+ "raw" => "raw <...>",
+ "reboot" => "reboot",
+ "erase" => "erase",
+ "reset" => "reset",
+ "statusrequest" => "statusRequest",
+ "clearreadings" => "clearReadings",
+ "help" => "help <".join("|", sort keys %ESPEasy_setCmds).">",
+ "lights" => "light [color] [fading time] [pct]",
+ "dots" => "dots ",
+ #Lights
+ "rgb" => "rgb [fading time]",
+ "pct" => "pct [fading time]",
+ "ct" => "ct [fading time] [pct bri]",
+ "on" => "on [fading time]",
+ "off" => "off [fading time]",
+ "toggle" => "toggle [fading time]"
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Bridge "setCmds" => "min. number of parameters"
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+my %ESPEasy_setBridgeCmds = (
+ "user" => "0",
+ "pass" => "0",
+ "clearqueue" => "0",
+ "help" => "1"
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# "setBridgeCmds" => "syntax", ESPEasy_paramPos() parse for some <.*> positions
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+my %ESPEasy_setBridgeCmdsUsage = (
+ "user" => "user ",
+ "pass" => "pass ",
+ "clearqueue" => "clearqueue",
+ "help" => "help <".join("|", sort keys %ESPEasy_setBridgeCmds).">"
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# pin names can be used instead of gpio numbers.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+my %ESPEasy_pinMap = (
+ "D0" => 16,
+ "D1" => 5,
+ "D2" => 4,
+ "D3" => 0,
+ "D4" => 2,
+ "D5" => 14,
+ "D6" => 12,
+ "D7" => 13,
+ "D8" => 15,
+ "D9" => 3,
+ "D10" => 1,
+ "RX" => 3,
+ "TX" => 1,
+ "SD2" => 9,
+ "SD3" => 10
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#grep ^sub 34_ESPEasy.pm | awk '{print $1" "$2";"}'
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_Initialize($)
+ my ($hash) = @_;
+ #common
+ $hash->{DefFn} = "ESPEasy_Define";
+ $hash->{GetFn} = "ESPEasy_Get";
+ $hash->{SetFn} = "ESPEasy_Set";
+ $hash->{AttrFn} = "ESPEasy_Attr";
+ $hash->{UndefFn} = "ESPEasy_Undef";
+ $hash->{ShutdownFn} = "ESPEasy_Shutdown";
+ $hash->{DeleteFn} = "ESPEasy_Delete";
+ $hash->{RenameFn} = "ESPEasy_Rename";
+ $hash->{NotifyFn} = "ESPEasy_Notify";
+ #provider
+ $hash->{ReadFn} = "ESPEasy_Read"; #ESP http request will be parsed here
+ $hash->{WriteFn} = "ESPEasy_Write"; #called from logical module's IOWrite
+ $hash->{Clients} = ":ESPEasy:"; #used by dispatch,$hash->{TYPE} of receiver
+ my %matchList = ( "1:ESPEasy" => ".*" );
+ $hash->{MatchList} = \%matchList;
+ #consumer
+ $hash->{ParseFn} = "ESPEasy_dispatchParse";
+ $hash->{Match} = ".+";
+ $hash->{AttrList} = "allowedIPs "
+ ."authentication:1,0 "
+ ."autocreate:1,0 "
+ ."autosave:1,0 "
+ ."colorpicker:RGB,HSV,HSVp "
+ ."deniedIPs "
+ ."disable:1,0 "
+ ."do_not_notify:0,1 "
+ ."httpReqTimeout "
+ ."IODev "
+ ."Interval "
+ ."adjustValue "
+ ."parseCmdResponse "
+ ."pollGPIOs "
+ ."presenceCheck:1,0 "
+ ."readingPrefixGPIO "
+ ."readingSuffixGPIOState "
+ ."readingSwitchText:1,0 "
+ ."setState:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,100 "
+ ."combineDevices "
+ ."rgbGPIOs "
+ ."maxQueueSize:10,25,50,100,250,500,1000,2500,5000,10000,25000,50000,100000 "
+ ."maxHttpSessions:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 "
+ ."resendFailedCmd:0,1 "
+ ."mapLightCmds "
+ ."colorpickerCTww "
+ ."colorpickerCTcw "
+# ."wwcwGPIOs "
+# ."wwcwMaxBri:0,1 "
+# ."ctWW_reducedRange "
+# ."ctCW_reducedRange "
+ .$readingFnAttributes;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_Define($$) # only called when defined, not on reload.
+ my ($hash, $def) = @_;
+ my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
+ my $usg = "\nUse 'define ESPEasy ".
+ "\nUse 'define ESPEasy ";
+ return "Wrong syntax: $usg" if(int(@a) < 3);
+ my $name = $a[0];
+ my $type = $a[1];
+ my $host = $a[2];
+ my $port = $a[3] if defined $a[3];
+ my $iodev = $a[4] if defined $a[4];
+ my $ident = $a[5] if defined $a[5];
+ return "ERROR: only 1 ESPEasy bridge can be defined!"
+ if($host eq "bridge" && $modules{ESPEasy}{defptr}{BRIDGE});
+ return "ERROR: missing arguments for subtype device: $usg"
+ if ($host ne "bridge" && !(defined $a[4]) && !(defined $a[5]));
+ return "ERROR: too much arguments for a bridge: $usg"
+ if ($host eq "bridge" && defined $a[4]);
+ return "ERROR: perl module JSON is not installed"
+ if (ESPEasy_isPmInstalled($hash,"JSON"));
+ (ESPEasy_isIPv4($host) || ESPEasy_isFqdn($host) || $host eq "bridge")
+ ? $hash->{HOST} = $host
+ : return "ERROR: invalid IPv4 address, fqdn or keyword bridge: '$host'";
+ # check fhem.pl version (internalTimer modifications are required)
+ # https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,55728.msg497094.html#msg497094
+ AttrVal('global','version','') =~ m/^fhem.pl:(\d+)\/.*$/;
+ return "ERROR: fhem.pl is too old to use $type module."
+ ." Version 11000/2016-03-05 is required at least."
+ if (not(defined $1) || $1 < 11000);
+ $hash->{PORT} = $port if defined $port;
+ $hash->{IDENT} = $ident if defined $ident;
+ $hash->{VERSION} = $module_version;
+ $hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global";
+ #--- BRIDGE -------------------------------------------------
+ if ($hash->{HOST} eq "bridge") {
+ $hash->{SUBTYPE} = "bridge";
+ $modules{ESPEasy}{defptr}{BRIDGE} = $hash;
+ Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 2, "$type $name: Opening bridge on port tcp/$port (v$module_version)";
+ ESPEasy_tcpServerOpen($hash);
+ if ($init_done && !defined($hash->{OLDDEF})) {
+ #if (not defined getKeyValue($type."_".$name."-firstrun")) {
+ CommandAttr(undef,"$name room $type");
+ CommandAttr(undef,"$name group $type Bridge");
+ CommandAttr(undef,"$name authentication 0");
+ CommandAttr(undef,"$name combineDevices 0");
+ setKeyValue($type."_".$name."-firstrun","done");
+ }
+ # only informational
+ my $u = getKeyValue($type."_".$name."-user");
+ $hash->{USER} = (defined $u) ? $u : "not defined yet !!!";
+ my $p = getKeyValue($type."_".$name."-pass");
+ $hash->{PASS} = (defined $p) ? "*" x length($p) : "not defined yet !!!";
+ $hash->{MAX_HTTP_SESSIONS} = $d_maxHttpSessions;
+ $hash->{MAX_QUEUE_SIZE} = $d_maxQueueSize;
+ ESPEasy_removeGit($hash);
+ }
+ #--- DEVICE -------------------------------------------------
+ else {
+ $hash->{INTERVAL} = $d_Interval;
+ $hash->{SUBTYPE} = "device";
+ $modules{$type}{defptr}{$ident} = $hash;
+ AssignIoPort($hash,$iodev) if(not defined $hash->{IODev});
+ InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+5+rand(5), "ESPEasy_statusRequest", $hash);
+ readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'opened',1);
+ my $io = (defined($hash->{IODev}{NAME})) ? $hash->{IODev}{NAME} : "none";
+ Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, "$type $name: Opened for $ident $host:$port using bridge $io";
+ }
+ return undef;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_Get($@)
+ my ($hash, @a) = @_;
+ return "argument is missing" if(int(@a) != 2);
+ my $reading = $a[1];
+ my $ret;
+ if ($reading =~ m/^pinmap$/i && $hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "device") {
+ $ret .= "\nName => GPIO\n";
+ $ret .= "------------\n";
+ foreach (sort keys %ESPEasy_pinMap) {
+ $ret .= $_." " x (5-length $_ ) ."=> $ESPEasy_pinMap{$_}\n";
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ } elsif (lc $reading =~ m/^user|pass$/i && $hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "bridge") {
+ $ret .= getKeyValue($hash->{TYPE}."_".$hash->{NAME}."-".lc $reading);
+ return $ret;
+ } elsif (lc $reading =~ m/^queueSize$/i && $hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "bridge") {
+ foreach (keys %{ $hash->{helper}{queue} }) {
+ $ret .= "$_:".scalar @{$hash->{helper}{queue}{"$_"}}." ";
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ } elsif (exists($hash->{READINGS}{$reading})) {
+ return defined($hash->{READINGS}{$reading})
+ ? $hash->{READINGS}{$reading}{VAL}
+ : "reading $reading exists but has no value defined";
+ } else {
+ $ret = "unknown argument $reading, choose one of";
+ foreach my $reading (sort keys %{$hash->{READINGS}}) {
+ $ret .= " $reading:noArg";
+ }
+ return ($hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "bridge")
+ ? $ret . " user:noArg pass:noArg queueSize:noArg"
+ : $ret . " pinMap:noArg";
+ }
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_Set($$@)
+ my ($hash, $name, $cmd, @params) = @_;
+ my ($type,$self) = ($hash->{TYPE},ESPEasy_whoami());
+ $cmd = lc($cmd) if $cmd;
+ return if (IsDisabled $name);
+ Log3 $name, 3, "$type $name: set $name $cmd ".join(" ",@params)
+ if $cmd !~ m/^(\?|user|pass)$/;
+ # ----- BRDIGE ----------------------------------------------
+ if ($hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "bridge") {
+ # are there all required argumets?
+ if($ESPEasy_setBridgeCmds{$cmd}
+ && scalar @params < $ESPEasy_setBridgeCmds{$cmd}) {
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: Missing argument: 'set $name $cmd "
+ .join(" ",@params)."'";
+ return "Missing argument: $cmd needs at least "
+ ."$ESPEasy_setBridgeCmds{$cmd} parameter(s)\n"
+ ."Usage: 'set $name $ESPEasy_setBridgeCmdsUsage{$cmd}'";
+ }
+ # handle unknown cmds
+ if(!exists $ESPEasy_setBridgeCmds{$cmd}) {
+ my @cList = sort keys %ESPEasy_setBridgeCmds;
+ my $clist = join(" ", @cList);
+ my $hlist = join(",", @cList);
+ $clist =~ s/help/help:$hlist/; # add all cmds as params to help cmd
+ return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of ". $clist;
+ }
+ if ($cmd eq "help") {
+ my $usage = $ESPEasy_setBridgeCmdsUsage{$params[0]};
+ $usage =~ s/Note:/\nNote:/g;
+ return "Usage: set $name $usage";
+ }
+ elsif ($cmd =~ m/^clearqueue$/i) {
+ delete $hash->{helper}{queue};
+ Log3 $name, 3, "$type $name: Queues erased.";
+ return undef;
+ }
+ elsif ($cmd =~ m/^user|pass$/ ) {
+ setKeyValue($hash->{TYPE}."_".$hash->{NAME}."-".$cmd,$params[0]);
+ # only informational
+ if (defined $params[0]) {
+ $hash->{uc($cmd)} = ($cmd eq "user") ? $params[0]
+ : "*" x length($params[0]);
+ } else {
+ $hash->{uc($cmd)} = "not defined yet !!!";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # ----- DEVICE ----------------------------------------------
+ else {
+ # cmds are included in hash
+ ESPEasy_adjustSetCmds($hash);
+ # are there all required argumets?
+ if($ESPEasy_setCmds{$cmd} && scalar @params < $ESPEasy_setCmds{$cmd}) {
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: Missing argument: "
+ ."'set $name $cmd ".join(" ",@params)."'";
+ return "Missing argument: $cmd needs at least $ESPEasy_setCmds{$cmd} ".
