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36_LaCrosseGateway.pm: new physical module for the LaCrosseGateway on ESP8266

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@12145 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
hcs-svn 2016-09-12 11:51:43 +00:00
parent 1bd55e154f
commit 665607db58
2 changed files with 624 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use Time::Local;
my $clients = ":PCA301:EC3000:LaCrosse:Level:EMT7110:KeyValueProtocol";
my %matchList = (
"1:PCA301" => "^\\S+\\s+24",
"2:EC3000" => "^\\S+\\s+22",
"3:LaCrosse" => "^(\\S+\\s+9 |OK\\sWS\\s)",
"4:EMT7110" => "^OK\\sEMT7110\\s",
"5:Level" => "^OK\\sLS\\s",
"6:KeyValueProtocol" => "^OK\\sVALUES\\s",
sub LaCrosseGateway_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
require "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/DevIo.pm";
$hash->{ReadFn} = "LaCrosseGateway_Read";
$hash->{WriteFn} = "LaCrosseGateway_Write";
$hash->{ReadyFn} = "LaCrosseGateway_Ready";
$hash->{DefFn} = "LaCrosseGateway_Define";
$hash->{FingerprintFn} = "LaCrosseGateway_Fingerprint";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "LaCrosseGateway_Undef";
$hash->{SetFn} = "LaCrosseGateway_Set";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "LaCrosseGateway_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = " Clients"
." MatchList"
." dummy"
." initCommands"
." timeout"
." disable:0,1"
." kvp:dispatch,readings,both"
." ownSensors:dispatch,readings,both"
." mode:USB,WiFi,Cable"
." $readingFnAttributes";
sub LaCrosseGateway_Fingerprint($$) {
sub LaCrosseGateway_Define($$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
if(@a != 3) {
my $msg = "wrong syntax: define <name> LaCrosseGateway {none | devicename[\@baudrate] | devicename\@directio | hostname:port}";
Log3 undef, 2, $msg;
return $msg;
my $name = $a[0];
my $dev = $a[2];
$hash->{Clients} = $clients;
$hash->{MatchList} = \%matchList;
if($dev eq "none") {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name device is none, commands will be echoed only";
$attr{$name}{dummy} = 1;
return undef;
$dev .= "\@57600" if( $dev !~ m/\@/ && $def !~ m/:/ );
$hash->{DeviceName} = $dev;
my $ret = LaCrosseGateway_Connect($hash);
return $ret;
sub LaCrosseGateway_Undef($$) {
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) {
if(defined($defs{$d}) && defined($defs{$d}{IODev}) && $defs{$d}{IODev} == $hash) {
my $lev = ($reread_active ? 4 : 2);
Log3 $name, $lev, "deleting port for $d";
delete $defs{$d}{IODev};
return undef;
sub LaCrosseGateway_RemoveLaCrossePair($) {
my $hash = shift;
sub LaCrosseGateway_Set($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $name = shift @a;
my $cmd = shift @a;
my $arg = join(" ", @a);
my $list = "raw connect LaCrossePairForSec flash parse reboot";
return $list if( $cmd eq '?' || $cmd eq '');
if ($cmd eq "raw") {
Log3 $name, 4, "set $name $cmd $arg";
LaCrosseGateway_SimpleWrite($hash, $arg);
elsif ($cmd eq "flash") {
my @args = split(' ', $arg);
my $log = "";
my @deviceName = split('@', $hash->{DeviceName});
my $port = $deviceName[0];
my $logFile = AttrVal("global", "logdir", "./log") . "/LaCrosseGatewayFlash.log";
my $hexFile = "./FHEM/firmware/JeeLink_LaCrosseGateway.bin";
return "The file '$hexFile' does not exist" if(!-e $hexFile);
$log .= "flashing LaCrosseGateway $name\n";
$log .= "hex file: $hexFile\n";
eval "use LWP::UserAgent";
return "\nERROR: Please install LWP::UserAgent" if($@);
eval "use HTTP::Request::Common";
return "\nERROR: Please install HTTP::Request::Common" if($@);
$log .= "Mode is LaCrosseGateway OTA-update\n";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "disconnected", 1);
$log .= "$name closed\n";
my @spl = split(':', $hash->{DeviceName});
my $targetIP = $spl[0];
my $targetURL = "http://" . $targetIP . "/ota/firmware.bin";
$log .= "target: $targetURL\n";
my $request = POST($targetURL, Content_Type => 'multipart/form-data', Content => [ file => [$hexFile, "firmware.bin"] ]);
