diff --git a/fhem/CHANGED b/fhem/CHANGED
index 8618608e9..06913a300 100644
--- a/fhem/CHANGED
+++ b/fhem/CHANGED
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
 # Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
+ - feature: 76_SolarForecast: allow key 'noshow' more values, KI improves
  - change:  22_HOMEMODE: change url for IP check
  - bugfix:  14_Hideki.pm: fixed partial carp error
  - feature: 70_ESCVP21net: add reading stateP for on/off
diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/76_SolarForecast.pm b/fhem/FHEM/76_SolarForecast.pm
index 4222b2fea..8030b41f6 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/76_SolarForecast.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/76_SolarForecast.pm
@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ BEGIN {
 # Versions History intern
 my %vNotesIntern = (
+  "1.0.5"  => "11.10.2023  new sub _aiGetSpread for estimate AI results stepwise, allow key 'noshow' values 0,1,2,3 ",
   "1.0.4"  => "10.10.2023  fix: print always Log in _calcCaQ* subroutines even if calaculated factors are equal ".
                            "new consumer attr key 'noshow' ",
   "1.0.3"  => "08.10.2023  change graphic header PV/CO detail, new attr graphicHeaderOwnspec, internal code changes ".
@@ -7759,12 +7760,12 @@ sub _calcTodayPVdeviation {
   my $diff = $pvfc - $pvre;
-  if($pvre) {
+  if ($pvre) {
       my $dp                                      = sprintf "%.2f" , (100 * $diff / $pvre);
       $data{$type}{$name}{circular}{99}{tdayDvtn} = $dp;
       push @$daref, "Today_PVdeviation<>". $dp.  " %";
-      push @$daref, "Today_PVreal<>".      $pvre." Wh";
+      push @$daref, "Today_PVreal<>".      (sprintf "%.0f", $pvre)." Wh";
@@ -9220,7 +9221,7 @@ sub _graphicConsumerLegend {
   my $tro    = 0;
   for my $c (@consumers) {
-      next if(isConsumerNoshow ($hash, $c));                                                        # Consumer ausblenden
+      next if(isConsumerNoshow ($hash, $c) =~ /^[12]$/xs);                                          # Consumer ausblenden
       my $caicon            = $paref->{caicon};                                                     # Consumer AdviceIcon
       my ($cname, $dswname) = getCDnames  ($hash, $c);                                              # Consumer und Switch Device Name
@@ -10059,7 +10060,12 @@ END0
   if ($flowgcons) {
       my $type       = $paref->{type};
-      @consumers     = sort{$a<=>$b} keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{consumers}};                        # definierte Verbraucher ermitteln
+      for my $c (sort{$a<=>$b} keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{consumers}}) {                            # definierte Verbraucher ermitteln
+          next if(isConsumerNoshow ($hash, $c) =~ /^[13]$/xs);                                      # ausgeblendete Consumer nicht berücksichtigen
+          push @consumers, $c;						               
+      }
       $consumercount = scalar @consumers;
       if ($consumercount % 2) {
@@ -10072,11 +10078,9 @@ END0
       $pos_left = $consumer_start + 15;
       for my $c (@consumers) {
-          next if(isConsumerNoshow ($hash, $c));                                                  # Consumer ausblenden
-          my $calias     = ConsumerVal         ($hash, $c, "alias", "");                          # Name des Consumerdevices
+          my $calias     = ConsumerVal         ($hash, $c, "alias", "");                           # Name des Consumerdevices
           $currentPower  = ReadingsNum         ($name, "consumer${c}_currentPower", 0);
-          my $cicon      = __substConsumerIcon ($hash, $c, $currentPower);                        # Icon des Consumerdevices
+          my $cicon      = __substConsumerIcon ($hash, $c, $currentPower);                         # Icon des Consumerdevices
           $cc_dummy     -= $currentPower;
           $ret .= '<g id="consumer_'.$c.'" fill="grey" transform="translate('.$pos_left.',485),scale(0.1)">';
@@ -10150,8 +10154,6 @@ END3
       for my $c (@consumers) {
-          next if(isConsumerNoshow ($hash, $c));                                                   # Consumer ausblenden
           my $power     = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "power",   0);
           my $rpcurr    = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "rpcurr", "");                                   # Reading für akt. Verbrauch angegeben ?