+ "parameter(s)\n"."Usage: 'set $name $ESPEasy_setCmdsUsage{$cmd}'";
+ }
+ #Lights Plugin
+ if (defined AttrVal($name,"mapLightCmds",undef) && $cmd =~ m/^(ct|pct|rgb|on|off|toggle)$/i) {
+ unshift @params, $cmd;
+ $cmd = lc AttrVal($name,"mapLightCmds","");
+# Log 1, "cmd: $cmd params: ".join(",",@params);
+ }
+ else {
+ # enable ct|pct commands if attr wwcwGPIOs is set
+ if (AttrVal($name,"wwcwGPIOs",0) && $cmd =~ m/^(ct|pct)$/i) {
+ my $ret = ESPEasy_setCT($hash,$cmd,@params);
+ return $ret if ($ret);
+ }
+ # enable rgb commands if attr rgbGPIOs is set
+ if (AttrVal($name,"rgbGPIOs",0) && $cmd =~ m/^(rgb|on|off|toggle)$/i) {
+ my $ret = ESPEasy_setRGB($hash,$cmd,@params);
+ return $ret if ($ret);
+ }
+ } #else
+ # handle unknown cmds
+ if (!exists $ESPEasy_setCmds{$cmd}) {
+ my @cList = sort keys %ESPEasy_setCmds;
+ my $clist = join(" ", @cList);
+ my $hlist = join(",", @cList);
+ foreach (@cList) {$clist =~ s/ $_/ $_:noArg/ if $ESPEasy_setCmds{$_} == 0}
+ # expand rgb
+ my $cp = AttrVal($name,"colorpicker","HSVp");
+ $clist =~ s/rgb/rgb:colorpicker,$cp/; # add colorPicker if rgb cmd is available
+ # expand ct
+ my $ct = "ct:colorpicker,CT,"
+ .AttrVal($name,"ctWW_reducedRange",AttrVal($name,"colorpickerCTww",$d_colorpickerCTww))
+ .",10,"
+ .AttrVal($name,"ctCW_reducedRange",AttrVal($name,"colorpickerCTcw",$d_colorpickerCTcw));
+ $clist =~ s/ct /$ct /;
+ # expand pct
+ my $pct = "pct:colorpicker,BRI,0,1,100";
+ $clist =~ s/pct /$pct /;
+ # expand help
+ $clist =~ s/help/help:$hlist/;
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: Unknown set command $cmd" if $cmd ne "?";
+ return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of ". $clist;
+ }
+ # pin mapping (eg. D8 -> 15)
+ my $pp = ESPEasy_paramPos($cmd,'');
+ if ($pp && $params[$pp-1] =~ m/^[a-zA-Z]/) {
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: Pin mapping ". uc $params[$pp-1] .
+ " => $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $params[$pp-1]}";
+ $params[$pp-1] = $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $params[$pp-1]};
+ }
+ # onOff mapping (on/off -> 1/0)
+ $pp = ESPEasy_paramPos($cmd,'<0|1|off|on>');
+ if ($pp && not($params[$pp-1] =~ m/^(0|1)$/)) {
+ my $state;
+ if ($params[$pp-1] =~ m/^off$/i) {
+ $state = 0;
+ }
+ elsif ($params[$pp-1] =~ m/^on$/i) {
+ $state = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: $cmd ".join(" ",@params)." => unknown argument: '$params[$pp-1]'";
+ return undef;
+ }
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: onOff mapping ". $params[$pp-1]." => $state";
+ $params[$pp-1] = $state;
+ }
+ if ($cmd eq "help") {
+ my $usage = $ESPEasy_setCmdsUsage{$params[0]};
+ $usage =~ s/Note:/\nNote:/g;
+ return "Usage: set $name $usage";
+ }
+ if ($cmd eq "statusrequest") {
+ ESPEasy_statusRequest($hash);
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if ($cmd eq "clearreadings") {
+ ESPEasy_clearReadings($hash);
+ return undef;
+ }
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: IOWrite(\$defs{$hash->{NAME}}, $hash->{HOST}, $hash->{PORT}, ".
+ "$hash->{IDENT}, $cmd, ".join(",",@params).")";
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: Device seems to be in sleep mode, sending command nevertheless."
+ if (defined $hash->{SLEEP} && $hash->{SLEEP} ne "0");
+ my $parseCmd = ESPEasy_isParseCmd($hash,$cmd); # should response be parsed and dispatched
+ IOWrite($hash, $hash->{HOST}, $hash->{PORT}, $hash->{IDENT}, $parseCmd, $cmd, @params);
+ } # DEVICE
+return undef
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_Read($) {
+ my ($hash) = @_; #hash of temporary child instance
+ my $name = $hash->{NAME};
+ my $bhash = $modules{ESPEasy}{defptr}{BRIDGE}; #hash of original instance
+ my $bname = $bhash->{NAME};
+ my $btype = $bhash->{TYPE};
+ $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
+ $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
+ # Accept and create a child
+ if( $hash->{SERVERSOCKET} ) {
+ my $aRet = TcpServer_Accept($hash,"ESPEasy");
+ return;
+ }
+ # use received IP instead of configured one (NAT/PAT could have modified)
+ my $peer = $hash->{PEER};
+ # Read 1024 byte of data
+ my $buf;
+ my $ret = sysread($hash->{CD}, $buf, 1024);
+ # If there is an error in connection return
+ if( !defined($ret ) || $ret <= 0 ) {
+ CommandDelete( undef, $hash->{NAME} );
+ return;
+ }
+ $bhash->{SESSIONS} = scalar devspec2array("TYPE=$btype:FILTER=TEMPORARY=1")-1;
+ # Check attr disabled
+ return if (IsDisabled $bname);
+ # Check allowed IPs
+ if ( !( ESPEasy_isPeerAllowed($peer,AttrVal($bname,"allowedIPs",1)) &&
+ !ESPEasy_isPeerAllowed($peer,AttrVal($bname,"deniedIPs",0)) ) ) {
+ Log3 $bname, 2, "$btype $name: Peer address rejected";
+ return;
+ }
+ Log3 $bname, 4, "$btype $name: Peer address accepted";
+ my @data = split( '\R\R', $buf );
+ my $header = ESPEasy_header2Hash($data[0]);
+ # mask password in authorization header with ****
+ my $logHeader = { %$header };
+ $logHeader->{Authorization} =~ s/Basic\s.*\s/Basic ***** / if defined $logHeader->{Authorization};
+ # Dump logHeader
+ Log3 $bname, 5, "$btype $name: Received header: ".Dumper($logHeader) if defined $logHeader;
+ # Dump content
+ Log3 $bname, 5, "$btype $name: Received content: $data[1]" if defined $data[1];
+ # Check content length if defined
+ if (defined $header->{'Content-Length'}
+ && $header->{'Content-Length'} != length($data[1])) {
+ Log3 $bname, 2, "$btype $name: Invalid content length ".
+ "($header->{'Content-Length'} != ".length($data[1]).")";
+ Log3 $bname, 2, "$btype $name: Received content: $data[1]"
+ if defined $data[1];
+ ESPEasy_sendHttpClose($hash,"400 Bad Request","");
+ return;
+ }
+ # check authorization
+ if (!defined ESPEasy_isAuthenticated($hash,$header->{Authorization})) {
+ ESPEasy_sendHttpClose($hash,"401 Unauthorized","");
+ return;
+ }
+ # No error occurred, send http respose OK to ESP
+ ESPEasy_sendHttpClose($hash,"200 OK",""); #if !grep(/"sleep":1/, $data[1]);
+ # JSON received...
+ my $json;
+ if (defined $data[1] && $data[1] =~ m/"module":"ESPEasy"/) {
+ # remove illegal chars but keep JSON relevant chars.
+ $data[1] =~ s/[^A-Za-z\d_\.\-\/\{}:,"]/_/g;
+ eval {$json = decode_json($data[1]);1;};
+ if ($@) {
+ Log3 $bname, 2, "$btype $name: WARNING: deformed JSON data, check your ESP config ($peer)";
+ Log3 $bname, 2, "$btype $name: $@";
+ return;
+ }
+ # check that ESPEasy software is new enough
+ return if ESPEasy_checkVersion($bhash,$peer,$json->{data}{ESP}{build},$json->{version});
+ # should never happen, but who knows what some JSON module versions do...
+ $json->{data}{ESP}{name} = "" if !defined $json->{data}{ESP}{name};
+ $json->{data}{SENSOR}{0}{deviceName} = "" if !defined $json->{data}{SENSOR}{0}{deviceName};
+ # remove illegal chars from ESP name for further processing and assign to new var
+ (my $espName = $json->{data}{ESP}{name}) =~ s/[^A-Za-z\d_\.]/_/g;
+ (my $espDevName = $json->{data}{SENSOR}{0}{deviceName}) =~ s/[^A-Za-z\d_\.]/_/g;
+ # check that 'ESP name' or 'device name' is set
+ if ($espName eq "" && $espDevName eq "") {
+ Log3 $bname, 2, "$btype $name: WARNIING 'ESP name' and 'device name' "
+ ."missing ($peer). Check your ESP config. Skip processing data.";
+ Log3 $bname, 2, "$btype $name: Data: $data[1]";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $ident = ESPEasy_isCombineDevices($peer,$espName,AttrVal($bname,"combineDevices",0))
+ ? $espName ne "" ? $espName : $peer
+ : $espName.($espName ne "" && $espDevName ne "" ? "_" : "").$espDevName;
+ # push internals in @values (and in bridge helper for support reason, only)
+ my @values;
+ my @intVals = qw(unit sleep build);
+ foreach my $intVal (@intVals) {
+ push(@values,"i||".$intVal."||".$json->{data}{ESP}{$intVal}."||0");
+ $bhash->{helper}{received}{$peer}{$intVal} = $json->{data}{ESP}{$intVal};
+ }
+ $bhash->{helper}{received}{$peer}{espName} = $espName;
+ # push sensor value in @values
+ foreach my $vKey (keys %{$json->{data}{SENSOR}}) {
+ if(ref $json->{data}{SENSOR}{$vKey} eq ref {}
+ && exists $json->{data}{SENSOR}{$vKey}{value}) {
+ # remove illegal chars
+ $json->{data}{SENSOR}{$vKey}{valueName} =~ s/[^A-Za-z\d_\.\-\/]/_/g;
+ my $dmsg = "r||".$json->{data}{SENSOR}{$vKey}{valueName}
+ ."||".$json->{data}{SENSOR}{$vKey}{value}
+ ."||".$json->{data}{SENSOR}{$vKey}{type};
+ if ($dmsg =~ m/(\|\|\|\|)|(\|\|$)/) { #detect an empty value
+ Log3 $bname, 2, "$btype $name: WARNING: value name or value is "
+ ."missing ($peer). Skip processing this value.";
+ Log3 $bname, 2, "$btype $name: Data: $data[1]";
+ next; #skip further processing for this value only
+ }
+ push(@values,$dmsg);
+ }
+ }
+ ESPEasy_dispatch($hash,$ident,$peer,@values);
+ } #$data[1] =~ m/"module":"ESPEasy"/
+ else {
+ Log3 $bname, 2, "$btype $name: WARNING: Wrong controller configured or "
+ ."ESPEasy Version is too old.";
+ Log3 $bname, 2, "$btype $name: WARNING: ESPEasy version R"
+ .$minEEBuild." or later required.";
+ }
+ # session will not be close immediately if ESP goes to sleep after http send
+ # needs further investigation?
