diff --git a/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/93_DbLog.pm b/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/93_DbLog.pm
index ac2720179..36beff8c7 100644
--- a/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/93_DbLog.pm
+++ b/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/93_DbLog.pm
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';
# Version History intern by DS_Starter:
my %DbLog_vNotesIntern = (
+ "5.10.0" => "07.03.2024 support of MariaDB driver, optimize Timer execMemCacheAsync, change DbLog_configcheck, _DbLog_SBP_connectDB ".
+ "remove countNbl, support compression between client and server ",
"5.9.6" => "09.03.2024 change META.json ",
"5.9.5" => "04.01.2024 change DbLog_configcheck to select only column width independent from column characteristic ",
"5.9.4" => "03.01.2024 make EVENT writable ",
@@ -153,14 +155,11 @@ my %DbLog_hset = (
addLog => { fn => \&_DbLog_setaddLog },
addCacheLine => { fn => \&_DbLog_setaddCacheLine },
count => { fn => \&_DbLog_setcount },
- countNbl => { fn => \&_DbLog_setcount },
deleteOldDays => { fn => \&_DbLog_setdeleteOldDays },
- deleteOldDaysNbl => { fn => \&_DbLog_setdeleteOldDays },
userCommand => { fn => \&_DbLog_setuserCommand },
exportCache => { fn => \&_DbLog_setexportCache },
importCachefile => { fn => \&_DbLog_setimportCachefile },
reduceLog => { fn => \&_DbLog_setreduceLog },
- reduceLogNbl => { fn => \&_DbLog_setreduceLog },
my %DbLog_hget = ( # Hash der Get-Funktion
@@ -451,13 +450,7 @@ sub DbLog_Attr {
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $do = 0;
- if ($aName =~ /^(traceHandles|noNotifyDev)$/xs) {
- my $msg = "$name - The attribute >$aName< is deprecated and is not set anymore.";
- Log3 ($name, 1, "$name $msg");
- return $msg;
- }
- if($cmd eq "set") {
+ if ($cmd eq "set") {
if ($aName eq "syncInterval" ||
$aName eq "cacheLimit" ||
$aName eq "cacheOverflowThreshold" ||
@@ -467,11 +460,11 @@ sub DbLog_Attr {
if ($aVal !~ /^[0-9]+$/) { return "The Value of $aName is not valid. Use only figures 0-9 !";}
- if ($hash->{MODEL} !~ /MYSQL|POSTGRESQL/ && $aName =~ /dbSchema/) {
+ if ($hash->{MODEL} !~ /MYSQL|MARIADB|POSTGRESQL/xs && $aName =~ /dbSchema/) {
return qq{"$aName" is not valid for database model "$hash->{MODEL}"};
- if($aName =~ /[Vv]alueFn/) {
+ if ($aName =~ /[Vv]alueFn/) {
my ($err, $func) = DbLog_checkSyntaxValueFn ($name, $aVal);
return $err if($err);
@@ -491,7 +484,7 @@ sub DbLog_Attr {
- if($aName =~ /^col[ERTV]/xs) {
+ if ($aName =~ /^col[ERTV]/xs) {
if ($cmd eq "set" && $aVal) {
unless ($aVal =~ /^[0-9]+$/) { return " The Value of $aName is not valid. Use only figures 0-9 !";}
@@ -501,24 +494,22 @@ sub DbLog_Attr {
- if($aName eq 'asyncMode') {
+ if ($aName eq 'asyncMode') {
if ($cmd eq "set" && $aVal) {
$hash->{MODE} = 'asynchronous';
- InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+0.8, 'DbLog_execMemCacheAsync', $hash, 0);
+ InternalTimer (gettimeofday()+0.8, 'DbLog_execMemCacheAsync', $hash, 0);
else {
+ DbLog_execMemCacheAsync ($hash);
$hash->{MODE} = 'synchronous';
- InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+5, "DbLog_execMemCacheAsync", $hash, 0);
- if($aName eq "commitMode") {
+ if ($aName eq "commitMode") {
my $dbh = $hash->{DBHU};
__DbLog_SBP_disconnectOnly ($name, $dbh);
delete $hash->{DBHU};
@@ -530,34 +521,33 @@ sub DbLog_Attr {
- if($aName eq "showproctime") {
+ if ($aName eq "showproctime") {
if ($cmd ne "set" || !$aVal) {
- if($aName eq "showNotifyTime") {
+ if ($aName eq "showNotifyTime") {
if ($cmd ne "set" || !$aVal) {
if ($aName eq "disable") {
- my $async = AttrVal($name, 'asyncMode', 0);
- if($cmd eq "set") {
+ if ($cmd eq "set") {
$do = $aVal ? 1 : 0;
$do = 0 if($cmd eq "del");
my $val = $do == 1 ? 'disabled' : 'active';
- DbLog_execMemCacheAsync ($hash) if($do == 1); # letzter CacheSync vor disablen
+ DbLog_execMemCacheAsync ($hash) if($do == 1); # letzter CacheSync vor disable
DbLog_setReadingstate ($hash, $val);
+ RemoveInternalTimer ($hash, 'DbLog_execMemCacheAsync');
if ($do == 0) {
- InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1.8, "_DbLog_initOnStart", $hash, 0);
+ InternalTimer (gettimeofday()+1.8, "_DbLog_initOnStart", $hash, 0);
@@ -608,7 +598,6 @@ sub DbLog_Set {
"clearReadings:noArg ".
"count:noArg ".
"configCheck:noArg ".
- "countNbl:noArg ".
"deleteOldDays ".
"eraseReadings:noArg ".
"listCache:noArg ".
