mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-10 03:06:37 +00:00

obey status 04xx, provide alarms and quiet period

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@3313 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
martinp876 2013-06-22 16:05:58 +00:00
parent c17f885f98
commit 36eaa41f7a
2 changed files with 236 additions and 154 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
# $Id$
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday time);
@ -16,10 +17,15 @@ sub HMLAN_secSince2000();
sub HMLAN_SimpleWrite(@);
my $debug = 1; # set 1 for better log readability
my %sets = (
"hmPairForSec" => "HomeMatic",
"hmPairSerial" => "HomeMatic",
my %sets = ( "hmPairForSec" => "HomeMatic"
,"hmPairSerial" => "HomeMatic"
my %HMcond = ( 0 =>'ok'
,2 =>'Warning-HighLoad'
,4 =>'ERROR-Overload'
my $HMOvLdRcvr = 6*60;# time HMLAN needs to recover from overload
sub HMLAN_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
@ -31,6 +37,7 @@ sub HMLAN_Initialize($) {
$hash->{WriteFn} = "HMLAN_Write";
$hash->{ReadyFn} = "HMLAN_Ready";
$hash->{SetFn} = "HMLAN_Set";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "HMLAN_Attr";
$hash->{Clients} = ":CUL_HM:";
my %mc = (
"1:CUL_HM" => "^A......................",
@ -43,8 +50,10 @@ sub HMLAN_Initialize($) {
$hash->{AttrList}= "do_not_notify:1,0 dummy:1,0 " .
"loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 addvaltrigger " .
"hmId hmKey " .
"respTime " .
"respTime wdStrokeTime:5,10,15,20,25 " .
"hmProtocolEvents:0_off,1_dump,2_dumpFull,3_dumpTrigger ".
"hmOvTo ".#General remove
sub HMLAN_Define($$) {#########################################################
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
@ -66,6 +75,7 @@ sub HMLAN_Define($$) {#########################################################
$attr{$name}{dummy} = 1;
return undef;
$attr{$name}{wdTimer} = 25;
$hash->{DeviceName} = $dev;
my $ret = DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0, "HMLAN_DoInit");
return $ret;
@ -93,6 +103,15 @@ sub HMLAN_RemoveHMPair($) {####################################################
my $hash = $defs{$name};
sub HMLAN_Attr(@) {#################################
my ($cmd,$name, $attrName,$aVal) = @_;
if ($attrName eq "wdTimer"){#allow between 5 and 25 second
return "select wdTimer between 5 and 25 seconds" if ($aVal>25 || $aVal<5);
$attr{$name}{wdTimer} = $aVal;
sub HMLAN_Set($@) {############################################################
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
@ -194,8 +213,9 @@ sub HMLAN_Write($$$) {#########################################################
if (!$lhash{$dst} && $dst ne "000000"){
HMLAN_SimpleWrite($hash, $IDadd);
delete $hash->{helper}{$dst};
my $rxt = CUL_HM_Get(CUL_HM_id2Hash($dst),CUL_HM_id2Name($dst),"param","rxType");
if (!($rxt & ~0x04)){#config only
my $dN = CUL_HM_id2Name($dst);
if (!($dN eq $dst) && # name not found
!(CUL_HM_Get(CUL_HM_id2Hash($dst),$dN,"param","rxType") & ~0x04)){#config only
$hash->{helper}{$dst}{newChn} = '+'.$dst.",01,01,FE1F";
@ -271,12 +291,8 @@ sub HMLAN_Parse($$) {##########################################################
if ($letter =~ m/^[ER]/){#@mFld=($src, $status, $msec, $d2, $rssi, $msg)
# max speed for devices is 100ms after receive - example:TC
my $stat = hex($mFld[1]);
my ($mNo,$flg,$type,$src,$dst) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5)# Std Header
if ($mFld[5] =~ m/^(..)(..)(..)(.{6})(.{6})/);
my $p = substr($mFld[5],18); # additional content
my $rssi = hex($mFld[4])-65536;
my ($mNo,$flg,$type,$src,$dst,$p) = unpack('A2A2A2A6A6A*',$mFld[5]);
my $CULinfo = "";
Log $ll5, "HMLAN_Parse: $name R:".$mFld[0]
.(($mFld[0] =~ m/^E/)?' ':'')
.' stat:' .$mFld[1]
@ -290,38 +306,40 @@ sub HMLAN_Parse($$) {##########################################################
.' '.$p;
