From 4d5a400ca119bea8d3de333012adde4fc890d64c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Damian <>
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 17:41:58 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] new svg-uitable functions, new variable
git-svn-id: 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
fhem/FHEM/ | 530 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 525 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/ b/fhem/FHEM/
index a049bd04e..70528af5b 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License655
# along with fhem. If not, see .
@@ -387,6 +387,7 @@ sub parse_tpl
$wcmd =~ s/\$SHOWNOSTATE/\$hash->{$table}{shownostate}/;
$wcmd =~ s/\$SHOWNODEVICELINK/\$hash->{$table}{shownodevicelink}/;
$wcmd =~ s/\$SHOWNODEVICELINE/\$hash->{$table}{shownodeviceline}/;
+ $wcmd =~ s/\$SHOWNOUITABLE/\$hash->{$table}{shownouitable}/;
$hash->{$table}{package} = "" if (!defined ($hash->{$table}{package}));
if ($wcmd=~ /^\s*\{/) { # perl block
my ($beginning,$currentBlock,$err,$tailBlock)=GetBlockDoIf($wcmd,'[\{\}]');
@@ -651,9 +652,8 @@ sub DOIF_detailFn ($$$$) {
my ($FW_wname, $d, $room, $pageHash) = @_; # pageHash is set for summaryFn.
my $hash = $defs{$d};
my $ret = "";
- #Log3 $d,1,"vor DOIF_RegisterEvalAll uiTable";
+ return "" if (defined $hash->{"uiTable"}{shownouitable} and $FW_room =~ /$hash->{"uiTable"}{shownouitable}/);
- #Log3 $d,1,"nach DOIF_RegisterEvalAll";
return $ret;
@@ -3876,7 +3876,7 @@ sub FW_makeImage {
my ($value,$color,$set)=@_;
$color="DarkOrange" if (!defined $color);
$set="set" if (!defined $set);
- return ($value,"","knob,min:17,max:25,width:40,height:35,step:0.5,fgColor:$color,bgcolor:grey,anglearc:270,angleOffset:225,cursor:15,thickness:.3",$set)
+ return ($value,"","knob,min:15,max:27,width:40,height:35,step:0.5,fgColor:$color,bgcolor:grey,anglearc:270,angleOffset:225,cursor:15,thickness:.3",$set)
sub shutter {
@@ -3944,7 +3944,7 @@ sub FW_makeImage {
$pos_left = -3 if (!defined ($pos_left));
$pos_top = -8 if (!defined ($pos_top));
my $pad = (length($text) > 1) ? 2 : 5;
- return '
@@ -3953,7 +3953,527 @@ sub FW_makeImage {
sub hsv {
+ sub temp_hue {
+ #temp->hue
+ #-20->270
+ #-10->240
+ #0 ->180
+ #10 ->120
+ #20 ->60
+ #40 ->0
+ #70 ->340
+ my($temp)=@_;
+ my $hue;
+ if ($temp < -10) {
+ $hue=-3*$temp+210;
+ } elsif ($temp < 20) {
+ $hue=-6*$temp+180;
+ } elsif ($temp < 40) {
+ $hue=-3*$temp+120;
+ } else {
+ $hue = -2/3*$temp+386;
+ }
+ return (int($hue));
+ }
+ sub m_n
+ {
+ my ($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) =@_;
+ my $m=($y2-$y1)/($x2-$x1);
+ my $y=$y1-$m*$x1;
+ return($m,$y);
+ }
+ sub hum_hue {
+ my($hum)=@_;
+ my $hue;
+ my $m;
+ my $n;
+ if ($hum > 60) {
+ ($m,$n)=m_n(60,180,100,260);
+ } elsif ($hum > 40) {
+ ($m,$n)=m_n(40,60,60,180);
+ } else {
+ ($m,$n)=m_n(0,40,40,60);
+ }
+ $hue = $m*$hum+$n;
+ return (int($hue));
+ }
+sub bar
+ my ($value,$min,$max,$header,$minColor,$maxColor,$unit,$bwidth,$bheight,$size,$func,$dec) = @_;
+ my $out;
+ my $trans=0;
+ $bheight=70 if (!defined $bheight);
+ my $height=$bheight-10;
+ if (!defined $header or $header eq "") {
+ $trans = -1;
+ } else {
+ $bwidth= 75 if (!defined $bwidth);
+ $trans = 16;
+ $bheight += 16;
+ }
