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wzut 2015-04-23 17:46:01 +00:00
parent 774f6fd420
commit 3b6f28f083
2 changed files with 1063 additions and 0 deletions

fhem/FHEM/98_UbiquitiMP.pm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,934 @@
# $Id$
# (c) 2015 Copyright: Wzut
# forum : http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,34131.0.html
# All rights reserved
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# Changelog:
# 25.3.15 add force for set on and off
# 10.04.15 add enable/disable
# 18.04.15 add toggle
# 20.04.15 add Groups
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use Blocking; # http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/Blocking_Call
use SetExtensions;
use Net::Telnet;
use JSON;
my %sets = ();
my $setcmds = "on,off,toggle,enable,disable,lock,unlock,reset";
sub UbiquitiMP_Initialize($)
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "UbiquitiMP_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "UbiquitiMP_Undef";
$hash->{SetFn} = "UbiquitiMP_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "UbiquitiMP_Get";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "UbiquitiMP_Attr";
$hash->{FW_summaryFn} = "UbiquitiMP_summaryFn";
$hash->{AttrList} = "interval timeout user password subDevices:0,1 ignoreList ledconnect:off,blue,yellow,both,alternate groupPorts ".$readingFnAttributes;
sub UbiquitiMP_updateConfig($)
# this routine is called 10 sec after the last define of a restart
# this gives FHEM sufficient time to fill in attributes
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$hash->{INTERVAL} = AttrVal($name, "interval", 300);
$hash->{".led"} = AttrVal($name, "ledconnect", 0);
if ($hash->{".led"}) # Farben nach Kommando
$hash->{".led"} = 0 if ($hash->{".led"} eq "off");
$hash->{".led"} = 1 if ($hash->{".led"} eq "blue");
$hash->{".led"} = 2 if ($hash->{".led"} eq "yellow");
$hash->{".led"} = 3 if ($hash->{".led"} eq "both");
$hash->{".led"} = 4 if ($hash->{".led"} eq "alternate");
#$hash->{SNAME} = "";
#$hash->{BNAME} = "";
$hash->{MAC} = "";
$hash->{lastcmd} = "Init";
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+($hash->{".timeout"}*2), "UbiquitiMP_GetStatus",$hash, 0) if ($hash->{".timeout"});
return undef;
sub UbiquitiMP_Define($$) {
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "wrong syntax: define <name> UbiquitiMP <IP or FQDN>" if(int(@a) < 3);
$hash->{".host"} = $a[2];
if( !defined( $attr{$a[0]}{user} ) ) { $attr{$a[0]}{user} = "ubnt";}
$hash->{".user"} = $attr{$a[0]}{user};
if( !defined( $attr{$a[0]}{password} ) ) { $attr{$a[0]}{password} = "ubnt";}
$hash->{".pwd"} = $attr{$a[0]}{password};
if( !defined( $attr{$a[0]}{subDevices} ) ) { $attr{$a[0]}{subDevices} = "1";}
if( !defined( $attr{$a[0]}{timeout} ) ) { $attr{$a[0]}{timeout} = "2"}
$hash->{".timeout"} = (int($attr{$a[0]}{timeout}) > 1) ? $attr{$a[0]}{timeout} : "2";
if( !defined( $attr{$a[0]}{subDevices} ) ) { $attr{$a[0]}{subDevices} = "1"}
$hash->{".subdevices"} = $attr{$a[0]}{subDevices};
$hash->{Clients} = ":UbiquitiOut:";
$hash->{PORTS} = 0;
$hash->{force} = 0;
$hash->{ERRORCOUNT} = 0;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", "defined",0);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+10, "UbiquitiMP_updateConfig",$hash,0); # in 10 Sekunden machen wir den Rest
return undef;
sub UbiquitiMP_Undef($$)
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
return undef;
sub UbiquitiMP_force($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $cmdlist = $hash->{lastcmd};
Log3 $name, 4, "$name, force called for $cmdlist";
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("UbiquitiMP_BCStart", $cmdlist, "UbiquitiMP_BCDone",(int($hash->{".timeout"})*3),"UbiquitiMP_BCAborted", $hash) unless(exists($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}));
Log3 $name, 5, "$name, BC force process started with PID(".$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}.") cmd : $cmdlist";
{ # das war wohl schon wieder nix :(