# handle status.
#HMcond stat
# 00 00= msg without relation
# 00 01= ack that HMLAN waited for
# 00 02= msg send, no ack was requested
# 00 02= msg send, no ack requested
# 00 08= nack - ack was requested, msg repeated 3 times, still no ack
# 00 21= (seen with 'R')
# 00 30=
# 00 41= (seen with 'R')
# 00 50= (seen with 'R')
# 00 81= open
# 01 xx= (seen with 'E')
# 02 xx= prestate to 04xx.
# 00 21= ??(seen with 'R')
# 00 30= ??
# 00 41= ??(seen with 'R')
# 00 50= ??(seen with 'R')
# 00 81= ??
# 01 xx= ?? (seen with 'E')
# 02 xx= prestate to 04xx. Message is still sent. This is a warning
# 04 xx= nothing sent anymore. Any restart unsuccessful except power
# HMLAN_SimpleWrite($hash, '+'.$src) if (($letter eq 'R') && $src ne AttrVal($name, "hmId", $mFld[4]));
# if (!($flg & 0x25)){#rule out other messages
# HMLAN_SimpleWrite($hash, '-'.$src);
# HMLAN_SimpleWrite($hash, '+'.$src);
# }
if($stat & 0x040A){ # do not parse this message, no valid content
Log $ll5, "HMLAN_Parse: $name problems detected - please restart HMLAN"if($stat & 0x0400);
Log $ll5, "HMLAN_Parse: $name discard" if($stat & 0x000A);
$hash->{helper}{$dst}{flg} = 0;#NACK is also a response, continue process
return ;# message with no ack is send - do not dispatch
if ($mFld[1] !~ m/00(01|02|21|41|50)/ && $letter eq 'R'){
Log $ll5, "HMLAN_Parse: $name discard, NACK state:".$mFld[1];
$hash->{helper}{$dst}{flg} = 0;#NACK is also a response, continue process
Log $ll5, "HMLAN_Parse: $name special reply ".$mFld[1] if($stat & 0x0200);
# parameter 'cond'- condition of the IO device
# Cond text
# 0 ok
# 2 Warning-HighLoad
my $stat = hex($mFld[1]);
my $HMcnd =$stat >>8; #high = HMLAN cond
$stat &= 0xff; # low byte related to message format
if ($stat){# message with status information
HMLAN_condUpdate($hash,$HMcnd)if ($hash->{helper}{HMcnd} != $HMcnd);
$hash->{helper}{$dst}{flg} = 0;#got response => unblock sending
if ($stat & 0x0A){#08 and 02 dont need to go to CUL, internal ack only
Log $ll5, "HMLAN_Parse: $name no ACK from Device" if($stat & 0x08);
my $rssi = hex($mFld[4])-65536;
#update some User information ------
$hash->{uptime} = HMLAN_uptime($mFld[2]);
$hash->{RSSI} = $rssi;
@ -369,13 +387,12 @@ sub HMLAN_Parse($$) {##########################################################
# prepare dispatch-----------
# HM format A<len><msg>:<info>:<RSSI>:<IOname> Info is not used anymore
my $dmsg = sprintf("A%02X%s::", length($mFld[5])/2, uc($mFld[5]))
.$rssi #RSSI
.":".$name; #add sender Name
my $dmsg = sprintf("A%02X%s:$CULinfo:$rssi:$name",
length($mFld[5])/2, uc($mFld[5]));
my %addvals = (RAWMSG => $rmsg, RSSI => hex($mFld[4])-65536);
Dispatch($hash, $dmsg, \%addvals);
elsif($mFld[0] eq 'HHM-LAN-IF'){#@mFld=(undef,$vers,$serno,$d1,$owner,$msec,$d2)
elsif($mFld[0] eq 'HHM-LAN-IF'){#HMLAN version info
$hash->{serialNr} = $mFld[2];
$hash->{firmware} = sprintf("%d.%d", (hex($mFld[1])>>12)&0xf, hex($mFld[1]) & 0xffff);
$hash->{owner} = $mFld[4];
@ -416,6 +433,7 @@ sub HMLAN_SimpleWrite(@) {#####################################################
# It is not possible to answer befor 100ms
if ($len>51){
return if($hash->{helper}{HMcnd} && $hash->{helper}{HMcnd} == 4);#overload
my $dst = substr($msg,46,6);
