diff --git a/fhem/CHANGED b/fhem/CHANGED index ed88a75d0..4b0ea4f4a 100644 --- a/fhem/CHANGED +++ b/fhem/CHANGED @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ # Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide. # Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it. + - feature: 76_SolarForecast: attr ctrlBatSocManagement for battery management, + currentBatteryDev: new optional key 'cap' and + some more improvents/fixes - bugfix: 00_KNXIO: fix problem IO-write queing (high load), Forum #127792 - feature: Update to new version, see Forum #127701 - feature: 20_X10: added SetExtensions, see Forum #136278 diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/76_SolarForecast.pm b/fhem/FHEM/76_SolarForecast.pm index 43c0de92e..5784ef9cf 100644 --- a/fhem/FHEM/76_SolarForecast.pm +++ b/fhem/FHEM/76_SolarForecast.pm @@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ BEGIN { readingFnAttributes setKeyValue sortTopicNum + sunrise_abs_dat + sunset_abs_dat FW_cmd FW_directNotify FW_ME @@ -153,6 +155,10 @@ BEGIN { # Versions History intern my %vNotesIntern = ( + "1.6.0" => "22.12.2023 store daily batmaxsoc in pvHistory, new attr ctrlBatSocManagement, reading Battery_OptimumTargetSoC ". + "currentBatteryDev: new optional key 'cap', adapt cloud2bin,temp2bin,rain2bin ". + "minor internal changes, isAddSwitchOffCond: change hysteresis algo, ctrlDebug: new entry batteryManagement ". + "check longitude, latitude in general audit, use coordinates (if set) for sun calc ", "1.5.1" => "07.12.2023 function _getftui can now process arguments (compatibility to new ftui widgets), plant check ". "reviews SolarForecast widget files ", "1.5.0" => "05.12.2023 new getter ftuiFramefiles ", @@ -456,8 +462,8 @@ my %vNotesIntern = ( "0.1.0" => "09.12.2020 initial Version " ); -## Konstanten -############### +## default Variablen +###################### my @da; # Readings-Store my $deflang = 'EN'; # default Sprache wenn nicht konfiguriert my @chours = (5..21); # Stunden des Tages mit möglichen Korrekturwerten @@ -465,15 +471,19 @@ my $kJtokWh = 0.00027778; my $defmaxvar = 0.5; # max. Varianz pro Tagesberechnung Autokorrekturfaktor my $definterval = 70; # Standard Abfrageintervall my $defslidenum = 3; # max. Anzahl der Arrayelemente in Schieberegistern +my $maxSoCdef = 95; # default Wert (%) auf den die Batterie maximal aufgeladen werden soll bzw. als aufgeladen gilt +my $carecycledef = 20; # max. Anzahl Tage die zwischen der Batterieladung auf maxSoC liegen dürfen +my $batSocChgDay = 5; # prozentuale SoC Änderung pro Tag my @widgetreadings = (); # Array der Hilfsreadings als Attributspeicher -my $pvhcache = $attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM/FhemUtils/PVH_SolarForecast_"; # Filename-Fragment für PV History (wird mit Devicename ergänzt) -my $pvccache = $attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM/FhemUtils/PVC_SolarForecast_"; # Filename-Fragment für PV Circular (wird mit Devicename ergänzt) -my $plantcfg = $attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM/FhemUtils/PVCfg_SolarForecast_"; # Filename-Fragment für PV Anlagenkonfiguration (wird mit Devicename ergänzt) -my $csmcache = $attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM/FhemUtils/PVCsm_SolarForecast_"; # Filename-Fragment für Consumer Status (wird mit Devicename ergänzt) -my $scpicache = $attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM/FhemUtils/ScApi_SolarForecast_"; # Filename-Fragment für Werte aus SolCast API (wird mit Devicename ergänzt) -my $aitrained = $attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM/FhemUtils/AItra_SolarForecast_"; # Filename-Fragment für AI Trainingsdaten (wird mit Devicename ergänzt) -my $airaw = $attr{global}{modpath}."/FHEM/FhemUtils/AIraw_SolarForecast_"; # Filename-Fragment für AI Input Daten = Raw Trainigsdaten +my $root = $attr{global}{modpath}; # Pfad zu dem Verzeichnis der FHEM Module +my $pvhcache = $root."/FHEM/FhemUtils/PVH_SolarForecast_"; # Filename-Fragment für PV History (wird mit Devicename ergänzt) +my $pvccache = $root."/FHEM/FhemUtils/PVC_SolarForecast_"; # Filename-Fragment für PV Circular (wird mit Devicename ergänzt) +my $plantcfg = $root."/FHEM/FhemUtils/PVCfg_SolarForecast_"; # Filename-Fragment für PV Anlagenkonfiguration (wird mit Devicename ergänzt) +my $csmcache = $root."/FHEM/FhemUtils/PVCsm_SolarForecast_"; # Filename-Fragment für Consumer Status (wird mit Devicename ergänzt) +my $scpicache = $root."/FHEM/FhemUtils/ScApi_SolarForecast_"; # Filename-Fragment für Werte aus SolCast API (wird mit Devicename ergänzt) +my $aitrained = $root."/FHEM/FhemUtils/AItra_SolarForecast_"; # Filename-Fragment für AI Trainingsdaten (wird mit Devicename ergänzt) +my $airaw = $root."/FHEM/FhemUtils/AIraw_SolarForecast_"; # Filename-Fragment für AI Input Daten = Raw Trainigsdaten my $aitrblto = 7200; # KI Training BlockingCall Timeout my $aibcthhld = 0.2; # Schwelle der KI Trainigszeit ab der BlockingCall benutzt wird @@ -517,6 +527,10 @@ my $b2coldef = 'C4C4A7'; my $b2fontcoldef = '000000'; # default Schriftfarbe Beam 2 my $fgCDdef = 130; # Abstand Verbrauchericons zueinander +my $bPath = 'https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/SolarForecast/'; # Basispfad Abruf contrib SolarForecast Files +my $pPath = '?format=txt'; # Download Format +my $cfile = 'controls_solarforecast.txt'; # Name des Conrrolfiles + # default CSS-Style my $cssdef = qq{.flowg.text { stroke: none; fill: gray; font-size: 60px; } \n}. qq{.flowg.sun_active { stroke: orange; fill: orange; } \n}. @@ -541,6 +555,7 @@ my @dd = qw( none aiData apiCall apiProcess + batteryManagement collectData consumerPlanning consumerSwitching @@ -553,12 +568,12 @@ my @dd = qw( none saveData2Cache ); # FTUI V2 Widget Files - my @fs = qw( ftui_forecast.css + my @fs = qw( ftui_forecast.css widget_forecast.js ftui_smaportalspg.css widget_smaportalspg.js ); - + my $allwidgets = 'icon|sortable|uzsu|knob|noArg|time|text|slider|multiple|select|bitfield|widgetList|colorpicker'; # Steuerhashes @@ -700,6 +715,14 @@ my %hqtxt = ( DE => qq{Auto} }, lupt => { EN => qq{last update:}, DE => qq{Stand:} }, + object => { EN => qq{Object}, + DE => qq{Prüfobjekt} }, + state => { EN => qq{Status}, + DE => qq{Status} }, + result => { EN => qq{Result}, + DE => qq{Ergebnis} }, + note => { EN => qq{Note}, + DE => qq{Hinweis} }, wfmdcf => { EN => qq{Wait for more days with a consumption figure}, DE => qq{Warte auf weitere Tage mit einer Verbrauchszahl} }, autoct => { EN => qq{Autocorrection:}, @@ -744,12 +767,14 @@ my %hqtxt = ( DE => qq{nächste SolCast Abfrage} }, fulfd => { EN => qq{fulfilled}, DE => qq{erfüllt} }, + widnin => { EN => qq{FHEM Tablet UI V2 is not installed.}, + DE => qq{FHEM Tablet UI V2 ist nicht installiert.} }, widok => { EN => qq{The FHEM Tablet UI widget Files are up to date.}, - DE => qq{Die FHEM Tablet UI Widget-Dateien sind aktuell.} }, + DE => qq{Die FHEM Tablet UI Widget-Dateien sind aktuell.} }, widnup => { EN => qq{The SolarForecast FHEM Tablet UI widget files are not up to date.}, DE => qq{Die FHEM Tablet UI Widget-Dateien sind nicht aktuell.} }, widerr => { EN => qq{The FHEM Tablet UI V2 is installed but the update status of widget Files can't be checked.}, - DE => qq{FTUI V2 ist installiert, der Aktualisierungsstatus der Widgets kann nicht geprüft werden.} }, + DE => qq{FTUI V2 ist installiert, der Aktualisierungsstatus der Widgets kann nicht geprüft werden.} }, pmtp => { EN => qq{produced more than predicted :-D}, DE => qq{mehr produziert als vorhergesagt :-D} }, petp => { EN => qq{produced same as predicted :-)}, @@ -991,6 +1016,7 @@ my %hcsr = ( todayGridConsumption => { fnr => 4, fn => \&CircularVal, par => 99, unit => '', def => 0 }, todayBatIn => { fnr => 4, fn => \&CircularVal, par => 99, unit => '', def => 0 }, todayBatOut => { fnr => 4, fn => \&CircularVal, par => 99, unit => '', def => 0 }, + daysUntilBatteryCare => { fnr => 4, fn => \&CircularVal, par => 99, unit => '', def => '-' }, todayConsumptionForecast => { fnr => 4, fn => \&NexthoursVal, par => 'confc', unit => ' Wh', def => '-' }, conForecastTillNextSunrise => { fnr => 4, fn => \&NexthoursVal, par => 'confc', unit => ' Wh', def => 0 }, ); @@ -1062,6 +1088,7 @@ sub Initialize { "ctrlAIdataStorageDuration ". "ctrlAutoRefresh:selectnumbers,120,0.2,1800,0,log10 ". "ctrlAutoRefreshFW:$fwd ". + "ctrlBatSocManagement:textField-long ". "ctrlConsRecommendReadings:multiple-strict,$allcs ". "ctrlDebug:multiple-strict,$dm,#14 ". "ctrlGenPVdeviation:daily,continuously ". @@ -1349,11 +1376,11 @@ sub Set { if ($ipai) { $setlist .= "aiDecTree:addInstances,addRawData,train "; } - + ## Batterie spezifische Setter ################################ if (isBatteryUsed ($name)) { - $setlist .= "batteryTrigger:textField-long "; + $setlist .= "batteryTrigger:textField-long "; } my $params = { @@ -1800,6 +1827,8 @@ sub _setbatteryDevice { ## no critic "not used" delete $data{$type}{$name}{circular}{'99'}{batintot}; delete $data{$type}{$name}{circular}{'99'}{initdaybatouttot}; delete $data{$type}{$name}{circular}{'99'}{batouttot}; + delete $data{$type}{$name}{circular}{'99'}{lastTsMaxSocRchd}; + delete $data{$type}{$name}{circular}{'99'}{nextTsMaxSocChge}; readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "currentBatteryDev", $arg, 1); createAssociatedWith ($hash); @@ -1841,12 +1870,12 @@ sub _setTrigger { ## no critic "not used" elsif ($opt eq 'batteryTrigger') { deleteReadingspec ($hash, 'batteryTrigger.*'); readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, 'batteryTrigger', $arg, 1); - } + } elsif ($opt eq 'energyH4Trigger') { deleteReadingspec ($hash, 'energyH4Trigger.*'); readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, 'energyH4Trigger', $arg, 1); } - + writeCacheToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration File schreiben return; @@ -2232,22 +2261,22 @@ sub _setreset { ## no critic "not used" writeCacheToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration File schreiben return; } - + if ($prop eq 'batteryTriggerSet') { deleteReadingspec ($hash, "batteryTrigger.*"); - writeCacheToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); + writeCacheToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); return; } if ($prop eq 'energyH4TriggerSet') { deleteReadingspec ($hash, "energyH4Trigger.*"); - writeCacheToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); + writeCacheToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); return; } if ($prop eq 'moduleRoofTopSet') { deleteReadingspec ($hash, "moduleRoofTops"); - writeCacheToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); + writeCacheToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); return; } @@ -2288,10 +2317,13 @@ sub _setreset { ## no critic "not used" } if ($prop eq 'currentBatterySet') { - readingsDelete ($hash, "Current_PowerBatIn"); - readingsDelete ($hash, "Current_PowerBatOut"); - readingsDelete ($hash, "Current_BatCharge"); + readingsDelete ($hash, 'Current_PowerBatIn'); + readingsDelete ($hash, 'Current_PowerBatOut'); + readingsDelete ($hash, 'Current_BatCharge'); + deleteReadingspec ($hash, 'Battery_.*'); undef @{$data{$type}{$name}{current}{socslidereg}}; + delete $data{$type}{$name}{circular}{'99'}{lastTsMaxSocRchd}; + delete $data{$type}{$name}{circular}{'99'}{nextTsMaxSocChge}; delete $data{$type}{$name}{circular}{'99'}{initdaybatintot}; delete $data{$type}{$name}{circular}{'99'}{initdaybatouttot}; delete $data{$type}{$name}{circular}{'99'}{batintot}; @@ -2585,7 +2617,7 @@ sub __getSolCastData { ## (solCastAPIcallMultiplier, todayMaxAPIcalls) berechnen ########################################################## my %mx; - my $maxcnt; + my $maxcnt = 1; my $type = $paref->{type}; @@ -2599,7 +2631,7 @@ sub __getSolCastData { my $apimaxreq = AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlSolCastAPImaxReq', $apimaxreqdef); my $madc = sprintf "%.0f", ($apimaxreq / $maxcnt); # max. tägliche Anzahl API Calls - my $mpk = $maxcnt // 1; # Requestmultiplikator + my $mpk = $maxcnt; # Requestmultiplikator $data{$type}{$name}{solcastapi}{'?All'}{'?All'}{solCastAPIcallMultiplier} = $mpk; $data{$type}{$name}{solcastapi}{'?All'}{'?All'}{todayMaxAPIcalls} = $madc; @@ -3884,7 +3916,7 @@ sub _getlistPVHistory { my $ret = listDataPool ($hash, 'pvhist', $arg); $ret .= lineFromSpaces ($ret, 20); $ret =~ s/\n/
/g; - + return $ret; } @@ -3910,7 +3942,7 @@ sub _getlistNextHours { my $ret = listDataPool ($hash, 'nexthours'); $ret .= lineFromSpaces ($ret, 10); - + return $ret; } @@ -4030,7 +4062,7 @@ return $rs; ############################################################### # Getter ftuiFramefiles -# hole Dateien aus dem online Verzeichnis +# hole Dateien aus dem online Verzeichnis # /fhem/contrib/SolarForecast/ # Ablage entsprechend Definition in controls_solarforecast.txt ############################################################### @@ -4038,35 +4070,31 @@ sub _ftuiFramefiles { my $paref = shift; my $hash = $paref->{hash}; my $name = $paref->{name}; - + my $ret; my $upddo = 0; - my $root = $attr{global}{modpath}; - my $bPath = 'https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/SolarForecast/'; - my $pPath = '?format=txt'; - my $cfile = 'controls_solarforecast.txt'; my $cfurl = $bPath.$cfile.$pPath; - + for my $file (@fs) { my $lencheck = 1; - + my ($cmerr, $cmupd, $cmmsg, $cmrec, $cmfile, $cmlen) = checkModVer ($name, $file, $cfurl); if ($cmerr && $cmmsg =~ /Automatic\scheck/xs && $cmrec =~ /Compare\syour\slocal/xs) { # lokales control file ist noch nicht vorhanden -> update ohne Längencheck $cmfile = 'FHEM/'.$cfile; - $file = $cfile; - $lencheck = 0; + $file = $cfile; + $lencheck = 0; $cmerr = 0; - $cmupd = 1; + $cmupd = 1; - Log3 ($name, 3, "$name - automatic install local control file $root/$cmfile"); + Log3 ($name, 3, "$name - automatic install local control file $root/$cmfile"); } - + if ($cmerr) { $ret = "$cmmsg
$cmrec"; - return $ret; + return $ret; } - + if ($cmupd) { $upddo = 1; $ret = __updPreFile ( { name => $name, @@ -4079,13 +4107,13 @@ sub _ftuiFramefiles { lencheck => $lencheck } ); - - return $ret if($ret); + + return $ret if($ret); } } - + ## finales Update control File - ################################ + ################################ $ret = __updPreFile ( { name => $name, root => $root, cmfile => 'FHEM/'.$cfile, @@ -4097,23 +4125,23 @@ sub _ftuiFramefiles { finalupd => 1 } ); - + return $ret if($ret); - + if (!$upddo) { - return 'SolarForecast FTUI files are already up to date'; + return 'SolarForecast FTUI files are already up to date'; } return 'SolarForecast FTUI files updated'; } ############################################################### -# File zum Abruf von url vorbereiten und in das +# File zum Abruf von url vorbereiten und in das # Zielverzeichnis schreiben ############################################################### sub __updPreFile { my $pars = shift; - + my $name = $pars->{name}; my $root = $pars->{root}; my $cmfile = $pars->{cmfile}; @@ -4123,63 +4151,63 @@ sub __updPreFile { my $pPath = $pars->{pPath}; my $lencheck = $pars->{lencheck}; my $finalupd = $pars->{finalupd} // 0; - + my $err; - + my $dir = $cmfile; $dir =~ m,^(.*)/([^/]*)$,; $dir = $1; $dir = "" if(!defined $dir); # file in . - + my @p = split "/", $dir; - + for (my $i = 0; $i < int @p; $i++) { my $path = "$root/".join ("/", @p[0..$i]); - + if (!-d $path) { $err = "The FTUI does not appear to be installed.
"; $err .= "Please check whether the path $path is present and accessible.
"; $err .= "After installing FTUI, come back and execute the get command again."; - return $err; - + return $err; + #my $ok = mkdir $path; - + #if (!$ok) { # $err = "MKDIR ERROR: $!"; # Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $err"); - # return $err; + # return $err; #} #else { - # Log3 ($name, 3, "$name - MKDIR $path"); + # Log3 ($name, 3, "$name - MKDIR $path"); #} } } - + ($err, my $remFile) = __updGetUrl ($name, $bPath.$file.$pPath); - + if ($err) { Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $err"); return $err; } - + if ($lencheck && length $remFile ne $cmlen) { $err = "update ERROR: length of $file is not $cmlen Bytes"; - Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $err"); + Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $err"); return $err; } - + $err = __updWriteFile ($root, $cmfile, $remFile); - + if ($err) { Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $err"); return $err; } - - Log3 ($name, 3, "$name - update done $file to $root/$cmfile ".($cmlen ? "(length: $cmlen Bytes)" : '')); - + + Log3 ($name, 3, "$name - update done $file to $root/$cmfile ".($cmlen ? "(length: $cmlen Bytes)" : '')); + if(!$lencheck && !$finalupd) { - return 'SolarForecast update control file installed. Please retry the get command to update FTUI files.'; - } + return 'SolarForecast update control file installed. Please retry the get command to update FTUI files.'; + } return; } @@ -4190,54 +4218,54 @@ return; sub __updGetUrl { my $name = shift; my $url = shift; - + $url =~ s/%/%25/g; my %upd_connecthash; my $unicodeEncoding = 1; - + $upd_connecthash{url} = $url; $upd_connecthash{keepalive} = ($url =~ m/localUpdate/ ? 0 : 1); # Forum #49798 $upd_connecthash{forceEncoding} = '' if($unicodeEncoding); - + my ($err, $data) = HttpUtils_BlockingGet (\%upd_connecthash); - + if ($err) { - $err = "update ERROR: $err"; + $err = "update ERROR: $err"; return ($err, ''); } - + if (!$data) { $err = 'update ERROR: empty file received'; return ($err, ''); } - + return ('', $data); } ############################################################### # Updated File schreiben ############################################################### -sub __updWriteFile { +sub __updWriteFile { my $root = shift; my $fName = shift; my $content = shift; - + my $fPath = "$root/$fName"; my $err; - + if (!open(FD, ">$fPath")) { - $err = "update ERROR open $fPath failed: $!"; + $err = "update ERROR open $fPath failed: $!"; return $err; } - + binmode(FD); print FD $content; close(FD); my $written = -s "$fPath"; - + if ($written != length $content) { - $err = "update ERROR writing $fPath failed: $!"; + $err = "update ERROR writing $fPath failed: $!"; return $err; } @@ -4278,18 +4306,39 @@ sub Attr { deleteReadingspec ($hash, "Tomorrow_Hour.*"); } + if($aName eq 'ctrlBatSocManagement' && $init_done) { + if ($cmd eq 'set') { + return qq{Define the key "cap" with "set $name currentBatteryDev" before this attribute.} + if(ReadingsVal ($name, 'currentBatteryDev', '') !~ /\s+cap=/xs); + + my ($lowSoc, $upSoc, $maxsoc, $careCycle) = __parseAttrBatSoc ($name, $aVal); + + return 'The attribute syntax is wrong' if(!$lowSoc || !$upSoc || $lowSoc !~ /[0-9]+$/xs); + + if (!($lowSoc > 0 && $lowSoc < $upSoc && $upSoc < $maxsoc && $maxsoc <= 100)) { + return 'The specified values are not plausible. Compare the attribute help.'; + } + } + else { + deleteReadingspec ($hash, 'Battery_.*'); + } + + delete $data{$type}{$name}{circular}{'99'}{lastTsMaxSocRchd}; + delete $data{$type}{$name}{circular}{'99'}{nextTsMaxSocChge}; + } + if($aName eq 'ctrlGenPVdeviation' && $aVal eq 'daily') { my $type = $hash->{TYPE}; deleteReadingspec ($hash, 'Today_PVdeviation'); delete $data{$type}{$name}{circular}{99}{tdayDvtn}; } - + if ($aName eq 'graphicHeaderOwnspecValForm') { if ($cmd ne 'set') { delete $data{$type}{$name}{func}{ghoValForm}; return; } - + if(!$aVal || $aVal !~ m/^\s*\{.*\}\s*$/xs) { return "Usage of $aName is wrong. The function has to be specified as \"{}\" "; } @@ -4304,15 +4353,15 @@ sub Attr { my $err = perlSyntaxCheck($attrVal, %specials); return $err if($err); - if ($attrVal =~ m/^\{.*\}$/xs && $attrVal =~ m/=>/ && $attrVal !~ m/\$/ ) { # Attr wurde als Hash definiert + if ($attrVal =~ m/^\{.*\}$/xs && $attrVal =~ m/=>/ && $attrVal !