mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 05:16:45 +00:00
10_ZWave.pm: METER patches by Andreas (Forum #37202)
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@8605 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -86,8 +86,11 @@ my %zwave_class = (
get => { smStatus => "04" },
parse => { "..3105(..)(..)(.*)" => 'ZWave_multilevelParse($1,$2,$3)'} },
METER => { id => '32',
get => { meter => "01" },
parse => { "..3202(.*)"=> 'ZWave_meterParse($hash, $1)' } },
set => { meterReset => "05" },
get => { meter => 'Zwave_meterGet("%s")',
meterSupported => "03" },
parse => { "..3202(.*)" => 'ZWave_meterParse($hash, $1)',
"..3204(.*)" => 'ZWave_meterSupportedParse($hash, $1)' } },
COLOR_CONTROL => { id => '33',
get => { ccCapabilityGet => '01', # no more args
ccStatus => '03', # no more args
@ -355,11 +358,6 @@ use vars qw(%zwave_deviceSpecial);
get => { position=>"010f2602020000", },
parse => { "0891010f260303(..)(..)" =>
'sprintf("position:Blinds %d Slat %d",hex($1),hex($2))' } } },
Philio_PAN04 => {
METER => {
get_ADD => { meterWatt => "0110", #Watt
meterVoltage=> "0120", #Voltage
meterAmpere => "0128" } } },#Ampere
# Example only. ORDER must be >= 50
@ -649,33 +647,130 @@ ZWave_HrvStatus($)
return join("\n", @l);
my %zwm_unit = (
energy=> ["kWh", "kVAh", "W", "pulseCount", "V", "A", "PowerFactor"],
gas => ["m3", "feet3", "undef", "pulseCount"],
water => ["m3", "feet3", "USgallons", "pulseCount"]
my ($hash,$val) = @_;
return if($val !~ m/^(..)(..)(.*)$/);
my ($v1, $v2, $v3) = (hex($1) & 0x1f, hex($2), $3);
my @prectab = (1,10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000, 10000000);
my $prec = $prectab[($v2 >> 5) & 0x7];
my ($v1, $v2, $v3) = (hex($1), hex($2), $3);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# rate_type currently not used / not reported
my $rate_type = ($v1 >> 5) & 0x3;
my @rate_type_text =("undef","consumed", "produced");
my $rate_type_text = ($rate_type > $#rate_type_text ?
"undef" : $rate_type_text[$rate_type]);
my $meter_type = ($v1 & 0x1f);
my @meter_type_text =("undef", "energy", "gas", "water", "undef");
my $meter_type_text = ($meter_type > $#meter_type_text ?
"undef" : $meter_type_text[$meter_type]);
my $precision = ($v2 >>5) & 0x7;
# no definition for text or numbers, used as -> (10 ** hex($precision))
# V3 use 3 bit, in V2 there are only 2 bit available
# V3 use bit 7 of first byte as bit 3 of scale
my $scale = ($v2 >> 3) & 0x3;
my $size = ($v2 >> 0) & 0x7;
my @txt = ("undef", "energy", "gas", "water");
my $txt = ($v1 > $#txt ? "undef" : $txt[$v1]);
my %unit = (energy => ["kWh", "kVAh", "W", "pulseCount"],
gas => ["m3", "feet3", "undef", "pulseCount"],
water => ["m3", "feet3", "USgallons", "pulseCount"]);
my $unit = $txt eq "undef" ? "undef" : $unit{$txt}[$scale];
$txt = "power" if ($unit eq "W");
$v3 = hex(substr($v3, 0, 2*$size))/$prec;
$scale |= (($v1 & 0x80) >> 5);
my $unit_text = ($meter_type_text eq "undef" ?
