diff --git a/fhem/contrib/Roomba/99_RoombaUtils.pm b/fhem/contrib/Roomba/99_RoombaUtils.pm new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4683dec91 --- /dev/null +++ b/fhem/contrib/Roomba/99_RoombaUtils.pm @@ -0,0 +1,1041 @@ +######################################################################################## +# +# RoombaUtils +# +# Collection of various routines +# Prof. Dr. Peter A. Henning +# +# $Id: RoombaUtils.pm 2020-09- pahenning $ +# +######################################################################################## +# +# This programm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# The GNU General Public License can be found at +# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. +# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license +# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. +# +# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +######################################################################################## + +package main; + +sub RoombaUtils_Initialize($$){ + + my ($hash) = @_; + +} + +package roomba; +use strict; +use warnings; +use POSIX; +use Data::Dumper; +use JSON; +use Math::Trig; +use Math::Trig ':pi'; +use Math::Polygon::Calc; +use Math::ConvexHull qw/convex_hull/; +use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64); + +my %roombaerrs_en = ( + 0 => "None", + 1 => "Left wheel off floor", + 2 => "Main Brushes stuck", + 3 => "Right wheel off floor", + 4 => "Left wheel stuck", + 5 => "Right wheel stuck", + 6 => "Stuck near a cliff", + 7 => "Left wheel error", + 8 => "Bin error", + 9 => "Bumper stuck", + 10 => "Right wheel error", + 11 => "Bin error", + 12 => "Cliff sensor issue", + 13 => "Both wheels off floor", + 14 => "Bin missing", + 15 => "Reboot required", + 16 => "Bumped unexpectedly", + 17 => "Path blocked", + 18 => "Docking issue", + 19 => "Undocking issue", + 20 => "Docking issue", + 21 => "Navigation problem", + 22 => "Navigation problem", + 23 => "Battery issue", + 24 => "Navigation problem", + 25 => "Reboot required", + 26 => "Vacuum problem", + 27 => "Vacuum problem", + 29 => "Software update needed", + 30 => "Vacuum problem", + 31 => "Reboot required", + 32 => "Smart map problem", + 33 => "Path blocked", + 34 => "Reboot required", + 35 => "Unrecognised cleaning pad", + 36 => "Bin full", + 37 => "Tank needed refilling", + 38 => "Vacuum problem", + 39 => "Reboot required", + 40 => "Navigation problem", + 41 => "Timed out", + 42 => "Localization problem", + 43 => "Navigation problem", + 44 => "Pump issue", + 45 => "Lid open", + 46 => "Low battery", + 47 => "Reboot required", + 48 => "Path blocked", + 52 => "Pad required attention", + 65 => "Hardware problem detected", + 66 => "Low memory", + 68 => "Hardware problem detected", + 73 => "Pad type changed", + 74 => "Max area reached", + 75 => "Navigation problem", + 76 => "Hardware problem detected" + ); + +my %roombaerrs_de = ( + 0 => "Kein Fehler", + 1 => "Linkes Rad nicht am Boden", + 2 => "Hauptbürste steckt fest", + 3 => "Rechtes Rad nicht am Boden", + 4 => "Linkes Rad steckt fest", + 5 => "Right wheel stuck", + 6 => "Steckt am Abgrund fest", + 7 => "Fehler am linken Rad", + 8 => "Fehler am Staubbehälter", + 9 => "Fehler Stoßsensor", + 10 => "Fehler am rechten Rad", + 11 => "Fehler am Staubbehälter", + 12 => "Fehler Abgrundsensor", + 13 => "Beide Räder nicht am Boden", + 14 => "Staubbehäter fehlt", + 15 => "Neustart nötig", + 16 => "Kollision nicht erwartet", + 17 => "Pfad blockiert", + 18 => "Docking Problem", + 19 => "Undocking Problem", + 20 => "Docking Problem", + 21 => "Navigationsproblem", + 22 => "Navigationsproblem", + 23 => "Batterieproblem", + 24 => "Navigationsproblem", + 25 => "Neustart nötig", + 26 => "Fehler Staubsauger", + 27 => "Fehler Staubsauger", + 29 => "Software Update nötig", + 30 => "Fehler Staubsauger", + 31 => "Neustart nötig", + 32 => "Problem bei der Kartenerstellung", + 33 => "Pfad blockiert", + 34 => "Neustart nötig", + 35 => "Nicht erkanntes Wischpad", + 36 => "Staubbehälter voll", + 37 => "Tank muss gefüllt werden", + 38 => "Fehler Staubsauger", + 39 => "Neustart nötig", + 40 => "Navigationsproblem", + 