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synced 2025-03-13 17:26:34 +00:00
DoorPi.pm: zur Anbindung des DoorPi-Projektes
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@11312 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,788 @@
# DoorPi.pm
# FHEM module to communite with a Raspberry Pi door station
# Prof. Dr. Peter A. Henning, 2016
# Version 0.2 - April 2016
# This programm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON; # imports encode_json, decode_json, to_json and from_json.
use vars qw{%attr %defs};
sub Log($$);
#-- globals on start
#-- these we may get on request
my %gets = (
"config" => "C",
"history" => "H"
# DoorPi_Initialize
# Parameter hash
sub DoorPi_Initialize ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "DoorPi_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "DoorPi_Undef";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "DoorPi_Attr";
$hash->{GetFn} = "DoorPi_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "DoorPi_Set";
#$hash->{NotifyFn} = "DoorPi_Notify";
$hash->{InitFn} = "DoorPi_Init";
$hash->{AttrList}= "verbose ".
"language:de,en ".
"doorbutton dooropencmd doorlockcmd doorunlockcmd ".
"lightbutton lightoncmd lighttimercmd lightoffcmd ".
$hash->{FW_detailFn} = "DoorPi_makeTable";
$hash->{FW_summaryFn} = "DoorPi_makeTable";
$hash->{FW_atPageEnd} = 1;
# DoorPi_Define - Implements DefFn function
# Parameter hash, definition string
sub DoorPi_Define($$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "[DoorPi] Define the IP address of DoorPi as a parameter"
if(@a != 3);
return "[DoorPi] Invalid IP address of DoorPi"
if( $a[2] !~ m|\d\d?\d?\.\d\d?\d?\.\d\d?\d?\.\d\d?\d?(\:\d+)?| );
my $dev = $a[2];
#-- split into parts
my @tcp = split(':',$dev);
#-- when the specified ip address contains a port already, use it as supplied
if ( $tcp[1] ){
$hash->{TCPIP} = $dev;
$hash->{TCPIP} = $tcp[0].":80";
@{$hash->{DATA}} = ();
@{$hash->{CMDS}} = ();
$modules{DoorPi}{defptr}{$a[0]} = $hash;
#-- InternalTimer blocks if init_done is not true
my $oid = $init_done;
$init_done = 1;
$init_done = $oid;
return undef;
# DoorPi_Undef - Implements UndefFn function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub DoorPi_Undef ($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
return undef;
# DoorPi_Attr - Set one attribute value
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
# a = argument array
sub DoorPi_Attr(@) {
my ($do,$name,$key,$value) = @_;
my $hash = $main::defs{$name};
my $ret;
if ( $do eq "set") {
$key eq "interval" and do {
$hash->{interval} = $value;
if ($main::init_done) {
# WHAT ?
return $ret;
# DoorPi_Get - Implements GetFn function
# Parameter hash, argument array
sub DoorPi_Get ($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
#-- for the selector: which values are possible
#if ($a[1] eq "?"){
# my $newkeys = join(" ",sort keys %gets);
# Log 1,"=====> newkeys before subs $newkeys";
# $newkeys =~ s/config/config:noArg/g; # FHEMWEB sugar
# $newkeys =~ s/history/history:noArg/g; # FHEMWEB sugar
# Log 1,"=====> newkeys after subs $newkeys";
# return $newkeys;
#-- check syntax
return "[DoorPi] DoorPi_Get needs exactly one parameter" if(@a != 2);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $v;
#-- current configuration
if($a[1] eq "config") {
$v = DoorPi_GetConfig($hash);
if(defined($v)) {
Log GetLogLevel($name,2), "DoorPi_Get $a[1] error";
return "$a[0] $a[1] => Error";
$v = "OK";
#-- current reading
}elsif($a[1] eq "history") {
$v = DoorPi_GetHistory($hash);
if(defined($v)) {
Log GetLogLevel($name,2), "DoorPi_Get $a[1] error";
return "$a[0] $a[1] => Error";
$v = "OK";
} else {
return "DoorPi_Get with unknown argument $a[1], choose one of " . join(" ", sort keys %gets);
Log GetLogLevel($name,3), "DoorPi_Get $a[1] $v";
