From 48f9763cf417183e93c86cc572d35e3d59baa300 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Byte09 <>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2020 17:08:11 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] MSwitch_Web.js:initial commit - preparatory for module
 version 3.1

git-svn-id: 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
 fhem/www/pgm2/MSwitch_Web.js | 233 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 233 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 fhem/www/pgm2/MSwitch_Web.js

diff --git a/fhem/www/pgm2/MSwitch_Web.js b/fhem/www/pgm2/MSwitch_Web.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5cfe794f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fhem/www/pgm2/MSwitch_Web.js
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+// MSwitch_Web.js
+// Autor:Byte09
+// #########################
+	var version = '0';
+	var info = '';
+	var debug ='on';
+function teststart(){
+if (debug == 'on'){ alert(devicename+' Debug MSwitchweb an') };
+	return;
+// Fenster für Schaltbedingungen	
+function bigwindow(targetid){
+if (debug == 'on'){ alert('bigwindow') };
+	targetval =document.getElementById(targetid).value;
+	sel ='<div style="white-space:nowrap;"><br>';
+	sel = sel+'<textarea id="valtrans" cols="80" name="TextArea1" rows="10" onChange=" document.getElementById(\''+targetid+'\').value=this.value; ">'+targetval+'</textarea>';
+	sel = sel+'</div>';
+	FW_okDialog(sel,''); 
+	}	
+// Deviceauswahl
+function  deviceselect(){
+if (debug == 'on'){ alert('deviceselect') };
+	sel ='<div style="white-space:nowrap;"><br>';
+	var ausw=document.getElementById('devices');
+	for (i=0; i<ausw.options.length; i++)
+		{
+		var pos=ausw.options[i];
+			if(pos.selected)
+			{
+			sel = sel+'<input id ="Checkbox-'+i+'" checked="checked" name="Checkbox-'+i+'" type="checkbox" value="test" /> '+pos.value+'<br />';
+			}
+			else 
+			{
+			sel = sel+'<input id ="Checkbox-'+i+'" name="Checkbox-'+i+'" type="checkbox" /> '+pos.value+'<br />';
+			}
+		} 
+	sel = sel+'</div>';
+	FW_okDialog(sel,'',removeFn) ; 
+	}
+// lösche log
+function deletelog() {
+if (debug == 'on'){ alert('deletelog') };
+	anzahl =document.getElementById('dellog').value;
+	arg ='';
+	for (i = 1; i <  anzahl; i++) {
+	test = document.getElementById('Checkbox-' + i).checked;
+	if (document.getElementById('Checkbox-' + i).checked)
+	{
+	arg=arg+i+',';
+	}
+	}
+	conf=arg;
+	var nm = $(t).attr("nm");
+	var  def = nm+" deletesinglelog "+encodeURIComponent(conf);
+	location = location.pathname+"?detail="+devicename+"&cmd=set "+addcsrf(def);
+	return;
+	}
+// unbekannt
+function removeFn() {
+if (debug == 'on'){ alert('removefn') };
+    var targ = document.getElementById('devices');
+    for (i = 0; i < targ.options.length; i++)
+		{
+		test = document.getElementById('Checkbox-' + i).checked;
+		targ.options[i].selected = false;
+		if (test)
+			{
+			targ.options[i].selected = true;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+// reset device	
+function reset() {
+if (debug == 'on'){ alert('reset') };
+	var nm = $(t).attr("nm");
+	var  def = nm+" reset_device checked";
+	location = location.pathname+"?detail="+devicename+"&cmd=set "+addcsrf(def);
+	return;
+	}	
+// events from monitor to edit
+function transferevent(){
+if (debug == 'on'){ alert('transferevent') };
+		var values = $('#lf').val();
+		if (values){
+		var string = values.join(',');
+		document.getElementById('add_event').value = string;
+		}
+	}
+// Sortierung ändern
+function changesort(){
+if (debug == 'on'){ alert('changesort') };
+	sortby = $("[name=sort]").val();
+	var nm = $(t).attr("nm");
+	var  def = nm+" sort_device "+sortby;
+	location = location.pathname+"?detail="+devicename+"&cmd=set "+addcsrf(def);
+	}
+// device zufügen