my $userAgent = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $response = $userAgent->request($request);
if ($response->is_success) {
$log .= "\n\nSketch reports:\n";
$log .= $response->decoded_content;
else {
$log .= "\nERROR: " . $response->code . " " . $response->decoded_content;
$log .= "$name opened\n";
return $log;
elsif ($cmd eq "LaCrossePairForSec") {
my @args = split(' ', $arg);
return "Usage: set $name LaCrossePairForSec <seconds_active> [ignore_battery]" if(!$arg || $args[0] !~ m/^\d+$/ || ($args[1] && $args[1] ne "ignore_battery") );
$hash->{LaCrossePair} = $args[1]?2:1;
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$args[0], "LaCrosseGateway_RemoveLaCrossePair", $hash, 0);
elsif ($cmd eq "connect") {
return LaCrosseGateway_Connect($hash);
elsif ($cmd eq "reboot") {
LaCrosseGateway_SimpleWrite($hash, "8377e\n");
elsif ($cmd eq "parse") {
LaCrosseGateway_Parse($hash, $hash, $name, $arg);
else {
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of ".$list;
return undef;
sub LaCrosseGateway_OnInitTimer($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
LaCrosseGateway_SimpleWrite($hash, "v\n");
sub LaCrosseGateway_DoInit($) {
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $enabled = AttrVal($name, "disable", "0") != "1";
if($enabled) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "opened", 1);
if(AttrVal($name, "mode", "") ne "USB") {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() +3, "LaCrosseGateway_OnInitTimer", $hash, 1);
else {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "disabled", 1);
return undef;
sub LaCrosseGateway_Ready($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
return LaCrosseGateway_Connect($hash) if($hash->{STATE} eq "disconnected");
# This is relevant for windows/USB only
my $po = $hash->{USBDev};
my ($BlockingFlags, $InBytes, $OutBytes, $ErrorFlags);
if($po) {
($BlockingFlags, $InBytes, $OutBytes, $ErrorFlags) = $po->status;
return ($InBytes && $InBytes>0);
sub LaCrosseGateway_Write($$) {
my ($hash, $cmd, $msg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $arg = $cmd;
$arg .= " " . $msg if(defined($msg));
LaCrosseGateway_SimpleWrite($hash, $arg);
sub LaCrosseGateway_Read($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $buf = DevIo_SimpleRead($hash);
return "" if(!defined($buf));
my $data = $hash->{PARTIAL};
$data .= $buf;
while($data =~ m/\n/) {
my $rmsg;
($rmsg,$data) = split("\n", $data, 2);
$rmsg =~ s/\r//;
LaCrosseGateway_Parse($hash, $hash, $name, $rmsg) if($rmsg);
$hash->{PARTIAL} = $data;
sub LaCrosseGateway_DeleteKVPReadings($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
delete $hash->{READINGS}{"FramesPerMinute"};
delete $hash->{READINGS}{"RSSI"};
delete $hash->{READINGS}{"UpTime"};
sub LaCrosseGateway_HandleKVP($$) {
my ($hash, $kvp) = @_;
if($kvp =~ m/UpTimeText=(.*?)(\,|\ ,)/) {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "UpTime", $1);
if($kvp =~ m/RSSI=(.*?)(\,|\ ,)/) {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "RSSI", $1);
if($kvp =~ m/FramesPerMinute=(.*?)(\,|\ ,)/) {
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "FramesPerMinute", $1);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
sub LaCrosseGateway_DeleteOwnSensorsReadings($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
delete $hash->{READINGS}{"temperature"};
delete $hash->{READINGS}{"humidity"};
delete $hash->{READINGS}{"pressure"};
sub LaCrosseGateway_HandleOwnSensors($$) {
my ($hash, $data) = @_;
my @bytes = split( ' ', substr($data, 5) );
return "" if(@bytes < 14);
my $temperature = undef;
my $humidity = undef;
my $pressure = undef;
if($bytes[2] != 0xFF) {
$temperature = ($bytes[2]*256 + $bytes[3] - 1000)/10;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "temperature", $temperature);
if($bytes[4] != 0xFF) {
$humidity = $bytes[4];
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "humidity", $humidity);
if(@bytes > 15 && $bytes[14] != 0xFF) {
