mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 04:36:36 +00:00

50_Signalbot: Added support for unicode textformatting and emoticons

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@25638 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
Adimarantis 2022-02-06 14:21:21 +00:00
parent 885d68d66b
commit 5f2c9b0ae5
4 changed files with 239 additions and 208 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: 50_Signalbot: text formatting and emoticons via unicode
- feature: 70_ESCVP21net.pm: toggle, TW7400, new Readings
- new: lib/FHEM/Text/Unicode: apply text styles in Unicode
- feature: 66_EseraMulti: added support for solar sensor Esera 11112

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
my $Signalbot_VERSION="3.6";
my $Signalbot_VERSION="3.7";
# Simple Interface to Signal CLI running as Dbus service
# Author: Adimarantis
# License: GPL
@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ use HttpUtils;
eval "use Protocol::DBus;1";
eval "use Protocol::DBus::Client;1" or my $DBus_missing = "yes";
require FHEM::Text::Unicode;
use FHEM::Text::Unicode qw(:ALL);
#maybe really get introspective here instead of handwritten list
my %signatures = (
"setContactBlocked" => "sb",
@ -104,6 +107,7 @@ sub Signalbot_Initialize($) {
"cmdFavorite ".
"favorites:textField-long ".
"autoJoin:yes,no ".
"formatting:none,html,markdown,both ".
"registerMethod:SMS,Voice ".
@ -339,7 +343,7 @@ sub Signalbot_Set($@) { #
eval { $fullstring=decode_utf8($fullstring); };
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 3 , $hash->{NAME}.": Error from decode" if $@;
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 3 , $hash->{NAME}.": Before parse:" . encode_utf8($fullstring) . ":";
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 3 , $hash->{NAME}.": Before parse:" .$fullstring. ":";
my $tmpmessage = $fullstring =~ s/\\n/\x0a/rg;
my @args=parse_line(' ',0,$tmpmessage);
@ -401,7 +405,7 @@ sub Signalbot_Set($@) { #
my @newatt;
foreach my $file (@attachments) {
if ( -e $file ) {
if (! $file =~ /tmp\/signalbot/) {
if ($file=~/^\/tmp\/signalbot.*/ ne 1) {
$file =~ /^.*?\.([^.]*)?$/;
my $type = $1;
my $tmpfilename="/tmp/signalbot".gettimeofday().".".$type;
@ -419,7 +423,11 @@ sub Signalbot_Set($@) { #
#Convert html or markdown to unicode
my $format=AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"formatting","none");
my $convmsg=formatTextUnicode($format,$message);
$message=$convmsg if defined $convmsg;
#Send message to individuals (bulk)
if (@recipients > 0) {
@ -452,7 +460,7 @@ sub Signalbot_Get($@) {
my $account = ReadingsVal($name,"account","none");
if ($cmd eq "?") {
my $gets="favorites:noArg accounts:noArg ";
my $gets="favorites:noArg accounts:noArg helpUnicode:noArg ";
$gets.="contacts:all,nonblocked ".
"groups:all,active,nonblocked " if $account ne "none";
return "Signalbot_Get: Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of ".$gets;
@ -464,6 +472,8 @@ sub Signalbot_Get($@) {
if ($cmd eq "introspective") {
