mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 04:36:36 +00:00
Reorg - Part 5
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@1866 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -42,24 +42,31 @@ sub FW_pH(@);
sub FW_pHPlain(@);
sub FW_pO(@);
use vars qw($FW_dir); # base directory for web server: the first available from $modpath/www, $modpath/FHEM
use vars qw($FW_icondir); # icon base directory for web server: the first available from $FW_dir/icons, $FW_dir
use vars qw($FW_docdir); # doc directory for web server: the first available from $FW_dir/docs, $modpath/docs, $FW_dir
use vars qw($FW_cssdir); # css directory for web server: the first available from $FW_dir/css, $FW_dir
use vars qw($FW_gplotdir); # gplot directory for web server: the first available from $FW_dir/gplot,$FW_dir
use vars qw($FW_jsdir); # js directory for web server: the first available from $FW_dir/javascript, $FW_dir
use vars qw($MW_dir); # moddir (./FHEM), needed by edit Files in new structure
use vars qw($FW_ME); # webname (default is fhem), needed by 97_GROUP
use vars qw($FW_ss); # is smallscreen, needed by 97_GROUP/95_VIEW
use vars qw($FW_tp); # is touchpad (iPad / etc)
use vars qw($FW_dir); # base directory for web server: the first available
# from $modpath/www, $modpath/FHEM
use vars qw($FW_icondir); # icon base directory for web server: the first
# available from $FW_dir/icons, $FW_dir
use vars qw($FW_docdir); # doc directory for web server: the first available
# from $FW_dir/docs, $modpath/docs, $FW_dir
use vars qw($FW_cssdir); # css directory for web server: the first available
# from $FW_dir/css, $FW_dir
use vars qw($FW_gplotdir);# gplot directory for web server: the first
# available from $FW_dir/gplot,$FW_dir
use vars qw($FW_jsdir); # js directory for web server: the first available
# from $FW_dir/javascript, $FW_dir
use vars qw($MW_dir); # moddir (./FHEM), needed by edit Files in new
# structure
use vars qw($FW_ME); # webname (default is fhem), needed by 97_GROUP
use vars qw($FW_ss); # is smallscreen, needed by 97_GROUP/95_VIEW
use vars qw($FW_tp); # is touchpad (iPad / etc)
# global variables, also used by 97_GROUP/95_VIEW/95_FLOORPLAN
use vars qw(%FW_types); # device types,
use vars qw($FW_RET); # Returned data (html)
use vars qw($FW_wname); # Web instance
use vars qw($FW_subdir); # Sub-path in URL for extensions, e.g. 95_FLOORPLAN
use vars qw(%FW_pos); # scroll position
use vars qw($FW_cname); # Current connection name
use vars qw(%FW_types); # device types,
use vars qw($FW_RET); # Returned data (html)
use vars qw($FW_wname); # Web instance
use vars qw($FW_subdir); # Sub-path in URL for extensions, e.g. 95_FLOORPLAN
use vars qw(%FW_pos); # scroll position
use vars qw($FW_cname); # Current connection name
my $zlib_loaded;
my $try_zlib = 1;
@ -94,11 +101,9 @@ my $FW_chash; # client fhem hash
my $FW_encoding="UTF-8";
my $ICONEXTENSION = "gif|ico|png|jpg"; # don't forget to amend FW_ServeSpecial if you change this!
# don't forget to amend FW_ServeSpecial if you change this!
my $ICONEXTENSION = "gif|ico|png|jpg";