+ if ($hash->{TEMPORARY} && $json->{data}{ESP}{sleep}) {
+ CommandDelete(undef, $name);
+ }
+ return;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_Write($$$$$@) #called from logical's IOWrite (end of SetFn)
+ my ($hash,$ip,$port,$ident,$parseCmd,$cmd,@params) = @_;
+ my ($name,$type,$self) = ($hash->{NAME},$hash->{TYPE},ESPEasy_whoami()."()");
+ if ($cmd eq "cleanup") {
+ delete $hash->{helper}{received};
+ return undef;
+ }
+ elsif ($cmd eq "statusrequest") {
+ ESPEasy_statusRequest($hash);
+ return undef;
+ }
+ ESPEasy_httpReq($hash, $ip, $port, $ident, $parseCmd, $cmd, @params);
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_Notify($$)
+ my ($hash,$dev) = @_;
+ my $name = $hash->{NAME};
+ my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
+ # $hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global" set in DefineFn
+ return if(!grep(m/^(DELETE)?ATTR $name /, @{$dev->{CHANGED}}));
+ foreach (@{$dev->{CHANGED}}) {
+ if (m/^(DELETE)?ATTR ($name) (\w+)\s?(\d+)?$/) {
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: received event: $_";
+ if ($3 eq "disable") {
+ if (defined $1 || (defined $4 && $4 eq "0")) {
+ Log3 $name, 4,"$type $name: Device enabled";
+ ESPEasy_resetTimer($hash) if ($hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "device");
+ readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'state', 'opened',1);
+ }
+ else {
+ Log3 $name, 3,"$type $name: Device disabled";
+ ESPEasy_clearReadings($hash) if $hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "device";
+ ESPEasy_resetTimer($hash,"stop");
+ readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "disabled",1)
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($3 eq "Interval") {
+ if (defined $1) {
+ $hash->{INTERVAL} = $d_Interval;
+ }
+ elsif (defined $4 && $4 eq "0") {
+ $hash->{INTERVAL} = "disabled";
+ ESPEasy_resetTimer($hash,"stop");
+ CommandDeleteReading(undef, "$name presence")
+ if defined $hash->{READINGS}{presence};
+ }
+ else { # Interval > 0
+ $hash->{INTERVAL} = $4;
+ ESPEasy_resetTimer($hash);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($3 eq "setState") {
+ if (defined $1 || (defined $4 && $4 > 0)) {
+ ESPEasy_setState($hash);
+ }
+ else { #setState == 0
+ CommandSetReading(undef,"$name state opened");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ #Log 5, "$type $name: Attribute $3 not handeled by NotifyFn ";
+ }
+ } #main if
+ else { #should never be reached
+ #Log 5, "$type $name: WARNING: unexpected event received by NotifyFn: $_";
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_Rename() {
+ my ($new,$old) = @_;
+ my $i = 0;
+ my $type = $defs{"$new"}->{TYPE};
+ my $name = $defs{"$new"}->{NAME};
+ my $subtype = $defs{"$new"}->{SUBTYPE};
+ my @am;
+ # copy values from old to new device
+ setKeyValue($type."_".$new."-user",getKeyValue($type."_".$old."-user"));
+ setKeyValue($type."_".$new."-pass",getKeyValue($type."_".$old."-pass"));
+ setKeyValue($type."_".$new."-firstrun",getKeyValue($type."_".$old."-firstrun"));
+ # delete old entries
+ setKeyValue($type."_".$old."-user",undef);
+ setKeyValue($type."_".$old."-pass",undef);
+ setKeyValue($type."_".$old."-firstrun",undef);
+ # replace IDENT in devices if bridge name changed
+ if ($subtype eq "bridge") {
+ foreach my $ldev (devspec2array("TYPE=$type")) {
+ my $dhash = $defs{$ldev};
+ my $dsubtype = $dhash->{SUBTYPE};
+ next if ($dsubtype eq "bridge");
+ my $dname = $dhash->{NAME};
+ my $ddef = $dhash->{DEF};
+ my $oddef = $dhash->{DEF};
+ $ddef =~ s/ $old / $new /;
+ if ($oddef ne $ddef){
+ $i = $i+2;
+ CommandModify(undef, "$dname $ddef");
+ CommandAttr(undef,"$dname IODev $new");
+ push (@am,$dname);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: Device $old renamed to $new";
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: Attribute IODev set to '$name' in these "
+ ."devices: ".join(", ",@am) if $subtype eq "bridge";
+ if (AttrVal($name,"autosave",AttrVal("global","autosave",1)) && $i>0) {
+ CommandSave(undef,undef);
+ Log3 $type, 2, "$type $name: $i structural changes saved "
+ ."(autosave is enabled)";
+ }
+ elsif ($i>0) {
+ Log3 $type, 2, "$type $name: There are $i structural changes. "
+ ."Don't forget to save chages.";
+ }
+ return undef;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_Attr(@)
+ my ($cmd,$name,$aName,$aVal) = @_;
+ my $hash = $defs{$name};
+ my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
+ my $ret;
+ if ($cmd eq "set" && !defined $aVal) {
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: attr $name $aName '': value must not be empty";
+ return "$name: attr $aName: value must not be empty";
+ }
+ # device attributes
+ if (defined $hash->{SUBTYPE} && $hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "bridge"
+ && ($aName =~ m/^(Interval|pollGPIOs|IODev|setState|readingSwitchText)$/
+ || $aName =~ m/^(readingPrefixGPIO|readingSuffixGPIOState|adjustValue)$/
+ || $aName =~ m/^(presenceCheck|parseCmdResponse|rgbGPIOs|colorpicker)$/
+ || $aName =~ m/^(wwcwGPIOs|colorpickerCTww|colorpickerCTcw|mapLightCmds)$/)) {
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: Attribut '$aName' can not be used by bridge";
+ return "$type: attribut '$aName' cannot be used by bridge device";
+ }
+ # bridge attributes
+ elsif (defined $hash->{SUBTYPE} && $hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "device"
+ && ($aName =~ m/^(autocreate|autosave|authentication|httpReqTimeout)$/
+ || $aName =~ m/^(maxHttpSessions|maxQueueSize|resendFailedCmd)$/
+ || $aName =~ m/^(allowedIPs|deniedIPs|combineDevices)$/ )) {
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: Attribut '$aName' can be used with "
+ ."bridge device, only";
+ return "$type: attribut '$aName' can be used with the bridge device, only";
+ }
+ elsif ($aName =~ m/^(autosave|autocreate|authentication|disable)$/
+ || $aName =~ m/^(presenceCheck|readingSwitchText|resendFailedCmd)$/) {
+ $ret = "0,1" if ($cmd eq "set" && not $aVal =~ m/^(0|1)$/)}
+ elsif ($aName eq "combineDevices") {
+ $ret = "0 | 1 | ESPname | ip[/netmask][,ip[/netmask]][,...]"
+ if $cmd eq "set" && !(ESPEasy_isAttrCombineDevices($aVal) || $aVal =~ m/^[01]$/ )}
+ elsif ($aName =~ m/^(allowedIPs|deniedIPs)$/) {
+ $ret = "ip[/netmask][,ip[/netmask]][,...]"
+ if $cmd eq "set" && !ESPEasy_isIPv64Range($aVal)}
+ elsif ($aName =~ m/^(pollGPIOs|rgbGPIOs|wwcwGPIOs)$/) {
+ $ret = "GPIO_No[,GPIO_No][...]"
+ if $cmd eq "set" && $aVal !~ m/^[a-zA-Z]{0,2}[0-9]+(,[a-zA-Z]{0,2}[0-9]+)*$/}
+ elsif ($aName eq "colorpicker") {
+ $ret = "RGB | HSV | HSVp"
+ if ($cmd eq "set" && not $aVal =~ m/^(RGB|HSV|HSVp)$/)}
+ elsif ($aName =~ m/^(colorpickerCTww|colorpickerCTcw)$/) {
+ $ret = "1000..10000"
+ if $cmd eq "set" && ($aVal < 1000 || $aVal > 10000)}
+ elsif ($aName eq "parseCmdResponse") {
+ my $cmds = lc join("|",keys %ESPEasy_setCmdsUsage);
+ $ret = "cmd[,cmd][...]"
+ if $cmd eq "set" && lc($aVal) !~ m/^($cmds){1}(,($cmds))*$/}
+ elsif ($aName eq "mapLightCmds") {
+ my $cmds = lc join("|",keys %ESPEasy_setCmdsUsage);
+ $ret = "ESPEasy cmd"
+ if $cmd eq "set" && lc($aVal) !~ m/^($cmds){1}(,($cmds))*$/}
+ elsif ($aName eq "setState") {
+ $ret = "integer"
+ if ($cmd eq "set" && not $aVal =~ m/^(\d+)$/)}
+ elsif ($aName eq "readingPrefixGPIO") {
+ $ret = "[a-zA-Z0-9._-/]+"
+ if ($cmd eq "set" && $aVal !~ m/^[A-Za-z\d_\.\-\/]+$/)}
+ elsif ($aName eq "readingSuffixGPIOState") {
+ $ret = "[a-zA-Z0-9._-/]+"
+ if ($cmd eq "set" && $aVal !~ m/^[A-Za-z\d_\.\-\/]+$/)}
+ elsif ($aName eq "httpReqTimeout") {
+ $ret = "3..60 (default: $d_httpReqTimeout)"
+ if $cmd eq "set" && ($aVal < 3 || $aVal > 60)}
+ elsif ($aName eq "maxHttpSessions") {
+ ($cmd eq "set" && ($aVal !~ m/^[0-9]+$/))
+ ? $ret = ">= 0 (default: $d_maxHttpSessions, 0: disable queuing)"
+ : $hash->{MAX_HTTP_SESSIONS} = $aVal;
+ if ($cmd eq "del") {$hash->{MAX_HTTP_SESSIONS} = $d_maxHttpSessions}
+ }
+ elsif ($aName eq "maxQueueSize") {
+ ($cmd eq "set" && ($aVal !~ m/^[1-9][0-9]+$/))
+ ? $ret = ">10 (default: $d_maxQueueSize)"
+ : $hash->{MAX_QUEUE_SIZE} = $aVal;
+ if ($cmd eq "del") {$hash->{MAX_QUEUE_SIZE} = $d_maxQueueSize}
+ }
+ elsif ($aName eq "Interval") {
+ ($cmd eq "set" && ($aVal !~ m/^(\d)+$/ || $aVal <10 && $aVal !=0))
+ ? $ret = "0 or >=10"
+ : $hash->{INTERVAL} = $aVal}
+ if (!$init_done) {
+ if ($aName =~ /^disable$/ && $aVal == 1) {
+ readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "disabled",1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $ret) {
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: attr $name $aName '$aVal' != '$ret'";
+ return "$name: $aName must be: $ret";
+ }
+ return undef;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#UndefFn: called while deleting device (delete-command) or while rereadcfg
+sub ESPEasy_Undef($$)
+ my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
+ my ($name,$type,$port) = ($hash->{NAME},$hash->{TYPE},$hash->{PORT});
+ # close server and return if it is a child process for incoming http requests
+ if (defined $hash->{TEMPORARY} && $hash->{TEMPORARY} == 1) {
+ my $bhash = $modules{ESPEasy}{defptr}{BRIDGE};
+ Log3 $bhash->{NAME}, 4, "$type $name: Closing tcp session.";
+ TcpServer_Close($hash);
+ return undef
+ };
+ HttpUtils_Close($hash);
+ RemoveInternalTimer($hash);
+ if($hash->{SUBTYPE} && $hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "bridge") {
+ delete $modules{ESPEasy}{defptr}{BRIDGE}
+ if(defined($modules{ESPEasy}{defptr}{BRIDGE}));
+ TcpServer_Close( $hash );
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: Socket on port tcp/$port closed";
+ }
+ else {
+ IOWrite($hash, $hash->{HOST}, undef, undef, undef, "cleanup", undef );
+ }
+ return undef;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ShutdownFn: called before fhem's shutdown command
+sub ESPEasy_Shutdown($)
+ my ($hash) = @_;
+ HttpUtils_Close($hash);
+ Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, "$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME}: Shutdown requested";
+ return undef;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#DeleteFn: called while deleting device (delete-command) but after UndefFn
+sub ESPEasy_Delete($$)
+ my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
+ #return if it is a child process for incoming http requests
+ if (not defined $hash->{TEMPORARY}) {
+ setKeyValue($hash->{TYPE}."_".$hash->{NAME}."-user",undef);
+ setKeyValue($hash->{TYPE}."_".$hash->{NAME}."-pass",undef);
+ setKeyValue($hash->{TYPE}."_".$hash->{NAME}."-firstrun",undef);
+ Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, "$hash->{TYPE} $hash->{NAME}: $hash->{NAME} deleted";
+ }
+ return undef;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_dispatch($$$@) #called by bridge -> send to logical devices
+ my($hash,$ident,$host,@values) = @_;
+ my $name = $hash->{NAME};
+ return if (IsDisabled $name);
+ my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
+ my $bhash = $modules{ESPEasy}{defptr}{BRIDGE};
+ my $bname = $bhash->{NAME};
+ my $ui = 1; #can be removed later
+ my $as = (AttrVal($bname,"autosave",AttrVal("global","autosave",1))) ? 1 : 0;
+ my $ac = (AttrVal($bname,"autocreate",AttrVal("global","autoload_undefined_devices",1))) ? 1 : 0;
+ my $msg = $ident."::".$host."::".$ac."::".$as."::".$ui."::".join("|||",@values);
+ Log3 $bname, 5, "$type $name: Dispatch: $msg";
+ Dispatch($bhash, $msg, undef);
+ return undef;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_dispatchParse($$$) # called by logical device (defined by
+{ # $hash->{ParseFn})
+ # we are called from dispatch() from the ESPEasy bridge device
+ # we never come here if $msg does not match $hash->{MATCH} in the first place
+ my ($IOhash, $msg) = @_; # IOhash points to the ESPEasy bridge, not device
+ my $IOname = $IOhash->{NAME};
+ my $type = $IOhash->{TYPE};
+ # 1:ident 2:ip 3:autocreate 4:autosave 5:uniqIDs 6:value(s)
+ my ($ident,$ip,$ac,$as,$ui,$v) = split("::",$msg);
+# return undef if !$ident || $ident eq "";
+ return "" if !$ident || $ident eq "";
+ my $name;
+ my @v = split("\\|\\|\\|",$v);
+ # look in each $defs{$d}{IDENT} for $ident to get device name.
