mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 03:06:37 +00:00
00_KNXIO.pm: minor internal changes (Forum #127792)
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@28206 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- change: 10_KNX.pm: minor changes, see Forum #122582
- change: 00_KNXIO.pm: minor changes, see Forum #127792
- feature: 76_SolarForecast: graphicHeaderOwnspec: show readings of other devs
new set/reset batteryTrigger command
- bugfix: 98_CDCOpenData: warning Net::FTP bei Fhem Start
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
## no critic (Modules::RequireVersionVar) ######################################
## no critic (Modules::RequireVersionVar,Policy::CodeLayout::RequireTidyCode) ##
# $Id$
# base module for KNX-communication
# idea: merge some functions of TUL- & KNXTUL-module into one and add more connectivity
@ -63,6 +63,10 @@
# 02/10/2023 Rate limit for write (set/get-cmd) from KNX-Modul
# remove unused imports...
# add $readingFnAttributes to AttrList
# xx/11/2023 performance tuning KNXIO_write
# replace GP_export function
# PBP cleanup -1
# change regex's (unnecessary i)
package KNXIO; ## no critic 'package'
@ -78,13 +82,15 @@ use TcpServerUtils qw(TcpServer_Open TcpServer_SetLoopbackMode TcpServer_MCastAd
use HttpUtils qw(HttpUtils_gethostbyname ip2str);
use feature qw(switch);
no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental';
use GPUtils qw(GP_Import GP_Export); # Package Helper Fn
use GPUtils qw(GP_Import); # Package Helper Fn
### perlcritic parameters
# these ones are NOT used! (constants,Policy::Modules::RequireFilenameMatchesPackage,NamingConventions::Capitalization)
# these ones are NOT used! (RegularExpressions::RequireDotMatchAnything,RegularExpressions::RequireLineBoundaryMatching)
# these ones are NOT used! (ControlStructures::ProhibitCascadingIfElse)
### the following percritic items will be ignored global ###
## no critic (NamingConventions::Capitalization)
## no critic (Policy::CodeLayout::ProhibitParensWithBuiltins)
## no critic (ValuesAndExpressions::RequireNumberSeparators,ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitMagicNumbers)
## no critic (ControlStructures::ProhibitPostfixControls)
## no critic (Documentation::RequirePodSections)
@ -110,14 +116,8 @@ BEGIN {
# CommandDefine CommandDelete CommandModify CommandDefMod
# AnalyzePerlCommand EvalSpecials
# modules cmds
# export to main context
GP_Export(qw(Initialize ) );
# global vars/constants
@ -125,9 +125,13 @@ my $PAT_IP = '[\d]{1,3}(\.[\d]{1,3}){3}';
my $PAT_PORT = '[\d]{4,5}';
my $KNXID = 'C';
my $reconnectTO = 10; # Waittime after disconnect
my $SVNID = '$Id$';
my $SVNID = '$Id$'; ## no critic (Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::RequireInterpolationOfMetachars)
sub main::KNXIO_Initialize {
goto &Initialize;
sub Initialize {
my $hash = shift;
$hash->{DefFn} = \&KNXIO_Define;
@ -155,10 +159,10 @@ sub KNXIO_Define {
my @arg = split(/[\s\t\n]+/xms,$def);
my $name = $arg[0] // return 'KNXIO-define: no name specified';
$hash->{NAME} = $name;
$SVNID =~ s/.*\.pm\s([^\s]+\s[^\s]+).*/$1/ixms;
$SVNID =~ s/.+[.]pm\s(\S+\s\S+).+/$1/ixms;
$hash->{SVN} = $SVNID; # store svn info in dev hash
if ((scalar(@arg) >= 3) && $arg[2] !~ /[HMSTX]/ixms) {
if ((scalar(@arg) >= 3) && $arg[2] !~ /[HMSTX]/xms) {
return q{KNXIO-define: invalid mode specified, valid modes are one of: H M S T X};
my $mode = uc($arg[2]);
@ -167,18 +171,18 @@ sub KNXIO_Define {
# handle mode X for FHEM2FHEM configs
return InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 0.2,\&KNXIO_openDev,$hash) if ($mode eq q{X});
return q{KNXIO-define syntax: "define <name> KNXIO <H|M|T> <ip-address|hostname>:<port> <phy-adress>" } . "\n" .
return q{KNXIO-define syntax: "define <name> KNXIO <H|M|T> <ip-address|hostname>:<port> <phy-adress>" } . "\n" .