# use constant FOO => BAR
# is better but then I cannot use FOO in a regexp. Any ideas how to fix it?
@ -159,8 +164,8 @@ FW_Define($$)
FW_ReadIcons($hash); # we do it only once at startup to save ressources at runtime
# we do it only once at startup to save ressources at runtime
my $ret = TcpServer_Open($hash, $port, $global);
@ -337,8 +342,6 @@ FW_SetDirs() {
# doc dir
if(-d "$FW_dir/docs") {
$FW_docdir = "$FW_dir/docs";
} elsif(-f "$FW_dir/pgm2/commandref.html") {
$FW_docdir = "$FW_dir/pgm2";
} elsif(-d "$attr{global}{modpath}/docs") {
$FW_docdir = "$attr{global}{modpath}/docs";
} else {
@ -411,12 +414,11 @@ FW_AnswerCall($)
elsif($arg =~ m,^$FW_ME/icons/(.*)$,) {
my ($icon,$cachable) = ($1, 1);
#Debug "You want $icon which is " . $FW_icons{$icon};
# if we do not have the icon, we convert the device state to the icon name
if(!$FW_icons{$icon}) {
$icon = FW_dev2image($icon);
#Debug "We do not have it and thus use $icon which is " . $FW_icons{$icon};
#Debug "We do not have it and thus use $icon which is ".$FW_icons{$icon};
$cachable = 0;
return 0 if(!$icon);
@ -2006,10 +2008,25 @@ FW_Attr(@)
my @a = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$a[1]};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if($a[0] eq "set" && $a[2] eq "HTTPS") {
if($a[2] eq "stylesheetPrefix" ||
$a[2] eq "smallscreen") {
# AttrFn is called too early, we have to set/del the attr here
if($a[0] eq "set") {
$attr{$name}{$a[2]} = (defined($a[3]) ? $a[3] : 1);
} else {
delete $attr{$name}{$a[2]};
return undef;
@ -2021,6 +2038,7 @@ FW_ReadIconsFrom($$) {
# filenames are relative to $FW_icondir
my ($prepend,$dir)= @_;
return if($dir =~ m,/\.svn,);
#Debug "read icons from \"${FW_icondir}/${dir}\", prepend \"$prepend\"";
@ -2033,11 +2051,12 @@ FW_ReadIconsFrom($$) {
foreach my $entry (@entries) {
my $filename= "$dir/$entry";
#Debug " entry: \"$entry\", filename= \"$filename\"";
if( -d "${FW_icondir}/${filename}" ) {
# entry is a directory
FW_ReadIconsFrom("${prepend}${entry}/", $filename) unless($entry eq "." || $entry eq "..");
} elsif( -f "${FW_icondir}/${filename}") {
# entry is a regular file
if( -d "${FW_icondir}/${filename}" ) { # entry is a directory
FW_ReadIconsFrom("${prepend}${entry}/", $filename)
unless($entry eq "." || $entry eq "..");
} elsif( -f "${FW_icondir}/${filename}") { # entry is a regular file
if($entry =~ m/^(.*)\.($ICONEXTENSION)$/i) {
my $logicalname= $1;
my $iconname= "${prepend}${logicalname}";
@ -2055,22 +2074,32 @@ FW_ReadIcons($)
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
%FW_icons = ();
# read icons from default directory
FW_ReadIconsFrom("", "default");
# read icons from stylesheet specific directory, icons found here supersede default icons with same name
my $prefix= AttrVal($name, "stylesheetPrefix", "");
# read icons from stylesheet specific directory, icons found here supersede
# default icons with same name. Smallscreen a special "stylesheet"
my $prefix = AttrVal($name, "smallscreen", "") ? "smallscreen" : "";
$prefix = AttrVal($name, "stylesheetPrefix", $prefix);
FW_ReadIconsFrom("", "$prefix") unless($prefix eq "");
# read icons from explicit directory, icons found here supersede all other icons with same name
# read icons from explicit directory, icons found here supersede all other
# icons with same name
my $iconpath= AttrVal($name, "iconpath", "");
FW_ReadIconsFrom("", "$iconpath") unless($iconpath eq "");
# if now icons were found so far, read icons from icondir itself
FW_ReadIconsFrom("", "") unless(%FW_icons);
$hash->{fhem}{icons}= join(":", %FW_icons);
$hash->{fhemIcons} = \%FW_icons;
Log 4, "$name: Icon dictionary for $FW_icondir follows...";
foreach my $k (keys %FW_icons) {
Log 4, " $k => " . $FW_icons{$k};
my $dumpLevel = 4;
if($attr{global}{verbose} >= $dumpLevel) {
Log $dumpLevel, "$name: Icon dictionary for $FW_icondir follows...";
foreach my $k (sort keys %FW_icons) {