~ m/\$/ ) { # Attr wurde als Hash definiert my $av = eval $attrVal; - + return $@ if($@); - + $av = eval $attrVal; $attrVal = $av if(ref $av eq "HASH"); } - + $data{$type}{$name}{func}{ghoValForm} = $attrVal; } @@ -4889,8 +4938,8 @@ sub centralTask { my $type = $hash->{TYPE}; my $cst = [gettimeofday]; # Zyklus-Startzeit - RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "FHEM::SolarForecast::centralTask"); - RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "FHEM::SolarForecast::singleUpdateState"); + RemoveInternalTimer ($hash, 'FHEM::SolarForecast::centralTask'); + RemoveInternalTimer ($hash, 'FHEM::SolarForecast::singleUpdateState'); ### nicht mehr benötigte Readings/Daten löschen - Bereich kann später wieder raus !! ########################################################################################## @@ -4904,16 +4953,6 @@ sub centralTask { delete $data{$type}{$name}{consumers}{$c}{epiecStartEnergy}; } - my $uac = ReadingsVal ($name, 'pvCorrectionFactor_Auto', 'off'); - if ($uac eq 'on' && $hash->{MODEL}) { - if ($hash->{MODEL} eq 'DWD') { - readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, 'pvCorrectionFactor_Auto', 'on_complex', 0); - } - else { - readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, 'pvCorrectionFactor_Auto', 'on_simple', 0); - } - } - for my $k (sort keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{circular}}) { my $val = $data{$type}{$name}{circular}{$k}{pvcorrf}{percentile}; $data{$type}{$name}{circular}{$k}{pvcorrf}{percentile} = 1 if($val && $val >= 10); @@ -5009,6 +5048,7 @@ sub centralTask { _transferInverterValues ($centpars); # WR Werte übertragen _transferMeterValues ($centpars); # Energy Meter auswerten _transferBatteryValues ($centpars); # Batteriewerte einsammeln + _batSocTarget ($centpars); # Batterie Optimum Ziel SOC berechnen _createSummaries ($centpars); # Zusammenfassungen erstellen _manageConsumerData ($centpars); # Consumerdaten sammeln und planen _estConsumptionForecast ($centpars); # Verbrauchsprognose erstellen @@ -5302,7 +5342,7 @@ sub _specialActivities { deleteReadingspec ($hash, "Today_MaxPVforecast.*"); deleteReadingspec ($hash, "Today_PVdeviation"); deleteReadingspec ($hash, "Today_PVreal"); - + for my $wdr (@widgetreadings) { deleteReadingspec ($hash, $wdr); } @@ -5449,40 +5489,38 @@ sub _transferWeatherValues { my $fcname = ReadingsVal($name, 'currentWeatherDev', ""); # Weather Forecast Device return if(!$fcname || !$defs{$fcname}); - my $err = checkdwdattr ($name,$fcname,\@dweattrmust); + my $err = checkdwdattr ($name, $fcname, \@dweattrmust); $paref->{state} = $err if($err); - my $type = $paref->{type}; + debugLog ($paref, 'collectData', "collect Weather data - device: $fcname =>"); - debugLog ($paref, "collectData", "collect Weather data - device: $fcname =>"); + my $time_str; + my $type = $paref->{type}; - my ($time_str); + $paref->{fcname} = $fcname; + my ($fc0_sr, $fc0_ss, $fc1_sr, $fc1_ss) = __sunRS ($paref); # Sonnenauf- und untergang + delete $paref->{fcname}; - my $fc0_SunRise = ReadingsVal ($fcname, "fc0_SunRise", "23:59"); # Sonnenaufgang heute - my $fc0_SunSet = ReadingsVal ($fcname, "fc0_SunSet", "00:00"); # Sonnenuntergang heute - my $fc1_SunRise = ReadingsVal ($fcname, "fc1_SunRise", "23:59"); # Sonnenaufgang morgen - my $fc1_SunSet = ReadingsVal ($fcname, "fc1_SunSet", "00:00"); # Sonnenuntergang morgen + $data{$type}{$name}{current}{sunriseToday} = $date.' '.$fc0_sr.':00'; + $data{$type}{$name}{current}{sunriseTodayTs} = timestringToTimestamp ($date.' '.$fc0_sr.':00'); - $data{$type}{$name}{current}{sunriseToday} = $date.' '.$fc0_SunRise.':00'; - $data{$type}{$name}{current}{sunriseTodayTs} = timestringToTimestamp ($date.' '.$fc0_SunRise.':00'); + $data{$type}{$name}{current}{sunsetToday} = $date.' '.$fc0_ss.':00'; + $data{$type}{$name}{current}{sunsetTodayTs} = timestringToTimestamp ($date.' '.$fc0_ss.':00'); - $data{$type}{$name}{current}{sunsetToday} = $date.' '.$fc0_SunSet.':00'; - $data{$type}{$name}{current}{sunsetTodayTs} = timestringToTimestamp ($date.' '.$fc0_SunSet.':00'); + debugLog ($paref, 'collectData', "sunrise/sunset today: $fc0_sr / $fc0_ss, sunrise/sunset tomorrow: $fc1_sr / $fc1_ss"); - debugLog ($paref, "collectData", "sunrise/sunset today: $fc0_SunRise / $fc0_SunSet, sunrise/sunset tomorrow: $fc1_SunRise / $fc1_SunSet"); + storeReading ('Today_SunRise', $fc0_sr); + storeReading ('Today_SunSet', $fc0_ss); + storeReading ('Tomorrow_SunRise', $fc1_sr); + storeReading ('Tomorrow_SunSet', $fc1_ss); - storeReading ('Today_SunRise', $fc0_SunRise); - storeReading ('Today_SunSet', $fc0_SunSet); - storeReading ('Tomorrow_SunRise', $fc1_SunRise); - storeReading ('Tomorrow_SunSet', $fc1_SunSet); - - my $fc0_SunRise_round = sprintf "%02d", (split ":", $fc0_SunRise)[0]; - my $fc0_SunSet_round = sprintf "%02d", (split ":", $fc0_SunSet)[0]; - my $fc1_SunRise_round = sprintf "%02d", (split ":", $fc1_SunRise)[0]; - my $fc1_SunSet_round = sprintf "%02d", (split ":", $fc1_SunSet)[0]; + my $fc0_sr_round = sprintf "%02d", (split ":", $fc0_sr)[0]; + my $fc0_ss_round = sprintf "%02d", (split ":", $fc0_ss)[0]; + my $fc1_sr_round = sprintf "%02d", (split ":", $fc1_sr)[0]; + my $fc1_ss_round = sprintf "%02d", (split ":", $fc1_ss)[0]; for my $num (0..46) { - my ($fd,$fh) = _calcDayHourMove ($chour, $num); + my ($fd, $fh) = _calcDayHourMove ($chour, $num); last if($fd > 1); my $fh1 = $fh+1; @@ -5495,23 +5533,24 @@ sub _transferWeatherValues { my $don = 1; # es ist default "Tag" my $fhstr = sprintf "%02d", $fh; # hier kann Tag/Nacht-Grenze verstellt werden - if($fd == 0 && ($fhstr lt $fc0_SunRise_round || $fhstr gt $fc0_SunSet_round)) { # Zeit vor Sonnenaufgang oder nach Sonnenuntergang heute + if($fd == 0 && ($fhstr lt $fc0_sr_round || $fhstr gt $fc0_ss_round)) { # Zeit vor Sonnenaufgang oder nach Sonnenuntergang heute $wid += 100; # "1" der WeatherID voranstellen wenn Nacht $don = 0; } - elsif ($fd == 1 && ($fhstr lt $fc1_SunRise_round || $fhstr gt $fc1_SunSet_round)) { # Zeit vor Sonnenaufgang oder nach Sonnenuntergang morgen + elsif ($fd == 1 && ($fhstr lt $fc1_sr_round || $fhstr gt $fc1_ss_round)) { # Zeit vor Sonnenaufgang oder nach Sonnenuntergang morgen $wid += 100; # "1" der WeatherID voranstellen wenn Nacht $don = 0; } my $txt = ReadingsVal($fcname, "fc${fd}_${fh2}_wwd", ''); - debugLog ($paref, "collectData", "wid: fc${fd}_${fh1}_ww, val: $wid, txt: $txt, cc: $neff, rp: $r101, temp: $temp"); + debugLog ($paref, 'collectData', "wid: fc${fd}_${fh1}_ww, val: $wid, txt: $txt, cc: $neff, rp: $r101, temp: $temp"); $time_str = "NextHour".sprintf "%02d", $num; $data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{$time_str}{weatherid} = $wid; $data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{$time_str}{cloudcover} = $neff; $data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{$time_str}{rainprob} = $r101; + $data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{$time_str}{rainrange} = rain2bin ($r101); $data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{$time_str}{temp} = $temp; $data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{$time_str}{DoN} = $don; @@ -5552,6 +5591,37 @@ sub _transferWeatherValues { return; } +################################################################ +# Sonnenauf- und untergang bei gesetzten global +# latitude/longitude Koordinaten berechnen, sonst aus DWD +# Device extrahieren +################################################################ +sub __sunRS { + my $paref = shift; + my $t = $paref->{t}; # aktuelle Zeit + my $fcname = $paref->{fcname}; + + my ($fc0_sr, $fc0_ss, $fc1_sr, $fc1_ss); + + my ($cset, $lat, $lon) = locCoordinates(); + + if ($cset) { + my $alt = 'HORIZON=-0.833'; # default from https://metacpan.org/release/JFORGET/DateTime-Event-Sunrise-0.0505/view/lib/DateTime/Event/Sunrise.pm + $fc0_sr = substr (sunrise_abs_dat ($t, $alt), 0, 5); # SunRise heute + $fc0_ss = substr (sunset_abs_dat ($t, $alt), 0, 5); # SunSet heute + $fc1_sr = substr (sunrise_abs_dat ($t + 86400, $alt), 0, 5); # SunRise morgen + $fc1_ss = substr (sunset_abs_dat ($t + 86400, $alt), 0, 5); # SunSet morgen + } + else { # Daten aus DWD Device holen + $fc0_sr = ReadingsVal ($fcname, 'fc0_SunRise', '23:59'); + $fc0_ss = ReadingsVal ($fcname, 'fc0_SunSet', '00:00'); + $fc1_sr = ReadingsVal ($fcname, 'fc1_SunRise', '23:59'); + $fc1_ss = ReadingsVal ($fcname, 'fc1_SunSet', '00:00'); + } + +return ($fc0_sr, $fc0_ss, $fc1_sr, $fc1_ss); +} + ################################################################ # Strahlungsvorhersage Werte aus solcastapi-Hash # übertragen und PV Vorhersage berechnen / in Nexthours @@ -5839,6 +5909,7 @@ sub ___readCandQ { ($hc, $hq) = CircularAutokorrVal ($hash, sprintf("%02d",$fh1), $range, undef); # Korrekturfaktor/Qualität der Stunde des Tages (complex) $hq //= '-'; $hc //= 1; # Korrekturfaktor = 1 (keine Korrektur) # keine Qualität definiert + $hc = 1 if(1 * $hc == 0); # 0.0-Werte ignorieren (Schleifengefahr) $data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{"NextHour".sprintf("%02d",$num)}{cloudrange} = $range; } @@ -5846,6 +5917,7 @@ sub ___readCandQ { ($hc, $hq) = CircularAutokorrVal ($hash, sprintf("%02d",$fh1), 'percentile', undef); # Korrekturfaktor/Qualität der Stunde des Tages (simple) $hq //= '-'; $hc //= 1; # Korrekturfaktor = 1 + $hc = 1 if(1 * $hc == 0); # 0.0-Werte ignorieren (Schleifengefahr) } else { # keine Autokorrektur ($hc, $hq) = CircularAutokorrVal ($hash, sprintf("%02d",$fh1), 'percentile', undef); # Korrekturfaktor/Qualität der Stunde des Tages (simple) @@ -6215,6 +6287,7 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues { my ($bin,$binunit) = split ":", $h->{intotal} // "-:-"; # Readingname/Unit der total in die Batterie eingespeisten Energie (Zähler) my ($bout,$boutunit) = split ":", $h->{outtotal} // "-:-"; # Readingname/Unit der total aus der Batterie entnommenen Energie (Zähler) my $batchr = $h->{charge} // ""; # Readingname Ladezustand Batterie + my $instcap = $h->{cap}; # numerischer Wert (Wh) oder Readingname installierte Batteriekapazität return if(!$pin || !$pou); @@ -6234,6 +6307,13 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues { my $btotin = ReadingsNum ($badev, $bin, 0) * $binuf; # totale Batterieladung (Wh) my $soc = ReadingsNum ($badev, $batchr, 0); + if($instcap && !isNumeric ($instcap)) { # wenn $instcap Reading Wert abfragen + my ($bcapr,$bcapunit) = split ':', $instcap; + $bcapunit //= 'Wh'; + $instcap = ReadingsNum ($badev, $bcapr, 0); + $instcap = $instcap * ($bcapunit =~ /^kWh$/xi ? 1000 : 1); + } + my $debug = $paref->{debug}; if($debug =~ /collectData/x) { Log3 ($name, 1, "$name DEBUG> collect Battery data: device=$badev =>"); @@ -6285,7 +6365,7 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues { if (!defined $histbatintot) { # totale Batterieladung der aktuelle Stunde gesetzt ? $paref->{batintotal} = $btotin; $paref->{nhour} = sprintf("%02d",$nhour); - $paref->{histname} = "batintotal"; + $paref->{histname} = 'batintotal'; setPVhistory ($paref); delete $paref->{histname}; @@ -6304,23 +6384,23 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues { $paref->{batinthishour} = $batinthishour; $paref->{nhour} = sprintf "%02d", $nhour; - $paref->{histname} = "batinthishour"; + $paref->{histname} = 'batinthishour'; setPVhistory ($paref); delete $paref->{histname}; # Batterieentladung aktuelle Stunde in pvHistory speichern ############################################################ - my $histbatouttot = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, sprintf("%02d",$nhour), "batouttotal", undef); # totale Betterieladung zu Beginn einer Stunde + my $histbatouttot = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, sprintf("%02d",$nhour), 'batouttotal', undef); # totale Betterieladung zu Beginn einer Stunde my $batoutthishour; if(!defined $histbatouttot) { # totale Betterieladung der aktuelle Stunde gesetzt ? $paref->{batouttotal} = $btotout; $paref->{nhour} = sprintf("%02d",$nhour); - $paref->{histname} = "batouttotal"; + $paref->{histname} = 'batouttotal'; setPVhistory ($paref); delete $paref->{histname}; - my $botot = CurrentVal ($hash, "batouttotal", $btotout); + my $botot = CurrentVal ($hash, 'batouttotal', $btotout); $batoutthishour = int ($btotout - $botot); } else { @@ -6335,10 +6415,22 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues { $paref->{batoutthishour} = $batoutthishour; $paref->{nhour} = sprintf("%02d",$nhour); - $paref->{histname} = "batoutthishour"; + $paref->{histname} = 'batoutthishour'; setPVhistory ($paref); delete $paref->{histname}; + # täglichen max. SOC in pvHistory speichern + ############################################# + my $batmaxsoc = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, 99, 'batmaxsoc', 0); # gespeicherter max. SOC des Tages + + if ($soc >= $batmaxsoc) { + $paref->{batmaxsoc} = $soc; + $paref->{nhour} = 99; + $paref->{histname} = 'batmaxsoc'; + setPVhistory ($paref); + delete $paref->{histname}; + } + ###### storeReading ('Today_Hour'.sprintf("%02d",$nhour).'_BatIn', $batinthishour.' Wh'); @@ -6350,13 +6442,187 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues { $data{$type}{$name}{current}{powerbatin} = int $pbi; # Hilfshash Wert aktuelle Batterieladung $data{$type}{$name}{current}{powerbatout} = int $pbo; # Hilfshash Wert aktuelle Batterieentladung $data{$type}{$name}{current}{batcharge} = $soc; # aktuelle Batterieladung - + $data{$type}{$name}{current}{batinstcap} = $instcap; # installierte Batteriekapazität + push @{$data{$type}{$name}{current}{socslidereg}}, $soc; # Schieberegister Batterie SOC limitArray ($data{$type}{$name}{current}{socslidereg}, $defslidenum); return; } +################################################################ +# Batterie SOC optimalen Sollwert berechnen +################################################################ +sub _batSocTarget { + my $paref = shift; + my $hash = $paref->{hash}; + my $name = $paref->{name}; + my $type = $paref->{type}; + my $t = $paref->{t}; # aktuelle Zeit + + return if(!isBatteryUsed ($name)); + + my $oldd2care = CircularVal ($hash, 99, 'days2care', 0); + my $ltsmsr = CircularVal ($hash, 99, 'lastTsMaxSocRchd', undef); + my $batcharge = CurrentVal ($hash, 'batcharge', 0); # aktuelle Ladung in % + + __batSaveSocKeyFigures ($paref) if(!$ltsmsr || $batcharge >= $maxSoCdef || $oldd2care < 0); + + my $cgbt = AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlBatSocManagement', undef); + my ($lowSoc, $upSoc, $maxsoc, $careCycle) = __parseAttrBatSoc ($name, $cgbt); + return if(!$lowSoc ||!$upSoc); + + $paref->{careCycle} = $careCycle; + __batSaveSocKeyFigures ($paref) if($batcharge >= $maxsoc); + delete $paref->{careCycle}; + + my $nt; + my $chargereq = 0; # Ladeanforedrung wenn SoC unter Minimum SoC gefallen ist + my $target = $lowSoc; + my $yday = strftime "%d", localtime($t - 86400); # Vortag (range 01 to 31) + my $batymaxsoc = HistoryVal ($hash, $yday, 99, 'batmaxsoc', 0); # gespeicherter max. SOC des Vortages + my $batysetsoc = HistoryVal ($hash, $yday, 99, 'batsetsoc', $lowSoc); # gespeicherter SOC Sollwert des Vortages + + $target = $batymaxsoc < $maxsoc ? $batysetsoc + $batSocChgDay : + $batymaxsoc >= $maxsoc ? $batysetsoc - $batSocChgDay : + $batysetsoc; # neuer Min SOC für den laufenden Tag + + debugLog ($paref, 'batteryManagement', "SoC calc Step1 - compare with SoC history -> Target: $target %"); + + ## Aufladewahrscheinlichkeit beachten + ####################################### + my $pvfctm = ReadingsNum ($name, 'Tomorrow_PVforecast', 0); # PV Prognose morgen + my $pvfctd = ReadingsNum ($name, 'RestOfDayPVforecast', 0); # PV Prognose Rest heute + my $csopt = ReadingsNum ($name, 'Battery_OptimumTargetSoC', $lowSoc); # aktuelles SoC Optimum + my $pvexpect = $pvfctm > $pvfctd ? $pvfctm : $pvfctd; + + my $batinstcap = CurrentVal ($hash, 'batinstcap', 0); # installierte Batteriekapazität Wh + my $needcharge = $batinstcap - ($batinstcap / 100 * $batcharge); # vorläufige benötigte Ladeenergie (Wh) bis 100% SOC + my $cancharge = $pvexpect > $needcharge ? $needcharge : $pvexpect; # resultierende benötigte Ladeenergie (Wh) + my $cantarget = 100 - ($cancharge / ($batinstcap / 100)); # berechneter möglicher Min SOC nach Berücksichtigung Ladewahrscheinlichkeit + + my $newtarget = $cantarget < $target ? $cantarget : $target; # Abgleich möglicher Min SOC gg. berechneten Min SOC + my $logadd = ''; + my $sunset = CurrentVal ($hash, 'sunsetTodayTs', $t); + my $delayts = $sunset - 5400; # Pflege-SoC/Erhöhung SoC erst ab 1,5 h vor Sonnenuntergang berechnen/anwenden + + if ($newtarget > $csopt && $t > $delayts) { # Erhöhung des SoC erst ab Sonnenuntergang anwenden + $target = $newtarget; + $logadd = "(new target > $csopt % and Sunset has passed)"; + } + elsif ($newtarget > $csopt && $t <= $delayts) { # bisheriges Optimum bleibt vorerst + $target = $csopt; + $nt = (timestampToTimestring ($delayts, $paref->{lang}))[0]; + $logadd = "(new target $newtarget % is only activated after $nt)"; + } + elsif ($newtarget < $csopt) { # Targetminderung sofort umsetzen -> Freiplatz für Ladeprognose + $target = $newtarget; + $logadd = "(new target < $csopt)"; + } + else { # bisheriges Optimum bleibt + $target = $newtarget; + $logadd = "(no change)"; + } + + debugLog ($paref, 'batteryManagement', "SoC calc Step2 - note charging probability -> Target: $target % ".$logadd); + + ## low/up-Grenzen beachten + ############################ + $target = $target > $upSoc ? $upSoc : + $target < $lowSoc ? $lowSoc : + $target; + + debugLog ($paref, 'batteryManagement', "SoC calc Step3 - observe low/up limits -> Target: $target %"); + + ## Pflege-SoC (Soll SoC $maxSoCdef bei $batSocChgDay % Steigerung p. Tag) + ########################################################################### + if ($t > $delayts) { + my $ntsmsc = CircularVal ($hash, 99, 'nextTsMaxSocChge', $t); + my $days2care = ceil (($ntsmsc - $t) / 86400); # verbleibende Tage bis der Batterie Pflege-SoC (default 95%) erreicht sein soll + + $paref->{days2care} = $days2care; + __batSaveSocKeyFigures ($paref); + delete $paref->{days2care}; + + my $careSoc = $maxsoc - ($days2care * $batSocChgDay); # Pflege-SoC um rechtzeitig den $maxsoc zu erreichen bei 5% Steigerung pro Tag + $target = $careSoc < $target ? $target : $careSoc; # resultierender Target-SoC unter Berücksichtigung $caresoc + + debugLog ($paref, 'batteryManagement', "SoC calc Step4 - note remaining days >$days2care< until care SoC -> Target: $target %"); + } + else { + $nt = (timestampToTimestring ($delayts, $paref->{lang}))[0]; + debugLog ($paref, 'batteryManagement', "SoC calc Step4 - calculation & activation of the care SoC postponed to after $nt"); + } + + ## auf 5er Schritte anpassen (40,45,50,...) + ############################################# + my $flo = floor ($target / 5); + my $rmn = $target - ($flo * 5); + my $add = $rmn <= 2.5 ? 0 : 5; + $target = ($flo * 5) + $add; + + debugLog ($paref, 'batteryManagement', "SoC calc Step5 - rounding the SoC to steps of 5 -> Target: $target %"); + + ## Zwangsladeanforderung + ########################## + if ($batcharge < $target) { + $chargereq = 1; + } + + debugLog ($paref, 'batteryManagement', "SoC calc Step6 - (final step) forced charging request: ". + ($chargereq ? 'yes (battery charge is below minimum SoC)' : 'no (sufficient battery charge)')); + + ## pvHistory/Readings schreiben + ################################# + $paref->{batsetsoc} = $target; + $paref->{nhour} = 99; + $paref->{histname} = 'batsetsoc'; + setPVhistory ($paref); + delete $paref->{histname}; + + storeReading ('Battery_OptimumTargetSoC', $target.' %'); + storeReading ('Battery_ChargeRequest', $chargereq); + +return; +} + +################################################################ +# Parse ctrlBatSocManagement +################################################################ +sub __parseAttrBatSoc { + my $name = shift; + my $cgbt = shift // return; + + my ($pa,$ph) = parseParams ($cgbt); + my $lowSoc = $ph->{lowSoc}; + my $upSoc = $ph->{upSoC}; + my $maxsoc = $ph->{maxSoC} // $maxSoCdef; # optional (default: $maxSoCdef) + my $careCycle = $ph->{careCycle} // $carecycledef; # Ladungszyklus (Maintenance) für maxSoC in Tagen + +return ($lowSoc, $upSoc, $maxsoc, $careCycle); +} + +################################################################ +# Batterie Kennzahlen speichern +################################################################ +sub __batSaveSocKeyFigures { + my $paref = shift; + my $name = $paref->{name}; + my $type = $paref->{type}; + my $t = $paref->{t}; # aktuelle Zeit + my $careCycle = $paref->{careCycle} // $carecycledef; + + if (defined $paref->{days2care}) { + $data{$type}{$name}{circular}{99}{days2care} = $paref->{days2care}; # verbleibende Tage bis zum Pflege-SoC erreicht werden soll + return; + } + + $data{$type}{$name}{circular}{99}{lastTsMaxSocRchd} = $t; # Timestamp des letzten Erreichens von >= maxSoC + $data{$type}{$name}{circular}{99}{nextTsMaxSocChge} = $t + (86400 * $careCycle); # Timestamp bis zu dem die Batterie mindestens einmal maxSoC erreichen soll + +return; +} + ################################################################ # Zusammenfassungen erstellen ################################################################ @@ -7408,20 +7674,24 @@ sub ___switchConsumerOn { my $state = $paref->{state}; my $debug = $paref->{debug}; - my ($cname, $dswname) = getCDnames ($hash, $c); # Consumer und Switch Device Name - my $pstate = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'planstate', ''); - my $startts = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'planswitchon', undef); # geplante Unix Startzeit - my $oncom = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'oncom', ''); # Set Command für "on" - my $auto = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'auto', 1); - my $calias = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'alias', $cname); # Consumer Device Alias + my ($cname, $dswname) = getCDnames ($hash, $c); # Consumer und Switch Device Name if(!