41 => "Zeitüberschreitung", + 42 => "Positionsfehler", + 43 => "Navigationsproblem", + 44 => "Fehler Pumpe", + 45 => "Deckel offen", + 46 => "Akkustand niedrig", + 47 => "Neustart nötig", + 48 => "Pfad blockiert", + 52 => "Pfadproblem", + 65 => "Hardwarefehler", + 66 => "Low memory", + 68 => "Hardwarefehler", + 73 => "Wischpad gewechselt", + 74 => "Maximale Fläche erreicht", + 75 => "Navigationsproblem", + 76 => "Hardwarefehler" + ); + + my %roombastates_en = ("charge" => "Charging", + "new" => "New Mission", + "run" => "Running", + "resume" => "Running", + "hmMidMsn" => "Recharging on Mission", + "recharge" => "Recharging", + "stuck" => "Stuck", + "hmUsrDock" => "User Docking", + "dock" => "Docking", + "dockend" => "Docking - End Mission", + "cancelled" => "Cancelled", + "stop" => "Stopped", + "pause" => "Paused", + "hmPostMsn" => "End Mission"); + +my %roombastates_de = ("charge" => "Wird geladen", + "new" => "Neue Aufgabe", + "run" => "Läuft", + "resume" => "Läuft", + "hmMidMsn" => "Nachladen während Aufgabe", + "recharge" => "Nachladen", + "stuck" => "Steckt fest", + "hmUsrDock" => "Dockingbefehl", + "dock" => "Docking", + "dockend" => "Docking - Aufgabe beendet", + "cancelled" => "Abgebrochen", + "stop" => "Angehalten", + "pause" => "Pause", + "hmPostMsn" => "Aufgabe beendet"); + +############################################################################## +# +# setList +# +############################################################################## + +sub command($$@){ + my ($name,$cmd,@evt) = @_; + my $hash = $main::defs{$name}; + $cmd = 'cmd {"command": "'.$cmd.'", "time": '.time().', "initiator": "localApp"}'; + return $cmd; +} + +sub setting($$$){ + my ($name,$key,$data) = @_; + my $hash = $main::defs{$name}; + $hash->{helper}{setting} = $key; + my (@evt,$val,$cmd); + if( $key !~ /^local.*/){ + @evt = split(' ',$data); + $val = (defined($evt[1]))?$evt[1]:"false"; + $cmd = 'delta {"state": {"'.$key.'":'.$val.'}}'; + }else{ + $cmd = 'delta {"state": {"vacHigh":'.main::ReadingsVal($name,"sVacHigh","false").'}}'; + } + return $cmd; +} + +sub setsched($$$){ + my ($name,$day,$data) = @_; + my @evt = split(' ',$data); + my $time = (defined($evt[1]))?$evt[1]:""; + + my $oldsched = main::ReadingsVal($name,"progWeek","[Sun:none,Mon:none,Tue:none,Wed:none,Thu:none,Fri:none,Sat:none]"); + $oldsched =~ tr/\"|\[|\]//d; + my @asched = split(',',$oldsched); + my @astart = ("none","none","none","none","none","none","none"); + my @ahours = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0); + my @amin = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0); + + for (my $i=0;$i<7;$i++){ + if( $asched[$i] =~ /....none/){ + $astart[$i] = "none"; + $ahours[$i] = 0; + $amin[$i] = 0; + }else{ + $astart[$i] = "start"; + $asched[$i] =~ /....(\d\d?):(\d\d)/; + $ahours[$i] = $1; + $amin[$i] = $2; + } + } + if( $time =~ /(\d\d?):(\d\d)/){ + $astart[$day] = "start"; + $ahours[$day] = $1; + $amin[$day] = $2; + }else{ + $astart[$day] = "none"; + $ahours[$day] = 0; + $amin[$day] = 0; + } + #my $cmd = 'delta {"state": {"cleanSchedule": {"cycle":["none","start","start","start","start","start","none"],"h":[9,15,16,16,16,14,9],"m":[0,0,30,30,30,30,0]}}}'; + my $cmd = 'delta {"state": {"cleanSchedule": {"cycle":["'.join('","',@astart).'"],"h":['.join(',',@ahours).'],"m":['.join(',',@amin).']}}}'; + return $cmd; +} + +############################################################################# +# +# getList +# +############################################################################# + +sub status($@){ + my ($name,@evt) = @_; + + my $cmd = 'delta {"binPause":true}'; + return $cmd; +} + +############################################################################# +# +# readingList +# +############################################################################## + +sub reading($$){ + my ($name,$evt) = @_; + + #main::Log 1,"============> $evt"; + if( $evt =~ /state....reported....signal/){ + return signale($evt); + }elsif( $evt =~ /state....reported....pose/){ + return pose($name,$evt); + #}elsif( $evt =~ /bbrun/){ + # main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] bbrun ".