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synced 2025-03-13 23:36:37 +00:00
76_SolarForecast: consumer key surpmeth - various surplus variants
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@29451 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it
- feature: 76_SolarForecast: consumer key surpmeth - various surplus variants
- change: 76_SolarForecast: improve Bat careSoC management when dark doldrums
- change: 76_SolarForecast: prepare for further development
- bugfix: 88_HMCCU: Fixed Winmatic lock command
@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"1.40.0" => "21.12.2024 new consumer key 'surpmeth' to calculate surplus in various variants for cunsumer switching ",
"1.39.8" => "21.12.2024 prepare of new consumer key 'surpmeth', _batSocTarget: improve care SoC management when dark doldrums ",
"1.39.7" => "18.12.2024 ConsumptionRecommended calc method medianArray, change local owndata to global data ",
"1.39.6" => "17.12.2024 replace global data-store by local owndata-store, remove sub _composeRemoteObj, delHashRefDeep removed ".
@ -337,19 +338,6 @@ my %vNotesIntern = (
"1.10.0" => "24.01.2024 consumerXX: notbefore, notafter format extended to hh[:mm], new sub checkCode, checkhhmm ",
"1.9.0" => "23.01.2024 modify disable, add operationMode: active/inactive ",
"1.8.0" => "22.01.2024 add 'noLearning' Option to Setter pvCorrectionFactor_Auto ",
"1.7.1" => "20.01.2024 optimize battery management ",
"1.7.0" => "18.01.2024 Changeover Start centralTask completely to runTask, ".
"aiAddRawData: Weekday from pvHistory not taken into account greater than current day ".
"__reviewSwitchTime: new function for review consumer planning state ".
"___switchonTimelimits: The current time is taken into account during planning ".
"take info-tag into consumerxx Reading ".
"fix deletion of currentBatteryDev, currentInverterDev, currentMeterDev ",
"1.6.5" => "10.01.2024 new function runTask in ReadyFn to run centralTask definitely at end/begin of an hour ",
"1.6.4" => "09.01.2024 fix get Automatic State, use key switchdev for auto-Reading if switchdev is set in consumer attr ",
"1.6.3" => "08.01.2024 optimize battery management once more ",
"1.6.2" => "07.01.2024 optimize battery management ",
"1.6.1" => "04.01.2024 new sub __setPhysLogSwState, edit ___setConsumerPlanningState, boost performance of _collectAllRegConsumers ".
"CurrentVal ctrunning - Central Task running Statusbit, edit comref ",
"0.1.0" => "09.12.2020 initial Version "
@ -5451,8 +5439,8 @@ sub _attrconsumer { ## no critic "not used"
return "The reading '$rd' of device '$dv' is invalid or doesn't contain a valid numeric value";
elsif ($h->{surpmeth} !~ /^[1-9]$|^1[0-9]$|^20$|^median$/xs) {
return qq{The surpmeth "$h->{surpmeth}" is wrong. It must contain a '<device>:<reading>', 'median' or integer value '1 .. 20'.};
elsif ($h->{surpmeth} !~ /^[2-9]$|^1[0-9]$|^20$|^median$|^default$/xs) {
return qq{The surpmeth "$h->{surpmeth}" is wrong. It must contain a '<device>:<reading>', 'median', 'default' or an integer value of '2 .. 20'.};
@ -7674,7 +7662,7 @@ sub _collectAllRegConsumers {
$data{$name}{consumers}{$c}{asynchron} = $asynchron // 0; # Arbeitsweise FHEM Consumer Device
$data{$name}{consumers}{$c}{noshow} = $noshow // 0; # ausblenden in Grafik
$data{$name}{consumers}{$c}{exconfc} = $exconfc // 0; # Verbrauch von Erstelleung der Verbrauchsprognose ausschließen
$data{$name}{consumers}{$c}{surpmeth} = $hc->{surpmeth} // 1; # Ermittlungsmethode des PV-Überschusses, default=1 -> direkte Messung
$data{$name}{consumers}{$c}{surpmeth} = $hc->{surpmeth} // 'default'; # Ermittlungsmethode des PV-Überschusses, default -> direkte Messung
$data{$name}{consumers}{$c}{locktime} = $clt // '0:0'; # Sperrzeit im Automatikmodus ('offlt:onlt')
$data{$name}{consumers}{$c}{onreg} = $onreg // 'on'; # Regex für 'ein'
$data{$name}{consumers}{$c}{offreg} = $offreg // 'off'; # Regex für 'aus'
@ -9455,8 +9443,8 @@ sub _batSocTarget {
## Aufladewahrscheinlichkeit beachten
my $csopt = ReadingsNum ($name, 'Battery_OptimumTargetSoC', $lowSoc); # aktuelles SoC Optimum
my $cantarget = sprintf "%.0f", (100 - (100 / $batinstcap * $pvexpect)); # berechneter max. möglicher SOC nach Berücksichtigung Ladewahrscheinlichkeit
