diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/10_CUL_HM.pm b/fhem/FHEM/10_CUL_HM.pm
index 83faa499f..dcb7b625b 100755
--- a/fhem/FHEM/10_CUL_HM.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/10_CUL_HM.pm
@@ -444,6 +444,7 @@ sub CUL_HM_Attr(@) {#################################
return "$attrName not usable for devices";
elsif($attrName eq "msgRepeat"){
+ return if ($cmd ne "set");
return "$attrName not usable for channels" if(!$hash->{helper}{role}{dev});#only for device
return "value $attrVal ignored, must be an integer" if ($attrVal !~ m/^(\d+)$/);
@@ -2371,7 +2372,7 @@ sub CUL_HM_Set($@) {
my $lvl = ($cmd eq 'on') ? 'C8':
(($cmd eq 'off') ? '00':(CUL_HM_getChnLvl($name) != 0 ?"00":"C8"));
if($st eq "blindActuator") { # need to stop blind to protect relais
- CUL_HM_PushCmdStack($hash,'++'.$flag.'11'.$id.$dst.'03'.$chn)
+#General CUL_HM_PushCmdStack($hash,'++'.$flag.'11'.$id.$dst.'03'.$chn)
$hash = $chnHash; # report to channel if defined
@@ -2425,7 +2426,7 @@ sub CUL_HM_Set($@) {
$rval = CUL_HM_encodeTime16((@a > 4)?$a[4]:2.5);# rampTime 0.0..85825945.6, 0=immediate
elsif($st eq "blindActuator") { # need to stop blind to protect relais
- CUL_HM_PushCmdStack($hash,'++'.$flag.'11'.$id.$dst.'03'.$chn)
+#General CUL_HM_PushCmdStack($hash,'++'.$flag.'11'.$id.$dst.'03'.$chn)
diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/98_HMinfo.pm b/fhem/FHEM/98_HMinfo.pm
index 811a0b1f8..0f2d61baa 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/98_HMinfo.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/98_HMinfo.pm
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ sub HMinfo_regCheck(@);
sub HMinfo_peerCheck(@);
sub HMinfo_peerCheck(@);
sub HMinfo_getEntities(@);
-sub HMinfo_SetFn($$);
+sub HMinfo_SetFn($@);
sub HMinfo_SetFnDly($);
sub HMinfo_post($);
@@ -22,8 +22,10 @@ sub HMinfo_Initialize($$) {####################################################
$hash->{DefFn} = "HMinfo_Define";
$hash->{SetFn} = "HMinfo_SetFn";
+ $hash->{AttrFn} = "HMinfo_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 ".
"sumStatus sumERROR ".
+ "autoUpdate ".
@@ -51,6 +53,33 @@ sub HMinfo_Define($$){#########################################################
+sub HMinfo_Attr(@) {#################################
+ my ($cmd,$name, $attrName,$attrVal) = @_;
+ my @hashL;
+ my $hash = $defs{$name};
+ if ($attrName eq "autoUpdate"){# 00:00 hh:mm
+ delete $hash->{helper}{autoUpdate};
+ return if ($cmd eq "del");
+ my ($h,$m) = split":",$attrVal;
+ return "please enter time [hh:mm]" if (!defined $h||!defined $m);
+ my $sec = $h*3600+$m*60;
+ return "give at least one minute" if ($sec < 60);
+ $hash->{helper}{autoUpdate} = $sec;
+ InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$sec,"HMinfo_autoUpdate","sUpdt:".$name,0);
+ }
+ return;
+sub HMinfo_autoUpdate($){#in:name, send status-request
+ my $name = shift;
+ (undef,$name)=split":",$name,2;
+ HMinfo_SetFn($defs{$name},$name,"update") if ($name);
+ return if (!defined $defs{$name}{helper}{autoUpdate});
+ InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$defs{$name}{helper}{autoUpdate},
+ "HMinfo_autoUpdate","sUpdt:".$name,0);
sub HMinfo_getParam(@) { ######################################################
my ($id,@param) = @_;
my @paramList;
@@ -185,7 +214,7 @@ use warnings;
return sort(@names);
-sub HMinfo_SetFn($$) {#########################################################
+sub HMinfo_SetFn($@) {#########################################################
my ($hash,$name,$cmd,@a) = @_;
my ($opt,$optEmpty,$filter) = ("",1,"");
my $ret;
@@ -537,7 +566,7 @@ sub HMinfo_status($){##########################################################
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my ($nbrE,$nbrD,$nbrC,$nbrV) = (0,0,0,0);# count entities and types
#--- used for status
