mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 04:36:36 +00:00
93_DbRep: V7.13.0, changeValue may use perlcode {} as "new string"
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@16215 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: 93_DbRep: V7.13.0, changeValue may use perlcode {} as "new string"
- feature: 93_DbRep: V7.12.0, compression of dumpfile, restore of compressed
files possible
- change: 77_SMAEM: V3.1.0, extend error handling in define
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
# Versions History:
# 7.13.0 17.02.2018 changeValue can handle perl code {} as "new string"
# 7.12.0 16.02.2018 compression of dumpfile, restore of compressed files possible
# 7.11.0 12.02.2018 new command "repairSQLite" to repair a corrupted SQLite database
# 7.10.0 10.02.2018 bugfix delete attr timeYearPeriod if set other time attributes, new "changeValue" command
@ -105,11 +106,11 @@
# commandref revised, minor fixes
# 5.8.6 30.10.2017 don't limit attr reading, device if the attr contains a list
# 5.8.5 19.10.2017 filter unwanted characters in "procinfo"-result
# 5.8.4 17.10.2017 createSelectSql, DbRep_createDeleteSql, currentfillup_Push switch to devspec
# 5.8.3 16.10.2017 change to use createSelectSql: minValue,diffValue - DbRep_createDeleteSql: delEntries
# 5.8.4 17.10.2017 DbRep_createSelectSql, DbRep_createDeleteSql, currentfillup_Push switch to devspec
# 5.8.3 16.10.2017 change to use DbRep_createSelectSql: minValue,diffValue - DbRep_createDeleteSql: delEntries
# 5.8.2 15.10.2017 sub DbRep_createTimeArray
# 5.8.1 15.10.2017 change to use createSelectSql: sumValue,averageValue,exportToFile,maxValue
# 5.8.0 15.10.2017 adapt createSelectSql for better performance if time/aggregation not set,
# 5.8.1 15.10.2017 change to use DbRep_createSelectSql: sumValue,averageValue,exportToFile,maxValue
# 5.8.0 15.10.2017 adapt DbRep_createSelectSql for better performance if time/aggregation not set,
# can set table as flexible argument for countEntries, fetchrows (default: history),
# minor fixes
# 5.7.1 13.10.2017 tableCurrentFillup fix for PostgreSQL, commandref revised
@ -316,7 +317,7 @@ no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';
sub DbRep_Main($$;$);
sub DbLog_cutCol($$$$$$$); # DbLog-Funktion nutzen um Daten auf maximale Länge beschneiden
my $DbRepVersion = "7.12.0";
my $DbRepVersion = "7.13.0";
my %dbrep_col = ("DEVICE" => 64,
"TYPE" => 64,
@ -563,7 +564,6 @@ sub DbRep_Set($@) {
# Befehl vor Procedure ausführen
DbRep_beforeproc($hash, "repair");
return undef;
@ -785,13 +785,28 @@ sub DbRep_Set($@) {
shift @a;
$prop = join(" ", @a);
$hash->{LASTCMD} = $prop?"$opt $prop":"$opt";
unless($prop =~ m/^(".*",".*")$/) {return "Both entries \"old value\", \"new value\" are needed. Use \"set $name changeValue \"old value\",\"new value\" (use quotes)";}
my ($oldval,$newval) = split(/","/,$prop);
$oldval =~ s/"//g;
$newval =~ s/"//g;
unless($prop =~ m/^\s*(".*",".*")\s*$/) {return "Both entries \"old string\", \"new string\" are needed. Use \"set $name changeValue \"old string\",\"new string\" (use quotes)";}
my $complex = 0;
my ($oldval,$newval) = ($prop =~ /^\s*"(.*?)","(.*?)"\s*$/);
if($newval =~ m/[{}]/) {
if($newval =~ m/^\s*(\{.*\})\s*$/s) {
$newval = $1;
$complex = 1;
my %specials = (
"%VALUE" => $name,
"%UNIT" => $name,
$newval = EvalSpecials($newval, %specials);
} else {
return "The expression of \"new string\" has to be included in \"{ }\" ";
$hash->{HELPER}{COMPLEX} = $complex;
$hash->{HELPER}{OLDVAL} = $oldval;
$hash->{HELPER}{NEWVAL} = $newval;
$hash->{HELPER}{RENMODE} = "changeval";
$hash->{HELPER}{RENMODE} = "changeval";
DbRep_beforeproc($hash, "changeval");
} else {
