mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 09:16:53 +00:00
93_DbRep: contrib v 8.42.8
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@24764 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -973,22 +973,30 @@ sub DbRep_Get {
ReadingsSingleUpdateValue ($hash, "state", "running", 1);
DbRep_delread($hash); # Readings löschen die nicht in der Ausnahmeliste (Attr readingPreventFromDel) stehen
$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("dbmeta_DoParse", "$name|$opt", "dbmeta_ParseDone", $to, "DbRep_ParseAborted", $hash);
} elsif ($opt eq "svrinfo") {
if($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}) {
$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{loglevel} = 5; # Forum #77057
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - start BlockingCall with PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
elsif ($opt eq "svrinfo") {
return "Dump is running - try again later !" if($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_BACKUP_CLIENT});
$hash->{LASTCMD} = $prop?"$opt $prop":"$opt";
ReadingsSingleUpdateValue ($hash, "state", "running", 1);
$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("dbmeta_DoParse", "$name|$opt", "dbmeta_ParseDone", $to, "DbRep_ParseAborted", $hash);
} elsif ($opt eq "blockinginfo") {
if($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}) {
$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{loglevel} = 5; # Forum #77057
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - start BlockingCall with PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
elsif ($opt eq "blockinginfo") {
return "Dump is running - try again later !" if($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_BACKUP_CLIENT});
$hash->{LASTCMD} = $prop?"$opt $prop":"$opt";
$hash->{LASTCMD} = $prop ? "$opt $prop" : "$opt";
ReadingsSingleUpdateValue ($hash, "state", "running", 1);
} elsif ($opt eq "minTimestamp") {
elsif ($opt eq "minTimestamp") {
return "Dump is running - try again later !" if($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_BACKUP_CLIENT});
$hash->{LASTCMD} = $prop?"$opt $prop":"$opt";
@ -996,8 +1004,8 @@ sub DbRep_Get {
$hash->{HELPER}{IDRETRIES} = 3; # Anzahl wie oft versucht wird initiale Daten zu holen
$prop = $prop?$prop:'';
} elsif ($opt =~ /sqlCmdBlocking|dbValue/) {
elsif ($opt =~ /sqlCmdBlocking|dbValue/) {
return qq{get "$opt" needs at least an argument} if ( @a < 3 );
if($opt eq "dbValue") {
@ -1018,17 +1026,19 @@ sub DbRep_Get {
ReadingsSingleUpdateValue ($hash, "state", "running", 1);
return DbRep_sqlCmdBlocking($name,$sqlcmd);
} elsif ($opt eq "storedCredentials") {
elsif ($opt eq "storedCredentials") {
# Credentials abrufen
my $atxt;
my $username = $defs{$defs{$name}->{HELPER}{DBLOGDEVICE}}->{dbuser};
my $dblogname = $defs{$defs{$name}->{HELPER}{DBLOGDEVICE}}->{NAME};
my $password = $attr{"sec$dblogname"}{secret};
my ($success,$admusername,$admpassword) = DbRep_getcredentials($hash,"adminCredentials");
if($success) {
$atxt = "Username: $admusername, Password: $admpassword\n";
} else {
else {
$atxt = "Credentials of $name couldn't be read. Make sure you've set it with \"set $name adminCredentials username password\" (only valid for DbRep device type \"Client\")";
@ -1043,7 +1053,8 @@ sub DbRep_Get {
} elsif ($opt =~ /versionNotes/) {
elsif ($opt =~ /versionNotes/) {
my $header = "<b>Module release information</b><br>";
my $header1 = "<b>Helpful hints</b><br>";
my %hs;
@ -1118,8 +1129,8 @@ sub DbRep_Get {
$ret .= "</html>";
return $ret;
} else {
else {
return "$getlist";
@ -1612,9 +1623,9 @@ sub DbRep_firstconnect {
$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("DbRep_getInitData", "$name|$opt|$prop|$fret", "DbRep_getInitDataDone", $to, "DbRep_getInitDataAborted", $hash);
if($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}) { # Forum #77057
$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{loglevel} = 5;
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - start getInitData with PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
if($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}) {
$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{loglevel} = 5; # Forum #77057
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - start BlockingCall with PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
else {
@ -1640,7 +1651,7 @@ sub DbRep_getInitData {
my $dbpassword = $attr{"sec$dblogname"}{secret};
my $mintsdef = "1970-01-01 01:00:00";
my $idxstate = "";
my ($dbh,$sth,$sql,$err,$mints);
my ($dbh,$sth,$sql,$err);
# Background-Startzeit
my $bst = [gettimeofday];
@ -1655,6 +1666,7 @@ sub DbRep_getInitData {
my $st = [gettimeofday];
# ältesten Datensatz der DB ermitteln
my $mints = qq{};
eval { $mints = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT min(TIMESTAMP) FROM history;"); };
# Report_Idx Status ermitteln
@ -1672,12 +1684,14 @@ sub DbRep_getInitData {
if($@) {
$idxstate = "state of Index $idx can't be determined !";
Log3($name, 2, "DbRep $name - WARNING - $idxstate");
} else {
else {
if($hash->{LASTCMD} ne "minTimestamp") {
if($ava) {
$idxstate = "Index $idx exists";