$pressure = $bytes[14] * 256 + $bytes[15];
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "pressure", $pressure);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
delete $hash->{READINGS}{"temperature"} if !$temperature;
delete $hash->{READINGS}{"humidity"} if !$humidity;
delete $hash->{READINGS}{"pressure"} if !$pressure;
sub LaCrosseGateway_Parse($$$$) {
my ($hash, $iohash, $name, $msg) = @_;
next if(!$msg || length($msg) < 1);
return if ($msg =~ m/^\*\*\*CLEARLOG/);
if($msg =~ m/^\[LaCrosseITPlusReader.Gateway/ ) {
$hash->{model} = $msg;
if (ReadingsVal($name, "state", "") eq "opened") {
if (my $initCommandsString = AttrVal($name, "initCommands", undef)) {
my @initCommands = split(' ', $initCommandsString);
foreach my $command (@initCommands) {
LaCrosseGateway_SimpleWrite($hash, $command);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "initialized", 1);
$hash->{"${name}_TIME"} = TimeNow();
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", $hash->{READINGS}{state}{VAL}, 0);
$hash->{RAWMSG} = $msg;
if($msg =~ m/^OK WS \d{1,3} 4 /) {
my $osa = AttrVal($name, "ownSensors", "dispatch");
if($osa eq "readings") {
LaCrosseGateway_HandleOwnSensors($hash, $msg);
elsif ($osa eq "both") {
LaCrosseGateway_HandleOwnSensors($hash, $msg);
else {
if($msg =~ m/^OK VALUES LGW/) {
my $osa = AttrVal($name, "kvp", "dispatch");
if($osa eq "readings") {
LaCrosseGateway_HandleKVP($hash, $msg);
elsif ($osa eq "both") {
LaCrosseGateway_HandleKVP($hash, $msg);
else {
return if AttrVal($name, "dispatchKVP", "1") ne "1";
Dispatch($hash, $msg, "");
sub LaCrosseGateway_SimpleWrite(@) {
my ($hash, $msg, $nocr) = @_;
return if(!$hash);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 5, "SW: $msg";
$msg .= "\n" unless($nocr);
$hash->{USBDev}->write($msg) if($hash->{USBDev});
syswrite($hash->{TCPDev}, $msg) if($hash->{TCPDev});
syswrite($hash->{DIODev}, $msg) if($hash->{DIODev});
# Some linux installations are broken with 0.001, T01 returns no answer
select(undef, undef, undef, 0.01);
sub LaCrosseGateway_Connect($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $enabled = AttrVal($name, "disable", "0") != "1";
if($enabled) {
my $ret = DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0, "LaCrosseGateway_DoInit");
return $ret;
return undef;
sub LaCrosseGateway_OnConnectTimer($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $attrVal = AttrVal($name, "timeout", undef);
if(defined($attrVal)) {
my ($timeout, $interval) = split(',', $attrVal);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $interval, "LaCrosseGateway_OnConnectTimer", $hash, 0);
my $LaCrosseGatewayTime = InternalVal($name, "${name}_TIME", "2000-01-01 00:00:00");
my ($date, $time, $year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec, $timestamp);
($date, $time) = split( ' ', $LaCrosseGatewayTime);
($year, $month, $day) = split( '-', $date);
($hour, $min, $sec) = split( ':', $time);
$month -= 01;
$timestamp = timelocal($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year);
if (gettimeofday() - $timestamp > $timeout) {
return LaCrosseGateway_Connect($hash);
sub LaCrosseGateway_Attr(@) {
my ($cmd,$name,$aName,$aVal) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if( $aName eq "Clients" ) {
$hash->{Clients} = $aVal;
$hash->{Clients} = $clients if( !$hash->{Clients});
elsif ($aName eq "timeout") {
return "Usage: attr $name $aName <timeout,checkInterval>" if($aVal && $aVal !~ m/^[0-9]{1,6},[0-9]{1,6}$/);
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "LaCrosseGateway_OnConnectTimer");
if($aVal) {
my ($timeout, $interval) = split(',', $aVal);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$interval, "LaCrosseGateway_OnConnectTimer", $hash, 0);
elsif ($aName eq "disable") {
if($aVal eq "1") {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "disabled", 1);
$hash->{"RAWMSG"} = "";
$hash->{"model"} = "";
else {