$defs{$dswname}) { $state = qq{ERROR - the device "$dswname" is invalid. Please check device names in consumer "$c" attribute}; - Log3($name, 1, "$name - $state"); + Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $state"); return $state; } - + + my $pstate = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'planstate', ''); + my $startts = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'planswitchon', undef); # geplante Unix Startzeit + my $oncom = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'oncom', ''); # Set Command für "on" + my $auto = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'auto', 1); + my $calias = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'alias', $cname); # Consumer Device Alias + my $simpCstat = simplifyCstate ($pstate); + my $isInTime = isInTimeframe ($hash, $c); + my ($swoncond,$swoffcond,$infon,$infoff,$err); + ($swoncond,$infon,$err) = isAddSwitchOnCond ($hash, $c); # zusätzliche Switch on Bedingung Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $err") if($err); @@ -7442,21 +7712,23 @@ sub ___switchConsumerOn { qq{planstate: $pstate, starttime: }.($startts ? (timestampToTimestring ($startts, $lang))[0] : "undef") ); Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name DEBUG> consumer "$c" - isInLocktime: $iilt}.($rlt ? ", remainLockTime: $rlt seconds" : '')); - Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name DEBUG> consumer "$c" - current Context is switching "on" => }. + Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name DEBUG> consumer "$c" - current Context is >switch on< => }. qq{swoncond: $swoncond, on-command: $oncom } ); Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name DEBUG> consumer "$c" - isAddSwitchOnCond Info: $infon}) if($swoncond && $infon); Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name DEBUG> consumer "$c" - isAddSwitchOffCond Info: $infoff}) if($swoffcond && $infoff); Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name DEBUG> consumer "$c" - device >$dswname< is used as switching device}); - if (simplifyCstate($pstate) =~ /planned|priority|starting/xs && isInTimeframe ($hash, $c) && $iilt) { + if ($simpCstat =~ /planned|priority|starting/xs && $isInTime && $iilt) { Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name DEBUG> consumer "$c" - switching on postponed by >isInLocktime<}); } } + + my $isintable = isInterruptable ($hash, $c, 0, 1); # mit Ausgabe Interruptable Info im Debug + my $isConsRcmd = isConsRcmd ($hash, $c); if ($auto && $oncom && $swoncond && !$swoffcond && !$iilt && # kein Einschalten wenn zusätzliche Switch off Bedingung oder Sperrzeit zutrifft - simplifyCstate($pstate) =~ /planned|priority|starting/xs && - isInTimeframe ($hash, $c)) { # Verbraucher Start ist geplant && Startzeit überschritten + $simpCstat =~ /planned|priority|starting/xs && $isInTime) { # Verbraucher Start ist geplant && Startzeit überschritten my $mode = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "mode", $defcmode); # Consumer Planungsmode my $enable = ___enableSwitchByBatPrioCharge ($paref); # Vorrangladung Batterie ? @@ -7469,7 +7741,7 @@ sub ___switchConsumerOn { delete $paref->{ps}; } - elsif ($mode eq "must" || isConsRcmd($hash, $c)) { # "Muss"-Planung oder Überschuß > Leistungsaufnahme (can) + elsif ($mode eq "must" || $isConsRcmd) { # "Muss"-Planung oder Überschuß > Leistungsaufnahme (can) CommandSet(undef,"$dswname $oncom"); $paref->{ps} = "switching on:"; @@ -7485,11 +7757,10 @@ sub ___switchConsumerOn { Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $state (Automatic = $auto)"); } } - elsif (((isInterruptable($hash, $c) == 1 && isConsRcmd ($hash, $c)) || # unterbrochenen Consumer fortsetzen - (isInterruptable($hash, $c) == 3 && isConsRcmd ($hash, $c))) && - isInTimeframe ($hash, $c) && - simplifyCstate ($pstate) =~ /interrupted|interrupting/xs && - $auto && $oncom && !$iilt) { + elsif ((($isintable == 1 && $isConsRcmd) || # unterbrochenen Consumer fortsetzen + ($isintable == 3 && $isConsRcmd)) && + $isInTime && $auto && $oncom && !$iilt && + $simpCstat =~ /interrupted|interrupting/xs) { CommandSet(undef,"$dswname $oncom"); @@ -7499,7 +7770,7 @@ sub ___switchConsumerOn { delete $paref->{ps}; - my $cause = isInterruptable($hash, $c) == 3 ? 'interrupt condition no longer present' : 'existing surplus'; + my $cause = $isintable == 3 ? 'interrupt condition no longer present' : 'existing surplus'; $state = qq{switching Consumer '$calias' to '$oncom', cause: $cause}; writeCacheToFile ($hash, "consumers", $csmcache.$name); # Cache File Consumer schreiben @@ -7530,8 +7801,9 @@ sub ___switchConsumerOff { my $hyst = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "hysteresis", $defhyst); # Hysterese my ($cname, $dswname) = getCDnames ($hash, $c); # Consumer und Switch Device Name - my $offcom = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "offcom", ""); # Set Command für "off" + my $offcom = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'offcom', ''); # Set Command für "off" my ($swoffcond,$infoff,$err) = isAddSwitchOffCond ($hash, $c); # zusätzliche Switch off Bedingung + my $simpCstat = simplifyCstate ($pstate); my $cause; Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $err") if($err); @@ -7539,9 +7811,10 @@ sub ___switchConsumerOff { my ($iilt,$rlt) = isInLocktime ($paref); # Sperrzeit Status ermitteln if ($debug =~ /consumerSwitching/x) { # nur für Debugging - Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name DEBUG> consumer "$c" - current Context is switching "off" => }. + Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name DEBUG> consumer "$c" - current Context is >switch off< => }. qq{swoffcond: $swoffcond, off-command: $offcom} ); + Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name DEBUG> consumer "$c" - isAddSwitchOffCond Info: $infoff}) if($swoffcond && $infoff); if ($stopts && $t >= $stopts && $iilt) { @@ -7549,8 +7822,10 @@ sub ___switchConsumerOff { } } + my $isintable = isInterruptable ($hash, $c, $hyst, 1); # mit Ausgabe Interruptable Info im Debug + if(($swoffcond || ($stopts && $t >= $stopts)) && !$iilt && - ($auto && $offcom && simplifyCstate($pstate) =~ /started|starting|stopping|interrupt|continu/xs)) { + ($auto && $offcom && $simpCstat =~ /started|starting|stopping|interrupt|continu/xs)) { CommandSet(undef,"$dswname $offcom"); $paref->{ps} = "switching off:"; @@ -7566,9 +7841,9 @@ sub ___switchConsumerOff { Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - $state (Automatic = $auto)"); } - elsif (((isInterruptable($hash, $c, $hyst) && !isConsRcmd ($hash, $c)) || isInterruptable($hash, $c, $hyst) == 2) && # Consumer unterbrechen - isInTimeframe ($hash, $c) && simplifyCstate ($pstate) =~ /started|continued|interrupting/xs && - $auto && $offcom && !$iilt) { + elsif ((($isintable && !isConsRcmd ($hash, $c)) || $isintable == 2) && # Consumer unterbrechen + isInTimeframe ($hash, $c) && $auto && $offcom && !$iilt && + $simpCstat =~ /started|continued|interrupting/xs) { CommandSet(undef,"$dswname $offcom"); @@ -7578,7 +7853,7 @@ sub ___switchConsumerOff { delete $paref->{ps}; - $cause = isInterruptable($hash, $c, $hyst) == 2 ? 'interrupt condition' : 'surplus shortage'; + $cause = $isintable == 2 ? 'interrupt condition' : 'surplus shortage'; $state = qq{switching Consumer '$calias' to '$offcom', cause: $cause}; writeCacheToFile ($hash, "consumers", $csmcache.$name); # Cache File Consumer schreiben @@ -7906,30 +8181,30 @@ sub _evaluateThresholds { my $bt = ReadingsVal($name, 'batteryTrigger', ''); my $pt = ReadingsVal($name, 'powerTrigger', ''); my $eh4t = ReadingsVal($name, 'energyH4Trigger', ''); - + if ($bt) { $paref->{cobj} = 'socslidereg'; $paref->{tname} = 'batteryTrigger'; $paref->{tholds} = $bt; - + __evaluateArray ($paref); } - + if ($pt) { $paref->{cobj} = 'genslidereg'; $paref->{tname} = 'powerTrigger'; $paref->{tholds} = $pt; - + __evaluateArray ($paref); } - + if ($eh4t) { $paref->{cobj} = 'h4fcslidereg'; $paref->{tname} = 'energyH4Trigger'; $paref->{tholds} = $eh4t; - + __evaluateArray ($paref); - } + } delete $paref->{cobj}; delete $paref->{tname}; @@ -7943,17 +8218,17 @@ return; ################################################################ sub __evaluateArray { my $paref = shift; - + my $hash = $paref->{hash}; my $name = $paref->{name}; my $cobj = $paref->{cobj}; # das CurrentVal Objekt, z.B. genslidereg my $tname = $paref->{tname}; # Thresholdname, z.B. powerTrigger my $tholds = $paref->{tholds}; # Triggervorgaben, z.B. aus Reading powerTrigger - + my $aaref = CurrentVal ($hash, $cobj, ''); my @aa = (); @aa = @{$aaref} if (ref $aaref eq 'ARRAY'); - + return if(scalar @aa < $defslidenum); my $gen1 = $aa[0]; @@ -8184,6 +8459,12 @@ sub genStatisticReadings { storeReading ('statistic_'.$kpi, $rtaitr); } + if ($kpi eq 'daysUntilBatteryCare') { + my $d2c = &{$hcsr{$kpi}{fn}} ($hash, $hcsr{$kpi}{par}, 'days2care', $def); + + storeReading ('statistic_'.$kpi, $d2c); + } + if ($kpi eq 'todayGridFeedIn') { my $idfi = &{$hcsr{$kpi}{fn}} ($hash, $hcsr{$kpi}{par}, 'initdayfeedin', $def); # initialer Tagesstartwert my $cfi = &{$hcsr{$kpi}{fn}} ($hash, $hcsr{$kpi}{par}, 'feedintotal', $def); # aktuelles total Feed In @@ -8579,7 +8860,7 @@ sub entryGraphic { if (!$gsel) { $gsel = AttrVal ($name, 'graphicSelect', 'both'); # Auswahl der anzuzeigenden Grafiken } - + my $paref = { hash => $hash, name => $name, @@ -9357,8 +9638,8 @@ sub __createOwnSpec { my $show = $hdrDetail =~ /all|own/xs ? 1 : 0; return if(!$spec || !$show); - - my $allsets = ' '.FW_widgetOverride ($name, getAllSets ($name), 'set').' '; + + my $allsets = ' '.FW_widgetOverride ($name, getAllSets ($name), 'set').' '; my $allattrs = ' '.FW_widgetOverride ($name, getAllAttr ($name), 'attr').' '; # Leerzeichen wichtig für Regexvergleich my @fields = split (/\s+/sx, $spec); @@ -9381,80 +9662,80 @@ sub __createOwnSpec { for (my $i = 1 ; $i <= $rows; $i++) { my ($h, $v, $u); - for (my $k = 0 ; $k < $vinr; $k++) { + for (my $k = 0 ; $k < $vinr; $k++) { ($h->{$k}{label}, $h->{$k}{elm}) = split ":", $vals[$col] if($vals[$col]); # Label und darzustellendes Element - + $h->{$k}{elm} //= ''; my ($elm, $dev) = split "@", $h->{$k}{elm}; # evtl. anderes Devices $dev //= $name; - + $col++; - + if (!$h->{$k}{label}) { undef $h->{$k}{label}; next; } - + my $setcmd = ___getFWwidget ($name, $dev, $elm, $allsets, 'set'); # Set-Kommandos identifizieren - + if ($setcmd) { if ($pah) { # bei get pageAsHtml setter/attr nicht anzeigen (js Fehler) undef $h->{$k}{label}; $setcmd = ''; } - + $v->{$k} = $setcmd; $u->{$k} = q{}; - + debugLog ($paref, 'graphic', "graphicHeaderOwnspec - set-command genereated:\n$setcmd"); next; } - + my $attrcmd = ___getFWwidget ($name, $dev, $elm, $allattrs, 'attr'); # Attr-Kommandos identifizieren - + if ($attrcmd) { if ($pah) { # bei get pageAsHtml setter/attr nicht anzeigen (js Fehler) undef $h->{$k}{label}; $attrcmd = ''; - } - + } + $v->{$k} = $attrcmd; $u->{$k} = q{}; - + debugLog ($paref, 'graphic', "graphicHeaderOwnspec - attr-command genereated:\n$attrcmd"); next; } - + $v->{$k} = ReadingsVal ($dev, $elm, ''); - + if ($v->{$k} =~ /^\s*(-?\d+(\.\d+)?)/xs) { ($v->{$k}, $u->{$k}) = split /\s+/, ReadingsVal ($dev, $elm, ''); # Value und Unit trennen wenn Value numerisch } - + $v->{$k} //= q{}; $u->{$k} //= q{}; - - $paref->{dev} = $dev; + + $paref->{dev} = $dev; $paref->{rdg} = $elm; $paref->{val} = $v->{$k}; $paref->{unit} = $u->{$k}; - + ($v->{$k}, $u->{$k}) = ___ghoValForm ($paref); - + delete $paref->{dev}; delete $paref->{rdg}; delete $paref->{val}; delete $paref->{unit}; - + next if(!$u->{$k}); - + if ($uatr eq 'kWh') { if ($u->{$k} =~ /^Wh/xs) { $v->{$k} = sprintf "%.1f",($v->{$k} / 1000); $u->{$k} = 'kWh'; } } - + if ($uatr eq 'Wh') { if ($u->{$k} =~ /^kWh/xs) { $v->{$k} = sprintf "%.0f",($v->{$k} * 1000); @@ -9481,7 +9762,7 @@ return $ownv; ################################################################ # liefert ein FHEMWEB set/attr Widget zurück -################################################################ +################################################################ sub ___getFWwidget { my $name = shift; my $dev = shift // $name; # Device des Elements, default=$name @@ -9490,40 +9771,40 @@ sub ___getFWwidget { my $ctyp = shift // 'set'; # Kommandotyp: set/attr return if(!$elm); - + my $widget = ''; my ($current, $reading); - + if ($dev ne $name) { # Element eines anderen Devices verarbeiten if ($ctyp eq 'set') { $allc = ' '.FW_widgetOverride ($dev, getAllSets($dev), 'set').' '; # Leerzeichen wichtig für Regexvergleich } elsif ($ctyp eq 'attr') { - $allc = ' '.FW_widgetOverride ($dev, getAllAttr($dev), 'attr').' '; + $allc = ' '.FW_widgetOverride ($dev, getAllAttr($dev), 'attr').' '; } } if ($allc =~ /\s$elm:?(.*?)\s/xs) { # Element in allen Sets oder Attr enthalten my $arg = $1; - + if (!$arg || $arg eq 'textField' || $arg eq 'textField-long') { # Label (Reading) ausblenden -> siehe fhemweb.js function FW_createTextField Zeile 1657 - $arg = 'textFieldNL'; + $arg = 'textFieldNL'; } - + if ($arg !~ /^\#/xs && $arg !~ /^$allwidgets/xs) { - $arg = '#,'.$arg; + $arg = '#,'.$arg; } - + if ($arg =~ 'slider') { # Widget slider in selectnumbers für Kopfgrafik umsetzen - my ($wid, $min, $step, $max, $float) = split ",", $arg; + my ($wid, $min, $step, $max, $float) = split ",", $arg; $arg = "selectnumbers,$min,$step,$max,0,lin"; } - + if ($ctyp eq 'attr') { # Attributwerte als verstecktes Reading abbilden $current = AttrVal ($dev, $elm, ''); $reading = '.'.$dev.'_'.$elm; } - else { + else { $current = ReadingsVal ($dev, $elm, ''); if($dev ne $name) { $reading = '.'.$dev.'_'.$elm; # verstecktes Reading in SolCast abbilden wenn Set-Kommando aus fremden Device @@ -9532,31 +9813,31 @@ sub ___getFWwidget { $reading = $elm; } } - + if ($reading && $reading =~ /^\./xs) { # verstecktes Reading für spätere Löschung merken push @widgetreadings, $reading; readingsSingleUpdate ($defs{$name}, $reading, $current, 0); } - - $widget = ___widgetFallback ( { name => $name, + + $widget = ___widgetFallback ( { name => $name, dev => $dev, - ctyp => $ctyp, + ctyp => $ctyp, elm => $elm, reading => $reading, - arg => $arg - } + arg => $arg + } ); - + if (!$widget) { $widget = FW_pH ("cmd=$ctyp $dev $elm", $elm, 0, "", 1, 1); } } - + return $widget; } ################################################################ -# adaptierte FW_widgetFallbackFn aus FHEMWEB +# adaptierte FW_widgetFallbackFn aus FHEMWEB ################################################################ sub ___widgetFallback { my $pars = shift; @@ -9570,16 +9851,16 @@ sub ___widgetFallback { return '' if(!$arg || $arg eq "noArg"); my $current = ReadingsVal ($name, $reading, undef); - + if (!defined $current) { $reading = 'state'; $current = ' '; } - - if ($current =~ /(().*?)/xs) { # Eleminierung von störenden HTML Elementen aus aktuellem Readingwert + + if ($current =~ /(().*?)/xs) { # Eleminierung von störenden HTML Elementen aus aktuellem Readingwert $current = ' '; } - + $current =~ s/$elm //; $current = ReplaceEventMap ($dev, $current, 1); @@ -9588,7 +9869,7 @@ sub ___widgetFallback { } ################################################################ -# ownHeader ValueFormat +# ownHeader ValueFormat ################################################################ sub ___ghoValForm { my $paref = shift; @@ -9599,7 +9880,7 @@ sub ___ghoValForm { my $val = $paref->{val}; my $unit = $paref->{unit}; my $type = $paref->{type}; - + my $fn = $data{$type}{$name}{func}{ghoValForm}; return ($val, $unit) if(!$fn || !$dev || !$rdg || !defined $val); @@ -9608,25 +9889,25 @@ sub ___ghoValForm { my $VALUE = $val; my $UNIT = $unit; my $err; - - if (!ref $fn && $fn =~ m/^\{.*\}$/xs) { # normale Funktionen + + if (!ref $fn && $fn =~ m/^\{.*\}$/xs) { # normale Funktionen my $efn = eval $fn; - + if ($@) { Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - ERROR in execute graphicHeaderOwnspecValForm: ".$@); $err = $@; - } + } else { if (ref $efn ne 'HASH') { $val = $VALUE; $unit = $UNIT; } else { - $fn = $efn; + $fn = $efn; } } } - + if (ref $fn eq 'HASH') { # Funktionshash my $vf = ""; $vf = $fn->{$rdg} if(exists $fn->{$rdg}); @@ -9634,28 +9915,28 @@ sub ___ghoValForm { $vf = $fn->{"$rdg.$val"} if(exists $fn->{"$rdg.$val"}); $vf = $fn->{"$dev.$rdg.$val"} if(exists $fn->{"$dev.$rdg.$val"}); $fn = $vf; - + if ($fn =~ m/^%/xs) { $val = sprintf $fn, $val; - } + } elsif ($fn ne "") { my $vnew = eval $fn; - + if ($@) { Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - ERROR in execute graphicHeaderOwnspecValForm: ".$@); $err = $@; - } + } else { $val = $vnew; } } } - + if ($val =~ /^\s*(-?\d+(\.\d+)?)/xs) { # Value und Unit numerischer Werte trennen - ($val, my $u1) = split /\s+/, $val; + ($val, my $u1) = split /\s+/, $val; $unit = $u1 ? $u1 : $unit; } - + if ($err) { $err = (split "at", $err)[0]; $paref->{state} = 'ERROR - graphicHeaderOwnspecValForm: '.$err; @@ -10453,24 +10734,24 @@ sub __weatherOnBeam { $ret .= ""; # freier Platz am Anfang for my $i (0..($maxhours * 2) - 1) { - last if (!exists ($hfcg->{$i}{weather})); - + last if (!exists ($hfcg->{$i}{weather})); + $hfcg->{$i}{weather} = 999 if(!defined $hfcg->{$i}{weather}); my $wcc = $hfcg->{$i}{wcc} // '-'; # Bewölkungsgrad ergänzen - + debugLog ($paref, 'graphic', "weather id beam number >$i< (start hour $hfcg->{$i}{time_str}): wid $hfcg->{$i}{weather} / wcc $wcc") if($ii < $maxhours); - + if (!$show_night && $hfcg->{$i}{weather} > 99 && !$hfcg->{$i}{beam1} - && !$hfcg->{$i}{beam2}) { - + && !$hfcg->{$i}{beam2}) { + debugLog ($paref, 'graphic', "weather id >$i< don't show night condition ... is skipped") if($ii < $maxhours); next; }; # Lässt Nachticons aber noch durch wenn es einen Wert gibt , ToDo : klären ob die Nacht richtig gesetzt wurde $ii++; # wieviele Stunden Icons haben wir bisher beechnet ? last if($ii > $maxhours); - # ToDo : weather_icon sollte im Fehlerfall Title mit der ID besetzen um in FHEMWEB sofort die ID sehen zu können + # ToDo : weather_icon sollte im Fehlerfall Title mit der ID besetzen um in FHEMWEB sofort die ID sehen zu können my ($icon_name, $title) = $hfcg->{$i}{weather} > 100 ? weather_icon ($name, $lang, $hfcg->{$i}{weather}-100) : weather_icon ($name, $lang, $hfcg->{$i}{weather}); @@ -10912,7 +11193,7 @@ sub formatVal6 { my $v = shift; my $kw = shift; my $w = shift; - + my $n = ' '; # positive Zahl if ($v < 0) { @@ -11446,6 +11727,8 @@ sub __calcNewFactor { $factor = sprintf "%.2f", ($pvre / $pvfc); } + $factor = 1.00 if(1 * $factor == 0); # 0.00-Werte ignorieren (Schleifengefahr) + return ($factor, $dnum); } @@ -12036,6 +12319,8 @@ sub setPVhistory { my $btotin = $paref->{batintotal}; # totale Batterieladung my $batoutthishour = $paref->{batoutthishour}; # Batterieentladung in Stunde my $btotout = $paref->{batouttotal}; # totale Batterieentladung + my $batmaxsoc = $paref->{batmaxsoc}; # max. erreichter SOC des Tages + my $batsetsoc = $paref->{batsetsoc}; # berechneter optimaler SOC für den laufenden Tag my $calcpv = $paref->{calcpv} // 0; my $gcthishour = $paref->{gctotthishour} // 0; # Netzbezug my $fithishour = $paref->{gftotthishour} // 0; # Netzeinspeisung @@ -12080,6 +12365,16 @@ sub setPVhistory { $data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{99}{batout} = $batoutsum; } + if ($histname eq "batmaxsoc") { # max. erreichter SOC des Tages + $val = $batmaxsoc; + $data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{99}{batmaxsoc} = $batmaxsoc; + } + + if ($histname eq "batsetsoc") { # optimaler SOC für den Tages + $val = $batsetsoc; + $data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{99}{batsetsoc} = $batsetsoc; + } + if ($histname eq "pvrl") { # realer Energieertrag $val = $ethishour; $data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{pvrl} = $ethishour; @@ -12302,24 +12597,26 @@ sub listDataPool { my $day = shift; my $ret; for my $key (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$h->{$day}}) { - my $pvrl = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'pvrl', "-"); - my $pvfc = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'pvfc', "-"); - my $gcon = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'gcons', "-"); - my $con = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "con", "-"); - my $confc = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "confc", "-"); - my $gfeedin = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "gfeedin", "-"); - my $wid = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "weatherid", "-"); - my $wcc = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "wcc", "-"); - my $wrp = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "wrp", "-"); - my $temp = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "temp", undef); - my $pvcorrf = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "pvcorrf", "-"); - my $dayname = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "dayname", undef); - my $etotal = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "etotal", "-"); - my $btotin = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "batintotal", "-"); - my $batin = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "batin", "-"); - my $btotout = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "batouttotal", "-"); - my $batout = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "batout", "-"); - my $rad1h = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "rad1h", "-"); + my $pvrl = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'pvrl', '-'); + my $pvfc = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'pvfc', '-'); + my $gcon = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'gcons', '-'); + my $con = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'con', '-'); + my $confc = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'confc', '-'); + my $gfeedin = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'gfeedin', '-'); + my $wid = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'weatherid', '-'); + my $wcc = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'wcc', '-'); + my $wrp = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'wrp', '-'); + my $temp = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'temp', undef); + my $pvcorrf = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'pvcorrf', '-'); + my $dayname = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'dayname', undef); + my $etotal = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'etotal', '-'); + my $btotin = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'batintotal', '-'); + my $batin = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'batin', '-'); + my $btotout = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'batouttotal', '-'); + my $batout = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'batout', '-'); + my $batmsoc = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'batmaxsoc', '-'); + my $batssoc = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'batsetsoc', '-'); + my $rad1h = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'rad1h', '-'); $ret .