diff --git a/fhem/CHANGED b/fhem/CHANGED index 2d02c0dbe..e74fb5878 100644 --- a/fhem/CHANGED +++ b/fhem/CHANGED @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide. # Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it. + - feature: 76_SolarForecast: externally caused switching of consumers is + detected - feature: 10_IT: bei AttrList nicht benötigte Einträge unit und group entf bei einem modify der DEF wird nun die alte DEF gelöscht Anpassungen für TSCUL diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/76_SolarForecast.pm b/fhem/FHEM/76_SolarForecast.pm index 5784ef9cf..1be37151f 100644 --- a/fhem/FHEM/76_SolarForecast.pm +++ b/fhem/FHEM/76_SolarForecast.pm @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ ######################################################################################################################### # 76_SolarForecast.pm # -# (c) 2020-2023 by Heiko Maaz e-mail: Heiko dot Maaz at t-online dot de +# (c) 2020-2024 by Heiko Maaz e-mail: Heiko dot Maaz at t-online dot de # # This script is part of fhem. # @@ -155,6 +155,8 @@ BEGIN { # Versions History intern my %vNotesIntern = ( + "1.6.1" => "04.01.2024 new sub __setPhysSwState, edit ___setConsumerPlanningState, boost performance of collectAllRegConsumers ". + "CurrentVal ctrunning - Central Task running Statusbit, edit comref ", "1.6.0" => "22.12.2023 store daily batmaxsoc in pvHistory, new attr ctrlBatSocManagement, reading Battery_OptimumTargetSoC ". "currentBatteryDev: new optional key 'cap', adapt cloud2bin,temp2bin,rain2bin ". "minor internal changes, isAddSwitchOffCond: change hysteresis algo, ctrlDebug: new entry batteryManagement ". @@ -258,207 +260,6 @@ my %vNotesIntern = ( "0.75.0" => "16.02.2023 new attribute ctrlSolCastAPImaxReq, rename attr ctrlOptimizeSolCastInterval to ctrlSolCastAPIoptimizeReq ", "0.74.8" => "11.02.2023 change description of 'mintime', mintime with SunPath value possible ", "0.74.7" => "23.01.2023 fix evaljson evaluation ", - "0.74.6" => "22.11.2022 bugfix consumerLegend tooltip start/end time if language is set to english ", - "0.74.5" => "21.11.2022 new Attr affectSolCastPercentile ", - "0.74.4" => "19.11.2022 calculate Today_PVreal from the etotal daily difference after sunset ", - "0.74.3" => "16.11.2022 writeCacheToFile 'solcastapi' after every SolCast API Call cycle is finished ", - "0.74.2" => "15.11.2022 sunrise and sunset in graphic header ", - "0.74.1" => "15.11.2022 ___planMust -> half -> ceil to floor changed , Model SolCast: first call from 60 minutes before sunrise ". - "Model SolCast: release planning only after the first API retrieval ". - "Model DWD: release planning from one hour before sunrise ", - "0.74.0" => "13.11.2022 new attribute affectConsForecastInPlanning ", - "0.73.0" => "12.11.2022 save Ehodpieces (___saveEhodpieces), use debug modules, revise comref,typos , maxconsumer 12 ". - "attr ctrlLanguage for local language support, bugfix MODE is set to Manual after restart if ". - "attr ctrlInterval is not set, new attr consumerLink, graphic tooltips and formatting ", - "0.72.5" => "08.11.2022 calculate percentile correction factor instead of best percentile, exploit all available API requests ". - "graphicBeamWidth more values, add moduleTiltAngle: 5,15,35,55,65,75,85 , ". - "fix _estConsumptionForecast, delete Setter pvSolCastPercentile_XX ", - "0.72.4" => "06.11.2022 change __solCast_ApiResponse -> special processing first dataset of current hour ", - "0.72.3" => "05.11.2022 new status bit CurrentVal allStringsFullfilled ", - "0.72.2" => "05.11.2022 minor changes in header, rename more attributes, edit commandref, associatedWith is working again ", - "0.72.1" => "31.10.2022 fix 'connection lost ...' issue again, global language check in checkPlantConfig ", - "0.72.0" => "30.10.2022 rename some graphic attributes ", - "0.71.4" => "29.10.2022 flowgraphic some changes (https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,117864.msg1241836.html#msg1241836) ", - "0.71.3" => "28.10.2022 new circular keys tdayDvtn, ydayDvtn for calculation PV forecast/generation in header ", - "0.71.2" => "27.10.2022 fix 'connection lost ...' issue ", - "0.71.1" => "26.10.2022 save no datasets with pv_estimate = 0 (__solCast_ApiResponse) to save time/space ". - "changed some graphic default settings, typo todayRemaingAPIcalls, input check currentBatteryDev ". - "change attr Css to flowGraphicCss ", - "0.71.0" => "25.10.2022 new attribute ctrlStatisticReadings, changed some default settings and commandref ", - "0.70.10"=> "24.10.2022 write best percentil in pvHistory (_calcCaQsimple instead of ___readCorrfSimple) ". - "add global dnsServer to checkPlantConfig ", - "0.70.9 "=> "24.10.2022 create additional percentile only for pvCorrectionFactor_Auto on, changed __solCast_ApiResponse ". - "changed _calcCaQsimple ", - "0.70.8 "=> "23.10.2022 change average calculation in _calcCaQsimple, unuse Notify/createAssociatedWith ". - "extend Delete func, extend plantconfig check, revise commandref, change set reset pvCorrection ". - "rename runTimeCycleSummary to runTimeCentralTask ", - "0.70.7 "=> "22.10.2022 minor changes (Display is/whereabouts Solacast Requests, SolCast Forecast Quality, setup procedure) ", - "0.70.6 "=> "19.10.2022 fix ___setSolCastAPIcallKeyData ", - "0.70.5 "=> "18.10.2022 new hidden getter plantConfigCheck ", - "0.70.4 "=> "16.10.2022 change attr historyHour to positive numbers, plantconfig check changed ", - "0.70.3 "=> "15.10.2022 check event-on-change-reading in plantConfiguration check ", - "0.70.2 "=> "15.10.2022 average calculation in _calcCaQsimple, delete reduce by temp in __calcPVestimates ", - "0.70.1 "=> "14.10.2022 new function setTimeTracking ", - "0.70.0 "=> "13.10.2022 delete Attr solCastPercentile, new manual Setter pvSolCastPercentile_XX ", - "0.69.0 "=> "12.10.2022 Autocorrection function for model SolCast-API, __solCast_ApiRequest: request only 48 hours ", - "0.68.7 "=> "07.10.2022 new function _calcCaQsimple, check missed modules in _getRoofTopData ", - "0.68.6 "=> "06.10.2022 new attribute solCastPercentile, change _calcMaxEstimateToday ", - "0.68.5 "=> "03.10.2022 extent plant configuration check ", - "0.68.4 "=> "03.10.2022 do ___setSolCastAPIcallKeyData if response_status, generate events of Today_MaxPVforecast.