q{ or "define <name> KNXIO S <pathToUnixSocket> <phy-address>" } if (scalar(@arg) < 5);
my ($host,$port) = split(/[:]/ixms,$arg[3]);
my ($host,$port) = split(/[:]/xms,$arg[3]);
if ($mode =~ /[MHT]/ixms && $port !~ /$PAT_PORT/ixms) {
if ($mode =~ /[MHT]/xms && $port !~ /$PAT_PORT/xms) {
return q{KNXIO-define: invalid ip-address or port, correct syntax is: } .
q{"define <name> KNXIO <H|M|T> <ip-address|name>:<port> <phy-address>"};
q{"define <name> KNXIO <H|M|T> <ip-address|hostname>:<port> <phy-address>"};
if ($mode eq q{M}) { # multicast
my $host1 = (split(/\./ixms,$host))[0];
my $host1 = (split(/[.]/xms,$host))[0];
return q{KNXIO-define: Multicast address is not in the range of and } .
q{(default is } if ($host1 < 224 || $host1 > 239);
$hash->{DeviceName} = $host . q{:} . $port;
@ -186,14 +190,15 @@ sub KNXIO_Define {
elsif ($mode eq q{S}) {
$hash->{DeviceName} = 'UNIX:STREAM:' . $host; # $host= path to socket
elsif ($mode =~ m/[HT]/ixms) {
if ($host !~ /$PAT_IP/ixms) { # not an ip-address, lookup name
elsif ($mode =~ m/[HT]/xms) {
if ($host !~ /$PAT_IP/xms) { # not an ip-address, lookup name
=begin comment
# blocking variant !
my $phost = inet_aton($host);
return "KNXIO-define: host name $host could not be resolved" if (! defined($phost));
$host = inet_ntoa($phost);
return "KNXIO-define: host name could not be resolved" if (! defined($host));
=end comment
# do it non blocking! - use HttpUtils to resolve hostname
$hash->{PORT} = $port; # save port...
@ -207,8 +212,8 @@ sub KNXIO_Define {
my $phyaddr = (defined($arg[4]))?$arg[4]:'0.0.0';
my $phytemp = KNXIO_hex2addr($phyaddr);
my $phyaddr = (defined($arg[4]))?$arg[4]:'0.0.0';
my $phytemp = KNXIO_hex2addr($phyaddr);
$hash->{PhyAddr} = KNXIO_addr2hex($phytemp,2); #convert 2 times for correcting input!
KNXIO_closeDev($hash) if ($init_done && exists($hash->{OLDDEF})); # modify definition....
@ -341,7 +346,7 @@ sub KNXIO_ReadM {
# header format: 0x06 - header size / 0x10 - KNXNET-IPVersion / 0x0530 - Routing Indicator / 0xYYYY - Header size + size of cEMIFrame
my ($header, $header_routing, $total_length) = unpack('nnn',$buf);
KNXIO_Log ($name, 5, 'header=' . sprintf('%04x',$header) . ' routing=' . sprintf('%04x',$header_routing) .
KNXIO_Log ($name, 5, 'header=' . sprintf('%04x',$header) . ' routing=' . sprintf('%04x',$header_routing) .
qq{ TotalLength= $total_length (dezimal)});
if ($header != 0x0610 ) {
@ -471,7 +476,7 @@ sub KNXIO_ReadH {
return InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 60, \&KNXIO_keepAlive, $hash); # start keepalive
when (0x0208) { # ConnectionState response
($hash->{KNXIOhelper}->{CCID}, $errcode) = unpack('x6CC',$buf);
($hash->{KNXIOhelper}->{CCID}, $errcode) = unpack('x6CC',$buf);
RemoveInternalTimer($hash,\&KNXIO_keepAliveTO); # reset timeout timer
if ($errcode > 0) {
@ -484,7 +489,7 @@ sub KNXIO_ReadH {
when (0x0209) { # Disconnect request
KNXIO_Log ($name, 4, ' DisconnectRequest received, restarting connection');
$ccid = unpack('x6C',$buf);
$ccid = unpack('x6C',$buf);
$msg = pack('nnnCC',(0x0610,0x020A,8,$ccid,0));
::DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash,$msg,0); # send disco response
$msg = KNXIO_prepareConnRequ($hash);
@ -533,13 +538,14 @@ sub KNXIO_Write {
my $acpivalues = {r => 0x00, p => 0x01, w => 0x02};
if ($msg =~ /^([rwp])([0-9a-f]{5})(.*)$/ixms) { # msg format: <rwp><grpaddr><message>
if ($msg =~ /^([rwp])([\da-f]{5})(.*)$/ixms) { # msg format: <rwp><grpaddr><message>
my $acpi = $acpivalues->{$1}<<6;