+ $bwidth=75 if (!defined $bwidth);
+ $min=0 if (!defined $min);
+ $max=100 if (!defined $max);
+ my $format;
+ $dec=1 if (!defined $dec);
+ $format='%1.'.$dec.'f';
+ if (defined $func) {
+ $minColor=&{$func}($min);
+ $maxColor=&{$func}($max);
+ } else {
+ $minColor=120 if (!defined $minColor);
+ $maxColor=0 if (!defined $maxColor);
+ }
+ $max=$value if($value>$max);
+ $min=$value if ($value<$min);
+ $size=100 if (!defined $size);
+ my $prop=($value-$min)/($max-$min);
+ my $val1=$prop*$height;
+ my $y=$height+6.9-$val1;
+ my $currColor;
+ if (defined $func) {
+ $currColor=&{$func}($value);
+ } else {
+ if ($minColor < $maxColor) {
+ $currColor=$prop*($maxColor-$minColor);
+ } else {
+ $currColor=(1-$prop)*($minColor-$maxColor);
+ }
+ }
+ $out.= sprintf ('';
+return ($out);
+sub temp_bar {
+ my ($value,$min,$max,$header,$width,$height,$size) = @_;
+ $min=-20 if (!defined $min or $min eq "");
+ $max=60 if (!defined $max or $max eq "");
+ return(bar($value,$min,$max,$header,undef,undef,"°C",$width,$height,$size,\&temp_hue,1));
+sub polarToCartesian {
+ my ($centerX,$centerY,$radius,$angleInDegrees)=@_;
+ my $angleInRadians = ($angleInDegrees-230) * ::pi() / 180.0;
+ my $x= $centerX + ($radius * cos($angleInRadians));
+ my $y= $centerY + ($radius * sin($angleInRadians));
+ return($x,$y);
+sub describeArc {
+ my ($x, $y, $radius, $startAngle, $endAngle)=@_;
+ my ($start_x,$start_y) = polarToCartesian($x, $y, $radius, $endAngle);
+ my ($end_x,$end_y) = polarToCartesian($x, $y, $radius, $startAngle);
+ my $largeArcFlag = $endAngle - $startAngle <= 180 ? "0" : "1";
+ return ('');
+sub color {
+ my ($hue)=@_;
+ if (substr($hue,0,1) eq "#") {
+ return ($hue);
+ }
+ my $l;
+ if ($hue>180 and $hue<290) {
+ $l=65;
+ } else {
+ $l=50;
+ }
+ return ("hsl($hue,100%,".$l."%)");
+sub temp_ring {
+ my ($value,$min,$max,$size) = @_;
+ $min=-20 if (!defined $min);
+ $max=60 if (!defined $max);
+ $size=80 if (!defined $size);
+ return(ring($value,$min,$max,undef,undef,"°C",$size,\&temp_hue,1));
+sub hum_ring {
+ my ($value,$size) = @_;
+ $size=80 if (!defined $size);
+ return(ring($value,0,100,undef,undef,"%",$size,\&hum_hue,0));
+sub temp_hum_ring {
+ my ($value,$value2,$min,$max,$size) = @_;
+ $min=-20 if (!defined $min);
+ $max=60 if (!defined $max);
+ $size=90 if (!defined $size);
+ return(ring2($value,$min,$max,undef,undef,"°C",$size,\&temp_hue,1,$value2,0,100,0,0,"%",\&hum_hue,0));
+sub ring
+ my ($value,$min,$max,$minColor,$maxColor,$unit,$size,$func,$dec) = @_;
+ my $out;
+ $min=0 if (!defined $min);
+ $max=100 if (!defined $max);
+ my $format;
+ $dec=1 if (!defined $dec);
+ $format='%1.'.$dec.'f';
+ if (defined $func) {
+ $minColor=&{$func}($min);
+ $maxColor=&{$func}($max);
+ } else {
+ $minColor=120 if (!defined $minColor);
+ $maxColor=0 if (!defined $maxColor);
+ }
+ $max=$value if($value>$max);
+ $min=$value if ($value<$min);
+ $size=100 if (!defined $size);
+ my $prop=($value-$min)/($max-$min);
+ my ($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2);
+ ($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2)=($prop*100,0,0,(1-$prop)*100);
+ my $val1=int($prop*100)+20;
+ my $y=125-$val1;
+ my $currColor;
+ if (defined $func) {
+ $currColor=&{$func}($value);
+ } else {