= "\n " if($ret); $ret .= $key." => etotal: $etotal, pvfc: $pvfc, pvrl: $pvrl, rad1h: $rad1h"; @@ -12328,6 +12625,8 @@ sub listDataPool { $ret .= "\n "; $ret .= "batintotal: $btotin, batin: $batin, batouttotal: $btotout, batout: $batout"; $ret .= "\n "; + $ret .= "batmaxsoc: $batmsoc, batsetsoc: $batssoc"; + $ret .= "\n "; $ret .= "wid: $wid"; $ret .= ", wcc: $wcc"; $ret .= ", wrp: $wrp"; @@ -12446,34 +12745,37 @@ sub listDataPool { return qq{Circular cache is empty.}; } for my $idx (sort keys %{$h}) { - my $pvfc = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "pvfc", "-"); - my $pvaifc = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "pvaifc", "-"); - my $pvapifc = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "pvapifc", "-"); - my $aihit = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "aihit", "-"); - my $pvrl = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "pvrl", "-"); - my $confc = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "confc", "-"); - my $gcons = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "gcons", "-"); - my $gfeedin = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "gfeedin", "-"); - my $wid = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "weatherid", "-"); - my $wtxt = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "weathertxt", "-"); - my $wccv = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "wcc", "-"); - my $wrprb = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "wrp", "-"); - my $temp = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "temp", "-"); - my $pvcorrf = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "pvcorrf", "-"); - my $quality = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "quality", "-"); - my $batin = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "batin", "-"); - my $batout = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "batout", "-"); - my $tdayDvtn = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "tdayDvtn", "-"); - my $ydayDvtn = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "ydayDvtn", "-"); - my $fitot = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "feedintotal", "-"); - my $idfi = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "initdayfeedin", "-"); - my $gcontot = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "gridcontotal", "-"); - my $idgcon = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "initdaygcon", "-"); - my $idbitot = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "initdaybatintot", "-"); - my $bitot = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "batintot", "-"); - my $idbotot = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "initdaybatouttot", "-"); - my $botot = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "batouttot", "-"); - my $rtaitr = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "runTimeTrainAI", "-"); + my $pvfc = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "pvfc", '-'); + my $pvaifc = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "pvaifc", '-'); + my $pvapifc = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "pvapifc", '-'); + my $aihit = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "aihit", '-'); + my $pvrl = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "pvrl", '-'); + my $confc = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "confc", '-'); + my $gcons = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "gcons", '-'); + my $gfeedin = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "gfeedin", '-'); + my $wid = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "weatherid", '-'); + my $wtxt = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "weathertxt", '-'); + my $wccv = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "wcc", '-'); + my $wrprb = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "wrp", '-'); + my $temp = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "temp", '-'); + my $pvcorrf = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "pvcorrf", '-'); + my $quality = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "quality", '-'); + my $batin = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "batin", '-'); + my $batout = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "batout", '-'); + my $tdayDvtn = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "tdayDvtn", '-'); + my $ydayDvtn = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "ydayDvtn", '-'); + my $ltsmsr = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, 'lastTsMaxSocRchd', '-'); + my $ntsmsc = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, 'nextTsMaxSocChge', '-'); + my $dtocare = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, 'days2care', '-'); + my $fitot = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "feedintotal", '-'); + my $idfi = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "initdayfeedin", '-'); + my $gcontot = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "gridcontotal", '-'); + my $idgcon = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "initdaygcon", '-'); + my $idbitot = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "initdaybatintot", '-'); + my $bitot = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "batintot", '-'); + my $idbotot = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "initdaybatouttot", '-'); + my $botot = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "batouttot", '-'); + my $rtaitr = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "runTimeTrainAI", '-'); no warnings 'numeric'; @@ -12535,6 +12837,7 @@ sub listDataPool { $sq .= " gridcontotal: $gcontot, initdaygcon: $idgcon\n"; $sq .= " batintot: $bitot, initdaybatintot: $idbitot\n"; $sq .= " batouttot: $botot, initdaybatouttot: $idbotot\n"; + $sq .= " lastTsMaxSocRchd: $ltsmsr, nextTsMaxSocChge: $ntsmsc, days2care:$dtocare \n"; $sq .= " runTimeTrainAI: $rtaitr\n"; } } @@ -12546,28 +12849,29 @@ sub listDataPool { return qq{NextHours cache is empty.}; } for my $idx (sort keys %{$h}) { - my $nhts = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'starttime', "-"); - my $hod = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'hourofday', "-"); - my $today = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'today', "-"); - my $pvfc = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvfc', "-"); - my $pvapifc = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvapifc', "-"); # PV Forecast der API - my $pvaifc = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvaifc', "-"); # PV Forecast der KI - my $aihit = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'aihit', "-"); # KI ForeCast Treffer Status - my $wid = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'weatherid', "-"); - my $neff = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'cloudcover', "-"); - my $crange = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'cloudrange', "-"); - my $r101 = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'rainprob', "-"); - my $rad1h = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'rad1h', "-"); - my $pvcorrf = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvcorrf', "-"); - my $temp = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'temp', "-"); - my $confc = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'confc', "-"); - my $confcex = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'confcEx', "-"); - my $don = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'DoN', "-"); + my $nhts = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'starttime', '-'); + my $hod = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'hourofday', '-'); + my $today = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'today', '-'); + my $pvfc = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvfc', '-'); + my $pvapifc = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvapifc', '-'); # PV Forecast der API + my $pvaifc = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvaifc', '-'); # PV Forecast der KI + my $aihit = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'aihit', '-'); # KI ForeCast Treffer Status + my $wid = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'weatherid', '-'); + my $neff = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'cloudcover', '-'); + my $crange = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'cloudrange', '-'); + my $r101 = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'rainprob', '-'); + my $rrange = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'rainrange', '-'); + my $rad1h = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'rad1h', '-'); + my $pvcorrf = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvcorrf', '-'); + my $temp = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'temp', '-'); + my $confc = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'confc', '-'); + my $confcex = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'confcEx', '-'); + my $don = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'DoN', '-'); $sq .= "\n" if($sq); $sq .= $idx." => starttime: $nhts, hourofday: $hod, today: $today\n"; $sq .= " pvapifc: $pvapifc, pvaifc: $pvaifc, pvfc: $pvfc, aihit: $aihit, confc: $confc\n"; $sq .= " confcEx: $confcex, DoN: $don, wid: $wid, wcc: $neff, wrp: $r101, temp=$temp\n"; - $sq .= " rad1h: $rad1h, crange: $crange, correff: $pvcorrf"; + $sq .= " rad1h: $rad1h, rrange: $rrange, crange: $crange, correff: $pvcorrf"; } } @@ -12580,12 +12884,14 @@ sub listDataPool { my $nhfc = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvfc', undef); next if(!$nhfc); my $nhts = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'starttime', undef); - my $neff = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'cloudcover', "-"); - my $crange = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'cloudrange', "-"); - my $pvcorrf = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvcorrf', "-/-"); + my $neff = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'cloudcover', '-'); + my $crange = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'cloudrange', '-'); + my $r101 = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'rainprob', '-'); + my $rrange = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'rainrange', '-'); + my $pvcorrf = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvcorrf', '-/-'); my ($f,$q) = split "/", $pvcorrf; $sq .= "\n" if($sq); - $sq .= "starttime: $nhts, wcc: $neff, crange: $crange, quality: $q, factor: $f"; + $sq .= "starttime: $nhts, wrp: $r101, rrange: $rrange, wcc: $neff, crange: $crange, quality: $q, factor: $f"; } } @@ -12662,12 +12968,12 @@ sub listDataPool { $sq = "Number of datasets: ".$maxcnt."\n"; for my $idx (sort keys %{$h}) { - my $hod = AiRawdataVal ($hash, $idx, 'hod', "-"); - my $rad1h = AiRawdataVal ($hash, $idx, 'rad1h', "-"); - my $wcc = AiRawdataVal ($hash, $idx, 'wcc', "-"); - my $wrp = AiRawdataVal ($hash, $idx, 'wrp', "-"); - my $pvrl = AiRawdataVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvrl', "-"); - my $temp = AiRawdataVal ($hash, $idx, 'temp', "-"); + my $hod = AiRawdataVal ($hash, $idx, 'hod', '-'); + my $rad1h = AiRawdataVal ($hash, $idx, 'rad1h', '-'); + my $wcc = AiRawdataVal ($hash, $idx, 'wcc', '-'); + my $wrp = AiRawdataVal ($hash, $idx, 'wrp', '-'); + my $pvrl = AiRawdataVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvrl', '-'); + my $temp = AiRawdataVal ($hash, $idx, 'temp', '-'); $sq .= "\n"; $sq .= "$idx => hod: $hod, rad1h: $rad1h, wcc: $wcc, wrp: $wrp, pvrl: $pvrl, temp: $temp"; } @@ -12889,11 +13195,12 @@ sub checkPlantConfig { ## Allgemeine Settings ######################## - my $eocr = AttrVal ($name, 'event-on-change-reading', ''); - my $aiprep = isPrepared4AI ($hash, 'full'); - my $aiusemsg = CurrentVal ($hash, 'aicanuse', ''); - my $einstds = ""; - + my $eocr = AttrVal ($name, 'event-on-change-reading', ''); + my $aiprep = isPrepared4AI ($hash, 'full'); + my $aiusemsg = CurrentVal ($hash, 'aicanuse', ''); + my ($cset, $lat, $lon) = locCoordinates(); + my $einstds = ""; + if (!$eocr || $eocr ne '.*') { $einstds = 'to .*' if($eocr ne '.*'); $result->{'Common Settings'}{state} = $info; @@ -12909,28 +13216,42 @@ sub checkPlantConfig { $result->{'Common Settings'}{info} = 1; } + if (!$lat) { + $result->{'Common Settings'}{state} = $warn; + $result->{'Common Settings'}{result} .= qq{Attribute latitude in global device is not set.
}; + $result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{Set the coordinates of your installation in the latitude attribute of the global device.
}; + $result->{'Common Settings'}{warn} = 1; + } + + if (!$lon) { + $result->{'Common Settings'}{state} = $warn; + $result->{'Common Settings'}{result} .= qq{Attribute longitude in global device is not set.
}; + $result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{Set the coordinates of your installation in the longitude attribute of the global device.
}; + $result->{'Common Settings'}{warn} = 1; + } + if (!$aiprep) { $result->{'Common Settings'}{state} = $info; $result->{'Common Settings'}{result} .= qq{The AI support is not used.
}; $result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{$aiusemsg.
}; $result->{'Common Settings'}{info} = 1; } - + my ($cmerr, $cmupd, $cmmsg, $cmrec) = checkModVer ($name, '76_SolarForecast', 'https://fhem.de/fhemupdate/controls_fhem.txt'); - + if (!$cmerr && !$cmupd) { $result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{$cmmsg
}; $result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{checked module:
}; $result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{76_SolarForecast
}; } - + if ($cmerr) { $result->{'Common Settings'}{state} = $warn; $result->{'Common Settings'}{result} .= qq{$cmmsg
}; $result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{$cmrec
}; $result->{'Common Settings'}{warn} = 1; } - + if ($cmupd) { $result->{'Common Settings'}{state} = $warn; $result->{'Common Settings'}{result} .= qq{$cmmsg
}; @@ -12941,8 +13262,6 @@ sub checkPlantConfig { ## allg. Settings bei Nutzung Forecast.Solar API ################################################# if (isForecastSolarUsed ($hash)) { - my ($cset, $lat, $lon) = locCoordinates(); - if (!$pcf || $pcf !~ /on/xs) { $result->{'Common Settings'}{state} = $info; $result->{'Common Settings'}{result} .= qq{pvCorrectionFactor_Auto is set to "$pcf"
}; @@ -13090,69 +13409,67 @@ sub checkPlantConfig { $result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{pvCorrectionFactor_Auto, vrmCredentials, event-on-change-reading, ctrlLanguage
}; } } - + ## FTUI Widget Support ######################## - my $root = $attr{global}{modpath}; my $tpath = "$root/www/tablet/css"; my $upd = 0; $err = 0; if (!-d $tpath) { - $result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{result} .= qq{The FHEM Tablet UI V2 does not appear to be installed.
}; + $result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{result} .= $hqtxt{widnin}{$lang}; $result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{note} .= qq{There is no need to install SolarForecast FTUI widgets.
}; } else { - my $bPath = 'https://svn.fhem.de/trac/browser/trunk/fhem/contrib/SolarForecast/'; - my $pPath = '?format=txt'; - my $cfile = 'controls_solarforecast.txt'; - my $cfurl = $bPath.$cfile.$pPath; - - for my $file (@fs) { - my ($cmerr, $cmupd) = checkModVer ($name, $file, $cfurl); + my $cfurl = $bPath.$cfile.$pPath; + + for my $file (@fs) { + ($cmerr, $cmupd, $cmmsg, $cmrec) = checkModVer ($name, $file, $cfurl); $err = 1 if($cmerr); $upd = 1 if($cmupd); - } - + } + if ($err) { $result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{state} = $warn; - $result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{result} .= $hqtxt{widerr}{$lang}; - $result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{note} .= qq{Try the test again later. If the error is permanent, please inform the maintainer.
}; + $result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{result} .= $hqtxt{widerr}{$lang}.'
'; + $result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{result} .= $cmmsg.'
'; + $result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{note} .= qq{Update the FHEM Tablet UI Widget Files with the command:
}; + $result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{note} .= qq{"get $name ftuiFramefiles".
}; + $result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{note} .= qq{After that do the test again. If the error is permanent, please inform the maintainer.
}; $result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{warn} = 1; - + $upd = 0; } if ($upd) { $result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{state} = $warn; $result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{result} .= $hqtxt{widnup}{$lang}; - $result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{note} .= qq{Update the FHEM Tablet UI Widget Files with the command:
}; - $result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{note} .= qq{"get $name ftuiFramefiles".
}; - $result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{warn} = 1; - } - + $result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{note} .= qq{Update the FHEM Tablet UI Widget Files with the command:
}; + $result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{note} .= qq{"get $name ftuiFramefiles".
}; + $result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{warn} = 1; + } + if (!$result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{fault} && !$result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{warn} && !$result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{info}) { $result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{result} .= $hqtxt{widok}{$lang}; $result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{note} .= qq{checked Files:
}; $result->{'FTUI Widget Files'}{note} .= (join ', ', @fs).qq{
}; - } + } } ## Ausgabe ############ - my $out = qq{}; $out .= qq{}.$hqtxt{plntck}{$lang}.qq{