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+(int($hash->{".timeout"})*3), "UbiquitiMP_force",$hash, 0);
return undef;
sub UbiquitiMP_Attr(@)
my ($cmd,$name, $attrName,$attrVal) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
if ($cmd eq "set")
if ($attrName eq "timeout")
if (int($attrVal)<"2") {$attrVal="2";}
$hash->{".timeout"} = $attrVal;
$attr{$name}{timeout} = $attrVal;
elsif ($attrName eq "user")
$hash->{".user"} = $attrVal;
$attr{$name}{user} = $attrVal;
elsif ($attrName eq "password")
$hash->{".pwd"} = $attrVal;
$attr{$name}{password} = $attrVal;
elsif ($attrName eq "interval")
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $attrVal;
$attr{$name}{interval} = $attrVal;
elsif ($attrName eq "subDevices")
$hash->{".subdevices"} = $attrVal;
$attr{$name}{subDevices} = $attrVal;
elsif ($attrName eq "ledconnect")
$hash->{".led"} = 0 if ($attrVal eq "off");
$hash->{".led"} = 1 if ($attrVal eq "blue");
$hash->{".led"} = 2 if ($attrVal eq "yellow");
$hash->{".led"} = 3 if ($attrVal eq "both");
$hash->{".led"} = 4 if ($attrVal eq "alternate");
$attr{$name}{ledconnect} = $attrVal;
elsif ($attrName eq "groupPorts")
$attr{$name}{groupPorts} = $attrVal;
return undef;
sub UbiquitiMP_Get($@) {
my ($hash, $name , @a) = @_;
my $cmd = $a[0];
#Log3 $name, 5, "Get: ".join(" ", @a);
return "get $name needs one argument" if (int(@a) != 1);
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of status:noArg info:noArg reboot:noArg" if($cmd !~ /^(status|info|reboot)$/);
$hash->{force} = 0; # Get setzt IMMER force zurueck !
if ($cmd eq "info")
{ $cmd = $name."#info#cat /etc/board.info | grep board;"; $hash->{lastcmd} ="GetInfo";}
elsif ($cmd eq "status")
{ $cmd = $name."#status#/sbin/cgi /usr/www/mfi/sensors.cgi#awk '{print \"u=\"\$1}' < /proc/uptime#awk '{print \"l=\"\$1\" \"\$2\" \"\$3}' < /proc/loadavg#cat /proc/power/energy_sum* | tr '\\n' ' '"; $hash->{lastcmd} ="GetStatus";}
elsif ($cmd eq "reboot")
{ $cmd = $name."#reboot#reboot"; $hash->{lastcmd} ="GetReboot";}
else { return undef; } # sollte eigentlich nie vorkommen
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("UbiquitiMP_BCStart", $cmd, "UbiquitiMP_BCDone",(int($hash->{".timeout"})*2),"UbiquitiMP_BCAborted", $hash) unless(exists($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}));
Log3 $name, 5, "$name, BC process started with PID(".$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}.") cmd : $cmd";
{ # das war wohl nix :(
Log3 $name, 5, "$name, BC process start failed !";
return $name.", can't execute get command as NonBlockingCall";
return undef;
sub UbiquitiMP_Set($@) {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my ($port,$cmd,$subcmd);
return undef if (!$hash->{PORTS}); # ohne bekannte Ports geht hier nichts :)
UbiquitiMP_createSets($hash) if(!defined($sets{Out1}) && $hash->{PORTS}); # neu aufbauen nach reload;
if (int($hash->{PORTS}) > 1)
$port = (defined($a[1])) ? $a[1] : "?" ;
$cmd = (defined($a[2])) ? $a[2] : "";
$subcmd = (defined($a[3])) ? $a[3] : "";
my @commands = ();
foreach my $key (sort keys %sets)
push @commands, $sets{$key} ? $key.":".join(",",$sets{$key}) : $key;
return "Unknown port $port, choose one of " . join(" ", @commands);
return "$name wrong command, please use on of on,off,toggle,lock,unlock,enable,disable or reset" if($cmd !~ /^(on|off|lock|unlock|reset|enable|disable|toggle)$/);
$port = "Out1";
$cmd = (defined($a[1])) ? $a[1] : "";
$subcmd = (defined($a[2])) ? $a[2] : "";
$setcmds =~ s/\,/ /g;
return SetExtensions($hash,$setcmds,$name,@a) if($cmd !~ /^(on|off|lock|unlock|reset|enable|disable|toggle)$/);
my $cmdlist = "$name#$cmd";
if ($hash->{force})
my $ret = "a force command is already active -> PID ".$hash->{force}." cmd : ".$hash->{lastcmd};
Log3 $name, 3, "$name, $ret";
return $ret;
if ((substr($port,0,3) eq "Out") && (int(substr($port,3,1)) > 0) && (int(substr($port,3,1)) <= int($hash->{PORTS})))
{ $cmdlist .= "#".substr($port,3,1); } # normaler einzelner Port
else # oder doch eine Port Gruppe ?