@@ -834,7 +823,7 @@ sub _DbLog_setrereadcfg { ## no critic "not used"
Log3 ($name, 3, "$name - Rereadcfg requested.");
- my $ret = DbLog_readCfg($hash);
+ my $ret = DbLog_readCfg ($hash);
return $ret if $ret;
my $dbh = $hash->{DBHU};
@@ -1970,14 +1959,13 @@ sub DbLog_execMemCacheAsync {
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
- my $async = AttrVal($name, 'asyncMode', 0);
+ RemoveInternalTimer ($hash, 'DbLog_execMemCacheAsync');
- RemoveInternalTimer($hash, 'DbLog_execMemCacheAsync');
- if(!$async || IsDisabled($name) || $init_done != 1) {
- InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+5, 'DbLog_execMemCacheAsync', $hash, 0);
+ if (!AttrVal ($name, 'asyncMode', 0) || IsDisabled($name)) {
+ InternalTimer (gettimeofday()+5, 'DbLog_execMemCacheAsync', $hash, 0) if($init_done != 1);
my $nextsync = gettimeofday() + AttrVal($name, 'syncInterval', 30);
my $se = AttrVal ($name, 'syncEvents', undef) ? 1 : 0;
@@ -2176,6 +2164,7 @@ sub DbLog_SBP_onRun {
$store->{dbparams}{dbpassword} = $memc->{dbpassword};
$store->{dbparams}{utf8} = $memc->{utf8}; # Database UTF8 0|1
$store->{dbparams}{model} = $memc->{model}; # DB Model
+ $store->{dbparams}{compression} = $memc->{compression}; # DB -> Client Komressionsmode
$store->{dbparams}{sltjm} = $memc->{sltjm}; # SQLiteJournalMode
$store->{dbparams}{sltcs} = $memc->{sltcs}; # SQLiteCacheSize
$store->{dbparams}{cm} = $memc->{cm}; # Commit Mode
@@ -2444,18 +2433,19 @@ sub _DbLog_SBP_manageDBconnect {
my ($err, $dbh, $ret);
- my $params = { name => $name,
- dbconn => $store->{dbparams}{dbconn},
- dbname => $store->{dbparams}{dbname},
- dbuser => $store->{dbparams}{dbuser},
- dbpassword => $store->{dbparams}{dbpassword},
- utf8 => $store->{dbparams}{utf8},
- useac => $useac,
- model => $store->{dbparams}{model},
- sltjm => $store->{dbparams}{sltjm},
- sltcs => $store->{dbparams}{sltcs},
- cofaults => $store->{dbparams}{cofaults},
- subprocess => $subprocess
+ my $params = { name => $name,
+ dbconn => $store->{dbparams}{dbconn},
+ dbname => $store->{dbparams}{dbname},
+ dbuser => $store->{dbparams}{dbuser},
+ dbpassword => $store->{dbparams}{dbpassword},
+ utf8 => $store->{dbparams}{utf8},
+ useac => $useac,
+ model => $store->{dbparams}{model},
+ compression => $store->{dbparams}{compression},
+ sltjm => $store->{dbparams}{sltjm},
+ sltcs => $store->{dbparams}{sltcs},
+ cofaults => $store->{dbparams}{cofaults},
+ subprocess => $subprocess
if (!defined $store->{dbh}) {
@@ -2567,21 +2557,25 @@ return $doNext;
sub _DbLog_SBP_connectDB {
my $paref = shift;
- my $name = $paref->{name};
- my $dbconn = $paref->{dbconn};
- my $dbuser = $paref->{dbuser};
- my $dbpassword = $paref->{dbpassword};
- my $utf8 = $paref->{utf8};
- my $useac = $paref->{useac};
- my $model = $paref->{model};
- my $sltjm = $paref->{sltjm};
- my $sltcs = $paref->{sltcs};
- my $cofaults = $paref->{cofaults} // 0; # Anzahl Connectfehler seit letztem erfolgreichen Connect
- my $subprocess = $paref->{subprocess} // q{};
+ my $name = $paref->{name};
+ my $dbconn = $paref->{dbconn};
+ my $dbuser = $paref->{dbuser};
+ my $dbpassword = $paref->{dbpassword};
+ my $utf8 = $paref->{utf8};
+ my $useac = $paref->{useac};
+ my $model = $paref->{model};
+ my $compression = $paref->{compression};
+ my $sltjm = $paref->{sltjm};
+ my $sltcs = $paref->{sltcs};
+ my $cofaults = $paref->{cofaults} // 0; # Anzahl Connectfehler seit letztem erfolgreichen Connect
+ my $subprocess = $paref->{subprocess} // q{};
my $dbh = q{};
my $err = q{};
+ $dbconn .= ';mysql_compression=1' if($compression && $model eq 'MYSQL');
+ $dbconn .= ';mariadb_compression=1' if($compression && $model eq 'MARIADB');
eval { if (!$useac) {
$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:$dbconn", $dbuser, $dbpassword, { PrintError => 0,
RaiseError => 1,
@@ -2636,39 +2630,59 @@ sub _DbLog_SBP_connectDB {
return $DBI::errstr if($DBI::errstr);
- if($utf8) {
- if($model eq "MYSQL") {
- $dbh->{mysql_enable_utf8} = 1;
+ if ($model =~ /MYSQL/xs) {
+ $dbh->{mysql_enable_utf8} = 1 if($utf8);
- ($err, my @se) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'collation_database'");
+ if ($compression) {
+ _DbLog_SBP_Log3Parent ( { name => $name,
+ level => 4,
+ msg => 'Communication between Client and Server will be compressed',
+ oper => 'log3parent',
+ subprocess => $subprocess
