message}
&& $values{message} =~
&& $values{message} !~ /^nohtml:.*/ )
Log3 $name, 4, "Pushover $name: handling message with HTML content";
$body .= "&html=1";
# replace \n by <br /> but ignore \\n
$values{message} =~ s/(?<!\\)(\\n)/<br \/>/g;
elsif ( $values{message} && $values{message} =~ /^nohtml:.*/ ) {
Log3 $name, 4,
"Pushover $name: explicitly ignoring HTML tags in message";
$values{message} =~ s/^(nohtml:).*//;
if ( $values{message} ) {
if ( $values{message} =~ /^\s*nohtml:\s*(.*)$/i ) {
Log3 $name, 4,
"Pushover $name: explicitly ignoring HTML tags in message";
$values{message} = $1;
elsif ( $values{message} =~
m/\<(\/|)[biu]\>|\<(\/|)font(.+)\>|\<(\/|)a(.*)\>|\<br\s?\/?\>/i )
Log3 $name, 4, "Pushover $name: handling message with HTML content";
$body .= "&html=1";
# replace \n by <br /> but ignore \\n
$values{message} =~ s/(?<!\\)(\\n)/<br \/>/g;
# HttpUtil's urlEncode() does not handle \n but would escape %
# so we encode first
@ -1781,6 +1567,12 @@ sub Pushover_CGI() {
<li><a name="PushoverAttrpriority"></a><code>priority</code><br>
Will be used as priority value if priority is not specified as an argument. Valid values are -1 = silent / 0 = normal priority / 1 = high priority
<li><a name="PushoverAttrexpire"></a><code>expire</code><br>
When message priority is 2, this default value will be used for expire when not provided in the message. Needs to be 30 or higher.
<li><a name="PushoverAttrretry"></a><code>retry</code><br>
When message priority is 2, this default value will be used for retry when not provided in the message.
<li><a name="PushoverAttrsound"></a><code>sound</code><br>
Will be used as the default sound if sound argument is missing. If left blank the adjusted sound of the app will be used.
@ -1957,6 +1749,12 @@ sub Pushover_CGI() {
<li><a name="PushoverAttrpriority"></a><code>priority</code><br>
Wird beim Senden als Priorität verwendet, sofern diese nicht als Aufrufargument angegeben wurde. Zulässige Werte sind -1 = leise / 0 = normale Priorität / 1 = hohe Priorität
<li><a name="PushoverAttrexpire"></a><code>expire</code><br>
Wenn die Nachrichten Priorität 2 ist, wird dieser Wert als Standard für expire verwendet, falls dieser nicht in der Nachricht angegeben wurde. Muss 30 oder höher sein.
<li><a name="PushoverAttrretry"></a><code>retry</code><br>
Wenn die Nachrichten Priorität 2 ist, wird dieser Wert als Standard für retry verwendet, falls dieser nicht in der Nachricht angegeben wurde.
<li><a name="PushoverAttrsound"></a><code>sound</code><br>
Wird beim Senden als Titel verwendet, sofern dieser nicht als Aufrufargument angegeben wurde. Kann auch generell entfallen, dann wird der eingestellte Ton der App verwendet.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user