           $currentPower = ReadingsNum ($name, "consumer${c}_currentPower", 0);
@@ -10200,8 +10202,6 @@ END3
       $pos_left = ($consumer_start * 2) - 50;                                                         # -XX -> Start Lage Consumer Beschriftung
       for my $c (@consumers) {
-          next if(isConsumerNoshow ($hash, $c));                                                      # Consumer ausblenden
           $currentPower    = sprintf "%.1f", ReadingsNum($name, "consumer${c}_currentPower", 0);
           $currentPower    =~ s/\.0$// if (int($currentPower) > 0);                                   # .0 am Ende interessiert nicht
           my $consumerTime = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "remainTime", "");                               # Restlaufzeit
@@ -11194,14 +11194,109 @@ sub aiGetResult {                   ## no critic "not used"
-  if ($@) {
+  if ($@) { 
       Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - aiGetResult ERROR: $@");
       return $@;
   if (defined $pvaifc) {
-      debugLog ($paref, 'aiData', qq{result AI: pvaifc: $pvaifc (hod: $hod, rad1h: $rad1h, wcc: $wcc, wrp: $rbin, temp: $tbin)});
+      debugLog ($paref, 'aiData', qq{accurate result AI: pvaifc: $pvaifc (hod: $hod, rad1h: $rad1h, wcc: $wcc, wrp: $rbin, temp: $tbin)});
+      return ('', $pvaifc);
+  }
+  my $msg = 'no decition delivered'; 
+  ($msg, $pvaifc) = _aiGetSpread ( { hash  => $hash,
+                                     name  => $name,
+                                     type  => $type,
+                                     rad1h => $rad1h, 
+                                     temp  => $tbin,
+                                     wcc   => $cbin,
+                                     wrp   => $rbin,
+                                     hod   => $hod,
+                                     dtree => $dtree,
+                                     debug => $paref->{debug}
+                                   } 
+                                 );
+  if (defined $pvaifc) {
+      return ('', $pvaifc);
+  }
+return $msg;
+#  AI Ergebnis aus einer positiven und negativen 
+#  rad1h-Abweichung schätzen
+sub _aiGetSpread {
+  my $paref = shift;
+  my $rad1h = $paref->{rad1h};
+  my $temp  = $paref->{temp};
+  my $wcc   = $paref->{wcc};
+  my $wrp   = $paref->{wrp};
+  my $hod   = $paref->{hod};
+  my $dtree = $paref->{dtree};
+  my $dtn  = 50;                               # positive und negative rad1h Abweichung testen mit Schrittweite "$step"
+  my $step = 10;
+  my ($pos, $neg, $p, $n);
+  debugLog ($paref, 'aiData', qq{no accurate result AI found with initial value "$rad1h"});
+  debugLog ($paref, 'aiData', qq{test AI estimation with variance "$dtn", positive/negative step "$step"});
+  for ($p = $rad1h; $p <= $rad1h + $dtn; $p += $step) {
+      $p = sprintf "%.2f", $p;  
+      eval { $pos = $dtree->get_result (attributes => { rad1h => $p,
+                                                        temp  => $temp,
+                                                        wcc   => $wcc,
+                                                        wrp   => $wrp,
+                                                        hod   => $hod
+                                                      }
+                                          );
+           };
+      if ($@) {
+          return $@;
+      }
+      if ($pos) {
+          debugLog ($paref, 'aiData', qq{AI estimation with test value "$p": $pos});
+          last;
+      } 
+  }
+  for ($n = $rad1h; $n >= $rad1h - $dtn; $n -= $step) {
+      last if($n <= 0);
+      $n = sprintf "%.2f", $n; 
+      eval { $neg = $dtree->get_result (attributes => { rad1h => $n,
+                                                        temp  => $temp,
+                                                        wcc   => $wcc,
+                                                        wrp   => $wrp,
+                                                        hod   => $hod
+                                                      }
+                                          );
+           };
+      if ($@) {
+          return $@;
+      }
+      if ($neg) {
+          debugLog ($paref, 'aiData', qq{AI estimation with test value "$n": $neg});
+          last;
+      } 
+  }
+  my $pvaifc = $pos && $neg ? sprintf "%.0f", (($pos + $neg) / 2) : undef;
+  if (defined $pvaifc) {
+      debugLog ($paref, 'aiData', qq{appreciated result AI: pvaifc: $pvaifc (hod: $hod, wcc: $wcc, wrp: $wrp, temp: $temp)});
       return ('', $pvaifc);
@@ -12929,8 +13024,11 @@ return 0;
 #  Consumer $c in Grafik ausblenden (1) oder nicht (0)
-#  default: $noshow=0 
-################################################################       isConsumerNoshow ($hash, $c);
+#  0 - nicht aublenden (default)
+#  1 - ausblenden
+#  2 - nur in Consumerlegende ausblenden
+#  3 - nur in Flowgrafik ausblenden
 sub isConsumerNoshow {
   my $hash = shift;
   my $c    = shift;
@@ -12947,7 +13045,11 @@ sub isConsumerNoshow {
       $noshow = ReadingsNum ($dev, $rdg, 0);
+  if ($noshow !~ /^[0123]$/xs) {                                                    # nue Ergebnisse 0..3 zulassen
+      $noshow = 0;
+  }
 return $noshow;     
@@ -14720,7 +14822,7 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
       The recommended autocorrection method is <b>on_complex</b> or <b>on_complex_ai</b>. <br><br>
       <b>Model ForecastSolarAPI:</b> <br>
-      The recommended autocorrection method is <b>on_simple</b>.