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ ($err, my @se) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'collation_database'");
+ return ($err, q{}) if($err);
+ my $dbcharset = @se ? $se[1] : 'noresult';
+ _DbLog_SBP_Log3Parent ( { name => $name,
+ level => 4,
+ msg => "Database Character set is >$dbcharset<",
+ oper => 'log3parent',
+ subprocess => $subprocess
+ }
+ );
+ if ($dbcharset !~ /noresult|ucs2|utf16|utf32/ixs) { # Impermissible Client Character Sets -> https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/charset-connection.html
+ my $collation = $dbcharset;
+ $dbcharset = (split '_', $collation, 2)[0];
+ ($err, undef) = _DbLog_SBP_dbhDo ($name, $dbh, qq(set names "$dbcharset" collate "$collation"), $subprocess); # set names utf8 collate utf8_general_ci
return ($err, q{}) if($err);
- my $dbcharset = @se ? $se[1] : 'noresult';
- _DbLog_SBP_Log3Parent ( { name => $name,
- level => 4,
- msg => qq(Database Character set is >$dbcharset<),
- oper => 'log3parent',
- subprocess => $subprocess
- }
- );
- if ($dbcharset !~ /noresult|ucs2|utf16|utf32/ixs) { # Impermissible Client Character Sets -> https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/charset-connection.html
- my $collation = $dbcharset;
- $dbcharset = (split '_', $collation, 2)[0];
- ($err, undef) = _DbLog_SBP_dbhDo ($name, $dbh, qq(set names "$dbcharset" collate "$collation"), $subprocess); # set names utf8 collate utf8_general_ci
- return ($err, q{}) if($err);
- }
- }
- if($model eq "SQLITE") {
- ($err, undef) = _DbLog_SBP_dbhDo ($name, $dbh, 'PRAGMA encoding="UTF-8"', $subprocess);
- return ($err, q{}) if($err);
+ if ($model =~ /MARIADB/xs) {
+ if ($compression) {
+ _DbLog_SBP_Log3Parent ( { name => $name,
+ level => 4,
+ msg => 'Communication between Client and Server will be compressed',
+ oper => 'log3parent',
+ subprocess => $subprocess
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ }
if ($model eq 'SQLITE') {
+ if ($utf8) {
+ ($err, undef) = _DbLog_SBP_dbhDo ($name, $dbh, 'PRAGMA encoding="UTF-8"', $subprocess);
+ return ($err, q{}) if($err);
+ }
my @dos = ("PRAGMA temp_store=MEMORY",
"PRAGMA synchronous=FULL",
"PRAGMA journal_mode=$sltjm",
@@ -3751,32 +3765,32 @@ return;
# SubProcess - deleteOldDays-Routine
sub _DbLog_SBP_onRun_deleteOldDays {
- my $paref = shift;
+ my $paref = shift;
- my $subprocess = $paref->{subprocess};
- my $name = $paref->{name};
- my $memc = $paref->{memc};
- my $store = $paref->{store}; # Datenspeicher
- my $bst = $paref->{bst};
+ my $subprocess = $paref->{subprocess};
+ my $name = $paref->{name};
+ my $memc = $paref->{memc};
+ my $store = $paref->{store}; # Datenspeicher
+ my $bst = $paref->{bst};
- my $dbh = $store->{dbh};
- my $history = $store->{dbparams}{history};
- my $model = $store->{dbparams}{model};
- my $db = $store->{dbparams}{dbname};
+ my $dbh = $store->{dbh};
+ my $history = $store->{dbparams}{history};
+ my $model = $store->{dbparams}{model};
+ my $db = $store->{dbparams}{dbname};
- my $operation = $memc->{operation} // 'unknown'; # aktuell angeforderte Operation (log, etc.)
- my $args = $memc->{arguments};
+ my $operation = $memc->{operation} // 'unknown'; # aktuell angeforderte Operation (log, etc.)
+ my $args = $memc->{arguments};
- my $error = q{};
- my $numdel = 0;
+ my $error = q{};
+ my $numdel = 0;
my $ret;
- my $cmd = "delete from $history where TIMESTAMP < ";
+ my $cmd = "delete from $history where TIMESTAMP < ";
if ($model eq 'SQLITE') {
$cmd .= "datetime('now', '-$args days')";
- elsif ($model eq 'MYSQL') {
+ elsif ($model =~ /MYSQL|MARIADB/xs) {
elsif ($model eq 'POSTGRESQL') {
@@ -4143,7 +4157,7 @@ sub _DbLog_SBP_onRun_reduceLog {
$ots = "datetime('now', '-$od days')";
$nts = "datetime('now', '-$nd days')" if($nd);
- elsif ($model eq 'MYSQL') {
+ elsif ($model =~ /MYSQL|MARIADB/xs) {
$nts = "DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL $nd DAY)" if($nd);
@@ -5019,7 +5033,7 @@ sub __DbLog_SBP_sthInsTable {
my $err = q{};
my $sth;
- eval { if ($usepk && $model eq 'MYSQL') {
+ eval { if ($usepk && $model =~ /MYSQL|MARIADB/xs) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT IGNORE INTO $table (TIMESTAMP, DEVICE, TYPE, EVENT, READING, VALUE, UNIT) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
elsif ($usepk && $model eq 'SQLITE') {
@@ -5051,11 +5065,10 @@ sub __DbLog_SBP_sthUpdTable {
my $model = $paref->{model};
my $usepk = $paref->{usepk}; # nutze PK ?