}; $out .= qq{}; $out .= qq{}; - $out .= qq{}; - $out .= qq{}; + $out .= qq{}; + $out .= qq{}; $out .= qq{}; - $out .= qq{}; + $out .= qq{}; $out .= qq{}; - $out .= qq{}; + $out .= qq{}; $out .= qq{}; $out .= qq{}; @@ -13752,6 +14069,7 @@ sub isAddSwitchOffCond { my $cond = shift // q{}; my $hyst = shift // 0; # Hysterese + my $swoff = 0; my $info = q{}; my $err = q{}; my $dswoffcond = q{}; # Device zur Lieferung einer Ausschaltbedingung @@ -13759,7 +14077,7 @@ sub isAddSwitchOffCond { my $swoffcondregex = q{}; # Regex der Ausschaltbedingung (wenn wahr) if ($cond) { - ($dswoffcond,$rswoffcond,$swoffcondregex) = split ":", $cond; + ($dswoffcond, $rswoffcond, $swoffcondregex) = split ":", $cond; } else { $dswoffcond = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'dswoffcond', ''); @@ -13774,25 +14092,35 @@ sub isAddSwitchOffCond { my $condval = ReadingsVal ($dswoffcond, $rswoffcond, undef); - if ($hyst && defined $condval && isNumeric ($condval)) { # Hysterese berücksichtigen - $condval -= $hyst; + if (defined $condval) { + if ($condval =~ m/^$swoffcondregex$/x) { + $info = qq{value "$condval" matches the Regex "$swoffcondregex" \n}; + $info .= "-> !Interrupt! "; + $swoff = 1; + } + else { + $info = qq{value "$condval" doesn't match the Regex "$swoffcondregex" \n}; + $swoff = 0; + } + + if ($hyst && isNumeric ($condval)) { # Hysterese berücksichtigen + $condval -= $hyst; + + if ($condval =~ m/^$swoffcondregex$/x) { + $info = qq{value "$condval" (included hysteresis = $hyst) matches the Regex "$swoffcondregex" \n}; + $info .= "-> !Interrupt! "; + $swoff = 1; + } + else { + $info = qq{device: "$dswoffcond", reading: "$rswoffcond" , value: "$condval" (included hysteresis = $hyst) doesn't match Regex: "$swoffcondregex" \n}; + $swoff = 0; + } + } + + $info .= qq{-> the effect depends on the switch context\n}; } - if (defined $condval && $condval =~ m/^$swoffcondregex$/x) { - $info = qq{value "$condval" (hysteresis = $hyst) match the Regex "$swoffcondregex" \n}. - qq{-> Switch-off condition or interrupt in the "switch-off context", DO NOT switch on or DO NOT continue in the "switch-on context"\n} - ; - - return (1, $info, $err); - } - - $condval //= 'undef'; - - $info = qq{device: "$dswoffcond", reading: "$rswoffcond" , value: "$condval" (hysteresis = $hyst) doesn't match Regex: "$swoffcondregex" \n}. - qq{-> DO NOT Switch-off or DO NOT interrupt in the "switch-off context", Switching on or continuing in the "switch-on" context\n} - ; - -return (0, $info, $err); +return ($swoff, $info, $err); } ################################################################ @@ -13903,10 +14231,10 @@ return ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'isConsumptionRecommended', 0); sub isBatteryUsed { my $name = shift; - my $badev = ReadingsVal($name, "currentBatteryDev", ""); # aktuelles Meter device für Batteriewerte + my $badev = ReadingsVal($name, 'currentBatteryDev', ''); # aktuelles Meter device für Batteriewerte my ($a,$h) = parseParams ($badev); $badev = $a->[0] // ""; - + return if(!$badev || !$defs{$badev}); return ($badev, $a ,$h); @@ -13916,9 +14244,10 @@ return ($badev, $a ,$h); # ist Consumer $c unterbrechbar (1|2) oder nicht (0|3) ################################################################ sub isInterruptable { - my $hash = shift; - my $c = shift; - my $hyst = shift // 0; + my $hash = shift; + my $c = shift; + my $hyst = shift // 0; + my $print = shift // 0; # Print out Debug Info my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $intable = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, 'interruptable', 0); @@ -13935,8 +14264,8 @@ sub isInterruptable { my ($swoffcond,$info,$err) = isAddSwitchOffCond ($hash, $c, $intable, $hyst); Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - $err") if($err); - if ($debug =~ /consumerSwitching/x) { - Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name DEBUG> consumer "$c" - isInterruptable Info: $info}); + if ($print && $debug =~ /consumerSwitching/x) { + Log3 ($name, 1, qq{$name DEBUG> consumer "$c" - Interrupt Info: $info}); } if ($swoffcond) { @@ -14145,7 +14474,7 @@ sub simplifyCstate { $ps =~ /continuing/xs ? 'continuing' : $ps =~ /continued/xs ? 'continued' : $ps =~ /noSchedule/xs ? 'noSchedule' : - "unknown"; + 'unknown'; return $ps; } @@ -14212,12 +14541,19 @@ sub temp2bin { my $temp = shift; my $bin = $temp > 35 ? '35' : + $temp > 32 ? '35' : $temp > 30 ? '30' : + $temp > 27 ? '30' : $temp > 25 ? '25' : + $temp > 22 ? '25' : $temp > 20 ? '20' : + $temp > 17 ? '20' : $temp > 15 ? '15' : + $temp > 12 ? '15' : $temp > 10 ? '10' : + $temp > 7 ? '10' : $temp > 5 ? '05' : + $temp > 2 ? '05' : $temp > 0 ? '00' : '-05'; @@ -14231,25 +14567,45 @@ sub cloud2bin { my $wcc = shift; my $bin = $wcc == 100 ? '100' : + $wcc > 97 ? '100' : $wcc > 95 ? '95' : + $wcc > 92 ? '95' : $wcc > 90 ? '90' : + $wcc > 87 ? '90' : $wcc > 85 ? '85' : + $wcc > 82 ? '85' : $wcc > 80 ? '80' : + $wcc > 77 ? '80' : $wcc > 75 ? '75' : + $wcc > 72 ? '75' : $wcc > 70 ? '70' : + $wcc > 67 ? '70' : $wcc > 65 ? '65' : + $wcc > 62 ? '65' : $wcc > 60 ? '60' : + $wcc > 57 ? '60' : $wcc > 55 ? '55' : + $wcc > 52 ? '55' : $wcc > 50 ? '50' : + $wcc > 47 ? '50' : $wcc > 45 ? '45' : + $wcc > 42 ? '45' : $wcc > 40 ? '40' : + $wcc > 37 ? '40' : $wcc > 35 ? '35' : + $wcc > 32 ? '35' : $wcc > 30 ? '30' : + $wcc > 27 ? '30' : $wcc > 25 ? '25' : + $wcc > 22 ? '25' : $wcc > 20 ? '20' : + $wcc > 17 ? '20' : $wcc > 15 ? '15' : + $wcc > 12 ? '15' : $wcc > 10 ? '10' : + $wcc > 7 ? '10' : $wcc > 5 ? '05' : + $wcc > 2 ? '05' : '00'; return $bin; @@ -14262,25 +14618,45 @@ sub rain2bin { my $wrp = shift; my $bin = $wrp == 100 ? '100' : + $wrp > 97 ? '100' : $wrp > 95 ? '95' : + $wrp > 92 ? '95' : $wrp > 90 ? '90' : + $wrp > 87 ? '90' : $wrp > 85 ? '85' : + $wrp > 82 ? '85' : $wrp > 80 ? '80' : + $wrp > 77 ? '80' : $wrp > 75 ? '75' : + $wrp > 72 ? '75' : $wrp > 70 ? '70' : + $wrp > 67 ? '70' : $wrp > 65 ? '65' : + $wrp > 62 ? '65' : $wrp > 60 ? '60' : + $wrp > 57 ? '60' : $wrp > 55 ? '55' : + $wrp > 52 ? '55' : $wrp > 50 ? '50' : + $wrp > 47 ? '50' : $wrp > 45 ? '45' : + $wrp > 42 ? '45' : $wrp > 40 ? '40' : + $wrp > 37 ? '40' : $wrp > 35 ? '35' : + $wrp > 32 ? '35' : $wrp > 30 ? '30' : + $wrp > 27 ? '30' : $wrp > 25 ? '25' : + $wrp > 22 ? '25' : $wrp > 20 ? '20' : + $wrp > 17 ? '20' : $wrp > 15 ? '15' : + $wrp > 12 ? '15' : $wrp > 10 ? '10' : + $wrp > 7 ? '10' : $wrp > 5 ? '05' : + $wrp > 2 ? '05' : '00'; return $bin; @@ -14438,6 +14814,8 @@ return; # batin - Batterieladung der Stunde (Wh) # batouttotal - totale Batterieentladung (Wh) # batout - Batterieentladung der Stunde (Wh) +# batmsoc - max. SOC des Tages (%) +# batsetsoc - optimaler (berechneter) SOC (%) für den Tag # weatherid - Wetter ID # wcc - Grad der Bewölkung # temp - Außentemperatur @@ -14478,20 +14856,22 @@ return $def; # CircularVal ($hash, $hod, $key, $def) # # $hod: Stunde des Tages (01,02,...,24) bzw. 99 (besondere Verwendung) -# $key: pvrl - realer PV Ertrag -# pvfc - PV Vorhersage -# confc - Vorhersage Hausverbrauch (Wh) -# gcons - realer Netzbezug -# gfeedin - reale Netzeinspeisung -# batin - Batterieladung (Wh) -# batout - Batterieentladung (Wh) -# weatherid - DWD Wetter id -# weathertxt - DWD Wetter Text -# wcc - DWD Wolkendichte -# wrp - DWD Regenwahrscheinlichkeit -# temp - Außentemperatur -# pvcorrf - PV Autokorrekturfaktoren (HASH) -# +# $key: pvrl - realer PV Ertrag +# pvfc - PV Vorhersage +# confc - Vorhersage Hausverbrauch (Wh) +# gcons - realer Netzbezug +# gfeedin - reale Netzeinspeisung +# batin - Batterieladung (Wh) +# batout - Batterieentladung (Wh) +# weatherid - DWD Wetter id +# weathertxt - DWD Wetter Text +# wcc - DWD Wolkendichte +# wrp - DWD Regenwahrscheinlichkeit +# temp - Außentemperatur +# pvcorrf - PV Autokorrekturfaktoren (HASH) +# lastTsMaxSocRchd - Timestamp des letzten Erreichens von SoC >= maxSoC +# nextTsMaxSocChge - Timestamp bis zu dem die Batterie mindestens einmal maxSoC erreichen soll +# days2care - verbleibende Tage bis der Batterie Pflege-SoC (default $maxSoCdef) erreicht sein soll # tdayDvtn - heutige Abweichung PV Prognose/Erzeugung in % # ydayDvtn - gestrige Abweichung PV Prognose/Erzeugung in % # initdayfeedin - initialer Wert für "gridfeedin" zu Beginn des Tages (Wh) @@ -14619,6 +14999,8 @@ return $def; # aiinitstate - Initialisierungsstatus der KI # aitrainstate - Traisningsstatus der KI # aiaddistate - Add Instanz Status der KI +# batcharge - Bat SOC in % +# batinstcap - installierte Batteriekapazität in Wh # genslidereg - Schieberegister PV Erzeugung (Array) # h4fcslidereg - Schieberegister 4h PV Forecast (Array) # socslidereg - Schieberegister Batterie SOC (Array) @@ -15023,7 +15405,7 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
- +
  • consumerNewPlanning <Consumer number>