+ foreach my $d (keys %defs) {
+ next if($defs{$d}{TYPE} ne "ESPEasy");
+ if (InternalVal($defs{$d}{NAME},"IDENT","") eq "$ident") {
+ $name = $defs{$d}{NAME} ;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ # autocreate device if no device has $ident asigned.
+ if (!($name) && $ac eq "1") {
+ $name = ESPEasy_autocreate($IOhash,$ident,$ip,$as);
+ # cleanup helper
+ delete $IOhash->{helper}{autocreate}{$ident}
+ if defined $IOhash->{helper}{autocreate}{$ident};
+ delete $IOhash->{helper}{autocreate}
+ if scalar keys %{$IOhash->{helper}{autocreate}} == 0;
+ }
+ # autocreate is disabled
+ elsif (!($name) && $ac eq "0") {
+ Log3 $IOname, 2, "$type $IOname: autocreate is disabled (ident: $ident)"
+ if not defined $IOhash->{helper}{autocreate}{$ident};
+ $IOhash->{helper}{autocreate}{$ident} = "disabled";
+ return $ident;
+ }
+ return $name if (IsDisabled $name);
+ my $hash = $defs{$name};
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: Received: $msg";
+ if (defined $hash && $hash->{TYPE} eq "ESPEasy" && $hash->{SUBTYPE} eq "device") {
+ my @logInternals;
+ foreach (@v) {
+ my ($cmd,$reading,$value,$vType) = split("\\|\\|",$_);
+ # reading prefix replacement (useful if we poll values)
+ my $replace = '"'.AttrVal($name,"readingPrefixGPIO","GPIO").'"';
+ $reading =~ s/^GPIO/$replace/ee;
+ # --- setReading ----------------------------------------------
+ if ($cmd eq "r") {
+ # reading suffix replacement only for setreading
+ $replace = '"'.AttrVal($name,"readingSuffixGPIOState","").'"';
+ $reading =~ s/_state$/$replace/ee;
+ # map value to on/off if device is a switch
+ $value = ($value eq "1") ? "on" : "off"
+ if ($vType == 10 && AttrVal($name,"readingSwitchText",1) && !AttrVal($name,"rgbGPIOs",0)
+ && $value =~ /^(0|1)$/);
+ # delete ignored reading and helper
+ if (defined ReadingsVal($name,".ignored_$reading",undef)) {
+ delete $hash->{READINGS}{".ignored_$reading"};
+ delete $hash->{helper}{received}{".ignored_$reading"};
+ }
+ # delete warning if there is any (send from httpRequestParse before)
+ if (exists ($hash->{"WARNING"})) {
+ if (defined $hash->{"WARNING"}) {
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: RESOLVED: ".$hash->{"WARNING"};
+ }
+ delete $hash->{"WARNING"};
+ }
+ # attr adjustValue
+ my $orgVal = $value;
+ $value = ESPEasy_adjustValue($hash,$reading,$value);
+ if (!defined $value) {
+ Log3 $name, 4, "$type $name: $reading: $orgVal [ignored]";
+ $reading = ".ignored_$reading";
+ $value = $orgVal;
+ }
+ readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $reading, $value, 1);
+ my $adj = ($orgVal ne $value) ? " [adjusted]" : "";
+ Log3 $name, 4, "$type $name: $reading: $value".$adj
+ if defined $value && $reading !~ m/^\./; #no leading dot
+ # used for presence detection
+ $hash->{helper}{received}{$reading} = time();
+ # recalc RGB reading if a PWM channel has changed
+ if (AttrVal($name,"rgbGPIOs",0) && $reading =~ m/\d$/i) {
+ my ($r,$g,$b) = ESPEasy_gpio2RGB($hash);
+# if (($r ne "" && uc ReadingsVal($name,"rgb","") ne uc $r.$g.$b) || ReadingsAge($name,"rgb",0) > 5 ) {
+ if (($r ne "" && uc ReadingsVal($name,"rgb","") ne uc $r.$g.$b) ) {
+ readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "rgb", $r.$g.$b, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # --- setInternal ---------------------------------------------
+ elsif ($cmd eq "i") {
+ $hash->{"ESP_".uc($reading)} = $value;
+ push(@logInternals,"$reading:$value");
+ }
+ # --- Error ---------------------------------------------------
+ elsif ($cmd eq "e") {
+ if (!defined $hash->{"WARNING"} || $hash->{"WARNING"} ne $value) {
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: WARNING: $value";
+ $hash->{"WARNING"} = $value;
+ # CommandTrigger(undef, "$name ....");
+ }
+ #readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $reading, $value, 1);
+ }
+ # --- DeleteReading -------------------------------------------
+ elsif ($cmd eq "dr") {
+ CommandDeleteReading(undef, "$name $reading");
+ Log3 $name, 4, "$type $name: Reading $reading deleted";
+ }
+ else {
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: Unknown command received via dispatch";
+ }
+ } # foreach @v
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: Internals: ".join(" ",@logInternals)
+ if scalar @logInternals > 0;
+ ESPEasy_checkPresence($hash) if ReadingsVal($name,"presence","") ne "present";
+ ESPEasy_setState($hash);
+ }
+ else { #autocreate failed
+ Log3 undef, 2, "ESPEasy: Device $name not defined";
+ }
+ return $name; # must be != undef. else msg will processed further -> help me!
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_autocreate($$$$)
+ my ($IOhash,$ident,$ip,$autosave) = @_;
+ my $IOname = $IOhash->{NAME};
+ my $IOtype = $IOhash->{TYPE};
+ my $devname = "ESPEasy_".$ident;
+ my $define = "$devname ESPEasy $ip 80 $IOhash->{NAME} $ident";
+ Log3 undef, 2, "$IOtype $IOname: Autocreate $define";
+ my $cmdret= CommandDefine(undef,$define);
+ if(!$cmdret) {
+ $cmdret= CommandAttr(undef, "$devname room $IOhash->{TYPE}");
+ $cmdret= CommandAttr(undef, "$devname group $IOhash->{TYPE} Device");
+ $cmdret= CommandAttr(undef, "$devname setState 3");
+ $cmdret= CommandAttr(undef, "$devname Interval $d_Interval");
+ $cmdret= CommandAttr(undef, "$devname presenceCheck 1");
+ $cmdret= CommandAttr(undef, "$devname readingSwitchText 1");
+ if (AttrVal($IOname,"autosave",AttrVal("global","autosave",1))) {
+ CommandSave(undef,undef);
+ Log3 undef, 2, "$IOtype $IOname: Structural changes saved.";
+ }
+ else {
+ Log3 undef, 2, "$IOtype $IOname: Autosave is disabled: "
+ ."Do not forget to save changes.";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Log3 undef, 1, "$IOtype $IOname: WARNING: an error occurred "
+ ."while creating device for $ident: $cmdret";
+ }
+ return $devname;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_httpReq($$$$$$@)
+ my ($hash, $host, $port, $ident, $parseCmd, $cmd, @params) = @_;
+ my ($name,$type,$self) = ($hash->{NAME},$hash->{TYPE},ESPEasy_whoami()."()");
+ # command queue (in)
+ return undef if ESPEasy_httpReqQueue(@_);
+ # increment http session counter
+ $hash->{helper}{sessions}{$host}++;
+ my $orgParams = join(",",@params);
+ my $orgCmd = $cmd;
+ # raw is used for command not implemented right now
+ if ($cmd eq "raw") {
+ $cmd = $params[0];
+ splice(@params,0,1);
+ }
+ $params[0] = ",".$params[0] if defined $params[0];
+ my $plist = join(",",@params);
+ my $path = ($cmd =~ m/(reboot|reset|erase)/i) ? "/?cmd=" : "/control?cmd=";
+ my $url = "http://".$host.":".$port.$path.$cmd.$plist;
+ # there is already a log entry with verbose 3 from device
+ Log3 $name, 4, "$type $name: Send $cmd$plist to $host for ident $ident" if ($cmd !~ m/^(status)/);
+ my $timeout = AttrVal($name,"httpReqTimeout",$d_httpReqTimeout);
+ my $httpParams = {
+ url => $url,
+ timeout => $timeout,
+ keepalive => 0,
+ httpversion => "1.0",
+ hideurl => 0,
+ method => "GET",
+ hash => $hash,
+ cmd => $orgCmd, # passthrought to parseFn
+ plist => $orgParams, # passthrought to parseFn
+ host => $host, # passthrought to parseFn
+ port => $port, # passthrought to parseFn
+ ident => $ident, # passthrought to parseFn
+ parseCmd => $parseCmd, # passthrought to parseFn (attr parseCmdResponse => (0)|1)
+ callback => \&ESPEasy_httpReqParse
+ };
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: NonblockingGet for ident:$ident => $url";
+ HttpUtils_NonblockingGet($httpParams);
+ return undef;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_httpReqParse($$$)
+ my ($param, $err, $data) = @_;
+ my $hash = $param->{hash};
+ my ($name,$type) = ($hash->{NAME},$hash->{TYPE});
+ my @values;
+ # command queue
+ $hash->{helper}{sessions}{$param->{host}}--;
+ if ($err ne "") {
+ #dispatch $err to logical device
+ @values = ("e||_lastError||$err||0");
+ # keep in helper for support reason
+ $hash->{"WARNING_$param->{host}"} = $err;
+ # logqueue
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: httpReq failed: $param->{host} $param->{ident} "
+ ."'$param->{cmd} $param->{plist}' ";
+ # unshift command back to queue (resend)
+ if (AttrVal($name,"resendFailedCmd",$d_resendFailedCmd)
+ && $hash->{MAX_HTTP_SESSIONS}) {
+ my @p = ($param->{hash}, $param->{host}, $param->{port}, $param->{ident},
+ $param->{parseCmd}, $param->{cmd}, $param->{plist});
+ unshift @{$hash->{helper}{queue}{$param->{host}}}, \@p;
+ # logqueue
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: Requeuing: $param->{host} $param->{ident} "
+ ."'$param->{cmd} $param->{plist}' "
+ ."(".scalar @{$hash->{helper}{queue}{$param->{host}}}.")";
+ }
+ }
+ # check that response from cmd should be parsed (client attr parseCmdResponse)
+ elsif ($data ne "" && !$param->{parseCmd}) {
+ ESPEasy_httpReqDequeue($hash, $param->{host});
+ return undef;
+ }
+ elsif ($data ne "") { # no error occurred
+ # command queue
+ delete $hash->{"WARNING_$param->{host}"};
+ (my $logData = $data) =~ s/\n//sg;
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: http response for ident:$param->{ident} "
+ ."cmd:'$param->{cmd},$param->{plist}' => '$logData'";
+ if ($data =~ m/^{/) { #it could be json...