* in every cycle ". - "add SolCast section in _graphicHeader, change default colors and settings, new reading Today_PVreal ". - "fix sub __setConsRcmdState ", - "0.68.3 "=> "19.09.2022 fix calculation of currentAPIinterval ", - "0.68.2 "=> "18.09.2022 fix function _setpvCorrectionFactorAuto, new attr optimizeSolCastAPIreqInterval, change createReadingsFromArray ", - "0.68.1 "=> "17.09.2022 new readings Today_MaxPVforecast, Today_MaxPVforecastTime ", - "0.68.0 "=> "15.09.2022 integrate SolCast API, change attribute Wh/kWh to Wh_kWh, rename Reading nextPolltime to ". - "nextCycletime, rework plant config check, minor (bug)fixes ", - "0.67.6 "=> "02.09.2022 add ___setPlanningDeleteMeth, consumer can be planned across daily boundaries ". - "fix JS Fehler (__weatherOnBeam) Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,117864.msg1233661.html#msg1233661 ", - "0.67.5 "=> "28.08.2022 add checkRegex ", - "0.67.4 "=> "28.08.2022 ___switchConsumerOn -> no switch on if additional switch off condition is true ". - "__setConsRcmdState -> Consumer can be switched on in case of missing PV power if key power=0 is set ". - "new process and additional split for hysteresis ", - "0.67.3 "=> "22.08.2022 show cloudcover in weather __weatherOnBeam ", - "0.67.2 "=> "11.08.2022 fix no disabled Link after restart and disable=1 ", - "0.67.1 "=> "10.08.2022 fix warning, Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,117864.msg1231050.html#msg1231050 ", - "0.67.0 "=> "31.07.2022 change _gethtml, _getftui ", - "0.66.0 "=> "24.07.2022 insert function ___calcPeaklossByTemp to calculate peak power reduction by temperature ", - "0.65.8 "=> "23.07.2022 change calculation of cloud cover in calcRange function ", - "0.65.7 "=> "20.07.2022 change performance ratio in __calcDWDEstimates_old to 0.85 ", - "0.65.6 "=> "20.07.2022 change __calcEnergyPieces for consumer types with \$hef{\$cotype}{f} == 1 ", - "0.65.5 "=> "13.07.2022 extend isInterruptable and isAddSwitchOffCond ", - "0.65.4 "=> "11.07.2022 new function isConsumerLogOn, minor fixes ", - "0.65.3 "=> "10.07.2022 consumer with mode=must are now interruptable, change hourscsme ", - "0.65.2 "=> "08.07.2022 change avgenergy to W p. hour ", - "0.65.1 "=> "07.07.2022 change logic of __calcEnergyPieces function and the \%hef hash ", - "0.65.0 "=> "03.07.2022 feature key interruptable for consumer ", - "0.64.2 "=> "23.06.2022 fix switch off by switch off condition in ___switchConsumerOff ", - "0.64.1 "=> "07.06.2022 fixing simplifyCstate, sub ___setConsumerSwitchingState to improve safe consumer switching ", - "0.64.0 "=> "04.06.2022 consumer type charger added, new attr ctrlConsRecommendReadings ", - "0.63.2 "=> "21.05.2022 changed isConsumptionRecommended to isIntimeframe, renewed isConsumptionRecommended ", - "0.63.1 "=> "19.05.2022 code review __switchConsumer ", - "0.63.0 "=> "18.05.2022 new attr flowGraphicConsumerDistance ", - "0.62.0 "=> "16.05.2022 new key 'swoffcond' in consumer attributes ", - "0.61.0 "=> "15.05.2022 limit PV forecast to inverter capacity ", - "0.60.1 "=> "15.05.2022 consumerHash -> new key avgruntime, don't modify mintime by avgruntime by default anymore ". - "debug switch conditions ", - "0.60.0 "=> "14.05.2022 new key 'swoncond' in consumer attributes ", - "0.59.0 "=> "01.05.2022 new attr createTomorrowPVFcReadings ", - "0.58.0 "=> "20.04.2022 new setter consumerImmediatePlanning, functions isConsumerPhysOn isConsumerPhysOff ", - "0.57.3 "=> "10.04.2022 some fixes (\$eavg in ___csmSpecificEpieces, isAutoCorrUsed switch to regex) ", - "0.57.2 "=> "03.04.2022 area factor for 25° added ", - "0.57.1 "=> "28.02.2022 new attr flowGraphicShowConsumerPower and flowGraphicShowConsumerRemainTime (Consumer remainTime in flowGraphic)", - "0.56.11"=> "01.12.2021 comment: 'next if(\$surplus <= 0);' to resolve consumer planning problem if 'mode = must' and the ". - "current doesn't have suplus ", - "0.56.10"=> "14.11.2021 change sub _flowGraphic (Max), https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,117864.msg1186970.html#msg1186970, new reset consumerMaster ", - "0.56.9" => "27.10.2021 change sub _flowGraphic (Max) ", - "0.56.8" => "25.10.2021 change func ___csmSpecificEpieces as proposed from Max : https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,117864.msg1180452.html#msg1180452 ", - "0.56.7" => "18.10.2021 new attr flowGraphicShowConsumerDummy ", - "0.56.6" => "19.09.2021 bug fix ", - "0.56.5" => "16.09.2021 fix sub ___csmSpecificEpieces (rows 2924-2927) ", - "0.56.4" => "16.09.2021 new sub ___csmSpecificEpieces ", - "0.56.3" => "15.09.2021 extent __calcEnergyPieces by MadMax calc (first test implementation) ", - "0.56.2" => "14.09.2021 some fixes, new calculation of hourscsmeXX, new key minutescsmXX ", - "0.56.1" => "12.09.2021 some fixes ", - "0.56.0" => "11.09.2021 new Attr flowGraphicShowConsumer, extend calc consumer power consumption ", - "0.55.3" => "08.09.2021 add energythreshold to etotal key ", - "0.55.2" => "08.09.2021 minor fixes, use Color ", - "0.55.1" => "05.09.2021 delete invalid consumer index, Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,117864.msg1173219.html#msg1173219 ", - "0.55.0" => "04.09.2021 new key pcurr for attr customerXX ", - "0.54.5" => "29.08.2021 change metadata ", - "0.54.4" => "12.07.2021 round Current_PV in _transferInverterValues ", - "0.54.3" => "11.07.2021 fix _flowGraphic because of Current_AutarkyRate with powerbatout ", - "0.54.2" => "01.07.2021 fix Current_AutarkyRate with powerbatout ", - "0.54.1" => "23.06.2021 better log in __weatherOnBeam ", - "0.54.0" => "19.06.2021 new calcValueImproves, new reset pvCorrection circular, behavior of attr 'numHistDays', fixes ", - "0.53.0" => "17.06.2021 Logic for preferential charging battery, attr preferredChargeBattery ", - "0.52.5" => "16.06.2021 sub __weatherOnBeam ", - "0.52.4" => "15.06.2021 minor fix, possible avoid implausible inverter values ", - "0.52.3" => "14.06.2021 consumer on/off icon gray if no on/off command is defined, more consumer debug log ", - "0.52.2" => "13.06.2021 attr consumerAdviceIcon can be 'none', new attr debug, minor fixes, write consumers cachefile ", - "0.52.1" => "12.06.2021 change Attr Css behavior, new attr consumerAdviceIcon ", - "0.52.0" => "12.06.2021 new Attr Css ", - "0.51.3" => "10.06.2021 more refactoring, add 'none' to graphicSelect ", - "0.51.2" => "05.06.2021 minor fixes ", - "0.51.1" => "04.06.2021 minor fixes ", - "0.51.0" => "03.06.2021 some bugfixing, Calculation of PV correction factors refined, new setter plantConfiguration ". - "delete getter stringConfig ", - "0.50.2" => "02.06.2021 more refactoring, delete attr headerAlignment, consumerlegend as table ", - "0.50.1" => "02.06.2021 switch to mathematical rounding of cloudiness range ", - "0.50.0" => "01.06.2021 real switch off time in consumerXX_planned_stop