mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:56:54 +00:00
first version of new module 57_Calendar.pm
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@1590 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,604 @@
# 57_Calendar.pm
# written by Dr. Boris Neubert 2012-05-20
# e-mail: omega at online dot de
# $Id$
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Local;
package main;
sub debug($) {
my ($msg)= @_;
Log 1, "DEBUG: " . $msg;
# ICal
# the ical format is governed by RFC2445 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2445.txt
package ICal::Entry;
sub new {
my $class= shift;
my ($type)= @_;
my $self= {};
bless $self, $class;
$self->{type}= $type;
$self->{entries}= [];
#main::debug "NEW: $type";
sub addproperty {
my ($self,$line)= @_;
#main::debug $line;
my ($property,$parameter)= split(":", $line);
my ($key,$parts)= split(";", $property,2);
$parts= "" unless(defined($parts));
$self->{properties}{$key}= {
PARTS => "$parts",
VALUE => "$parameter"
#main::debug "ADDPROPERTY: ". $self ." key= $key, parts= $parts, value= $parameter";
#main::debug "WE ARE " . $self->{properties}{$key}{VALUE};
sub value {
my ($self,$key)= @_;
return $self->{properties}{$key}{VALUE};
sub parts {
my ($self,$key)= @_;
return split(";", $self->{properties}{$key}{PARTS});
sub parse {
my ($self,@ical)= @_;
$self->parseSub(0, @ical);
sub parseSub {
my ($self,$ln,@ical)= @_;
#main::debug "ENTER @ $ln";
while($ln<$#ical) {
my $line= $ical[$ln];
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/[\x0D]//; # chomp will not remove the CR
#main::debug "$ln: $line";
last if($line =~ m/^END:.*$/);
if($line =~ m/^BEGIN:(.*)$/) {
my $entry= ICal::Entry->new($1);
push $self->{entries}, $entry;
$ln= $entry->parseSub($ln,@ical);
} else {
#main::debug "BACK";
return $ln;
sub asString() {
my ($self,$level)= @_;
$level= "" unless(defined($level));
my $s= $level . $self->{type} . "\n";
$level .= " ";
for my $key (keys %{$self->{properties}}) {
$s.= $level . "$key: ". $self->value($key) . "\n";
my @entries= @{$self->{entries}};
for(my $i= 0; $i<=$#entries; $i++) {
$s.= $entries[$i]->asString($level);
return $s;
# Event
package Calendar::Event;
sub new {
my $class= shift;
my $self= {};
bless $self, $class;
$self->{_state}= "";
$self->{alarmTriggered}= 0;
$self->{startTriggered}= 0;
$self->{endTriggered}= 0;
sub uid {
my ($self)= @_;
return $self->{uid};
sub setState {
my ($self,$state)= @_;
main::debug "Before setState $state: States(" . $self->uid() . ") " . $self->{_previousState} . " -> " . $self->{_state};
$self->{_previousState}= $self->{_state};
$self->{_state}= $state;
main::debug "After setState $state: States(" . $self->uid() . ") " . $self->{_previousState} . " -> " . $self->{_state};
return $state;
sub touch {
my ($self,$t)= @_;
$self->{_lastSeen}= $t;
return $t;
sub lastSeen {
my ($self)= @_;
return $self->{_lastSeen};
sub state {
my ($self)= @_;
return $self->{_state};
sub lastModified {
my ($self)= @_;
return $self->{lastModified};
sub isState {
my ($self,$state)= @_;
return $self->{_state} eq $state ? 1 : 0;
sub isNew {
my ($self)= @_;
return $self->isState("new");
sub isActive {
my ($self)= @_;
return $self->isState("active");
sub isUpdated {
my ($self)= @_;
return $self->isState("updated");
sub isDeleted {
my ($self)= @_;
return $self->isState("deleted");
sub stateChanged {
my ($self)= @_;
main::debug "States(" . $self->uid() . ") " . $self->{_previousState} . " -> " . $self->{_state};
return $self->{_state} ne $self->{_previousState} ? 1 : 0;
# converts a date/time string to the number of non-leap seconds since the epoch
# 20120520T185202Z: date/time string in ISO8601 format, time zone GMT
# 20120520: a date string has no time zone associated
sub tm {
my ($t)= @_;
#debug "convert $t";
my ($year,$month,$day)= (substr($t,0,4), substr($t,4,2),substr($t,6,2));
if(length($t)>8) {
my ($hour,$minute,$second)= (substr($t,9,2), substr($t,11,2),substr($t,13,2));
return Time::Local::timegm($second,$minute,$hour,$day,$month-1,$year-1900);
} else {
#debug "$day $month $year";
return Time::Local::timelocal(0,0,0,$day,$month-1,$year-1900);