my $newtarget = sprintf "%.0f", ($cantarget < $target ? $cantarget : $target); # Abgleich möglicher Min SOC gg. berechneten Min SOC
my $cantarget = sprintf "%.0f", (100 - (100 / $batinstcap) * $pvexpect); # berechneter max. möglicher Minimum-SOC nach Berücksichtigung Ladewahrscheinlichkeit
my $newtarget = sprintf "%.0f", ($cantarget < $target ? $cantarget : $target); # Abgleich möglicher Minimum-SOC gg. berechneten Minimum-SOC
debugLog ($paref, 'batteryManagement', "SoC calc Step3 - basics -> cantarget: $cantarget %, newtarget: $newtarget %");
@ -9589,8 +9577,8 @@ sub _batChargeRecmd {
for my $in (1..$maxinverter) {
$in = sprintf "%02d", $in;
my $feed = InverterVal ($hash, $in, 'ifeed', '');
next if(!$feed || $feed eq 'grid'); # Inverter 'Grid' ausschließen
my $feed = InverterVal ($hash, $in, 'ifeed', 'default');
next if($feed eq 'grid'); # Inverter 'Grid' ausschließen
my $iname = InverterVal ($hash, $in, 'iname', '');
my $icap = InverterVal ($hash, $in, 'invertercap', 0);
@ -10833,24 +10821,25 @@ sub __setConsRcmdState {
my $debug = $paref->{debug};
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $surplus = CurrentVal ($hash, 'surplus', 0); # aktueller Energieüberschuß
my $nompower = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'power', 0); # Consumer nominale Leistungsaufnahme (W)
my $ccr = AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlConsRecommendReadings', ''); # Liste der Consumer für die ConsumptionRecommended-Readings erstellt werden sollen
my $rescons = isConsumerPhysOn ($hash, $c) ? 0 : $nompower; # resultierender Verbauch nach Einschaltung Consumer
# $surplusval kann undef sein! -> dann letzten Wert isConsumptionRecommended behalten
my ($method, $surplusval) = determSurplus ($hash, $c); # Consumer spezifische Ermittlung des Energieüberschußes
my ($method, $surplus) = determSurplus ($hash, $c); # Consumer spezifische Ermittlung des Energieüberschußes
if ($debug =~ /consumerSwitching${c}/x) {
Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name DEBUG> ############### consumerSwitching consumer "$c" ###############});
Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name DEBUG> consumer "$c" - ConsumptionRecommended calc method: $method, value: }.
(defined $surplusval ? $surplusval : 'undef'));
(defined $surplus ? $surplus : 'undef'));
my ($spignore, $info, $err) = isSurplusIgnoCond ($hash, $c, $debug); # PV Überschuß ignorieren?
Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $err") if($err);
if (!$nompower || $surplus - $rescons > 0 || $spignore) {
if (!defined $surplus) { # $surplus kann undef sein! -> dann bisherigen isConsumptionRecommended verwenden
$data{$name}{consumers}{$c}{isConsumptionRecommended} = ReadingsVal ($name, "consumer${c}_ConsumptionRecommended", 0);
elsif (!$nompower || $surplus - $rescons > 0 || $spignore) {
$data{$name}{consumers}{$c}{isConsumptionRecommended} = 1; # Einschalten des Consumers günstig bzw. Freigabe für "on" von Überschußseite erteilt
else {
@ -17672,61 +17661,67 @@ sub checkPlantConfig {
return $out;
# Ermittelt den PV Überschuß nach verschiedenen Verfahren
# ($surpmeth). Auswertung des Schieberegisters surplusslidereg.
# $surpmeth = 1 - der aktuell gemessene Überschuß
# $surpmeth = default - der aktuell gemessene Überschuß
# $surpmeth = 2 .. 20 - Durchschnitt der letzten X Messungen
# $surpmeth = median - Median der vorhandenen Überschußwerte
# $surpmeth = <Device>:<Reading> - Device/Reading Kombination
# die einen berechneten
# User spezifischen PV-Überschuß
# liefert
# Rückgabe: PV Überschuß oder undef
# Rückgabe: PV Überschuß
sub determSurplus {
my $hash = shift;
my $c = shift;
my $surpmeth = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'surpmeth', 1);
my $splref = CurrentVal ($hash, 'surplusslidereg', '');
my $surpmeth = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'surpmeth', 'default');
my $splref = CurrentVal ($hash, 'surplusslidereg', '');
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $method = 'default';
my $surplus;
if ($surpmeth eq 'median') { # Median der Werte in surplusslidereg
my ($surplus, $fallback);
if ($surpmeth eq 'median') { # Median der Werte in surplusslidereg, !kann UNDEF sein!