+ my $res;
+ eval {$res = decode_json($data);1;};
+ if ($@) {
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: WARNING: deformed JSON data received "
+ ."from $param->{host} requested by $param->{ident}.";
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: $@";
+ @values = ("e||_lastError||$@||0");
+ return undef;
+ }
+ # maps plugin type (answer for set state/gpio) to SENSOR_TYPE_SWITCH
+ my $vType = (defined $res->{plugin} && $res->{plugin} eq "1") ? "10" : "0";
+ if (defined $res->{plugin} && $res->{plugin} eq "123") {
+ # Lights plugin
+# Log 1, Dumper $res;
+ foreach (keys %{ $res }) {
+ push @values, "r||$_||".$res->{$_}."||".$vType
+ if $res->{$_} ne "" && $_ ne "plugin";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # push values/cmds in @values
+ push @values, "r||GPIO".$res->{pin}."_mode||".$res->{mode}."||".$vType;
+ push @values, "r||GPIO".$res->{pin}."_state||".$res->{state}."||".$vType;
+ push @values, "r||_lastAction"."||".$res->{log}."||".$vType if $res->{log} ne "";
+ }
+ } #it is json...
+ else { # no json returned => unknown state
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: No json fmt: ident:$param->{ident} ".
+ "$param->{cmd} $param->{plist} => $data";
+ if ($param->{cmd} eq "status" && $param->{plist} =~ m/^gpio,(\d+)$/i) {
+ # push values/cmds in @values
+ if (defined $1) {
+ push @values, "r||GPIO".$1."_mode||"."?"."||0";
+ push @values, "r||GPIO".$1."_state||".$data."||0";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } # ($data ne "")
+ ESPEasy_dispatch($hash,$param->{ident},$param->{host},@values);
+ ESPEasy_httpReqDequeue($hash, $param->{host});
+ return undef;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_httpReqQueue(@)
+ my ($hash, $host, $port, $ident, $parseCmd, $cmd, @params) = @_;
+ my ($name,$type) = ($hash->{NAME},$hash->{TYPE});
+ $hash->{helper}{sessions}{$host} = 0 if !defined $hash->{helper}{sessions}{$host};
+ # is queueing enabled?
+ if ($hash->{MAX_HTTP_SESSIONS}) {
+ # do queueing if max sessions are already in use
+ if ($hash->{helper}{sessions}{$host} >= $hash->{MAX_HTTP_SESSIONS} ) {
+ # max queue size reached
+ if (!defined $hash->{helper}{queue}{"$host"}
+ || scalar @{$hash->{helper}{queue}{"$host"}} < $hash->{MAX_QUEUE_SIZE}) {
+ push(@{$hash->{helper}{queue}{"$host"}}, \@_);
+ # logqueue
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: Queuing: $host $ident '$cmd ".join(",",@params)."' (". scalar @{$hash->{helper}{queue}{"$host"}} .")";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ # logqueue
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: set $cmd ".join(",",@params)." (skipped "
+ ."due to queue size exceeded: $hash->{MAX_QUEUE_SIZE})";
+# if ($cmd ne "status");
+# ESPEasy_httpReqDequeue($hash,$host);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_httpReqDequeue($$)
+ my ($hash,$host) = @_;
+ my ($name,$type) = ($hash->{NAME},$hash->{TYPE});
+ if (defined $hash->{helper}{queue}{"$host"} && scalar @{$hash->{helper}{queue}{"$host"}}) {
+ my $p = shift @{$hash->{helper}{queue}{"$host"}};
+ my ($dhash, $dhost, $port, $ident, $parseCmd, $cmd, @params) = @{ $p };
+ # logqueue
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: Dequeuing: $host $ident '$cmd ".join(",",@params)."' (". scalar @{$hash->{helper}{queue}{"$host"}} .")";
+ ESPEasy_httpReq($dhash, $dhost, $port, $ident, $parseCmd, $cmd, @params);
+ }
+ return undef;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_statusRequest($) #called by device
+ my ($hash) = @_;
+ my ($name, $type) = ($hash->{NAME},$hash->{TYPE});
+ unless (IsDisabled $name) {
+ Log3 $name, 4, "$type $name: set statusRequest";
+ ESPEasy_pollGPIOs($hash);
+ ESPEasy_checkPresence($hash);
+ ESPEasy_setState($hash);
+ }
+ ESPEasy_resetTimer($hash);
+ return undef;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_pollGPIOs($) #called by device
+ my ($hash) = @_;
+ my $name = $hash->{NAME};
+ my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
+ my $sleep = $hash->{SLEEP};
+ my $a = AttrVal($name,'pollGPIOs',undef);
+ if (!defined $a) {
+ # do nothing, just return
+ }
+ elsif (defined $sleep && $sleep eq "1") {
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: Polling of GPIOs is not possible as long as deep sleep mode is active.";
+ }
+ else {
+ my @gpios = split(",",$a);
+ foreach my $gpio (@gpios) {
+ if ($gpio =~ m/^[a-zA-Z]/) { # pin mapping (eg. D8 -> 15)
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: Pin mapping ".uc $gpio." => $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gpio}";
+ $gpio = $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gpio};
+ }
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: IOWrite(\$defs{$name}, $hash->{HOST}, $hash->{PORT}, $hash->{IDENT}, 1, status, gpio,".$gpio.")";
+ IOWrite($hash, $hash->{HOST}, $hash->{PORT}, $hash->{IDENT}, 1, "status", "gpio,".$gpio);
+ } #foreach
+ } #else
+ return undef;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_resetTimer($;$)
+ my ($hash,$sig) = @_;
+ my $name = $hash->{NAME};
+ my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
+ $sig = "" if !$sig;
+ if ($init_done == 1) {
+ #Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: RemoveInternalTimer ESPEasy_statusRequest";
+ RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "ESPEasy_statusRequest");
+ delete $hash->{helper}{intAt};
+ }
+ if ($sig eq "stop") {
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: internalTimer stopped";
+ return undef;
+ }
+ return undef if AttrVal($name,"Interval",$d_Interval) == 0;
+ unless(IsDisabled($name)) {
+ my $s = AttrVal($name,"Interval",$d_Interval) + rand(5);
+ my $ts = $s + gettimeofday();
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: Start internalTimer +".int($s)." => ".FmtDateTime($ts);
+ InternalTimer($ts, "ESPEasy_statusRequest", $hash);
+ ESPEasy_intAt2helper($hash);
+ }
+ return undef;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_intAt2helper($) {
+ my ($hash) = @_;
+ my $i = 1;
+ delete $hash->{helper}{intAt};
+ foreach my $a (keys %intAt) {
+ my $arg = $intAt{$a}{ARG};
+ my $nam = (ref($arg) eq "HASH" ) ? $arg->{NAME} : "";
+ if (defined $nam && $nam eq $hash->{NAME}) {
+ $hash->{helper}{intAt}{$i}{TRIGGERTIME} = strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S',
+ localtime($intAt{$a}{TRIGGERTIME}));
+ $hash->{helper}{intAt}{$i}{INTERVAL} = round($intAt{$a}{TRIGGERTIME}-time(),0);
+ $hash->{helper}{intAt}{$i}{FN} = $intAt{$a}{FN};
+ $i++
+ }
+ }
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_tcpServerOpen($) {
+ my ($hash) = @_;
+ my $name = $hash->{NAME};
+ my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
+ my $port = ($hash->{PORT}) ? $hash->{PORT} : 8383;
+ my $ret = TcpServer_Open( $hash, $port, "global" );
+ exit(1) if ($ret && !$init_done);
+ readingsSingleUpdate ( $hash, "state", "initialized", 1 );
+ return $ret;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_header2Hash($) {
+ my ($string) = @_;
+ my %header = ();
+ foreach my $line (split("\r\n", $string)) {
+ my ($key,$value) = split(": ", $line,2);
+ next if !$value;
+ $value =~ s/^ //;
+ $header{$key} = $value;
+ }
+ return \%header;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_isAuthenticated($$)
+ my ($hash,$ah) = @_;
+ my ($name,$type) = ($hash->{NAME},$hash->{TYPE});
+ my $bhash = $modules{ESPEasy}{defptr}{BRIDGE};
+ my ($bname,$btype) = ($bhash->{NAME},$bhash->{TYPE});
+ my $u = getKeyValue($btype."_".$bname."-user");
+ my $p = getKeyValue($btype."_".$bname."-pass");
+ my $attr = AttrVal($bname,"authentication",0);
+ if (!defined $u || !defined $p || $attr == 0) {
+ if (defined $ah){
+ Log3 $bname, 2, "$type $name: No basic authentication active but ".
+ "credentials received";
+ }
+ else {
+ Log3 $bname, 4, "$type $name: No basic authentication required";
+ }
+ return "not required";
+ }
+ elsif (defined $ah) {
+ my ($a,$v) = split(" ",$ah);
+ if ($a eq "Basic" && decode_base64($v) eq $u.":".$p) {
+ Log3 $bname, 4, "$type $name: Basic authentication accepted";
+ return "accepted";
+ }
+ else {
+ Log3 $bname, 2, "$type $name: Basic authentication rejected";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Log3 $bname, 2, "$type $name: Basic authentication active but ".
+ "no credentials received";
+ }
+return undef;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_isParseCmd($$) #called by device
+ my ($hash,$cmd) = @_;
+ my $name = $hash->{NAME};
+ my $doParse = 0;
+ my @cmds = split(",",AttrVal($name,"parseCmdResponse","status"));
+ foreach (@cmds) {
+ if (lc($_) eq lc($cmd)) {
+ $doParse = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ return $doParse;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_sendHttpClose($$$) {
+ my ($hash,$code,$response) = @_;
+ my ($name,$type,$con) = ($hash->{NAME},$hash->{TYPE},$hash->{CD});
+ my $bhash = $modules{ESPEasy}{defptr}{BRIDGE};
+ my $bname = $bhash->{NAME};
+ print $con "HTTP/1.1 ".$code."\r\n",
+ "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n",
+ "Connection: close\r\n",
+ "Content-Length: ".length($response)."\r\n\r\n",
+ $response;
+ Log3 $bname, 4, "$type $name: Send http close '$code'";
+ return undef;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_paramPos($$)
+ my ($cmd,$search) = @_;
+ my @usage = split(" ",$ESPEasy_setCmdsUsage{$cmd});
+ my $pos = 0;
+ my $i = 0;
+ foreach (@usage) {
+ if ($_ eq $search) {
+ $pos = $i;
+ last;
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ return $pos; # return 0 if no match, else position
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_paramCount($)
+ return () = $_[0] =~ m/\s/g # count \s in a string
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_clearReadings($)
+ my ($hash) = @_;
+ my $name = $hash->{NAME};
+ my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
+ my @dr;
+ foreach (keys %{$hash->{READINGS}}) {
+# next if $_ =~ m/^(presence)$/;
+ CommandDeleteReading(undef, "$name $_");
+# fhem("deletereading $name $_");
+ push(@dr,$_);
+ }
+ if (scalar @dr >= 1) {
+ delete $hash->{helper}{received};
+ delete $hash->{helper}{fpc}; # used in checkPresence
+ Log3 $name, 3, "$type $name: Readings [".join(",",@dr)."] wiped out";
+ }
+ ESPEasy_setState($hash);
+ return undef
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_checkVersion($$$$)
+ my ($hash,$dev,$ve,$vj) = @_;
+ my ($type,$name) = ($hash->{TYPE},$hash->{NAME});
+ my $ov = "_OUTDATED_ESP_VER_$dev";
+ if ($vj < $minJsonVersion) {
+ $hash->{$ov} = "R".$ve."/J".$vj;
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: WARNING: no data processed. ESPEasy plugin "
+ ."'FHEM HTTP' is too old [$dev: R".$ve." J".$vj."]. ".
+ "Use ESPEasy R$minEEBuild at least.";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else{
+ delete $hash->{$ov} if exists $hash->{$ov};
+ return 0;
+ }
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_checkPresence($)
+ my ($hash,$isPresent) = @_;
+ my $name = $hash->{NAME};
+ my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
+ my $interval = AttrVal($name,'Interval',$d_Interval);
+ my $addTime = 10; # if there is extreme heavy system load
+ return undef if AttrVal($name,'presenceCheck',1) == 0;
+ return undef if $interval == 0;
+ my $presence = "absent";
+ # check each received reading
+ foreach my $reading (keys %{$hash->{helper}{received}}) {
+ if (ReadingsAge($name,$reading,0) < $interval+$addTime) {
+ #dev is present if any reading is newer than INTERVAL+$addTime
+ $presence = "present";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ # update presence only if FirstPrecenceCheck is $interval seconds ago.