@a = split("," ,$hash->{"group_".$port});
foreach (@a)
return "Unknown port $_ in group list $port !" if ((int($_) < 1) || (int($_) > int($hash->{PORTS})));
$cmdlist .="#".$_;
$hash->{lastcmd} = $cmdlist;
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("UbiquitiMP_BCStart", $cmdlist, "UbiquitiMP_BCDone",(int($hash->{".timeout"})*3),"UbiquitiMP_BCAborted", $hash) unless(exists($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}));
$hash->{force} = ($subcmd eq "force") ? $hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}{pid} : 0;
Log3 $name, 5, "$name, BC process started with PID(".$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}.") cmd : $cmdlist , subcmd : $subcmd";
{ # das war wohl nix :(
Log3 $name, 5, "$name, BC process start failed !";
UbiquitiMP_force($hash) if ($hash->{force}) ; # muessen wir das wiederholen ?
return $name.", can't execute set as NonBlockingCall";
return undef;
sub UbiquitiMP_BCStart($)
my ($string) = @_;
return unless(defined($string));
my (@ret, $c, $v);
my @a = split("\#" ,$string);
my $output = $a[0]; # Name
my $cmd = $a[0];
my $hash = $defs{$output};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $onoff = (($cmd eq "on") || ($cmd eq "lock") || ($cmd eq "enable")) ? "1" : "0";
Log3 $name, 5, "$name, BC cmd : $cmd -> ".join(" ",@a);
my $sock = new Net::Telnet(Timeout => $hash->{".timeout"}, Errmode => 'return');
$sock->open( Host => $hash->{".host"}, Port => 23 );
if (!$sock->errmsg)
$sock->login( Name => $hash->{".user"}, Password => $hash->{".pwd"} );
if (!$sock->errmsg)
$sock->cmd("echo '".$hash->{".led"}."' >/proc/led/status") if ($hash->{".led"});
if (($cmd eq "reset") || ($cmd eq "toggle") ||
($cmd eq "lock") || ($cmd eq "unlock") ||
($cmd eq "enable") || ($cmd eq "disable") ||
($cmd eq "on") || ($cmd eq "off"))
$output .= "|1|status|"; # Rueckgabe wie eine Statusabfrage
foreach (@a)
if ($cmd eq "reset")
$sock->cmd("cat /proc/power/relay".$_." > /tmp/relay".$_.".tmp"); # Akt. Zustand retten
$sock->cmd("echo 0 > /proc/power/reset".$_); # Messwerte Reset
$sock->cmd("cat /tmp/relay".$_.".tmp > /proc/power/output".$_); # alter Zustand wiederherstellen
elsif ($cmd eq "toggle")
@ret = $sock->cmd("awk '{print \$1=!\$1}' < /proc/power/relay".$_); # Akt. Zustand invers
$sock->cmd("echo '".$ret[0]."' > /proc/power/output".$_);
# ToDo : wer weiss wie man es in nur einer Zeile macht ?
# ala : awk '{print $1=!$1}' < /proc/power/relayX > /proc/power/outputX
elsif (($cmd eq "on") || ($cmd eq "off"))
$sock->cmd("echo $onoff > /proc/power/output".$_);
elsif (($cmd eq "lock") || ($cmd eq "unlock"))
$sock->cmd("echo $onoff > /proc/power/lock".$_);
elsif (($cmd eq "enable") || ($cmd eq "disable"))
$sock->cmd("echo $onoff > /proc/power/enabled".$_);
} # foreach
select(undef, undef, undef, 0.5); # 500 ms warten !