$surplus = medianArray ($splref);
$method = 'median';
elsif ($surpmeth =~ /^[1-9]$|^1[0-9]$|^20$/xs) {
if ($surpmeth == 1) {
$surplus = CurrentVal ($hash, 'surplus', 0); # aktueller Energieüberschuß
$method = 'median';
else { # Average Ermittlung, kann undef sein
$surplus = avgArray ($splref, $surpmeth);
$method = "average:$surpmeth";
elsif ($surpmeth eq 'default') { # aktueller Energieüberschuß
$surplus = CurrentVal ($hash, 'surplus', 0);
$method = 'default';
elsif ($surpmeth =~ /^[2-9]$|^1[0-9]$|^20$/xs) {
$surplus = avgArray ($splref, $surpmeth); # Average Ermittlung, !kann UNDEF sein!
$method = "average:$surpmeth";
elsif ($surpmeth =~ /.*:.*/xs) {
my ($dv, $rd) = split ':', $surpmeth;
$method = "$dv:$rd";
my ($err) = isDeviceValid ( { name => $name, obj => $dv, method => 'string' } );
if ($err) {
$fallback = 1;
Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name - ERROR of consumer $c key 'surpmeth': $err (fall back to default Surplus determination)});
$surplus = CurrentVal ($hash, 'surplus', 0); # aktueller Energieüberschuß
$method = 'default';
else {
$surplus = ReadingsNum ($dv, $rd, '');
$method = "$dv:$rd";
if (!isNumeric ($surplus)) {
$fallback = 1;
Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name - ERROR of consumer $c key 'surpmeth': Device $dv / Reading $rd is not numeric (fall back to default Surplus determination)});
$surplus = CurrentVal ($hash, 'surplus', 0); # aktueller Energieüberschuß
$method = 'default';
if ($fallback) { # Fall Back
$surplus = CurrentVal ($hash, 'surplus', 0);
$method = $method." but fallback to 'default'";
return ($method, $surplus);
@ -17789,7 +17784,7 @@ return $avg;
sub medianArray {
my $aref = shift;
return if(ref $aref ne 'ARRAY' || !scalar @{$aref});
return undef if(ref $aref ne 'ARRAY' || !scalar @{$aref});
my $enum = scalar @{$aref}; # Anzahl der Elemente im Array
my @sorted = sortTopicNum ('asc', @{$aref});
@ -21311,12 +21306,12 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-consumer" data-pattern="consumer.*"></a>
<li><b>consumerXX <Device Name> type=<type> power=<power> [switchdev=<device>]<br>
[mode=<mode>] [icon=<Icon>[@<Color>]] [mintime=<minutes> | SunPath[:<Offset_Sunrise>:<Offset_Sunset>]] <br>
[on=<command>] [off=<command>] [swstate=<Readingname>:<on-Regex>:<off-Regex>] [asynchron=<Option>] <br>
[notbefore=<Expression>] [notafter=<Expression>] [locktime=<offlt>[:<onlt>]] <br>
[auto=<Readingname>] [pcurr=<Readingname>:<Unit>[:<Threshold>]] [etotal=<Readingname>:<Einheit>[:<Threshold>]] <br>
[mode=<mode>] [icon=<Icon>[@<Color>]] [mintime=<minutes> | SunPath[:<Offset_Sunrise>:<Offset_Sunset>]] <br>
[on=<command>] [off=<command>] [swstate=<Readingname>:<on-Regex>:<off-Regex>] [asynchron=<Option>] <br>
[notbefore=<Expression>] [notafter=<Expression>] [locktime=<offlt>[:<onlt>]] <br>
[auto=<Readingname>] [pcurr=<Readingname>:<Unit>[:<Threshold>]] [etotal=<Readingname>:<Einheit>[:<Threshold>]] <br>
[swoncond=<Device>:<Reading>:<Regex>] [swoffcond=<Device>:<Reading>:<Regex>] [spignorecond=<Device>:<Reading>:<Regex>] <br>
[interruptable=<Option>] [noshow=<Option>] [exconfc=<Option>] </b><br>
[surpmeth=<Option>] [interruptable=<Option>] [noshow=<Option>] [exconfc=<Option>] </b><br>
Registers a consumer <Device Name> with the SolarForecast Device. In this case, <Device Name>