when finished, change key 'ready' to 'auto' ". - "consider switch on Time limits (consumer keys notbefore/notafter) ", - "0.49.5" => "01.06.2021 change pv correction factor to 1 if no historical factors found (only with automatic correction) ", - "0.49.4" => "01.06.2021 fix wrong display at month change and using historyHour ", - "0.49.3" => "31.05.2021 improve __calcDWDEstimates_old pvcorrfactor for multistring configuration ", - "0.49.2" => "31.05.2021 fix time calc in sub forecastGraphic ", - "0.49.1" => "30.05.2021 no consumer check during start Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,117864.msg1159959.html#msg1159959 ", - "0.49.0" => "29.05.2021 consumer legend, attr consumerLegend, no negative val Current_SelfConsumption, Current_PV ", - "0.48.0" => "28.05.2021 new optional key ready in consumer attribute ", - "0.47.0" => "28.05.2021 add flowGraphic, attr flowGraphicSize, graphicSelect, flowGraphicAnimate ", - "0.46.1" => "21.05.2021 set <> reset pvHistory ", - "0.46.0" => "16.05.2021 integrate intotal, outtotal to currentBatteryDev, set maxconsumer to 9 ", - "0.45.1" => "13.05.2021 change the calc of etotal at the beginning of every hour in _transferInverterValues ". - "fix createAssociatedWith for currentBatteryDev ", - "0.45.0" => "12.05.2021 integrate consumptionForecast to graphic, change beamXContent to pvForecast, pvReal ", - "0.44.0" => "10.05.2021 consumptionForecast for attr beamXContent, consumer are switched on/off ", - "0.43.0" => "08.05.2021 plan Consumers ", - "0.42.0" => "01.05.2021 new attr consumerXX, currentMeterDev is mandatory, new getter valConsumerMaster ". - "new commandref ancor syntax ", - "0.41.0" => "28.04.2021 _estConsumptionForecast: implement Smoothing difference ", - "0.40.0" => "25.04.2021 change checkdwdattr, new attr follow70percentRule ", - "0.39.0" => "24.04.2021 new attr sameWeekdaysForConsfc, readings Current_SelfConsumption, Current_SelfConsumptionRate, ". - "Current_AutarkyRate ", - "0.38.3" => "21.04.2021 minor fixes in sub calcValueImproves, Traffic light indicator for prediction quality, some more fixes ", - "0.38.2" => "20.04.2021 fix _estConsumptionForecast, add consumption values to graphic ", - "0.38.1" => "19.04.2021 bug fixing ", - "0.38.0" => "18.04.2021 consumption forecast for the next hours prepared ", - "0.37.0" => "17.04.2021 _estConsumptionForecast, new getter forecastQualities, new setter currentRadiationDev ". - "language sensitive setup hints ", - "0.36.1" => "14.04.2021 add dayname to pvHistory ", - "0.36.0" => "14.04.2021 add con to pvHistory, add quality info to pvCircular, new reading nextPolltime ", - "0.35.0" => "12.04.2021 create additional PVforecast events - PV forecast until the end of the coming day ", - "0.34.1" => "11.04.2021 further improvement of cloud dependent calculation autocorrection ", - "0.34.0" => "10.04.2021 only hours with the same cloud cover range are considered for pvCorrection, some fixes ", - "0.33.0" => "09.04.2021 new setter currentBatteryDev, bugfix in _transferMeterValues ", - "0.32.0" => "09.04.2021 currentMeterDev can have: gcon=-gfeedin ", - "0.31.1" => "07.04.2021 write new values to pvhistory, change CO to Current_Consumption in graphic ", - "0.31.0" => "06.04.2021 extend currentMeterDev by gfeedin, feedtotal ", - "0.30.0" => "05.04.2021 estimate readings to the minute in sub _createSummaries, new setter energyH4Trigger ", - "0.29.0" => "03.04.2021 new setter powerTrigger ", - "0.28.0" => "03.04.2021 new attributes beam1FontColor, beam2FontColor, rename/new some readings ", - "0.27.0" => "02.04.2021 additional readings ", - "0.26.0" => "02.04.2021 rename attr maxPV to maxValBeam, bugfix in _specialActivities ", - "0.25.0" => "28.03.2021 changes regarding perlcritic, new getter valCurrent ", - "0.24.0" => "26.03.2021 the language setting of the system is taken into account in the weather texts ". - "rename weatherColor_night to weatherColorNight, history_hour to historyHour ", - "0.23.0" => "25.03.2021 change attr layoutType, fix calc reading Today_PVforecast ", - "0.22.0" => "25.03.2021 event management, move DWD values one hour to the future, some more corrections ", - "0.21.0" => "24.03.2021 event management ", - "0.20.0" => "23.03.2021 new sub CircularVal, NexthoursVal, some fixes ", - "0.19.0" => "22.03.2021 new sub HistoryVal, some fixes ", - "0.18.0" => "21.03.2021 implement sub forecastGraphic from Wzut ", - "0.17.1" => "21.03.2021 bug fixes, delete Helper->NextHour ", - "0.17.0" => "20.03.2021 new attr cloudFactorDamping / rainFactorDamping, fixes in Graphic sub ", - "0.16.0" => "19.03.2021 new getter nextHours, some fixes ", - "0.15.3" => "19.03.2021 corrected weather consideration for call __calcDWDEstimates_old ", - "0.15.2" => "19.03.2021 some bug fixing ", - "0.15.1" => "18.03.2021 replace ThisHour_ by NextHour00_ ", - "0.15.0" => "18.03.2021 delete overhanging readings in sub _transferDWDRadiationValues_old ", - "0.14.0" => "17.03.2021 new getter PVReal, weatherData, consumption total in currentMeterdev ", - "0.13.0" => "16.03.2021 changed sub forecastGraphic from Wzut ", - "0.12.0" => "16.03.2021 switch etoday to etotal ", - "0.11.0" => "14.03.2021 new attr history_hour, beam1Content, beam2Content, implement sub forecastGraphic from Wzut, ". - "rename attr beamColor, beamColor2 , more fixes ", - "0.10.0" => "13.03.2021 hour shifter in sub _transferMeterValues, lot of fixes ", - "0.9.0" => "13.03.2021 more helper hashes Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,117864.msg1139251.html#msg1139251 ". - "cachefile pvhist is persistent ", - "0.8.0" => "07.03.2021 helper hash Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,117864.msg1133350.html#msg1133350 ", - "0.7.0" => "01.03.2021 add function DbLog_splitFn ", - "0.6.0" => "27.01.2021 change __calcDWDEstimates_old from formula 1 to formula 2 ", - "0.5.0" => "25.01.2021 add multistring support, add reset inverterStrings ", - "0.4.0" => "24.01.2021 setter moduleDirection, add Area factor to __calcDWDEstimates_old, add reset pvCorrection ", - "0.3.0" => "21.01.2021 add cloud correction, add rain correction, add reset pvHistory, setter writeHistory ", - "0.2.0" => "20.01.2021 use SMUtils, JSON, implement getter data,html,pvHistory, correct the 'disable' problem ", "0.1.0" => "09.12.2020 initial Version " ); @@ -791,14 +592,16 @@ my %hqtxt = ( DE => qq{Bitte setzen sie die Victron VRM Portal Zugangsdaten mit "set LINK vrmCredentials". } }, awd => { EN => qq{LINK is waiting for solar forecast data ...
}, DE => qq{LINK wartet auf Solarvorhersagedaten ...