@ret = $sock->cmd("/sbin/cgi /usr/www/mfi/sensors.cgi"); # neue Statuswerte holen
($ret[2],undef) = split("MF",$ret[2]); $output .= $ret[2];
else #
$output .= "|1|$cmd|";
select(undef, undef, undef, 0.5);
@ret = $sock->cmd($_);
Log3 $name, 5, "$name, ret -> ".$ret[0];
if ($cmd eq "status") { if($ret[2]) { ($ret[2],undef) = split("MF",$ret[2]); $output .= $ret[2]; } else { if ($ret[0]) {$ret[0] =~s/^MF.*//g; $output .= "|".$ret[0];}}}
if ($cmd eq "info") { $c = join(";",@ret); $c =~s/\$//g; $c =~s/\"//g; ($c,$v) = split("MF.v",$c); $output .= $c; $output .= "version=$v";}
$sock->cmd("echo '0' >/proc/led/status") if ($hash->{".led"});
$output =~s/\n//g;
return $output;
} else { return $output."|0|$cmd|".$sock->errmsg; }
} else { return $output."|0|$cmd|".$sock->errmsg; }
sub UbiquitiMP_BCDone($)
my ($string) = @_;
return unless(defined($string));
my ($h,$ret,$cmd,$msg,@a) = split("\\|",$string);
my $hash = $defs{$h};
$msg = "" if (!defined($msg)) ;
if ($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}{pid})
Log3 $h, 4, "$h, BCDone : PID ".$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}{pid};
Log3 $h, 5, "$h, BCDone : $string";
if ($ret eq "0")
$hash->{ERRORMSG} = $msg;
$hash->{ERRORTIME} = TimeNow();
Log3 $h, 2, "$h, Error[".$hash->{ERRORCOUNT}."] cmd $cmd -> $msg";
$hash->{INTERVAL} = 3600 if ($hash->{INTERVAL} && ($hash->{ERRORCOUNT}>9));
if ($hash->{force}) # muessen wir wiederholen ?
else # das ging ja schon mal gut
$hash->{INTERVAL} = AttrVal($h, "interval", 300) if ($hash->{ERRORCOUNT} >9);
$hash->{ERRORCOUNT} = 0;
$hash->{force} = 0;
if ($cmd eq "info") { UbiquitiMP_Info($hash,$msg); }
elsif ($cmd eq "status")
if($msg ne "") # haben wir wieder mal einen leeren Status bekommen ?
UbiquitiMP_Status($hash,$msg,@a) if($msg ne "") ;
# etwas warten und versuchen den Status doch noch abzuschliessen
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{".timeout"}, "UbiquitiMP_GetStatus",$hash, 0);
return ;
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "UbiquitiMP_GetStatus",$hash, 0) if ($hash->{INTERVAL});
sub UbiquitiMP_BCAborted($)
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{ERRORTIME} = TimeNow();
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 3, $hash->{NAME}.", BlockingCall for ".$hash->{NAME}." cmd ".$hash->{lastcmd}." aborted EC : ".$hash->{ERRORCOUNT};
$hash->{INTERVAL} = 3600 if ($hash->{INTERVAL} && ($hash->{ERRORCOUNT}>9));
if ($hash->{force}) # ein abgebrochenes force ?
elsif ($hash->{lastcmd} eq "GetStatus") # war das ein erfolgloser auto status update ?