$evt; + }elsif( $evt =~ /cleanMissionStatus/){ + return mission($name,$evt); + }elsif( $evt =~ /cleanSchedule/){ + #main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] schedule event ".$evt; + return schedule($evt); + }elsif( $evt =~ /(vacHigh)|(openOnly)|(binPause)|(carpetBoost)|(twoPass)|(schedHold)|(lastCommand)/){ + return settings($name,$evt); + }elsif( $evt =~ /state....reported....batPct/){ + return battery($evt); + }elsif( $evt =~ /state....reported....dock/){ + return dock($evt); + }elsif( $evt =~ /state....reported....audio/){ + return audio($evt); + }elsif( $evt =~ /state....reported....bin/){ + return bin($evt); + }elsif( $evt =~ /(connected)|(dock)|(country)|(cloudEnv)|(svcEndpoints)|(mapUpload)|(localtimeoffset)|(mac)|(wlcfg)|(wifistat)|(netinfo)|(langs)|(bbmssn)|(cap)|(navSwVer)|(tz)|(bbsys)|(bbchg)|(bbrun)|(bbnav)|(bbpanic)/){ + #-- do nothing + # {"state":{"reported":{"langs":[{"en-UK":0},{"fr-FR":1},{"es-ES":2},{"it-IT":3},{"de-DE":4},{"ru-RU":5}],"bbnav":{"aMtrack":16,"nGoodLmrks":6,"aGain":4,"aExpo":102},"bbpanic":{"panics":[6,8,9,8,6]},"bbpause":{"pauses":[17,17,16,1,0,0,0,0,0,0]}}}} + # {"state":{"reported":{"bbmssn":{"nMssn":30,"nMssnOk":2,"nMssnC":26,"nMssnF":2,"aMssnM":13,"aCycleM":13},"bbrstinfo":{"nNavRst":5,"nMobRst":0,"causes":"0000"}}}} + # {"state":{"reported":{"cap":{"pose":1,"ota":2,"multiPass":2,"carpetBoost":1,"pp":1,"binFullDetect":1,"langOta":1,"maps":1,"edge":1,"eco":1,"svcConf":1},"hardwareRev":3,"sku":"R981040","batteryType":"lith","soundVer":"32","uiSwVer":"4582"}}} + # {"state":{"reported":{"navSwVer":"01.12.01#1","wifiSwVer":"20992","mobilityVer":"5865","bootloaderVer":"4042","umiVer":"6","softwareVer":"v2.4.8-44"}}} + # {"state":{"reported":{"tz":{"events":[{"dt":1583082000,"off":60},{"dt":1585443601,"off":120},{"dt":1603587601,"off":60}],"ver":8},"timezone":"Europe/Berlin","name":"Feger"}}} + # {"state":{"reported":{"bbchg":{"nChgOk":8,"nLithF":0,"aborts":[0,0,0]},"bbswitch":{"nBumper":3350,"nClean":20,"nSpot":38,"nDock":35,"nDrops":80}}}} + # {"state":{"reported":{"bbrun":{"hr":4,"min":58,"sqft":22,"nStuck":3,"nScrubs":5,"nPicks":74,"nPanics":16,"nCliffsF":166,"nCliffsR":102,"nMBStll":0,"nWStll":0,"nCBump":0},"bbsys":{"hr":207,"min":9}}}} + # {"state":{"reported":{"bbnav":{"aMtrack":18,"nGoodLmrks":6,"aGain":5,"aExpo":102}}}} + # {"state":{"reported":{"netinfo":{"dhcp":true,"addr":3232235568,"mask":4294967040,"gw":3232235774,"dns1":3232235774,"dns2":0,"bssid":"44:4e:6d:1f:24:20","sec":4}}}} + # {"state":{"reported":{"wifistat":{"wifi":1,"uap":false,"cloud":1}}}} + # {"state":{"reported":{"wlcfg":{"sec":7,"ssid":"48656E6E696E67486F6D654F6666696365"}}}} + # {"state":{"reported":{"mac":"70:66:55:94:93:6f"}}} + # {"state":{"reported":{"country": "DE"}}} + # {"state":{"reported":{"cloudEnv": "prod"}}} + # {"state":{"reported":{"svcEndpoints":{"svcDeplId": "v011"}}}} + # {"state":{"reported":{"mapUploadAllowed":true}}} + # {"state":{"reported":{"localtimeoffset":120,"utctime":1600424239,"pose":{"theta":-46,"point":{"x":318,"y":82}}}}} + # {"state":{"reported":{"bbsys":{"hr":2583,"min":21}}}} + + }else{ + my ($evt) = @_; + main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] uncaught event ".$evt + if( $evt ne "$name" ); + return + } +} + +sub signale($){ + my ($evt) = @_; + #-- getting events of the type + # {"state":{"reported":{"signal":{"rssi":-55,"snr":34}}}} + my $dec = decode_json($evt); + my $rssi = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'signal'}->{'rssi'}; + my %ret = ("signalRSSI",$rssi); + return {%ret}; +} + +sub pose($$){ + my ($name,$evt) = @_; + + my $hash = $main::defs{$name}; + + #-- getting events of the type + # {"state":{"reported":{"pose":{"theta":0,"point":{"x":311,"y":-21}}}}} + my $dec = decode_json($evt); + my $theta = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'pose'}->{'theta'}; + my $px = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'pose'}->{'point'}->{'x'}; + my $py = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'pose'}->{'point'}->{'y'}; + + if($hash->{helper}{initmap}==1){ + $hash->{helper}{startx} = $px; + $hash->{helper}{starty} = $py; + $hash->{helper}{initmap}=0; + } + $px -= $hash->{helper}{startx}; + $py -= $hash->{helper}{starty}; + + my $dir = main::AttrVal($name,"startdir","north"); + my ($pxp,$pyp); + if($dir eq "north"){ + $pxp = -$py; + $pyp = $px; + }elsif($dir eq "east"){ + $pxp = $px; + $pyp = $py; + }elsif($dir eq "south"){ + $pxp = $py; + $pyp = -$px; + }elsif($dir eq "west"){ + $pxp = -$px; + $pyp = -$py; + }else{ + main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] invalid start direction $dir"; + } + + #-- Reduction not useful + push(@{$hash->{helper}{theta}},$theta); + push(@{$hash->{helper}{path}},$pxp,$pyp); + + my %ret = ("positionTheta",$theta,"position","(".$pxp.",".$pyp.")"); + return {%ret}; +} + +sub mission($$){ + my ($name,$evt) = @_; + + my $hash = $main::defs{$name}; + #-- getting events of the type + # {"state":{"reported":{"dock":{"known":true},"cleanMissionStatus":{"cycle":"quick","phase":"run","expireM":0,"rechrgM":0,"error":0,"notReady":0,"mssnM":0,"sqft":0,"initiator":"localApp","nmain::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Device $name phase transition $oldphase -> $phase";Mssn":30}}}} + my $dec = decode_json($evt); + my $cyc = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanMissionStatus'}->{'cycle'}; + my $phase = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanMissionStatus'}->{'phase'}; + # Normal Sequence is "" -> charge -> run -> hmPostMsn -> charge + # Mid mission recharge is "" -> charge -> run -> hmMidMsn -> charge + # -> run -> hmPostMsn -> charge + # Stuck is "" -> charge -> run -> hmPostMsn -> stuck + # -> run/charge/stop/hmUsrDock -> charge + # Start program during run is "" -> run -> hmPostMsn -> charge + # Need to identify a new mission to initialize map, and end of mission to + # finalise map. + # Assume charge -> run = start of mission (init map) + # stuck -> charge = init map ??? + # Assume hmPostMsn -> charge = end of mission (finalize map) + # hmPostMsn -> charge = end of mission (finalize map) + # hmUsrDock -> charge finalize map + # hmUsrDock -> stop finalize map + # Anything else = continue with existing map + my $oldphase=main::ReadingsVal($name,"cmPhase",""); + if( $oldphase.$phase eq "stuckcharge" || + $oldphase.$phase eq "chargerun" || + $oldphase.$phase eq "hmUsrDockrun" ){ + main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] transition $oldphase -> $phase should start intialization"; + initmap($hash); + }elsif( $oldphase.$phase eq "runstop" ){ + main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] pausing $oldphase -> $phase"; + }elsif( $oldphase.$phase eq "stoprun" ){ + main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] resuming $oldphase -> $phase"; + }elsif( + $oldphase.$phase eq "hmPostMsncharge" || + $oldphase.$phase eq "hmPostMsnstop" || + $oldphase.$phase eq "hmUsrDockcharge" || + $oldphase.$phase eq "hmUsrDockstop" || + $oldphase.$phase eq "stophmUsrDock" ){ + main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] transition $oldphase -> $phase should start finalization"; + finalizemap($hash); + }elsif( $oldphase.$phase eq "runrun" || + $oldphase.$phase eq "stopstop" || + $oldphase.$phase eq "chargestop" || + $oldphase.$phase eq "chargecharge"){ + # do nothing + }else{ + main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Device $name phase transition $oldphase -> $phase"; + } + + my $number= $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanMissionStatus'}->{'nMssn'}; + my $exp = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanMissionStatus'}->{'expireM'}; + my $rech = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanMissionStatus'}->{'rechrgM'}; + $exp = ($exp == 0)?"Never":$exp." min"; + my $time = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanMissionStatus'}->{'mssnM'}; + $time = $time." min"; + my $error = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanMissionStatus'}->{'error'}; + my $eemsg = $roombaerrs_en{$error}; + my $demsg = $roombaerrs_de{$error}; + + my $notr = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanMissionStatus'}->{'notReady'}; + my $sqm = int($dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanMissionStatus'}->{'sqft'}*10/10.7639)/10; + my $init = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanMissionStatus'}->{'initiator'}; + + if( $oldphase ne "stuck" && $phase eq "stuck"){ + main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] $name stuck with error $error, message $eemsg"; + } + + my %ret = ("cmCycle",$cyc,"cmTime",$time,"cmPhase",$phase,"cmPhaseE",$roombastates_en{$phase}, + "cmPhaseD",$roombastates_de{$phase},"cmArea",$sqm." m²","cmExpire",$exp,"cmError",$eemsg,"cmErrorD",$demsg,"cmInitiator",$init); + $ret{"cmNotReady"} = numtobool($notr) + if(defined($notr)); + + return {%ret}; +} + +sub schedule($){ + my ($evt) = @_; + my @weekdays = ("Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"); + #-- getting events of the type + # {"state":{"reported":{"cleanSchedule":{"cycle":["none","none","none","none","none","none","none"],"h":[9,9,9,9,9,9,9],"m":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]},"bbchg3":{"avgMin":374,"hOnDock":199,"nAvail":32,"estCap":12311,"nLithChrg":8,"nNimhChrg":0,"nDocks":35}}}} + my $dec = decode_json($evt); + my @acyc = @{$dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanSchedule'}->{'cycle'}}; + my @ahours = @{$dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanSchedule'}->{'h'}}; + my @amin = @{$dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'cleanSchedule'}->{'m'}}; + my $sched = "["; + for (my $i=0;$i<7;$i++){ + $sched .= $weekdays[$i].":".(($acyc[$i] eq "none")?"none":sprintf("%d:%02d",$ahours[$i],$amin[$i])); + $sched .= ($i<6)?",":"]"; + } + my %ret = ("progWeek",$sched); + return {%ret}; +} + +sub settings($$){ + my ($name,$evt) = @_; + #-- getting events of the type + # {"state":{"reported":{"vacHigh":false,"binPause":true,"carpetBoost":false,"openOnly":false,"twoPass":false,"schedHold":false,"lastCommand":{"command":"stop","time":1,"initiator":"localApp"}}}} + my $dec = decode_json($evt); + my $hash = $main::defs{$name}; + my $key = $hash->{helper}{setting}; + my %ret = (); + my $vacH = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'vacHigh'}; + $ret{"sVacHigh"} = numtobool($vacH) + if(defined($vacH)); + my $bin = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'binPause'}; + $ret{"sBinPause"} = numtobool($bin) + if(defined($bin)); + my $carp = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'carpetBoost'}; + $ret{"sCarpetBoost"} = numtobool($carp) + if(defined($carp)); + my $oo = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'openOnly'}; + $ret{"sOpenOnly"} = numtobool($oo) + if(defined($oo)); + my $twop = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'twoPass'}; + $ret{"sTwoPass"} = numtobool($twop) + if(defined($twop)); + my $naup = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'noAutoPasses'}; + $ret{"sNoAutoPasses"} = numtobool($naup) + if(defined($naup)); + my $nopp = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'noPP'}; + $ret{"sNoPP"} = numtobool($nopp) + if(defined($nopp)); + my $schH = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'schedHold'}; + $ret{"sSchedHold"} = numtobool($schH) + if(defined($schH)); + my $cmd = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'lastCommand'}->{'command'}; + my $time = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'lastCommand'}->{'time'}; + my $init = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'lastCommand'}->{'initiator'}; + $ret{"lastCommand"} = $cmd + if(defined($cmd)); + $ret{"lastCommandInitiator"} = $init + if(defined($init)); + #-- extra function + if( defined($key) && $key =~ /^local\:(.*)=(.