mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 23:36:37 +00:00
76_SMAPortal: contrib 3.6.0
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@22955 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -312,6 +312,7 @@ sub Initialize {
"providerLevel:multiple-strict,".$prov." ".
"showPassInLog:1,0 ".
"userAgent ".
"useRelativeNames:1,0 ".
"verbose5Data:multiple-strict,none,loginData,".$v5d." ".
@ -387,7 +388,8 @@ sub Set { ## no critic 'complexity'
$setlist = "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of ".
"credentials "
} else {
else {
# erweiterte Setlist wenn Credentials gesetzt
$setlist = "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of ".
"credentials ".
@ -414,9 +416,9 @@ sub Set { ## no critic 'complexity'
# Verbraucher schalten
$hash->{HELPER}{GETTER} = "none";
$hash->{HELPER}{SETTER} = "$opt:$prop";
} else {
else {
my $params = {
hash => $hash,
name => $name,
@ -458,8 +460,8 @@ sub _setCredentials { ## no critic "not used"
delcookiefile ($hash);
return "Username and Password saved successfully";
} else {
else {
return "Error while saving Username / Password - see logfile for details";
@ -498,22 +500,26 @@ sub _setCreatePortalGraphic { ## no critic "not used"
$type = 'pv';
$c = "SMA Sunny Portal Graphics - Forecast Generation";
$color2 = "000000"; # zweite Farbe als schwarz setzen
} elsif ($prop eq "Consumption") {
elsif ($prop eq "Consumption") {
$htmldev = "SPG2.$name"; # Grafiktyp Consumption (Verbrauch)
$type = 'co';
$c = "SMA Sunny Portal Graphics - Forecast Consumption";
$color2 = "000000"; # zweite Farbe als schwarz setzen
} elsif ($prop eq "Generation_Consumption") {
elsif ($prop eq "Generation_Consumption") {
$htmldev = "SPG3.$name"; # Grafiktyp Generation_Consumption (Erzeugung und Verbrauch)
$type = 'pvco';
$c = "SMA Sunny Portal Graphics - Forecast Generation & Consumption";
$color2 = "FF5C82"; # zweite Farbe als rot setzen
} elsif ($prop eq "Differential") {
elsif ($prop eq "Differential") {
$htmldev = "SPG4.$name"; # Grafiktyp Differential (Differenzanzeige)
$type = 'diff';
$c = "SMA Sunny Portal Graphics - Forecast Differential";
$color2 = "FF5C82"; # zweite Farbe als rot setzen
} else {
else {
return "Invalid portal graphic devicetype ! Use one of \"Generation\", \"Consumption\", \"Generation_Consumption\", \"Differential\". "
@ -581,8 +587,8 @@ sub Get {
$hash->{HELPER}{SETTER} = "none";
} elsif ($opt eq "storedCredentials") {
elsif ($opt eq "storedCredentials") {
if(!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) {return "Credentials of $name are not set - make sure you've set it with \"set $name credentials <username> <password>\"";}
# Credentials abrufen
my ($success, $username, $password) = getcredentials($hash,0);
@ -591,9 +597,9 @@ sub Get {
return "Stored Credentials to access SMA Portal:\n".
"Username: $username, Password: $password\n".
} else {
else {
return "$getlist";
@ -639,8 +645,9 @@ sub setcredentials {
if ($retcode) {
Log3($name, 1, "$name - Error while saving the Credentials - $retcode");
$success = 0;
} else {
getcredentials($hash,1); # Credentials nach Speicherung lesen und in RAM laden ($boot=1)
else {
getcredentials($hash,1); # Credentials nach Speicherung lesen und in RAM laden ($boot=1)
$success = 1;
@ -671,7 +678,8 @@ sub getcredentials {
$hash->{CREDENTIALS} = "Set"; # "Credentials" wird als Statusbit ausgewertet. Wenn nicht gesetzt -> Warnmeldung und keine weitere Verarbeitung
$success = 1;
} else { # boot = 0 -> Credentials aus RAM lesen, decoden und zurückgeben
else { # boot = 0 -> Credentials aus RAM lesen, decoden und zurückgeben
$credstr = $hash->{HELPER}{".CREDENTIALS"} // $hash->{HELPER}{CREDENTIALS}; # Kompatibilität zu Versionen vor 2.6.1
if($credstr) {
@ -688,8 +696,8 @@ sub getcredentials {
my $logpw = AttrVal($name, "showPassInLog", 0) ? $passwd : "********";
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Credentials read from RAM: $username $logpw");
} else {
else {
Log3($name, 1, "$name - Credentials not set in RAM !");
@ -723,7 +731,8 @@ sub Attr {
delcookiefile ($hash);
delete $hash->{MODE};
} else {
else {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1.0, "FHEM::SMAPortal::CallInfo", $hash, 0);