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "UbiquitiMP_GetStatus",$hash, 0) if($hash->{INTERVAL});
sub UbiquitiMP_Status($$@)
my ($hash,$js,@a) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $devstate;
my $devname;
my $state;
my $sum_current;
my $sum_power;
my $sum_month;
my $sum_prevmonth;
my $sum_energy;
my @ener;
my $json = ();
$json = JSON->new->utf8(0)->decode($js);
my $sensors = scalar keys $json->{sensors};
#$sensors = 1 if ($sensors);
if ((!$hash->{PORTS}) && ($sensors > 0)) # nur einmal zu Begin bzw nach reload
$hash->{PORTS} = $sensors;
# bei der 1 Port Ubi default keine Subdevices , bei den anderen ja
my $subdev = (int($hash->{PORTS}) >1) ? AttrVal($name, "subDevices", 1) : AttrVal($name, "subDevices", 0);
@ener = split(" ",$a[2]) if (defined($a[2]));
for (my $i=0; $i<$sensors; $i++)
if (index(AttrVal($name, "ignoreList", "") , $i+1) == -1) # welche Ports ignorieren ?
my $thismonth = ($json->{sensors}[$i]{thismonth}) ? sprintf("%.0f", $json->{sensors}[$i]{thismonth}*0.3125) : 0; # Verbrauch aktueller Monat
my $prevmonth = ($json->{sensors}[$i]{prevmonth}) ? sprintf("%.0f", $json->{sensors}[$i]{prevmonth}*0.3125) : 0; # Verbrauch letzter Monat , in welcher Einheit ?
my $powerfactor = sprintf("%.2f", $json->{sensors}[$i]{powerfactor}); $powerfactor +=0; # wer will 0.00 ?
my $output = $json->{sensors}[$i]{output}; # 1/0 fuer on/off
my $port = $json->{sensors}[$i]{port}; # Port Nr. 1- n
my $voltage = sprintf("%.0f", $json->{sensors}[$i]{voltage}); # V
my $power = sprintf("%.0f", $json->{sensors}[$i]{power}); # W
my $current = sprintf("%.2f", $json->{sensors}[$i]{current}); $current +=0; # A
my $lock = $json->{sensors}[$i]{lock};
my $label = $json->{sensors}[$i]{label};
my $enabled = $json->{sensors}[$i]{enabled}; # wann wird das angefasst ?
my $energy = (defined($ener[$i])) ? sprintf("%.2f",$ener[$i]*0.3125) : 0;
$energy += 0;
my $eState ="E:$energy P:$power I:$current U:$voltage i:$powerfactor";
$sum_current += (defined($json->{sensors}[$i]{current})) ? $json->{sensors}[$i]{current} : 0;
$sum_month += (defined($json->{sensors}[$i]{thismonth})) ? $json->{sensors}[$i]{thismonth}*0.3125 : 0;
$sum_prevmonth += (defined($json->{sensors}[$i]{prevmonth})) ? $json->{sensors}[$i]{prevmonth}*0.3125 : 0;
$sum_power += (defined($json->{sensors}[$i]{power})) ? $json->{sensors}[$i]{power} : 0;
$sum_energy += (defined($ener[$i])) ? $ener[$i]*0.3125 : 0;
$devstate = ($output eq "0") ? "off" : "on";
$state .= ($i == $sensors) ? $devstate : $devstate." ";
$devname = "Out".$port; # Port kann eigenen Namen haben
$hash->{helper}{$devname}{state} = $output;
$hash->{helper}{$devname}{name} = $devname;
$hash->{helper}{$devname}{lock} = $lock;
if ($subdev) # aufteilen oder lieber alles am Stueck ?