return "$a[0] $a[1] => $v";
# DoorPi_Set - Implements SetFn function
# Parameter hash, a = argument array
sub DoorPi_Set ($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $name = shift @a;
my ($key,$value,$res);
#-- commands
my $door = AttrVal($name, "doorbutton", "door");
my $doorsubs = "open";
$doorsubs .= ",lock"
if(AttrVal($name, "doorlockcmd",undef));
$doorsubs .= ",unlock"
if(AttrVal($name, "doorunlockcmd",undef));
my $light = AttrVal($name, "lightbutton", "light");
#-- for the selector: which values are possible
if ($a[0] eq "?"){
my $newkeys = join(" ",@{ $hash->{CMDS} });
#Log 1,"=====> newkeys before subs $newkeys";
$newkeys =~ s/$door/$door:$doorsubs/g; # FHEMWEB sugar
$newkeys =~ s/$light/$light:on,on-for-timer,off/g; # FHEMWEB sugar
$newkeys =~ s/button(\d\d?)/button$1:noArg/g; # FHEMWEB sugar
$newkeys =~ s/purge/purge:noArg/g; # FHEMWEB sugar
#Log 1,"=====> newkeys after subs $newkeys ($door,$light)";
return $newkeys;
#return "[DoorPi_Set] With unknown argument $a[0], choose one of " . join(" ", @{$hash->{CMDS}})
# if(!defined($sets{$a[0]}));
$key = shift @a;
$value = shift @a;
if( $key eq "door" ){
if( $value eq "open" ){
#Log 1,"[DoorPiCmd] open door has result $res";
if(AttrVal($name, "dooropencmd",undef)){
fhem(AttrVal($name, "dooropencmd",undef));
}elsif( $key =~ /button(\d\d?)/){
Log 1,"[DoorPiCmd] $key has result $res";
}elsif( $key eq "purge"){
Log 1,"[DoorPiCmd] purge has result $res";
}elsif( $key eq "clear"){
Log 1,"[DoorPiCmd] clear has result $res";
#Log GetLogLevel($name,3), "DoorPi_Set $name ".join(" ",@a)." => $res";
#return "DoorPi_Set $name ".join(" ",@a)." => $res";
# DoorPi_GetConfig - acts as callable program DoorPi_GetConfig($hash)
# and as callback program DoorPi_GetConfig($hash,$err,$status)
# Parameter hash, err, status
sub DoorPi_GetConfig () {
my ($hash,$err,$status) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $url;
#-- get configuration from doorpi
if ( !$hash ){
Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetConfig] called without hash";
return undef;
}elsif ( $hash && !$err && !$status ){
$url = "http://".$hash->{TCPIP}."/status?module=config";
Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetConfig] called with only hash => Issue a non-blocking call to $url";
url => $url,
callback=>sub($$$){ DoorPi_GetConfig($hash,$_[1],$_[2]) }
return undef;
}elsif ( $hash && $err ){
Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetConfig] called with only hash and error $err";
return undef;
Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetConfig] has obtained data";
#-- crude test if this is valid JSON or some HTML page
if( substr($status,0,1) eq "<" ){
Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetConfig] but data is invalid";
my $json = JSON->new->utf8;
my $jhash0 = $json->decode( $status );
#-- decode config
my $keyboards = $jhash0->{"config"}->{"keyboards"};
my $fskey;
my $fscmds;
foreach my $key (sort(keys $keyboards)) {
$fskey = $key
if( $keyboards->{$key} eq "filesystem");
Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetConfig] keyboard \'filesystem\' defined as '$fskey'";
$fscmds = $jhash0->{"config"}->{$fskey."_InputPins"};
foreach my $key (sort(keys $fscmds)) {
push(@{ $hash->{CMDS}},$key);
Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetConfig] Warning: No keyboard \"filesystem\" defined";
$hash->{HELPER}->{wwwpath} = $jhash0->{"config"}->{"DoorPiWeb"}->{"www"};
#=================== Put into READINGS
##readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"number_calls",int(@{ $hash->{DATA}}));
return undef;
# DoorPi_GetHistory - acts as callable program DoorPi_GetHistory($hash)
# and as callback program DoorPi_GetHistory($hash,$err1,$status1)
# and as callback program DoorPi_GetHistory($hash,$err1,$status1,$err2,$status2)
# Parameter hash
sub DoorPi_GetHistory () {