- my @crit = split ",",$attr{$name}{sumStatus};#prepare event
+ my @info = split ",",$attr{$name}{sumStatus};#prepare event
my %sum;
#--- used for error counts
my @erro = split ",",$attr{$name}{sumERROR};
@@ -551,11 +580,13 @@ sub HMinfo_status($){##########################################################
#--- used for IO, protocol and communication (e.g. rssi)
my @IOdev;
- my %prot = (NACK =>0,IOerr =>0,ResendFail =>0,CmdDel =>0,CmdPend =>0);
- my @protNames; # devices with current protocol events
+ my %protE = (NACK =>0,IOerr =>0,ResndFail =>0,CmdDel =>0);
+ my %protW = (Resnd =>0,CmdPend =>0);
+ my @protNamesE; # devices with current protocol events
+ my @protNamesW; # devices with current protocol events
my @Anames; # devices with ActionDetector events
my %rssiMin;
- my %rssiMinCnt = ("99>"=>0,"80<"=>0,"60>"=>0,"59<"=>0);
+ my %rssiMinCnt = ("99>"=>0,"80>"=>0,"60>"=>0,"59<"=>0);
my @rssiNames; #entities with ciritcal RSSI
my @shdwNames; #entites with shadowRegs, i.e. unconfirmed register ->W_unconfRegs
@@ -566,7 +597,7 @@ sub HMinfo_status($){##########################################################
$nbrC++ if ($ehash->{helper}{role}{chn});
$nbrV++ if ($ehash->{helper}{role}{vrt});
push @shdwNames,$eName if (keys %{$ehash->{helper}{shadowReg}});
- foreach my $read (grep {$ehash->{READINGS}{$_}} @crit){ #---- count critical readings
+ foreach my $read (grep {$ehash->{READINGS}{$_}} @info){ #---- count critical readings
my $val = $ehash->{READINGS}{$read}{VAL};
$sum{$read}{$val} =0 if (!$sum{$read}{$val});
@@ -582,9 +613,13 @@ sub HMinfo_status($){##########################################################
push @IOdev,$ehash->{IODev}{NAME} if($ehash->{IODev});
push @Anames,$eName if ($attr{$eName}{actStatus} && $attr{$eName}{actStatus} ne "alive");
- foreach (grep {$ehash->{"prot".$_}} keys %prot){#protocol events reported
- $prot{$_}++;
- push @protNames,$eName;
+ foreach (grep {$ehash->{"prot".$_}} keys %protE){#protocol events reported
+ $protE{$_}++;
+ push @protNamesE,$eName;
+ }
+ foreach (grep {$ehash->{"prot".$_}} keys %protW){#protocol events reported
+ $protW{$_}++;
+ push @protNamesW,$eName;
$rssiMin{$eName} = 0;
foreach (keys %{$ehash->{helper}{rssi}}){
@@ -594,26 +629,31 @@ sub HMinfo_status($){##########################################################
#====== collection finished - start data preparation======
- delete $hash->{$_} foreach (grep(/^(ERR|W_)/,keys%{$hash}));# remove old
- foreach my $read(grep {defined $sum{$_}} @crit){ #--- disp crt count
- $hash->{"W_sum_".$read} = "";
- $hash->{"W_sum_".$read} .= "$_:$sum{$read}{$_};"foreach(keys %{$sum{$read}});
+ delete $hash->{$_} foreach (grep(/^(ERR|W_|I_|C_)/,keys%{$hash}));# remove old
+ my @updates;
+ foreach my $read(grep {defined $sum{$_}} @info){ #--- disp crt count
+ my $d;
+ $d .= "$_:$sum{$read}{$_};"foreach(keys %{$sum{$read}});
+ push @updates,"I_sum_$read:".$d;
foreach my $read(grep {defined $err{$_}} keys %errFlt){#--- disp err count
- $hash->{"ERR_".$read} = "";
- $hash->{"ERR_".$read} .= "$_:$err{$read}{$_};"foreach(keys %{$err{$read}});
+ my $d;
+ $d .= "$_:$err{$read}{$_};"foreach(keys %{$err{$read}});
+ push @updates,"ERR_$read:".$d;
my %allE; # remove duplicates
$allE{$_}=0 foreach (grep !//, @errNames);
@errNames = sort keys %allE;
$hash->{ERR_names} = join",",@errNames if(@errNames);# and name entities
+# push @updates,":".$hash->{ERR_names} if(@errNames);
- $hash->{C_sumDefined} = "entities:$nbrE device:$nbrD channel:$nbrC virtual:$nbrV";
+ push @updates,"C_sumDefined:"."entities:$nbrE device:$nbrD channel:$nbrC virtual:$nbrV";
# ------- display status of action detector ------
- $hash->{I_actTotal} = $modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{"000000"}{STATE};
- $hash->{ERRactNames} = join",",@Anames;