my $reply=Signalbot_CallS($hash,"org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable.Introspect");
return undef;
} elsif ($cmd eq "helpUnicode") {
return demoUnicodeHTML();
} elsif ($cmd eq "accounts") {
my $num=Signalbot_getAccounts($hash);
return "Error in listAccounts" if $num<0;
@ -825,7 +835,7 @@ sub Signalbot_MessageReceived ($@) {
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, $hash->{NAME}.": Message from $sender : $message processed";
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, $hash->{NAME}.": Message from $sender : ".decode_utf8($message)." processed";
} else {
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 2, $hash->{NAME}.": Ignored message due to allowedPeer by $source:$message";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'lastError', "Ignored message due to allowedPeer by $source:$message",1);
@ -925,6 +935,8 @@ sub Signalbot_setup($@){
chmod 0755, "www/signal/signal_install.sh";
#Make sure Logfile looks ok with Unicode characters and does not raise "Wide character"
return undef;
@ -1424,7 +1436,7 @@ sub Signalbot_refreshGroups($@) {
sub Signalbot_sendMessage($@) {
my ( $hash,$rec,$att,$mes ) = @_;
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, $hash->{NAME}.": sendMessage called for $rec:$att:".encode_utf8($mes);
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, $hash->{NAME}.": sendMessage called for $rec:$att:".$mes;
my @recorg= split(/,/,$rec);
my @attach=split(/,/,$att);
@ -2098,7 +2110,6 @@ sub Signalbot_OSRel() {
# -2 for Audio
# -3 for other media
# and extension without dot as 2nd list element
sub Signalbot_IdentifyStream($$) {
my ($hash, $msg) = @_;
@ -2286,6 +2297,11 @@ For German documentation see <a href="https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/Signalbot">Wiki<
<a id="Signalbot-get-favorites"></a>
Lists the defined favorites in the attribute "favorites" in a readable format<br>
<li><b>get helpUnicode</b><br>
<a id="Signalbot-get-helpUnicode"></a>
Opens a cheat sheet for all supported replacements to format text or add emoticons using html-like tags or markdown.<br>
<b>Note:</b> This functionality needs to be enabled using the "formatting" attribute.<br>
@ -2367,6 +2383,17 @@ For German documentation see <a href="https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/Signalbot">Wiki<
<a id="Signalbot-attr-defaultPeer"></a>
If <b>send</b> is used without a recipient, the message will send to this account or group(with #)<br>
<a id="Signalbot-attr-formatting"></a>
The "formatting" attribute has the following four options that allow highlighting in Unicode:
<li>none - no replacements </li>
<li>html - replacements are enabled here with HTML-type tags (e.g. for bold &lt;b&gt; is bold &lt;/b&gt;)</li>
<li>markdown - replacements are enabled by markdown-like tags (e.g. __for italic__) as well as emotics</li>
<li>both - both methods are possible here</li>
To learn about the syntax how to use tags and markdown, use the get helpUnicode method. You can still also simply copy&paste Unicode text from other sources.