my ($hash,$err1,$status1,$err2,$status2) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $url;
#-- obtain call history and snapshot history from doorpi
if ( !$hash ){
Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetHistory] called without hash";
return undef;
}elsif ( $hash && !$err1 && !$status1 && !$err2 && !$status2 ){
$url = "http://".$hash->{TCPIP}."/status?module=history_event";
Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetHistory] called with only hash => Issue a non-blocking call to $url";
url => $url,
callback=>sub($$$){ DoorPi_GetHistory($hash,$_[1],$_[2]) }
return undef;
}elsif ( $hash && $err1 && !$status1 && !$err2 && !$status2 ){
Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetHistory] called with only hash and error $err1";
return undef;
}elsif ( $hash && !$err1 && $status1 && !$err2 && !$status2 ){
$url = "http://".$hash->{TCPIP}."/status?module=history_snapshot";
Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetHistory] called with hash and data from first call => Issue a non-blocking call to $url";
url => $url,
callback=>sub($$$){ DoorPi_GetHistory($hash,$err1,$status1,$_[1],$_[2]) }
return undef;
}elsif ( $hash && !$err1 && $status1 && $err2){
Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetHistory] called with with hash and data from first call and second error $err2";
return undef;
Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetHistory] has obtained data in two calls";
#-- crude test if this is valid JSON or some HTML page
if( substr($status1,0,1) eq "<" ){
Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetHistory] but data from first call is invalid";
if( substr($status2,0,1) eq "<" ){
Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetHistory] but data from second call is invalid";
my $json = JSON->new->utf8;
my $jhash0 = $json->decode( $status1 );
my $khash0 = $json->decode( $status2 );
#-- decode call history
my @history_event = @{$jhash0->{"history_event"}};
my @history_snapshot = @{$khash0->{"history_snapshot"}};
my $call = "";
#-- clear list of calls
@{$hash->{DATA}} = ();
#-- going backward through the calls
my ($callend,$calletime,$calletarget,$callstime,$callstarget,$callsnap,$callrecord,$callstring);
for (my $i=0; $i<@history_event; $i++) {
my $event = $history_event[$i];
if( $event->{"event_name"} eq "OnCallStateChange" ){
my $status1 = $event->{"additional_infos"};
#-- workaround for bug in DoorPi
$status1 =~ tr/'/"/;
my $jhash1 = from_json( $status1 );
my $call_state = $jhash1->{"call_state"};
#-- end of call
if( ($call eq "") && (($call_state == 18) || ($call_state == 13)) ){
$call = "active";
$callrecord = "";
$callend = $jhash1->{"state"};
$callend =~ s/Call //;
if( $callend eq "released" ){
#-- check previous 4 events
for( my $j=1; $j<5; $j++ ){
if( $history_event[$i+$j]->{"event_name"} eq "OnCallStateChange"){
my $status2 = $history_event[$i+$j]->{"additional_infos"};
#-- workaround for bug in DoorPi
$status2 =~ tr/'/"/;
my $jhash2 = from_json( $status2 );
if( $jhash2->{"state"} eq "Busy Here" ){
$callend = "busy";
}elsif( $jhash2->{"state"} eq "Call ended" ){
$callend = "OK";
}elsif( $callend eq "terminated" ){
if( $history_event[$i-1]->{"event_name"} eq "OnSipPhoneCallTimeoutNoResponse"){
$callend = "no response";
$calletime = $event->{"start_time"};
$calletarget = $jhash1->{"remote_uri"};
}elsif( ($call eq "active") && ($call_state == 2) ){
$call = "";
$callstime = $event->{"start_time"};
$callstarget = $jhash1->{"remote_uri"};
if( $calletarget ne $callstarget){
Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetHistory] Found error in call history of target $calletarget";
#-- Format values
my $state = "";