+ $hash->{helper}{fpc} = time() if (!defined $hash->{helper}{fpc});
+ if ($presence eq "present" || (time() - $hash->{helper}{fpc}) > $interval) {
+ readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"presence",$presence,1);
+ Log3 $name, 4, "$type $name: presence: $presence";
+ }
+ return undef;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_setState($)
+ my ($hash) = @_;
+ my $name = $hash->{NAME};
+ my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
+ return undef if not AttrVal($name,"setState",1);
+ if (AttrVal($name,"rgbGPIOs",0)) {
+ my ($r,$g,$b) = ESPEasy_gpio2RGB($hash);
+ if ($r ne "") {
+ readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state", "R: $r G: $g B: $b", 1)
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my $interval = AttrVal($name,"Interval",$d_Interval);
+ my $addTime = 3;
+ my @ret;
+ foreach my $reading (sort keys %{$hash->{helper}{received}}) {
+ next if $reading =~ m/^(\.ignored_.*|state|presence|_lastAction|_lastError|\w+_mode)$/;
+ next if $interval && ReadingsAge($name,$reading,1) > $interval+$addTime;
+ push(@ret, substr($reading,0,AttrVal($name,"setState",3))
+ .": ".ReadingsVal($name,$reading,""));
+ }
+ my $oState = ReadingsVal($name, "state", "");
+ my $presence = ReadingsVal($name, "presence", "opened");
+ if ($presence eq "absent" && $oState ne "absent") {
+ readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","absent", 1 );
+ delete $hash->{helper}{received};
+ }
+ else {
+ my $nState = (scalar @ret >= 1) ? join(" ",@ret) : $presence;
+ readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state",$nState, 1 ); # if ($oState ne $nState);
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_setRGB($$@)
+ my ($hash,$cmd,@p) = @_;
+ my ($type,$name) = ($hash->{TYPE},$hash->{NAME});
+ my ($rg,$gg,$bg) = split(",",AttrVal($name,"rgbGPIOs",""));
+ my ($r,$g,$b);
+ my $rgb = $p[0] if $cmd =~ m/^rgb$/i;
+# return undef if !defined $rgb;
+ $rg = $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $rg} if defined $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $rg};
+ $gg = $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gg} if defined $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gg};
+ $bg = $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $bg} if defined $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $bg};
+ if ($cmd =~ m/^(1|on)$/ || ($cmd =~ m/^rgb$/i && $rgb =~ m/^(1|on)$/)) {
+ $rgb = "FFFFFF" }
+ elsif ($cmd =~ m/^(0|off)$/ || ($cmd =~ m/^rgb$/i && $rgb =~ m/^(0|off)$/)) {
+ $rgb = "000000" }
+ elsif ($cmd =~ m/^toggle$/i || ($cmd =~ m/^rgb$/i && $rgb =~ m/^toggle$/i)) {
+ $rgb = ReadingsVal($name,"rgb","000000") ne "000000" ? "000000" : "FFFFFF"
+ }
+ if ($rgb =~ m/^([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})$/) {
+ ($r,$g,$b) = (hex($1), hex($2), hex($3));
+ }
+ else {
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: set $name $cmd $rgb: "
+ ."'$rgb' is not a valid RGB value.";
+ return "'$rgb' is not a valid RGB value.";
+ }
+ ESPEasy_Set($hash, $name, "pwm", ("$rg", $r*4));
+ ESPEasy_Set($hash, $name, "pwm", ("$gg", $g*4));
+ ESPEasy_Set($hash, $name, "pwm", ("$bg", $b*4));
+ readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "rgb", uc $rgb, 1);
+ return undef;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_setCT($$@)
+ my ($hash,$cmd,@p) = @_;
+ my ($type,$name) = ($hash->{TYPE},$hash->{NAME});
+ my ($gww,$gcw) = split(",",AttrVal($name,"wwcwGPIOs",""));
+ my ($ww,$cw);
+ my ($pct,$ct);
+ my $ctWW = AttrVal($name,"colorpickerCTww",$d_colorpickerCTww);
+ my $ctCW = AttrVal($name,"colorpickerCTcw",$d_colorpickerCTcw);
+ my $ctWW_lim = AttrVal($name,"ctWW_reducedRange",undef);
+ my $ctCW_lim = AttrVal($name,"ctCW_reducedRange",undef);
+ $gww = $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gww} if defined $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gww};
+ $gcw = $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gcw} if defined $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gcw};
+ readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $cmd, $p[0], 1);
+ if ($cmd eq "ct") {
+ $ct = $p[0];
+ $pct = ReadingsVal($name,"pct",50);
+ }
+ elsif ($cmd eq "pct") {
+ $pct = $p[0];
+ $ct = ReadingsVal($name,"ct",3000);
+ }
+ # are we out of range?
+ $pct = 100 if $pct > 100;
+ $pct = 0 if $pct < 0;
+ $ct = $ctWW if $ct < $ctWW;
+ $ct = $ctCW if $ct > $ctCW;
+ #Log 1, "pct:$pct ct:$ct ctWW:$ctWW ctCW:$ctCW ctWW_lim:$ctWW_lim ctCW_lim:$ctCW_lim";
+ my $wwcwMaxBri = AttrVal($name,"wwcwMaxBri",0);
+ my ($fww,$fcw) = ESPEasy_ct2wwcw($ct, $ctWW, $ctCW, $wwcwMaxBri, $ctWW_lim, $ctCW_lim);
+ #my ($fww,$fcw) = ESPEasy_ct2wwcw($ct, $ctWW, $ctCW);
+ ESPEasy_Set($hash, $name, "pwm", ($gww, int $pct*10.23*$fww));
+ ESPEasy_Set($hash, $name, "pwm", ($gcw, int $pct*10.23*$fcw));
+ return undef;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ct2wwcw with constant brightness over temp range (or max bri if $maxBri == 1).
+# "used range" can be set to reduce temp range to get a lighter leds with constant
+# bri over reduced temp range.
+# 1: temp to set 2:led-ww-temp 3:led-cw-temp 4:maxBri 5:used range ww 6:used range cw
+sub ESPEasy_ct2wwcw($$$;$$$)
+ my ($t,$tww,$tcw,$maxBri,$tww_ur,$tcw_ur) = @_;
+ my $maxBriFactor;
+ $tcw -= $tww;
+ $t -= $tww;
+ my $fcw = $t / $tcw;
+ my $fww = 1 - $fcw;
+ if ($maxBri // $maxBri) {
+ $maxBriFactor = ($fcw > $fww) ? 1/$fcw : 1/$fww;
+ #Log 1, "maxBriFactor: $maxBriFactor (maxBri)";
+ }
+ else {
+ $tww_ur = $tww if !(defined $tww_ur) || $tww_ur < $tww || $tww_ur >= $tcw;
+ $tcw_ur = $tcw if !(defined $tcw_ur) || $tcw_ur > $tcw || $tcw_ur <= $tww;
+ $tww_ur -= $tww;
+ $tcw_ur -= $tww;
+ my $t = ($tww_ur < $tcw - $tcw_ur) ? $tww_ur : $tcw - $tcw_ur;
+ my $fcw = $t / $tcw;
+ my $fww = 1 - $fcw;
+ $maxBriFactor = ($fcw > $fww) ? 1/$fcw : 1/$fww;
+ #Log 1, "maxBriFactor: $maxBriFactor (constBri)";
+ }
+ return ( $fww * $maxBriFactor, $fcw * $maxBriFactor );
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_gpio2RGB($)
+ my ($hash) = @_;
+ my $name = $hash->{NAME};
+ my ($r,$g,$b,$rgb);
+ my $a = AttrVal($name,"rgbGPIOs",undef);
+ return undef if !defined $a;
+ my ($gr,$gg,$gb) = split(",",AttrVal($name,"rgbGPIOs",""));
+ $gr = $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gr} if defined $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gr};
+ $gg = $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gg} if defined $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gg};
+ $gb = $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gb} if defined $ESPEasy_pinMap{uc $gb};
+ my $rr = AttrVal($name,"readingPrefixGPIO","GPIO").$gr;
+ my $rg = AttrVal($name,"readingPrefixGPIO","GPIO").$gg;
+ my $rb = AttrVal($name,"readingPrefixGPIO","GPIO").$gb;
+ $r = ReadingsVal($name,$rr,undef);
+ $g = ReadingsVal($name,$rg,undef);
+ $b = ReadingsVal($name,$rb,undef);
+ return ("","","") if !defined $r || !defined $g || !defined $b
+ || $r !~ m/^\d+$/ || $g !~ m/^\d+$/i || $b !~ m/^\d+$/i;
+ return (sprintf("%2.2X",$r/4), sprintf("%2.2X",$g/4), sprintf("%2.2X",$b/4));
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_adjustSetCmds($)
+ my ($hash) = @_;
+ my $name = $hash->{NAME};
+ delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{rgb};
+ delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{ct};
+ delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{pct};
+ delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{on};
+ delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{off};
+ delete $ESPEasy_setCmds{toggle};
+ if (defined AttrVal($name,"mapLightCmds",undef)) {
+ $ESPEasy_setCmds{rgb} = 1;
+ $ESPEasy_setCmds{ct} = 1;
+ $ESPEasy_setCmds{pct} = 1;
+ $ESPEasy_setCmds{on} = 0;
+ $ESPEasy_setCmds{off} = 0;
+ $ESPEasy_setCmds{toggle} = 0;
+ }
+ if (defined AttrVal($name,"rgbGPIOs",undef)) {
+ $ESPEasy_setCmds{rgb} = 1;
+ $ESPEasy_setCmds{on} = 0;
+ $ESPEasy_setCmds{off} = 0;
+ $ESPEasy_setCmds{toggle} = 0;
+ }
+ if (defined AttrVal($name,"wwcwGPIOs",undef)) {
+ $ESPEasy_setCmds{ct} = 1;
+ $ESPEasy_setCmds{pct} = 1;
+ $ESPEasy_setCmds{on} = 0;
+ $ESPEasy_setCmds{off} = 0;
+ $ESPEasy_setCmds{toggle} = 0;
+ }
+ return undef;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# attr devStateIcon { ESPEasy_devStateIcon($name) }
+sub ESPEasy_devStateIcon($)
+ my $ret = Color::devStateIcon($_[0],"rgb","rgb");
+ $ret =~ m/^.*:on@#(..)(..)(..):toggle$/;
+ return undef if !defined $1;
+ my $symP = int((hex($1)+hex($2)+hex($3))/76.5)*10;
+ $symP = "00" if $symP == 0;
+ my $icon = "light_light_dim_".$symP;
+ $ret =~ s/:on@#/:$icon@#/;
+ return $ret;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_adjustValue($$$)
+ my ($hash,$r,$v) = @_;
+ my $name = $hash->{NAME};
+ my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
+ my $a = AttrVal($name,"adjustValue",undef);
+ return $v if !defined $a;
+ my ($VALUE,$READING,$NAME) = ($v,$r,$name); #capital vars für use in attribute
+ my @a = split(" ",$a);
+ foreach (@a) {
+ my ($regex,$formula) = split(":",$_);
+ if ($r =~ m/^$regex$/) {
+ no warnings;
+ my $adjVal = $formula =~ m/\$VALUE/ ? eval($formula) : eval($v.$formula);
+ use warnings;
+ if ($@) {
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: WARNING: attribute 'adjustValue': "
+ ."mad expression '$formula'";
+ Log3 $name, 2, "$type $name: $@";
+ }
+ else {
+ my $rText = (defined $adjVal) ? $adjVal : "'undef'";
+ Log3 $name, 5, "$type $name: Adjusted reading $r: $v => $formula = $rText";
+ return $adjVal;
+ }
+ #last; #disabled to be able to match multiple readings
+ }
+ }
+ return $v;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_isPmInstalled($$)
+ my ($hash,$pm) = @_;
+ my ($name,$type) = ($hash->{NAME},$hash->{TYPE});
+ if (not eval "use $pm;1")
+ {
+ Log3 $name, 1, "$type $name: perl modul missing: $pm. Install it, please.";
+ $hash->{MISSING_MODULES} .= "$pm ";
+ return "failed: $pm";
+ }
+ return undef;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_isAttrCombineDevices($)
+ return 0 if !defined $_[0];
+ my @ranges = split(/,| /,$_[0]);
+ foreach (@ranges) {
+ if (!($_ =~ m/^([A-Za-z0-9_\.]|[A-Za-z0-9_\.][A-Za-z0-9_\.]*[A-Za-z0-9\._])$/
+ || ESPEasy_isIPv64Range($_)))
+ {
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# check if $peer is covered by $allowed (eg. is included in
+# 1:peer address 2:allowed range
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_isCombineDevices($$$)
+ my ($peer,$espName,$allowed) = @_;
+ return $allowed if $allowed =~ m/^[01]$/;
+ my @allowed = split(/,| /,$allowed);
+ foreach (@allowed) { return 1 if $espName eq $_ }
+ return 1 if ESPEasy_isPeerAllowed($peer,$allowed);
+ return 0;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# check param to be a valid ip64 address or fqdn or hostname
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_isValidPeer($)
+ my ($addr) = @_;
+ return 0 if !defined $addr;
+ my @ranges = split(/,| /,$addr);
+ foreach (@ranges) {
+ return 0 if !( ESPEasy_isIPv64Range($_)
+ || ESPEasy_isFqdn($_) || ESPEasy_isHostname($_) );
