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synced 2025-01-31 18:59:33 +00:00
57_SSCal: contrib 1.15.0
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@21294 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ eval "use FHEM::Meta;1" or my $modMetaAbsent = 1;
# Versions History intern
# Versions History intern
my %SSCal_vNotesIntern = (
my %SSCal_vNotesIntern = (
"1.15.0" => "24.02.2020 fix recurrence WEEKLY by DAY, MONTHLY by MONTHDAY ",
"1.15.0" => "27.02.2020 fix recurrence WEEKLY by DAY, MONTHLY by MONTHDAY and BYDAY, create commandref ",
"1.14.0" => "23.02.2020 new setter \"calUpdate\" consistent for both models, calEventList and calToDoList are obsolete ",
"1.14.0" => "23.02.2020 new setter \"calUpdate\" consistent for both models, calEventList and calToDoList are obsolete ",
"1.13.0" => "22.02.2020 manage recurring entries if one/more of a series entry is deleted or changed and their reminder times ",
"1.13.0" => "22.02.2020 manage recurring entries if one/more of a series entry is deleted or changed and their reminder times ",
"1.12.0" => "15.02.2020 create At-devices from calendar entries if FHEM-commands or Perl-routines detected in \"Summary\", minor fixes ",
"1.12.0" => "15.02.2020 create At-devices from calendar entries if FHEM-commands or Perl-routines detected in \"Summary\", minor fixes ",
@ -1741,7 +1741,7 @@ sub SSCal_extractEventlist ($) {
for ($ci=-1; $ci<($count); $ci++) {
for ($ci=-1; $ci<($count); $ci++) {
if ($rDayInterval > 0) { # Angabe "jeder x Wochentag" ist positiv (-2 wäre z.B. vom Ende des Monats zu zähelen)
if ($rDayInterval > 0) { # Angabe "jeder x Wochentag" ist positiv (-2 wäre z.B. vom Ende des Monats zu zähelen)
$bmonth += $interval;
$bmonth += $interval if($ci>=0);
$byear += int( $bmonth/13);
$byear += int( $bmonth/13);
$bmonth %= 12 if($bmonth>12);
$bmonth %= 12 if($bmonth>12);
$bmonth = sprintf("%02d", $bmonth);
$bmonth = sprintf("%02d", $bmonth);
@ -3999,11 +3999,520 @@ return $default;
The guide for this module is currently only available in the german <a href="https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/SSCal - Integration des Synology Calendar Servers">Wiki</a>.
With this module the Synology Calendar Server is integrated into FHEM.
The module SSCal is based on functions of the Synology Calendar API. <br><br>
The connection to the calendar server is done by a session ID after successful login. Requests to the server are
internal stored in a queue and are handled sequentially. If the calendar server is temporary unavailable,
the stored requests are catched up once the server is available again. <br><br>
You can handle diaries (Events) as well as task lists (ToDo). For these different types of calendar
different models of calendar devices can be definied, model <b>Diary</b> for diaries and model <b>Tasks</b> for
task lists. <br><br>
If you want discuss about or like to support the development of this module, there is a thread in the FHEM forum:<br>
<a href="https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,106963.0.html">57_SSCal - Modul für den Synology Kalender</a>.<br><br>
Further information about the module you can find in the (german) FHEM Wiki:<br>
<a href="https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/SSCal_-_Integration_des_Synology_Calendar_Servers">SSCal - Integration des Synology Calendar Servers</a>.
<b>Preparation </b> <br><br>
As basic requirement the <b>Synology Calendar Package</b> must be installed on your Synology Disc Station. <br>
In Synology DSM a user as member of the administrator group <b>must</b> be defined for access use. This user must also have the rights
to read and/or write the relevant calendars. The entitlement for the calendars are set directly in the
<a href="https://www.synology.com/en-global/knowledgebase/DSM/help/Calendar/calendar_desc">Synology calendar application</a>.
The login credentials are assigned later by the set <b>credentials</b> command to the defined device.