# my $tcf = ($acpivalues->{$1}>>2 & 0x03); # not needed!
my $dst = KNXIO_hex2addr($2);
my $str = $3;
my $str = $3 // '00'; # undef on read requ
my $src = KNXIO_hex2addr($hash->{PhyAddr});
=begin comment
#convert hex-string to array with dezimal values
my @data = map {hex()} $str =~ /(..)/xgms; # PBP 9/2021
$data[0] = 0 if (scalar(@data) == 0); # in case of read !!
@ -555,20 +561,36 @@ sub KNXIO_Write {
KNXIO_Log ($name, 5, q{data=} . sprintf('%02x' x scalar(@data), @data) .
sprintf(' size=%02x acpi=%02x', $datasize, $acpi) .
q{ src=} . KNXIO_addr2hex($src,2) . q{ dst=} . KNXIO_addr2hex($dst,3));
my $completemsg = q{};
my $ret = 0;
=end comment
my $data = 0;
if (length($str) > 2) {
$data = pack ('CH*',$acpi,substr($str,2)); # multi byte write/reply
else {
$data = pack('C',$acpi + (hex($str) & 0x3f)); # single byte write/reply or read
if ($mode =~ /^[ST]$/ixms ) { #format: size | 0x0027 | dst | 0 | data
$completemsg = pack('nnnCC*',$datasize + 5,0x0027,$dst,0,@data);
my $datasize = length($data);
KNXIO_Log ($name, 5, q{data=} . unpack('H*', $data) .
sprintf(' size=%d acpi=%02x src=%s dst=%s', $datasize, $acpi,
KNXIO_addr2hex($src,2), KNXIO_addr2hex($dst,3)));
my $completemsg = q{};
if ($mode =~ /^[ST]$/xms ) { #format: size | 0x0027 | dst | 0 | data
$completemsg = pack('nnnC',$datasize + 5,0x0027,$dst,0) . $data;
elsif ($mode eq 'M') {
$completemsg = pack('nnnnnnnCCC*',0x0610,0x0530,$datasize + 16,0x2900,0xBCE0,$src,$dst,$datasize,0,@data); # use src addr
$completemsg = pack('nnnnnnnCC',0x0610,0x0530,$datasize + 16,0x2900,0xBCE0,
$src,$dst,$datasize,0) . $data; # use src addr
else { # $mode eq 'H'
# total length= $size+20 - include 2900BCEO,src,dst,size,0
$completemsg = pack('nnnCC',0x0610,0x0420,$datasize + 20,4,$hash->{KNXIOhelper}->{CCID}) .
pack('CCnn',$hash->{KNXIOhelper}->{SEQUENCECNTR_W},0,0x1100,0xBCE0) .
pack('nnCCC*',$src,$dst,$datasize,0,@data); # send TunnelInd
$completemsg = pack('nnnCCCCnnnnCC',0x0610,0x0420,$datasize + 20,4,
0,0x1100,0xBCE0,$src,$dst,$datasize,0) . $data; # send TunnelInd
## rate limit
@ -595,7 +617,7 @@ sub KNXIO_Write2 {
my $mode = shift(@{$hash->{KNXIOhelper}->{FIFOW}});
my $completemsg = shift(@{$hash->{KNXIOhelper}->{FIFOW}});
my $ret = q{};
my $ret = 0;
if ($mode eq 'M') {
$ret = ::TcpServer_MCastSend($hash,$completemsg);
@ -633,7 +655,7 @@ sub KNXIO_Rename {
my $logtxt = qq{reading IODev -> $newname};
if (AttrVal($KNXdev,'IODev',q{}) eq $oldname) {
delete ($attr{$KNXdev}->{IODev});
$logtxt .= qq{, attr IODev -> deleted!};
$logtxt .= q{, attr IODev -> deleted!};
KNXIO_Log ($KNXdev, 3, qq{device change: $logtxt});
@ -663,7 +685,7 @@ sub KNXIO_callback {