@ -771,7 +780,8 @@ sub CallInfo { ## no critic 'complexity'
if(!$interval) {
$hash->{MODE} = "Manual";
} else {
else {
$new = gettimeofday()+$interval;
InternalTimer($new, "FHEM::SMAPortal::CallInfo", $hash, 0); # Wiederholungsintervall
$hash->{MODE} = "Automatic - next polltime: ".FmtTime($new);
@ -984,7 +994,8 @@ sub GetSetData { ## no critic 'complexity'
$state = "ok - switched consumer $d to $op";
BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::setFromBlocking", [$name, "NULL", "GETTER:all" ], 1);
BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::setFromBlocking", [$name, "NULL", "SETTER:none"], 1);
} else {
else {
$state = "Error - couldn't switch consumer $d to $op";
@ -1111,8 +1122,8 @@ sub _doLogin {
Log3($name, 1, qq{$name - Credentials couldn't be retrieved successfully - make sure you've set it with "set $name credentials <username> <password>"});
$state = "Credentials couldn't be read";
$errstate = 1;
} else {
else {
my $usernameField = "ctl00\$ContentPlaceHolder1\$Logincontrol1\$txtUserName";
my $passwordField = "ctl00\$ContentPlaceHolder1\$Logincontrol1\$txtPassword";
my $mempasswd = "ctl00\$ContentPlaceHolder1\$Logincontrol1\$MemorizePassword";
@ -1135,9 +1146,9 @@ sub _doLogin {
if(__isLoggedIn ($name,$username,$loginp)) { # Login erfolgeich(Landing Pages können im Portal eingestellt werden!)
handleCounter ($name, "dailyIssueCookieCounter"); # Cookie Ausstellungszähler setzen
BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::setFromBlocking", [$name, "loginState:successful", "oldlogintime:".(gettimeofday())[0] ], 1);
$errstate = 0;
} else {
$errstate = 0;
else {
Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - Login into SMA-Portal failed !");
$state = "login failed";
BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::setFromBlocking", [$name, "loginState:failed", "NULL" ], 1);
@ -1145,8 +1156,8 @@ sub _doLogin {
} elsif ($loginp->is_redirect) {
elsif ($loginp->is_redirect) {
$retcode = $loginp->code;
$location = $loginp->header('Location') // "";
Log3 ($name, 3, "$name - User is already logged in.");
@ -1158,8 +1169,8 @@ sub _doLogin {
BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::setFromBlocking", [$name, "loginState:successful", "NULL" ], 1);
$errstate = 0;
} else {
else {
$errstate = 1;
$state = $loginp->status_line;
BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::setFromBlocking", [$name, "loginState:failed", "NULL" ], 1);
@ -1508,19 +1519,20 @@ return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry);
# (anchorTime beachten !)
sub _getBalanceDayData { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $ua = $paref->{ua}; # LWP Useragent
my $state = $paref->{state};
my $daref = $paref->{daref}; # Referenz zum Datenarray
my $paref = shift;
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $ua = $paref->{ua}; # LWP Useragent
my $state = $paref->{state};
my $daref = $paref->{daref}; # Referenz zum Datenarray
my ($reread,$retry,$errstate) = (0,0,0);
my @bd = split /\s+/x ,AttrVal($name, "balanceDay", "current");
my @bd = split /\s+/x ,AttrVal($name, "balanceDay", "current");
my $tag = "balanceDayData";
for my $bal (@bd) {
my ($y,$m,$d);
my $addon = "Day";
my $addon = "Day_";
if($bal !~ /current/ixms) {
($y,$m,$d) = $bal =~ /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/x;
@ -1530,7 +1542,7 @@ sub _getBalanceDayData { ## no critic "not used"
$addon .= "_".$bal;
$addon .= $bal;
$y -= 1900;
$m -= 1;
@ -1539,9 +1551,17 @@ sub _getBalanceDayData { ## no critic "not used"
my $time = time - ($mp * 86400);
(undef,undef,undef,$d,$m,$y) = localtime($time);
$addon .= "_".($y+1900)."-".sprintf("%02d",($m+1))."-".sprintf("%02d",$d);
my $addon1 = ($y+1900)."-".(sprintf "%02d", $m+1)."-".sprintf "%02d",$d;
Log3 ($name, 4, qq{$name - retrieve relative balanceDayData "$addon"});
my $params = {
name => $name,
bal => $bal,
tag => $tag,
daref => $daref,
addon => $addon,
addon1 => $addon1,
$addon = createDateAddon ($params);
eval { timelocal(0, 0, 0, $d, $m, $y) } or do { $state = (split(" at", $@))[0];
@ -1549,10 +1569,12 @@ sub _getBalanceDayData { ## no critic "not used"
Log3($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - invalid date/time format in attribute 'balanceDay' detected: $state");