    @@ -15058,7 +15440,9 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
    • currentBatteryDev <Battery Device Name> pin=<Readingname>:<Unit> pout=<Readingname>:<Unit> [intotal=<Readingname>:<Unit>] [outtotal=<Readingname>:<Unit>] [charge=<Readingname>]

    • currentBatteryDev <Battery Device Name> pin=<Readingname>:<Unit> pout=<Readingname>:<Unit> + [intotal=<Readingname>:<Unit>] [outtotal=<Readingname>:<Unit>] + [cap=<Option>] [charge=<Readingname>]

      Specifies an arbitrary Device and its Readings to deliver the battery performance data. The module assumes that the numerical value of the readings is always positive. @@ -15068,12 +15452,15 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
Object State $hqtxt{object}{$lang} $hqtxt{state}{$lang}       Result $hqtxt{result}{$lang}       Note $hqtxt{note}{$lang}
- - - - - - + + + + + + + + +
pin Reading which provides the current battery charging power
pout Reading which provides the current battery discharge rate
intotal Reading which provides the total battery charge as a continuous counter (optional)
outtotal Reading which provides the total battery discharge as a continuous counter (optional)
charge Reading which provides the current state of charge (SOC in percent) (optional)
Unit the respective unit (W,Wh,kW,kWh)
pin Reading which provides the current battery charging power
pout Reading which provides the current battery discharge rate
intotal Reading which provides the total battery charge as a continuous counter (optional)
outtotal Reading which provides the total battery discharge as a continuous counter (optional)
cap installed battery capacity (optional). Option can be:
numerical value - direct indication of the battery capacity in Wh
<Readingname>:<unit> - Reading which provides the capacity and unit (Wh, kWh)
charge Reading which provides the current state of charge (SOC in percent) (optional)
Unit the respective unit (W,Wh,kW,kWh)