# dur-value = (["+"] / "-") "P" (dur-date / dur-time / dur-week)
# dur-date = dur-day [dur-time]
# dur-time = "T" (dur-hour / dur-minute / dur-second)
# dur-week = 1*DIGIT "W"
# dur-hour = 1*DIGIT "H" [dur-minute]
# dur-minute = 1*DIGIT "M" [dur-second]
# dur-second = 1*DIGIT "S"
# dur-day = 1*DIGIT "D"
# example: -P0DT0H30M0S
sub d {
my ($d)= @_;
my $sign= 1;
my $t= 0;
my @c= split("P", $d);
$sign= -1 if($c[0] eq "-");
shift @c if($c[0] =~ m/[\+\-]/);
my ($dw,$dt)= split("T", $c[0]);
if($dw =~ m/(\d+)D$/) {
$t+= 86400*$1; # days
} elsif($dw =~ m/(\d+)W$/) {
$t+= 604800*$1; # weeks
if($dt =~ m/^(\d+)H(\d+)M(\d+)S$/) {
$t+= $1*3600+$2*60+$3;
$t*= $sign;
#main::debug "sign: $sign dw: $dw dt: $dt t= $t";
return $t;
sub ts {
my ($tm)= @_;
my ($second,$minute,$hour,$day,$month,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)= localtime($tm);
return sprintf("%02d.%02d.%4d %02d:%02d:%02d", $day,$month+1,$year+1900,$hour,$minute,$second);
sub fromVEvent {
my ($self,$vevent)= @_;
$self->{uid}= $vevent->value("UID");
$self->{start}= tm($vevent->value("DTSTART"));
$self->{end}= tm($vevent->value("DTEND"));
$self->{lastModified}= tm($vevent->value("LAST-MODIFIED"));
$self->{summary}= $vevent->value("SUMMARY");
#$self->{summary}=~ s/;/,/g;
# alarms
my @valarms= grep { $_->{type} eq "VALARM" } @{$vevent->{entries}};
my @durations= sort map { d($_->value("TRIGGER")) } @valarms;
if(@durations) {
$self->{alarm}= $self->{start}+$durations[0];
} else {
$self->{alarm}= undef;
sub asString {
my ($self)= @_;
return sprintf("%s %s(%s);%s;%s;%s;%s",
$self->{alarm} ? ts($self->{alarm}) : "",
sub asText {
my ($self)= @_;
#return sprintf("%s-%s %s",
# ts($self->{start}),
# ts($self->{end}),
# $self->{summary}
return sprintf("%s %s",
# returns 1 if time is between alarm time and start time, else 0
sub isAlarmed {
my ($self,$t) = @_;
return $self->{alarm} ?
(($self->{alarm}<= $t && $t<= $self->{start}) ? 1 : 0) : 0;
# return 1 if time is between start time and end time, else 0
sub isRunning {
my ($self,$t) = @_;
return $self->{start}<= $t && $t<= $self->{end} ? 1 : 0;
sub nextTime {
my ($self,$t) = @_;
my @times= ( $self->{start}, $self->{end} );
unshift @times, $self->{alarm} if($self->{alarm});
@times= sort grep { $_ >= $t } @times;
if(@times) {
return $times[0];
} else {
return undef;
# Events
package Calendar::Events;
sub new {
my $class= shift;
my $self= {};
bless $self, $class;
$self->{events}= {};
sub uids {
my ($self)= @_;
return keys $self->{events};
sub events {
my ($self)= @_;
return values $self->{events};
sub event {
my ($self,$uid)= @_;
return $self->{events}{$uid};
sub setEvent {
my ($self,$event)= @_;
$self->{events}{$event->uid()}= $event;
sub deleteEvent {
my ($self,$uid)= @_;
delete $self->{events}{$uid};
sub ts {
my ($tm)= @_;
my ($second,$minute,$hour,$day,$month,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)= localtime($tm);
return sprintf("%02d.%02d.%4d %02d:%02d:%02d", $day,$month+1,$year+1900,$hour,$minute,$second);
sub updateFromCalendar {
my ($self,$calendar)= @_;
my $t= time();
my $uid;
my $event;
# we first remove all elements which were previously marked for deletion
foreach $event ($self->events()) {
if($event->isDeleted()) {
# we iterate over the VEVENTs in the calendar
my @vevents= grep { $_->{type} eq "VEVENT" } @{$calendar->{entries}};
foreach my $vevent (@vevents) {
# convert event to entry
my $event= Calendar::Event->new();
$uid= $event->uid();
main::debug "Processing event $uid.";
if(defined($self->event($uid))) {
# the event already exists
main::debug "Event $uid already exists.";
$event->setState($self->event($uid)->state()); # copy the state from the existing event
main::debug "Our lastModified: " . ts($self->event($uid)->lastModified());
main::debug "New lastModified: " . ts($event->lastModified());
if($self->event($uid)->lastModified() != $event->lastModified()) {
} else {
# untouched elements get marked as deleted
foreach $event ($self->events()) {
if($event->lastSeen() != $t) {
package main;
sub Calendar_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "Calendar_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "Calendar_Undef";
$hash->{GetFn} = "Calendar_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "Calendar_Set";