+ if ($minColor < $maxColor) {
+ $currColor=$prop*($maxColor-$minColor);
+ } else {
+ $currColor=(1-$prop)*($minColor-$maxColor);
+ }
+ }
+ $out.= sprintf('';
+ return ($out);
+sub ring2
+ my ($value,$min,$max,$minColor,$maxColor,$unit,$size,$func,$dec,$value2,$min2,$max2,$minColor2,$maxColor2,$unit2,$func2,$dec2) = @_;
+ my $out;
+ $min=0 if (!defined $min);
+ $max=100 if (!defined $max);
+ my $format;
+ $dec=1 if (!defined $dec);
+ $format='%1.'.$dec.'f';
+ if (defined $func) {
+ $minColor=&{$func}($min);
+ $maxColor=&{$func}($max);
+ } else {
+ $minColor=120 if (!defined $minColor);
+ $maxColor=0 if (!defined $maxColor);
+ }
+ $max=$value if($value>$max);
+ $min=$value if ($value<$min);
+ $size=100 if (!defined $size);
+ my $prop=($value-$min)/($max-$min);
+ my ($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2)=($prop*100,0,0,(1-$prop)*100);
+ my $val1=int($prop*100)+20;
+ my $y=125-$val1;
+ my $currColor;
+ if (defined $func) {
+ $currColor=&{$func}($value);
+ } else {
+ if ($minColor < $maxColor) {
+ $currColor=$prop*($maxColor-$minColor);
+ } else {
+ $currColor=(1-$prop)*($minColor-$maxColor);
+ }
+ }
+ $min2=0 if (!defined $min2);
+ $max2=100 if (!defined $max2);
+ my $format2;
+ $dec2=1 if (!defined $dec2);
+ $format2='%1.'.$dec2.'f';
+ if (defined $func2) {
+ $minColor2=&{$func2}($min2);
+ $maxColor2=&{$func2}($max2);
+ } else {
+ $minColor2=120 if (!defined $minColor2);
+ $maxColor2=0 if (!defined $maxColor2);
+ }
+ $max2=$value2 if($value2>$max2);
+ $min2=$value2 if ($value2<$min2);
+ my $prop2=($value2-$min2)/($max2-$min2);
+ my ($x12,$y12,$x22,$y22);
+ ($x12,$y12,$x22,$y22)=($prop2*100,0,0,(1-$prop2)*100);
+ my $val12=int($prop2*100)+20;
+ $y2=125-$val12;
+ my $currColor2;
+ if (defined $func2) {
+ $currColor2=&{$func2}($value2);
+ } else {
+ if ($minColor2 < $maxColor2) {
+ $currColor2=$prop2*($maxColor2-$minColor2);
+ } else {
+ $currColor2=(1-$prop2)*($minColor2-$maxColor2);
+ }
+ }
+ $out.= sprintf('';
+ return ($out);
+sub y_h
+ my ($value,$min,$max,$height) = @_;
+ if ($value > $max) {
+ $value=$max;
+ } elsif ($value < $min) {
+ $value=$min;
+ }
+ if ($min > 0 and $max > 0) {
+ $max-=$min;
+ $value-=$min;
+ $min=0;
+ } elsif ($min < 0 and $max < 0) {
+ $min-=$max;
+ $value-=$max;
+ $max=0;
+ }
+ my $prop=$value/($max-$min);
+ my $h=abs($prop*($height))+4.3;
+ my $y;
+ my $null;
+ $null=$max/($max-$min)*$height;
+ if ($value <= 0) {
+ $y=$null;
+ } else {
+ $y=$null+4.3-$h;
+ }
+ $null=undef if ($max == 0 or $min == 0);
+ return ($y,$h,$null);
+sub cylinder
+ my ($header,$min,$max,$unit,$bwidth,$height,$size,$dec,@values) = @_;
+ my $out;
+ my $ybegin;
+ my $bheight;
+ my $trans=0;
+ $size=100 if (!defined $size or $size eq "");
+ $dec=1 if (!defined $dec);
+ my $format='%1.'.$dec.'f';
+ $height=12+@values*12 if (!defined $height or $height eq "");
+ if (!defined $header or $header eq "") {
+ $trans=5;
+ $bheight=$height-26;
+ } else {
+ $trans=21;
+ $bheight=$height-10;
+ }
+ my $width=30;
+ if (!defined $bwidth or $bwidth eq "") {
+ my $lenmax=0;
+ for (my $i=0;$i<@values;$i+=3){
+ $lenmax=length($values[$i+2]) if (length($values[$i+2]) > $lenmax);
+ }
+ $bwidth=90+$lenmax*4.3;
+ }
+ my ($y,$val1,$null);
+ $out.= sprintf ('';
+ return ($out);