Log $dumpLevel, " $k => " . $FW_icons{$k};
@ -2080,7 +2109,7 @@ sub
FW_GetIcons() {
#Debug "Getting icons for $FW_wname.";
my $hash= $defs{$FW_wname};
%FW_icons= split(":", $hash->{fhem}{icons});
%FW_icons= %{$hash->{fhemIcons}};
@ -2357,8 +2386,9 @@ FW_devState($$)
sub FW_Get($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "syntax error" if(int(@a) != 3);
@ -2369,14 +2399,14 @@ sub FW_Get($@) {
$FW_wname= $hash->{NAME};
my $icon= FW_IconPath($a[2]);
return defined($icon) ? $icon : "no such icon";
sub FW_Set($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "syntax error" if(int(@a) != 2);
@ -2386,7 +2416,6 @@ sub FW_Set($@) {
return undef;
@ -1,94 +1,71 @@
# Used for .deb package creation
# Destination Directories
@echo "fhem $(VERS) - $(DATE)"
@echo "Use 'make <target>', where <target> is"
@echo " install - to install base files for fhem"
@echo " install-pgm2 - to install base files and webgui pgm2 for fhem"
@echo " dist - to create a compressed archivfile of fhem"
@echo " deb - to create a .deb file of fhem"
@echo " fb7390 - to create an imagefile for AVM Fritz!Box 7390"
@echo " fb7270 - to create an imagefile for AVM Fritz!Box 7270"
@echo " install - to install fhem"
@echo " dist - to create a .tar.gz file"
@echo " deb - to create a .deb file"
@echo " fb7390 - to create an AVM Fritz!Box 7390 imagefile"
@echo " fb7270 - to create a zip file for the AVM Fritz!Box 7270"
@echo " backup - to backup current installation of fhem"
@echo " uninstall - to uninstall an existing fhem installation (with backup)"
@echo "Examples:"
@echo " make install-pgm2"
@echo " make deb"
@echo " uninstall - to uninstall fhem (with backup)"
@echo "Check Makefile for default installation paths!"
@echo "Preparing installation for fhem..."
@echo "- create directories"
@echo "- creating directories"
@-$(foreach DIR,$(DEST), if [ ! -e $(DIR) ]; then mkdir -p $(DIR); fi; )
@echo "- fix permissions"
@find ./FHEM -type f -print | xargs chmod 644
@find ./docs -type f -print | xargs chmod 644
@find ./examples -type f -print | xargs chmod 644
@echo "- modify examples"
@rm -rf examples_changed
@cp -r examples examples_changed
@perl -pi -e 's,modpath \.,modpath $(MODDIR),' examples_changed/[a-z]*
@perl -pi -e 's,([^h]) /tmp,$$1 $(VARDIR),' examples_changed/[a-z]*
@echo "- fixing permissions / path in fhem.cfg"
@find FHEM docs www contrib -type f -print | xargs chmod 644
@cp fhem.cfg fhem.cfg.install
@perl -pi -e 's,modpath \.,modpath $(MODDIR),' fhem.cfg.install
@perl -pi -e 's,([^h]) \./log,$$1 $(VARDIR),' fhem.cfg.install
@-if [ -e $(RETCDIR)/fhem.cfg ]; then \
echo "- move existing configuration to fhem.cfg.`date "+%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"`"; \
mv $(RETCDIR)/fhem.cfg $(RETCDIR)/fhem.cfg.`date "+%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"`; fi;
install:prepare install-base install-note
install-pgm2:prepare install-base pgm2 install-note
@echo "Install base files of fhem..."
cp examples_changed/sample_fhem $(RETCDIR)/fhem.cfg
cp fhem.pl $(RBINDIR)
cp -rp contrib $(RMODDIR)
cp -rp docs/* $(RDOCDIR)
cp docs/fhem.man $(RMANDIR)/fhem.pl.1
gzip -f -9 $(RMANDIR)/fhem.pl.1
@echo "Housekeeping..."
@rm -rf examples_changed
@echo "- remove .svn stuff"
find $(RMODDIR) -name .svn -print | xargs rm -rf
find $(RDOCDIR) -name .svn -print | xargs rm -rf
@echo "- copying files"
@cp fhem.cfg.install $(RETCDIR)/fhem.cfg
@rm fhem.cfg.install
@cp fhem.pl $(RBINDIR)
@cp -rp FHEM docs www contrib $(RMODDIR)
@cp docs/fhem.man $(RMANDIR)/fhem.pl.1
@gzip -f -9 $(RMANDIR)/fhem.pl.1
@echo "- cleanup: removing .svn leftovers"
@find $(RMODDIR) -name .svn -print | xargs rm -rf
@echo "Installation of fhem completed!"
@echo "To start fhem use"
@echo "<perl $(BINDIR)/fhem.pl $(ETCDIR)/fhem.cfg>"
@echo "Start fhem with"
@echo " perl $(BINDIR)/fhem.pl $(ETCDIR)/fhem.cfg"
@echo "Backup current installation of fhem to .backup directory.."