return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry);
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - retrieve $tag ".($y+1900)."-".(sprintf "%02d", $m+1)."-".sprintf "%02d",$d );
my $cts = fhemTimeLocal(0, 0, 0, $d, $m, $y);
my $offset = fhemTzOffset($cts);
my $anchort = int($cts + $offset); # anchorTime in UTC -> abzurufendes Datum
my $cts = fhemTimeLocal(0, 0, 0, $d, $m, $y);
my $offset = fhemTzOffset($cts);
my $anchort = int($cts + $offset); # anchorTime in UTC -> abzurufendes Datum
my $tab = 1; # Tab 1 -> Tag , 2->Monat, 3->Jahr, 4->Gesamt
my %fields = ("Content-Type" => "application/json; charset=utf-8");
@ -1561,15 +1583,14 @@ sub _getBalanceDayData { ## no critic "not used"
($errstate,$state) = __dispatchPost ({ name => $name,
ua => $ua,
call => 'https://www.sunnyportal.com/FixedPages/HoManEnergyRedesign.aspx/GetLegendWithValues',
tag => "balanceDayData",
tag => $tag,
state => $state,
fnaref => [ qw( extractStatisticData ) ],
fields => \%fields,
content => $cont,
addon => $addon,
daref => $daref
return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry);
@ -1580,19 +1601,20 @@ return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry);
# (anchorTime beachten !)
sub _getBalanceMonthData { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $ua = $paref->{ua}; # LWP Useragent
my $state = $paref->{state};
my $daref = $paref->{daref}; # Referenz zum Datenarray
my $paref = shift;
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $ua = $paref->{ua}; # LWP Useragent
my $state = $paref->{state};
my $daref = $paref->{daref}; # Referenz zum Datenarray
my ($reread,$retry,$errstate) = (0,0,0);
my @bd = split /\s+/x ,AttrVal($name, "balanceMonth", "current");
my @bd = split /\s+/x ,AttrVal($name, "balanceMonth", "current");
my $tag = "balanceMonthData";
for my $bal (@bd) {
my ($y,$m);
my $addon = "Month";
my $addon = "Month_";
if($bal !~ /current/ixms) {
($y,$m) = $bal =~ /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})$/x;
@ -1602,7 +1624,7 @@ sub _getBalanceMonthData { ## no critic "not used"
$addon .= "_".$bal;
$addon .= $bal;
$y -= 1900;
$m -= 1;
@ -1611,9 +1633,9 @@ sub _getBalanceMonthData { ## no critic "not used"
my $yc = int($mp/12); # Anzahl der Jahre
my $mc = $mp % 12; # Anzahl Restmonate
$y = (localtime(time))[5];
$y -= $yc;
$m = (localtime(time))[4];
$y = (localtime(time))[5];
$y -= $yc;
$m = (localtime(time))[4];
if($m-$mc < 1) {
$m = 12-abs($m-$mc);
@ -1623,9 +1645,17 @@ sub _getBalanceMonthData { ## no critic "not used"
$m = $m-$mc;
$addon .= "_".($y+1900)."-".sprintf("%02d",($m+1));
my $addon1 = ($y+1900)."-".sprintf "%02d", $m+1;
Log3 ($name, 4, qq{$name - retrieve relative balanceMonthData "$addon"});
my $params = {
name => $name,
bal => $bal,
tag => $tag,
daref => $daref,
addon => $addon,
addon1 => $addon1,
$addon = createDateAddon ($params);
eval { timelocal(0, 0, 0, 1, $m, $y) } or do { $state = (split(" at", $@))[0];
@ -1634,9 +1664,11 @@ sub _getBalanceMonthData { ## no critic "not used"
return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry);
my $cts = fhemTimeLocal(0, 0, 0, 1, $m, $y);
my $offset = fhemTzOffset($cts);
my $anchort = int($cts + $offset); # anchorTime in UTC -> abzurufendes Datum
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - retrieve $tag ".($y+1900)."-".sprintf "%02d", $m+1);
my $cts = fhemTimeLocal(0, 0, 0, 1, $m, $y);
my $offset = fhemTzOffset($cts);
my $anchort = int($cts + $offset); # anchorTime in UTC -> abzurufendes Datum
my $tab = 2; # Tab 1 -> Tag , 2->Monat, 3->Jahr, 4->Gesamt
my %fields = ("Content-Type" => "application/json; charset=utf-8");
@ -1645,15 +1677,14 @@ sub _getBalanceMonthData { ## no critic "not used"
($errstate,$state) = __dispatchPost ({ name => $name,
ua => $ua,
call => 'https://www.sunnyportal.com/FixedPages/HoManEnergyRedesign.aspx/GetLegendWithValues',
tag => "balanceMonthData",
tag => $tag,
state => $state,
fnaref => [ qw( extractStatisticData ) ],
fields => \%fields,
content => $cont,
addon => $addon,
daref => $daref
return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry);
@ -1664,19 +1695,20 @@ return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry);