my $pk = $paref->{pk};
my $err = q{};
my $sth;
- eval { if ($usepk && $model eq 'MYSQL') {
+ eval { if ($usepk && $model =~ /MYSQL|MARIADB/xs) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("REPLACE INTO $table (TIMESTAMP, TYPE, EVENT, VALUE, UNIT, DEVICE, READING) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
elsif ($usepk && $model eq 'SQLITE') {
@@ -5237,6 +5250,7 @@ sub DbLog_SBP_sendConnectionData {
$memc->{dbuser} = $hash->{dbuser};
$memc->{dbpassword} = $attr{"sec$name"}{secret};
$memc->{model} = $hash->{MODEL};
+ $memc->{compression} = $hash->{COMPRESSION};
$memc->{cm} = AttrVal ($name, 'commitMode', $dblog_cmdef);
$memc->{verbose} = AttrVal ($name, 'verbose', $attr{global}{verbose});
$memc->{utf8} = defined ($hash->{UTF8}) ? $hash->{UTF8} : 0;
@@ -5730,28 +5744,39 @@ sub DbLog_readCfg {
#check the database model
if($hash->{dbconn} =~ m/pg:/i) {
- $hash->{MODEL}="POSTGRESQL";
+ $hash->{MODEL} = 'POSTGRESQL';
elsif ($hash->{dbconn} =~ m/mysql:/i) {
- $hash->{MODEL}="MYSQL";
+ $hash->{MODEL} = 'MYSQL';
+ }
+ elsif ($hash->{dbconn} =~ m/mariadb:/i) {
+ $hash->{MODEL} = 'MARIADB';
elsif ($hash->{dbconn} =~ m/oracle:/i) {
- $hash->{MODEL}="ORACLE";
+ $hash->{MODEL} = 'ORACLE';
elsif ($hash->{dbconn} =~ m/sqlite:/i) {
- $hash->{MODEL}="SQLITE";
+ $hash->{MODEL} = 'SQLITE';
else {
- $hash->{MODEL}="unknown";
+ $hash->{MODEL} = 'unknown';
Log3 $name, 1, "Unknown database model found in configuration file $configfilename.";
Log3 $name, 1, "Only MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite are fully supported.";
return "unknown database type";
+ delete $hash->{UTF8};
+ delete $hash->{COMPRESSION};
- if($hash->{MODEL} eq "MYSQL") {
- $hash->{UTF8} = defined($dbconfig{utf8}) ? $dbconfig{utf8} : 0;
+ if ($hash->{MODEL} =~ /MYSQL/xs) {
+ $hash->{UTF8} = defined $dbconfig{utf8} ? $dbconfig{utf8} : 0;
+ $hash->{COMPRESSION} = defined $dbconfig{compression} ? $dbconfig{compression} : 0;
+ }
+ if ($hash->{MODEL} =~ /MARIADB/xs) {
+ $hash->{COMPRESSION} = defined $dbconfig{compression} ? $dbconfig{compression} : 0;
@@ -5803,19 +5828,19 @@ sub _DbLog_getNewDBHandle {
my ($useac,$useta) = DbLog_commitMode ($name, AttrVal($name, 'commitMode', $dblog_cmdef));
- my $params = { name => $name,
- dbconn => $hash->{dbconn},
- dbname => (split /;|=/, $hash->{dbconn})[1],
- dbuser => $hash->{dbuser},
- dbpassword => $attr{"sec$name"}{secret},
- utf8 => defined($hash->{UTF8}) ? $hash->{UTF8} : 0,
- useac => $useac,
- model => $hash->{MODEL},
- sltjm => AttrVal ($name, 'SQLiteJournalMode', 'WAL'),
- sltcs => AttrVal ($name, 'SQLiteCacheSize', 4000)
+ my $params = { name => $name,
+ dbconn => $hash->{dbconn},
+ dbname => (split /;|=/, $hash->{dbconn})[1],
+ dbuser => $hash->{dbuser},
+ dbpassword => $attr{"sec$name"}{secret},
+ utf8 => defined $hash->{UTF8} ? $hash->{UTF8} : 0,
+ compression => defined $hash->{COMPRESSION} ? $hash->{COMPRESSION} : 0,
+ useac => $useac,
+ model => $hash->{MODEL},
+ sltjm => AttrVal ($name, 'SQLiteJournalMode', 'WAL'),
+ sltcs => AttrVal ($name, 'SQLiteCacheSize', 4000)
my ($error, $dbh) = _DbLog_SBP_connectDB ($params);
return $dbh if(!$error);
@@ -6196,7 +6221,7 @@ sub _DbLog_createQuerySql {
$yearstats .= "COUNT(VALUE) AS COUNT FROM $history WHERE READING = '$reading' AND DEVICE = '$device' ";
$yearstats .= "AND TIMESTAMP Between '$starttime' AND '$endtime' GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1;";
- elsif ($dbmodel eq "MYSQL") {
+ elsif ($dbmodel =~ /MYSQL|MARIADB/xs) {
### MYSQL Queries for Statistics ###
### hour:
$hourstats = "SELECT date_format(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00') AS TIMESTAMP, SUM(CAST(VALUE AS DECIMAL(12,4))) AS SUM, ";
@@ -6484,7 +6509,7 @@ sub _DbLog_plotData {
$dbh = $hash->{DBHU};
else {
- $dbh = _DbLog_getNewDBHandle($hash) || return "Can't connect to database.";
+ $dbh = _DbLog_getNewDBHandle ($hash) || return "Can't connect to database.";
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Created new DBHU for PID: $$");
@@ -6506,7 +6531,7 @@ sub _DbLog_plotData {
$sqlspec{max_value} = "MAX(VALUE)";
$sqlspec{day_before} = "DATE_SUB($sqlspec{from_timestamp},INTERVAL 1 DAY)";
- elsif ($hash->{MODEL} eq "MYSQL") {
