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synced 2025-03-03 23:06:37 +00:00
76_SolarForecast: Flowgraphic show Producer Row onl if more than one Producer are defined
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@29289 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"1.37.2" => "24.10.2024 _flowGraphic: show Producer Row only if more than one Producer is defined ",
"1.37.1" => "23.10.2024 state: 'The setup routine is still incomplete' if setup is incomplete ".
"change: 'trackFlex' && \$wcc >= 80 to \$wcc >= 70, implement Rename function ".
"_flowGraphic: eliminate numbers in device name - Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php?msg=1323229 ",
@ -14282,11 +14283,14 @@ sub _flowGraphic {
my ($togrid, $tonode, $tobat) = __sortProducer ($pdcr); # lfn Producer sortiert nach ptyp und feed
my $psorted = {
my $psorted = {
'1togrid' => { xicon => -100, xchain => 350, ychain => 420, step => 70, count => scalar @{$togrid}, sorted => $togrid }, # Producer/PV nur zu Grid
'2tonode' => { xicon => 350, xchain => 700, ychain => 200, step => $pdist, count => scalar @{$tonode}, sorted => $tonode }, # Producer/PV zum Knoten
'3tobat' => { xicon => 750, xchain => 1100, ychain => 430, step => 40, count => scalar @{$tobat}, sorted => $tobat }, # Producer/PV nur zu Batterie
my $doproducerrow = 1;
$doproducerrow = 0 if(!$psorted->{'1togrid'}{count} && !$psorted->{'3tobat'}{count} && $psorted->{'2tonode'}{count} == 1);
## definierte Verbraucher ermitteln
@ -14356,13 +14360,13 @@ sub _flowGraphic {
my $vbwidth = 800; # width and height specify the viewBox size
my $vbminx = -10 * $flowgshift; # min-x and min-y represent the smallest X and Y coordinates that the viewBox may have
my $vbminy = -25;
my $vbminy = $doproducerrow ? -25 : 125; # Grafik höher positionieren wenn keine Poducerreihe angezeigt
my $vbhight = !$flowgcons ? 380 :
!$flowgconsTime ? 590 :
$vbhight += 100;
if ($doproducerrow) {$vbhight += 100}; # Höhe Box vergrößern wenn Poducerreihe angezeigt
my $vbox = "$vbminx $vbminy $vbwidth $vbhight";
my $svgstyle = 'width:98%; height:'.$flowgsize.'px;';
@ -14402,61 +14406,32 @@ END0
## Producer Icon - in Reihenfolge: zum Grid - zum Knoten - zur Batterie
for my $st (sort keys %{$psorted}) {
my $left = 0;
my $xicon = $psorted->{$st}{xicon};
my $count = $psorted->{$st}{count};
my @sorted = @{$psorted->{$st}{sorted}};
$paref->{stna} = $stna;
$paref->{pnodesum} = $pnodesum;
$paref->{psorted} = $psorted;
$paref->{pdcr} = $pdcr;
$paref->{pdist} = $pdist;
if (!$doproducerrow) {
$paref->{y_coord} = 165;
$ret .= __addProducerIcon ($paref); # Producer Icons row einfügen
else { # mehr als ein Producer vorhanden
$paref->{y_coord} = 0;
$ret .= __addProducerIcon ($paref); # Producer Icons row einfügen
if ($count % 2) {
$xicon = $xicon - ($pdist * ($count - 1) / 2);
else {
$xicon = $xicon - ($pdist / 2 * ($count - 1));
$psorted->{$st}{start} = $xicon;
$left = $xicon + 5;
for my $lfn (@sorted) {
my $pn = $pdcr->{$lfn}{pn};
my ($picon, $ptxt) = __substituteIcon ( { hash => $hash, # Icon des Producerdevices
name => $name,
pn => $pn,
ptyp => $pdcr->{$lfn}{ptyp},
don => NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour00', 'DoN', 0), # Tag oder Nacht
pcurr => $pdcr->{$lfn}{p},
lang => $lang
$picon = FW_makeImage ($picon, '');
($scale, $picon) = __normIconScale ($picon, $name);
$ret .= qq{<g id="producer_${pn}_$stna" fill="grey" transform="translate($left,0),scale($scale)">};
$ret .= "<title>$ptxt</title>".$picon;
$ret .= '</g> ';
$left += $pdist;
$paref->{x_coord} = 360;
$paref->{y_coord} = 165;
$ret .= __addNodeIcon ($paref); # Knoten Icon