@@ -15090,7 +15477,7 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
    - set <name> currentBatteryDev BatDummy pin=BatVal:W pout=-pin intotal=BatInTot:Wh outtotal=BatOutTot:Wh
    + set <name> currentBatteryDev BatDummy pin=BatVal:W pout=-pin intotal=BatInTot:Wh outtotal=BatOutTot:Wh cap=BatCap:kWh

    # Device BatDummy returns the current battery charge in the reading "BatVal" (W), the battery discharge in the same reading with negative sign,
    # the summary charge in the reading "intotal" (Wh), as well as the summary discharge in the reading "outtotal". (Wh) @@ -15240,10 +15627,10 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct. If there is no device of type DWD_OpenData yet, it must be defined in advance (look at DWD_OpenData Commandref).
    To obtain a good radiation forecast, a DWD station located near the plant site should be used.
    - Unfortunately, not all - DWD stations + Unfortunately, not all + DWD stations provide the required Rad1h values.
    - Explanations of the stations are listed in + Explanations of the stations are listed in Stationslexikon.
    At least the following attributes must be set in the selected DWD_OpenData Device:

    @@ -15663,28 +16050,28 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.

- +
  • ftuiFramefiles

    - SolarForecast provides widgets for + SolarForecast provides widgets for FHEM Tablet UI v2 (FTUI2).
    - If FTUI2 is installed on the system, the files for the framework can be loaded into the FTUI directory structure + If FTUI2 is installed on the system, the files for the framework can be loaded into the FTUI directory structure with this command.
    The setup and use of the widgets is described in Wiki SolarForecast FTUI Widget.
  • html

    The SolarForecast graphic is retrieved and displayed as HTML code.
    Note: By the attribute graphicHeaderOwnspec - generated set or attribute commands in the user-specific area of the header are generally hidden for technical + generated set or attribute commands in the user-specific area of the header are generally hidden for technical reasons.
    - One of the following selections can be given as an argument to the command: + One of the following selections can be given as an argument to the command:

      @@ -15728,6 +16115,7 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
        + @@ -15739,11 +16127,11 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct. - - + + @@ -15766,27 +16154,29 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
        aihit delivery status of the AI for the PV forecast (0-no delivery, 1-delivery)
        confc expected energy consumption including the shares of registered consumers
        confcEx expected energy consumption without the shares of registered consumers
        crange calculated cloud area
        pvapifc expected PV generation (Wh) of the used API incl. a possible correction
        pvaifc expected PV generation of the AI (Wh)
        pvfc PV generation forecast used (Wh)
        aihit delivery status of the AI for the PV forecast (0-no delivery, 1-delivery)
        today has value '1' if start date on current day
        rad1h predicted global radiation
        rrange calculated range of rain probability
        starttime start time of the record
        temp predicted outdoor temperature
        today has value '1' if start date on current day
        wrp predicted degree of rain probability
        wid ID of the predicted weather
        wcc predicted degree of cloudiness
        - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + - - - - + + + + + + - - - + + +
        etotal total energy yield (Wh) at the beginning of the hour
        pvfc the predicted PV yield (Wh)
        pvrl real PV generation (Wh)
        gcon real power consumption (Wh) from the electricity grid
        confc expected energy consumption (Wh)
        con real energy consumption (Wh) of the house
        gfeedin real feed-in (Wh) into the electricity grid
        batintotal total battery charge (Wh) at the beginning of the hour
        batin Hour battery charge (Wh)
        batouttotal total battery discharge (Wh) at the beginning of the hour
        etotal total energy yield (Wh) at the beginning of the hour
        pvfc the predicted PV yield (Wh)
        pvrl real PV generation (Wh)
        gcon real power consumption (Wh) from the electricity grid
        confc expected energy consumption (Wh)
        con real energy consumption (Wh) of the house
        gfeedin real feed-in (Wh) into the electricity grid
        batintotal total battery charge (Wh) at the beginning of the hour
        batin Hour battery charge (Wh)
        batouttotal total battery discharge (Wh) at the beginning of the hour
        batout Battery discharge of the hour (Wh)
        wid Weather identification number
        wcc effective cloud cover
        wrp Probability of precipitation > 0.1 mm during the respective hour
        pvcorrf Autocorrection factor used / forecast quality achieved
        batmaxsoc maximum SOC (%) of the day
        batsetsoc optimum SOC setpoint (%) for the day
        wid Weather identification number
        wcc effective cloud cover
        wrp Probability of precipitation > 0.1 mm during the respective hour
        pvcorrf Autocorrection factor used / forecast quality achieved
        rad1h global radiation (kJ/m2)
        csmtXX total energy consumption of ConsumerXX
        csmeXX Energy consumption of ConsumerXX in the hour of the day (hour 99 = daily energy consumption)
        minutescsmXX total active minutes in the hour of ConsumerXX
        hourscsmeXX average hours of an active cycle of ConsumerXX of the day
        cyclescsmXX Number of active cycles of ConsumerXX of the day
        minutescsmXX total active minutes in the hour of ConsumerXX
        hourscsmeXX average hours of an active cycle of ConsumerXX of the day
        cyclescsmXX Number of active cycles of ConsumerXX of the day
      @@ -15812,6 +16202,7 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct. batintot total energy charged into the battery (Wh) confc expected energy consumption (Wh) corr Autocorrection factors for the hour of the day, where "percentile" is the simple correction factor. + days2care remaining days until the battery maintenance SoC (default 95%) is reached feedintotal total PV energy fed into the public grid (Wh) gcon real power drawn from the electricity grid gfeedin real power feed-in to the electricity grid @@ -15820,6 +16211,8 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct. initdaygcon initial grid reference value at the beginning of the current day (Wh) initdaybatintot initial value of the total energy charged into the battery at the beginning of the current day. (Wh) initdaybatouttot initial value of the total energy drawn from the battery at the beginning of the current day. (Wh) + lastTsMaxSocRchd Timestamp of last achievement of battery SoC >= maxSoC (default 95%) + nextTsMaxSocChge Timestamp by which the battery should reach maxSoC at least once pvapifc expected PV generation (Wh) of the API used pvaifc PV forecast (Wh) of the AI for the next 24h from the current hour of the day pvfc PV forecast used for the next 24h from the current hour of the day @@ -15832,7 +16225,7 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct. wrp Degree of probability of rain wid ID of the predicted weather wtxt Description of the predicted weather - ydayDvtn Yesterday's deviation PV forecast/generation in %. + ydayDvtn Deviation PV forecast/generation in % on the previous day
    @@ -16167,8 +16560,9 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct. Device:Readings match on the regex or if is insufficient PV surplus (if power not equal to 0). If the value no longer matches, the interrupted load is switched on again if there is sufficient PV surplus provided (if power is not 0). - The optional hysteresis is a numerical value by which the switch-off point - is raised if the evaluated reading value is also numeric. (default: 0) + If the optional hysteresis is specified, the hysteresis value is subtracted from the reading value and the regex is then applied. + If this and the original reading value match, the consumer is temporarily interrupted. + The consumer is continued if both the original and the subtracted readings value do not (or no longer) match. locktime Blocking times in seconds for switching the consumer (optional). offlt - Blocking time in seconds after the consumer has been switched off or interrupted @@ -16224,6 +16618,55 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.

  • + +
  • ctrlBatSocManagement lowSoc=<Value> upSoC=<Value> [maxSoC=<Value>] [careCycle=<Value>]
    + If a battery device (currentBatteryDev) is installed, this attribute activates the battery SoC management.
    + The Battery_OptimumTargetSoC reading contains the optimum minimum SoC calculated by the module.
    + The Battery_ChargeRequest reading is set to '1' if the current SoC has fallen below the minimum SoC.
    + In this case, the battery should be forcibly charged, possibly with mains power.
    + The readings can be used to control the SoC (State of Charge) and to control the charging current used for the + battery.
    + The module itself does not control the battery.

    + +
      + + + + + + + + + + +
      lowSoc lower minimum SoC, the battery is not discharged lower than this value (> 0)
      upSoC upper minimum SoC, the usual value of the optimum SoC is between 'lowSoC'
      and this value.
      maxSoC Maximum minimum SoC, SoC value that must be reached at least every 'careCycle' days
      in order to balance the charge in the storage network.
      The specification is optional (<= 100, default: 95)
      careCycle Maximum interval in days that may occur between two states of charge
      of at least 'maxSoC'. The specification is optional (default: 20)
    + + All values are whole numbers in %. The following applies: 'lowSoc' < 'upSoC' < 'maxSoC'.
    + The optimum SoC is determined according to the following scheme:

    + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    1. Starting from 'lowSoc', the minimum SoC is increased by 5% on the following day but not higher than
    'upSoC', if 'maxSoC' has not been reached on the current day.
    2. If 'maxSoC' is reached (again) on the current day, the minimum SoC is reduced by 5%, but not lower than 'lowSoc'.
    3. Minimum SoC is reduced so that the predicted PV energy of the current or following day
    can be absorbed by the battery. Minimum SoC is not reduced lower than 'lowSoc'.
    4. The module records the last point in time at the 'maxSoC' level in order to ensure a charge to 'maxSoC'
    at least every 'careCycle' days. For this purpose, the optimized SoC is changed depending on the remaining days
    until the next 'careCycle' point in such a way that 'maxSoC' is mathematically achieved by a daily 5% SoC increase
    at the 'careCycle' time point. If 'maxSoC' is reached in the meantime, the 'careCycle' period starts again.
    + +
      + Example:
      + attr <name> ctrlBatSocManagement lowSoc=10 upSoC=50 maxSoC=99 careCycle=25
  • +
  • ctrlConsRecommendReadings
    Readings of the form consumerXX_ConsumptionRecommended are created for the selected consumers (number).
    @@ -16246,6 +16689,7 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct. aiData AI data apiCall Retrieval API interface without data output apiProcess API data retrieval and processing + batteryManagement Battery management control values (SoC) collectData detailed data collection consumerPlanning Consumer scheduling processes consumerSwitching Operations of the internal consumer switching module @@ -16338,7 +16782,8 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
  • ctrlStatisticReadings
    - Readings are created for the selected key figures and indicators.

    + Readings are created for the selected key figures and indicators with the + naming scheme 'statistic_<indicator>'. Selectable key figures / indicators are:

      @@ -16348,6 +16793,7 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct. + @@ -16621,7 +17067,7 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct. - + @@ -16630,29 +17076,29 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct. - +
      currentAPIinterval the current call interval of the SolCast API (only model SolCastAPI) in seconds
      currentRunMtsConsumer_XX the running time (minutes) of the consumer "XX" since the last switch-on. (0 - consumer is off)
      dayAfterTomorrowPVforecast provides the forecast of PV generation for the day after tomorrow (if available) without autocorrection (raw data)
      daysUntilBatteryCare Days until the next battery maintenance (reaching the charge 'maxSoC' from attribute ctrlBatSocManagement)
      lastretrieval_time the last call time of the API (only Model SolCastAPI, ForecastSolarAPI)
      lastretrieval_timestamp the timestamp of the last call time of the API (only Model SolCastAPI, ForecastSolarAPI)
      response_message the last status message of the API (only Model SolCastAPI, ForecastSolarAPI)
      Autocorrection:pvCorrectionFactor_Auto : : :
      Consumer<br>Replanning:consumerNewPlanning : : :
      History:graphicHistoryHour : : :
      GraphicSize:flowGraphicSize : : :
      ShowNight:graphicShowNight : : :
      Debug:ctrlDebug : : :
      Debug:ctrlDebug : : :

  • - +
  • graphicHeaderOwnspecValForm
    - The readings to be displayed with the attribute - graphicHeaderOwnspec can be manipulated with sprintf and + The readings to be displayed with the attribute + graphicHeaderOwnspec can be manipulated with sprintf and other Perl operations.
    There are two basic notation options that cannot be combined with each other.
    - The notations are always specified within two curly brackets {...}. -

    + The notations are always specified within two curly brackets {...}. +

    Notation 1:
    - A simple formatting of readings of your own device with sprintf is carried out as shown in line + A simple formatting of readings of your own device with sprintf is carried out as shown in line 'Current_AutarkyRate' or 'Current_GridConsumption'.
    Other Perl operations are to be bracketed with (). The respective readings values and units are available via the variables $VALUE and $UNIT.
    - Readings of other devices are specified by '<Device>.<Reading>'. + Readings of other devices are specified by '<Device>.<Reading>'.

    - +
      @@ -16666,13 +17112,13 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.

    - + Notation 2:
    The manipulation of reading values and units is done via Perl If ... else structures.
    - The device, reading, reading value and unit are available to the structure with the variables $DEVICE, $READING, + The device, reading, reading value and unit are available to the structure with the variables $DEVICE, $READING, $VALUE and $UNIT.
    If the variables are changed, the new values are transferred to the display accordingly. -


      @@ -16687,7 +17133,7 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.

@@ -16967,7 +17413,7 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
- +
  • batteryTrigger <1on>=<Wert> <1off>=<Wert> [<2on>=<Wert> <2off>=<Wert> ...]

