mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 09:16:53 +00:00
38_netatmo: fixed login problems by adapting to latest auth changes
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@28259 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- bugfix: 38_netatmo: fixed login problems by adapting to latest auth changes
- feature: 76_SolarForecast: new get ftuiFramefiles command
- feature: 76_SolarForecast: plantConfig: check module update in repo
- feature: 76_SolarForecast: graphicHeaderOwnspec can show set-commands and
@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ my %sleep_readings = ( 'asleepduration' => { name => "Manual Sleep", reading =>
'hr_zone_1' => { name => "HR Zone 1", reading => "heartrateZoneModerate", unit => "s", },
'hr_zone_2' => { name => "HR Zone 2", reading => "heartrateZoneIntense", unit => "s", },
'hr_zone_3' => { name => "HR Zone 3", reading => "heartrateZonePeak", unit => "s", },
'device_startdate' => { name => "Start", reading => "deviceStartDate", unit => "m", },
'device_enddate' => { name => "End", reading => "deviceEndDate", unit => "m", },
'device_startdate' => { name => "Start", reading => "deviceStartDate", unit => 0, },
'device_enddate' => { name => "End", reading => "deviceEndDate", unit => 0, },
my %alarm_sound = ( 0 => "Unknown",
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
# Release 27 / 2023-07-14
# Release 29 / 2023-12-06
package main;
@ -449,7 +449,9 @@ netatmo_Define($$)
$hash->{helper}{password} = $password;
$hash->{helper}{client_id} = $client_id;
$hash->{helper}{client_secret} = $client_secret;
$hash->{helper}{refresh_token} = $refresh_token;
$hash->{refresh_token} = $refresh_token;
$hash->{helper}{refresh_token} = $hash->{refresh_token};
$hash->{helper}{refresh_token} = $refresh_token if(!$hash->{helper}{refresh_token});
$hash->{helper}{INTERVAL} = 60*60 if( !$hash->{helper}{INTERVAL} );
$attr{$name}{room} = "netatmo" if( !defined($attr{$name}{room}) && defined($name));
@ -509,6 +511,7 @@ sub netatmo_InitWait($) {
return undef if(IsDisabled($name) || !defined($name));
if( $init_done ) {
netatmo_connect($hash) if( $hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "ACCOUNT" );
@ -755,7 +758,7 @@ netatmo_getAuth($)
my $webhookurl = AttrVal($name,"webhookURL",'https://webhook.local');
my $callurl = "https://".$hash->{helper}{apiserver}."/oauth2/authorize";
$callurl .= "?client_id=".$hash->{helper}{client_id}."&redirect_uri=".$webhookurl."&scope=read_station read_thermostat write_thermostat read_camera write_camera access_camera read_presence write_presence access_presence read_homecoach read_doorbell access_doorbell read_smokedetector&state=auth".int(rand(100));
$callurl .= "?client_id=".$hash->{helper}{client_id}."&redirect_uri=".$webhookurl."&scope=read_thermostat write_thermostat read_camera write_camera access_camera read_doorbell access_doorbell read_presence write_presence access_presence read_homecoach read_carbonmonoxidedetector read_smokedetector read_station&state=auth".int(rand(100));
return $callurl;
@ -765,6 +768,8 @@ netatmo_getToken($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return undef if(IsDisabled($name) || !defined($name));
return Log3 $name, 1, "$name: No refresh token was found! (getToken)\nYou will need to generate one at https://dev.netatmo.com/apps/" if(!defined($hash->{helper}{refresh_token}));
return undef;
@ -777,7 +782,7 @@ netatmo_getToken($)
url => "https://".$hash->{helper}{apiserver}."/oauth2/token",
timeout => 5,
noshutdown => 1,
data => {grant_type => 'authorization_code', client_id => $hash->{helper}{client_id}, client_secret=> $hash->{helper}{client_secret}, code => $hash->{helper}{access_code}, redirect_uri => $webhookurl, scope => 'read_station read_thermostat write_thermostat read_camera write_camera access_camera read_presence write_presence access_presence read_homecoach read_smokedetector'},
data => {grant_type => 'authorization_code', client_id => $hash->{helper}{client_id}, client_secret=> $hash->{helper}{client_secret}, code => $hash->{helper}{access_code}, redirect_uri => $webhookurl, scope => 'read_thermostat write_thermostat read_camera write_camera access_camera read_doorbell access_doorbell read_presence write_presence access_presence read_homecoach read_carbonmonoxidedetector read_smokedetector read_station'},
netatmo_dispatch( {hash=>$hash,type=>'token'},$err,$data );
@ -790,19 +795,19 @@ netatmo_getAppToken($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return undef if(IsDisabled($name) || !defined($name));
return Log3 $name, 1, "$name: No username was found! (getAppToken)" if(!defined($hash->{helper}{username}));
return Log3 $name, 1, "$name: No password was found! (getAppToken)" if(!defined($hash->{helper}{password}));