if ($hash->{helper}{nextSend}{$dst}){
my $DevDelay = $hash->{helper}{nextSend}{$dst} - gettimeofday();
@ -481,12 +499,16 @@ sub HMLAN_DoInit($) {##########################################################
HMLAN_SimpleWrite($hash, "T$s2000,04,00,00000000");
delete $hash->{helper}{ref};
$hash->{helper}{HMcnd} = 0xff; # init HMLAN xmit cond, will force reading
RemoveInternalTimer( "Overload:".$name);
foreach (keys %lhash){delete ($lhash{$_})};# clear IDs - HMLAN might have a reset
$hash->{helper}{keepAliveRec} = 1; # ok for first time
$hash->{helper}{keepAliveRpt} = 0; # ok for first time
RemoveInternalTimer( "keepAliveCk:".$name);# avoid duplicate timer
RemoveInternalTimer( "keepAlive:".$name);# avoid duplicate timer
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+25, "HMLAN_KeepAlive", "keepAlive:".$name, 0);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$attr{$name}{wdTimer}, "HMLAN_KeepAlive", "keepAlive:".$name, 0);
return undef;
sub HMLAN_KeepAlive($) {#######################################################
@ -501,7 +523,8 @@ sub HMLAN_KeepAlive($) {#######################################################
RemoveInternalTimer( "keepAlive:".$name);# avoid duplicate timer
my $rt = AttrVal($name,"respTime",1);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+25 ,"HMLAN_KeepAlive", "keepAlive:".$name, 1);
$attr{$name}{wdTimer} = 25 if (!$attr{$name}{wdTimer});
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$attr{$name}{wdTimer} ,"HMLAN_KeepAlive", "keepAlive:".$name, 1);
sub HMLAN_KeepAliveCheck($) {##################################################
my($in ) = shift;
@ -532,6 +555,28 @@ sub HMLAN_secSince2000() {#####################################################
- 7200; # HM Special
return $t;
sub HMLAN_relOvrLd($) {########################################################
my(undef,$name) = split(':',$_[0]);
sub HMLAN_condUpdate($$) {#####################################################
my($hash,$HMcnd) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$hash->{helper}{cnd}{$HMcnd} = 0 if (!$hash->{helper}{cnd}{$HMcnd});
if ($HMcnd == 4){
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+AttrVal($name,"hmOvTo",$HMOvLdRcvr),#General remove Attr, testing only
my $HMcndTxt = $HMcond{$HMcnd}?$HMcond{$HMcnd}:"Unknown:$HMcnd";
Log GetLogLevel($name,2), "HMLAN_Parse: $name new condition $HMcndTxt";
my $txt;
$txt .= $HMcond{$_}.":".$hash->{helper}{cnd}{$_}." "
foreach (keys%{$hash->{helper}{cnd}});
$hash->{helper}{HMcnd} = $HMcnd;
@ -566,6 +611,10 @@ sub HMLAN_secSince2000() {#####################################################
<a name="HMLANdefine"></a>
@ -606,6 +655,12 @@ sub HMLAN_secSince2000() {#####################################################
Define max response time of the HMLAN adapter in seconds. Default is 1 sec.
Longer times may be used as workaround in slow/instable systems or LAN configurations.
<li><a href="#wdTimer">wdTimer</a><br>
Time in sec to trigger HMLAN. Values between 5 and 25 are allowed, 25 is default.
It is <B>not recommended</B> to change this timer. If problems are detected with
HLMLAN disconnection it is advisable to resolve the root-cause of the problem and
not sympthoms.