# (anchorTime beachten !)
sub _getBalanceYearData { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $ua = $paref->{ua}; # LWP Useragent
my $state = $paref->{state};
my $daref = $paref->{daref}; # Referenz zum Datenarray
my $paref = shift;
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $ua = $paref->{ua}; # LWP Useragent
my $state = $paref->{state};
my $daref = $paref->{daref}; # Referenz zum Datenarray
my ($reread,$retry,$errstate) = (0,0,0);
my @bd = split /\s+/x ,AttrVal($name, "balanceYear", "current");
my @bd = split /\s+/x ,AttrVal($name, "balanceYear", "current");
my $tag = "balanceYearData";
for my $bal (@bd) {
my $y;
my $addon = "Year";
my $addon = "Year_";
if($bal !~ /current/ixms) {
($y) = $bal =~ /^(\d{4})$/x;
@ -1686,16 +1718,24 @@ sub _getBalanceYearData { ## no critic "not used"
$addon .= "_".$bal;
$addon .= $bal;
$y -= 1900;
else {
my $mp = (split "-", $bal)[1] // 0;
$y = (localtime(time))[5];
$y -= $mp;
$addon .= "_".($y+1900);
my $mp = (split "-", $bal)[1] // 0;
$y = (localtime(time))[5];
$y -= $mp;
my $addon1 = $y+1900;
Log3 ($name, 4, qq{$name - retrieve relative balanceYearData "$addon"});
my $params = {
name => $name,
bal => $bal,
tag => $tag,
daref => $daref,
addon => $addon,
addon1 => $addon1,
$addon = createDateAddon ($params);
eval { timelocal(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $y) } or do { $state = (split(" at", $@))[0];
@ -1703,10 +1743,12 @@ sub _getBalanceYearData { ## no critic "not used"
Log3($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - invalid date/time format in attribute 'balanceYear' detected: $state");
return ($errstate,$state,$reread,$retry);
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - retrieve $tag ".($y+1900));
my $cts = fhemTimeLocal(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $y);
my $offset = fhemTzOffset($cts);
my $anchort = int($cts + $offset); # anchorTime in UTC -> abzurufendes Datum
my $cts = fhemTimeLocal(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $y);
my $offset = fhemTzOffset($cts);
my $anchort = int($cts + $offset); # anchorTime in UTC -> abzurufendes Datum
my $tab = 3; # Tab 1 -> Tag , 2->Monat, 3->Jahr, 4->Gesamt
my %fields = ("Content-Type" => "application/json; charset=utf-8");
@ -1715,7 +1757,7 @@ sub _getBalanceYearData { ## no critic "not used"
($errstate,$state) = __dispatchPost ({ name => $name,
ua => $ua,
call => 'https://www.sunnyportal.com/FixedPages/HoManEnergyRedesign.aspx/GetLegendWithValues',
tag => "balanceYearData",
tag => $tag,
state => $state,
fnaref => [ qw( extractStatisticData ) ],
fields => \%fields,
@ -2057,8 +2099,8 @@ sub ___analyzeData { ## no critic 'complexity'
} else {
else {
my $njdat = encode("utf8", $ad->as_string);
if($njdat =~ /401\s-\sUnauthorized/x) {
@ -2517,7 +2559,7 @@ sub extractStatisticData {
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $sd;
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - ##### extracting balance data #### ");
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - extracting balance data ");
$statistic = eval{decode_json($statistic)} or do { Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - can't decode JSON Data");
@ -2569,7 +2611,8 @@ sub extractPlantMasterData {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Plant ID: ".$plantOid);
$hash->{HELPER}{PLANTOID} = $plantOid;
BlockingInformParent("FHEM::SMAPortal::setFromBlocking", [$name, "NULL", "PLANTOID:$plantOid"], 1);
} else {
else {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Plant ID not set !");
@ -2695,16 +2738,20 @@ sub extractConsumerPlanData {
my $rb = "${lv}_${cn}_PlannedOpTimeBegin";
my $re = "${lv}_${cn}_PlannedOpTimeEnd";
my $rp = "${lv}_${cn}_Planned";
if($pos) {
push @$daref, "$rb:$pos";
push @$daref, "$rp:yes";
} else {
else {
push @$daref, "$rb:undefined";
push @$daref, "$rp:no";
if($poe) {
push @$daref, "$re:$poe";