+ elsif ($hash->{MODEL} =~ /MYSQL|MARIADB/xs) {
$sqlspec{get_timestamp} = "DATE_FORMAT(TIMESTAMP, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')";
$sqlspec{from_timestamp} = "STR_TO_DATE('$from', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')";
$sqlspec{to_timestamp} = "STR_TO_DATE('$to', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')";
@@ -7070,7 +7095,7 @@ sub DbLog_configcheck {
### verfügbare Treiber
- my @ary = DBI->available_drivers('true');
+ my @ary = DBI->available_drivers ('true');
my $dlst;
for my $drv (@ary) {
@@ -7085,28 +7110,30 @@ sub DbLog_configcheck {
### Version check
- my $pv = sprintf("%vd",$^V); # Perl Version
- my $dbi = $DBI::VERSION; # DBI Version
- my %drivers = DBI->installed_drivers();
- my $dv = "";
+ my $pv = sprintf("%vd",$^V); # Perl Version
+ my $dbi = $DBI::VERSION; # DBI Version
+ my %drivers = DBI->installed_drivers();
+ my ($dvy, $dva) = ("","");
- if ($dbmodel =~ /MYSQL/xi) {
+ if ($dbmodel =~ /MYSQL|MARIADB/xs) {
for (keys %drivers) {
- $dv = $_ if($_ =~ /mysql|mariadb/x);
+ $dvy = $_ if($_ =~ /mysql/ix);
+ $dva = $_ if($_ =~ /mariadb/ix);
- my $dbd = ($dbmodel =~ /POSTGRESQL/xi) ? "Pg: ".$DBD::Pg::VERSION : # DBD Version
- ($dbmodel =~ /MYSQL/xi && $dv) ? "$dv: ".$DBD::mysql::VERSION :
- ($dbmodel =~ /SQLITE/xi) ? "SQLite: ".$DBD::SQLite::VERSION :
+ my $dbd = ($dbmodel =~ /POSTGRESQL/xs) ? "Pg: ".$DBD::Pg::VERSION : # DBD Version
+ ($dbmodel =~ /MYSQL/xs && $dvy) ? "$dvy: ".$DBD::mysql::VERSION :
+ ($dbmodel =~ /MARIADB/xs && $dva) ? "$dva: ".$DBD::MariaDB::VERSION :
+ ($dbmodel =~ /SQLITE/xs) ? "SQLite: ".$DBD::SQLite::VERSION :
my $dbdhint = "";
my $dbdupd = 0;
- if ($dbmodel =~ /MYSQL/xi && $dv) { # check DBD Mindest- und empfohlene Version
- my $dbdver = $DBD::mysql::VERSION * 1; # String to Zahl Konversion
- if($dbdver < 4.032) {
+ if ($dbmodel =~ /MYSQL/xi && $dvy) { # check DBD Mindest- und empfohlene Version
+ my $dbdver = $DBD::mysql::VERSION * 1; # String to Zahl Konversion
+ if ($dbdver < 4.032) {
$dbdhint = "Caution: Your DBD version doesn't support UTF8. ";
$dbdupd = 1;
@@ -7162,13 +7189,14 @@ sub DbLog_configcheck {
else {
$rec = $err;
$check .= "Connection $rec
$check .= defined $dbconfig{connection} && defined $dbconfig{user} && defined $dbconfig{password} ?
"Rating: ".$ok."
" :
"Rating: ".$nok."
$check .= "
- ### Connection und Collation check
+ ### Connection und Character/Collation check
my $st = [gettimeofday]; # Startzeit
my $dbh = _DbLog_getNewDBHandle ($hash) || return "Can't connect to database.";
@@ -7176,54 +7204,88 @@ sub DbLog_configcheck {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Time required to establish the database connection: ".$ct);
- my (@ce,@se);
- my ($chutf8mod,$chutf8dat);
+ my (@ce, @se, @co);
+ my ($cltconn, $cltdbase, $cltctail, $cltdtail);
+ my $compression = 'unknown';
- if ($dbmodel =~ /MYSQL/) {
+ if ($dbmodel =~ /MYSQL/xs) {
($err, @ce) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, qq(SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'collation_connection')); # character_set_connection
- $chutf8mod = @ce ? uc($ce[1]) : "no result";
+ $cltconn = @ce ? uc($ce[1]) : "no result";
+ ($cltconn, $cltctail) = split "_", $cltconn, 2;
($err, @se) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, qq(SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'collation_database')); # character_set_database
- $chutf8dat = @se ? uc($se[1]) : "no result";
+ $cltdbase = @se ? uc($se[1]) : "no result";
+ ($cltdbase, $cltdtail) = split "_", $cltdbase, 2;
- if ($chutf8dat =~ /utf8mb4/xsi && $chutf8mod eq $chutf8dat) {
- $rec = "settings o.k.";
- }
- elsif ($chutf8dat !~ /utf8mb4/xsi && $chutf8mod eq $chutf8dat) {
- $rec = "The collation of the database should be changed to 'utf8mb4_bin' so that umlauts and all special characters can be stored.
- $rec .= "You can easy do that with the DbRep command set <DbRep-Device> migrateCollation utf8mb4_bin.
+ if ($cltconn eq $cltdbase) {
+ if ($cltdbase =~ /utf8mb4/xsi) {
+ $rec = "settings o.k.";
+ }
+ elsif ($cltdbase !~ /utf8mb4/xsi) {
+ $rec = "The Character Set of the database should be changed to 'utf8mb4' so that umlauts and all special characters can be stored.