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day,$month,$year,$wday) = (localtime($callstime))[0,1,2,3,4,5,6];
$year += 1900;
my $monthn = ("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")[$month];
$wday = ("So", "Mo", "Di", "Mi", "Do", "Fr", "Sa")[$wday];
my $timestamp = sprintf("%s, %2d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d", $wday,$day,$monthn,$year,$hour, $min, $sec);
my $number = $callstarget;
$number =~ s/sip://;
$number =~ s/\@.*//;
my $result = $callend;
my $duration = int(($calletime - $callstime)*10+0.5)/10;
my $record = $callrecord;
$record =~ s/^.*records\///;
#-- workaround for buggy DoorPi
$record = sprintf("%d-%02d-%2d_%02d-%02d-%02d.wav", $year,($month+1),$day,$hour, $min, $sec)
if( $callend eq "OK");
#-- this is the snapshot file if taken at the same time
my $snapshot = sprintf("%d-%02d-%2d_%02d-%02d-%02d.jpg", $year,($month+1),$day,$hour, $min, $sec);
#-- check if it is present in the list of snapshots
my $found = 0;
for( my $i=0; $i<@history_snapshot; $i++){
if( index($history_snapshot[$i],$snapshot) > -1){
$found = 1;
#-- if not, look for a file made a second later
if( $found == 0 ){
($sec, $min, $hour, $day,$month,$year,$wday) = (localtime($callstime+1))[0,1,2,3,4,5,6];
$year += 1900;
$monthn = ("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")[$month];
$wday = ("So", "Mo", "Di", "Mi", "Do", "Fr", "Sa")[$wday];
#-- this is the snapshot file if taken at the same time
$snapshot = sprintf("%d-%02d-%2d_%02d-%02d-%02d.jpg", $year,($month+1),$day,$hour, $min, $sec);
#-- check if it is present in the list of snapshots
$found = 0;
for( my $i=0; $i<@history_snapshot; $i++){
if( index($history_snapshot[$i],$snapshot) > -1){
$found = 1;
if( $found == 0 ){
Log 1,"[DoorPi_GetHistory] No snapshot found with $snapshot";
#-- store this
push(@{ $hash->{DATA}}, [$state,$timestamp,$number,$result,$duration,$snapshot,$record] );
#-- other events during call active
if( ($call eq "active") && ($event->{"event_name"} eq "OnRecorderStarted") ){
my $status3 = $event->{"additional_infos"};
$status3 =~ tr/'/"/;
my $jhash1 = from_json( $status3 );
$callrecord = $jhash1->{"last_record_filename"};
#=================== Put into READINGS
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"number_calls",int(@{ $hash->{DATA}}));
return undef;
# DoorPi_Cmd - Write command to DoorPi. Acting as callable routine and as callback
# Parameter hash, cmd = command
sub DoorPi_Cmd () {
my ($hash, $cmd, $data) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $url;
if ( $hash && !$data){
$url = "http://".$hash->{TCPIP}."/control/trigger_event?".
Log 1,"[DoorPi_Cmd] called with only hash => Issue a non-blocking call to $url";
url => $url,
callback=>sub($$$){ DoorPi_Cmd($hash,$_[1],$_[2]) }
return undef;
Log 1,"[DoorPi_Cmd] has obtained data";
#-- crude test if this is valid JSON or some HTML page
if( substr($data,0,1) eq "<" ){
Log 1,"[DoorPi_Cmd] but data is invalid";
my $json = JSON->new->utf8;
my $jhash = $json->decode( $data );
my $msg = $jhash->{'message'};
my $suc = $jhash->{'success'};
if( $suc ){
return $msg;
return undef;
# DoorPi_maketable
# FW_detailFn & FW_summaryFn handler for creating the html output in FHEMWEB
sub DoorPi_makeTable($$$$){
my ($FW_wname, $devname, $room, $extPage) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$devname};
return DoorPi_list2html($hash)
# DoorPi_list2html creating the call list as html string or json array
sub DoorPi_list2html($;$){
my ($hash, $to_json) = @_;
return undef if( !$hash );
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $wwwpath = $hash->{HELPER}->{wwwpath};
my $alias = AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "alias", $hash->{NAME});
my ($state,$timestamp,$number,$result,$duration,$snapshot,$record,$nrecord);
my $td_style = 'style="padding-left:6px;padding-right:6px;"';