@ -1428,9 +1443,12 @@ sub DbRep_Main($$;$) {
} elsif ($opt eq "insert") {
$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("insert_Push", "$name", "insert_Done", $to, "ParseAborted", $hash);
} elsif ($opt =~ /deviceRename|readingRename|changeValue/) {
} elsif ($opt =~ /deviceRename|readingRename/) {
$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("change_Push", "$name|$device|$reading|$runtime_string_first|$runtime_string_next", "change_Done", $to, "ParseAborted", $hash);
} elsif ($opt =~ /changeValue/) {
$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("changeval_Push", "$name§$device§$reading§$runtime_string_first§$runtime_string_next§$ts", "change_Done", $to, "ParseAborted", $hash);
} elsif ($opt =~ /sqlCmd/ ) {
# Execute a generic sql command
$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("sqlCmd_DoParse", "$name|$opt|$runtime_string_first|$runtime_string_next|$prop", "sqlCmd_ParseDone", $to, "ParseAborted", $hash);
@ -2061,9 +2079,9 @@ sub averval_DoParse($) {
# arithmetischer Mittelwert (Standard)
if ($IsTimeSet || $IsAggrSet) {
$sql = createSelectSql($hash,"history",$selspec,$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'",$addon);
$sql = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,"history",$selspec,$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'",$addon);
} else {
$sql = createSelectSql($hash,"history",$selspec,$device,$reading,undef,undef,$addon);
$sql = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,"history",$selspec,$device,$reading,undef,undef,$addon);
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - SQL execute: $sql");
@ -2106,7 +2124,7 @@ sub averval_DoParse($) {
my $bsel = $bdate." ".sprintf("%02d",$i).":00:00";
my $esel = ($i<23)?$bdate." ".sprintf("%02d",$i).":59:59":$runtime_string_next;
$sql = createSelectSql($hash,"history",$selspec,$device,$reading,"'$bsel'","'$esel'",$addon);
$sql = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,"history",$selspec,$device,$reading,"'$bsel'","'$esel'",$addon);
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - SQL execute: $sql");
eval{ $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
@ -2165,8 +2183,8 @@ sub averval_DoParse($) {
my $sum = 0;
my $sqlf = createSelectSql($hash,"history","TIMESTAMP",$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'",$addonf);
my $sqll = createSelectSql($hash,"history","TIMESTAMP",$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'",$addonl);
my $sqlf = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,"history","TIMESTAMP",$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'",$addonf);
my $sqll = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,"history","TIMESTAMP",$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'",$addonl);
eval { $tf = ($dbh->selectrow_array($sqlf))[0];
$tl = ($dbh->selectrow_array($sqll))[0];
@ -2188,9 +2206,9 @@ sub averval_DoParse($) {
$tsum = (timelocal($secl, $minl, $hhl, $ddl, $mml-1, $yyyyl-1900))-(timelocal($secf, $minf, $hhf, $ddf, $mmf-1, $yyyyf-1900));
if ($IsTimeSet || $IsAggrSet) {
$sql = createSelectSql($hash,"history",$selspec,$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'",$addon);
$sql = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,"history",$selspec,$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'",$addon);
} else {
$sql = createSelectSql($hash,"history",$selspec,$device,$reading,undef,undef,$addon);
$sql = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,"history",$selspec,$device,$reading,undef,undef,$addon);
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - SQL execute: $sql");
@ -2392,9 +2410,9 @@ sub count_DoParse($) {
my $runtime_string_next = $a[2];