+      The recommended autocorrection method is <b>on_complex</b>.
@@ -15375,9 +15477,11 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
             <tr><td> <b>noshow</b>         </td><td>Hide or show consumers in graphic (optional).                                                                                                  </td></tr>
             <tr><td>                       </td><td><b>0</b> - the consumer is displayed (default)                                                                                                 </td></tr>
             <tr><td>                       </td><td><b>1</b> - the consumer is hidden                                                                                                              </td></tr>
+            <tr><td>                       </td><td><b>2</b> - the consumer is hidden in the consumer legend                                                                                       </td></tr>
+            <tr><td>                       </td><td><b>3</b> - the consumer is hidden in the flow chart                                                                                            </td></tr>
             <tr><td>                       </td><td><b>[Device:]Reading</b> - Reading in the consumer or optionally an alternative device.                                                         </td></tr>
-            <tr><td>                       </td><td>If the reading has the value "0" or is not present, the consumer is displayed.                                                                 </td></tr>        
-            <tr><td>                       </td><td>If the reading has the value "1", the consumer is hidden.                                                                                      </td></tr>        
+            <tr><td>                       </td><td>If the reading has the value 0 or is not present, the consumer is displayed.                                                                   </td></tr>        
+            <tr><td>                       </td><td>The effect of the possible reading values 1, 2 and 3 is as described.                                                                          </td></tr>        
@@ -16533,7 +16637,7 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
       Die empfohlene Autokorrekturmethode ist <b>on_complex</b> bzw. <b>on_complex_ai</b>. <br><br>
       <b>Model ForecastSolarAPI:</b> <br>
-      Die empfohlene Autokorrekturmethode ist <b>on_simple</b>.
+      Die empfohlene Autokorrekturmethode ist <b>on_complex</b>.
@@ -17185,9 +17289,11 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
             <tr><td> <b>noshow</b>         </td><td>Verbraucher in Grafik ausblenden oder einblenden (optional).                                                                                   </td></tr>
             <tr><td>                       </td><td><b>0</b> - der Verbraucher wird eingeblendet (default)                                                                                         </td></tr>
             <tr><td>                       </td><td><b>1</b> - der Verbraucher wird ausgeblendet                                                                                                   </td></tr>
-            <tr><td>                       </td><td><b>[Device:]Reading</b> - Reading im Verbraucher oder optional einem alternativen Device.                                                    </td></tr>
-            <tr><td>                       </td><td>Hat das Reading den Wert "0" oder ist nicht vorhanden, wird der Verbraucher eingeblendet.                                                      </td></tr>        
-            <tr><td>                       </td><td>Hat das Reading den Wert "1", wird der Verbraucher ausgeblendet.                                                                               </td></tr>        
+            <tr><td>                       </td><td><b>2</b> - der Verbraucher wird in der Verbraucherlegende ausgeblendet                                                                         </td></tr>
+            <tr><td>                       </td><td><b>3</b> - der Verbraucher wird in der Flußgrafik ausgeblendet                                                                                 </td></tr>
+            <tr><td>                       </td><td><b>[Device:]Reading</b> - Reading im Verbraucher oder optional einem alternativen Device.                                                      </td></tr>
+            <tr><td>                       </td><td>Hat das Reading den Wert 0 oder ist nicht vorhanden, wird der Verbraucher eingeblendet.                                                        </td></tr>        
+            <tr><td>                       </td><td>Die Wirkung der möglichen Readingwerte 1, 2 und 3 ist wie beschrieben.                                                                         </td></tr>        