## Knoten Icon
my ($nicon, $ntxt) = __substituteIcon ( { hash => $hash,
name => $name,
ptyp => 'node',
pcurr => $pnodesum,
lang => $lang
$nicon = FW_makeImage ($nicon, '');
($scale, $nicon) = __normIconScale ($nicon, $name);
$ret .= qq{<g id="node_$stna" transform="translate(360,165),scale($scale)">}; # translate(X-Koordinate,Y-Koordinate), scale(<Größe>)-> Koordinaten ändern sich bei Größenänderung
$ret .= "<title>$ntxt</title>".$nicon;
$ret .= '</g> ';
delete $paref->{stna};
delete $paref->{pnodesum};
delete $paref->{psorted};
delete $paref->{pdcr};
delete $paref->{pdist};
delete $paref->{x_coord};
delete $paref->{y_coord};
## Consumer Liste und Icons in Grafik anzeigen
@ -14578,37 +14553,40 @@ END3
## Producer Laufketten - in Reihenfolge: zum Grid - zum Knoten - zur Batterie
## Laufkette nur anzeigen wenn Producerzeile angezeigt werden soll
for my $st (sort keys %{$psorted}) {
my $left = $psorted->{$st}{start} * 2; # Übertrag aus Producer Icon Abschnitt
my $count = $psorted->{$st}{count};
my $xchain = $psorted->{$st}{xchain}; # X- Koordinate Kette am Ziel
my $ychain = $psorted->{$st}{ychain}; # Y- Koordinate Kette am Ziel
my $step = $psorted->{$st}{step};
my @sorted = @{$psorted->{$st}{sorted}};
if ($doproducerrow) {
for my $st (sort keys %{$psorted}) {
my $left = $psorted->{$st}{start} * 2; # Übertrag aus Producer Icon Abschnitt
my $count = $psorted->{$st}{count};
my $xchain = $psorted->{$st}{xchain}; # X- Koordinate Kette am Ziel
my $ychain = $psorted->{$st}{ychain}; # Y- Koordinate Kette am Ziel
my $step = $psorted->{$st}{step};
my @sorted = @{$psorted->{$st}{sorted}};
if ($count % 2) {
$xchain = $xchain - ($pdist * ($count -1) / 2);
else {
$xchain = $xchain - ($pdist / 2 * ($count - 1));
my $producer_style;
for my $lfn (@sorted) {
my $pn = $pdcr->{$lfn}{pn};
my $p = $pdcr->{$lfn}{p};
$producer_style = $p > 0 ? "$stna active_normal" : "$stna inactive";
my $chain_color = ''; # Farbe der Laufkette des Producers
if ($p) {
#$chain_color = 'style="stroke: #'.substr(Color::pahColor(0,50,100,$p,[0,255,0, 127,255,0, 255,255,0, 255,127,0, 255,0,0]),0,6).';"';
if ($count % 2) {
$xchain = $xchain - ($pdist * ($count -1) / 2);
else {
$xchain = $xchain - ($pdist / 2 * ($count - 1));
my $producer_style;
for my $lfn (@sorted) {
my $pn = $pdcr->{$lfn}{pn};
my $p = $pdcr->{$lfn}{p};
$producer_style = $p > 0 ? "$stna active_normal" : "$stna inactive";
my $chain_color = ''; # Farbe der Laufkette des Producers
if ($p) {
#$chain_color = 'style="stroke: #'.substr(Color::pahColor(0,50,100,$p,[0,255,0, 127,255,0, 255,255,0, 255,127,0, 255,0,0]),0,6).';"';
$ret .= qq{<path id="genproducer_${pn}_$stna" class="$producer_style" $chain_color d=" M$left,130 L$xchain,$ychain" />};
$left += ($pdist * 2);
$xchain += $step;
$ret .= qq{<path id="genproducer_${pn}_$stna" class="$producer_style" $chain_color d=" M$left,130 L$xchain,$ychain" />};
$left += ($pdist * 2);
$xchain += $step;
@ -14666,35 +14644,38 @@ END3
$ret .= qq{<text class="$stna text" id="dummytxt_$stna" x="1085" y="710" style="text-anchor: start;">$cc_dummy</text>} if ($flowgconX && $flowgconsPower); # Current_Consumption Dummy
## Textangabe Producer - in Reihenfolge: zum Grid - zum Knoten - zur Batterie
for my $st (sort keys %{$psorted}) {
my $left = $psorted->{$st}{start} * 2 - 70; # Übertrag aus Producer Icon Abschnitt, -XX -> Start Lage Producer Beschriftung
my @sorted = @{$psorted->{$st}{sorted}};
for my $lfn (@sorted) {
my $pn = $pdcr->{$lfn}{pn};
$currentPower = $pdcr->{$lfn}{p};
$lcp = length $currentPower;
# Leistungszahl abhängig von der Größe entsprechend auf der x-Achse verschieben
if ($lcp >= 5) {$left -= 10}
