mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-10 09:16:53 +00:00

some major changes in fheminfo

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@2559 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
mfr69bs 2013-01-24 02:12:28 +00:00
parent a52d94e3fe
commit 51b19c990c

View File

@ -75,21 +75,90 @@ CommandFheminfo($$)
my $os = $^O;
my $arch = $Config{"archname"};
my $perl = $^V;
my $uniqueID = AttrVal("global","uniqueID",join "", map { unpack "H*", chr(rand(256)) } 1..16);
my $uniqueID = AttrVal("global","uniqueID",undef);
my $sendStatistics = AttrVal("global","sendStatistics",1);
my $moddir = $attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM";
my $uidFile = $moddir."/FhemUtils/uniqueID";
$attr{global}{uniqueID} = $uniqueID;
if(defined($uniqueID) && $uniqueID eq $uidFile) {
my $fh;
if(open($fh,"<".$uidFile)) {
Log 5, "fheminfo get uniqueID from $uidFile";
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
chomp $line;
if($line =~ m/^uniqueID:[\da-fA-F]{32}$/) {
(undef,$uniqueID) = split(":",$line);
close $fh;
if(!defined($uniqueID) || $uniqueID !~ m/^[\da-fA-F]{32}$/ || !-e $uidFile) {
my $fh;
if(!open($fh,">".$uidFile)) {
return "Can't open $uidFile: $!";
if(!defined($uniqueID) || defined($uniqueID) && $uniqueID !~ m/^[\da-fA-F]{32}$/) {
$uniqueID = join "",map { unpack "H*", chr(rand(256)) } 1..16;
print $fh "################################################################\n";
print $fh "# IMPORTANT NOTE:\n";
print $fh "# This file is auto generated from the fheminfo command.\n";
print $fh "# Please do not modify, move or delete this file!\n";
print $fh "#\n";
print $fh "# This file contains an unique ID for this installation. It is\n";
print $fh "# to be used for statistical purposes only.\n";
print $fh "# Based on this unique ID, no conclusions can be drawn to any\n";
print $fh "# personal information of this installation.\n";
print $fh "################################################################\n";
print $fh "\n";
print $fh "uniqueID:$uniqueID\n";
close $fh;
Log 5, "fheminfo 'uniqueID' generated and stored in file '$uidFile'";
$attr{global}{uniqueID} = $uidFile;
$attr{global}{sendStatistics} = $sendStatistics;
my $ret = checkConfigFile($uniqueID);
my $ret = checkConfigFile($uidFile);
return $ret if($ret);
# get list of files
my $fail;
my $control_ref = {};
foreach my $pack (split(" ",uc($UPDATE{packages}))) {
$UPDATE{$pack}{control} = "controls_".lc($pack).".txt";
my $pack = "FHEM";
if(!-e "$moddir/$UPDATE{$pack}{control}") {
my $server = $UPDATE{server};
my $srcdir = $UPDATE{path}."/".lc($BRANCH);
Log 5, "fheminfo get $server/$srcdir/$UPDATE{$pack}{control}";
my $controlFile = GetFileFromURL("$server/$srcdir/$UPDATE{$pack}{control}");
return "Can't get '$UPDATE{$pack}{control}' from $server" if (!$controlFile);
# parse remote controlfile
($fail,$control_ref) = parseControlFile($pack,$controlFile,$control_ref,0);
return "$fail\nfheminfo canceled..." if ($fail);
} else {
Log 5, "fheminfo get $moddir/$UPDATE{$pack}{control}";
# parse local controlfile
($fail,$control_ref) = parseControlFile($pack,"$moddir/$UPDATE{$pack}{control}",$control_ref,1);
foreach my $d (sort keys %defs) {
my $n = $defs{$d}{NAME};
my $t = $defs{$d}{TYPE};
my $m = AttrVal($n,"model","unknown");
$info{modules}{$t}{$n} = $m;
if(exists $control_ref->{$t}) {
Log 5, "fheminfo name:$n type:$t model:$m";
$info{modules}{$t}{$n} = $m;
my $str;
@ -169,9 +238,65 @@ CommandFheminfo($$)
return $ret;
sub parseControlFile($$$$) {
my ($pack,$controlFile,$control_ref,$local) = @_;
my %control = %$control_ref if ($control_ref && ref($control_ref) eq "HASH");
my $from = ($local ? "local" : "remote");
my $ret;
if ($local) {
my $str = "";
# read local controlfile in string
if (open FH, "$controlFile") {
$str = do { local $/; <FH> };
$controlFile = $str
# parse file
if ($controlFile) {
foreach my $l (split("[\r\n]", $controlFile)) {
Log 5, "fheminfo $from controls_".lc($pack).".txt: $l";
my ($ctrl,$date,$size,$file,$move) = "";
if ($l =~ m/^(UPD) (20\d\d-\d\d-\d\d_\d\d:\d\d:\d\d) (\d+) (\S+)$/) {
$ctrl = $1;
$date = $2;
$size = $3;
$file = $4;
} elsif ($l =~ m/^(DIR) (\S+)$/) {
$ctrl = $1;
$file = $2;
} elsif ($l =~ m/^(MOV) (\S+) (\S+)$/) {
$ctrl = $1;
$file = $2;
$move = $3;
} elsif ($l =~ m/^(DEL) (\S+)$/) {
$ctrl = $1;
$file = $2;
} else {
$ctrl = "ESC"
if ($ctrl eq "ESC") {
Log 1, "fheminfo File 'controls_".lc($pack).".txt' ($from) is corrupt";
$ret = "File 'controls_".lc($pack).".txt' ($from) is corrupt";
last if ($ret);
if ($l =~ m/^UPD/ && $file =~ m/^FHEM/) {
if ($file =~ m/^.*(\d\d_)(.*).pm$/) {
my $modName = $2;
$control{$modName} = $file;