*)/ ){ + #main::Log 1,"========> $1 = evaluation of $2 as ".eval($2); + $ret{"$1"}=eval($2); + $hash->{helper}{setting}="done"; + } + return {%ret}; +} + +sub dock($){ + my ($evt) = @_; + #-- getting events of the type + # {"state":{"reported":{"dock":{"known":false}}}} + my $dec = decode_json($evt); + my $dock = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'dock'}->{'known'}; + my %ret = ("dockKnown",$dock); + $ret{"dockKnown"} = numtobool($dock) + if(defined($dock)); + return {%ret}; +} + +sub battery($){ + my ($evt) = @_; + #-- getting events of the type + # {"state":{"reported":{"batPct":100,"dock":{"known":true},"bin":{"present":true,"full":false},"audio":{"active":false}}}} + my $dec = decode_json($evt); + my $bat = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'batPct'}; + my $dock = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'dock'}->{'known'}; + my $binp = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'bin'}->{'present'}; + my $binf = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'bin'}->{'full'}; + my $audio = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'audio'}->{'active'}; + my %ret = ("battery",$bat); + $ret{"cmBinFull"} = numtobool($binf) + if(defined($binf)); + $ret{"audioActive"} = numtobool($audio) + if(defined($audio)); + $ret{"dockKnown"} = numtobool($dock) + if(defined($dock)); + return {%ret}; +} + +sub audio($){ + my ($evt) = @_; + #-- getting events of the type + # {"state":{"reported":{"audio":{"active":false}}}} + my $dec = decode_json($evt); + my $audio = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'audio'}->{'active'}; + my %ret; + $ret{"audioActive"} = numtobool($audio) + if(defined($audio)); + return {%ret}; +} + +sub bin($){ + my ($evt) = @_; + #-- getting events of the type + # {"state":{"reported":{"bin":{"present":true,"full":false}}}} + my $dec = decode_json($evt); + my $binp = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'bin'}->{'present'}; + my $binf = $dec->{'state'}->{'reported'}->{'bin'}->{'full'}; + my %ret; + $ret{"cmBinFull"} = numtobool($binf) + if(defined($binf)); + return {%ret}; +} + +sub numtobool($){ + my ($num) = @_; + my $ret = (($num==1)?"true":"false"); + return $ret; +} + +############################################################################# +# +# Map +# +############################################################################# + +sub initmap($){ + my ($hash) = @_; + $hash->{helper}{initmap}=1; + $hash->{helper}{path}=(); + $hash->{helper}{hull}=(); + $hash->{helper}{theta}=(); + $hash->{helper}{thetaold}=undef; + main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Initialization of map for device ".$hash->{NAME}; + main::fhem("setreading ".($hash->{NAME})." cmMap initialized"); + } + +sub listmaps($){ + my ($name) = @_; + + my $hash = $main::defs{$name}; + my $out = ""; + my $run = 0; + + my ($fhb,$fhc); + my $svgdir = main::AttrVal($name,"SVG_dir","/opt/fhem/www/images"); + + #-- reading and modyfying collection filename + my $filename2b = main::AttrVal($name,"SVG_collect",undef); + if(!$filename2b){ + $filename2b = sprintf("SVG_%s.xml",$name); + main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] No filename attribute SVG_collect given, using default $filename2b"; + } + if(!open($fhb, "<".$svgdir."/".$filename2b)){ + main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] collection file $filename2b cannot be opened for reading, assuming empty file"; + }else{ + while (my $line = <$fhb> ) { + if( $line =~ /^<.*Roomba.*run on ([\d\-]*) ([\d:]*)/){ + $run++; + $out .= "$run: mission $1 $2"; + } + if( $line =~ /^.*Path containing (\d*)/){ + $out .= " with $1 points\n"; + } + } + close($fhb); + } + #main::fhem("setreading $name cmMapList ",$out,1); + return $out; +} + +sub delmap($$){ + my ($name,$evt) = @_; + return + if($evt !~ /mapdel\s*(\d*)/); + my $rundel = $1; + + my $hash = $main::defs{$name}; + my $out = ""; + my $run = 0; + + my ($fhb,$fhc); + my $svgdir = main::AttrVal($name,"SVG_dir","/opt/fhem/www/images"); + + #-- reading and modyfying collection filename + my $filename2b = main::AttrVal($name,"SVG_collect",undef); + if(!$filename2b){ + $filename2b = sprintf("SVG_%s.xml",$name); + main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] No filename attribute SVG_collect given, using default $filename2b"; + } + if(!open($fhb, "<".$svgdir."/".$filename2b)){ + main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] collection file $filename2b cannot be opened for reading"; + return + }else{ + #-- opening temporary collection filename + if(!open($fhc, ">".$svgdir."/".$filename2b.".tmp")){ + main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] temporary collection file $filename2b.tmp cannot be opened for writing, ERROR"; + return + } + while (my $line = <$fhb> ) { + if( $line =~ /^<.