elsif ($lcp == 4) {$left += 10}
elsif ($lcp == 3) {$left += 15}
elsif ($lcp == 2) {$left += 20}
elsif ($lcp == 1) {$left += 40}
$ret .= qq{<text class="$stna text" id="producertxt_${pn}_$stna" x="$left" y="100">$currentPower</text>} if($flowgPrdsPower);
# Leistungszahl wieder zurück an den Ursprungspunkt
if ($lcp >= 5) {$left += 10}
elsif ($lcp == 4) {$left -= 10}
elsif ($lcp == 3) {$left -= 15}
elsif ($lcp == 2) {$left -= 20}
elsif ($lcp == 1) {$left -= 40}
## Textangabe nur anzeigen wenn Producerzeile angezeigt werden soll
if ($doproducerrow) {
for my $st (sort keys %{$psorted}) {
my $left = $psorted->{$st}{start} * 2 - 70; # Übertrag aus Producer Icon Abschnitt, -XX -> Start Lage Producer Beschriftung
my @sorted = @{$psorted->{$st}{sorted}};
$left += ($pdist * 2);
for my $lfn (@sorted) {
my $pn = $pdcr->{$lfn}{pn};
$currentPower = $pdcr->{$lfn}{p};
$lcp = length $currentPower;
# Leistungszahl abhängig von der Größe entsprechend auf der x-Achse verschieben
if ($lcp >= 5) {$left -= 10}
elsif ($lcp == 4) {$left += 10}
elsif ($lcp == 3) {$left += 15}
elsif ($lcp == 2) {$left += 20}
elsif ($lcp == 1) {$left += 40}
$ret .= qq{<text class="$stna text" id="producertxt_${pn}_$stna" x="$left" y="100">$currentPower</text>} if($flowgPrdsPower);
# Leistungszahl wieder zurück an den Ursprungspunkt
if ($lcp >= 5) {$left += 10}
elsif ($lcp == 4) {$left -= 10}
elsif ($lcp == 3) {$left -= 15}
elsif ($lcp == 2) {$left -= 20}
elsif ($lcp == 1) {$left -= 40}
$left += ($pdist * 2);
@ -14783,6 +14764,97 @@ sub __sortProducer {
return (\@togrid, \@tonode, \@tobat);
# Producer Icon einfügen
sub __addProducerIcon {
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $lang = $paref->{lang};
my $stna = $paref->{stna};
my $psorted = $paref->{psorted};
my $pdcr = $paref->{pdcr};
my $pdist = $paref->{pdist};
my $y_coord = $paref->{y_coord};
my ($scale, $ret);
for my $st (sort keys %{$psorted}) {
my $left = 0;
my $xicon = $psorted->{$st}{xicon};
my $count = $psorted->{$st}{count};
my @sorted = @{$psorted->{$st}{sorted}};
if ($count % 2) {
$xicon = $xicon - ($pdist * ($count - 1) / 2);
else {
$xicon = $xicon - ($pdist / 2 * ($count - 1));
$psorted->{$st}{start} = $xicon;
$left = $xicon + 5;
for my $lfn (@sorted) {
my $pn = $pdcr->{$lfn}{pn};
my ($picon, $ptxt) = __substituteIcon ( { hash => $hash, # Icon des Producerdevices
name => $name,
pn => $pn,
ptyp => $pdcr->{$lfn}{ptyp},
don => NexthoursVal ($hash, 'NextHour00', 'DoN', 0), # Tag oder Nacht
pcurr => $pdcr->{$lfn}{p},
lang => $lang
$picon = FW_makeImage ($picon, '');
($scale, $picon) = __normIconScale ($picon, $name);
$ret .= qq{<g id="producer_${pn}_$stna" fill="grey" transform="translate($left,$y_coord),scale($scale)">};
$ret .= "<title>$ptxt</title>".$picon;
$ret .= '</g> ';
$left += $pdist;
return $ret;
# Knoten Icon einfügen
sub __addNodeIcon {
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $lang = $paref->{lang};
my $stna = $paref->{stna};
my $pnodesum = $paref->{pnodesum};
my $x_coord = $paref->{x_coord};
my $y_coord = $paref->{y_coord};
my $scale;
my ($nicon, $ntxt) = __substituteIcon ( { hash => $hash,
name => $name,
ptyp => 'node',
pcurr => $pnodesum,
lang => $lang
$nicon = FW_makeImage ($nicon, '');
($scale, $nicon) = __normIconScale ($nicon, $name);
my $ret = qq{<g id="node_$stna" transform="translate($x_coord,$y_coord),scale($scale)">}; # translate(X-Koordinate,Y-Koordinate), scale(<Größe>)-> Koordinaten ändern sich bei Größenänderung
$ret .= "<title>$ntxt</title>".$nicon;
$ret .= '</g> ';
return $ret;
# prüfe ob Icon + Farbe angegeben ist
# und setze ggf. Ersatzwerte
Reference in New Issue
Block a user