} }, + wexso => { EN => qq{switched externally}, + DE => qq{von extern umgeschaltet} }, strok => { EN => qq{Congratulations 😊, the system configuration is error-free. Please note any information ().}, DE => qq{Herzlichen Glückwunsch 😊, die Anlagenkonfiguration ist fehlerfrei. Bitte eventuelle Hinweise () beachten.} }, strwn => { EN => qq{Looks quite good 😐, the system configuration is basically OK. Please note the warnings ().}, DE => qq{Sieht ganz gut aus 😐, die Anlagenkonfiguration ist prinzipiell in Ordnung. Bitte beachten Sie die Warnungen ().} }, strnok => { EN => qq{Oh no 🙁, the system configuration is incorrect. Please check the settings and notes!}, DE => qq{Oh nein 😢, die Anlagenkonfiguration ist fehlerhaft. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Einstellungen und Hinweise!} }, - pstate => { EN => qq{Planning status: 
Remaining lock time:  seconds}, - DE => qq{Planungsstatus: 
verbleibende Sperrzeit:  Sekunden} }, + pstate => { EN => qq{Planning status: 
Remaining lock time:  seconds}, + DE => qq{Planungsstatus: 
verbleibende Sperrzeit:  Sekunden} }, ); my %htitles = ( # Hash Hilfetexte (Mouse Over) @@ -862,8 +665,8 @@ my %htitles = ( DE => qq{nicht bewertet} }, aimstt => { EN => qq{Perl module AI::DecisionTree is missing}, DE => qq{Perl Modul AI::DecisionTree ist nicht vorhanden} }, - pstate => { EN => qq{Planning status: \n\nOn: \nOff: \nRemaining lock time:  seconds}, - DE => qq{Planungsstatus: \n\nEin: \nAus: \nverbleibende Sperrzeit:  Sekunden} }, + pstate => { EN => qq{Planning status: \nInfo: \n\nOn: \nOff: \nRemaining lock time:  seconds}, + DE => qq{Planungsstatus: \nInfo: \n\nEin: \nAus: \nverbleibende Sperrzeit:  Sekunden} }, ainuse => { EN => qq{AI Perl module is installed, but the AI support is not used.\nRun 'set plantConfiguration check' for hints.}, DE => qq{KI Perl Modul ist installiert, aber die KI Unterstützung wird nicht verwendet.\nPrüfen sie 'set plantConfiguration check' für Hinweise.} }, ); @@ -1233,7 +1036,7 @@ sub _readCacheFile { if ($valid) { $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{aitrained} = $dtree; $data{$type}{$name}{current}{aitrainstate} = 'ok'; - Log3($name, 3, qq{$name - cached data "$cachename" restored}); + Log3 ($name, 3, qq{$name - cached data "$cachename" restored}); } } @@ -1246,7 +1049,7 @@ sub _readCacheFile { if (!$err && $data) { $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{airaw} = $data; $data{$type}{$name}{current}{aitrawstate} = 'ok'; - Log3($name, 3, qq{$name - cached data "$cachename" restored}); + Log3 ($name, 3, qq{$name - cached data "$cachename" restored}); } return; @@ -1260,10 +1063,10 @@ sub _readCacheFile { if($success) { $data{$hash->{TYPE}}{$name}{$cachename} = decode_json ($json); - Log3($name, 3, qq{$name - cached data "$cachename" restored}); + Log3 ($name, 3, qq{$name - cached data "$cachename" restored}); } else { - Log3($name, 2, qq{$name - WARNING - The content of file "$file" is not readable and may be corrupt}); + Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name - WARNING - The content of file "$file" is not readable and may be corrupt}); } } @@ -1448,17 +1251,17 @@ sub _setconsumerImmediatePlanning { ## no critic "not used" $paref->{consumer} = $c; $paref->{ps} = "planned:"; - $paref->{startts} = $startts; # Unix Timestamp für geplanten Switch on - $paref->{stopts} = $stopts; # Unix Timestamp für geplanten Switch off + $paref->{startts} = $startts; # Unix Timestamp für geplanten Switch on + $paref->{stopts} = $stopts; # Unix Timestamp für geplanten Switch off ___setConsumerPlanningState ($paref); ___saveEhodpieces ($paref); ___setPlanningDeleteMeth ($paref); - my $planstate = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "planstate", ""); - my $calias = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "alias", ""); - - writeCacheToFile ($hash, "consumers", $csmcache.$name); # Cache File Consumer schreiben + my $planstate = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'planstate', ''); + my $calias = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'alias', ''); + + writeCacheToFile ($hash, "consumers", $csmcache.$name); # Cache File Consumer schreiben Log3 ($name, 3, qq{$name - Consumer "$calias" $planstate}) if($planstate); @@ -2602,14 +2405,14 @@ sub __getSolCastData { my $msg; if($ctzAbsent) { $msg = qq{The library FHEM::Utility::CTZ is missing. Please update FHEM completely.}; - Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - $msg"); + Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - ERROR - $msg"); return $msg; } my $rmf = reqModFail(); if($rmf) { $msg = "You have to install the required perl module: ".$rmf; - Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - $msg"); + Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - ERROR - $msg"); return $msg; } @@ -2781,7 +2584,7 @@ sub __solCast_ApiResponse { if ($err ne "") { $msg = 'SolCast API server response: '.$err; - Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $msg"); + Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $msg"); $data{$type}{$name}{solcastapi}{'?All'}{'?All'}{response_message} = $err; @@ -2797,7 +2600,7 @@ sub __solCast_ApiResponse { if(!$success) { $msg = 'ERROR - invalid SolCast API server response'; - Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $msg"); + Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $msg"); singleUpdateState ( {hash => $hash, state => $msg, evt => 1} ); $data{$type}{$name}{current}{runTimeLastAPIProc} = sprintf "%.4f", tv_interval($sta); # Verarbeitungszeit ermitteln @@ -2859,7 +2662,7 @@ sub __solCast_ApiResponse { ($err, $starttmstr) = ___convPendToPstart ($name, $lang, $petstr); if ($err) { - Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $err"); + Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $err"); singleUpdateState ( {hash => $hash, state => $err, evt => 1} ); return; @@ -3197,7 +3000,7 @@ sub __forecastSolar_ApiResponse { if ($err ne "") { $msg = 'ForecastSolar API server response: '.$err; - Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $msg"); + Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $msg"); $data{$type}{$name}{solcastapi}{'?All'}{'?All'}{response_message} = $err; @@ -3213,7 +3016,7 @@ sub __forecastSolar_ApiResponse { if(!$success) { $msg = 'ERROR - invalid ForecastSolar API server response'; - Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $msg"); + Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $msg"); singleUpdateState ( {hash => $hash, state => $msg, evt => 1} ); $data{$type}{$name}{current}{runTimeLastAPIProc} = sprintf "%.4f", tv_interval($sta); # Verarbeitungszeit ermitteln @@ -3565,7 +3368,7 @@ sub __VictronVRM_ApiResponseLogin { if ($err ne "") { $msg = 'Victron VRM API error response: '.$err; - Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $msg"); + Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $msg"); singleUpdateState ( {hash => $hash, state => $msg, evt => 1} ); $data{$type}{$name}{solcastapi}{'?All'}{'?All'}{response_message} = $err; @@ -3579,7 +3382,7 @@ sub __VictronVRM_ApiResponseLogin { if(!