my $auth = "QXV0aG9yaXphdGlvbjogQmFzaWMgYm1GZlkyeHBaVzUwWDJsdmN6bzFObU5qTmpSaU56azBOak5oT1RrMU9HSTNOREF4TkRjeVpEbGxNREUxT0E9PQ==";
$auth = decode_base64($auth);
my($err,$data) = HttpUtils_BlockingGet({
url => "https://app.netatmo.net/oauth2/token",
method => "POST",
timeout => 5,
noshutdown => 1,
header => "$auth",
data => {app_identifier=>'com.netatmo.camera', grant_type => 'password', password => netatmo_decrypt($hash->{helper}{password}), scope => 'write_camera read_camera access_camera read_presence write_presence access_presence read_station read_smokedetector', username => netatmo_decrypt($hash->{helper}{username})},
header => "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8\r\nUser-Agent: NetatmoSecurity/5.0.13 (com.netatmo.camera; build:809; iOS 13.5.0) Alamofire/5.6.4",
data => {grant_type => 'password', client_secret => '8ab584d62ca2a77e37ccc6b2c7e4f29e', username => netatmo_decrypt($hash->{helper}{username}), password => netatmo_decrypt($hash->{helper}{password}), scope => 'security_scopes read_station', client_id => 'na_client_ios_welcome'},
@ -890,16 +895,14 @@ netatmo_refreshAppToken($;$)
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: refreshing app token";
my $auth = "QXV0aG9yaXphdGlvbjogQmFzaWMgYm1GZlkyeHBaVzUwWDJsdmN6bzFObU5qTmpSaU56azBOak5oT1RrMU9HSTNOREF4TkRjeVpEbGxNREUxT0E9PQ==";
$auth = decode_base64($auth);
if( $nonblocking ) {
url => "https://app.netatmo.net/oauth2/token",
timeout => 30,
noshutdown => 1,
header => "$auth",
data => {grant_type => 'refresh_token', refresh_token => $hash->{refresh_token_app}},
header => "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8\r\nUser-Agent: NetatmoSecurity/5.0.13 (com.netatmo.camera; build:809; iOS 13.5.0) Alamofire/5.6.4",
data => {refresh_token => $hash->{refresh_token_app}, scope => 'security_scopes read_station', grant_type => 'refresh_token', client_id => 'na_client_ios_welcome', client_secret => '8ab584d62ca2a77e37ccc6b2c7e4f29e'},
hash => $hash,
type => 'apptoken',
callback => \&netatmo_dispatch,
@ -909,8 +912,8 @@ netatmo_refreshAppToken($;$)
url => "https://app.netatmo.net/oauth2/token",
timeout => 5,
noshutdown => 1,
header => "$auth",
data => {grant_type => 'refresh_token', refresh_token => $hash->{refresh_token_app}},
header => "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8\r\nUser-Agent: NetatmoSecurity/5.0.13 (com.netatmo.camera; build:809; iOS 13.5.0) Alamofire/5.6.4",
data => {refresh_token => $hash->{refresh_token_app}, scope => 'security_scopes read_station', grant_type => 'refresh_token', client_id => 'na_client_ios_welcome', client_secret => '8ab584d62ca2a77e37ccc6b2c7e4f29e'},
netatmo_dispatch( {hash=>$hash,type=>'apptoken'},$err,$data );
@ -1035,6 +1038,9 @@ sub
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return undef if(IsDisabled($name) || !defined($name));
@ -1257,6 +1263,8 @@ netatmo_initDevice($)
return undef;
return undef if(defined($hash->{IODev}->{NAME}) && IsDisabled($hash->{IODev}->{NAME}) || !defined($name));
my $device;
if( $hash->{Module} ) {
$device = netatmo_getDeviceDetail( $hash, $hash->{Module} );
@ -3300,17 +3308,29 @@ netatmo_parseToken($$)
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $had_token = $hash->{access_token};
my $old_refresh = $hash->{refresh_token};
if( $json->{access_token} ) {
$hash->{access_token} = $json->{access_token};
$hash->{refresh_token} = $json->{refresh_token};
$hash->{access_token} = $json->{access_token};
$hash->{refresh_token} = $json->{refresh_token};
$hash->{helper}{refresh_token} = $json->{refresh_token};
my $new_refresh = $json->{refresh_token};
if( $hash->{access_token} ) {
$hash->{STATE} = "Connected";
$hash->{network} = "ok";
$hash->{expires_at} = int(gettimeofday());
$hash->{expires_at} += int($json->{expires_in}*0.8);
if($old_refresh ne $hash->{refresh_token}){
if($hash->{DEF} =~ /ACCOUNT/){
my @defarray = split(/ /, $hash->{DEF});
push(@defarray, $json->{refresh_token});
$hash->{DEF} = join(' ', @defarray);
netatmo_getDevices($hash) if( !$had_token );
InternalTimer($hash->{expires_at}, "netatmo_refreshTokenTimer", $hash);
@ -6713,7 +6733,7 @@ sub netatmo_weatherIcon()
<li>JSON has to be installed on the FHEM host.</li>
<li>You need to create an app <u><a href="https://dev.netatmo.com/dev/createanapp">here</a></u> to get your <i>client_id / client_secret</i>.<br />Request the full access scope including cameras and thermostats and generate a refresh token.</li>
<li>You need to create an app <u><a href="https://dev.netatmo.com/apps/">here</a></u> to get your <i>client_id / client_secret</i>.<br />Request the full access scope including cameras and thermostats and generate a refresh token on the dev.netatmo.com page.</li>
<a name="netatmo_Define"></a>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user