Furthermore some more Perl modules must be installed or available: <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width=35%> <col width=65%> </colgroup>
<tr><td>JSON </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Data::Dumper </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>MIME::Base64 </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Time::HiRes </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>Encode </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>POSIX </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td>HttpUtils </td><td>(FHEM module) </td></tr>
<tr><td>Blocking </td><td>(FHEM module) </td></tr>
<tr><td>Meta </td><td>(FHEM module) </td></tr>
<a name="SSCaldefine"></a>
The creation of SSCal devices is differed between the definition of diaries and task lists.
The definition is done with: <br><br>
<b><code>define <Name> SSCal <ServerAddr> [<Port>] [<Protocol>] [Tasks] </code></b> <br><br>
The parameters are in detail:
<colgroup> <col width=10%> <col width=90%> </colgroup>
<tr><td><b>Name</b> </td><td>Name of the device in FHEM </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>ServerAddr</b> </td><td>IP address of Synology Disc Station. <b>Note:</b> If you use DNS name instead of IP address, don't forget to set the attribute dnsServer in global device ! </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Port</b> </td><td>optional - Port of Synology Disc Station (default: 5000). </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Protocol</b> </td><td>optional - Protocol used for communication with the calendar server, http or https (default: http). </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Tasks</b> </td><td>optional - to define a task list device add "Tasks" to the definition </td></tr>
<code>define Appointments SSCal </code>
<code>define Appointments SSCal 5001 https </code>
# creates a diary device on default port (5000/http) respectively https on port 5001
<code>define Tasklist SSCal ds.myds.org 5001 https Tasks </code>
# creates a task list device with protocol https on port 5001
After definition of a device only the command <a href="#SSCalcredentials">credentials</a> is available.
First of all you have to set the credentials for communication with the Synology calendar server by using this command. <br><br>
If the login was successful, all for the user accessible calendars will be determined. The calendars to retrieve
are selectable by attribute <a href="#usedCalendars">usedCalendars</a>.
<a name="SSCalset"></a>
<b>Set </b>
The following set commands are valid for both device models Diary/Tasks or partly for one of these device models.
<a name="SSCalcalUpdate"></a>
<li><b> calUpdate [<list of calendars>] </b> <br>
Fetch entries of the selected calendars (see attribute <a href="#usedCalendars">usedCalendars</a>).
Alternatively you can enter a list of calendars to fetch separated by comma. The calendar names may contain spaces.
<b>Examples:</b> <br><br>
set Appointments calUpdate <br>
# fetch the entries of calendars specified in attribute usedCalendars <br><br>
set Appointments calUpdate Heikos Kalender,Abfall <br>
# fetch the entries of both calendars "Heikos Kalender" and "Abfall". <br><br>
<a name="SSCalcleanCompleteTasks"></a>
<li><b> cleanCompleteTasks </b> (only model "Tasks") <br>
All completed tasks in the specified task lists (see attribute <a href="#usedCalendars">usedCalendars</a>) are deleted. <br>
<a name="SSCaldeleteEventId"></a>
<li><b> deleteEventId <Id> </b> <br>
The specified Event Id (see reading x_x_EventId) will be delted from calendar or tas list. <br>
<a name="SSCalcredentials"></a>
<li><b> credentials <User> <Passwort> </b> <br>
Store the credentials for calendar communication. <br>
<a name="SSCaleraseReadings"></a>
<li><b> eraseReadings </b> <br>
Delete all calendar readings. It doesn't effect the calendar entries itself ! <br>
<a name="SSCallistSendqueue"></a>
<li><b> listSendqueue </b> <br>
Shows all entries in the sendqueue. Normally the queue is filled only for a short time, but may contain entries
permanently in case of problems. Thereby the occured failures can be identified and assigned. <br>
<a name="SSCallogout"></a>
<li><b> logout </b> <br>
The user will be logged out and the session to the Synology Disc Station will be cleared. <br>
<a name="SSCalpurgeSendqueue"></a>
<li><b> purgeSendqueue </b> <br>
Deletes entries from the sendqueue. Several options are usable dependend from situation: <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width=15%> <col width=85%> </colgroup>
<tr><td>-all- </td><td>deletes all entries from sendqueue </td></tr>
<tr><td>-permError- </td><td>deletes all entries which are suspended from further processing caused by a permanent error </td></tr>
<tr><td><Index> </td><td>deletes the specified entry from sendqueue </td></tr>
<a name="SSCalrestartSendqueue"></a>
<li><b> restartSendqueue </b> <br>
The processing of entries in sendqueue will be new started manually. Because of the sendqueue will be restarted automatically by
every new retrieval it is normally not necessary to execute this command. <br>
<a name="SSCalget"></a>
<a name="SSCalapiInfo"></a>
<li><b> apiInfo </b> <br>
Retrieves the API informations of the Synology calendar server and open a popup window with its data.