my $defptr = $modules{UbiquitiOut}{defptr}{$name.$port};
if (defined($defptr))
readingsBulkUpdate($defptr, "state" , $devstate);
readingsBulkUpdate($defptr, "eState" , $eState);
readingsBulkUpdate($defptr, "power" , $power);
readingsBulkUpdate($defptr, "voltage" , $voltage);
readingsBulkUpdate($defptr, "current" , $current);
readingsBulkUpdate($defptr, "pf" , $powerfactor);
readingsBulkUpdate($defptr, "month" , $thismonth);
readingsBulkUpdate($defptr, "prevmonth" , $prevmonth) if ($prevmonth);
readingsBulkUpdate($defptr, "lock" , $lock);
readingsBulkUpdate($defptr, "label" , $label) if ($label);
readingsBulkUpdate($defptr, "enabled" , $enabled);
readingsBulkUpdate($defptr, "energy" , $energy);
readingsEndUpdate($defptr, 1 );
Log3 $name, 3, "$name, autocreate sub device for $devname Port $port";
CommandDefine(undef, $name."_".$devname." UbiquitiOut $name $port");
else # all in one
if (int($hash->{PORTS}) > 1)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $devname."_state" , $devstate);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $devname."_eState" , $eState);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $devname."_power" , $power);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $devname."_voltage" , $voltage);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $devname."_current" , $current);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $devname."_pf" , $powerfactor);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $devname."_month" , $thismonth);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $devname."_prevmonth" , $prevmonth) if ($prevmonth);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $devname."_lock" , $lock);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $devname."_label" , $label) if ($label);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $devname."_enabled" , $enabled);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $devname."_energy" , $energy);
else # 1 Port Dose
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "eState" , $eState);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "power" , $power);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "voltage" , $voltage);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "current" , $current);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "pf" , $powerfactor);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "month" , $thismonth);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "prevmonth" , $prevmonth) if ($prevmonth);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "lock" , $lock);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "label" , $label) if ($label);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "enabled" , $enabled);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "energy" , $energy);
} # 1 Port
} # all in one
} # if
} # for
if(defined($a[0]) && (substr($a[0],0,2) eq "u=")) # uptime
my $sec;
(undef,$sec) = split("=",$a[0]); # u=xxxx.yyy
if (int($sec) > 0)
my ($seconds, $microseconds) = gettimeofday();
my @t = localtime($seconds-int($sec));
$hash->{powerd_on} = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $t[5]+1900,$t[4]+1,$t[3],$t[2],$t[1],$t[0]);
$up = "$d days, " if($d > 1);
$up = "1 day, " if($d == 1);
$up .= sprintf("%02s:%02s:%02s", $h, $m, $s);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "uptime", $up);
if (defined($a[1]) && (substr($a[1],0,2) eq "l=")) # load
my $load;
(undef , $load) = split("=",$a[1]); # l=xxx yyy zzz
$hash->{load} = $load if ($load);
if(int($hash->{PORTS}) > 1)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "all_current", sprintf("%.2f", $sum_current));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "all_power", sprintf("%.2f", $sum_power));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "all_month", sprintf("%.2f", $sum_month/1000));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "all_prevmonth", sprintf("%.2f", $sum_prevmonth/1000));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "all_energy", sprintf("%.2f", $sum_energy));
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state",$state);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1 );
return undef;
sub UbiquitiMP_Info($$)
my ($hash,$info) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $var;
my $val;
my $ports;
my $board_id;
my @a = split(";" , $info);
foreach (@a)
($var,$val) = split("=" , $_);
Log3 $name, 5, "$name, $var = $val";
$board_id = $val if ($var eq "board.sysid");
$hash->{BNAME} = $val if ($var eq "board.name");
$hash->{SNAME} = $val if ($var eq "board.shortname");
$hash->{VERSION} = $val if ($var eq "version");
$hash->{MAC} = $val if ($var eq "board.hwaddr");
if (($board_id) && (!$hash->{PORTS}))
if ($board_id eq "0xe648") { $ports = 8; }
elsif ($board_id eq "0xe656") { $ports = 6; }
elsif (($board_id eq "0xe653") ||
($board_id eq "0xe643")){ $ports = 3; }
elsif ($board_id eq "0xe642") { $ports = 2; }
else { $ports = 1; }
if ($ports > 0)
$hash->{PORTS} = $ports;
#$hash->{PORTS} = 1;
if (defined($hash->{VERSION}))
my $v = $hash->{VERSION};
my $msg = "Old version ".$hash->{VERSION}." found, please update to >= 2.1.8 !";
$v =~s/\.//g;
if (int($v) < 218)
$hash->{VERSION} = $msg;
Log3 $name, 1, "$name, $msg";
return undef;
sub UbiquitiMP_GetStatus($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $cmd = $name;
Log3 $name, 5, "$name, GetStatus Interval : ".$hash->{INTERVAL};
if ($hash->{lastcmd} eq "Init") # kommen wir ueber einen Neustart ?