if ($IsTimeSet || $IsAggrSet) {
$sql = createSelectSql($hash,$table,"COUNT(*)",$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'",'');
$sql = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,$table,"COUNT(*)",$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'",'');
} else {
$sql = createSelectSql($hash,$table,"COUNT(*)",$device,$reading,undef,undef,'');
$sql = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,$table,"COUNT(*)",$device,$reading,undef,undef,'');
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - SQL execute: $sql");
@ -2558,9 +2576,9 @@ sub maxval_DoParse($) {
$runtime_string = encode_base64($runtime_string,"");
if ($IsTimeSet || $IsAggrSet) {
$sql = createSelectSql($hash,"history","VALUE,TIMESTAMP",$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'","ORDER BY TIMESTAMP");
$sql = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,"history","VALUE,TIMESTAMP",$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'","ORDER BY TIMESTAMP");
} else {
$sql = createSelectSql($hash,"history","VALUE,TIMESTAMP",$device,$reading,undef,undef,"ORDER BY TIMESTAMP");
$sql = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,"history","VALUE,TIMESTAMP",$device,$reading,undef,undef,"ORDER BY TIMESTAMP");
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - SQL execute: $sql");
@ -2796,9 +2814,9 @@ sub minval_DoParse($) {
$runtime_string = encode_base64($runtime_string,"");
if ($IsTimeSet || $IsAggrSet) {
$sql = createSelectSql($hash,"history","VALUE,TIMESTAMP",$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'","ORDER BY TIMESTAMP");
$sql = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,"history","VALUE,TIMESTAMP",$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'","ORDER BY TIMESTAMP");
} else {
$sql = createSelectSql($hash,"history","VALUE,TIMESTAMP",$device,$reading,undef,undef,"ORDER BY TIMESTAMP");
$sql = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,"history","VALUE,TIMESTAMP",$device,$reading,undef,undef,"ORDER BY TIMESTAMP");
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - SQL execute: $sql");
@ -3058,9 +3076,9 @@ sub diffval_DoParse($) {
if ($IsTimeSet || $IsAggrSet) {
$sql = createSelectSql($hash,"history",$selspec,$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'",'');
$sql = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,"history",$selspec,$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'",'');
} else {
$sql = createSelectSql($hash,"history",$selspec,$device,$reading,undef,undef,'');
$sql = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,"history",$selspec,$device,$reading,undef,undef,'');
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - SQL execute: $sql");
@ -3414,9 +3432,9 @@ sub sumval_DoParse($) {
my $runtime_string_next = $a[2];
if ($IsTimeSet || $IsAggrSet) {
$sql = createSelectSql($hash,"history",$selspec,$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'",'');
$sql = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,"history",$selspec,$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'",'');
} else {
$sql = createSelectSql($hash,"history",$selspec,$device,$reading,undef,undef,'');
$sql = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,"history",$selspec,$device,$reading,undef,undef,'');
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - SQL execute: $sql");
@ -4100,47 +4118,17 @@ sub change_Push($) {
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - SQL execute: $sql");
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) ;
} elsif ($renmode eq "changeval") {
$old = delete $hash->{HELPER}{OLDVAL};
$new = delete $hash->{HELPER}{NEWVAL};
