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synced 2025-03-10 09:16:53 +00:00
THZ: implemented draft of THZ_Testloopapproach()
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@15081 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -297,22 +297,22 @@ my %sets439technician =(
my %sets439539common = (
"pOpMode" => {cmd2=>"0A0112", type => "2opmode"}, # 1 Standby bereitschaft; 11 in Automatic; 3 DAYmode; SetbackMode; DHWmode; Manual; Emergency
"p01RoomTempDayHC1" => {cmd2=>"0B0005", argMin => "12", argMax => "27", type =>"5temp", unit =>" °C"},
"p02RoomTempNightHC1" => {cmd2=>"0B0008", argMin => "12", argMax => "27", type =>"5temp", unit =>" °C"},
"p03RoomTempStandbyHC1" => {cmd2=>"0B013D", argMin => "12", argMax => "27", type =>"5temp", unit =>" °C"},
"p01RoomTempDayHC1SummerMode" => {cmd2=>"0B0569", argMin => "12", argMax => "27", type =>"5temp", unit =>" °C"},
"p02RoomTempNightHC1SummerMode" => {cmd2=>"0B056B", argMin => "12", argMax => "27", type =>"5temp", unit =>" °C"},
"p03RoomTempStandbyHC1SummerMode" => {cmd2=>"0B056A", argMin => "12", argMax => "27", type =>"5temp", unit =>" °C"},
"p01RoomTempDayHC1" => {cmd2=>"0B0005", argMin => "12", argMax => "28", type =>"5temp", unit =>" °C"},
"p02RoomTempNightHC1" => {cmd2=>"0B0008", argMin => "12", argMax => "28", type =>"5temp", unit =>" °C"},
"p03RoomTempStandbyHC1" => {cmd2=>"0B013D", argMin => "12", argMax => "28", type =>"5temp", unit =>" °C"},
"p01RoomTempDayHC1SummerMode" => {cmd2=>"0B0569", argMin => "12", argMax => "28", type =>"5temp", unit =>" °C"},
"p02RoomTempNightHC1SummerMode" => {cmd2=>"0B056B", argMin => "12", argMax => "28", type =>"5temp", unit =>" °C"},
"p03RoomTempStandbyHC1SummerMode" => {cmd2=>"0B056A", argMin => "12", argMax => "28", type =>"5temp", unit =>" °C"},
"p13GradientHC1" => {cmd2=>"0B010E", argMin => "0.1", argMax => "5", type =>"6gradient", unit =>""}, # 0..5 rappresentato/100
"p14LowEndHC1" => {cmd2=>"0B059E", argMin => "0", argMax => "10", type =>"5temp", unit =>" K"}, #in °K 0..20°K rappresentato/10
"p15RoomInfluenceHC1" => {cmd2=>"0B010F", argMin => "0", argMax => "100", type =>"0clean", unit =>" %"},
"p19FlowProportionHC1" => {cmd2=>"0B059D", argMin => "0", argMax => "100", type =>"1clean", unit =>" %"}, #in % 0..100%
"p01RoomTempDayHC2" => {cmd2=>"0C0005", argMin => "12", argMax => "27", type =>"5temp", unit =>" °C"},
"p02RoomTempNightHC2" => {cmd2=>"0C0008", argMin => "12", argMax => "27", type =>"5temp", unit =>" °C"},
"p03RoomTempStandbyHC2" => {cmd2=>"0C013D", argMin => "12", argMax => "27", type =>"5temp", unit =>" °C"},
"p01RoomTempDayHC2SummerMode" => {cmd2=>"0C0569", argMin => "12", argMax => "27", type =>"5temp", unit =>" °C"},
"p02RoomTempNightHC2SummerMode" => {cmd2=>"0C056B", argMin => "12", argMax => "27", type =>"5temp", unit =>" °C"},
"p03RoomTempStandbyHC2SummerMode" => {cmd2=>"0C056A", argMin => "12", argMax => "27", type =>"5temp", unit =>" °C"},
"p01RoomTempDayHC2" => {cmd2=>"0C0005", argMin => "12", argMax => "28", type =>"5temp", unit =>" °C"},
"p02RoomTempNightHC2" => {cmd2=>"0C0008", argMin => "12", argMax => "28", type =>"5temp", unit =>" °C"},
"p03RoomTempStandbyHC2" => {cmd2=>"0C013D", argMin => "12", argMax => "28", type =>"5temp", unit =>" °C"},
"p01RoomTempDayHC2SummerMode" => {cmd2=>"0C0569", argMin => "12", argMax => "28", type =>"5temp", unit =>" °C"},
