diff --git a/fhem/MAINTAINER.txt b/fhem/MAINTAINER.txt index bf80f596f..bcc63e840 100644 --- a/fhem/MAINTAINER.txt +++ b/fhem/MAINTAINER.txt @@ -409,6 +409,8 @@ contrib/98_openweathermap.pm betateilchen http://forum.fhem.de Wettermod contrib/98_PID.pm betateilchen http://forum.fhem.de Automatisierung contrib/WebViewControl/* Dirk http://forum.fhem.de Mobile Devices contrib/GDS/GDSweblink.pm jensb http://forum.fhem.de Wettermodule +contrib/PRESENCE markusbloch http://forum.fhem.de Unterstuetzende Dienste +contrib/PRESENCE/lepresenced PatrickR http://forum.fhem.de Unterstuetzende Dienste www/codemirror/* rapster http://forum.fhem.de Frontends www/gplot/* rudolfkoenig http://forum.fhem.de Frontends/SVG/Plots/logProxy diff --git a/fhem/contrib/PRESENCE/lepresenced b/fhem/contrib/PRESENCE/lepresenced new file mode 100755 index 000000000..8c4f8a16c --- /dev/null +++ b/fhem/contrib/PRESENCE/lepresenced @@ -0,0 +1,303 @@ +#!/usr/bin/perl + +############################################################################## +# $Id$ +############################################################################## +# +# lepresenced +# +# checks for one or multiple bluetooth *low energy* devices for their +# presence state and reports it to the 73_PRESENCE.pm module. +# +# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 P. Reinhardt, pr-fhem (at) reinhardtweb (dot) de +# +# This script free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# The GNU General Public License can be found at +# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. +# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the +# license from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these +# scripts. +# +# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +############################################################################## + +use strict; +use warnings; + +use threads; +use threads::shared; + +use IO::Select; +use IO::Socket::INET; + +use Getopt::Long; +use Sys::Syslog qw(:standard :macros); +use Time::HiRes qw(usleep); +use Net::Server::Daemonize qw(daemonize); + +use constant RETRY_SLEEP => 1; +use constant INET_RECV_BUFFER => 1024; +use constant MAINLOOP_SLEEP_US => 100 * 1000; + +use constant CLEANUP_INTERVAL => 15 * 60; +use constant CLEANUP_MAX_AGE => 30 * 60; +use constant STATS_INTERVAL => 5 * 60; + +use constant ME => 'lepresenced'; +use constant VERSION => '0.6'; + +use constant PIDFILE => '/var/run/' . ME . '.pid'; + +my %devices :shared; +my @clients = (); +my $syslog_level; + +sub syslogw { + return if (scalar(@_) < 2); + if (scalar(@_)==2) { + my ($priority, $message) = @_; + syslog($priority, "[tid:%i] %s: $message", threads->self()->tid(), (caller(1))[3] // 'main') if ($syslog_level >= $priority); + } else { + my ($priority, $format, @args) = @_; + syslog($priority, "[tid:%i] %s: $format", threads->self()->tid(), (caller(1))[3] // 'main', @args) if ($syslog_level >= $priority); + } +} + +sub error_exit { + my $exit_code = shift(); + syslogw(LOG_ERR, @_); + foreach my $thread (threads->list()) { + $thread->exit(0); + } + exit ($exit_code); +} + +sub usage_exit() { + print("usage:\n"); + printf("\t%s --bluetoothdevice --listenaddress --listenport --loglevel --daemon\n", ME); + printf("\t%s -b -a -p -l -d\n", ME); + print("valid log levels:\n"); + print("\tLOG_CRIT, LOG_ERR, LOG_WARNING, LOG_NOTICE, LOG_INFO, LOG_DEBUG. Default: LOG_INFO\n"); + print("examples:\n"); + printf("\t%s --bluetoothdevice hci0 --listenaddress --listenport 5333 --daemon\n", ME); + printf("\t%s --loglevel LOG_DEBUG --daemon\n", ME); + closelog(); + exit(1); +} + +sub parse_options() { + my $device = "hci0"; + my $daemonize = 0; + my $listen_address = ""; + my $listen_port = "5333"; + my $syslog_level = "LOG_INFO"; + + GetOptions( + 'bluetoothdevice|device|b=s' => \$device, + 