return ($ret, \%control);
sub checkConfigFile($) {
my $uniqueID = shift;
my $uidFile = shift;
my $name = "fheminfo";
my $configFile = AttrVal("global","configfile","");
@ -184,19 +309,32 @@ sub checkConfigFile($) {
my @currentConfig = <$fh>;
close $fh;
if(!grep {$_ =~ /uniqueID/} @currentConfig) {
my @newConfig;
my $done = 0;
my @newConfig;
my $done = 0;
if(grep {$_ =~ /uniqueID/} @currentConfig) {
Log 5, "fheminfo uniqueID in configfile";
foreach my $line (@currentConfig) {
if($line =~ m/uniqueID/ && $line =~ m/[\da-fA-F]{32}/) {
Log 5, "fheminfo uniqueID in configfile and hex";
$line = "attr global uniqueID $uidFile\n";
$done = 1;
} else {
Log 5, "fheminfo uniqueID not in configfile";
foreach my $line (@currentConfig) {
if($line =~ /modpath/ && $done == 0) {
push(@newConfig,"attr global uniqueID $uniqueID\n");
push(@newConfig,"attr global uniqueID $uidFile\n");
push(@newConfig,"attr global sendStatistics 1\n");
$done = 1;
if($done) {
if(!open($fh,">".$configFile)) {
return "Can't open $configFile: $!";
@ -211,6 +349,7 @@ sub checkConfigFile($) {
sub checkModule($) {
my $module = shift;
eval("use $module");
@ -250,7 +389,7 @@ sub checkModule($) {
<li>Hardware architecture</li>
<li>Installed Perl version</li>
<li>Installed FHEM release and branch</li>
<li>Defined modules</li>
<li>Defined modules (only official FHEM Modules are counted)</li>
<li>Defined models per module</li>
@ -311,12 +450,28 @@ sub checkModule($) {
<code>87c5cca38dc75a4f388ef87bdcbfbf6f</code> which is assigned to the transmitted
data to prevent duplicate entries.
The <code>uniqueID</code> is stored automatically in the configuration file of FHEM.
The <code>uniqueID</code> is stored automatically in a file named <code>FhemUtils/uniqueID</code>
in FHEM's modules path.
<strong>IMPORTANT NOTE:</strong>
Every installation of FHEM should have to have his own unique ID.
Please do not modify, move or delete this file! You should always backup this file
(this is normally done by the <code>update</code> command automatically) and please restore
this file to the same path (<code>FhemUtils</code> in FHEM's modules path), if you plan to
reinstall your FHEM installation. This prevents duplicate entries for identical
installations on the same hardware in the statistics.
Otherwise, please use different unique IDs for each installation of FHEM on different
hardware, e.g. one randomly generated unique ID for FRITZ!Box, another one for the first
Raspberry Pi, another one for the second Raspberry Pi, etc.
Thanks for your support!
This attribute is reserved for a future usage in conjunction with the
<code>update</code> command.
This attribute is used in conjunction with the <code>update</code> command.
<code>0</code>: prevents transmission of data during an update.
@ -352,7 +507,7 @@ sub checkModule($) {
<li>Hardware Architektur</li>
<li>Installierte Perl Version</li>
<li>Installierte FHEM release und "branch"</li>
<li>Definierte Module</li>
<li>Definierte Module (nur offizielle FHEM Module werden ermittelt)</li>
<li>Definierte Modelle je Modul</li>
@ -413,13 +568,28 @@ sub checkModule($) {
<code>87c5cca38dc75a4f388ef87bdcbfbf6f</code> welche den &uuml;bertragenen Daten
zur Vermeidung von doppelten Eintr&auml;ge zugewiesen wird.
Die <code>uniqueID</code> wird automatisch in der Konfigurationsdatei von FHEM
Die <code>uniqueID</code> wird automatisch in einer Datei namens <code>FHemUtils/uniqueID</code>
im FHEM Modulverzeichnis gespeichert.
<strong>WICHTIGER HINWEIS:</strong>
Jede Installation von FHEM sollte seine eigene eindeutige ID haben.
Bitte diese Datei nicht ver&auml;ndern, verschieben oder l&ouml;schen! Diese Datei sollte
immer gesichert (wird normalerweise automatisch durch den <code>update</code> Befehl
erledigt) und bei einer Neuinstallation auf der gleichen Hardware im gleichen Verzeichnis
(<code>FhemtUtils</code> im FHEM Modulverzeichnis) wieder hergestellt werden. Dies verhindert
doppelte Eintr&auml;ge identischer Installationen auf der gleichen Hardware in der Statistik.
Anderfalls, sollten bitte f&uuml;r jede Installation auf unterschiedlicher Hardware eigene
IDs genutzt werden, z.B. eine zuf&auml;llig erzeugte ID f&uuml;r FRITZ!Box, eine weitere f&uuml;r
den ersten Raspberry Pi, eine weitere f&uuml;r einen zweiten Raspberry Pi, usw.
Vielen Dank f&uuml;r die Unterst&uuml;tzung!
Dieses Attribut ist f&uuml;r die k&uuml;nftige Verwendung in Verbindung mit dem
<code>update</code> Befehl reserviert.
Dieses Attribut wird in Verbindung mit dem <code>update</code> Befehl verwendet.
<code>0</code>: verhindert die &Uuml;bertragung der Daten w&auml;hrend eines Updates.