+ $rec .= "You can easy do that with the DbRep command set <DbRep-Device> migrateCollation utf8mb4_bin.
+ $rec .= "Then customize the use of UTF8 connections by setting the UTF8 parameter in the file '$hash->{CONFIGURATION}'.
+ }
else {
- $rec = "Both encodings should be identical. You can adjust the usage of UTF8 connection by setting the UTF8 parameter in file '$hash->{CONFIGURATION}' to the right value. ";
+ $rec = "Both encodings should be identical.";
- if ($chutf8mod !~ /utf8/xsi) {
+ if ($cltconn !~ /utf8/xsi) {
$dbdhint = "";
else {
$dbdhint .= " If you want use UTF8 database option, you must update DBD (Database driver) to at least version 4.032. " if($dbdupd);
+ ($err, @co) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, qq(show global status like 'Compression')); # Compression Settings
+ $compression = @co ? uc($co[1]) : "no result";
+ elsif ($dbmodel =~ /MARIADB/xs) {
+ ($err, @ce) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, qq(SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'collation_connection')); # character_set_connection
+ $cltconn = @ce ? uc($ce[1]) : "no result";
+ ($cltconn, $cltctail) = split "_", $cltconn, 2;
- if ($dbmodel =~ /POSTGRESQL/) {
- ($err, @ce) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, "SHOW CLIENT_ENCODING");
- $chutf8mod = @ce ? uc($ce[0]) : "no result";
+ ($err, @se) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, qq(SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'collation_database')); # character_set_database
+ $cltdbase = @se ? uc($se[1]) : "no result";
+ ($cltdbase, $cltdtail) = split "_", $cltdbase, 2;
- ($err, @se) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, "select character_set_name from information_schema.character_sets");
- $chutf8dat = @se ? uc($se[0]) : "no result";
- if($chutf8mod eq $chutf8dat) {
+ if ($cltconn eq $cltdbase) {
$rec = "settings o.k.";
else {
- $rec = "This is only an information. PostgreSQL supports automatic character set conversion between server and client for certain character set combinations. The conversion information is stored in the pg_conversion system catalog. PostgreSQL comes with some predefined conversions.";
+ $rec = "This is only an information.
+ $rec .= "Using a non-UTF-8 charset for a column, table or database is fine because MariaDB or MySQL server automatically transforms the storage charset to the charset used by the network protocol (utf8mb4).
+ $rec .= "Note that when DBD::MariaDB is connecting to the MariaDB or MySQL server it calls SQL command SET character_set_server = 'utf8mb4' to ensure that the default charset for new databases would be UTF-8.
+ $rec .= "In the case MySQL server does not support MySQL's utf8mb4 charset for a network protocol then DBD::MariaDB would try to use MySQL's utf8 charset which is a subset of UTF-8 encoding restricted to the 3 byte UTF-8 sequences.
+ $rec .= "Support for MySQL's utf8mb4 charset was introduced in MySQL server version 5.5.3.";
+ }
+ ($err, @co) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, qq(show global status like 'Compression')); # Compression Settings
+ $compression = @co ? uc($co[1]) : "no result";
+ }
+ elsif ($dbmodel =~ /POSTGRESQL/) {
+ ($err, @ce) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, "SHOW CLIENT_ENCODING");
+ $cltconn = @ce ? uc($ce[0]) : "no result";
+ ($cltconn, $cltctail) = split "_", $cltconn, 2;
+ ($err, @se) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, "select character_set_name from information_schema.character_sets");
+ $cltdbase = @se ? uc($se[0]) : "no result";
+ ($cltdbase, $cltdtail) = split "_", $cltdbase, 2;
+ if ($cltconn eq $cltdbase) {
+ $rec = "settings o.k.";
+ }
+ else {
+ $rec = "This is only an information. PostgreSQL supports automatic character set conversion between server and client for certain character set combinations.
+ $rec .= "The conversion information is stored in the pg_conversion system catalog. PostgreSQL comes with some predefined conversions.
- if ($dbmodel =~ /SQLITE/) {
+ elsif ($dbmodel =~ /SQLITE/) {
($err, @ce) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, "PRAGMA encoding");
- $chutf8dat = @ce ? uc($ce[0]) : "no result";
+ $cltdbase = @ce ? uc($ce[0]) : "no result";
+ ($cltdbase, $cltdtail) = split "_", $cltdbase, 2;
($err, @se) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, "PRAGMA table_info($history)");
$rec = "This is only an information about text encoding used by the main database.";
@@ -7234,6 +7296,10 @@ sub DbLog_configcheck {
if (!$err && @ce && @se) {
$check .= "Connection to database $dbname successfully done.
$check .= "The time required to establish the connection was $ct seconds.
+ if ($dbmodel =~ /MYSQL|MARIADB/xs) {
+ $check .= "Communication Compression between Client and Server: ".lc $compression."
+ }
if ($ct > 5.0) {
$check .= "Rating: ".$nok."
@@ -7261,11 +7327,17 @@ sub DbLog_configcheck {
return $check;
- $check .= "Result of collation check
- $check .= "Collation used by Client (connection): $chutf8mod
" if($dbmodel !~ /SQLITE/);
- $check .= "Collation used by DB $dbname: $chutf8dat
- $check .= $dbmodel =~ /SQLITE/ ? "Rating: ".$ok."
" :
- $rec =~ /settings\so.k./xs ? "Rating: ".$ok."