"p02RoomTempNightHC2SummerMode" => {cmd2=>"0C056B", argMin => "12", argMax => "28", type =>"5temp", unit =>" °C"},
"p03RoomTempStandbyHC2SummerMode" => {cmd2=>"0C056A", argMin => "12", argMax => "28", type =>"5temp", unit =>" °C"},
"p16GradientHC2" => {cmd2=>"0C010E", argMin => "0.1", argMax => "5", type =>"6gradient", unit =>""}, # /100
"p17LowEndHC2" => {cmd2=>"0C059E", argMin => "0", argMax => "10", type =>"5temp", unit =>" K"},
"p18RoomInfluenceHC2" => {cmd2=>"0C010F", argMin => "0", argMax => "100", type =>"0clean", unit =>" %"},
@ -617,15 +617,15 @@ my %getsonly2xx = (
"sTimedate" => {cmd2=>"FC", type =>"FCtime206", unit =>""},
my %getsonly206 = (
"sHC1" => {cmd2=>"F4", type =>"F4hc1", unit =>""},
"pFan" => {cmd2=>"01", type =>"01pxx206", unit =>""},
"sLast10errors" => {cmd2=>"D1", type =>"D1last206", unit =>""},
"sHC1" => {cmd2=>"F4", type =>"F4hc1", unit =>""},
"pFan" => {cmd2=>"01", type =>"01pxx206", unit =>""},
"sLast10errors" => {cmd2=>"D1", type =>"D1last206", unit =>""},
"sFirmware" => {cmd2=>"FD", type =>"FDfirm", unit =>""},
"sFirmware-Id" => {cmd2=>"FE", type =>"FEfirmId", unit =>""},
my %getsonly214 = (
"pFan" => {cmd2=>"01", type =>"01pxx214", unit =>""},
"sHC1" => {cmd2=>"F4", type =>"F4hc1214", unit =>""},
"sHC1" => {cmd2=>"F4", type =>"F4hc1214", unit =>""},
@ -733,6 +733,7 @@ sub THZ_Define($$) {
sub THZ_Refresh_all_gets($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
# unlink("data.txt");
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 5, "thzversion = $thzversion ";
@ -761,9 +762,16 @@ sub THZ_GetRefresh($) {
my $interval = AttrVal($name, ("interval_".$command), 0);
if (AttrVal($name, "nonblocking" , "0") =~ /1/ ) {
if (!(exists($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}))) {
DevIo_CloseDev($hash); #close device in parent process
#DevIo_CloseDev($hash); #close device in parent process
my $bctimeout = (AttrVal($name, "simpleReadTimeout", "0.5"))*2 +1;
my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName};
#$hash->{connection} =$hash->{STATE} ."||". $hash->{USBDev} ."||". $hash->{TCPDev} ."||". $hash->{conn} ."||". $hash->{FD} ."||". $selectlist{"$name.$dev"} ;
$hash->{connection} =$hash->{STATE} ."||". $hash->{TCPDev} ."||". $hash->{FD} ."||". $selectlist{"$name.$dev"} ;
Log3 $hash, 3, $hash->{connection};
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("THZ_GetNB", $name."|".$command, "THZ_GetNBDone", $bctimeout, "THZ_GetNBAbort", $hash);
Log3 $hash, 3, "[$name] THZ_GetRefresh($command) BlockingCall started";
@ -785,7 +793,7 @@ sub THZ_GetRefresh($) {
my $sFirmwareId = join('', (split(/ |:/, ReadingsVal($name,"sFirmware-Id"," : : : ")))[0..6]);
my $sFirmware= (split(/ /, ReadingsVal($name,"sFirmware"," ")))[1];
$hash->{model}= sprintf("%.5s%s%s", AttrVal($name,"firmware","n.a.")."______", $sFirmware, $sFirmwareId);
@ -811,19 +819,64 @@ sub THZ_Write($$) {
sub THZ_Read($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $buf = DevIo_SimpleRead($hash);
return "" if(!defined($buf));
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $data = $hash->{PARTIAL} . uc(unpack('H*', $buf));
Log3 $name, 3, "$name/RAW: $data";
$hash->{helper}{PARTIAL} .= uc(unpack('H*', $buf));
my $msg=$hash->{helper}{PARTIAL};
my $err;
if ( !defined($hash->{helper}{step}) or (length($msg) == 1) or (($msg =~ m/^01/) and ($msg !~ m/1003$/m ))) {}
else {