$cmd .= "#info#cat /etc/board.info | grep board";
$cmd .= "#status#/sbin/cgi /usr/www/mfi/sensors.cgi";
$cmd .= "#awk '{print\"u=\" \$1}' /proc/uptime";
$cmd .= "#awk '{print \"l=\"\$1\" \"\$2\" \"\$3}' < /proc/loadavg";
$cmd .= "#cat /proc/power/energy_sum* | tr '\\n' ' '";
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("UbiquitiMP_BCStart", $cmd, "UbiquitiMP_BCDone",(int($hash->{".timeout"})*2),"UbiquitiMP_BCAborted", $hash) unless(exists($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}));
Log3 $name, 5, "$name, BC process started with PID(".$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}{pid}.") cmd : $cmd";
$hash->{lastcmd} = "GetStatus";
{ # das ging schief wiederholen nach doppelter timeout Wartezeit
Log3 $name, 5, "$name, BC process start failed !";
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+(int($hash->{".timeout"})*2), "UbiquitiMP_GetStatus",$hash, 0);
sub UbiquitiMP_summaryFn($$$$) {
my ($FW_wname, $hash, $room, $pageHash) = @_;
$hash = $defs{$hash};
my $state = $hash->{STATE};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return if ((AttrVal($name, "stateFormat", "")) || (int($hash->{PORTS}) < 2));
my ($icon,$html,$cmd,$i,$title,$txt,$a,$b);
$html ="<nobr>";
if (($state ne "defined") && ($state ne "error") && ($state ne "Initialized"))
for ($i=1; $i<= $hash->{PORTS}; $i++)
if (defined($hash->{helper}{"Out".$i}{state}))
if ($hash->{helper}{"Out".$i}{state})
$cmd = "Out".$i." off";
$title = $hash->{helper}{"Out".$i}{name}. " on";
($icon, undef, undef) = FW_dev2image($name,"on");
($a,$b) = split('title=\"on\"' , FW_makeImage($icon, "on"));
$txt = $a."title=\"".$title."\"".$b;
$cmd = "Out".$i." on";
$title = $hash->{helper}{"Out".$i}{name}. " off";
($icon, undef, undef) = FW_dev2image($name,"off");
($a,$b) = split('title=\"off\"' , FW_makeImage($icon, "off"));
$txt = $a."title=\"".$title."\"".$b;
if (!$hash->{helper}{"Out".$i}{lock})
$html .= "<a href=\"/fhem?cmd.$name=set $name ".$cmd."&room=$room&amp;room=$room\">$txt</a>";
else { $html .= $txt; }
$html .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
} else { $html .= $state };
$html .= "</nobr>";
return $html;
sub UbiquitiMP_createSets($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $list = AttrVal($name, "groupPorts", "");
my (@a, @b);
return if (!$hash->{PORTS});
%sets = ();
# bei nur einem Port macht eine Gruppe keinen Sinn
if (int($hash->{PORTS}) == 1)
@a = split("," ,$setcmds);
foreach (@a) { $sets{$_} = "noArg"; }
#%sets = ($setcmds);
$hash->{group_ALL} = "";
for (my $j=1; $j<= $hash->{PORTS}; $j++) { $sets{"Out".$j} = $setcmds; $hash->{group_ALL} .= "$j,"; }
$sets{"ALL"} = $setcmds;
chop($hash->{group_ALL}); # das letzte Komma weg
if ($list)
@a = split(" " , $list);
foreach (@a)
@b = split("=" , $_);
if ($b[0] && $b[1])
$hash->{"group_".$b[0]} = $b[1];
$sets{$b[0]} = $setcmds;
=begin html
<a name="UbiquitiMP"></a>
<a name="UbiquitiMPdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; UbiquitiMP &lt;IP or FQDN&gt;</code><br>
example :<br>
define myPM UbiquitiMP<br>
define myPM UbiquitiMP myhost.dyndns.org<br>
Perl Net::Telnet and JSON module are required. On a Raspberry you can install them with :<br>
apt-get install libjson-perl<br>
apt-get install libnet-telnet-perl
<a name="UbiquitiMPset"></a>
<b>Set </b>
<li>Outx on / off (force) -> turns Port x on or off</li><br>
<li>Outx toggle -> toggle port </li><br>
<li>Outx lock / unlock -> protects port to switch port on/off</li><br>