@echo "Saving fhem to the .backup directory in the current directory"
@-if [ ! -e .backup ]; then mkdir .backup; fi;
@tar czf .backup/fhem-backup_`date +%y%m%d%H%M`.tar.gz \
@ -98,100 +75,49 @@ uninstall:backup
@echo "Remove fhem installation..."
rm -rf $(RETCDIR)/fhem.cfg
rm -rf $(RBINDIR)/fhem.pl
rm -rf $(RDOCDIR)
rm -rf $(RMODDIR)
rm -rf $(RMANDIR)/fhem.pl.*
rm -rf $(RVARDIR)
@echo done
@echo "Install files of fhem webfrontend pgm2..."
@-if [ ! -e $(RMODDIR)/www/pgm2 ]; then mkdir -p $(RMODDIR)/www/pgm2; fi;
@echo "- fix permissions"
@find ./webfrontend/pgm2/* -type f -print | xargs chmod 644
cp -r webfrontend/pgm2/*.pm $(RMODDIR)/FHEM
cp -r webfrontend/pgm2/*?[!pm] $(RMODDIR)/www/pgm2
cp docs/commandref.html docs/faq.html docs/HOWTO.html $(RMODDIR)/www/pgm2
cp docs/*.png docs/*.jpg $(RMODDIR)/www/pgm2
cp examples_changed/sample_pgm2 $(RETCDIR)/fhem.cfg
@echo "fhem $(VERS) - $(DATE)"
@echo "Make distribution..."
@echo "- copy files"
@mkdir .f
TODO contrib docs examples fhem.pl webfrontend .f
@echo "Housekeeping..."
@echo "- remove misc developing stuff"
@find .f -name .svn -print | xargs rm -rf
@find .f -name \*.orig -print | xargs rm -f
@find .f -name .#\* -print | xargs rm -f
@find .f -type f -print | grep -v Makefile |\
mkdir .f
contrib docs examples fhem.pl webfrontend .f
find .f -name .svn -print | xargs rm -rf
find .f -name \*.orig -print | xargs rm -f
find .f -name .#\* -print | xargs rm -f
find .f -type f -print | grep -v Makefile |\
xargs perl -pi -e 's/=VERS=/$(VERS)/g;s/=DATE=/$(DATE)/g'
@mv .f $(DESTDIR)
@echo "Distribution..."
@echo "- create archiv"
@tar cf - $(DESTDIR) | gzip > $(DESTDIR).tar.gz
@echo "- copy main documentation files"
@mv $(DESTDIR)/docs/*.html .
@echo "- Housekeeping"
@rm -rf $(DESTDIR)
@echo "Done. Provided files: $(DESTDIR).tar.gz *.html"
mv .f $(DESTDIR)
tar cf - $(DESTDIR) | gzip > $(DESTDIR).tar.gz
mv $(DESTDIR)/docs/*.html .
rm -rf $(DESTDIR)
@echo "Housekeeping..."
@echo "- remove distribution files"
@rm -rf *.html $(DESTDIR).tar.gz
@echo done
rm -rf *.html $(DESTDIR).tar.gz
@echo "Make debian package..."
@echo $(PWD)
@rm -rf .f
rm -rf .f
make ROOT=`pwd`/.f install
@echo "- copy files"
@cp -r contrib/DEBIAN .f
@echo "- housekeeping"
@rm -rf .f/$(MODDIR)/contrib/FB7*/var
@rm -rf .f/$(MODDIR)/contrib/FB7*/*.image
@rm -rf .f/$(MODDIR)/contrib/FB7*/*.zip
@find .f -name .svn -print | xargs rm -rf
@find .f -name \*.orig -print | xargs rm -f
@find .f -name .#\* -print | xargs rm -f
@echo "- modify fhem version and date"
@find .f -type f -print | grep -v Makefile |\
cp -r contrib/DEBIAN .f
rm -rf .f/$(MODDIR)/contrib/FB7*/var
rm -rf .f/$(MODDIR)/contrib/FB7*/*.image
rm -rf .f/$(MODDIR)/contrib/FB7*/*.zip
find .f -name .svn -print | xargs rm -rf
find .f -name \*.orig -print | xargs rm -f
find .f -name .#\* -print | xargs rm -f
find .f -type f -print | grep -v Makefile |\
xargs perl -pi -e 's/=VERS=/$(VERS)/g;s/=DATE=/$(DATE)/g'
@echo "- fix permissions"
@find .f -type f | xargs chmod 644
@find .f -type d | xargs chmod 755
@chmod 755 `cat contrib/executables`
@gzip -9 .f/$(DOCDIR)/changelog
@echo "- fix ownership"
@chown -R root:root .f
@echo "- housekeeping"
@mv .f $(DESTDIR)
@echo "Build package..."