} else {
else {
push @$daref, "$re:undefined";
@ -2814,11 +2861,14 @@ sub extractConsumerCurrentdata {
if(!$GriSwStt && $GriSwAuto) {
$res = "off (automatic)";
} elsif (!$GriSwStt && !$GriSwAuto) {
elsif (!$GriSwStt && !$GriSwAuto) {
$res = "off";
} elsif ($GriSwStt) {
elsif ($GriSwStt) {
$res = "on";
} else {
else {
$res = "undefined";
@ -2943,7 +2993,8 @@ sub setVersionInfo {
$modules{$type}{META}{version} = "v".$v; # Version aus META.json überschreiben, Anzeige mit {Dumper $modules{SMAPortal}{META}}
if($modules{$type}{META}{x_version}) { # {x_version} ( nur gesetzt wenn $Id: 76_SMAPortal.pm 22640 2020-08-21 07:30:21Z DS_Starter $ im Kopf komplett! vorhanden )
$modules{$type}{META}{x_version} =~ s/1\.1\.1/$v/gx;
} else {
else {
$modules{$type}{META}{x_version} = $v;
return $@ unless (FHEM::Meta::SetInternals($hash)); # FVERSION wird gesetzt ( nur gesetzt wenn $Id: 76_SMAPortal.pm 22640 2020-08-21 07:30:21Z DS_Starter $ im Kopf komplett! vorhanden )
@ -2952,7 +3003,8 @@ sub setVersionInfo {
# mit {<Modul>->VERSION()} im FHEMWEB kann Modulversion abgefragt werden
use version 0.77; our $VERSION = FHEM::Meta::Get( $hash, 'version' ); ## no critic 'VERSION'
} else {
else {
# herkömmliche Modulstruktur
$hash->{VERSION} = $v;
@ -3024,6 +3076,31 @@ sub deleteData {
# erstelle addon als relative oder reale Datumangabe
sub createDateAddon {
my $paref = shift;
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $bal = $paref->{bal};
my $tag = $paref->{tag};
my $daref = $paref->{daref};
my $addon = $paref->{addon};
my $addon1 = $paref->{addon1};
if(AttrVal($name,"useRelativeNames", 0)) { # current-x verwenden statt effektives Datum
$addon .= $bal;
my $lv = $stpl{$tag}{level};
push @$daref, "${lv}_${addon}_Date:$addon1";
else {
$addon .= $addon1;
return $addon;
# statistische Counter managen
# $name = Name Device
@ -3067,11 +3144,14 @@ sub setFromBlocking {
if($helper ne "NULL") {
my ($hnam,$k1,$k2,$k3) = split ":", $helper, 4;
if(defined $k3) {
$hash->{HELPER}{"$hnam"}{"$k1"}{"$k2"} = $k3;
} elsif (defined $k2) {
elsif (defined $k2) {
$hash->{HELPER}{"$hnam"}{"$k1"} = $k2;
} else {
else {
$hash->{HELPER}{"$hnam"} = $k1;
@ -3113,7 +3193,8 @@ sub TimeAdjust {
if(lc($tkind) =~ /unspecified/x) {
if($isdst) {
$epoch = $epoch - 7200;
} else {
else {
$epoch = $epoch - 3600;
@ -3125,7 +3206,8 @@ sub TimeAdjust {
if(AttrVal("global","language","EN") eq "DE") {
return (sprintf("%02d.%02d.%04d %02d:%s", $lday,$lmonth,$lyear,$lhour,$rest));
} else {
else {
return (sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%s", $lyear,$lmonth,$lday,$lhour,$rest));
@ -3185,13 +3267,17 @@ sub PortalAsHtml {
$ret .= "<td>";
if(!$hash) { ## no critic "Cascading"
$ret .= "Device \"$name\" doesn't exist !";
} elsif (!defined($defs{$wlname})) {
elsif (!defined($defs{$wlname})) {
$ret .= "Graphic device \"$wlname\" doesn't exist !";
} elsif (!$fdo) {
elsif (!$fdo) {
$ret .= qq{The attribute "providerLevel" of device "$name" must contain the level "forecastData" and data must be retrieved !};
} elsif (!defined $pv0) {
elsif (!defined $pv0) {
$ret .= "Awaiting minor level forecast data ...";
} elsif (!defined $pv1) {
elsif (!defined $pv1) {
$ret .= "Awaiting major level forecast data ...";
@ -3224,18 +3310,21 @@ sub PortalAsHtml {
my $swicon = "<img src=\"$FW_ME/www/images/default/1px-spacer.png\">";
if($swstate eq "off") {
$swicon = "<a onClick=$cmdon><img src=\"$FW_ME/www/images/default/10px-kreis-rot.png\"></a>";
} elsif ($swstate eq "on") {
elsif ($swstate eq "on") {
$swicon = "<a onClick=$cmdauto><img src=\"$FW_ME/www/images/default/10px-kreis-gruen.png\"></a>";
} elsif ($swstate =~ /off.*automatic.*/ix) {
elsif ($swstate =~ /off.*automatic.*/ix) {
$swicon = "<a onClick=$cmdon><img src=\"$FW_ME/www/images/default/10px-kreis-gelb.png\"></a>";
if ($legend_style eq 'icon') { # mögliche Umbruchstellen mit normalen Blanks vorsehen !