*Roomba.*run on ([\d\-]*) ([\d:]*)/){ + $run++; + if( $run < $rundel ){ + $out .= "$run: mission $1 $2"; + #main::Log 1,"=====> run = $run because rundel=$rundel"; + }elsif( $run > $rundel ){ + $out .= ($run-1).": mission $1 $2"; + #main::Log 1,"=====> run = $run, but displaying as ".($run-1)." because rundel=$rundel"; + }else{ + #main::Log 1,"=====> run = $run, but not writing this out"; + } + }elsif( $line =~ /^.*Path containing (\d*)/){ + $out .= " with $1 points\n" + if( $run != $rundel ); + } + print $fhc $line + if( $run != $rundel ); + } + close($fhc); + close($fhb); + rename $svgdir."/".$filename2b.".tmp",$svgdir."/".$filename2b; + } + return $out; +} + +sub finalizemap($){ + my ($hash) = @_; + + my $name = $hash->{NAME}; + if(!defined($hash->{helper}{path})){ + main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Finalization of map for device $name not possible, path undefined"; + return + } + my @points = @{$hash->{helper}{path}}; + my @theta = @{$hash->{helper}{theta}}; + my $out1 = ""; + my $out2 = ""; + my $out3 = ""; + + if(int(@points) < 1){ + main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Finalization of map for device $name not possible, empty path"; + return + } + main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] Finalization of map for device ".$name; + main::fhem("setreading ".($hash->{NAME})." cmMap finalizing"); + + #-- The robot needs a moment to orient itself. First points are invalid therefore. + # Max. 10 points before robot takes off in direction 0 + my $numcoords = int(@points)/2; + my $numoffset=0; + my ($px,$py); + for(my $i=1;$i<10;$i++){ + last + if(!defined($points[2*$i])); + $px=$points[2*$i]; + $py=$points[2*$i+1]; + if( $px==0 && $py==0) { + $numoffset=$i; + last; + } + } + splice @points, 0, 2*$numoffset; + splice @theta, 0, $numoffset; + $numcoords -= $numoffset; + + #-- calculate velocities + my $pxold=0; + my $pyold=0; + my @velocity=(); + for(my $i=1; $i<$numcoords; $i++){ + $px=$points[2*$i]; + $py=$points[2*$i+1]; + my $v=int(sqrt( ($px-$pxold)**2 + ($py-$pyold)**2 )*10)/10; + push @velocity, $v; + $pxold = $px; + $pyold = $py; + } + + #-- the following procedures are destructive for the points array + # thus create a copy + my @points2 = @points; + + #-- move points into array of arrays for bounding box + my @newpoints = (); + push @newpoints, [ splice @points2, 0, 2 ] while @points2; + my ($xmin, $ymin, $xmax, $ymax) = polygon_bbox(@newpoints); + my @bbox = ($xmin, $ymin, $xmax, $ymax); + + my @newhull=(); + my @newhull2=(); + my @centroid=(); + + #-- convex hull Math::ConvexHull + eval(@newhull = @{convex_hull(\@newpoints)}) ; + if(@newhull){ + #-- Close the polygon + my @first = (); + push(@first,$newhull[0][0],$newhull[0][1]); + push(@newhull, \@first); + + my $numcoords2 = int(@newhull); + + for (my $i=0;$i<$numcoords2;$i++){ + push(@newhull2,$newhull[$i][0],$newhull[$i][1]) + } + + #-- centroid of convex hull Math::Polygon::Calc + eval(@centroid = @{polygon_centroid(@newhull)}); + } + + ####################################################### + #-- prepare content and filename for file 1 only if LOG_dir is set + my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); + if(main::AttrVal($name,"LOG_dir",undef)){ + my $filename1 = sprintf("%s/%s_%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d%02d.pl",main::AttrVal($name,"LOG_dir",undef),$name,$year+1900,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min); + $out1 .= sprintf("# Roomba %s run on %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d\n",$name,$year+1900,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min); + $out1 .= "# Path containing ".$numcoords." points\n"; + $out1 .= "# Removed first $numoffset points\n" + if($numoffset > 0); + $out1 .= "# WARNING: angle not zero at offset position, but ".$theta[0]."\n" + if( $theta[0] != 0); + + #-- area from robot + $out1 .= "my \$cmarea=".main::ReadingsNum($name,"cmArea",0).";\n"; + + #-- minx,miny, maxx, maxy + $out1 .= "my \@bbox=(".join(',',@bbox).");\n"; + + #-- convex hull + $out1 .