# SQL zusammenstellen für DB-Operation
Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name -> Change old value \"$old\" to new value \"$new\" in database $dblogname ");
# prepare DB operation
$old =~ s/'/''/g; # escape ' with ''
$new =~ s/'/''/g; # escape ' with ''
my $d = AttrVal($name,"device","%");
my $r = AttrVal($name,"reading","%");
# ist Zeiteingrenzung und/oder Aggregation gesetzt ? (wenn ja -> "?" in SQL sonst undef)
my ($IsTimeSet,$IsAggrSet) = DbRep_checktimeaggr($hash);
Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name - IsTimeSet: $IsTimeSet, IsAggrSet: $IsAggrSet");
# SQL zusammenstellen für DB-Update
if ($IsTimeSet) {
$sql = DbRep_createUpdateSql($hash,$table,"TIMESTAMP=TIMESTAMP,VALUE='$new' WHERE VALUE='$old'",$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'",'');
} else {
$sql = DbRep_createUpdateSql($hash,$table,"TIMESTAMP=TIMESTAMP,VALUE='$new' WHERE VALUE='$old'",$device,$reading,undef,undef,'');
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - SQL execute: $sql");
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) ;
my $urow;
eval { $sth->execute(); };
$old =~ s/''/'/g; # escape back
$new =~ s/''/'/g; # escape back
my $urow;
eval { $sth->execute(); };
if ($@) {
$err = encode_base64($@,"");
if($renmode ne "changeValue") {
my $m = ($renmode eq "devren")?"device":"reading";
Log3 ($name, 2, "DbRep $name - Failed to rename old $m name \"$old\" to new $m name \"$new\": $@");
} else {
Log3 ($name, 2, "DbRep $name - Failed to change old value \"$old\" to new value \"$new\": $@");
my $m = ($renmode eq "devren")?"device":"reading";
Log3 ($name, 2, "DbRep $name - Failed to rename old $m name \"$old\" to new $m name \"$new\": $@");
$dbh->rollback() if(!$dbh->{AutoCommit});
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name -> BlockingCall change_Push finished");
@ -4165,7 +4153,194 @@ sub change_Push($) {
# Auswertungsroutine DB deviceRename
# nichtblockierendes DB deviceRename / readingRename
sub changeval_Push($) {
my ($string) = @_;
my ($name,$device,$reading,$runtime_string_first,$runtime_string_next,$ts) = split("\\§", $string);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $dbloghash = $hash->{dbloghash};
my $dbconn = $dbloghash->{dbconn};
my $dbuser = $dbloghash->{dbuser};
my $dblogname = $dbloghash->{NAME};
my $dbpassword = $attr{"sec$dblogname"}{secret};
my $table = "history";
my $complex = $hash->{HELPER}{COMPLEX}; # einfache oder komplexe Werteersetzung
my ($dbh,$err,$sql,$urow);
# Background-Startzeit
my $bst = [gettimeofday];
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name -> Start BlockingCall changeval_Push");
eval {$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:$dbconn", $dbuser, $dbpassword, { PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1, AutoInactiveDestroy => 1 });};
if ($@) {
$err = encode_base64($@,"");
Log3 ($name, 2, "DbRep $name - $@");
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name -> BlockingCall changeval_Push finished");
return "$name|''|''|$err";
# ist Zeiteingrenzung und/oder Aggregation gesetzt ? (wenn ja -> "?" in SQL sonst undef)
my ($IsTimeSet,$IsAggrSet) = DbRep_checktimeaggr($hash);
Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name - IsTimeSet: $IsTimeSet, IsAggrSet: $IsAggrSet");
# SQL-Startzeit
my $st = [gettimeofday];
my ($sth,$old,$new);
eval { $dbh->begin_work() if($dbh->{AutoCommit}); }; # Transaktion wenn gewünscht und autocommit ein
if ($@) {
Log3($name, 2, "DbRep $name -> Error start transaction - $@");
if (!$complex) {
$old = delete $hash->{HELPER}{OLDVAL};
$new = delete $hash->{HELPER}{NEWVAL};