" :
+ $check .= "Result of Character Sets and Collation check
+ if ($dbmodel !~ /SQLITE/) {
+ $check .= "Character Set used by Client (connection): $cltconn
+ $check .= "Collation used by Client (connection): ".$cltconn."_".$cltctail."
+ }
+ $check .= "Character Set used by DB $dbname: $cltdbase
+ $check .= "Collation used by DB $dbname: ".$cltdbase."_".$cltdtail."
+ $check .= $dbmodel =~ /SQLITE|MARIADB/ ? "Rating: ".$ok."
" :
+ $rec =~ /settings\so.k./xs ? "Rating: ".$ok."
" :
"Rating: ".$warn."
$check .= "Recommendation: $rec $dbdhint
@@ -7372,7 +7444,7 @@ sub DbLog_configcheck {
my ($cdat_dev,$cdat_typ,$cdat_evt,$cdat_rdg,$cdat_val,$cdat_unt);
my ($cmod_dev,$cmod_typ,$cmod_evt,$cmod_rdg,$cmod_val,$cmod_unt);
- if ($dbmodel =~ /MYSQL/) {
+ if ($dbmodel =~ /MYSQL|MARIADB/xs) {
($err, @sr_dev) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, "SHOW FIELDS FROM $history where FIELD='DEVICE'");
($err, @sr_typ) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, "SHOW FIELDS FROM $history where FIELD='TYPE'");
($err, @sr_evt) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, "SHOW FIELDS FROM $history where FIELD='EVENT'");
@@ -7473,7 +7545,7 @@ sub DbLog_configcheck {
### Check Spaltenbreite current
- if ($dbmodel =~ /MYSQL/) {
+ if ($dbmodel =~ /MYSQL|MARIADB/xs) {
($err, @sr_dev) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, "SHOW FIELDS FROM $current where FIELD='DEVICE'");
($err, @sr_typ) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, "SHOW FIELDS FROM $current where FIELD='TYPE'");
($err, @sr_evt) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, "SHOW FIELDS FROM $current where FIELD='EVENT'");
@@ -7578,7 +7650,7 @@ sub DbLog_configcheck {
my ($idef,$idef_dev,$idef_rdg,$idef_tsp);
$check .= "Result of check 'Search_Idx' availability
- if ($dbmodel =~ /MYSQL/) {
+ if ($dbmodel =~ /MYSQL|MARIADB/xs) {
($err, @six) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, "SHOW INDEX FROM $history where Key_name='Search_Idx'");
if (!@six) {
@@ -7700,7 +7772,7 @@ sub DbLog_configcheck {
if ($isused) {
- if ($dbmodel =~ /MYSQL/) {
+ if ($dbmodel =~ /MYSQL|MARIADB/xs) {
($err, @dix) = _DbLog_prepExecQueryOnly ($name, $dbh, "SHOW INDEX FROM $history where Key_name='Report_Idx'");
if (!@dix) {
@@ -8745,7 +8817,8 @@ return;
DBI | : sudo apt-get install libdbi-perl |
- MySQL | : sudo apt-get install [mysql-server] mysql-client libdbd-mysql libdbd-mysql-perl (mysql-server only if you use a local MySQL-server installation) |
+ MySQL | : sudo apt-get install [mysql-server] mysql-client libdbd-mysql libdbd-mysql-perl (mysql-server only for local MySQL Server installation) |
+ MariaDB | : sudo apt-get install [mariadb-server] mariadb-client libdbd-mariadb-perl (mariadb-server only for local MariaDB Server installation) |
SQLite | : sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libdbi-perl libdbd-sqlite3-perl |
PostgreSQL | : sudo apt-get install libdbd-pg-perl |
@@ -8769,7 +8842,7 @@ return;
(Caution: The local FHEM-Installation subdirectory ./contrib/dblog doesn't contain the freshest scripts!)
- The default installation of the MySQL/MariaDB database provides for the use of the utf8_bin collation.
+ The older standard installation of the MySQL/MariaDB database provided for the use of the utf8_bin collation.
With this setting, characters up to 3 bytes long can be stored, which is generally sufficient.
However, if characters with a length of 4 bytes (e.g. emojis) are to be stored in the database, the utf8mb4
character set must be used.
@@ -8780,8 +8853,7 @@ return;
- In the configuration file (see below) utf8 support must be enabled with the key utf8 => 1 if utf8 is to be
- used.
+ Note the key utf8 if the MySQL database driver is used (MODEL = MYSQL).
The database contains two tables: current
and history
The latter contains all events whereas the former only contains the last event for any given reading and device.
@@ -8818,8 +8890,9 @@ return;
- MySQL | : CREATE INDEX Search_Idx ON `fhem`.`history` (DEVICE, READING, TIMESTAMP); |
- SQLite | : CREATE INDEX Search_Idx ON `history` (DEVICE, READING, TIMESTAMP); |
+ MySQL | : CREATE INDEX Search_Idx ON `fhem`.`history` (DEVICE, READING, TIMESTAMP); |
+ MariaDB | : CREATE INDEX Search_Idx ON `fhem`.`history` (DEVICE, READING, TIMESTAMP); |
+ SQLite | : CREATE INDEX Search_Idx ON `history` (DEVICE, READING, TIMESTAMP); |
PostgreSQL | : CREATE INDEX "Search_Idx" ON history USING btree (device, reading, "timestamp"); |
@@ -8847,10 +8920,25 @@ return;
# # connection => "mysql:database=fhem;mysql_socket=</patch/socket-file>",
# user => "fhemuser",
# password => "fhempassword",
- # # optional enable(1) / disable(0) UTF-8 support
+ # # optional enable UTF-8 support
# # (full UTF-8 support exists from DBD::mysql version 4.032, but installing
# # 4.042 is highly suggested)
- # utf8 => 1
+ # utf8 => 1,
+ # # optional enable communication compression between client and server
+ # compression => 1
+ #);
+ ####################################################################################
+ #
+ ## for MariaDB
+ ####################################################################################
+ #%dbconfig= (
+ # connection => "MariaDB:database=fhem;host=<database host>;port=3306",
+ # # if want communication over socket-file instead of TCP/IP transport, use:
+ # # connection => "MariaDB:database=fhem;mariadb_socket=</patch/socket-file>",
+ # user => "fhemuser",
+ # password => "fhempassword",
+ # # optional enable communication compression between client and server
+ # compression => 1
@@ -9099,15 +9187,6 @@ return;
- set <name> countNbl
- The function is identical to "set <name> count" and will be removed soon.