"undef" : $zwm_unit{$meter_type_text}[$scale]);
my $size = $v2 & 0x7;
my $modelId = ReadingsVal($hash->{NAME}, "modelId", "");
$modelId = $zwave_modelIdAlias{$modelId} if($zwave_modelIdAlias{$modelId});
if($modelId eq "Philio_PAN04") {
if($prec==100 && $scale==1 && $size==2) { $unit="A"; $txt="current" }
if($prec== 10 && $scale==0 && $size==2) { $unit="V"; $txt="voltage" }
$meter_type_text = "power" if ($unit_text eq "W");
$meter_type_text = "voltage" if ($unit_text eq "V");
$meter_type_text = "current" if ($unit_text eq "A");
my $mv = hex(substr($v3, 0, 2*$size));
$mv = $mv / (10 ** $precision);
$mv -= (2 ** ($size*8)) if $mv >= (2 ** ($size*8-1));
$v3 = substr($v3, 2*$size, length($v3)-(2*$size));
return "$txt:$v3 $unit";
if (length($v3) < 4) { # V1 report
return "$meter_type_text: $mv $unit_text";
} else { # V2 or greater report
my $delta_time = hex(substr($v3, 0, 4));
$v3 = substr($v3, 4, length($v3)-4);
if ($delta_time == 0) { # no previous meter value
return "$meter_type_text: $mv $unit_text";
} else { # previous meter value present
my $pmv = hex(substr($v3, 0, 2*$size));
$pmv = $pmv / (10 ** $precision);
$pmv -= (2 ** ($size*8)) if $pmv >= (2 ** ($size*8-1));
if ($delta_time == 65535) {
$delta_time = "unknown";
} else {
$delta_time .= " s";
return "$meter_type_text: $mv $unit_text previous: $pmv delta_time: ".
"$delta_time"; # V2 report
my ($scale) = @_;
if ($scale eq "%s") { # no parameter specified, use V1 get without scale
return("", "01");
if (($scale < 0) || ($scale > 6)) {
return("argument must be one of: 0 to 6","");
} else {
$scale = $scale << 3;
#~ Log 1, "cmd" .sprintf('01%02x', $scale);
return("",sprintf('01%02x', $scale));
my ($hash,$val) = @_;
return if($val !~ m/^(..)(..)$/);
my ($v1, $v2) = (hex($1), hex($2));
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $meter_reset = $v1 & 0x80;
my $meter_reset_text = $meter_reset ? "yes" : "no";
my $meter_type = ($v1 & 0x1f);
my @meter_type_text =("undef", "energy", "gas", "water", "undef");
my $meter_type_text = ($meter_type > $#meter_type_text ?
"undef" : $meter_type_text[$meter_type]);
my $scale = $v2 & 0x7f;
my $unit_text="";
for (my $i=0; $i <= 6; $i++) {
if ($scale & 2**$i) {
$unit_text .= ", " if (length($unit_text)>0);
$unit_text .= $i.":".$zwm_unit{$meter_type_text}[$i];
return "meterSupported: type: $meter_type_text scales: $unit_text resetable:".
" $meter_reset_text";
@ -1749,6 +1844,14 @@ s2Hex($)
drive slat to position %</li>
<br><br><b>Class METER</b>
Reset all accumulated meter values.<br>
Note: see meterSupported command and its output to detect if resetting the
value is supported by the device.<br>
The command will reset ALL accumulated values, it is not possible to
choose a single value.</li>
<li>mcaAdd groupId node1 node2 ... 0 node1 endPoint1 node2 endPoint2 ...<br>
Add a list of node or node:endpoint associations. The latter can be used to
@ -1951,17 +2054,24 @@ s2Hex($)
<br><br><b>Class METER</b>
request the meter report.
<li>meter scale<br>
return the meter report for the requested scale.<br>
Note: protocol V1 does not support the scale parameter, the parameter will
be ignored and the default scale will be returned.<br>
For protocol V2 and higher, scale is supported and depends on the type of
the meter (energy, gas or water).<br>
The device may not support all scales, see the meterSupported command and
its output. If the scale parameter is omitted, the default unit will be
Example: For an electric meter, meter 0 will report energy in kWh,
meter 2 will report power in W and meter 6 will report current in A
(if these scales are supported).<br>
request the power report (Philio PHI_PAN04 only)
request the voltage report (Philio PHI_PAN04 only)
request the current report (Philio PHI_PAN04 only)
request the type of the meter, the supported scales and the capability to
reset the accumulated value.<br>
Note: The output contains the decimal numbers of the supported scales that
can be used as parameter for the meter command.
<br><br><b>Class MULTI_CHANNEL</b>
@ -2158,10 +2268,14 @@ s2Hex($)
<br><br><b>Class METER</b>
<li>energy:val [kWh|kVAh|pulseCount]</li>
<li>energy:val [kWh|kVAh|pulseCount|powerFactor]</li>
<li>gas:val [m3|feet3|pulseCount]</li>
<li>water:val [m3|feet3|USgallons|pulseCount]</li>
<li>power:val W</li>
<li>voltage:val V</li>
<li>current:val A</li>
<li>meterSupported:type:[meter_type] scales:[list of supported scales]
<br><br><b>Class MULTI_CHANNEL</b>
<li>endpoints:total X $dynamic $identical</li>
Reference in New Issue
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