@dpkg-deb --build $(DESTDIR)
@echo "Housekeeping..."
@rm -rf $(DESTDIR)
@echo "Done. Provided file: $(DESTDIR).deb"
find .f -type f | xargs chmod 644
find .f -type d | xargs chmod 755
chmod 755 `cat contrib/executables`
chown -R root:root .f
mv .f $(DESTDIR)
dpkg-deb --build $(DESTDIR)
rm -rf $(DESTDIR)
cd contrib/FB7390 && ./makeimage $(DESTDIR)
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
# fhem.pl configfile
# Define a lamp (which is plugged in via an FS20ST).
# To program the FS20ST, start the server, plug the FS20ST while pressing its
# button (it starts blinking), and then execute fhem.pl 7072 "set lamp on"
# Common part
attr global logfile /tmp/fhem-%Y-%m.log
attr global statefile /tmp/fhem.save # where to save the state of the devices
attr global verbose 3 # "normal" verbosity (min 1, max 5)
attr global port 7072 # our TCP/IP port (localhost only)
attr global modpath . # where our FHEM directory is
define FHZ FHZ /dev/tts/USB0 # the serial port of an FHZ 1000 PC
define lamp FS20 8765 01 # type FS20, transmitter code 8765, button 2
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
# fhem.pl configfile
# The challenge: We have 2 rollades (which are connected via the FS20MS).
# Button 3 on the FS20S20 should activate both rollades. There are three
# solutions:
# 1. Builtin commands
# 2. Perl expression
# 3. Shell script (realized via external script at the end of this file)
# Common part
attr global logfile /tmp/fhem-%Y-%m.log
attr global statefile /tmp/fhem.save # where to save the state of the devices
attr global verbose 3 # "normal" verbosity
attr global port 7072 # our TCP/IP port (localhost only)
attr global modpath . # where our FHEM directory is
define FHZ FHZ /dev/tts/USB0 # the serial port of an FHZ 1000 PC
define roll1 FS20 7777 02 # type FS20, transmitter code 7777, button 3
define roll2 FS20 7777 03 # type FS20, transmitter code 7777, button 4
define btn3 FS20 8765 03 # define a button from the FS20S20
setstate roll1 off # initial state is closed
# Note: Only one of the methods should be used
# Method 1a: builtin commands. Note the double ;
define n_1a notify btn3 set roll1 %;; set roll2 %
# Method 1b: shorter:
define n_1b notify btn3 set roll1,roll2 %
# Method 2a: the same in perl. Everything between {} is evaluated as perl code
define n_2a notify btn3 { fhem "set roll1,roll2 %" }
# Method 2b: perl. open the rollades only to a certain amount if they are
# closed. Else do the required command.
define n_2b notify btn3 {\
if("%" eq "on" && $value{roll1} eq "off") {\
fhem "set roll1 on-for-timer 10";;\
fhem "set roll2 on-for-timer 16";;\
} else { \
fhem "set roll1,roll2 %"\
} \
# Method 3: shell. Everything between "" is evaluated as a shell command. The
# script follows after "quit". Dont forget to chmod u+x it.
define n_3 notify btn3 "/usr/local/bin/roll.sh %"
quit # Ignore the rest of this file
# roll1 needs 10 sec to open to a certain level, roll2 16 sec. The following
# shell script opens both of them when called woth "on", and closes both of
# them else. We rely on the fact, that the FS20MS switches off after ca 60s.
# Note that for greater time values the FS20 timer gets inaccurate, you
# can use something like
# $fhem 7072 "set roll1 on; at +00:00:21 set roll1 on"
# instead.
if test $1 = "on"; then
$fhem 7072 "set roll1 on-for-timer 10"
$fhem 7072 "set roll2 on-for-timer 16"
$fhem 7072 "set roll1,roll2 off"