set <name> deleteOldDays <n>
@@ -10616,7 +10695,8 @@ attr SMA_Energymeter DbLogValueFn
DBI | : sudo apt-get install libdbi-perl |
- MySQL | : sudo apt-get install [mysql-server] mysql-client libdbd-mysql libdbd-mysql-perl (mysql-server nur bei lokaler MySQL-Server-Installation) |
+ MySQL | : sudo apt-get install [mysql-server] mysql-client libdbd-mysql libdbd-mysql-perl (mysql-server nur bei lokaler MySQL Server Installation) |
+ MariaDB | : sudo apt-get install [mariadb-server] mariadb-client libdbd-mariadb-perl (mariadb-server nur bei lokaler MariaDB Server Installation) |
SQLite | : sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libdbi-perl libdbd-sqlite3-perl |
PostgreSQL | : sudo apt-get install libdbd-pg-perl |
@@ -10641,7 +10721,7 @@ attr SMA_Energymeter DbLogValueFn
(Achtung: Die lokale FHEM-Installation enthält im Unterverzeichnis ./contrib/dblog nicht die aktuellsten
- Die Standardinstallation der MySQL/MariaDB Datenbank sieht die Nutzung der Collation utf8_bin vor.
+ Die ältere Standardinstallation der MySQL/MariaDB Datenbank sah die Nutzung der Collation utf8_bin vor.
Mit dieser Einstellung können Zeichen bis 3 Byte Länge gespeichert werden was im Allgemeinen ausreichend ist.
Sollen jedoch Zeichen mit 4 Byte Länge (z.B. Emojis) in der Datenbank gespeichert werden, ist der Zeichensatz
utf8mb4 zu verwenden.
@@ -10652,8 +10732,7 @@ attr SMA_Energymeter DbLogValueFn
- In der Konfigurationsdatei (siehe unten) ist die utf8-Unterstützung mit dem Schlüssel utf8 => 1 einzuschalten
- sofern utf8 genutzt werden soll.
+ Beachten sie den Schlüssel utf8 wenn der MySQL Datenbanktreiber benutzt wird (MODEL = MYSQL).
Die Datenbank beinhaltet 2 Tabellen: current
und history
Die Tabelle current
enthält den letzten Stand pro Device und Reading.
@@ -10688,8 +10767,9 @@ attr SMA_Energymeter DbLogValueFn
- MySQL | : CREATE INDEX Search_Idx ON `fhem`.`history` (DEVICE, READING, TIMESTAMP); |
- SQLite | : CREATE INDEX Search_Idx ON `history` (DEVICE, READING, TIMESTAMP); |
+ MySQL | : CREATE INDEX Search_Idx ON `fhem`.`history` (DEVICE, READING, TIMESTAMP); |
+ MariaDB | : CREATE INDEX Search_Idx ON `fhem`.`history` (DEVICE, READING, TIMESTAMP); |
+ SQLite | : CREATE INDEX Search_Idx ON `history` (DEVICE, READING, TIMESTAMP); |
PostgreSQL | : CREATE INDEX "Search_Idx" ON history USING btree (device, reading, "timestamp"); |
@@ -10721,10 +10801,24 @@ attr SMA_Energymeter DbLogValueFn
# # connection => "mysql:database=fhem;mysql_socket=</patch/socket-file>",
# user => "fhemuser",
# password => "fhempassword",
- # # optional enable(1) / disable(0) UTF-8 support
- # # (full UTF-8 support exists from DBD::mysql version 4.032, but installing
- # # 4.042 is highly suggested)
- # utf8 => 1
+ # # optional enable UTF-8 support
+ # # (full UTF-8 support exists from DBD::mysql version 4.032, but installing version 4.042 is highly suggested)
+ # utf8 => 1,
+ # # optional enable communication compression between client and server
+ # compression => 1
+ #);
+ ####################################################################################
+ #
+ ## for MariaDB
+ ####################################################################################
+ #%dbconfig= (
+ # connection => "MariaDB:database=fhem;host=<database host>;port=3306",
+ # # if want communication over socket-file instead of TCP/IP transport, use:
+ # # connection => "MariaDB:database=fhem;mariadb_socket=</patch/socket-file>",
+ # user => "fhemuser",
+ # password => "fhempassword",
+ # # optional enable communication compression between client and server
+ # compression => 1
@@ -10988,15 +11082,6 @@ attr SMA_Energymeter DbLogValueFn
- set <name> countNbl
- Die Funktion ist identisch zu "set <name> count" und wird demnächst entfernt.
set <name> deleteOldDays <n>
@@ -12561,6 +12646,7 @@ attr SMA_Energymeter DbLogValueFn
"Data::Dumper": "0",
"DBD::Pg": "0",
"DBD::mysql": "<5",
+ "DBD::MariaDB": "0",
"DBD::SQLite": "0"