<a name="SSCalcalAsHtml"></a>
<li><b> calAsHtml </b> <br>
Shows a popup with the time summary. In own perl routines and for integration in a weblink device this
overview can be used as follows: <br><br>
{ SSCal_calAsHtml ("<SSCal-Device>") }
<a name="SSCalgetCalendars"></a>
<li><b> getCalendars </b> <br>
Requests the existing calendars from your Synology Disc Station and open a popup window with informations about each available calendar.
<a name="SSCalstoredCredentials"></a>
<li><b> storedCredentials </b> <br>
Shows the stored User/Password combination.
<a name="SSCalversionNotes"></a>
<li><b> versionNotes </b> <br>
Shows important informations and hints about the module.
<a name="SSCamattr"></a>
<a name="asyncMode"></a>
<li><b>asyncMode</b> <br>
If set to "1", the data parsing will be executed within a background process and avoid possible blocking situations. <br>
(default: 0)
<a name="createATDevs"></a>
<li><b>createATDevs</b> <br>
If set to "1", FHEM commands and Perl routines to be executed are recognised automatically in a calendar entry by SSCal.
In this case SSCal defines, changes or deletes at-devices to execute these commands independently. <br>
A FHEM command to be executed has to be included into <b>{ }</b> in the field <b>Description</b> of Synology Calendar
application WebUI, Perl routines has to be included into double <b>{{ }}</b>. <br>
For further detailed information please read the Wiki (germnan) section:
<a href="https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/SSCal_-_Integration_des_Synology_Calendar_Servers#at-Devices_f.C3.BCr_Steuerungen_automatisch_erstellen_und_verwalten_lassen">at-Devices für Steuerungen automatisch erstellen und verwalten lassen</a>.
(default: 0)
<a name="cutOlderDays"></a>
<li><b>cutOlderDays</b> <br>
Entries in calendars are ignored if the due date is older than the number of specified days. <br>
(default: 5) <br><br>
<b>Example:</b> <br><br>
attr <Name> cutOlderDays 30 <br>
<a name="cutLaterDays"></a>
<li><b>cutLaterDays</b> <br>
Entries in calendars are ignored if the due date is later than the number of specified days. <br>
(default: 5) <br><br>
<b>Example:</b> <br><br>
attr <Name> cutLaterDays 90 <br>
<a name="filterCompleteTask"></a>
<li><b>filterCompleteTask </b> (only model "Tasks") <br>
Entries of the calendar are filtered dependend from their completion: <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width=10%> <col width=90%> </colgroup>
<tr><td>1 </td><td>only completed tasks are shown </td></tr>
<tr><td>2 </td><td>only not completed tasks are shown </td></tr>
<tr><td>3 </td><td>completed and not completed tasks are shown (default) </td></tr>
<a name="filterDueTask"></a>
<li><b>filterDueTask </b> (only model "Tasks") <br>
Entries in taks lists with/without due date are filtered: <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width=10%> <col width=90%> </colgroup>
<tr><td>1 </td><td>only tasks with due date are shown </td></tr>
<tr><td>2 </td><td>only tasks without due date are shown </td></tr>
<tr><td>3 </td><td>tasks with and without due date are shown (default) </td></tr>
<a name="interval"></a>
<li><b>interval <seconds></b> <br>
Interval in seconds to fetch calendar entries automatically. If "0" is specified, no calendar fetch is
executed. (default) <br><br>
<b>Example:</b> <br><br>
Set the attribute as follows if the calendar entries should retrieved every hour: <br>
attr <Name> interval 3600 <br>
<a name="loginRetries"></a>
<li><b>loginRetries</b> <br>
Number of attempts for the initial user login. <br>
(default: 3)
<a name="showRepeatEvent"></a>
<li><b>showRepeatEvent</b> (only model "Diary") <br>
If "true", one-time events as well as recurrent events are fetched. Otherwise only one-time events are retrieved. <br>
(default: true)
<a name="showPassInLog"></a>
<li><b>showPassInLog</b> <br>
If "1", the password respectively the SID will be shown in the logfile. <br>
(default: 0)
<a name="tableColumnMap"></a>
<li><b>tableColumnMap </b> <br>
Determines how the link to a map is shown in the table column "Map": <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width=10%> <col width=90%> </colgroup>
<tr><td><b>icon</b> </td><td>shows a user customisable symbol (default) </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>data</b> </td><td>shows the GPS data </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>text</b> </td><td>shows a text adjustable by the user </td></tr>
To make further adjustments, there are some more possibilities to specify properties in the attribute tableSpecs.