$legend_txt .= $txt.' '.FW_makeImage($im).' '.$swicon.' ';
} else {
else {
my (undef,$co) = split('\@',$im);
$co = '#cccccc' if (!$co); # Farbe per default
$legend_txt .= '<font color=\''.$co.'\'>'.$txt.'</font> '.$swicon.' '; # hier auch Umbruch erlauben
$co = '#cccccc' if (!$co); # Farbe per default
$legend_txt .= '<font color=\''.$co.'\'>'.$txt.'</font> '.$swicon.' '; # hier auch Umbruch erlauben
@ -3291,7 +3380,8 @@ sub PortalAsHtml {
$pvRe = sprintf("%.1f" , $pvRe/1000)." kWh";
$pvTo = sprintf("%.1f" , $pvTo/1000)." kWh";
$pvCu = sprintf("%.1f" , $pvCu/1000)." kW";
} else {
else {
$co4h .= " Wh";
$coRe .= " Wh";
$coTo .= " Wh";
@ -3332,7 +3422,8 @@ sub PortalAsHtml {
if(AttrVal("global","language","EN") eq "DE") {
$lup = "$day.$month.$year $time";
} else {
else {
$lup = "$year-$month-$day $time";
@ -3347,9 +3438,11 @@ sub PortalAsHtml {
if ($upstate =~ /ok/ix) {
$upicon = "<a onClick=$cmdupdate><img src=\"$FW_ME/www/images/default/10px-kreis-gruen.png\"></a>";
} elsif ($upstate =~ /running/ix) {
elsif ($upstate =~ /running/ix) {
$upicon = "<img src=\"$FW_ME/www/images/default/10px-kreis-gelb.png\"></a>";
} else {
else {
$upicon = "<a onClick=$cmdupdate><img src=\"$FW_ME/www/images/default/10px-kreis-rot.png\"></a>";
@ -3391,7 +3484,8 @@ sub PortalAsHtml {
if(AttrVal("global","language","EN") eq "DE") {
(undef,undef,undef,$t{0}) = ReadingsVal($name,"${fmin}_ThisHour_Time",'0') =~ m/(\d{2}).(\d{2}).(\d{4})\s(\d{2})/x;
} else {
else {
(undef,undef,undef,$t{0}) = ReadingsVal($name,"${fmin}_ThisHour_Time",'0') =~ m/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s(\d{2})/x;
@ -3412,7 +3506,8 @@ sub PortalAsHtml {
if(AttrVal("global","language","EN") eq "DE") {
(undef,undef,undef,$start) = ReadingsVal($name,"${fmaj}_".$itemName."_PlannedOpTimeBegin",'00.00.0000 24') =~ m/(\d{2}).(\d{2}).(\d{4})\s(\d{2})/x;
(undef,undef,undef,$end) = ReadingsVal($name,"${fmaj}_".$itemName."_PlannedOpTimeEnd",'00.00.0000 24') =~ m/(\d{2}).(\d{2}).(\d{4})\s(\d{2})/x;
} else {
else {
(undef,undef,undef,$start) = ReadingsVal($name,"${fmaj}_".$itemName."_PlannedOpTimeBegin",'0000-00-00 24') =~ m/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s(\d{2})/x;
(undef,undef,undef,$end) = ReadingsVal($name,"${fmaj}_".$itemName."_PlannedOpTimeEnd",'0000-00-00 24') =~ m/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s(\d{2})/x;
@ -3425,19 +3520,21 @@ sub PortalAsHtml {
if ($start < $t{0}) { # consumption seems to be tomorrow
$start = 24-$t{0}+$start;
$flag = 1;
} else {
else {
$start -= $t{0};
if ($flag) { # consumption seems to be tomorrow
$end = 24-$t{0}+$end;
} else {
else {
$end -= $t{0};
$_ .= ":".$start.":".$end;
} else {
else {
$_ .= ":24:24";
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Consumer planned data: $_");
@ -3464,7 +3561,8 @@ sub PortalAsHtml {
if(AttrVal("global","language","EN") eq "DE") {
(undef,undef,undef,$t{$i}) = ReadingsVal($name,"${fmaj}_NextHour".sprintf("%02d",$i)."_Time",'0') =~ m/(\d{2}).(\d{2}).(\d{4})\s(\d{2})/x;
} else {
else {
(undef,undef,undef,$t{$i}) = ReadingsVal($name,"${fmaj}_NextHour".sprintf("%02d",$i)."_Time",'0') =~ m/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s(\d{2})/x;
@ -3511,7 +3609,8 @@ sub PortalAsHtml {
$val ='<b>???<b/>' if ($val eq $icon_name); # passendes Icon beim User nicht vorhanden ! ( attr web iconPath falsch/prüfen/update ? )
$ret .= "<td class='smaportal' width='$width' style='margin:1px; vertical-align:middle align:center; padding-bottom:1px;'>$val</td>";
} else { # Kein Ertrag oder show_night = 0
else { # Kein Ertrag oder show_night = 0
$ret .= "<td></td>"; $we{$i} = undef;
# mit $we{$i} = undef kann man unten leicht feststellen ob für diese Spalte bereits ein Icon ausgegeben wurde oder nicht
@ -3545,12 +3644,12 @@ sub PortalAsHtml {
if ($type eq 'co') {
$he = int(($maxCon-$co{$i})/$maxCon*$height) + $fsize; # he - freier der Raum über den Balken.