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
# fhem.pl configfile
# Define an FHT80b device. You have to know its transmitter code,
# or set verbose to 4 and wait for a while watching the log.
# wz stands for "wohnzimmer".
# After about 5-10 minutes, check if "list wz" returns something meaningful
attr global logfile /tmp/fhem-%Y-%m.log
attr global statefile /tmp/fhem.save # where to save the state of the devices
attr global verbose 3 # "normal" verbosity
attr global port 7072 # our TCP/IP port (localhost only)
attr global modpath . # where our FHEM directory is
define FHZ FHZ /dev/tts/USB0 # the serial port of an FHZ 1000 PC
# Since it is said that FHZ1x00 sometimes forgets its own random-initialized
# FHTcode (Contronics speak: "Zentralencode"; sometimes called "fhtid"),
# it's probably a good idea to manually hard-code it.
# Changing the value (range is 1 to 99) needs re-registration of FHT80b
# via their "cent" menu item (instructions see FAQ).
# set FHZ FHTcode XX
define wz FHT 3232 # type FHT, transmitter code 3232 (default value)
# Some documentation suggests that the FHZ time should be set every minute.
# I only set it once a day.
define fhz_timer at *03:30:00 set FHZ time
# If you wish to have up-to date information on certain parameters which can be
# modified on the FHT80b itself, then enable the line below. My device sends a
# message when a value changes, and sends measured-temp, actuator and state
# messages regularly, so I do not use this command.
# Be patient: the reply comes after 5-10 minutes.
#define wz_refresh at *04:00:00 set wz report1 255 report2 255
# alias for the above
#define wz_refresh at *04:00:00 set wz refreshvalues
# If at the weekly lime-protection time (usually saturday at 11:00 AM) the
# desired temperature is lower than the measured temperature, then you'll get
# instead of "actuator:0%" the "actuator:lime-protection" messsages every 2.5
# minutes. I think this is an FHT80b firmware bug, a workaround is to set the
# desired temperature for a short time higher than the measured temperature.
# You can automate it (for all FHT's) with the following notify:
define lime_reset notify .*lime-protection {\
my $d = $defs{@}{READINGS}{"desired-temp"}{VAL};;\
my $m = $defs{@}{READINGS}{"measured-temp"}{VAL};;\
if($m > $d) {\
fhem("set @ desired-temp 29");;\
fhem("set @ desired-temp $d");;\
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
# fhem.pl configfile
# Logging FS20/KS300 data into files. For database logging see the
# contrib/91_DbLog.pm
attr global logfile /tmp/fhem-%Y-%m.log
attr global statefile /tmp/fhem.save # where to save the state of the devices
attr global verbose 3 # "normal" verbosity
attr global port 7072 # our TCP/IP port (localhost only)
attr global modpath . # where our FHEM directory is
define FHZ FHZ /dev/tts/USB0 # the serial port of an FHZ 1000 PC
define wz FHT 3232 # type FHT, transmitter code 3232 (default value)