For detailed informations about the possibilities to configure the overview table please consult the (german) Wiki
<a href="https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/SSCal_-_Integration_des_Synology_Calendar_Servers#Darstellung_der_.C3.9Cbersichtstabelle_in_Raum-_und_Detailansicht_beeinflussen">Darstellung der Übersichtstabelle in Raum- und Detailansicht beeinflussen</a>.
<a name="tableInDetail"></a>
<li><b>tableInDetail</b> <br>
An overview diary or taks table will be displayed in detail view. <br>
(default: 1)
<a name="tableInRoom"></a>
<li><b>tableInRoom</b> <br>
An overview diary or taks table will be displayed in room view. <br>
(default: 1)
<a name="tableFields"></a>
<li><b>tableFields</b> <br>
Selection of the fields to be displayed in the overview table in room or detail view. <br>
<a name="tableSpecs"></a>
<li><b>tableSpecs</b> <br>
By several key-value pair combinations the presentation of informations in the overview table can be adjusted.
The (german) Wiki chapter
<a href="https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/SSCal_-_Integration_des_Synology_Calendar_Servers#Darstellung_der_.C3.9Cbersichtstabelle_in_Raum-_und_Detailansicht_beeinflussen">Darstellung der Übersichtstabelle in Raum- und Detailansicht beeinflussen</a>
provides more detailed help for it.
<a name="timeout"></a>
<li><b>timeout <seconds></b> <br>
Timeout for calendar fetch in seconds. <br>
(default: 20)
<a name="usedCalendars"></a>
<li><b>usedCalendars</b> <br>
Selection of calendars to fetch from a popup window. The list of accessible calendars will initial be created during
FHEM startup. At all times it can also be done manually with command: <br><br>
get <Name> getCalendars <br>
As long as the accessible calendars are not successfully fetched, this attribute only contains simply the entry: <br><br>
--wait for Calendar list-- <br>
=end html
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=begin html_DE
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@ -4036,7 +4545,7 @@ The guide for this module is currently only available in the german <a href="htt
Als Grundvoraussetzung muss das <b>Synology Calendar Package</b> auf der Diskstation installiert sein. <br>
Als Grundvoraussetzung muss das <b>Synology Calendar Package</b> auf der Diskstation installiert sein. <br>
Im Synology DSM wird ein User benutzt, der Mitglied der Administrator-Group sein <b>muß</b> und zusätzlich die benötigte Berechtigung
Im Synology DSM wird ein User benutzt, der Mitglied der Administrator-Group sein <b>muß</b> und zusätzlich die benötigte Berechtigung
zum Lesen und/oder Schreiben der relevanten Kalender hat. Die Kalenderberechtigungen werden direkt in der
zum Lesen und/oder Schreiben der relevanten Kalender hat. Die Kalenderberechtigungen werden direkt in der
<a href="https://www.synolgy.com/de-de/knowledgebase/DSM/help/Calendar/calendar_desc">Synology Kalenderapplikation</a> eingestellt.