# SQL zusammenstellen für DB-Operation
Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name -> Change old value \"$old\" to new value \"$new\" in database $dblogname ");
# prepare DB operation
$old =~ s/'/''/g; # escape ' with ''
$new =~ s/'/''/g; # escape ' with ''
# SQL zusammenstellen für DB-Update
my $addon = $old =~ /%/?"WHERE VALUE LIKE '$old'":"WHERE VALUE='$old'";
if ($IsTimeSet) {
$sql = DbRep_createUpdateSql($hash,$table,"TIMESTAMP=TIMESTAMP,VALUE='$new' $addon",$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'",'');
} else {
$sql = DbRep_createUpdateSql($hash,$table,"TIMESTAMP=TIMESTAMP,VALUE='$new' $addon",$device,$reading,undef,undef,'');
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - SQL execute: $sql");
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) ;
$old =~ s/''/'/g; # escape back
$new =~ s/''/'/g; # escape back
eval { $sth->execute(); };
if ($@) {
$err = encode_base64($@,"");
Log3 ($name, 2, "DbRep $name - Failed to change old value \"$old\" to new value \"$new\": $@");
$dbh->rollback() if(!$dbh->{AutoCommit});
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name -> BlockingCall changeval_Push finished");
return "$name|''|''|$err";
} else {
$dbh->commit() if(!$dbh->{AutoCommit});
$urow = $sth->rows;
} else {
$old = delete $hash->{HELPER}{OLDVAL};
$new = delete $hash->{HELPER}{NEWVAL};
$old =~ s/'/''/g; # escape ' with ''
# Timestampstring to Array
my @ts = split("\\|", $ts);
Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name - Timestamp-Array: \n@ts");
# DB-Abfrage zeilenweise für jeden Array-Eintrag
$urow = 0;
my $addon = $old =~ /%/?"AND VALUE LIKE '$old'":"AND VALUE='$old'";
foreach my $row (@ts) {
my @a = split("#", $row);
my $runtime_string = $a[0];
my $runtime_string_first = $a[1];
my $runtime_string_next = $a[2];
if ($IsTimeSet || $IsAggrSet) {
$sql = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,"history",$selspec,$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'",$addon);
} else {
$sql = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,"history",$selspec,$device,$reading,undef,undef,$addon);
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - SQL execute: $sql");
eval{ $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
if ($@) {
$err = encode_base64($@,"");
Log3 ($name, 2, "DbRep $name - $@");
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name -> BlockingCall changeval_Push finished");
return "$name|''|''|$err";
no warnings 'uninitialized';
my @row_array = map { $_->[0]."_ESC_".$_->[1]."_ESC_".($_->[2] =~ s/ /_ESC_/r)."_ESC_".$_->[3]."_ESC_".$_->[4]."\n" } @{$sth->fetchall_arrayref()};
use warnings;
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - Now change values of selected array ... ");
foreach my $upd (@row_array) {
# für jeden selektierten (zu ändernden) Datensatz Userfunktion anwenden und updaten
my ($device,$reading,$date,$time,$value,$unit) = ($upd =~ /^(.*)_ESC_(.*)_ESC_(.*)_ESC_(.*)_ESC_(.*)_ESC_(.*)$/);
my $oval = $value; # Selektkriterium für Update alter Valuewert
my $VALUE = $value;
my $UNIT = $unit;
eval $new;
if ($@) {
$err = encode_base64($@,"");
Log3 ($name, 2, "DbRep $name - $@");
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name -> BlockingCall changeval_Push finished");
return "$name|''|''|$err";
$value = $VALUE if(defined $VALUE);
$unit = $UNIT if(defined $UNIT);
# Daten auf maximale Länge beschneiden (DbLog-Funktion !)
(undef,undef,undef,undef,$value,$unit) = DbLog_cutCol($hash->{dbloghash},undef,undef,undef,undef,$value,$unit);
$value =~ s/'/''/g; # escape ' with ''
$unit =~ s/'/''/g; # escape ' with ''
# SQL zusammenstellen für DB-Update
$sql = "UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=TIMESTAMP,VALUE='$value',UNIT='$unit' WHERE TIMESTAMP = '$date $time' AND DEVICE = '$device' AND READING = '$reading' AND VALUE='$oval'";
Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name - SQL execute: $sql");
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) ;
$value =~ s/''/'/g; # escape back
$unit =~ s/''/'/g; # escape back
eval { $sth->execute(); };
if ($@) {
$err = encode_base64($@,"");
Log3 ($name, 2, "DbRep $name - Failed to change old value \"$old\" to new value \"$new\": $@");
$dbh->rollback() if(!$dbh->{AutoCommit});
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name -> BlockingCall changeval_Push finished");
return "$name|''|''|$err";
} else {
$dbh->commit() if(!$dbh->{AutoCommit});
# SQL-Laufzeit ermitteln
my $rt = tv_interval($st);
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name -> BlockingCall changeval_Push finished");
# Background-Laufzeit ermitteln
my $brt = tv_interval($bst);
$rt = $rt.",".$brt;
return "$name|$urow|$rt|0|$old|$new";
# Auswertungsroutine DB deviceRename/readingRename/changeValue
sub change_Done($) {
my ($string) = @_;
@ -4216,12 +4391,17 @@ sub change_Done($) {
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
# Befehl nach Procedure ausführen
my $erread = DbRep_afterproc($hash, $renmode);
if ($urow != 0) {
Log3 ($name, 3, "DbRep ".(($hash->{ROLE} eq "Agent")?"Agent ":"")."$name - DEVICE renamed in \"$hash->{DATABASE}\", old: \"$old\", new: \"$new\", number: $urow ") if($renmode eq "devren");
Log3 ($name, 3, "DbRep ".(($hash->{ROLE} eq "Agent")?"Agent ":"")."$name - READING renamed in \"$hash->{DATABASE}\", old: \"$old\", new: \"$new\", number: $urow ") if($renmode eq "readren");
Log3 ($name, 3, "DbRep ".(($hash->{ROLE} eq "Agent")?"Agent ":"")."$name - VALUE changed in \"$hash->{DATABASE}\", old: \"$old\", new: \"$new\", number: $urow ") if($renmode eq "changeval");
} else {
Log3 ($name, 3, "DbRep ".(($hash->{ROLE} eq "Agent")?"Agent ":"")."$name - WARNING - old device \"$old\" was not found in database \"$hash->{DATABASE}\" ") if($renmode eq "devren");
Log3 ($name, 3, "DbRep ".(($hash->{ROLE} eq "Agent")?"Agent ":"")."$name - WARNING - old reading \"$old\" was not found in database \"$hash->{DATABASE}\" ") if($renmode eq "readren");
Log3 ($name, 3, "DbRep ".(($hash->{ROLE} eq "Agent")?"Agent ":"")."$name - WARNING - old reading \"$old\" was not found in database \"$hash->{DATABASE}\" ") if($renmode eq "readren");
Log3 ($name, 3, "DbRep ".(($hash->{ROLE} eq "Agent")?"Agent ":"")."$name - WARNING - old value \"$old\" not found in database \"$hash->{DATABASE}\" ") if($renmode eq "changeval");
@ -4267,9 +4447,9 @@ sub fetchrows_DoParse($) {
# SQL zusammenstellen für DB-Abfrage
if ($IsTimeSet) {
$sql = createSelectSql($hash,$table,"DEVICE,READING,TIMESTAMP,VALUE,UNIT",$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'","ORDER BY TIMESTAMP $fetchroute LIMIT ".($limit+1));
$sql = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,$table,"DEVICE,READING,TIMESTAMP,VALUE,UNIT",$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'","ORDER BY TIMESTAMP $fetchroute LIMIT ".($limit+1));
} else {
$sql = createSelectSql($hash,$table,"DEVICE,READING,TIMESTAMP,VALUE,UNIT",$device,$reading,undef,undef,"ORDER BY TIMESTAMP $fetchroute LIMIT ".($limit+1));
$sql = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,$table,"DEVICE,READING,TIMESTAMP,VALUE,UNIT",$device,$reading,undef,undef,"ORDER BY TIMESTAMP $fetchroute LIMIT ".($limit+1));
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
@ -4453,7 +4633,7 @@ sub delseqdoubl_DoParse($) {
# SQL zusammenstellen für DB-Abfrage
$sql = createSelectSql($hash,$table,$selspec,$device,$reading,"?","?","ORDER BY DEVICE,READING,TIMESTAMP ASC");