define ks1 KS300 1234 250 # type KS300, with 250ml rain / counter
# Log temperature and actuator changes into a file, its name changes weekly
define wzlog FileLog /var/log/fhem/wz-%Y-%U.log wz:.*(temp|actuator).*
# Make it accessible from 01_FHEMWEB.pm (webpgm2)
attr wzlog logtype fht:Temp
# ks300 log
define kslog FileLog /var/log/wz-%Y-%U.log ks1:.*H:.*
define avglog FileLog /var/log/avg.log ks1:.*avg.*
attr kslog logtype temp4rain10:Temp/Rain,hum6wind8:Hum/Wind
# Alternative log method. It does the same, but it is somewhat slower as it
# starts the shellscript below. Don't forget the "", as some values contain
# paranthesis, and your shell will probably bark.
define tmplog notifyon wz:temp.* "/usr/local/bin/log.sh @ "@ %""
#And here is /usr/local/bin/log.sh, don't forget chmod +x
echo `date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"` "$*" >> /var/log/$fname.log
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
# fhem.pl configfile
# Define RM100-2 devices:
# As the RM100-2 changes its code after the battery is changed (or the switch
# on the device itself is changed), we map _all_ RM100-2 to the device id 1001
# if there is no definition for it. Check the commandref.html define, Type HMS
# section for details
attr global logfile /tmp/fhem-%Y-%m.log
attr global statefile /tmp/fhem.save # where to save the state of the devices
attr global verbose 3 # "normal" verbosity (min 1, max 5)
attr global port 7072 # our TCP/IP port (localhost only)
attr global modpath . # where our FHEM directory is
define FHZ FHZ /dev/tts/USB0 # the serial port of an FHZ 1000 PC
define rm100 HMS 1001 # type HMS
define rm100log FileLog /var/log/wz-%Y-%U.log rm100:.*
define smokealarm notify rm100:smoke.*on "wall "FIRE: @ %""