my @json_output = ();
my $line;
my $old_locale = setlocale(LC_ALL);
if(AttrVal($name, "language", "en") eq "de"){
setlocale(LC_ALL, "de_DE.utf8");
setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.utf8");
my $ret .= "<table>";
if(AttrVal($name, "no-heading", "0") eq "0" and defined($FW_ME) and defined($FW_subdir))
$ret .= '<tr><td>';
$ret .= '<div class="devType"><a href="'.$FW_ME.$FW_subdir.'?detail='.$name.'">'.$alias.'</a>'.(IsDisabled($name) ? ' (disabled)' : '').'</div>'
$ret .= '</td></tr>';
$ret .= "<tr><td>";
#-- div tag to support inform updates
$ret .= '<div class="fhemWidget" informId="'.$name.'" cmd="" arg="fbcalllist" dev="'.$name.'">';
if( exists($hash->{DATA}) && (int(@{$hash->{DATA}}) > 0) ){
$ret .= '<table class="block fbcalllist">';
if(AttrVal($name, "language", "en") eq "de"){
$state = "Wer";
$timestamp = "Zeitpunkt";
$number = "Rufnummer";
$result = "Ergebnis";
$duration = "Dauer";
$record = "Aufzeichnung";
$state = "Who";
$timestamp = "Timestamp";
$number = "Number";
$result = "Result";
$duration = "Duration";
$record = "Recording";
$ret .= '<tr align="center" number="$count" class="doorpicalllist odd">';
$ret .= '<td name="state" class="doorpicalllist" '.$td_style.'>'.$state.'</td>';
$ret .= '<td name="timestamp" class="doorpicalllist" '.$td_style.'>'.$timestamp.'</td>';
$ret .= '<td name="number" class="doorpicalllist" '.$td_style.'>'.$number.'</td>';
$ret .= '<td name="result" class="doorpicalllist" '.$td_style.'>'.$result.'</td>';
$ret .= '<td name="duration" class="doorpicalllist" '.$td_style.'>'.$duration.'</td>';
$ret .= '<td name="record" class="doorpicalllist" '.$td_style.'>'.$record.'</td>';
$ret .= '</tr>';
my @list = @{$hash->{DATA}};
for(my $index=0; $index<(@list); $index++){
my @data = @{$list[$index]};
$state = $data[0];
$timestamp = $data[1];
$number = $data[2];
$result = $data[3];
$duration = $data[4];
$snapshot = $data[5];
$record = $data[6];
if(AttrVal($name, "language", "en") eq "de"){
$result =~ s/busy/besetzt/;
$result =~ s/no\sresponse/ohne Antw./;
if( $record ne ""){
my $rs = $record;
$rs =~ s/.*$wwwpath\///;
$record = '<a href="http://'.$hash->{TCPIP}.'/'.$record.'">'.$rs.'</a>';
if( $snapshot ne ""){
$state = '<a href="http://'.$hash->{TCPIP}.'/'.$snapshot.'"><img src="http://'.$hash->{TCPIP}.'/'.$snapshot.'" width="40" height="30"></a>';
$ret .= '<tr align="center" number="$count" class="doorpicalllist '.($index % 2 == 1 ? "odd" : "even").'">';
$ret .= '<td name="state" class="doorpicalllist" '.$td_style.'>'.$state.'</td>';
$ret .= '<td name="timestamp" class="doorpicalllist" '.$td_style.'>'.$timestamp.'</td>';
$ret .= '<td name="number" class="doorpicalllist" '.$td_style.'>'.$number.'</td>';
$ret .= '<td name="result" class="doorpicalllist" '.$td_style.'>'.$result.'</td>';
$ret .= '<td name="duration" class="doorpicalllist" '.$td_style.'>'.$duration.'</td>';
$ret .= '<td name="record" class="doorpicalllist" '.$td_style.'>'.$record.'</td>';
$ret .= '</tr>';
$ret .= "</table></div>";
if(AttrVal($name, "language", "en") eq "de"){
$ret .= "leer";
$ret .= "empty";
$ret .= "</td></tr></table>";
setlocale(LC_ALL, $old_locale);
return ($ret);
=begin html
<a name="DoorPi"></a>
<p>FHEM module to communicate with a Raspberry Pi door station running DoorPi<br />
<br /><h4>Example</h4><br />
<code>define DoorStation DoorPi</code>
<br />
</p><br />
<a name="DoorPi_Define"></a>
<code>define <name> DoorPi <IP address></code>
<br /><br /> Define a DoorpiPi instance.<br /><br />
<code><IP address></code>
<br /> </li>
<br />
<a name="DoorPi_Set"></a>
<li><a name="doorpi_purge">
<code>set <name> purge </code></a><br />
Clean all recordings and snapshots which are older than the current process </li>
<li><a name="doorpi_clear">
<code>set <name> clear </code></a><br />