$sql = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,$table,$selspec,$device,$reading,"?","?","ORDER BY DEVICE,READING,TIMESTAMP ASC");
$sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($sql);
# DB-Abfrage zeilenweise für jeden Timearray-Eintrag
@ -4477,7 +4657,7 @@ sub delseqdoubl_DoParse($) {
$st = [gettimeofday];
# SQL zusammenstellen für Logausgabe
my $sql1 = createSelectSql($hash,$table,$selspec,$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'",'');
my $sql1 = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,$table,$selspec,$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'",'');
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - SQL execute: $sql1");
eval{$sth->execute($runtime_string_first, $runtime_string_next);};
@ -4735,9 +4915,9 @@ sub expfile_DoParse($) {
my $runtime_string_next = $a[2];
if ($IsTimeSet || $IsAggrSet) {
$sql = createSelectSql($hash,"history","TIMESTAMP,DEVICE,TYPE,EVENT,READING,VALUE,UNIT",$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'",$addon);
$sql = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,"history","TIMESTAMP,DEVICE,TYPE,EVENT,READING,VALUE,UNIT",$device,$reading,"'$runtime_string_first'","'$runtime_string_next'",$addon);
} else {
$sql = createSelectSql($hash,"history","TIMESTAMP,DEVICE,TYPE,EVENT,READING,VALUE,UNIT",$device,$reading,undef,undef,$addon);
$sql = DbRep_createSelectSql($hash,"history","TIMESTAMP,DEVICE,TYPE,EVENT,READING,VALUE,UNIT",$device,$reading,undef,undef,$addon);
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - SQL execute: $sql");
@ -7081,7 +7261,7 @@ return;
# SQL-Statement zusammenstellen für DB-Abfrage
sub createSelectSql($$$$$$$$) {
sub DbRep_createSelectSql($$$$$$$$) {
my ($hash,$table,$selspec,$device,$reading,$tf,$tn,$addon) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $dbmodel = $hash->{dbloghash}{MODEL};
@ -7246,16 +7426,25 @@ sub DbRep_checktimeaggr ($) {
$IsAggrSet = 1;
if($hash->{LASTCMD} =~ /averageValue/ && AttrVal($name,"averageCalcForm","avgArithmeticMean") eq "avgDailyMeanGWS") {
$aggregation = "day"; # für Tagesmittelwertberechnung des deuteschen Wetterdienstes immer "day"
$aggregation = "day"; # für Tagesmittelwertberechnung des deutschen Wetterdienstes immer "day"
$IsAggrSet = 1;
if($hash->{LASTCMD} =~ /delEntries|fetchrows|deviceRename|readingRename|changeValue|tableCurrentFillup/) {
if($hash->{LASTCMD} =~ /delEntries|fetchrows|deviceRename|readingRename|tableCurrentFillup/) {
$IsAggrSet = 0;
$aggregation = "no";
if($hash->{LASTCMD} =~ /deviceRename|readingRename/) {
$IsTimeSet = 0;
if($hash->{LASTCMD} =~ /changeValue/) {
if($hash->{HELPER}{COMPLEX}) {
$IsAggrSet = 1;
$aggregation = "day";
} else {
$IsAggrSet = 0;
$aggregation = "no";
return ($IsTimeSet,$IsAggrSet,$aggregation);
@ -8537,21 +8726,48 @@ return;
changed. <br><br>
<b>Example: </b> <br>
set <name> changeValue "<old string>","<new string>" <br>
# the old string will be changed to new string. <br>
# Both strings may contain spaces. The strings have to be quoted and separated by comma.
<b>Syntax: </b> <br>
set <name> changeValue "<old string>","<new string>" <br><br>
The strings have to be quoted and separated by comma.
A "string" can be: <br>
<old string> : * a simple string with/without spaces, e.g. "OL 12"
* a string with usage of SQL-wildcard, e.g. "%OL%"
<new string> : * a simple string with/without spaces, e.g. "12 kWh"
* Perl code embedded in {}, e.g. {$VALUE = (split(",",$VALUE))[1]}.
The perl expression the variables $VALUE and $UNIT are committed to. The variables are changable within
the perl code. The returned value of VALUE and UNIT are saved into the database field
VALUE respectively UNIT of the dataset.