= "my \@conhull=(".join(',',@newhull2).");\n"; + $out1 .= sprintf("my \@cenhull=(%.2f,%.2f);\n",$centroid[0],$centroid[1]); + + #-- longer data + $out1 .= "my \@points=(".join(',',@points).");\n". + "my \@theta=(".join(',',@theta).");\n". + "my \@velocity=(".join(',',@velocity).");\n"; + + if(open(FH, ">".$filename1)) { + binmode (FH); + print FH $out1; + close(FH); + }else { + main::Log 1, "[RoombaUtils] Can't open $filename1: $!"; + } + } + + #-- save a lot of memory + $hash->{helper}{path}=(); + $hash->{helper}{hull}=(); + $hash->{helper}{theta}=(); + $hash->{helper}{velocity}=(); + + ####################################################### + #-- prepare content and filename for file 2 + #-- room filename + my ($fha,$fhb,$fhc); + my $filename2a = main::AttrVal($name,"SVG_room",undef); + if(!$filename2a){ + main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] No filename attribute SVG_room given, no map drawn"; + return; + } + my $svgdir = main::AttrVal($name,"SVG_dir","/opt/fhem/www/images"); + if(!open( $fha, "<".$svgdir."/".$filename2a)){ + main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] SVG file $filename2a cannot be opened for reading, no map drawn"; + return; + } + + #-- output filename + my $filename2c = main::AttrVal($name,"SVG_final",undef); + if(!$filename2c){ + main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] No filename attribute SVG_final given, no map drawn"; + close($fha); + return; + } + if(!open($fhc, ">".$svgdir."/".$filename2c)){ + main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] SVG file $filename2c cannot be opened for writing, no map drawn"; + close($fha); + return; + } + + #-- copy room file to output file without tag + while (my $line = <$fha> ) { + print $fhc $line + if( $line !~ /.*\<\/svg\>.*/); + } + close($fha); + + #-- get colors + my @coldark = ("green","orange","red","blue"); + my @colbrite = ("lightreen","yellow","pink","lightblue"); + for( my $i=0; $i<4; $i++){ + my ($cold,$colb) = split(':',main::AttrVal($name,"SVG_color".($i+1),undef)); + $coldark[$i]=$cold + if( $cold); + $colbrite[$i]=$colb + if( $colb); + } + + #-- reading and modyfying collection filename + my $filename2b = main::AttrVal($name,"SVG_collect",undef); + my $collno = 0; + my $collid = ""; + my $collstr = ""; + if(!$filename2b){ + $filename2b = sprintf("SVG_%s.xml",$name); + main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] No filename attribute SVG_collect given, using default $filename2b"; + } + if(!open($fhb, "<".$svgdir."/".$filename2b)){ + main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] collection file $filename2b cannot be opened for reading, assuming empty file"; + }else{ + while (my $line = <$fhb> ) { + for( my $i=0; $i<4; $i++){ + $line =~ s/$coldark[$i]/$colbrite[$i]/g; + } + if( $line =~ /\".$collstr."\n"; + } + $out3 .= $line; + } + close($fhb); + } + #-- reopening collection filename + if(!open($fhb, ">>".$svgdir."/".$filename2b)){ + main::Log 1,"[RoombaUtils] collection file $filename2b cannot be opened for writing, ERROR"; + } + + #-- create output + $collstr = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d",$year+1900,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min); + $collid = "g".md5_hex($collstr); + $out2 .= "\n"; + + #-- reading start position in order to do translation + my $startx = main::AttrVal($name,"startx",0); + my $starty = main::AttrVal($name,"starty",0); + $out2 .= "\n"; + + #-- area from robot + $out2 .= "\n"; + + #-- minx,miny, maxx, maxy + $out2 .= "\n"; + + #-- convex hull + $out2 .= "\n". + "\n". + "\n". + "\n"; + + $out2 .= "\n\n"; + + #-- longer data + $out2 .= "\n". + "\n"; + + $out2 .= "\n"; + + #-- write output to svg file with additional interaction line + print $fhc "".$collstr."\n"; + print $fhc $out3; + print $fhc $out2; + print $fhc "\n"; + close($fhc); + + #-- write output to collection file + print $fhb $out2; + close($fhb); + + main::fhem("setreading ".($hash->{NAME})." cmMap finalized as ".$filename2c.""); + +} + +1; + + +=pod +=item helper +=item summary Control of Roomba cleaning robots +=item summary_DE Steuerung von Roomba Reinigungsrobotern +=begin html + + +