'daemon|daemonize|d!' => \$daemonize, + 'listenaddress|address|a=s' => \$listen_address, + 'listenport|port|p=i' => \$listen_port, + 'loglevel|l=s' => \$syslog_level + ) or usage_exit(); + $listen_address =~ m/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/ or usage_exit(); + $syslog_level =~ m/^LOG_(EMERG|ALERT|CRIT|ERR|WARNING|NOTICE|INFO|DEBUG)$/ or usage_exit(); + $syslog_level = eval($syslog_level); + + return ($device, $daemonize, $listen_address, $listen_port, $syslog_level); +} + +sub update_device($$) { + my ($mac, $name) = @_; + $mac = lc($mac); + { + lock(%devices); + unless (exists $devices{$mac}) { + my %device :shared; + $devices{$mac} = \%device; + } + $devices{$mac}{'name'} = $name unless ($name eq '(unknown)' && defined($devices{$mac}{'name'})); + $devices{$mac}{'timestamp'} = time(); + } +} + +sub bluetooth_thread($) { + my ($device) = @_; + my $hcitool; + for(;;) { + my $pid = open($hcitool, "-|", "stdbuf -oL hcitool -i " . $device . " lescan --duplicates 2>&1") || die('Unable to start scanning. Please make sure hcitool and stdbuf are installed!'); + while (<$hcitool>) { + chomp($_); + if ($_ eq 'LE Scan ...') { + syslogw(LOG_INFO, "Received '%s'.", $_); + } elsif (my ($fbmac, $fbname) = $_ =~ /^([\da-f]{2}:[\da-f]{2}:[\da-f]{2}:[\da-f]{2}:[\da-f]{2}:[\da-f]{2})\s(.*)$/i) { + #syslogw(LOG_DEBUG, "Received advertisement from bluetooth mac address '%s' with name '%s'.", $fbmac, $fbname); + update_device($fbmac, $fbname); + } elsif ( + $_ =~ m/^Set scan parameters failed: Input\/output error$/ || + $_ =~ m/^Invalid device: Network is down$/ + ) { + syslogw(LOG_WARNING, "Received '%s', resetting...", $_); + system(sprintf('hciconfig %s reset', $device)); + } else { + syslogw(LOG_WARNING, "Received unknown output: '%s'!", $_); + } + } + syslogw(LOG_WARNING, "hcitool exited, retrying..."); + close($hcitool); + sleep(RETRY_SLEEP); + } +} + +sub handle_command($$) { + my ($buf, $current_client) = @_; + if (my ($mac, undef, $interval) = $buf =~ m/^\s*(([0-9a-fA-F]{2}:){5}[0-9a-fA-F]{2})\s*\|\s*(\d+)\s*$/) { + $mac = lc($mac); + if (my ($client) = grep { $current_client == $_->{'handle'} } @clients) { + syslogw(LOG_INFO, "Received query update for mac address %s, interval: %i by client %s:%i.", $mac, $interval, $current_client->peerhost(), $current_client->peerport()); + $client->{'mac'} = $mac; + $client->{'interval'} = $interval; + $client->{'next_check'} = 0; #now + } else { + syslogw(LOG_INFO, "Received query for mac address %s, interval: %i. Adding client %s:%i to clients list.", $mac, $interval, $current_client->peerhost(), $current_client->peerport()); + my %new_client; + $new_client{'handle'} = $current_client; + $new_client{'mac'} = $mac; + $new_client{'interval'} = $interval; + $new_client{'next_check'} = 0; #now + push(@clients, \%new_client); + } + print $current_client "command accepted\n" + } elsif ($buf =~ m/^\s*now\s*$/) { + syslogw(LOG_DEBUG, "Received now command from client %s:%i. Scheduling update...", $current_client->peerhost(), $current_client->peerport()); + foreach my $client (grep { $_->{'handle'} == $current_client } @clients) { + $client->{'next_check'} = 0; #now + } + print $current_client "command accepted\n" + } elsif ($buf =~ m/^\s*stop\s*$/) { + # Stop does not make sense when scanning permanently + syslogw(LOG_DEBUG, "Received stop command from client %s:%i. Pretending to care and ignoring...", $current_client->peerhost(), $current_client->peerport()); + print $current_client "no command running\n" # ToDo: Does the FHEM module even care? + } else { + syslogw(LOG_WARNING, "Received unknown command: '%s'.", $buf); + } +} + +sub stats_task() { + my ($min_age, $max_age, $devices); + { + lock(%devices); + $devices = scalar(keys(%devices)); + foreach my $mac (keys(%devices)) { + my $age = time() - $devices{$mac}{'timestamp'}; + $min_age = $age if (!defined($min_age) || $age < $min_age); + $max_age = $age if (!defined($max_age) || $age > $max_age); + } + } + syslogw(LOG_INFO, "Active clients: %i, known devices: %i (min/max age: %s/%s)", scalar(@clients), $devices, $min_age // '%', $max_age // '%'); +} + +sub cleanup_task() { + my $start_time = time(); + my $deleted_items = 0; + { + lock(%devices); + foreach my $mac (keys(%devices)) { + my $age = time() - $devices{$mac}{'timestamp'}; + if ($age > CLEANUP_MAX_AGE) { + $deleted_items++; + syslogw(LOG_DEBUG, "Deleting device %s.", $mac); + delete($devices{$mac}); + } + } + } + syslogw(LOG_INFO, "Cleanup finished, deleted %i devices in %i seconds.", $deleted_items, time() - $start_time); +} + +openlog(ME, 'pid', LOG_USER); +(my $device, my $daemonize, my $listen_address, my $listen_port, $syslog_level) = parse_options(); + + local $SIG{INT} = local $SIG{TERM} = local $SIG{HUP} = sub { + syslogw(LOG_NOTICE, "Caught signal, cleaning up and exiting..."); + unlink(PIDFILE) if (-e PIDFILE); + closelog(); + exit(1); + }; + +syslogw(LOG_NOTICE, "Version %s started (device: %s, listen addr: %s, listen port: %s, daemonize: %i, log level: %i).", + VERSION, $device, $listen_address, $listen_port, $daemonize, $syslog_level); + +daemonize('root', 'root', PIDFILE) if $daemonize; + +my $bluetooth_thread = threads->new(\&bluetooth_thread, $device)->detach(); + +my $current_client; +$| = 1; +my $server_socket = new IO::Socket::INET ( + LocalHost => $listen_address, + LocalPort => $listen_port, + Proto => 'tcp', + Listen => 5, + ReuseAddr => 1, +); +$server_socket or error_exit(1, "ERROR: Unable to create TCP server: $!, Exiting."); +my $select = IO::Select->new($server_socket) or error_exit(1, "ERROR: Unable to select: $!, Exiting."); + +my $next_stats_time = 0; +my $next_cleanup_time = 0; + +for(;;) { + # Process INET socket + foreach my $current_client ($select->can_read(0)) { + if($current_client == $server_socket) { + my $client_socket = $server_socket->accept(); + $select->add($client_socket); + syslogw(LOG_INFO, "Connection from %s:%s. Connected clients: %i.", $client_socket->peerhost(), $client_socket->peerport(), $select->count()-1); + } else { + sysread ($current_client, my $buf, INET_RECV_BUFFER); + if ($buf) { + chomp($buf); + handle_command($buf, $current_client); + } else { + $select->remove($current_client); + @clients = grep {$_->{'handle'} != $current_client} @clients; + syslogw(LOG_INFO, "Client %s:%s disconnected. Connected clients: %i.", $current_client->peerhost(), $current_client->peerport(), $select->count()-1); + $current_client->close(); + } + } + } + + # Check for due client updates, cleanup, stats + # For performance reasons, a maximum of one task is performed per loop + if (my @due_clients = grep { time() >= $_->{'next_check'} } @clients) { + foreach my $client (@due_clients) { + if ( + defined($devices{$client->{'mac'}}) && + time()-$devices{$client->{'mac'}}{timestamp} <= $client->{'interval'} + ) { + syslogw(LOG_DEBUG, "Sending update for mac address %s, age: %i, max age: %i, result: present.", $client->{'mac'}, time()-$devices{$client->{'mac'}}{timestamp}, $client->{'interval'}); + printf {$client->{'handle'}} "present;%s\n", $devices{$client->{'mac'}}{name} + } else { + syslogw(LOG_DEBUG, "Sending update for mac address %s, max age: %i, result: absence.", $client->{'mac'}, $client->{'interval'}); + print {$client->{'handle'}} "absence\n" + } + $client->{'next_check'} = time() + $client->{'interval'}; + } + } elsif (time() > $next_cleanup_time) { + cleanup_task(); + $next_cleanup_time = time() + CLEANUP_INTERVAL; + } elsif (time() > $next_stats_time) { + stats_task(); + $next_stats_time = time() + STATS_INTERVAL; + } + + usleep(MAINLOOP_SLEEP_US); +} +$server_socket->close();