<a href="https://www.synology.com/de-de/knowledgebase/DSM/help/Calendar/calendar_desc">Synology Kalenderapplikation</a> eingestellt.
Die Zugangsdaten werden später über ein Set <b>credentials</b> Kommando dem angelegten Device zugewiesen.
Die Zugangsdaten werden später über ein Set <b>credentials</b> Kommando dem angelegten Device zugewiesen.
@ -4063,7 +4572,7 @@ The guide for this module is currently only available in the german <a href="htt
Bei der Definition wird zwischen einem Kalenderdevice für Termine (Events) und Aufagebn (Tasks) unterschieden.
Bei der Definition wird zwischen einem Kalenderdevice für Termine (Events) und Aufgaben (Tasks) unterschieden.
Die Definition erfolgt mit: <br><br>
Die Definition erfolgt mit: <br><br>
@ -4076,9 +4585,9 @@ The guide for this module is currently only available in the german <a href="htt
<colgroup> <col width=15%> <col width=85%> </colgroup>
<colgroup> <col width=10%> <col width=90%> </colgroup>
<tr><td><b>Name</b> </td><td>der Name des neuen Kalenderdevices in FHEM </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Name</b> </td><td>der Name des neuen Kalenderdevices in FHEM </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>ServerAddr</b> </td><td>die IP-Addresse der Synology DS. <b>Hinweis:</b> Wird ein Servername angegeben, sollte das Attribut dnsServer im glbal Device gesetzt werden ! </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>ServerAddr</b> </td><td>die IP-Addresse der Synology DS. <b>Hinweis:</b> Wird der DNS-Name statt IP-Adresse verwendet, sollte das Attribut dnsServer im global Device gesetzt werden ! </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Port</b> </td><td>optional - Port der Synology DS (default: 5000). </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Port</b> </td><td>optional - Port der Synology DS (default: 5000). </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Protocol</b> </td><td>optional - Protokoll zur Kommunikation mit dem Kalender-Server, http oder https (default: http). </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Protocol</b> </td><td>optional - Protokoll zur Kommunikation mit dem Kalender-Server, http oder https (default: http). </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Tasks</b> </td><td>optional - zur Definition einer Aufgabenliste wird "Tasks" hinzugefügt </td></tr>
<tr><td><b>Tasks</b> </td><td>optional - zur Definition einer Aufgabenliste wird "Tasks" hinzugefügt </td></tr>
@ -4086,7 +4595,7 @@ The guide for this module is currently only available in the german <a href="htt
<code>define Appointments SSCal </code>
<code>define Appointments SSCal </code>
<code>define Appointments SSCal 5001 https </code>
<code>define Appointments SSCal 5001 https </code>
@ -4382,9 +4891,9 @@ The guide for this module is currently only available in the german <a href="htt
<a name="interval"></a>
<a name="interval"></a>
<li><b>interval</b> <br>
<li><b>interval <Sekunden></b> <br>
Automatischer Abrufintervall der Kalendereintträge in Sekunden. Ist "0" agegeben, wird kein automatischer Datenabruf
Automatisches Abrufintervall der Kalendereintträge in Sekunden. Ist "0" agegeben, wird kein automatischer Datenabruf
ausgeführt. (default) <br>
ausgeführt. (default) <br>
Sollen z.B. jede Stunde die Einträge der gewählten Kalender abgerufen werden, wird das Attribut wie
Sollen z.B. jede Stunde die Einträge der gewählten Kalender abgerufen werden, wird das Attribut wie
folgt gesetzt: <br><br>
folgt gesetzt: <br><br>
@ -4494,7 +5003,7 @@ The guide for this module is currently only available in the german <a href="htt
<a name="timeout"></a>
<a name="timeout"></a>
<li><b>timeout</b> <br>
<li><b>timeout <Sekunden></b> <br>
Timeout für den Datenabruf in Sekunden. <br>
Timeout für den Datenabruf in Sekunden. <br>
(default: 20)
(default: 20)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user