$success) { $msg = 'ERROR - invalid Victron VRM API response'; - Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $msg"); + Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $msg"); singleUpdateState ( {hash => $hash, state => $msg, evt => 1} ); $data{$type}{$name}{current}{runTimeLastAPIProc} = sprintf "%.4f", tv_interval($sta); # Verarbeitungszeit ermitteln @@ -3699,7 +3502,7 @@ sub __VictronVRM_ApiResponseForecast { if ($err ne "") { $msg = 'Victron VRM API Forecast response: '.$err; - Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $msg"); + Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $msg"); singleUpdateState ( {hash => $hash, state => $msg, evt => 1} ); $data{$type}{$name}{solcastapi}{'?All'}{'?All'}{response_message} = $err; @@ -3713,7 +3516,7 @@ sub __VictronVRM_ApiResponseForecast { if(!$success) { $msg = 'ERROR - invalid Victron VRM API Forecast response'; - Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $msg"); + Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $msg"); singleUpdateState ( {hash => $hash, state => $msg, evt => 1} ); $data{$type}{$name}{current}{runTimeLastAPIProc} = sprintf "%.4f", tv_interval($sta); # Verarbeitungszeit ermitteln @@ -3852,7 +3655,7 @@ sub __VictronVRM_ApiResponseLogout { if ($err ne "") { $msg = 'Victron VRM API error response: '.$err; - Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $msg"); + Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $msg"); return; } elsif ($myjson ne "") { # Evaluiere ob Daten im JSON-Format empfangen wurden @@ -3860,7 +3663,7 @@ sub __VictronVRM_ApiResponseLogout { if(!$success) { $msg = 'ERROR - invalid Victron VRM API response'; - Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $msg"); + Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $msg"); return; } @@ -3878,7 +3681,7 @@ return; sub _getdata { my $paref = shift; my $hash = $paref->{hash}; - + return centralTask ($hash); } @@ -4174,7 +3977,7 @@ sub __updPreFile { #if (!$ok) { # $err = "MKDIR ERROR: $!"; - # Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $err"); + # Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $err"); # return $err; #} #else { @@ -4186,20 +3989,20 @@ sub __updPreFile { ($err, my $remFile) = __updGetUrl ($name, $bPath.$file.$pPath); if ($err) { - Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $err"); + Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $err"); return $err; } if ($lencheck && length $remFile ne $cmlen) { $err = "update ERROR: length of $file is not $cmlen Bytes"; - Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $err"); + Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $err"); return $err; } $err = __updWriteFile ($root, $cmfile, $remFile); if ($err) { - Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $err"); + Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $err"); return $err; } @@ -4430,6 +4233,7 @@ sub _attrconsumer { ## no critic "not used" my $paref = shift; my $hash = $paref->{hash}; my $name = $paref->{name}; + my $type = $paref->{type}; my $aName = $paref->{aName}; my $aVal = $paref->{aVal}; my $cmd = $paref->{cmd}; @@ -4516,7 +4320,6 @@ sub _attrconsumer { ## no critic "not used" } else { my $day = strftime "%d", localtime(time); # aktueller Tag (range 01 to 31) - my $type = $hash->{TYPE}; my ($c) = $aName =~ /consumer([0-9]+)/xs; deleteReadingspec ($hash, "consumer${c}.*"); @@ -4532,7 +4335,9 @@ sub _attrconsumer { ## no critic "not used" } writeCacheToFile ($hash, "consumers", $csmcache.$name); # Cache File Consumer schreiben - + + $data{$type}{$name}{current}{consumerCollected} = 0; # Consumer neu sammeln + InternalTimer (gettimeofday()+0.5, 'FHEM::SolarForecast::centralTask', [$name, 0], 0); InternalTimer (gettimeofday()+2, 'FHEM::SolarForecast::createAssociatedWith', $hash, 0); @@ -4580,8 +4385,6 @@ sub _attrcreateStatisticRdgs { ## no critic "not used" } } - # deleteReadingspec ($hash, "statistic_.*"); - return; } @@ -4593,8 +4396,6 @@ sub Notify { # Es werden nur die Events von Geräten verarbeitet die im Hash $hash->{NOTIFYDEV} gelistet sind (wenn definiert). # Dadurch kann die Menge der Events verringert werden. In sub DbRep_Define angeben. - #return; # nicht genutzt zur Zeit - my $myHash = shift; my $dev_hash = shift; my $myName = $myHash->{NAME}; # Name des eigenen Devices @@ -4990,13 +4791,19 @@ sub centralTask { } } - return if(IsDisabled($name)); + return if(IsDisabled($name)); + + if (CurrentVal ($hash, 'ctrunning', 0)) { + Log3 ($name, 3, "$name - INFO - central task was called when it was already running ... end this call"); + $data{$type}{$name}{current}{ctrunning} = 0; + return; + } - if (!CurrentVal ($hash, 'allStringsFullfilled', 0)) { # die String Konfiguration erstellen wenn noch nicht erfolgreich ausgeführt + if (!CurrentVal ($hash, 'allStringsFullfilled', 0)) { # die String Konfiguration erstellen wenn noch nicht erfolgreich ausgeführt my $ret = createStringConfig ($hash); if ($ret) { - singleUpdateState ( {hash => $hash, state => $ret, evt => 1} ); + singleUpdateState ( {hash => $hash, state => $ret, evt => 1} ); # Central Task running Statusbit return; } } @@ -5008,7 +4815,9 @@ sub centralTask { my $day = strftime "%d", localtime($t); # aktueller Tag (range 01 to 31) my $dayname = strftime "%a", localtime($t); # aktueller Wochentagsname my $debug = getDebug ($hash); # Debug Module - + + $data{$type}{$name}{current}{ctrunning} = 1; # Central Task running Statusbit + my $centpars = { hash => $hash, name => $name, @@ -5078,6 +4887,8 @@ sub centralTask { $centpars->{evt} = 1; singleUpdateState ($centpars); } + + $data{$type}{$name}{current}{ctrunning} = 0; } else { InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+5, "FHEM::SolarForecast::centralTask", $hash, 0); @@ -5304,14 +5115,14 @@ sub _specialActivities { next if(ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "plandelete", "regular") eq "regular"); my $planswitchoff = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "planswitchoff", $t); - my $pstate = simplifyCstate (ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "planstate", "")); + my $simpCstat = simplifyCstate (ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "planstate", "")); - if ($t > $planswitchoff && $pstate =~ /planned|finished|unknown/xs) { + if ($t > $planswitchoff && $simpCstat =~ /planned|finished|unknown/xs) { deleteConsumerPlanning ($hash, $c); $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{minutesOn} = 0; $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{numberDayStarts} = 0; - $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{onoff} = "off"; + $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{onoff} = 'off'; } } @@ -5392,7 +5203,7 @@ sub _specialActivities { $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{minutesOn} = 0; $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{numberDayStarts} = 0; - $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{onoff} = "off"; + $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{onoff} = 'off'; } writeCacheToFile ($hash, "consumers", $csmcache.