my $hash = shift;
my $err = shift;
$hash->{nextOpenDelay} = $reconnectTO;
$hash->{nextOpenDelay} = $reconnectTO;
if (defined($err)) {
KNXIO_Log ($hash, 2, qq{device open $hash->{NAME} failed with: $err}) if ($err);
$hash->{NEXT_OPEN} = gettimeofday() + $hash->{nextOpenDelay};
@ -712,9 +734,9 @@ sub KNXIO_openDev {
if (exists $hash->{DNSWAIT}) {
$hash->{DNSWAIT} += 1;
if ($hash->{DNSWAIT} > 5) {
KNXIO_Log ($name, 2, qq{DNS failed, check ip/hostname});
KNXIO_Log ($name, 2, q{DNS failed, check ip/hostname});
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 1,\&KNXIO_openDev,$hash);
KNXIO_Log ($name, 2, q{waiting for DNS});
return; # waiting for DNS
@ -723,7 +745,7 @@ sub KNXIO_openDev {
my $reopen = (exists($hash->{NEXT_OPEN}))?1:0;
my $param = $hash->{DeviceName}; # ip:port or UNIX:STREAM:<socket param>
my ($host, $port, $spath) = split(/[:]/ixms,$param);
my ($host, $port, $spath) = split(/[:]/xms,$param);
KNXIO_Log ($name, 5, qq{$mode , $host , $port , reopen= $reopen});
@ -735,9 +757,9 @@ sub KNXIO_openDev {
delete $hash->{TCPDev}; # devio ?
$ret = ::TcpServer_Open($hash, $port, $host, 1);
if (defined($ret)) { # error
KNXIO_Log ($name, 2, qq{can't connect: $ret}) if(!$reopen);
KNXIO_Log ($name, 2, qq{can't connect: $ret}) if(!$reopen);
return qq{KNXIO_openDev ($name): can't connect: $ret};
$ret = ::TcpServer_MCastAdd($hash,$host);
if (defined($ret)) { # error
KNXIO_Log ($name, 2, qq{MC add failed: $ret}) if(!$reopen);
@ -822,9 +844,9 @@ sub KNXIO_init {
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $mode = $hash->{model};
if ($mode =~ m/[ST]/ixms) {
if ($mode =~ m/[ST]/xms) {
my $opengrpcon = pack('nnnC',(5,0x26,0,0)); # KNX_OPEN_GROUPCON
elsif ($mode eq 'H') {
@ -872,9 +894,9 @@ sub KNXIO_initcomplete {
if (ReadingsVal($name,'state','disconnected') eq 'connected') {
main::KNX_scan('TYPE=KNX:FILTER=IODev=' . $name) if (AttrNum($name,'enableKNXscan',0) >= 1); # on 1st connect only
elsif (AttrVal($name,'disable','disabled') ne 'disabled') {
KNXIO_Log ($name, 3, q{failed});
KNXIO_Log ($name, 3, q{failed});
@ -917,7 +939,7 @@ sub KNXIO_dispatch {
### called from FIFO TIMER
sub KNXIO_dispatch2 {
sub KNXIO_dispatch2 {
# my ($hash, $outbuf ) = ($_[0]->{h}, $_[0]->{m});
my $hash = shift;
@ -1072,7 +1094,7 @@ sub KNXIO_decodeEMI {
my $rwp = $acpicodes[$acpi];
if (! defined($rwp) || ($rwp eq 'invalid')) {
KNXIO_Log ($name, 3, 'no valid acpi-code (read/reply/write) received, discard packet');
KNXIO_Log ($name, 4, qq{discarded packet: src=$src dst=$dst acpi=} . sprintf('%02x',$acpi) .
KNXIO_Log ($name, 4, qq{discarded packet: src=$src dst=$dst acpi=} . sprintf('%02x',$acpi) .