Clear all recordings and snapshots </li>
<br />
<a name="DoorPi_Get"></a>
<li><a name="doorpi_config">
<code>get <name> config</code></a>
<br /> Returns the current configuration of DoorPi </li>
<li><a name="doorpi_history">
<code>get <name> history</code></a>
<br /> Returns the current call history of DoorPi </li>
<li><a name="doorpi_doorbutton"><code>attr <name> doorbutton
<br />button name for door action (default: door)</li>
<li><a name="doorpi_dooropencmd"><code>attr <name> dooropencmd
<br />FHEM command additionally executed for door opening action (no default)</li>
<li><a name="doorpi_doorlockcmd"><code>attr <name> doorlockcmd
<br />FHEM command for door locking action (no default)</li>
<li><a name="doorpi_doorunlockcmd"><code>attr <name> doorunlockcmd
<br />FHEM command for door unlocking action (no default)</li>
<li><a name="doorpi_lightbutton"><code>attr <name> lightbutton
<br />button name for light action (default: light)</li>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
=end html
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
base_path = /usr/local/etc/DoorPi
snapshot_path = /home/doorpi/records
number_of_snapshots = 10
eventlog = /home/doorpi/log/eventlog.db
is_alive_led = blinking_led
last_snapshot =
indexfile = index.html
loginfile = login.html
online_fallback = http://motom001.github.io/DoorPiWeb
port = 80
public = AREA_public
www = /home/doorpi/records
admin = admin
visitor = visitor
administrators = admin
guests = visitor
administrators = dashboard,status,config
guests = dashboard
**621 = active
10 = sleep:1
10 = take_snapshot
identity = DoorPi
local_port = 5060
firewallpolicy = PolicyNoFirewall
sipphonetyp = linphone
sipserver_password =
sipserver_realm = fritz.box
sipserver_server =
sipserver_username = 620
stun_server =
max_call_time = 120
call_timeout = 15
ua.max_calls = 2
capture_device = ALSA: USB PnP Sound Device
playback_device = ALSA: USB PnP Sound Device
audio_codecs = PCMA,PCMU
record_while_dialing = False
records = /home/doorpi/records/%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.wav
dialtone = /home/doorpi/sounds/ShortDialTone.wav
dialtone_renew_every_start = False
dialtone_volume = 35
echo_cancellation_enabled = False
video_codecs = VP8
video_device = StaticImage: Static picture
video_display_enabled = False
video_size = vga
onboardpins = piface
webservice = filesystem
base_path_input = /home/doorpi/keyboard/inputs/
base_path_output = /home/doorpi/keyboard/outputs/
door = out:door,1,0,3
lighton = out:light
lightoff= out:light
purge = sleep:0
clear = sleep:0
button1 = sleep:0
button2 = sleep:0
10 = os_execute:/home/doorpi/purge.sh purge
10 = os_execute:/home/doorpi/purge.sh clear
10 = os_execute:/home/doorpi/test.sh
pull_up_down = PUD_UP
0 = door
1 = light
2 = blinking_led
0 = call:722622
1 = call:**621
2 = file_call_value:/home/doorpi/callnumber
3 = take_snapshot
#--OK pin from Arduino
6 = sleep:0
#-- NOK pin from Arduino
7 = sleep:0
10 = os_execute:/home/doorpi/iButton_NOK.sh
10 = os_execute:/home/doorpi/iButton_OK.sh
20 = out:door,1,0,3
"2" = out:door,1,0,3
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# ! /usr/bin/sh
# get FHEM values
FHEM=`echo -e "$callnumber" | socat -t50 - TCP:`
echo "$FHEM" > /var/DoorPi/callnumber
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# ! /usr/bin/sh
curl ""
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# ! /usr/bin/sh
aplay -D plughw:1,0 /home/doorpi/sounds/067_willkommen.wav
curl ""
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# ! /usr/bin/sh
stat $1 | grep -Po "Modify: \K[0-9- :]*"
if [ "$action" == "purge" ]; then
find records/ -type f ! -newer $reference -delete
elif [ "$action" == "clear" ]; then
echo "clear"
echo "so what"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user