Log3($name, 3, "DbRep $name - $idxstate. Check ok");
} else {
else {
$idxstate = "Index $idx doesn't exist. Please create the index by \"set $name index recreate_Report_Idx\" command !";
Log3($name, 3, "DbRep $name - WARNING - $idxstate");
@ -1690,21 +1704,22 @@ sub DbRep_getInitData {
eval {$sth = $dbh->prepare("SHOW GRANTS FOR CURRENT_USER();"); $sth->execute();};
if($@) {
Log3($name, 2, "DbRep $name - WARNING - user rights couldn't be determined: ".$@);
} else {
else {
my $row = "";
while (my @line = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
foreach (@line) {
next if($_!~/(\s+ON \*\.\*\s+|\s+ON `$database`)/ );
for my $l (@line) {
next if($l !~ /(\s+ON \*\.\*\s+|\s+ON `$database`)/ );
$row .= "," if($row);
$row .= (split(" ON ",(split("GRANT ",$_,2))[1],2))[0];
$row .= (split(" ON ",(split("GRANT ", $l, 2))[1], 2))[0];
my %seen = ();
my @g = split(/,(\s?)/,$row);
foreach (@g) {
next if(!$_ || $_=~/^\s+$/);
my @g = split(/,(\s?)/, $row);
for my $e (@g) {
next if(!$e || $e =~ /^\s+$/);
@uniq = keys %seen;
$grants = join(",",@uniq);
@ -1717,18 +1732,24 @@ sub DbRep_getInitData {
# SQL-Laufzeit ermitteln
my $rt = tv_interval($st);
$mints = $mints?encode_base64($mints,""):encode_base64($mintsdef,"");
$idxstate = encode_base64($idxstate,"");
$grants = encode_base64($grants,"") if($grants);
Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name - minimum timestamp found in database: $mints");
$mints = $mints ? encode_base64($mints, "") : encode_base64($mintsdef, "");
$idxstate = encode_base64($idxstate, "");
$grants = encode_base64($grants, "") if($grants);
# Background-Laufzeit ermitteln
my $brt = tv_interval($bst);
$rt = $rt.",".$brt;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
Log3 ($name, 3, "DbRep $name - Initial data information retrieved successfully - total time used: ".sprintf("%.4f",$brt)." seconds");
return "$name|$mints|$rt|0|$opt|$prop|$fret|$idxstate|$grants";
no warnings 'uninitialized';
my $ret = "$name|$mints|$rt|0|$opt|$prop|$fret|$idxstate|$grants";
Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name - return summary string: $ret");
return $ret;
@ -1753,10 +1774,6 @@ sub DbRep_getInitDataDone {
my $dbloghash = $defs{$hash->{HELPER}{DBLOGDEVICE}};
my $dbconn = $dbloghash->{dbconn};
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - getInitData finished PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
if ($err) {
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
ReadingsBulkUpdateValue ($hash, "errortext", $err);
@ -1766,8 +1783,10 @@ sub DbRep_getInitDataDone {
Log3 ($name, 2, "DbRep $name - DB connect failed. Make sure credentials of database $hash->{DATABASE} are valid and database is reachable.");
else {
Log3 ($name, 3, "DbRep $name - Initial data information retrieved - total time used: ".sprintf("%.4f",$brt)." seconds");
my $state = ($hash->{LASTCMD} eq "minTimestamp")?"done":"connected";
$state = "invalid timestamp \"$mints\" found in database - please delete it" if($mints =~ /^0000-00-00.*$/);
$state = qq{invalid timestamp "$mints" found in database - please delete it} if($mints =~ /^0000-00-00.*$/);
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
ReadingsBulkUpdateValue ($hash, "timestamp_oldest_dataset", $mints) if($hash->{LASTCMD} eq "minTimestamp");
@ -1781,6 +1800,10 @@ sub DbRep_getInitDataDone {
$hash->{HELPER}{GRANTS} = $grants if($grants);
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - getInitData finished PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
return if(!$fret);
return &$fret($hash,$opt,$prop);
@ -1790,10 +1813,9 @@ return &$fret($hash,$opt,$prop);
sub DbRep_getInitDataAborted {
my $hash = shift;
my $cause = shift;
my $cause = shift // "Timeout: process terminated";
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$cause //= "Timeout: process terminated";
Log3 ($name, 1, "DbRep $name -> BlockingCall $hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{fn} pid:$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid} $cause");
@ -2154,7 +2176,10 @@ sub DbRep_Main {
$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{loglevel} = 5 if($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}); # Forum #77057
if($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}) {
$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{loglevel} = 5; # Forum #77057
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - start BlockingCall with PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
@ -3192,6 +3217,8 @@ sub averval_ParseDone {
my $reading_runtime_string;
my $erread;
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - BlockingCall finished PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
# Befehl nach Procedure ausführen
@ -3403,6 +3430,8 @@ sub count_ParseDone {
my $table = $a[5];
my $reading_runtime_string;
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - BlockingCall finished PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
if ($err) {
@ -3647,11 +3676,13 @@ sub maxval_ParseDone {
$reading =~ s/[^A-Za-z\/\d_\.-]/\//g;
my $bt = $a[4];
my ($rt,$brt) = split(",", $bt);
my $err = $a[5]?decode_base64($a[5]):undef;