q{ length=} . scalar(@data) . q{ data=} . sprintf('%02x' x scalar(@data),@data));
@ -1097,7 +1119,7 @@ sub KNXIO_decodeCEMI {
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my ($mc, $addlen) = unpack('CC',$buf);
if ($mc != 0x29 && $mc != 0x2e) {
KNXIO_Log ($name, 4, 'wrong MessageCode ' . sprintf("%02x",$mc) . ', discard packet');
KNXIO_Log ($name, 4, 'wrong MessageCode ' . sprintf('%02x',$mc) . ', discard packet');
@ -1105,7 +1127,7 @@ sub KNXIO_decodeCEMI {
my ($ctrlbyte1, $ctrlbyte2, $src, $dst, $tcf, $acpi, @data) = unpack('x' . $addlen . 'CCnnCCC*',$buf);
if (($ctrlbyte1 & 0xF0) != 0xB0) { # standard frame/no repeat/broadcast - see 03_06_03 EMI_IMI specs
KNXIO_Log ($name, 4, 'wrong ctrlbyte1 ' . sprintf("%02x",$ctrlbyte1) . ', discard packet');
KNXIO_Log ($name, 4, 'wrong ctrlbyte1 ' . sprintf('%02x',$ctrlbyte1) . ', discard packet');
my $prio = ($ctrlbyte1 & 0x0C) >>2; # priority
@ -1120,7 +1142,7 @@ sub KNXIO_decodeCEMI {
my $srcd = KNXIO_addr2hex($src,2); # always a phy-address
my $dstd = KNXIO_addr2hex($dst,$dest_addrType + 2);
KNXIO_Log ($name, 4, qq{src=$srcd dst=$dstd destaddrType=$dest_addrType prio=$prio hop_count=$hop_count } .
KNXIO_Log ($name, 4, qq{src=$srcd dst=$dstd destaddrType=$dest_addrType prio=$prio hop_count=$hop_count } .
q{length=} . scalar(@data) . q{ data=} . sprintf('%02x' x scalar(@data),@data));
$acpi = ((($acpi & 0x03) << 2) | (($data[0] & 0xC0) >> 6));
@ -1128,7 +1150,7 @@ sub KNXIO_decodeCEMI {
my $rwp = $acpicodes[$acpi];
if (! defined($rwp) || ($rwp eq 'invalid')) { # not a groupvalue-read/write/reply
KNXIO_Log ($name, 3, 'no valid acpi-code (read/reply/write) received - discard packet');
KNXIO_Log ($name, 4, qq{discarded packet: src=$srcd dst=$dstd destaddrType=$dest_addrType prio=$prio hop_count=} .
KNXIO_Log ($name, 4, qq{discarded packet: src=$srcd dst=$dstd destaddrType=$dest_addrType prio=$prio hop_count=} .
qq{$hop_count length=} . scalar(@data) . q{ data=} . sprintf('%02x' x scalar(@data),@data));
@ -1161,11 +1183,11 @@ sub KNXIO_hex2addr {
my $str = shift;
my $isphy = shift // 0;
if ($str =~ m/([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f]{2})/ixms) {
if ($str =~ m/([\da-f]{2})([\da-f])([\da-f]{2})/ixms) {
return (hex($1) << 12) + (hex($2) << 8) + hex($3) if ($isphy == 1); # Phy addr
return (hex($1) << 11) | (hex($2) << 8) | hex($3); # GA Addr
elsif ($str =~ m/([\d]+)\.([\d]+)\.([\d]+)/ixms) {
elsif ($str =~ m/([\d]+)[.]([\d]+)[.]([\d]+)/xms) {
return (($1 << 12) & 0x00F000) + (($2 << 8) & 0x0F00) + ($3 & 0x00FF); # phy Addr - limit values!
return 0;
@ -1278,11 +1300,12 @@ sub KNXIO_errCodes {
my $errtxt = $errlist->{$errcode};
return 'E_UNDEFINED_ERROR ' . $errcode if (! defined($errtxt));
$errtxt .= q{: } . $errlistfull->{$errcode}; # concatenate both textsegments
return $errtxt;
return $errtxt;
@ -1375,11 +1398,11 @@ Suggested parameters for KNXD (Version >= 0.14.30), with systemd:
increase verbosity of Log-Messages, system-wide default is set in "global" device.
For a detailed description see: <a href="#verbose">global-attr verbose</a> <br/></li>
<li><a id="KNXIO-attr-enableKNXscan"></a><b>enableKNXscan</b> -
trigger a KNX_scan cmd at fhemstart or at every connect event. A detailed description of the
trigger a KNX_scan cmd at fhemstart or at every connected event. A detailed description of the
<a href="#KNX-utilities">KNX_scan cmd</a> is here!
<pre><code> 0 - never (default if Attr not defined)
1 - after fhem start (together with INITIALIZED event)
2 - after fhem start and on every connect event</code></pre></li>
<pre><code> 0 - never (default if Attr not defined)
1 - on fhem start (after <device>:INITIALIZED event)
2 - on fhem start and on every <device>:connected event</code></pre></li>
<li><a id="KNXIO-events"></a><strong>Events</strong><br/>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user