# Test the log/notify
# fhem.pl 7072 'trigger rm100 smoke on'
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
# These are only examples for the at and notify command
# absolute ones:
define a1 at 17:00:00 set lamp on # fhem command
define a2 at 17:00:00 { Log 1, "Teetime" } # Perl command
define a3 at 17:00:00 "/bin/echo "Teetime" > /dev/console" # shell command
define a4 at *17:00:00 set lamp on # repeat every day
# relative ones
define a5 at +00:00:10 set lamp on # switch the lamp on in 10 seconds
define a6 at +00:00:02 set lamp on-for-timer 1 # Blink once in 2 seconds
define a7 at +*{3}00:00:02 set lamp on-for-timer 1 # Blink 3 times
# Switch the lamp on from sunset to 11 PM each day
# We have to use the relative versions, as the next event is computed now
# and absolute values would cause problems in the spring
define a8 at +*{sunset_rel()} set lamp on
define a9 at *23:00:00 set lamp off
# A more elegant solution, which even works if sunset is after 23:00
define a10 at +*{sunset_rel()} set lamp on-till 23:00
# Only do this at weekend. For the preset perl variables see commandref.html
define a11 at +*{sunset_rel()} { fhem("set lamp on-till 23:00") if($we) }
# Switch lamp1 and lamp2 on from 7:00 till 10 minutes after sunrise
define a12 at *07:00 set lamp1,lamp2 on-till {sunrise(+600)}
# Switch lamp1 on at sunrise, but not before 07:00 and not after 09:00
define a13 at +*{sunrise(0,"07:00","09:00"))} set lamp1 on
# Blink 3 times if the piri sends a command
define n1 notify piri:on.* define a13 at +*{3}00:00:02 set lamp on-for-timer 1
@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
# Beispiel: Steuerung nach Sonnenzyklus mit Zeitfenster
# Aufgabenstellung: Ein Rolladen soll eine Stunde nach Sonnenuntergang
# schliessen, aber fruehestens um 20:00 und spaetestens um 22:00
# Loesungsansatz: Es werden zwei at-Jobs zu festen Zeiten eingeplant, um
# 20:00 und um 22:00, zusaetzlich existiert ein at-Job, der mit der
# variablen Zeit "sunset_rel(3600)" eingeplant ist. Die einzelnen Jobs
# verwenden ein benutzerdefiniertes Attribut "freigabe", um untereinander
# Informationen auszutauschen.
# Funktionsweise: Der erste ablaufende Job prueft den Zustand des Attributs
# "freigabe". Wenn es existiert, wird der Rolladen geschlossen und das
# Attribut geloescht. Wenn nicht, wird das Attribut gesetzt, der Rolladen
# aber nicht geschlossen. Der naechste Job findet dann ein gesetztes Attribut
# vor, schliesst den Rolladen und loescht das Atribut. Der 22:00-Job, der
# das Ende des Zeitfensters darstellt, loescht das Attribut und schliesst
# den Rolladen, falls noch nicht geschehen.
# Sonnenuntergang um 18:30:
# um 19:30 laeuft der variable Job und setzt das Attribut
# um 20:00 laeuft der fixe Job 1 und schliesst den Rolladen
# um 22:00 laeuft der fixe Job 2 (und veraendert nichts)
# Sonnenuntergang um 20:30:
# um 20:00 laeuft der fixe Job 1 und setzt das Attribut
# um 21:30 laeuft der variable Job und schliesst den Rolladen
# um 22:00 laeuft der fixe Job 2 (und veraendert nichts)
# Sonnenuntergang um 22:30:
# um 20:00 laeuft der fixe Job 1 und setzt das Attribut
# um 22:00 laeuft der fixe Job 2 und schliesst den Rolladen
# um 23:30 laeuft der variable Job (und veraendert nichts)
# example: sunset-dependent action within fixed-time boundaries
# task: A shutter is to be closed one hour past sunset, but not before
# 20:00 and at 22:00 at the latest.
# solution: Two fixed-time jobs at 20:00 and 22:00, respectively, mark the
# desired "window of opportunity". A time-variable job is scheduled for one
# hour past sunset ("sunset_rel(3600)"). The jobs use a user defined attribute
# named "freigabe" ("permission" in german) to exchange information.
# How it works: The first job checks the status of the attribute. If it's set,
# the shutter is closed and the attribute is deleted. If the attribute doesn't
# exist, it is set but the shutter will not be closed. The next job running
# then finds the attribute set and therefore closes the shutter and deletes
# the attribute. The job running at 22:00 unconditionally deletes the attribute
# and closes the shutter, if it's still open.
# sunset at 18:30:
# at 19:30 the time-variable job runs and sets the attribute
# at 20:00 fixed job 1 runs and closes the shutter
# at 22:00 fixed job 2 runs (and changes nothing)
# sunset at 20:30:
# at 20:00 fixed job 1 runs and sets the attribute
# at 21:30 the time-variable job runs and closes the shutter
# at 22:00 fixed job 2 runs (and changes nothing)
# sunset at 22:30:
# at 20:00 fixed job 1 runs and sets the attribute
# at 22:00 fixed job 2 runs and closes the shutter
# at 23:30 the time-variable job runs (and changes nothing)
# Globale Einstellungen
# global settings
attr global logfile /tmp/fhem.log
attr global statefile /tmp/fhem.save
attr global pidfilename /var/run/fhem.pid
attr global verbose 3
attr global port 7072
attr global modpath /usr/share/fhem
# Die Definition des Attributs "freigabe"
# definition of attribute "freigabe"
attr global userattr freigabe
define FHZ FHZ /dev/ttyUSB0
# devices
define roll_eg_wz1 FS20 fb02 0c fg f2 lm 8f
# Timing-Funktionen
# timed jobs
define roll_wz1_off1 at *20:00:00 { \
if( $value{roll_eg_wz1} ne "off" ) { \
if( $attr{roll_eg_wz1}{freigabe} ) { \
fhem("set roll_eg_wz1 off");; \
fhem("deleteattr roll_eg_wz1 freigabe") \
} else { \
fhem("attr roll_eg_wz1 freigabe") \
} \
} \
define roll_wz1_off2 at +*{sunset_rel(+3600)} {\
if( $value{roll_eg_wz1} ne "off" ) { \
if( $attr{roll_eg_wz1}{freigabe} ) { \
fhem("set roll_eg_wz1 off");; \
fhem("deleteattr roll_eg_wz1 freigabe") \
} else { \
fhem("attr roll_eg_wz1 freigabe") \
} \
} \
define roll_wz1_off3 at *22:00:00 {\
fhem("set roll_eg_wz1 off") if($value{roll_eg_wz1} ne "off");; \
fhem("deleteattr roll_eg_wz1 freigabe") }
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
# Minimalistic fhem.pl configfile. Take a look at the other examples for more.
attr global logfile /tmp/fhem-%Y-%m.log
attr global statefile /tmp/fhem.save # where to save the state of the devices
attr global verbose 3 # "normal" verbosity (min 1, max 5)
attr global modpath . # where our FHEM directory is
define telnetPort telnet 7072 # our TCP/IP port (localhost only)
#attr telnetPort password secret
@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
# pgm2 / autocreate configfile. Take a look at the other examples for more.
attr global logfile /tmp/fhem-%Y-%m.log
attr global logfile ./log/fhem-%Y-%m.log
attr global modpath . # where our FHEM directory is
attr global statefile /tmp/fhem.save # where to save the state of the devices
attr global statefile ./log/fhem.save # where to save the state of the devices
attr global verbose 3 # "normal" verbosity (min 1, max 5)
define telnetPort telnet 7072 global # our TCP/IP port
@ -17,12 +14,12 @@ define WEBtablet FHEMWEB 8085 global
attr WEBtablet touchpad
# Fake FileLog entry, to access the fhem log from FHEMWEB
define Logfile FileLog /tmp/fhem-%Y-%m.log fakelog
define Logfile FileLog ./log/fhem-%Y-%m.log fakelog
define autocreate autocreate
attr autocreate autosave
attr autocreate device_room %TYPE
attr autocreate filelog /tmp/%NAME-%Y.log
attr autocreate filelog ./log/%NAME-%Y.log
attr autocreate weblink
attr autocreate weblink_room Plots
Normal file
Normal file
Reference in New Issue
Block a user