$name); # Cache File Consumer schreiben @@ -6934,6 +6745,7 @@ sub _manageConsumerData { __setConsRcmdState ($paref); # Consumption Recommended Status setzen __switchConsumer ($paref); # Consumer schalten __remainConsumerTime ($paref); # Restlaufzeit Verbraucher ermitteln + __setPhysSwState ($paref); # physischen Schaltzustand festhalten ## Consumer Schaltstatus und Schaltzeit für Readings ermitteln ################################################################ @@ -6943,10 +6755,11 @@ sub _manageConsumerData { $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{state} = $costate; - my ($pstate,$starttime,$stoptime) = __getPlanningStateAndTimes ($paref); - my ($iilt,$rlt) = isInLocktime ($paref); # Sperrzeit Status ermitteln - my $constate = "name='$alias' state='$costate' planningstate='$pstate'"; - $constate .= " remainLockTime='$rlt'" if($rlt); + my ($pstate,$starttime,$stoptime,$supplmnt) = __getPlanningStateAndTimes ($paref); + my ($iilt,$rlt) = isInLocktime ($paref); # Sperrzeit Status ermitteln + my $constate = "name='$alias' state='$costate' planningstate='$pstate'"; + $constate .= " remainLockTime='$rlt'" if($rlt); + $constate .= " info='$supplmnt'" if($supplmnt); storeReading ("consumer${c}", $constate); # Consumer Infos storeReading ("consumer${c}_planned_start", $starttime) if($starttime); # Consumer Start geplant @@ -7238,7 +7051,7 @@ sub __planSwitchTimes { my $epiece1 = (~0 >> 1); my $epieces = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "epieces", ""); - if(ref $epieces eq "HASH") { + if (ref $epieces eq "HASH") { $epiece1 = $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{epieces}{1}; } else { @@ -7259,7 +7072,7 @@ sub __planSwitchTimes { (CurrentVal ($hash, 'sunriseTodayTs', 0) + $riseshift); $mintime = $tdiff / 60; - if($debug =~ /consumerPlanning/x) { + if ($debug =~ /consumerPlanning/x) { Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name DEBUG> consumer "$c" - Sunrise is shifted by >}.($riseshift / 60).'< minutes'); Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name DEBUG> consumer "$c" - Sunset is shifted by >}. ($setshift / 60).'< minutes'); Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name DEBUG> consumer "$c" - mintime calculated: }.$mintime.' minutes'); @@ -7271,8 +7084,8 @@ sub __planSwitchTimes { $paref->{mintime} = $mintime; $paref->{stopdiff} = $stopdiff; - if($mode eq "can") { # Verbraucher kann geplant werden - if($debug =~ /consumerPlanning/x) { + if ($mode eq "can") { # Verbraucher kann geplant werden + if ($debug =~ /consumerPlanning/x) { for my $m (sort{$a<=>$b} keys %mtimes) { Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name DEBUG> consumer "$c" - surplus expected: $mtimes{$m}{spexp}, }. qq{starttime: }.$mtimes{$m}{starttime}.", ". @@ -7281,7 +7094,7 @@ sub __planSwitchTimes { } for my $ts (sort{$a<=>$b} keys %mtimes) { - if($mtimes{$ts}{spexp} >= $epiece1) { # die früheste Startzeit sofern Überschuß größer als Bedarf + if ($mtimes{$ts}{spexp} >= $epiece1) { # die früheste Startzeit sofern Überschuß größer als Bedarf my $starttime = $mtimes{$ts}{starttime}; $paref->{starttime} = $starttime; @@ -7313,7 +7126,7 @@ sub __planSwitchTimes { } } else { # Verbraucher _muß_ geplant werden - if($debug =~ /consumerPlanning/x) { + if ($debug =~ /consumerPlanning/x) { for my $o (sort{$a<=>$b} keys %max) { Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name DEBUG> consumer "$c" - surplus: $max{$o}{spexp}, }. qq{starttime: }.$max{$o}{starttime}.", ". @@ -7328,7 +7141,7 @@ sub __planSwitchTimes { last; } - if(!ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "planstate", undef)) { # es konnte keine Planung mit max für den aktuellen Tag erstellt werden -> Zwangsplanung mit ersten Wert + if (!ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "planstate", undef)) { # es konnte keine Planung mit max für den aktuellen Tag erstellt werden -> Zwangsplanung mit ersten Wert my $p = (sort{$a<=>$b} keys %max)[0]; $paref->{elem} = $p; ___planMust ($paref); @@ -7337,11 +7150,11 @@ sub __planSwitchTimes { my $planstate = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "planstate", ""); - if($planstate) { + if ($planstate) { Log3 ($name, 3, qq{$name - Consumer "$calias" $planstate}); } - writeCacheToFile ($hash, "consumers", $csmcache.$name); # Cache File Consumer schreiben + writeCacheToFile ($hash, "consumers", $csmcache.$name); # Cache File Consumer schreiben ___setPlanningDeleteMeth ($paref); @@ -7430,12 +7243,17 @@ sub ___setConsumerPlanningState { my $type = $paref->{type}; my $c = $paref->{consumer}; my $ps = $paref->{ps}; # Planstatus + my $supplmnt = $paref->{supplement} // ''; my $startts = $paref->{startts}; # Unix Timestamp für geplanten Switch on my $stopts = $paref->{stopts}; # Unix Timestamp für geplanten Switch off my $lonts = $paref->{lastAutoOnTs}; # Timestamp des letzten On-Schaltens bzw. letzter Fortsetzung im Automatikmodus my $loffts = $paref->{lastAutoOffTs}; # Timestamp des letzten Off-Schaltens bzw. letzter Unterbrechnung im Automatikmodus my $lang = $paref->{lang}; - + + $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{planSupplement} = $supplmnt; + + return if(!$ps); + my ($starttime,$stoptime); if (defined $lonts) { @@ -7456,10 +7274,10 @@ sub ___setConsumerPlanningState { $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{planswitchoff} = $stopts; } - $ps .= " " if ($starttime || $stoptime); - $ps .= $starttime if ($starttime); - $ps .= $stoptime if (!$starttime && $stoptime); - $ps .= " - ".$stoptime if ($starttime && $stoptime); + $ps .= " " if($starttime || $stoptime); + $ps .= $starttime if($starttime); + $ps .= $stoptime if(!$starttime && $stoptime); + $ps .= " - ".$stoptime if($starttime && $stoptime); $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{planstate} = $ps; @@ -7616,7 +7434,7 @@ sub __setConsRcmdState { my $hash = $paref->{hash}; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $type = $paref->{type}; - my $c = $paref->{consumer}; # aktueller Unix Timestamp + my $c = $paref->{consumer}; my $debug = $paref->{debug}; my $surplus = CurrentVal ($hash, 'surplus', 0); # aktueller Energieüberschuß @@ -7865,11 +7683,8 @@ return $state; } ################################################################ -# Consumer aktuelle Schaltzustände ermitteln & setzen -# Consumer "on" setzen wenn physisch ein und alter Status -# "starting" -# Consumer "off" setzen wenn physisch aus und alter Status -# "stopping" +# Consumer aktuelle Schaltzustände ermitteln & +# logische Zustände ableiten/setzen ################################################################ sub ___setConsumerSwitchingState { my $paref = shift; @@ -7880,13 +7695,15 @@ sub ___setConsumerSwitchingState { my $t = $paref->{t}; my $state = $paref->{state}; - my $pstate = simplifyCstate (ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "planstate", "")); - my $calias = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "alias", ""); # Consumer Device Alias - my $auto = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "auto", 1); + my $simpCstat = simplifyCstate (ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'planstate', '')); + my $calias = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'alias', ''); # Consumer Device Alias + my $auto = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'auto', 1); + my $oldpsw = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'physoffon', 'off'); # gespeicherter physischer Schaltzustand + my $dowri = 0; + + debugLog ($paref, "consumerSwitching", qq{consumer "$c" - current planning state: $simpCstat \n}); - debugLog ($paref, "consumerSwitching", qq{consumer "$c" - current planning state: $pstate \n}); - - if ($pstate eq 'starting' && isConsumerPhysOn ($hash, $c)) { + if (isConsumerPhysOn ($hash, $c) && $simpCstat eq 'starting') { my $mintime = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "mintime", $defmintime); if (isSunPath ($hash, $c)) { # SunPath ist in mintime gesetzt @@ -7909,12 +7726,9 @@ sub ___setConsumerSwitchingState { delete $paref->{stopts}; $state = qq{Consumer '$calias' switched on}; - - writeCacheToFile ($hash, "consumers", $csmcache.