+ push @updates,"I_actTotal:".$modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{"000000"}{STATE};
+# push @updates,"ERR_actTotal:".$modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{"000000"}{STATE};
+ $hash->{ERRactNames} = join",",@Anames if (@Anames);
+# push @updates,":".$hash->{ERRactNames} if(@Anames);
# ------- what about IO devices??? ------
my %tmp; # remove duplicates
@@ -621,28 +661,39 @@ sub HMinfo_status($){##########################################################
delete $tmp{""}; #remove empties if present
@IOdev = sort keys %tmp;
foreach (grep {$defs{$_}{READINGS}{cond}} @IOdev){
- $_ .= ":".$defs{$_}{READINGS}{cond}{VAL};
+ $_ .= " :".$defs{$_}{READINGS}{cond}{VAL};
$hash->{I_HM_IOdevices}= join",",@IOdev;
+# push @updates,":".$hash->{I_HM_IOdevices};
# ------- what about protocol events ------
# Current Events are Rcv,NACK,IOerr,Resend,ResendFail,Snd
# additional variables are protCmdDel,protCmdPend,protState,protLastRcv
my @tp;
- push @tp,"$_:$prot{$_}" foreach (grep {$prot{$_}} keys(%prot));
- $hash->{ERR__protocol} = join",",@tp if(@tp);
+ push @tp,"$_:$protE{$_}" foreach (grep {$protE{$_}} keys(%protE));
+ push @updates,"ERR__protocol:".join",",@tp if(@tp);
+ my @tpw;
+ push @tpw,"$_:$protW{$_}" foreach (grep {$protW{$_}} keys(%protW));
+ push @updates,"W__protocol:".join",",@tpw if(@tpw);
my %all; # remove duplicates
- $all{$_}=0 foreach (grep !//,@protNames);
- @protNames = sort keys %all;
- $hash->{ERR__protoNames} = join",",@protNames if(@protNames);
+ $all{$_}=0 foreach (grep !//,@protNamesE);
+ @protNamesE = sort keys %all;
+ $hash->{ERR__protoNames} = join",",@protNamesE if(@protNamesE);
+# push @updates,":".$hash->{ERR__protoNames} if(@protNamesE);
+ $all{$_}=0 foreach (grep !//,@protNamesW);
+ @protNamesW = sort keys %all;
+ $hash->{W__protoNames} = join",",@protNamesW if(@protNamesW);
+# push @updates,":".$hash->{W__protoNames} if(@protNamesW);
if (defined $modules{CUL_HM}{helper}{autoRdCfgLst} &&
$hash->{I_autoReadPend} = join ",",@{$modules{CUL_HM}{helper}{autoRdCfgLst}};
+ push @updates,"I_autoReadPend:". scalar @{$modules{CUL_HM}{helper}{autoRdCfgLst}};
- delete $hash->{I_autoReadPend};
+# delete $hash->{I_autoReadPend};
# ------- what about rssi low readings ------
@@ -651,16 +702,33 @@ sub HMinfo_status($){##########################################################
elsif ($rssiMin{$_}> -80) {$rssiMinCnt{"60>"}++;}
elsif ($rssiMin{$_}< -99) {$rssiMinCnt{"99>"}++;
push @rssiNames,$_ ;}
- else {$rssiMinCnt{"80<"}++;}
+ else {$rssiMinCnt{"80>"}++;}
- $hash->{I_rssiMinLevel} = "";
- $hash->{I_rssiMinLevel} .= "$_:$rssiMinCnt{$_} " foreach (sort keys %rssiMinCnt);
+ my $d ="";
+ $d .= "$_:$rssiMinCnt{$_} " foreach (sort keys %rssiMinCnt);
+ push @updates,"I_rssiMinLevel:".$d;
$hash->{ERR___rssiCrit} = join(",",@rssiNames) if (@rssiNames);
+# push @updates,":".$hash->{ERR___rssiCrit} if(@rssiNames);
# ------- what about others ------
$hash->{W_unConfRegs} = join(",",@shdwNames) if (@shdwNames > 0);
+# push @updates,":".$hash->{W_unConfRegs} if(@shdwNames > 0);
# ------- update own status ------
$hash->{STATE} = "updated:".TimeNow();
+ my $updt = join",",@updates;
+ foreach (grep /^(W_|I_|ERR)/,keys%{$hash->{READINGS}}){
+ delete $hash->{READINGS}{$_} if ($updt !~ m /$_/);
+ }
+ readingsBeginUpdate($hash);
+ foreach my $rd (@updates){
+ next if (!$rd);
+ my ($rdName, $rdVal) = split(":",$rd, 2);
+ next if (defined $hash->{READINGS}{$rdName} &&
+ $hash->{READINGS}{$rdName}{VAL} eq $rdVal);
+ readingsBulkUpdate($hash,$rdName,
+ ((defined($rdVal) && $rdVal ne "")?$rdVal:"-"));
+ }
+ readingsEndUpdate($hash,1);
@@ -1208,6 +1276,14 @@ sub HMinfo_cpRegs(@){#########################################################
Setting is meant to give user a fast overview of parameter that are expected to be system critical
+ attr hm autoUpdate 00:10