my $err = $a[5] ? decode_base64($a[5]) : undef;
my $irowdone = $a[6];
my $reading_runtime_string;
my $erread;
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - BlockingCall finished PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
# Befehl nach Procedure ausführen
@ -3903,6 +3934,8 @@ sub minval_ParseDone {
my $reading_runtime_string;
my $erread;
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - BlockingCall finished PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
# Befehl nach Procedure ausführen
@ -4246,6 +4279,8 @@ sub diffval_ParseDone {
my $difflimit = AttrVal($name, "diffAccept", "20"); # legt fest, bis zu welchem Wert Differenzen akzeptoert werden (Ausreißer eliminieren)AttrVal($name, "diffAccept", "20");
my $erread;
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - BlockingCall finished PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
# Befehl nach Procedure ausführen
@ -4453,6 +4488,8 @@ sub sumval_ParseDone {
my ($reading_runtime_string,$erread);
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - BlockingCall finished PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
$erread = DbRep_afterproc($hash, "$hash->{LASTCMD}"); # Befehl nach Procedure ausführen
@ -4586,6 +4623,8 @@ sub del_ParseDone {
$reading =~ s/[^A-Za-z\/\d_\.-]/\//g;
my $erread;
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - BlockingCall finished PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
# Befehl nach Procedure ausführen
@ -4736,6 +4775,8 @@ sub insert_Done {
my $i_value = delete $hash->{HELPER}{I_VALUE};
my $i_unit = delete $hash->{HELPER}{I_UNIT};
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - BlockingCall finished PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
if ($err) {
@ -4887,6 +4928,8 @@ sub currentfillup_Done {
undef $device if ($device =~ m(^%$));
undef $reading if ($reading =~ m(^%$));
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - BlockingCall finished PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
if ($err) {
@ -5212,6 +5255,8 @@ sub change_Done {
my $renmode = delete $hash->{HELPER}{RENMODE};
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - BlockingCall finished PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
# Befehl nach Procedure ausführen
@ -5368,6 +5413,8 @@ sub fetchrows_ParseDone {
my @row;
my $reading_runtime_string;
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - BlockingCall finished PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
if ($err) {
@ -5861,6 +5908,8 @@ sub delseqdoubl_ParseDone {
my $reading_runtime_string;
my $erread;
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - BlockingCall finished PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
if ($err) {
@ -6074,6 +6123,8 @@ sub expfile_ParseDone {
my $outfile = $a[6];
my $erread;
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - BlockingCall finished PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
# Befehl nach Procedure ausführen
@ -6273,6 +6324,8 @@ sub impfile_PushDone {
my $infile = $a[4];
my $erread;
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - BlockingCall finished PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
# Befehl nach Procedure ausführen
@ -6536,6 +6589,8 @@ sub sqlCmd_ParseDone {
my $srs = AttrVal($name, "sqlResultFieldSep", "|");
my $erread;
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - BlockingCall finished PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
# Befehl nach Procedure ausführen
@ -6861,6 +6916,8 @@ sub dbmeta_ParseDone {
my ($rt,$brt) = split(",", $bt);
my $err = $a[4]?decode_base64($a[4]):undef;
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - BlockingCall finished PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
if ($err) {
@ -8832,6 +8889,8 @@ sub DbRep_syncStandbyDone {
my $err = $a[3]?decode_base64($a[3]):undef;
my $erread;
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - BlockingCall finished PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
# Befehl nach Procedure ausführen
@ -9334,6 +9393,8 @@ sub DbRep_ParseAborted {
my $dbh = $hash->{DBH};
my $erread = "";
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{DbRep $name - BlockingCall finished PID "$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}"});
$cause = $cause?$cause:"Timeout: process terminated";
@ -10156,12 +10217,12 @@ sub DbRep_getblockinginfo {
foreach my $k (@allk) {
Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name -> $k : ".$h->{$k});
my $fn = (ref($h->{fn}) ? ref($h->{fn}) : $h->{fn});
my $arg = (ref($h->{arg}) ? ref($h->{arg}) : $h->{arg});
my $fn = ref($h->{fn}) ? ref($h->{fn}) : $h->{fn};
my $arg = ref($h->{arg}) ? ref($h->{arg}) : $h->{arg};
my $arg1 = substr($arg,0,$len);
$arg1 = $arg1."..." if(length($arg) > $len+1);
my $to = ($h->{timeout} ? $h->{timeout} : "N/A");
my $conn = ($h->{telnet} ? $h->{telnet} : "N/A");
my $to = $h->{timeout} ? $h->{timeout} : "N/A";
my $conn = $h->{telnet} ? $h->{telnet} : "N/A";
push @rows, "$h->{pid}|ESCAPED|$fn|ESCAPED|$arg1|ESCAPED|$to|ESCAPED|$conn";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user