$name); # Cache File Consumer schreiben - - Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $state"); + $dowri = 1; } - elsif ($pstate eq 'stopping' && isConsumerPhysOff ($hash, $c)) { + elsif (isConsumerPhysOff ($hash, $c) && $simpCstat eq 'stopping') { $paref->{ps} = "switched off:"; $paref->{stopts} = $t; $paref->{lastAutoOffTs} = $t; @@ -7926,12 +7740,9 @@ sub ___setConsumerSwitchingState { delete $paref->{lastAutoOffTs}; $state = qq{Consumer '$calias' switched off}; - - writeCacheToFile ($hash, "consumers", $csmcache.$name); # Cache File Consumer schreiben - - Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $state"); + $dowri = 1; } - elsif ($pstate eq 'continuing' && isConsumerPhysOn ($hash, $c)) { + elsif (isConsumerPhysOn ($hash, $c) && $simpCstat eq 'continuing') { $paref->{ps} = "continued:"; $paref->{lastAutoOnTs} = $t; @@ -7941,12 +7752,9 @@ sub ___setConsumerSwitchingState { delete $paref->{lastAutoOnTs}; $state = qq{Consumer '$calias' switched on (continued)}; - - writeCacheToFile ($hash, "consumers", $csmcache.$name); # Cache File Consumer schreiben - - Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $state"); + $dowri = 1; } - elsif ($pstate eq 'interrupting' && isConsumerPhysOff ($hash, $c)) { + elsif (isConsumerPhysOff ($hash, $c) && $simpCstat eq 'interrupting') { $paref->{ps} = "interrupted:"; $paref->{lastAutoOffTs} = $t; @@ -7956,9 +7764,31 @@ sub ___setConsumerSwitchingState { delete $paref->{lastAutoOffTs}; $state = qq{Consumer '$calias' switched off (interrupted)}; + $dowri = 1; + } + elsif ($oldpsw eq 'off' && isConsumerPhysOn ($hash, $c)){ + $paref->{supplement} = "$hqtxt{wexso}{$paref->{lang}}"; + ___setConsumerPlanningState ($paref); + + delete $paref->{supplement}; + + $state = qq{Consumer '$calias' was external switched on}; + $dowri = 1; + } + elsif ($oldpsw eq 'on' && isConsumerPhysOff ($hash, $c)) { + $paref->{supplement} = "$hqtxt{wexso}{$paref->{lang}}"; + + ___setConsumerPlanningState ($paref); + + delete $paref->{supplement}; + + $state = qq{Consumer '$calias' was external switched off}; + $dowri = 1; + } + + if ($dowri) { writeCacheToFile ($hash, "consumers", $csmcache.$name); # Cache File Consumer schreiben - Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $state"); } @@ -7989,6 +7819,23 @@ sub __remainConsumerTime { return; } +################################################################ +# Consumer physischen Schaltstatus setzen +################################################################ +sub __setPhysSwState { + my $paref = shift; + my $hash = $paref->{hash}; + my $name = $paref->{name}; + my $type = $paref->{type}; + my $c = $paref->{consumer}; + + my $pon = isConsumerPhysOn ($hash, $c) ? 'on' : 'off'; + + $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{physoffon} = $pon; + +return; +} + ################################################################ # Freigabe Einschalten Verbraucher durch Batterie Vorrangladung # return 0 -> keine Einschaltfreigabe Verbraucher @@ -8021,18 +7868,17 @@ sub __getPlanningStateAndTimes { my $c = $paref->{consumer}; my $lang = $paref->{lang}; - my $pstate = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "planstate", ""); - $pstate = simplifyCstate ($pstate); - - my $startts = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "planswitchon", ""); - my $stopts = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "planswitchoff", ""); + my $simpCstat = simplifyCstate (ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'planstate', '')); + my $supplmnt = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'planSupplement', ''); + my $startts = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'planswitchon', ''); + my $stopts = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'planswitchoff', ''); my $starttime = ''; my $stoptime = ''; $starttime = (timestampToTimestring ($startts, $lang))[0] if($startts); $stoptime = (timestampToTimestring ($stopts, $lang))[0] if($stopts); -return ($pstate, $starttime, $stoptime); +return ($simpCstat, $starttime, $stoptime, $supplmnt); } ################################################################ @@ -8598,6 +8444,8 @@ sub collectAllRegConsumers { my $hash = $paref->{hash}; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $type = $paref->{type}; + + return if(CurrentVal ($hash, 'consumerCollected', 0)); # Abbruch wenn Consumer bereits gesammelt delete $data{$type}{$name}{current}{consumerdevs}; @@ -8609,7 +8457,7 @@ sub collectAllRegConsumers { my ($ac,$hc) = parseParams ($consumer); $consumer = $ac->[0] // ""; - if(!$consumer || !$defs{$consumer}) { + if (!$consumer || !$defs{$consumer}) { my $err = qq{ERROR - the device "$consumer" doesn't exist anymore! Delete or change the attribute "consumer${c}".}; Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $err"); next; @@ -8620,7 +8468,7 @@ sub collectAllRegConsumers { my $dswitch = $hc->{switchdev}; # alternatives Schaltdevice if ($dswitch) { - if(!$defs{$dswitch}) { + if (!$defs{$dswitch}) { my $err = qq{ERROR - the device "$dswitch" doesn't exist anymore! Delete or change the attribute "consumer${c}".}; Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $err"); next; @@ -8635,24 +8483,24 @@ sub collectAllRegConsumers { my $alias = AttrVal ($consumer, "alias", $consumer); my ($rtot,$utot,$ethreshold); - if(exists $hc->{etotal}) { + if (exists $hc->{etotal}) { my $etotal = $hc->{etotal}; ($rtot,$utot,$ethreshold) = split ":", $etotal; } my ($rpcurr,$upcurr,$pthreshold); - if(exists $hc->{pcurr}) { + if (exists $hc->{pcurr}) { my $pcurr = $hc->{pcurr}; ($rpcurr,$upcurr,$pthreshold) = split ":", $pcurr; } my $asynchron; - if(exists $hc->{asynchron}) { + if (exists $hc->{asynchron}) { $asynchron = $hc->{asynchron}; } my $noshow; - if(exists $hc->{noshow}) { # Consumer ausblenden in Grafik + if (exists $hc->{noshow}) { # Consumer ausblenden in Grafik $noshow = $hc->{noshow}; } @@ -8662,12 +8510,12 @@ sub collectAllRegConsumers { } my ($dswoncond,$rswoncond,$swoncondregex); - if(exists $hc->{swoncond}) { # zusätzliche Einschaltbedingung + if (exists $hc->{swoncond}) { # zusätzliche Einschaltbedingung ($dswoncond,$rswoncond,$swoncondregex) = split ":", $hc->{swoncond}; } my ($dswoffcond,$rswoffcond,$swoffcondregex); - if(exists $hc->{swoffcond}) { # vorrangige Ausschaltbedingung + if (exists $hc->{swoffcond}) { # vorrangige Ausschaltbedingung ($dswoffcond,$rswoffcond,$swoffcondregex) = split ":", $hc->{swoffcond}; } @@ -8678,7 +8526,7 @@ sub collectAllRegConsumers { my $interruptable = 0; my ($hyst); - if(exists $hc->{interruptable} && $hc->{interruptable} ne '0') { + if (exists $hc->{interruptable} && $hc->{interruptable} ne '0') { $interruptable = $hc->{interruptable}; ($interruptable,$hyst) = $interruptable =~ /(.