View File

@ -626,6 +626,7 @@ lib/FHEM/Core/Timer/Register.pm Beta-User FHEM Development
lib/FHEM/SynoModules/API.pm DS_Starter Sonstiges
lib/FHEM/SynoModules/SMUtils.pm DS_Starter Sonstiges
lib/FHEM/SynoModules/ErrCodes.pm DS_Starter Sonstiges
lib/FHEM/Text/Unicode.pm Adimarantis FHEM Development
contrib/sacha_gloor/* rudolfkoenig/orphan Sonstiges
contrib/70_ONKYO_AVR_PULL.pm loredo (deprecated)

View File

@ -1,200 +1,202 @@
# $Id$
# Maintainer: Adimarantis
# Library to convert ASCII into formatted Unicode and apply styles like bold or emoticons
# This script free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
package FHEM::Text::Unicode;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw (formatTextUnicode formatStringUnicode demoUnicode demoUnicodeHTML);
#define globally for demo
my @mrep = (
#html like styles
my @htags = (
["bold" ,"<b>","</b>"],
#Single replacements in html mode
my @hrep = (
#Markdown styles
my @mtags = (
#Convert text with Markdown/html to Unicode
# html: Only apply HTML-like formatting like <x>....</x>
# markdown: Only apply Markdown formatting like __text__ and emoticon replacements
# both: Apply both formatting styles
#$msg: ASCII String that should be replaced
#return: Unicode string with applied replacements
#To display all replacements use the demoUnicode() pr demoUnicodeHTML() function
sub formatTextUnicode($$) {
my ($format,$msg) = @_;
my @tags;
my @reps;
if ($format eq "markdown" || $format eq "both") {
push @tags, @mtags;
push @reps, @mrep;
if ($format eq "html" || $format eq "both") {
push @tags, @htags;
push @reps, @hrep;
#First pass, replace singe special characters
foreach my $arr (@reps) {
my @val=@$arr;
$msg =~ s/$val[0]/$val[1]/sg;
my $found=1;
my $matches=0;
my $text;
while ($found && $matches<100) {
foreach my $arr (@tags) {
my @val=@$arr;
$msg =~ /$val[1](.*?)$val[2]/s;
if (defined $1) {
if (defined $text) {
$msg =~ s/$val[1].*?$val[2]/$text/s;
return $msg;
#Converts normal ASCII into unicode with a special font or style
#$font: Style to be applied: underline, strikethrough, bold, italic, bold-italic, script, fraktur, square, mono
#$str: ASCII String that should be converted
#returns: Unicode String with style applied
sub formatStringUnicode($$) {
my ($font,$str) = @_;
if ($font eq "underline") {
$str =~ s/./$&\x{332}/g;
return $str;
if ($font eq "strikethrough") {
$str =~ s/./$&\x{336}/g;
return $str;
my %uc = (
"bold" => [0x1d41a,0x1d400,0x1d7ce],
"italic" => [0x1d44e,0x1d434,0x30],
"bold-italic" => [0x1d482,0x1d468,0x30],
"script" => [0x1d4ea,0x1d4d0,0x30], #Using boldface since normal misses some letters
"fraktur" => [0x1d586,0x1d56c,0x30],#Using boldface since normal misses some letters
"square" => [0x1f130,0x1f130,0x30],
"mono" => [0x1d68a,0x1d670,0x30],
return undef if (! defined $uc{$font});
my $rep=chr($uc{$font}[0])."-".chr($uc{$font}[0]+25).chr($uc{$font}[1])."-".chr($uc{$font}[1]+25).chr($uc{$font}[2])."-".chr($uc{$font}[2]+9);
eval "tr/a-zA-Z0-9/$rep/";
return undef if $@;
#Special handling for characters missing in some fonts
# 0x1d455 => 0x1d629, #italic h -> italic sans-serif h or 0x210e (planck constant)
# 0x1d4ba => 0x1d452, #script e -> serif e (not used -> using bold script charset which is complete
$_ =~ tr/\x{1d455}\x{1d4ba}/\x{1d629}\x{1d452}/;
return $_;
# Returns a String that is can be embedded in HTML (e.g. FHEM "get") and showcases all possible replacements and their syntax
sub demoUnicodeHTML {
my $str=demoUnicode();
$str =~ s/</&lt/sg;
$str =~ s/</&gt/sg;
$str =~ s/\n/<br>/sg;
return $str;
# Returns a printable String that showcases all possible replacements and their syntax
sub demoUnicode {
my $str;
$str.="HTML style formatting:\n";
foreach my $arr (@htags) {
my @val=@$arr;
$str .= formatStringUnicode($val[0],$val[0]." TEXT 123").": $val[1]text$val[2]\n";
$str.="newline: <br>\n";
$str.="\nMarkdown style formatting:\n";
foreach my $arr (@mtags) {
my @val=@$arr;
my $md= formatStringUnicode($val[0],$val[0]." TEXT 123").": $val[1]text$val[2]\n";
$md =~ s/\\//g;
my $i=0;