<b>Examples: </b> <br>
set <name> changeValue "OL","12 OL" <br>
# the old field value "OL" is changed to "12 OL". <br><br>
set <name> changeValue "%OL%","12 OL" <br>
# contains the field VALUE the substring "OL", it is changed to "12 OL". <br><br>
set <name> changeValue "12 kWh","{$VALUE,$UNIT = split(" ",$VALUE)}" <br>
# the old field value "12 kWh" is splitted to VALUE=12 and UNIT=kWh and saved into the database fields <br><br>
set <name> changeValue "24%","{$VALUE = (split(" ",$VALUE))[0]}" <br>
# if the old field value begins with "24", it is splitted and VALUE=24 is saved (e.g. "24 kWh")
Summarized the attributes to control changeValue are: <br><br>
Summarized the relevant attributes to control function changeValue are: <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width=5%> <col width=95%> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>device</b> </td><td>: selection only of datasets which contain <device> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>reading</b> </td><td>: selection only of datasets which contain <reading> enthalten </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>time.*</b> </td><td>: a number of attributes to limit selection by time </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>device</b> </td><td>: selection only of datasets which contain <device> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>reading</b> </td><td>: selection only of datasets which contain <reading> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>time.*</b> </td><td>: a number of attributes to limit selection by time </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>executeBeforeProc</b> </td><td>: execute a FHEM command (or perl-routine) before start of changeValue </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>executeAfterProc</b> </td><td>: execute a FHEM command (or perl-routine) after changeValue is finished </td></tr>
@ -10068,10 +10284,35 @@ sub bdump {
geändert. <br><br>
<b>Beispiel: </b> <br>
set <name> changeValue "<alter String>","<neuer String>" <br>
# der alte String wird in den neuen String geändert. <br>
# Beide Strings können Leerzeichen enthalten. Die Werte sind in Quotes zu setzen und durch Komma zu trennen.
<b>Syntax: </b> <br>
set <name> changeValue "<alter String>","<neuer String>" <br><br>
Die Strings werden in Doppelstrich eingeschlossen und durch Komma getrennt.
Dabei kann "String" sein: <br>
<alter String> : * ein einfacher String mit/ohne Leerzeichen, z.B. "OL 12"
* ein String mit Verwendung von SQL-Wildcard, z.B. "%OL%"
<neuer String> : * ein einfacher String mit/ohne Leerzeichen, z.B. "12 kWh"
* Perl Code eingeschlossen in {}, z.B. {$VALUE = (split(",",$VALUE))[1]}.
Dem Perl-Ausdruck werden die Variablen $VALUE und $UNIT übergeben. Sie können innerhalb
des Perl-Code geändert werden. Der zurückgebene Wert von $VALUE und $UNIT wird in dem Feld
VALUE bzw. UNIT des Datensatzes gespeichert.
<b>Beispiele: </b> <br>
set <name> changeValue "OL","12 OL" <br>
# der alte Feldwert "OL" wird in "12 OL" geändert. <br><br>
set <name> changeValue "%OL%","12 OL" <br>
# enthält das Feld VALUE den Teilstring "OL", wird es in "12 OL" geändert. <br><br>
set <name> changeValue "12 kWh","{$VALUE,$UNIT = split(" ",$VALUE)}" <br>
# der alte Feldwert "12 kWh" wird in VALUE=12 und UNIT=kWh gesplittet und in den Datenbankfeldern gespeichert <br><br>
set <name> changeValue "24%","{$VALUE = (split(" ",$VALUE))[0]}" <br>
# beginnt der alte Feldwert mit "24", wird er gesplittet und VALUE=24 gespeichert (z.B. "24 kWh")
Zusammengefasst sind die zur Steuerung von changeValue relevanten Attribute: <br><br>
@ -10079,10 +10320,12 @@ sub bdump {
<colgroup> <col width=5%> <col width=95%> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>device</b> </td><td>: Selektion nur von Datensätzen die <device> enthalten </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>reading</b> </td><td>: Selektion nur von Datensätzen die <reading> enthalten </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>time.*</b> </td><td>: eine Reihe von Attributen zur Zeitabgrenzung </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>device</b> </td><td>: Selektion nur von Datensätzen die <device> enthalten </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>reading</b> </td><td>: Selektion nur von Datensätzen die <reading> enthalten </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>time.*</b> </td><td>: eine Reihe von Attributen zur Zeitabgrenzung </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>executeBeforeProc</b> </td><td>: ausführen FHEM Kommando (oder perl-Routine) vor Start changeValue </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>executeAfterProc</b> </td><td>: ausführen FHEM Kommando (oder perl-Routine) nach Ende changeValue </td></tr>
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