if ($hash->{helper}{step} eq "step0") { #Expectedanswer0 is "10" DLE data link escape
if ($msg ne "10") {$err .= " THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0 $msg"; $err .=" NAK!!" if ($msg eq "15"); THZ_Resethelper($hash);}
else {THZ_Write($hash, $hash->{helper}{cmdHex}); $hash->{helper}{step}="step1"; $hash->{helper}{PARTIAL}="";}
elsif ($hash->{helper}{step} eq "step1") { #Expectedanswer1 is "1002", DLE data link escape -- STX start of text
if ($msg eq "10") { }
elsif ($msg eq "15") { $err .= " THZ_Get_Com: error found at step1 NAK!! "; THZ_Resethelper($hash); }
elsif ($msg eq "1002" || $msg eq "02") {THZ_Write($hash, "10"); $hash->{helper}{step}="step2"; $hash->{helper}{PARTIAL}="";}
elsif ($hash->{helper}{step} eq "step2") { #Expectedanswer2 is message from the heatpump
#$msg .= " decoded: " . THZ_Parse1($hash,THZ_decode($msg));
THZ_Write($hash, "10");
Log3 $name, 3, "$name/RAW: $msg - $err - $hash->{helper}{step}";
# THZ_Resethelper()
# Parameter hash
sub THZ_Resethelper($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
sub THZ_Testloopapproach($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
#my $cmd="sGlobal";
my $cmd="sHC1";
my $cmdhash = $gets{$cmd};
THZ_Write($hash, "02");
# THZ_Ready($) - Cchecks the status
@ -1032,7 +1085,14 @@ sub THZ_GetNB($){
my ($string) = @_;
my ($name, $cmd) = split("\\|", $string);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $dev = $hash->{DeviceName};
my $ret = DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0, undef); #open device in child process
#($hash->{STATE}, $hash->{USBDev} , $hash->{TCPDev} , $hash->{conn} , $hash->{FD} , $selectlist{"$name.$dev"}) = split("\\|", $hash->{connection});
#($hash->{STATE}, $hash->{TCPDev} , $hash->{FD} , $selectlist{"$name.$dev"}) = split("\\|", $hash->{connection});
#$selectlist{"$name.$dev"} = $hash;
#open (MYFILE, '>>data.txt');
#print MYFILE ($hash->{connection} . "\n");
#close (MYFILE);
if (defined($ret)) {
Log3 $hash, 3, "[$name] THZ_GetNB: open device $hash->{DeviceName} error:$ret";
return ("$name|$cmd|$ret");
@ -1219,7 +1279,7 @@ sub THZ_Get_Comunication($$) {
THZ_Write($hash, "02"); # step0 --> STX start of text
($err, $msg) = THZ_ReadAnswer($hash);
#Expectedanswer1 is "10" DLE data link escape
#Expectedanswer0 is "10" DLE data link escape
if ($msg ne "10") {$err .= " THZ_Get_Com: error found at step0 $msg"; $err .=" NAK!!" if ($msg eq "15"); select(undef, undef, undef, 0.1); return($err, $msg) ;}
else {
@ -1229,13 +1289,13 @@ sub THZ_Get_Comunication($$) {
if ((defined($err))) { $err .= " THZ_Get_Com: error found at step1 "; select(undef, undef, undef, 0.1); return($err, $msg) ;}
# Expectedanswer2 is "1002", DLE data link escape -- STX start of text
# Expectedanswer1 is "1002", DLE data link escape -- STX start of text
if ($msg eq "10") { ($err, $msg) = THZ_ReadAnswer($hash);}
elsif ($msg eq "15") { $err .= " THZ_Get_Com: error found at step1 NAK!! "; select(undef, undef, undef, 0.1); return($err, $msg) ;}
if ($msg eq "1002" || $msg eq "02") {
THZ_Write($hash, "10"); # step2 --> DLE data link escape // ack datatranfer
($err, $msg) = THZ_ReadAnswer($hash); # Expectedanswer3 // read from the heatpump
THZ_Write($hash, "10"); # step2 send DLE data link escape
($err, $msg) = THZ_ReadAnswer($hash); # Expectedanswer2 // read from the heatpump
THZ_Write($hash, "10");
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