    @@ -17024,7 +17470,9 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
    • currentBatteryDev <Batterie Device Name> pin=<Readingname>:<Einheit> pout=<Readingname>:<Einheit> [intotal=<Readingname>:<Einheit>] [outtotal=<Readingname>:<Einheit>] [charge=<Readingname>]

    • currentBatteryDev <Batterie Device Name> pin=<Readingname>:<Einheit> pout=<Readingname>:<Einheit> + [intotal=<Readingname>:<Einheit>] [outtotal=<Readingname>:<Einheit>] + [cap=<Option>] [charge=<Readingname>]

      Legt ein beliebiges Device und seine Readings zur Lieferung der Batterie Leistungsdaten fest. Das Modul geht davon aus, dass der numerische Wert der Readings immer positiv ist. @@ -17034,12 +17482,15 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
        - - - - - - + + + + + + + + +
        pin Reading welches die aktuelle Batterieladeleistung liefert
        pout Reading welches die aktuelle Batterieentladeleistung liefert
        intotal Reading welches die totale Batterieladung als fortlaufenden Zähler liefert (optional)
        outtotal Reading welches die totale Batterieentladung als fortlaufenden Zähler liefert (optional)
        charge Reading welches den aktuellen Ladezustand (SOC in Prozent) liefert (optional)
        Einheit die jeweilige Einheit (W,Wh,kW,kWh)
        pin Reading welches die aktuelle Batterieladeleistung liefert
        pout Reading welches die aktuelle Batterieentladeleistung liefert
        intotal Reading welches die totale Batterieladung als fortlaufenden Zähler liefert (optional)
        outtotal Reading welches die totale Batterieentladung als fortlaufenden Zähler liefert (optional)
        cap installierte Batteriekapazität (optional). Option kann sein:
        numerischer Wert - direkte Angabe der Batteriekapazität in Wh
        <Readingname>:<Einheit> - Reading welches die Kapazität liefert und Einheit (Wh, kWh)
        charge Reading welches den aktuellen Ladezustand (SOC in Prozent) liefert (optional)
        Einheit die jeweilige Einheit (W,Wh,kW,kWh)

      @@ -17056,7 +17507,7 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
        - set <name> currentBatteryDev BatDummy pin=BatVal:W pout=-pin intotal=BatInTot:Wh outtotal=BatOutTot:Wh
        + set <name> currentBatteryDev BatDummy pin=BatVal:W pout=-pin intotal=BatInTot:Wh outtotal=BatOutTot:Wh cap=BatCap:kWh

        # Device BatDummy liefert die aktuelle Batterieladung im Reading "BatVal" (W), die Batterieentladung im gleichen Reading mit negativen Vorzeichen,
        # die summarische Ladung im Reading "intotal" (Wh), sowie die summarische Entladung im Reading "outtotal" (Wh) @@ -17208,10 +17659,10 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden. (siehe DWD_OpenData Commandref).
        Um eine gute Strahlungsprognose zu erhalten, sollte eine nahe dem Anlagenstandort gelegene DWD-Station genutzt werden.
        - Leider liefern nicht alle - DWD-Stationen + Leider liefern nicht alle + DWD-Stationen die benötigten Rad1h-Werte.
        - Erläuterungen zu den Stationen sind im + Erläuterungen zu den Stationen sind im Stationslexikon aufgeführt.
        Im ausgewählten DWD_OpenData Device müssen mindestens die folgenden Attribute gesetzt sein:

        @@ -17632,29 +18083,29 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.

      - +
      • ftuiFramefiles

        - SolarForecast stellt Widgets für + SolarForecast stellt Widgets für FHEM Tablet UI v2 (FTUI2) zur Verfügung.
        Ist FTUI2 auf dem System installiert, können die Dateien für das Framework mit diesem Kommando in die FTUI-Verzeichnisstruktur geladen werden.
        Die Einrichtung und Verwendung der Widgets ist im Wiki - SolarForecast FTUI Widget + SolarForecast FTUI Widget beschrieben.
      • html

        Die SolarForecast Grafik wird als HTML-Code abgerufen und wiedergegeben.
        Hinweis: Durch das Attribut graphicHeaderOwnspec - generierte set-Kommandos oder Attribut-Befehle im Anwender spezifischen Bereich des Headers werden aus technischen + generierte set-Kommandos oder Attribut-Befehle im Anwender spezifischen Bereich des Headers werden aus technischen Gründen generell ausgeblendet.
        - Als Argument kann dem Befehl eine der folgenden Selektionen mitgegeben werden: + Als Argument kann dem Befehl eine der folgenden Selektionen mitgegeben werden:

          @@ -17698,6 +18149,7 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
            + @@ -17709,11 +18161,11 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden. - - + + @@ -17747,6 +18199,8 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden. + + @@ -17782,6 +18236,7 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden. + @@ -17790,6 +18245,8 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden. + + @@ -17802,7 +18259,7 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden. - +
            aihit Lieferstatus der KI für die PV Vorhersage (0-keine Lieferung, 1-Lieferung)
            confc erwarteter Energieverbrauch inklusive der Anteile registrierter Verbraucher
            confcEx erwarteter Energieverbrauch ohne der Anteile registrierter Verbraucher
            crange berechneter Bewölkungsbereich
            pvapifc erwartete PV Erzeugung (Wh) der verwendeten API inkl. einer eventuellen Korrektur
            pvaifc erwartete PV Erzeugung der KI (Wh)
            pvfc verwendete PV Erzeugungsprognose (Wh)
            aihit Lieferstatus der KI für die PV Vorhersage (0-keine Lieferung, 1-Lieferung)
            today hat Wert '1' wenn Startdatum am aktuellen Tag
            rad1h vorhergesagte Globalstrahlung
            rrange berechneter Bereich der Regenwahrscheinlichkeit
            starttime Startzeit des Datensatzes
            temp vorhergesagte Außentemperatur
            today hat Wert '1' wenn Startdatum am aktuellen Tag
            wrp vorhergesagter Grad der Regenwahrscheinlichkeit
            wid ID des vorhergesagten Wetters
            wcc vorhergesagter Grad der Bewölkung
            batin Batterieladung der Stunde (Wh)
            batouttotal totale Batterieentladung (Wh) zu Beginn der Stunde
            batout Batterieentladung der Stunde (Wh)
            batmaxsoc maximaler SOC (%) des Tages
            batsetsoc optimaler SOC Sollwert (%) für den Tag
            wid Identifikationsnummer des Wetters
            wcc effektive Wolkenbedeckung
            wrp Wahrscheinlichkeit von Niederschlag > 0,1 mm während der jeweiligen Stunde
            batintot total in die Batterie geladene Energie (Wh)
            confc erwarteter Energieverbrauch (Wh)
            corr Autokorrekturfaktoren für die Stunde des Tages, wobei "percentile" der einfache (simple) Korrekturfaktor ist.
            days2care verbleibende Tage bis der Batterie Pflege-SoC (default 95%) erreicht sein soll
            feedintotal in das öffentliche Netz total eingespeiste PV Energie (Wh)
            gcon realer Leistungsbezug aus dem Stromnetz
            gfeedin reale Leistungseinspeisung in das Stromnetz
            initdaygcon initialer Netzbezugswert zu Beginn des aktuellen Tages (Wh)
            initdaybatintot initialer Wert der total in die Batterie geladenen Energie zu Beginn des aktuellen Tages (Wh)
            initdaybatouttot initialer Wert der total aus der Batterie entnommenen Energie zu Beginn des aktuellen Tages (Wh)
            lastTsMaxSocRchd Timestamp des letzten Erreichens von Batterie SoC >= maxSoC (default 95%)
            nextTsMaxSocChge Timestamp bis zu dem die Batterie mindestens einmal maxSoC erreichen soll
            pvapifc erwartete PV Erzeugung (Wh) der verwendeten API
            pvaifc PV Vorhersage (Wh) der KI für die nächsten 24h ab aktueller Stunde des Tages
            pvfc verwendete PV Prognose für die nächsten 24h ab aktueller Stunde des Tages
            wrp Grad der Regenwahrscheinlichkeit
            wid ID des vorhergesagten Wetters
            wtxt Beschreibung des vorhergesagten Wetters
            ydayDvtn gestrige Abweichung PV Prognose/Erzeugung in %
            ydayDvtn Abweichung PV Prognose/Erzeugung in % am Vortag
          @@ -18135,8 +18592,9 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden. Device:Readings auf den Regex matched oder unzureichender PV Überschuß (wenn power ungleich 0) vorliegt. Matched der Wert nicht mehr, wird der unterbrochene Verbraucher wieder eingeschaltet sofern ausreichender PV Überschuß (wenn power ungleich 0) vorliegt. - Die optionale Hysterese ist ein numerischer Wert um den der Ausschaltpunkt gegenüber dem Soll-Einschaltpunkt - angehoben wird sofern der ausgewertete Readingwert ebenfalls numerisch ist. (default: 0) + Ist die optionale Hysterese angegeben, wird der Hysteresewert vom Readingswert subtrahiert und danach der Regex angewendet. + Matched dieser und der originale Readingswert, wird der Verbraucher temporär unterbrochen. + Der Verbraucher wird fortgesetzt, wenn sowohl der originale als auch der substrahierte Readingswert nicht (mehr) matchen. locktime Sperrzeiten in Sekunden für die Schaltung des Verbrauchers (optional). offlt - Sperrzeit in Sekunden nachdem der Verbraucher ausgeschaltet oder unterbrochen wurde @@ -18192,6 +18650,57 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
          + +
        • ctrlBatSocManagement lowSoc=<Wert> upSoC=<Wert> [maxSoC=<Wert>] [careCycle=<Wert>]
          + Sofern ein Batterie Device (currentBatteryDev) installiert ist, aktiviert dieses Attribut das Batterie + SoC-Management.
          + Das Reading Battery_OptimumTargetSoC enthält den vom Modul berechneten optimalen Mindest-SoC.
          + Das Reading Battery_ChargeRequest wird auf '1' gesetzt, wenn der aktuelle SoC unter den Mindest-SoC gefallen + ist.
          + In diesem Fall sollte die Batterie, unter Umständen mit Netzstrom, zwangsgeladen werden.
          + Die Readings können zur Steuerung des SoC (State of Charge) sowie zur Steuerung des verwendeten Ladestroms + der Batterie verwendet werden.
          + Durch das Modul selbst findet keine Steuerung der Batterie statt.

          + +
            + + + + + + + + + + +
            lowSoc unterer Mindest-SoC, die Batterie wird nicht tiefer als dieser Wert entladen (> 0)
            upSoC oberer Mindest-SoC, der übliche Wert des optimalen SoC bewegt sich zwischen 'lowSoC'
            und diesem Wert.
            maxSoC maximaler Mindest-SoC, SoC Wert der mindestens im Abstand von 'careCycle' Tagen erreicht
            werden muß um den Ladungsausgleich im Speicherverbund auszuführen.
            Die Angabe ist optional (<= 100, default: 95)
            careCycle maximaler Abstand in Tagen, der zwischen zwei Ladungszuständen von mindestens 'maxSoC'
            auftreten darf. Die Angabe ist optional (default: 20)
          + + Alle Werte sind ganze Zahlen in %. Dabei gilt: 'lowSoc' < 'upSoC' < 'maxSoC'.
          + Die Ermittlung des optimalen SoC erfolgt nach folgendem Schema:

          + + + + + + + + + + + + +
          1. Ausgehend von 'lowSoc' wird der Mindest-SoC am folgenden Tag um 5%, aber nicht höher als
          'upSoC' inkrementiert, sofern am laufenden Tag 'maxSoC' nicht erreicht wurde.
          2. Wird am laufenden Tag 'maxSoC' (wieder) erreicht, wird Mindest-SoC um 5%, aber nicht tiefer als 'lowSoc', verringert.
          3. Mindest-SoC wird soweit verringert, dass die prognostizierte PV Energie des aktuellen bzw. des folgenden Tages
          von der Batterie aufgenommen werden kann. Mindest-SoC wird nicht tiefer als 'lowSoc' verringert.
          4. Das Modul erfasst den letzten Zeitpunkt am 'maxSoC'-Level, um eine Ladung auf 'maxSoC' mindestens alle 'careCycle'
          Tage zu realisieren. Zu diesem Zweck wird der optimierte SoC in Abhängigkeit der Resttage bis zum nächsten
          'careCycle' Zeitpunkt derart verändert, dass durch eine tägliche 5% SoC-Steigerung 'maxSoC' am 'careCycle' Zeitpunkt
          rechnerisch erreicht wird. Wird zwischenzeitlich 'maxSoC' erreicht, beginnt der 'careCycle' Zeitraum erneut.
          + +
            + Beispiel:
            + attr <name> ctrlBatSocManagement lowSoc=10 upSoC=50 maxSoC=99 careCycle=25
        • +
        • ctrlConsRecommendReadings
          Für die ausgewählten Consumer (Nummer) werden Readings der Form consumerXX_ConsumptionRecommended erstellt.
          @@ -18214,6 +18723,7 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden. aiData KI Daten apiCall Abruf API Schnittstelle ohne Datenausgabe apiProcess Abruf und Verarbeitung von API Daten + batteryManagement Steuerungswerte des Batterie Managements (SoC) collectData detailliierte Datensammlung consumerPlanning Consumer Einplanungsprozesse consumerSwitching Operationen des internen Consumer Schaltmodul @@ -18306,7 +18816,8 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
        • ctrlStatisticReadings
          - Für die ausgewählten Kennzahlen und Indikatoren werden Readings erstellt.

          + Für die ausgewählten Kennzahlen und Indikatoren werden Readings mit dem + Namensschema 'statistic_<Indikator>' erstellt. Auswählbare Kennzahlen / Indikatoren sind:

            @@ -18316,6 +18827,7 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden. + @@ -18589,7 +19101,7 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden. - + @@ -18603,23 +19115,23 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
            - +
          • graphicHeaderOwnspecValForm
            - Die mit dem Attribut graphicHeaderOwnspec anzuzeigenden + Die mit dem Attribut graphicHeaderOwnspec anzuzeigenden Readings können mit sprintf und anderen Perl Operationen manipuliert werden.
            Es stehen zwei grundsätzliche, miteinander nicht kombinierbare Möglichkeiten der Notation zur Verfügung.
            - Die Angabe der Notationen erfolgt grundsätzlich innerhalb von zwei geschweiften Klammern {...}. -

            + Die Angabe der Notationen erfolgt grundsätzlich innerhalb von zwei geschweiften Klammern {...}. +

            Notation 1:
            - Eine einfache Formatierung von Readings des eigenen Devices mit sprintf erfolgt wie in Zeile + Eine einfache Formatierung von Readings des eigenen Devices mit sprintf erfolgt wie in Zeile 'Current_AutarkyRate' bzw. 'Current_GridConsumption' angegeben.
            Andere Perl Operationen sind mit () zu klammern. Die jeweiligen Readingswerte und Einheiten stehen über die Variablen $VALUE und $UNIT zur Verfügung.
            - Readings anderer Devices werden durch die Angabe '<Device>.<Reading>' spezifiziert. + Readings anderer Devices werden durch die Angabe '<Device>.<Reading>' spezifiziert.

            - +
          • currentAPIinterval das aktuelle Abrufintervall der SolCast API (nur Model SolCastAPI) in Sekunden
            currentRunMtsConsumer_XX die Laufzeit (Minuten) des Verbrauchers "XX" seit dem letzten Einschalten. (0 - Verbraucher ist aus)
            dayAfterTomorrowPVforecast liefert die Vorhersage der PV Erzeugung für Übermorgen (sofern verfügbar) ohne Autokorrektur (Rohdaten).
            daysUntilBatteryCare Tage bis zur nächsten Batteriepflege (Erreichen der Ladung 'maxSoC' aus Attribut ctrlBatSocManagement)
            lastretrieval_time der letzte Abrufzeitpunkt der API (nur Model SolCastAPI, ForecastSolarAPI)
            lastretrieval_timestamp der Timestamp der letzen Abrufzeitpunkt der API (nur Model SolCastAPI, ForecastSolarAPI)
            response_message die letzte Statusmeldung der API (nur Model SolCastAPI, ForecastSolarAPI)
            Autokorrektur:pvCorrectionFactor_Auto : : :
            Consumer<br>Neuplanung:consumerNewPlanning : : :
            @@ -18633,13 +19145,13 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.

          - + Notation 2:
          Die Manipulation von Readingwerten und Einheiten erfolgt über Perl If ... else Strukturen.
          - Der Struktur stehen Device, Reading, Readingwert und Einheit mit den Variablen $DEVICE, $READING, $VALUE und + Der Struktur stehen Device, Reading, Readingwert und Einheit mit den Variablen $DEVICE, $READING, $VALUE und $UNIT zur Verfügung.
          Bei Änderung der Variablen werden die neuen Werte entsprechend in die Anzeige übernommen. -


            @@ -18654,7 +19166,7 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.