+ }
+ return 1;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# check if given ip or ip range is guilty
+# argument can be:
+# - ipv4, ipv4/CIDR, ipv4/dotted, ipv6, ipv6/CIDR
+# - space or comma separated list of above.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_isIPv64Range($)
+ my ($addr) = @_;
+ return 0 if !defined $addr;
+ my @ranges = split(/,| /,$addr);
+ foreach (@ranges) {
+ my ($ip,$nm) = split("/",$_);
+ if (ESPEasy_isIPv4($ip)) {
+ return 0 if defined $nm && !( ESPEasy_isNmDotted($nm)
+ || ESPEasy_isNmCIDRv4($nm) );
+ }
+ elsif (ESPEasy_isIPv6($ip)) {
+ return 0 if defined $nm && !ESPEasy_isNmCIDRv6($nm);
+ }
+ else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# check if $peer is covered by $allowed (eg. is included in
+# 1:peer address 2:allowed range
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_isPeerAllowed($$)
+ my ($peer,$allowed) = @_;
+ return $allowed if $allowed =~ m/^[01]$/;
+ #return 1 if $allowed =~ /^\/0(.0.0.0)?$/; # not necessary but faster
+ my $binPeer = ESPEasy_ip2bin($peer);
+ my @a = split(/,| /,$allowed);
+ foreach (@a) {
+ next if !ESPEasy_isIPv64Range($_); # needed for combinedDevices
+ my ($addr,$ip,$mask) = ESPEasy_addrToCIDR($_);
+ return 0 if !defined $ip || !defined $mask; # return if ip or mask !guilty
+ my $binAllowed = ESPEasy_ip2bin($addr);
+ my $binPeerCut = substr($binPeer,0,$mask);
+ return 1 if ($binAllowed eq $binPeerCut);
+ }
+ return 0;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# convert IPv64 address to binary format and return network part of binary, only
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_ip2bin($)
+ my ($addr) = @_;
+ my ($ip,$mask) = split("/",$addr);
+ my @bin;
+ if (ESPEasy_isIPv4($ip)) {
+ $mask = 32 if !defined $mask;
+ @bin = map substr(unpack("B32",pack("N",$_)),-8), split(/\./,$ip);
+ }
+ elsif (ESPEasy_isIPv6($ip)) {
+ $ip = ESPEasy_expandIPv6($ip);
+ $mask = 128 if !defined $mask;
+ @bin = map {unpack('B*',pack('H*',$_))} split(/:/, $ip);
+ }
+ else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ my $bin = join('', @bin);
+ my $binMask = substr($bin, 0, $mask);
+ return $binMask; # return network part of $bin
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# expand IPv6 address to 8 full blocks
+# Advantage of IO::Socket: already installed and it is the fastest way
+# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4800691/perl-ipv6-address-expansion-parsing
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_expandIPv6($)
+ my ($ipv6) = @_;
+ use Socket qw(inet_pton AF_INET6);
+ return join(":", unpack("H4H4H4H4H4H4H4H4",inet_pton(AF_INET6, $ipv6)));
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# convert IPv64 address or range into CIDR notion
+# return undef if addreess or netmask is not valid
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_addrToCIDR($)
+ my ($addr) = @_;
+ my ($ip,$mask) = split("/",$addr);
+ # no nm specified
+ return (ESPEasy_isIPv4($ip) ? ("$ip/32",$ip,32) : ("$ip/128",$ip,128)) if !defined $mask;
+ # netmask is already in CIDR format and all values are valid
+ return ("$ip/$mask",$ip,$mask)
+ if (ESPEasy_isIPv4($ip) && ESPEasy_isNmCIDRv4($mask))
+ || (ESPEasy_isIPv6($ip) && ESPEasy_isNmCIDRv6($mask));
+ $mask = ESPEasy_dottedNmToCIDR($mask);
+ return (undef,undef,undef) if !defined $mask;
+ return ("$ip/$mask",$ip,$mask);
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# convert dotted decimal netmask to CIDR format
+# return undef if nm is not in dotted decimal format
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_dottedNmToCIDR($)
+ my ($mask) = @_;
+ return undef if !ESPEasy_isNmDotted($mask);
+ # dotted decimal to CIDR
+ my ($byte1, $byte2, $byte3, $byte4) = split(/\./, $mask);
+ my $num = ($byte1 * 16777216) + ($byte2 * 65536) + ($byte3 * 256) + $byte4;
+ my $bin = unpack("B*", pack("N", $num));
+ my $count = ($bin =~ tr/1/1/);
+ return $count; # return number of netmask bits
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_isIPv4($)
+ return 0 if !defined $_[0];
+ return 1 if($_[0]
+ =~ m/^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$/);
+ return 0;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_isIPv6($)
+ return 0 if !defined $_[0];
+ return 1 if ($_[0]
+ =~ m/^(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}:|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,5}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,2}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,3}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,3}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,2}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,5}|[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,6})|:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,7}|:)|fe80:(:[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}){0,4}%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,}|::(ffff(:0{1,4}){0,1}:){0,1}((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}:((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9]))$/);
+ return 0;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_isIPv64($)
+ return 0 if !defined $_[0];
+ return 1 if ESPEasy_isIPv4($_[0]) || ESPEasy_isIPv6($_[0]);
+ return 0;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_isNmDotted($)
+ return 0 if !defined $_[0];
+ return 1 if ($_[0]
+ =~ m/^(255|254|252|248|240|224|192|128|0)\.0\.0\.0|255\.(255|254|252|248|240|224|192|128|0)\.0\.0|255\.255\.(255|254|252|248|240|224|192|128|0)\.0|255\.255\.255\.(255|254|252|248|240|224|192|128|0)$/);
+ return 0;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_isNmCIDRv4($)
+ return 0 if !defined $_[0];
+ return 1 if ($_[0] =~ m/^([0-2]?[0-9]|3[0-2])$/);
+ return 0;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_isNmCIDRv6($)
+ return 0 if !defined $_[0];
+ return 1 if ($_[0] =~ m/^([0-9]?[0-9]|1([0-1][0-9]|2[0-8]))$/);
+ return 0;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub ESPEasy_isFqdn($)
+ return 0 if !defined $_[0];
+ return 1 if ($_[0]
+ =~ m/^(?=^.{4,253}$)(^((?!-)[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,63}(?);
+ close(FH);
+ if ($ret =~ m/controls_ESPEasy.txt/) {
+ my ($name,$type) = ($hash->{NAME},$hash->{TYPE});
+ Log3 $name, 1, "";
+ Log3 $name, 1, "================================================================================";
+ Log3 $name, 1, "";
+ Log3 $name, 1, "ESPEasy is part of the official FHEM distribution.";
+ Log3 $name, 1, "";
+ Log3 $name, 1, "Please remove ESPEasy Github repository from FHEM update by using the following";
+ Log3 $name, 1, "FHEM command: ";
+ Log3 $name, 1, "";
+ Log3 $name, 1, "update delete https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ddtlabs/ESPEasy/master/controls_ESPEasy.txt";
+ Log3 $name, 1, "";
+ Log3 $name, 1, "================================================================================";
+ Log3 $name, 1, "";
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+=item device
+=item summary Control and access to ESPEasy (Espressif ESP8266 WLAN-SoC)
+=item summary_DE Steuerung und Zugriff auf ESPEasy (Espressif ESP8266 WLAN-SoC)
+=begin html
+ Provides access and control to Espressif ESP8266 WLAN-SoC w/ ESPEasy
+ Notes:
+ - You have to define a bridge device before any logical device can be
+ defined.
+ - You have to configure your ESP to use "FHEM HTTP" controller protocol.
+ Furthermore the ESP controller port and the FHEM ESPEasy bridge port must
+ be the same, of cause.
+ Requirements:
+ - ESPEasy build >= R128 (self compiled) or an ESPEasy precompiled image >=
+ R140_RC3
+ - perl module JSON
+ Use "cpan install JSON" or operating system's package manager to install
+ Perl JSON Modul. Depending on your os the required package is named:
+ libjson-perl or perl-JSON.
+ ESPEasy Bridge
+ Define (bridge)
+ define <name> ESPEasy bridge <port>
+ -
+ Specifies a device name of your choise.
+ eg. ESPBridge
+ -
+ Specifies tcp port for incoming http requests. This port must not
+ be used by any other application or daemon on your system and must be in
+ the range 1025..65535
+ eg. 8383
(ESPEasy FHEM HTTP plugin default)
+ -
+ Example:
+ define ESPBridge ESPEasy bridge 8383
+ Get (bridge)
+ - <reading>
+ returns the value of the specified reading
+ - queueSize
+ returns number of entries for each queue (:number [:number]
+ [...]).
+ - user
+ returns username used by basic authentication for incoming requests.
+ - pass
+ returns password used by basic authentication for incoming requests.
+ Set (bridge)
+ - help
+ Shows set command usage
+ required values: help|pass|user
+ - clearQueue
+ Used to erase command queues.
+ required value: <none>
+ eg. : set ESPBridge clearQueue
+ - pass
+ Specifies password used by basic authentication for incoming requests.
+ required value: <password>
+ eg. : set ESPBridge pass secretpass
+ - user
+ Specifies username used by basic authentication for incoming requests.
+ required value: <username>
+ eg. : set ESPBridge user itsme
+ Attributes (bridge)
+ - allowedIPs
+ Used to limit IPs or IP ranges of ESPs which are allowed to commit data.
+ Specify comma separated list of IPs or IP ranges. Netmask can be written
+ as bitmask or dotted decimal. Domain names for dns lookups are not
+ supported.
+ Possible values: IPv64 address, IPv64/netmask
+ Default: (all IPs are allowed)
+ Eg.
+ Eg.,
+ Eg. fe80::/10,2001:1a59:50a9::/48,2002:1a59:50a9::,2003:1a59:50a9:acdc::36
+ - authentication
+ Used to enable basic authentication for incoming requests.
+ Note that user, pass and authentication attribute must be set to activate
+ basic authentication
+ Possible values: 0,1
+ Default: 0
+ - autocreate
+ Used to overwrite global autocreate setting.
+ Possible values: 0,1
+ Default: not set
+ - autosave
+ Used to overwrite global autosave setting.
+ Possible values: 0,1
+ Default: not set
+ - combineDevices
+ Used to gather all ESP devices of a single ESP into 1 FHEM device even if
+ different ESP devices names are used.
+ Possible values: 0, 1, IPv64 address, IPv64/netmask, ESPname or a comma
+ separated list consisting of these values.
+ Netmasks can be written as bitmask or dotted decimal. Domain names for dns
+ lookups are not supported.
+ Default: 0 (disabled for all ESPs)
+ Eg. 1 (globally enabled)
+ Eg. ESP01,ESP02
+ Eg.,,ESP01,2002:1a59:50a9::/48
+ - deniedIPs
+ Used to define IPs or IP ranges of ESPs which are denied to commit data.
+ Syntax see allowedIPs.
+ This attribute will overwrite any IP or range defined by
+ allowedIPs.
+ Default: none (no IPs are denied)
+ - disable
+ Used to disable device.
+ Possible values: 0,1
+ Default: 0 (eanble)
+ - httpReqTimeout
+ Specifies seconds to wait for a http answer from ESP8266 device.
+ Possible values: 4..60
+ Default: 10 seconds
+ - maxHttpSessions
+ Limit maximal concurrent outgoing http sessions to a single ESP.
+ Set to 0 to disable this feature. At the moment (ESPEasy R147) it seems
+ to be possible to send 5 "concurrent" requests if nothing else keeps the
+ esp working.