if($hash->{READINGS}{state}{VAL} eq "disabled") {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "disconnected", 1);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1, "LaCrosseGateway_Connect", $hash, 0);
elsif ($aName eq "MatchList") {
my $match_list;
if( $cmd eq "set" ) {
$match_list = eval $aVal;
if( $@ ) {
Log3 $name, 2, $name .": $aVal: ". $@;
if (ref($match_list) eq 'HASH') {
$hash->{MatchList} = $match_list;
else {
$hash->{MatchList} = \%matchList;
Log3 $name, 2, $name .": $aVal: not a HASH" if( $aVal );
elsif ($aName eq "ownSensors" && $aVal eq "dispatch") {
elsif ($aName eq "kvp" && $aVal eq "dispatch") {
return undef;
=item summary The IODevice for the LaCrosseGateway
=item summary_DE Das IODevice für das LaCrosseGateway
=begin html
<a name="LaCrosseGateway"></a>
For more information about the LaCrosseGateway see here: <a href="http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/LaCrosseGateway">FHEM wiki</a>
<a name="LaCrosseGateway_Define"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; LaCrosseGateway &lt;device&gt;</code> <br>
&lt;device&gt; specifies the serial port to communicate with the LaCrosseGateway.
The name of the serial-device depends on your distribution, under
linux it is something like /dev/ttyACM0 or /dev/ttyUSB0.<br><br>
<a name="LaCrosseGateway_Set"></a>
<li>raw &lt;data&gt;<br>
send &lt;data&gt; to the LaCrosseGateway. The possible commands can be found in the wiki.
tries to (re-)connect to the LaCrosseGateway. It does not reset the LaCrosseGateway but only try to get a connection to it.
Reboots the ESP8266. Works only if we are connected (state is opened or initialized)
<li>LaCrossePairForSec &lt;sec&gt; [ignore_battery]<br>
enable autocreate of new LaCrosse sensors for &lt;sec&gt; seconds. If ignore_battery is not given only sensors
sending the 'new battery' flag will be created.
The LaCrosseGateway needs the right firmware to be able to receive and deliver the sensor data to fhem.
This provides a way to flash it directly from FHEM.<br><br>
<a name="LaCrosseGateway_Get"></a>
<a name="LaCrosseGateway_Attr"></a>
The received data gets distributed to a client (e.g. LaCrosse, EMT7110, ...) that handles the data.
This attribute tells, which are the clients, that handle the data. If you add a new module to FHEM, that shall handle
data distributed by the LaCrosseGateway module, you must add it to the Clients attribute.
Can be set to a perl expression that returns a hash that is used as the MatchList<br>
Space separated list of commands to send for device initialization.<br>
format: &lt;timeout, checkInterval&gt;
Checks every 'checkInterval' seconds if the last data reception is longer than 'timout' seconds ago.<br>
If this is the case, a new connect will be tried.
if disabled, it does not try to connect and does not dispatch data
defines how the incoming KVP-data of the LGW is handled<br>
dispatch: (default) dispatch it to a KVP device<br>
readings: create readings (e.g. RSSI, ...) in this device<br>
both: dispatch and create readings
defines how the incoming data of the internal LGW sensors is handled<br>
dispatch: (default) dispatch it to a LaCrosse device<br>
readings: create readings (e.g. temperature, humidity, ...) in this device<br>
both: dispatch and create readings
USB, WiFi or Cable<br>
Depending on how the LGW ist connected, it must be handled differently (init, ...)
=end html

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@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ FHEM/36_JeeLink.pm justme1968 http://forum.fhem.de Sonstige
FHEM/36_KeyValueProtocol.pm HCS http://forum.fhem.de Sonstige Systeme
FHEM/36_PCA301.pm justme1968 http://forum.fhem.de Sonstige Systeme
FHEM/36_LaCrosse.pm HCS http://forum.fhem.de Sonstige Systeme
FHEM/36_LaCrosseGateway.pm HCS http://forum.fhem.de Sonstige Systeme
FHEM/36_EMT7110.pm HCS http://forum.fhem.de Sonstige Systeme
FHEM/36_Level.pm HCS http://forum.fhem.de Sonstige Systeme
FHEM/36_WMBUS.pm kaihs http://forum.fhem.de Sonstige Systeme