@ -21438,6 +21433,12 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<tr><td> </td><td><b>Reading</b> - Reading for the delivery of the priority switch-off condition </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>Regex</b> - regular expression that must be satisfied for a 'true' condition to be true </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>surpmeth</b> </td><td>The possible options define the procedure for determining the PV surplus. (optional) </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>default</b> - the PV surplus is read directly from the 'Current_Surplus' reading. (default) </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>median</b> - the median of the last PV surplus measurements (max. 20) is used. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>2 .. 20</b> - the PV surplus used is calculated from the average of the specified number of measured values. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>Device:Reading</b> - Device/Reading combination that provides a numerical PV surplus value in Watt determined or calculated by the user. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>spignorecond</b> </td><td>Condition to ignore a missing PV surplus (optional). If the condition is fulfilled, the load is switched on according to </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>the planning even if there is no PV surplus at the time. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>CAUTION:</b> Using both keys <I>spignorecond</I> and <I>interruptable</I> can lead to undesired behaviour! </td></tr>
@ -23734,12 +23735,12 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-consumer" data-pattern="consumer.*"></a>
<li><b>consumerXX <Device Name> type=<type> power=<power> [switchdev=<device>]<br>
[mode=<mode>] [icon=<Icon>[@<Farbe>]] [mintime=<minutes> | SunPath[:<Offset_Sunrise>:<Offset_Sunset>]] <br>
[mode=<mode>] [icon=<Icon>[@<Farbe>]] [mintime=<minutes> | SunPath[:<Offset_Sunrise>:<Offset_Sunset>]] <br>
[on=<Kommando>] [off=<Kommando>] [swstate=<Readingname>:<on-Regex>:<off-Regex>] [asynchron=<Option>] <br>
[notbefore=<Ausdruck>] [notafter=<Ausdruck>] [locktime=<offlt>[:<onlt>]] <br>
[auto=<Readingname>] [pcurr=<Readingname>:<Einheit>[:<Schwellenwert>]] [etotal=<Readingname>:<Einheit>[:<Schwellenwert>]] <br>
[swoncond=<Device>:<Reading>:<Regex>] [swoffcond=<Device>:<Reading>:<Regex>] [spignorecond=<Device>:<Reading>:<Regex>] <br>
[interruptable=<Option>] [noshow=<Option>] [exconfc=<Option>] </b><br>
[surpmeth=<Option>] [interruptable=<Option>] [noshow=<Option>] [exconfc=<Option>] </b><br>
Registriert einen Verbraucher <Device Name> beim SolarForecast Device. Dabei ist <Device Name>
@ -23860,6 +23861,12 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<tr><td> </td><td><b>Reading</b> - Reading zur Lieferung der vorrangigen Ausschaltbedingung </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>Regex</b> - regulärer Ausdruck der für eine 'wahre' Bedingung erfüllt sein muß </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>surpmeth</b> </td><td>Die möglichen Optionen legen das Verfahren zur Ermittlung des PV-Überschusses fest. (optional) </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>default</b> - der PV-Überschuß wird aus dem Reading 'Current_Surplus' direkt ausgelesen. (default) </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>median</b> - es wird der Median der letzten PV-Überschuß Messungen (max. 20) verwendet. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>2 .. 20</b> - der verwendete PV-Überschuß wird als Durchschnitt der angegebenen Anzahl Meßwerte gebildet. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>Device:Reading</b> - Device/Reading-Kombination die einen vom Nutzer bestimmten bzw. berechneten numerischen PV-Überschuß in Watt liefert. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>spignorecond</b> </td><td>Bedingung um einen fehlenden PV Überschuß zu ignorieren (optional). Bei erfüllter Bedingung wird der Verbraucher entsprechend </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>der Planung eingeschaltet auch wenn zu dem Zeitpunkt kein PV Überschuß vorliegt. </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td><b>ACHTUNG:</b> Die Verwendung beider Schlüssel <I>spignorecond</I> und <I>interruptable</I> kann zu einem unerwünschten Verhalten führen! </td></tr>
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