foreach my $arr (@mrep) {
my @val=@$arr;
my $emo=$val[0];
$emo =~ s/\\//g;
$str.="$val[1]=$emo ";
if ($i>5) {
return $str;
# $Id$
# Maintainer: Adimarantis
# Library to convert ASCII into formatted Unicode and apply styles like bold or emoticons
# This script free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
package FHEM::Text::Unicode;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw (formatTextUnicode formatStringUnicode demoUnicode demoUnicodeHTML);
#define globally for demo
my @mrep = (
#html like styles
my @htags = (
["bold" ,"<b>","</b>"],
#Single replacements in html mode
my @hrep = (
#Markdown styles
my @mtags = (
#Convert text with Markdown/html to Unicode
# html: Only apply HTML-like formatting like <x>....</x>
# markdown: Only apply Markdown formatting like __text__ and emoticon replacements
# both: Apply both formatting styles
#$msg: ASCII String that should be replaced
#returns: Unicode string with applied replacements
#To display all replacements use the demoUnicode() or demoUnicodeHTML() function
sub formatTextUnicode($$) {
my ($format,$msg) = @_;
my @tags;
my @reps;
if ($format eq "markdown" || $format eq "both") {
push @tags, @mtags;
push @reps, @mrep;
if ($format eq "html" || $format eq "both") {
push @tags, @htags;
push @reps, @hrep;
#First pass, replace singe special characters
foreach my $arr (@reps) {
my @val=@$arr;
$msg =~ s/$val[0]/$val[1]/sg;
my $found=1;
my $matches=0;
my $text;
while ($found && $matches<100) {
foreach my $arr (@tags) {
my @val=@$arr;
$msg =~ /$val[1](.*?)$val[2]/s;
if (defined $1) {
if (defined $text) {
$msg =~ s/$val[1].*?$val[2]/$text/s;
return $msg;
#Converts normal ASCII into unicode with a special font or style
#$font: Style to be applied: underline, strikethrough, bold, italic, bold-italic, script, fraktur, square, mono
#$str: ASCII String that should be converted
#returns: Unicode String with style applied
sub formatStringUnicode($$) {
my ($font,$str) = @_;
if ($font eq "underline") {
$str =~ s/./$&\x{332}/g;
return $str;
if ($font eq "strikethrough") {
$str =~ s/./$&\x{336}/g;
return $str;
my %uc = (
"bold" => [0x1d41a,0x1d400,0x1d7ce],
"italic" => [0x1d44e,0x1d434,0x30],
"bold-italic" => [0x1d482,0x1d468,0x30],
"script" => [0x1d4ea,0x1d4d0,0x30], #Using boldface since normal misses some letters
"fraktur" => [0x1d586,0x1d56c,0x30],#Using boldface since normal misses some letters
"square" => [0x1f130,0x1f130,0x30],
"mono" => [0x1d68a,0x1d670,0x30],
return undef if (! defined $uc{$font});
my $rep=chr($uc{$font}[0])."-".chr($uc{$font}[0]+25).chr($uc{$font}[1])."-".chr($uc{$font}[1]+25).chr($uc{$font}[2])."-".chr($uc{$font}[2]+9);
#"no warnings" to prevent a bug in older Perl versions (seen in 5.28) that warns about
#"Replacement list is longer than search list" when using ASCII->Unicode replacements
eval "{no warnings; tr/a-zA-Z0-9/$rep/}";
return undef if $@;
#Special handling for characters missing in some fonts
# 0x1d455 => 0x1d629, #italic h -> italic sans-serif h or 0x210e (planck constant)
# 0x1d4ba => 0x1d452, #script e -> serif e (not used -> using bold script charset which is complete
$_ =~ tr/\x{1d455}\x{1d4ba}/\x{1d629}\x{1d452}/;
return $_;
# Returns a String that is can be embedded in HTML (e.g. FHEM "get") and showcases all possible replacements and their syntax
sub demoUnicodeHTML {
my $str=demoUnicode();
$str =~ s/</&lt/sg;
$str =~ s/</&gt/sg;
$str =~ s/\n/<br>/sg;
return $str;
# Returns a printable String that showcases all possible replacements and their syntax
sub demoUnicode {
my $str;
$str.="HTML style formatting:\n";
foreach my $arr (@htags) {
my @val=@$arr;
$str .= formatStringUnicode($val[0],$val[0]." TEXT 123").": $val[1]text$val[2]\n";
$str.="newline: <br>\n";
$str.="\nMarkdown style formatting:\n";
foreach my $arr (@mtags) {
my @val=@$arr;
my $md= formatStringUnicode($val[0],$val[0]." TEXT 123").": $val[1]text$val[2]\n";
$md =~ s/\\//g;
my $i=0;
foreach my $arr (@mrep) {
my @val=@$arr;
my $emo=$val[0];
$emo =~ s/\\//g;
$str.="$val[1]=$emo ";
if ($i>5) {
return $str;