<li>Outx reset -> reset power counter for this port</li><br>
<li>Outx enable / disable -> power counting for this port</li><br>
<a name="UbiquitiMPget"></a>
<li>status -> returns the status of all Outs</li><br>
<li>info -> returns some internal informations of the device</li><br>
<li>reboot -> reboot the device</li><br>
<a name="UbiquitiMPattr"></a>
<li>ignoreList -> list of ignored ports<br> e.g. attr name ignoreList 456<br>ignores all values of ports 4,5 & 6<br></li><br>
<li>groupPorts -> space separeted list to group ports so you can use them like a single device<br>
e.g. attr name groupList TV=12 Media=4,5,6 (GroupName=Port numbers in the group)<br>
set name TV on or set name Media toggle </li><br>
<li>ledconnect -> </li><br>
<li>subDevices -> use a single sub devices for each out port (default 1) requires 98_UbiquitiOut.pm</li><br>
<li>interval -> polling interval in seconds, set to 0 to disable polling (default 60)</li><br>
<li>timeout -> seconds to wait for a answer from the Power Module (default 2)</li><br>
<li>user -> defined user on the Power Module (default ubnt)</li><br>
<li>password -> password for user (default ubnt)</li>
=end html

fhem/FHEM/98_UbiquitiOut.pm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
# $Id$
# (c) 2015 Copyright: Wzut
# forum : http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,34131.0.html
# All rights reserved
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# Changelog:
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use SetExtensions;
sub UbiquitiOut_Initialize($)
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{SetFn} = "UbiquitiOut_Set";
$hash->{DefFn} = "UbiquitiOut_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "UbiquitiOut_Undef";
$hash->{AttrList} = $readingFnAttributes;
sub UbiquitiOut_Define($$)
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "wrong syntax: use define $name UbiquitiOut <Device> <Out#>" if(int(@a) < 4);
my $parent = $a[2];
my $socket = $a[3];
$hash->{IODEV} = $parent;
$hash->{SOCKETNR} = $socket;
$modules{UbiquitiOut}{defptr}{$parent.$socket} = $hash;
if (defined($attr{$parent}{room})) { $attr{$name}{room} = $attr{$parent}{room}; }
my $currentstate = ReadingsVal($parent, $name, "defined");
$hash->{STATE} = $currentstate ;
$hash->{READINGS}{lock}{VAL} = 0;
return undef;
sub UbiquitiOut_Undef($$)
my ($hash, undef) = @_;
my $parent = $hash->{IODEV};
my $socket = $hash->{SOCKETNR};
delete $modules{UbiquitiOut}{defptr}{$parent.$socket} ;
return undef;
sub UbiquitiOut_Set($@)
my ($hash, $name , @a) = @_;
my $cmd = $a[0];
my $cmdList = "off:noArg on:noArg toggle:noArg";
return "$name, no set value specified" if(int(@a) < 1);
return "$name, I/O device not found please define UbiquitiPM device first" if(!defined($hash->{IODEV}));
return undef if ($hash->{READINGS}{lock}{VAL} eq "1") && ($cmd eq "?");
return "$name, set command is not available while device is locked !" if ($hash->{READINGS}{lock}{VAL} eq "1");
if($cmd =~ /^(on|off|toggle)$/) # nur diese drei Kommandos kennt es selbst
CommandSet(undef,$hash->{IODEV}." Out".$hash->{SOCKETNR}. " $cmd");
return undef;
return SetExtensions($hash,$cmdList,$name,@a);
=begin html
<a name="UbiquitiOut"></a>
sub device for the UbiquitiMP or InfratekPM modul
<a name="UbiquitiOutdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; UbiquitiOut &lt;UbiquitiMP device&gt; &lt;Out #&gt;</code>
<a name="UbiquitiOutset"></a>
<b>Set </b>
<ul><a href="#setExtensions">set Extensions</a>
=end html