$z3 = int($height + $fsize - $he); # Resthöhe
} elsif ($type eq 'pv') {
elsif ($type eq 'pv') {
$he = int(($maxVal-$pv{$i})/$maxVal*$height) + $fsize;
$z3 = int($height + $fsize - $he);
} elsif ($type eq 'pvco') {
elsif ($type eq 'pvco') {
# Berechnung der Zonen
# he - freier der Raum über den Balken. fsize wird nicht verwendet, da bei diesem Typ keine Zahlen über den Balken stehen
# z2 - der Ertrag ggf mit Icon
@ -3561,7 +3660,8 @@ sub PortalAsHtml {
if ($pv{$i} > $co{$i}) { # pv oben , co unten
$z2 = $pv{$i}; $z3 = $co{$i};
} else { # tauschen, Verbrauch ist größer als Ertrag
else { # tauschen, Verbrauch ist größer als Ertrag
$z3 = $pv{$i}; $z2 = $co{$i};
@ -3572,9 +3672,9 @@ sub PortalAsHtml {
if ($z3 < int($fsize/2)) { # dünnen Strichbalken vermeiden / ca. halbe Zeichenhöhe
$z2 += $z3; $z3 = 0;
} else { # Typ dif
else { # Typ dif
# Berechnung der Zonen
# he - freier der Raum über den Balken , Zahl positiver Wert + fsize
# z2 - positiver Balken inkl Icon
@ -3587,16 +3687,18 @@ sub PortalAsHtml {
if ($maxPV) { # Feste Aufteilung +/- , jeder 50 % bei maxPV = 0
$px_pos = int($height/2);
$px_neg = $height - $px_pos; # Rundungsfehler vermeiden
} else { # Dynamische hoch/runter Verschiebung der Null-Linie
else { # Dynamische hoch/runter Verschiebung der Null-Linie
if ($minDif >= 0 ) { # keine negativen Balken vorhanden, die Positiven bekommen den gesammten Raum
$px_neg = 0;
$px_pos = $height;
} else {
else {
if ($maxDif > 0) {
$px_neg = int($height * abs($minDif) / ($maxDif + abs($minDif))); # Wieviel % entfallen auf unten ?
$px_pos = $height-$px_neg; # der Rest ist oben
} else { # keine positiven Balken vorhanden, die Negativen bekommen den gesammten Raum
else { # keine positiven Balken vorhanden, die Negativen bekommen den gesammten Raum
$px_neg = $height;
$px_pos = 0;
@ -3606,7 +3708,8 @@ sub PortalAsHtml {
if ($di{$i} >= 0) { # Zone 2 & 3 mit ihren direkten Werten vorbesetzen
$z2 = $di{$i};
$z3 = abs($minDif);
} else {
else {
$z2 = $maxDif;
$z3 = abs($di{$i}); # Nur Betrag ohne Vorzeichen
@ -3654,9 +3757,9 @@ sub PortalAsHtml {
$ret .= consinject($hash,$i,@pgCDev) if($ret);
$ret .= "</td></tr>";
} elsif ($type eq 'pvco') {
elsif ($type eq 'pvco') {
my ($color1, $color2, $style1, $style2);
$ret .="<table width='100%' height='100%'>\n"; # mit width=100% etwas bessere Füllung der Balken
@ -3675,8 +3778,7 @@ sub PortalAsHtml {
$color2 = $colorc;
$style2 = "style=\"padding-bottom:0px; padding-top:1px; vertical-align:top; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;";
$style2 .= (defined($color2)) ? " background-color:#$color2\"" : '"';
} else {
$val = formatVal6($co{$i},$kw,$we{$i});
$color1 = $colorc;
@ -3705,8 +3807,8 @@ sub PortalAsHtml {
$ret .= "<tr class='odd' style='height:".$z3."px'>";
$ret .= "<td align='center' class='smaportal' ".$style2.">$v</td></tr>";
} else { # Type dif
else { # Type dif
my $style = "style=\"padding-bottom:0px; padding-top:1px; vertical-align:top; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;";
$ret .="<table width='100%' border='0'>\n"; # Tipp : das nachfolgende border=0 auf 1 setzen hilft sehr Ausgabefehler zu endecken
@ -3726,8 +3828,8 @@ sub PortalAsHtml {
$ret .= "<td align='center' class='smaportal' ".$style.">";
$ret .= $is{$i} if (defined $is{$i});
$ret .="</td></tr>";
} else { # ohne Farbe
else { # ohne Farbe
$z2 = 2 if ($di{$i} == 0); # Sonderfall, hier wird die 0 gebraucht !