+function addevice(device){
+if (debug == 'on'){ alert('adddevice') };
+	var nm = $(t).attr("nm");
+	var  def = nm+" add_device "+device;
+	location = location.pathname+"?detail="+devicename+"&cmd=set "+addcsrf(def);
+	}
+// device löschen
+function deletedevice(device){
+if (debug == 'on'){ alert('deletedevice') };
+	var nm = $(t).attr("nm");
+	var  def = nm+" del_device "+device;
+	location = location.pathname+"?detail="+devicename+"&cmd=set "+addcsrf(def);
+	}
+// clickfunktions
+	//delete trigger
+	$("#aw_md2").click(function(){
+	if (debug == 'on'){ alert('#aw_md2') };
+	var nm = $(t).attr("nm");
+	var  def = nm+" del_trigger ";
+	location = location.pathname+"?detail="+devicename+"&cmd=set "+addcsrf(def);
+	});
+	//delete svedcmds
+	$("#del_savecmd").click(function(){
+	if (debug == 'on'){ alert('#del_savecmd') };
+	var nm = $(t).attr("nm");
+	var  def = nm+" delcmds ";
+	location = location.pathname+"?detail="+devicename+"&cmd=set "+addcsrf(def);
+	});	
+// unbekannt
+	$("#aw_dev").click(function(){
+	if (debug == 'on'){ alert('#aw_dev') };
+	var nm = $(t).attr("nm");
+	devices = $("[name=affected_devices]").val();
+	var  def = nm+" devices "+devices+" ";
+	location = location.pathname+"?detail="+devicename+"&cmd=set "+addcsrf(def);
+	});
+	$("#aw_show").click(function(){
+	if (debug == 'on'){ alert('#aw_show') };
+	$("[name=noshow]").css("display","block");
+	$("[name=noshowtask]").css("display","none");
+	});
+	$("#aw_addevent").click(function(){
+	if (debug == 'on'){ alert('#aw_addevent') };
+	var nm = $(t).attr("nm");
+	event = $("[name=add_event]").val();
+	event= event.replace(/ /g,'[sp]');
+	event= event.replace(/\\|/g,'[bs]');
+	if (event == '')
+		{
+		return;
+		}	  
+	var  def = nm+" addevent "+event+" ";
+	location = location.pathname+"?detail="+devicename+"&cmd=set "+addcsrf(def);
+	});
+//aplly filter to trigger
+	$("#aw_md1").click(function(){
+	if (debug == 'on'){ alert('#aw_md1') };	
+	var nm = $(t).attr("nm");
+	var  def = nm+" filter_trigger ";
+	location = location.pathname+"?detail="+devicename+"&cmd=set "+addcsrf(def);
+	});
+	$("#aw_trig").click(function(){
+	if (debug == 'on'){ alert('#aw_trig') };	
+	var nm = $(t).attr("nm");
+	trigdev = $("[name=trigdev]").val();
+	timeon =  $("[name=timeon]").val();
+	timeoff =  $("[name=timeoff]").val();
+	timeononly =  $("[name=timeononly]").val();
+	timeoffonly =  $("[name=timeoffonly]").val();
+	if(typeof(timeoffonly)=="undefined"){timeoffonly=""}
+	timeonoffonly =  $("[name=timeonoffonly]").val();
+	if(typeof(timeonoffonly)=="undefined"){timeonoffonly=""}
+	trigdevcond = $("[name=triggercondition]").val();
+	trigdevcond = trigdevcond.replace(/\\./g,'#[pt]');
+	trigdevcond = trigdevcond.replace(/:/g,'#[dp]');
+	trigdevcond= trigdevcond.replace(/~/g,'#[ti]');
+	trigdevcond = trigdevcond.replace(/ /g,'#[sp]');
+	trigdevcond = trigdevcond+':';
+	timeon = timeon.replace(/ /g, '');
+	timeoff = timeoff.replace(/ /g, '');
+	timeononly = timeononly.replace(/ /g, '');
+	timeoffonly = timeoffonly.replace(/ /g, '');
+	timeonoffonly = timeonoffonly.replace(/ /g, '');
+	timeon = timeon.replace(/:/g, '#[dp]');
+	timeoff = timeoff.replace(/:/g, '#[dp]');
+	timeononly = timeononly.replace(/:/g, '#[dp]');
+	timeoffonly = timeoffonly.replace(/:/g, '#[dp]');
+	timeonoffonly = timeonoffonly.replace(/:/g, '#[dp]');
+	timeon = timeon+':';
+	timeoff = timeoff+':';
+	timeononly = timeononly+':';
+	timeoffonly = timeoffonly+':';
+	timeonoffonly = timeonoffonly+':';
+	trigwhite = $("[name=triggerwhitelist]").val();
+	var  def = nm+" set_trigger  "+trigdev+" "+timeon+" "+timeoff+" "+timeononly+" "+timeoffonly+" "+timeonoffonly+" "+trigdevcond+" "+trigwhite+" " ;
+	def =  encodeURIComponent(def);
+	location = location.pathname+"?detail="+devicename+"&cmd=set "+addcsrf(def);
+	});