$hash->{AttrList}= "loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5 event-on-update-reading event-on-change-reading";
sub Calendar_CheckTimes($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $eventsObj= $hash->{fhem}{events};
my $t= time();
# we now run over all events and update the readings for those with changed states
my @allevents= $eventsObj->events();
my @running= sort map { $_->uid() } grep { $_->isRunning($t) } @allevents;
my @alarmed= sort map { $_->uid() } grep { $_->isAlarmed($t) } @allevents;
readingsUpdate($hash, "running", join(";", @running));
readingsUpdate($hash, "alarmed", join(";", @alarmed));
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); # DoTrigger, because sub is called by a timer instead of dispatch
sub Calendar_GetUpdate($$)
my ($hash,$starttimer) = @_;
if($starttimer) {
#main::debug "Start timer: $starttimer, " . $hash->{fhem}{interval} . "s";
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{fhem}{interval}, "Calendar_GetUpdate", $hash, 0) ;
my $url= $hash->{fhem}{url};
# split into hostname and filename, TODO: enable https
if($url =~ m,^http://(.+?)(/.+)$,) {
# well-formed, host now in $1, filename now in $2
#main::debug "Get $url";
} else {
Log 1, "Calendar " . $hash->{NAME} . ": $url is not a valid URL.";
return 0;
my $ics= GetHttpFile("$1:80",$2);
return 0 if($ics eq "");
# we parse the calendar into a recursive ICal::Entry structure
my $ical= ICal::Entry->new("root");
#main::debug "*** Result:\n";
#main::debug $ical->asString();
# we now create the events from it
main::debug "Creating events...";
my $eventsObj= $hash->{fhem}{events};
$hash->{fhem}{events}= $eventsObj;
# we now run over all events and update the readings
my @allevents= $eventsObj->events();
my @changedevents= grep { $_->stateChanged() } @allevents;
my @all= sort map { $_->uid() } @allevents;
my @changed= sort map { $_->uid() } @changedevents;
my @new= sort map { $_->uid() } grep { $_->isNew() } @changedevents;
my @active= sort map { $_->uid() } grep { $_->isActive() } @changedevents;
my @updated= sort map { $_->uid() } grep { $_->isUpdated() } @changedevents;
my @deleted = sort map { $_->uid() } grep { $_->isDeleted() } @changedevents;
#$hash->{STATE}= $val;
readingsUpdate($hash, "all", join(";", @all));
readingsUpdate($hash, "changed", join(";", @changed));
readingsUpdate($hash, "new", join(";", @new));
readingsUpdate($hash, "active", join(";", @active));
readingsUpdate($hash, "updated", join(";", @updated));
readingsUpdate($hash, "deleted", join(";", @deleted));
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); # DoTrigger, because sub is called by a timer instead of dispatch
return 1;
sub Calendar_Set($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $name = $a[0];
# usage check
my $usage= "Usage: set $name update";
if((@a == 2) && ($a[1] eq "update")) {
return undef;
} else {
return $usage;
sub Calendar_Get($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "argument is missing" if($#a != 2);
my $cmd= $a[1];
return "Unknown command $cmd" unless($cmd eq "text");
my $reading= $a[2];
if(!defined($hash->{READINGS}{$reading})) {
return "No such reading: $reading";
my $eventsObj= $hash->{fhem}{events};
my @uids= split(";", $hash->{READINGS}{$reading}{VAL});
my @texts;
foreach my $uid (@uids) {
my $event= $eventsObj->event($uid);
push @texts, $event->asText();
return join("\n", @texts);
sub Calendar_Define($$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
# define <name> Calendar ical URL [interval]
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "syntax: define <name> Calendar ical url <URL> [interval]"
if(($#a < 4 && $#a > 5) || ($a[2] ne 'ical') || ($a[3] ne 'url'));
$hash->{STATE} = "Initialized";
my $name = $a[0];
my $url = $a[4];
my $interval = 3600;
$interval= $a[5] if($#a==5);
$hash->{fhem}{url}= $url;
$hash->{fhem}{interval}= $interval;
$hash->{fhem}{events}= Calendar::Events->new();
#main::debug "Interval: ${interval}s";
return undef;
sub Calendar_Undef($$) {
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
return undef;
Reference in New Issue
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