if ($z2 && $val) { # z2 weglassen wenn nicht unbedigt nötig bzw. wenn zuvor he mit val keinen Wert hatte
$ret .= "<tr class='even' style='height:".$z2."px'>";
@ -3739,8 +3841,8 @@ sub PortalAsHtml {
$style .= (defined($colorc)) ? " background-color:#$colorc\"" : '"'; # mit Farbe 2 colorc füllen
$ret .= "<tr class='odd' style='height:".$z3."px'>";
$ret .= "<td align='center' class='smaportal' ".$style."></td></tr>";
} elsif ($z3) { # ohne Farbe
elsif ($z3) { # ohne Farbe
$ret .="<tr class='even' style='height:".$z3."px'>";
$ret .="<td class='smaportal'></td></tr>";
@ -3833,15 +3935,19 @@ sub formatVal6 {
if (!$t) { # glatte Zahl ohne Nachkommastelle
if(!$v) {
return ' '; # 0 nicht anzeigen, passt eigentlich immer bis auf einen Fall im Typ diff
} elsif ($v < 10) {
elsif ($v < 10) {
return ' '.$n.$v.' ';
} else {
else {
return ' '.$n.$v.' ';
} else { # mit Nachkommastelle -> zwei Zeichen mehr .X
else { # mit Nachkommastelle -> zwei Zeichen mehr .X
if ($v < 10) {
return ' '.$n.$v.' ';
} else {
else {
return $n.$v.' ';
@ -3931,7 +4037,8 @@ sub SPGRefresh {
if (ref $hash ne "HASH") {
($name,$pload,$lpollspg) = split ",",$hash;
$hash = $defs{$name};
} else {
else {
$name = $hash->{NAME};
my $fpr = 0;
@ -3951,11 +4058,13 @@ sub SPGRefresh {
my $room = $_;
{ map { FW_directNotify("FILTER=room=$room", "#FHEMWEB:$_", "location.reload('true')", "") } devspec2array("TYPE=FHEMWEB") } ## no critic 'void context';
} elsif ($pload && (!$hash->{HELPER}{SPGROOM} || $hash->{HELPER}{SPGDETAIL})) {
elsif ($pload && (!$hash->{HELPER}{SPGROOM} || $hash->{HELPER}{SPGDETAIL})) {
# trifft zu bei Detailansicht oder im FLOORPLAN bzw. Dashboard oder wenn Seitenrefresh mit dem
# SMAPortalSPG-Attribut "forcePageRefresh" erzwungen wird
{ map { FW_directNotify("#FHEMWEB:$_", "location.reload('true')", "") } devspec2array("TYPE=FHEMWEB") } ## no critic 'void context';
} else {
else {
if($fpr) {
{ map { FW_directNotify("#FHEMWEB:$_", "location.reload('true')", "") } devspec2array("TYPE=FHEMWEB") } ## no critic 'void context';
@ -4287,6 +4396,13 @@ return;
attr <name> userAgent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:65.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/65.0 <br>
<a name="useRelativeNames"></a>
<li><b>useRelativeNames </b><br>
When using relative dates <b>current-x</b> (see balance.* attributes) the created reading name contains
also the relative instead of the real date. <br>
(default: real date)
<a name="verbose5Data"></a>
<li><b>verbose5Data </b><br>
@ -4613,6 +4729,13 @@ return;
<a name="useRelativeNames"></a>
<li><b>useRelativeNames </b><br>
Bei Verwendung von relativen Datumangaben <b>current-x</b> (siehe balance.*-Attribute) enthält der erstellte Readingname
ebenfalls die relative anstatt der realen Datumangabe. <br>
(default: reale Datumangabe)
<a name="verbose5Data"></a>
<li><b>verbose5Data </b><br>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user