*):(.*)$/xs if($interruptable ne '1'); } @@ -8748,8 +8596,10 @@ sub collectAllRegConsumers { $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{sunriseshift} = $riseshift if(defined $riseshift); # Verschiebung (Sekunden) Sonnenaufgang bei SunPath Verwendung $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{sunsetshift} = $setshift if(defined $setshift); # Verschiebung (Sekunden) Sonnenuntergang bei SunPath Verwendung } + + $data{$type}{$name}{current}{consumerCollected} = 1; - # Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - all registered consumers:\n".Dumper $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}); + Log3 ($name, 3, "$name - all registered consumers collected"); return; } @@ -9894,7 +9744,7 @@ sub ___ghoValForm { my $efn = eval $fn; if ($@) { - Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - ERROR in execute graphicHeaderOwnspecValForm: ".$@); + Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - ERROR in execute graphicHeaderOwnspecValForm: ".$@); $err = $@; } else { @@ -9923,7 +9773,7 @@ sub ___ghoValForm { my $vnew = eval $fn; if ($@) { - Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - ERROR in execute graphicHeaderOwnspecValForm: ".$@); + Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - ERROR in execute graphicHeaderOwnspecValForm: ".$@); $err = $@; } else { @@ -10116,13 +9966,15 @@ sub _graphicConsumerLegend { $paref->{consumer} = $c; - my ($planstate,$starttime,$stoptime) = __getPlanningStateAndTimes ($paref); - my ($iilt,$rlt) = isInLocktime ($paref); # Sperrzeit Status ermitteln + my ($planstate,$starttime,$stoptime,$supplmnt) = __getPlanningStateAndTimes ($paref); + $supplmnt = '-' if(!$supplmnt); + my ($iilt,$rlt) = isInLocktime ($paref); # Sperrzeit Status ermitteln - my $pstate = $caicon eq "times" ? $hqtxt{pstate}{$lang} : $htitles{pstate}{$lang}; - my $surplusinfo = isConsRcmd($hash, $c) ? $htitles{splus}{$lang} : $htitles{nosplus}{$lang}; + my $pstate = $caicon eq "times" ? $hqtxt{pstate}{$lang} : $htitles{pstate}{$lang}; + my $surplusinfo = isConsRcmd($hash, $c) ? $htitles{splus}{$lang} : $htitles{nosplus}{$lang}; $pstate =~ s//$planstate/xs; + $pstate =~ s//$supplmnt/xs; $pstate =~ s//$starttime/xs; $pstate =~ s//$stoptime/xs; $pstate =~ s//$rlt/xs; @@ -11286,7 +11138,7 @@ sub checkdwdattr { $err .= qq{ERROR - device "$dwddev" -> attribute "forecastResolution" must be set to "1"}; } - Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $err") if($err); + Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $err") if($err); return $err; } @@ -12734,7 +12586,7 @@ sub listDataPool { $cret .= $ckey." => ".ConsumerVal ($hash, $idx, $ckey, "")."\n "; } } - + $sq .= $idx." => ".$cret."\n"; } } @@ -13799,6 +13651,7 @@ sub deleteConsumerPlanning { my $calias = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "alias", ""); delete $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{planstate}; + delete $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{planSupplement}; delete $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{planswitchon}; delete $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{planswitchoff}; delete $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{plandelete}; @@ -14701,7 +14554,7 @@ sub Serialize { my $serial = eval { freeze ($data) } - or do { Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - Serialization ERROR: $@"); + or do { Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - Serialization ERROR: $@"); return; }; @@ -15001,11 +14854,13 @@ return $def; # aiaddistate - Add Instanz Status der KI # batcharge - Bat SOC in % # batinstcap - installierte Batteriekapazität in Wh +# ctrunning - aktueller Ausführungsstatus des Central Task # genslidereg - Schieberegister PV Erzeugung (Array) # h4fcslidereg - Schieberegister 4h PV Forecast (Array) # socslidereg - Schieberegister Batterie SOC (Array) # consumption - aktueller Verbrauch (W) # consumerdevs - alle registrierten Consumerdevices (Array) +# consumerCollected - Statusbit Consumer Attr gesammelt und ausgewertet # gridconsumption - aktueller Netzbezug # powerbatin - Batterie Ladeleistung # powerbatout - Batterie Entladeleistung @@ -15159,6 +15014,7 @@ return $def; # offreg - Regex für phys. Zustand "aus" # oncom - Einschaltkommando # offcom - Ausschaltkommando +# physoffon - physischer Schaltzustand ein/aus # onoff - logischer ein/aus Zustand des am Consumer angeschlossenen Endverbrauchers # asynchron - Arbeitsweise des FHEM Consumer Devices # retotal - Reading der Leistungsmessung @@ -15172,6 +15028,8 @@ return $def; # epieces - prognostizierte Energiescheiben (Hash) # ehodpieces - geplante Energiescheiben nach Tagesstunde (hour of day) (Hash) # dswoncond - Device zur Lieferung einer zusätzliche Einschaltbedingung +# planstate - Planungsstatus +# planSupplement - Ergänzung zum Planungsstatus # rswoncond - Reading zur Lieferung einer zusätzliche Einschaltbedingung # swoncondregex - Regex einer zusätzliche Einschaltbedingung # dswoffcond - Device zur Lieferung einer vorrangige Ausschaltbedingung @@ -15405,6 +15263,27 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
+ +
    + +
  • batteryTrigger <1on>=<Value> <1off>=<Value> [<2on>=<Value> <2off>=<Value> ...]

    + + Generates triggers when the battery charge exceeds or falls below certain values (SoC in %).
    + If the last three SoC measurements exceed a defined Xon-Bedingung, the reading batteryTrigger_X = on + is created/set.
    + If the last three SoC measurements fall below a defined Xoff-Bedingung, the reading + batteryTrigger_X = off is created/set.
    + Any number of trigger conditions can be specified. Xon/Xoff conditions do not necessarily have to be defined in pairs. +
    + +
      + Example:
      + set <name> batteryTrigger 1on=30 1off=10 2on=70 2off=20 3on=15 4off=90
  • +
    @@ -17418,10 +17297,10 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
  • batteryTrigger <1on>=<Wert> <1off>=<Wert> [<2on>=<Wert> <2off>=<Wert> ...]

    - Generiert Trigger bei Über- bzw. Unterschreitung bestimmter Batterieladungswerte (SOC in %).
    - Überschreiten die letzten drei SOC-Messungen eine definierte Xon-Bedingung, wird das Reading - batteryTrigger_X = on erstellt/gesetzt. - Unterschreiten die letzten drei SOC-Messungen eine definierte Xoff-Bedingung, wird das Reading + Generiert Trigger bei Über- bzw. Unterschreitung bestimmter Batterieladungswerte (SoC in %).
    + Überschreiten die letzten drei SoC-Messungen eine definierte Xon-Bedingung, wird das Reading + batteryTrigger_X = on erstellt/gesetzt.
    + Unterschreiten die letzten drei SoC-Messungen eine definierte Xoff-Bedingung, wird das Reading batteryTrigger_X = off erstellt/gesetzt.
    Es kann eine beliebige Anzahl von Triggerbedingungen angegeben werden. Xon/Xoff-Bedingungen müssen nicht zwingend paarweise definiert werden.