+ Possible values: 0..9
+ Default: 3
+ - maxQueueSize
+ Limit maximal queue size (number of commands in queue) for outgoing http
+ requests.
+ If command queue size is reached (eg. ESP is offline) any further
+ command will be ignored and discard.
+ Possible values: >10
+ Default: 250
+ - resendFailedCmd
+ Used to resend commands when http request returned an error
+ Possible values: 0,1
+ Default: 0 (disabled)
+ - uniqIDs
+ This attribute has been removed.
+ - readingFnAttributes
+ ESPEasy Device
+ Define (logical device)
+ Notes: Logical devices will be created automatically if any values are
+ received by the bridge device and autocreate is not disabled. If you
+ configured your ESP in a way that no data is send independently then you
+ have to define logical devices. At least wifi rssi value could be defined
+ to use autocreate.
+ define <name> ESPEasy <ip|fqdn> <port>
+ <IODev> <identifier>
+ -
+ Specifies a device name of your choise.
+ eg. ESPxx
+ -
+ Specifies ESP IP address or hostname.
+ eg.
+ eg. espxx.your.domain.net
+ -
+ Specifies http port to be used for outgoing request to your ESP. Should
+ be: 80
+ eg. 80
+ -
+ Specifies your ESP bridge device. See above.
+ eg. ESPBridge
+ -
+ Specifies an identifier that will bind your ESP to this device.
+ This identifier must be specified in this form:
+ <esp name>_<esp device name>.
If attribute
+ combineDevices is used then
+ <esp name> is used, only.
+ ESP name and device name can be found here:
+ <esp name>: => ESP GUI => Config => Main Settings =>
+ Name
+ <esp device name>: => ESP GUI => Devices => Edit =>
+ Task Settings => Name
+ eg. ESPxx_DHT22
+ eg. ESPxx
+ - Example:
+ define ESPxx ESPEasy 80 ESPBridge EspXX_SensorXX
+ Get (logical device)
+ - <reading>
+ returns the value of the specified reading
+ - pinMap
+ returns possible alternative pin names that can be used in commands
+ Set (logical device)
+ Notes:
+ - Commands are case insensitive.
+ - Users of Wemos D1 mini or NodeMCU can use Arduino pin names instead of
+ GPIO numbers:
+ D1 => GPIO5, D2 => GPIO4, ...,TX => GPIO1 (see: get
+ pinMap)
+ - low/high state can be written as 0/1 or on/off
+ - clearReadings
+ Delete all readings that are auto created by received sensor values
+ since last FHEM restart.
+ required values: <none>
+ - help
+ Shows set command usage.
+ required values: a valid set command
+ - raw
+ Can be used for own ESP plugins or new ESPEasy commands that are not
+ considered by this module at the moment. Any argument will be sent
+ directly to the ESP.
+ Usage: raw <cmd> <param1> <param2> <...>
+ eg: raw myCommand 3 1 2
+ - statusRequest
+ Trigger a statusRequest for configured GPIOs (see attribut pollGPIOs)
+ and do a presence check
+ required values: <none>
+ Note: The following commands are built-in ESPEasy Software commands
+ that are send directly to the ESP after passing a syntax check. A detailed
+ description can be found here:
+ ESPEasy Command Reference
+ - Event
+ Create an event. Such events can be used in ESP rules.
+ required value: <string>
+ - GPIO
+ Direct control of output pins (on/off)
+ required arguments: <pin> <0,1>
+ - PWM
+ Direct PWM control of output pins
+ required arguments: <pin> <level>
+ PWMFADE control of output pins
+ required arguments: <pin> <target> <duration>
+ pin: 0-3 (0=r,1=g,2=b,3=w), target: 0-1023, duration: 1-30 seconds.
+ - Lights (plugin can be found here)
+ Control a rgb or ct light
+ required arguments: <cmd> <color> <fading time>
+ cmd: rgb, ct, pct, on, off, toggle
+ color: rrggbb (if rgb) or color temperature in Kelvin (if ct)
+ fading time: time in seconds
+ eg. set <esp> lights rgb aa00aa
+ eg. set <esp> lights ct 3200
+ eg. set <esp> lights pct 50
+ eg. set <esp> lights on
+ eg. set <esp> lights off
+ eg. set <esp> lights toggle
+ - Pulse
+ Direct pulse control of output pins
+ required arguments: <pin> <0,1> <duration>
+ - LongPulse
+ Direct pulse control of output pins
+ required arguments: <pin> <0,1> <duration>
+ - Servo
+ Direct control of servo motors
+ required arguments: <servoNo> <pin> <position>
+ - lcd
+ Write text messages to LCD screen
+ required arguments: <row> <col> <text>
+ - lcdcmd
+ Control LCD screen
+ required arguments: <on|off|clear>
+ - mcpgpio
+ Control MCP23017 output pins
+ required arguments: <pin> <0,1>
+ - oled
+ Write text messages to OLED screen
+ required arguments: <row> <col> <text>
+ - oledcmd
+ Control OLED screen
+ required arguments: <on|off|clear>
+ - pcapwm
+ Control PCA9685 pwm pins
+ required arguments: <pin> <level>
+ - PCFLongPulse
+ Long pulse control on PCF8574 output pins
+ - PCFPulse
+ Pulse control on PCF8574 output pins
+ - pcfgpio
+ Control PCF8574 output pins
+ - irsend
+ Send ir codes via "Infrared Transmit" Plugin
+ Supported protocols are: NEC, JVC, RC5, RC6, SAMSUNG, SONY, PANASONIC at
+ the moment. As long as official documentation is missing you can find
+ some details here:
+ IR Transmitter thread
+ required arguments: <protocol> <hex code> <bit length
+ of hex code>
+ eg. irsend NEC 7E81542B 32
+ - status
+ Request esp device status (eg. gpio)
+ required values: <device> <pin>
+ eg: gpio 13
+ Administrative commands (be careful):
+ - erase
+ Wipe out ESP flash memory
+ required values: none
+ - reboot
+ Used to reboot your ESP
+ required values: none
+ - reset
+ Do a factory reset on the ESP
+ required values: none
+ Experimental commands (The following commands can be changed or
+ removed at any time):
+ - rgb
+ EXPERIMENTAL, may be removed in later versions if a usable rgb plugin is
+ available.
+ Used to control a rgb light.
+ You have to set attribute rgbGPIOs to enable this feature. Default
+ colorpicker mode is HSVp but can be adjusted with help of attribute
+ colorpicker to HSV or RGB. Set
+ attribute webCmd to rgb to display a colorpicker
+ in FHEMWEB room view and on detail page.
+ required argument: <rrggbb>|on|off|toggle
+ eg. rgb 00FF00
+ eg. rgb on
+ eg. rgb off
+ eg. rgb toggle
+ Full featured example:
+ attr <ESP> colorpicker HSVp
+ attr <ESP> devStateIcon { ESPEasy_devStateIcon($name) }
+ attr <ESP> Interval 30
+ attr <ESP> parseCmdResponse status,pwm
+ attr <ESP> pollGPIOs D6,D7,D8
+ attr <ESP> rgbGPIOs D6,D7,D8
+ attr <ESP> webCmd rgb:rgb ff0000:rgb 00ff00:rgb 0000ff:toggle:on:off
+ Attributes (logical device)
+ - adjustValue
+ Used to adjust sensor values
+ Must be a space separated list of <reading>:<formula>.
+ Reading can be a regexp. Formula can be an arithmetic expression like
+ 'round(($VALUE-32)*5/9,2)'.
+ If $VALUE is omitted in formula then it will be added to the beginning of
+ the formula. So you can simple write 'temp:+20' or '.*:*4'
+ Modified or ignored values are marked in the system log (verbose 4). Use
+ verbose 5 logging to see more details.
+ If the used sub function returns 'undef' then the value will be ignored.
+ The following variables can be used if necessary:
+ - $VALUE contains the original value
+ - $READING contains the reading name
+ - $NAME contains the device name
+ Default: none
+ Eg. attr ESPxx adjustValue humidity:+0.1
+ temperature+*:($VALUE-32)*5/9
+ Eg. attr ESPxx adjustValue
+ .*:my_OwnFunction($NAME,$READING,$VALUE)
+ Sample function to ignore negative values:
+ sub my_OwnFunction($$$) {
+ my ($name,$reading,$value) = @_;
+ return ($value < 0) ? undef : $value;
+ }
+ - colorpicker
+ Used to select colorpicker mode
+ Possible values: RGB,HSV,HSVp
+ Default: HSVp
+ - colorpickerCTcw
+ Used to select ct colorpicker's cold white color temperature in Kelvin
+ Possible values: > colorpickerCTww
+ Default: 6000
+ - colorpickerCTww
+ Used to select ct colorpicker's warm white color temperature in Kelvin
+ Possible values: < colorpickerCTcw
+ Default: 2000
+ - disable
+ Used to disable device
+ Possible values: 0,1
+ Default: 0
+ - Interval
+ Used to set polling interval for presence check and GPIOs polling in
+ seconds. 0 will disable this feature.
+ Possible values: secs > 10.
+ Default: 300
+ - IODev
+ Used to select I/O device (ESPEasy Bridge).
+ - mapLightCmds
+ Enable the following commands and map them to the specified ESPEasy
+ command: rgb, ct, pct, on, off, toggle
+ Needed if you want to use FHEM's colorpickers to control a rgb/ct ESPEasy
+ plugin.
+ required values: a valid set command
+ eg. attr <esp> mapLightCmds Lights
+ - presenceCheck
+ Used to enable/disable presence check for ESPs
+ Presence check determines the presence of a device by readings age. If any
+ reading of a device is newer than interval
+ seconds than it is marked as being present. This kind of check works for
+ ESP devices in deep sleep too but require at least 1 reading that is
+ updated regularly.
+ Possible values: 0,1
+ Default: 1 (enabled)
+ - readingSwitchText
+ Use on,off instead of 1,0 for readings if ESP device is a switch.
+ Possible values: 0,1
+ Default: 1 (enabled)
+ - setState
+ Summarize received values in state reading.
+ A positive number determines the number of characters used for reading
+ names. Only readings with an age less than
+ interval will be considered. If your are
+ not satisfied with format or behavior of setState then disable this
+ attribute (set to 0) and use global attributes userReadings and/or
+ stateFormat to get what you want.
+ Possible values: integer >=0
+ Default: 3 (enabled with 3 characters abbreviation)
+ The following two attributes should only be use in cases where ESPEasy
+ software do not send data on status changes and no rule/dummy can be used
+ to do that. Useful for commands like PWM, STATUS, ...
+ - parseCmdResponse
+ Used to parse response of commands like GPIO, PWM, STATUS, ...
+ Specify a module command or comma separated list of commands as argument.
+ Commands are case insensitive.
+ Only necessary if ESPEasy software plugins do not send their data
+ independently. Useful for commands line STATUS, PWM, ...
+ Possible values: <set cmd>[,<set cmd>][,...]
+ Default: status
+ Eg. attr ESPxx parseCmdResponse status,pwm
+ - pollGPIOs
+ Used to enable polling for GPIOs status. This polling will do same as
+ command 'set ESPxx status <device> <pin>'
+ Possible values: GPIO number or comma separated GPIO number list
+ Default: none
+ Eg. attr ESPxx pollGPIOs 13,D7,D2
+ The following two attributes control naming of readings that are
+ generated by help of parseCmdResponse and pollGPIOs (see above)
+ - readingPrefixGPIO
+ Specifies a prefix for readings based on GPIO numbers. For example:
+ "set ESPxx pwm 13 512" will switch GPIO13 into pwm mode and set pwm to
+ 512. If attribute readingPrefixGPIO is set to PIN and attribut
+ parseCmdResponse contains pwm
+ command then the reading name will be PIN13.
+ Possible Values: string
+ Default: GPIO
+ - readingSuffixGPIOState
+ Specifies a suffix for the state-reading of GPIOs (see Attribute
+ pollGPIOs)
+ Possible Values: string
+ Default: no suffix
+ Eg. attr ESPxx readingSuffixGPIOState _state
+ - readingFnAttributes
+ Experimental (The following attributes can be changed or removed at
+ any time):
+ - rgbGPIOs
+ Use to define GPIOs your lamp is conneted to. Must be set to be able to
+ use rgb set command.
+ Possible values: Comma separated tripple of ESP pin numbers or arduino pin
+ names
+ Eg: 12,13,15
+ Eg: D6,D7,D8
+ Default: none
+=end html