View File

@ -410,8 +410,11 @@ sub CUL_HM_Parse($$) {##############################
$msg =~ m/A(..)(..)(..)(..)(......)(......)(.*)/;
my ($len,$mNo,$mFlg,$mTp,$src,$dst,$p) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7);
$p = "" if(!defined($p));
my @mI = unpack '(A2)*',$p; # split message info to bytes
return "" if($msgStat && $msgStat eq 'NACK');#discard if lowlevel error
if ($msgStat){
return "" if($msgStat eq 'NACK');#discard if lowlevel error
return "" if($src eq $id);#discard mirrored messages
# $shash will be replaced for multichannel commands
@ -934,8 +937,8 @@ sub CUL_HM_Parse($$) {##############################
elsif($st eq "outputUnit"){ #################################################
if($mTp eq "40" && $p =~ m/^(..)(..)$/){
my ($button, $bno) = (hex($1), hex($2));
if($mTp eq "40" && @mI == 2){
my ($button, $bno) = (hex($mI[1]), hex($mI[2]));
if(!(exists($shash->{BNO})) || $shash->{BNO} ne $bno){
@ -946,9 +949,9 @@ sub CUL_HM_Parse($$) {##############################
my $btn = int($button&0x3f);
push @event, "state:Btn$btn on$target";
elsif(($mTp eq "02" && $p =~ m/^01/) || # handle Ack_Status
($mTp eq "10" && $p =~ m/^06/)){ # or Info_Status message
my ($msgChn,$msgState) = ((hex($1)&0x1f),$2) if ($p =~ m/..(..)(..)/);
elsif(($mTp eq "02" && $mI[0] eq "01") || # handle Ack_Status
($mTp eq "10" && $mI[0] eq "06")){ # or Info_Status message
my ($msgChn,$msgState) = ((hex($mI[1])&0x1f),$mI[2]) if (@mI > 2);
my $chnHash = $modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{$src.sprintf("%02X",$msgChn)};
if ($model eq "HM-OU-LED16") {
#special: all LEDs map to device state
@ -959,25 +962,44 @@ sub CUL_HM_Parse($$) {##############################
# no event necessary, all the same as before
else {# just update datafields in storage
my $bitLoc = ($msgChn-1)*2;#calculate bit location
my $mask = 3<<$bitLoc;
my $value = sprintf("%08X",(hex($devState) &~$mask)|($msgState<<$bitLoc));
push @entities,CUL_HM_UpdtReadBulk($shash,1,"color:".$value,
if ($chnHash){
$shash = $chnHash;
my %colorTable=("00"=>"off","01"=>"red","02"=>"green","03"=>"orange");
my $actColor = $colorTable{$msgState};
$actColor = "unknown" if(!$actColor);
push @event, "color:$actColor";
push @event, "state:$actColor";
if (@mI > 8){#status for all channel included
# open to decode byte $mI[4] - related to backlight? seen 20 and 21
my $lStat = join("",@mI[5..8]); # all LED status in one long
my %colTbl=("00"=>"off","01"=>"red","10"=>"green","11"=>"orange");
my @leds = reverse(unpack('(A2)*',sprintf("%032b",hex($lStat))));
$_ = $colTbl{$_} foreach (@leds);
for(my $cCnt = 0;$cCnt<16;$cCnt++){# go for all channels
my $cH = $modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{$src.sprintf("%02X",$cCnt+1)};
next if (!$cH);
if (ReadingsVal($cH->{NAME},"color","") ne $leds[$cCnt]) {
push @entities,CUL_HM_UpdtReadBulk($cH,1,"color:".$leds[$cCnt],
push @entities,CUL_HM_UpdtReadBulk($shash,1,"color:".$lStat,
else{# branch can be removed if message is always that long
my $bitLoc = ($msgChn-1)*2;#calculate bit location
my $mask = 3<<$bitLoc;
my $value = sprintf("%08X",(hex($devState) &~$mask)|($msgState<<$bitLoc));
push @entities,CUL_HM_UpdtReadBulk($shash,1,"color:".$value,
if ($chnHash){
$shash = $chnHash;
my %colorTable=("00"=>"off","01"=>"red","02"=>"green","03"=>"orange");
my $actColor = $colorTable{$msgState};
$actColor = "unknown" if(!$actColor);
push @event, "color:$actColor";
push @event, "state:$actColor";
elsif ($model eq "HM-OU-CFM-PL"){
if ($chnHash){
$shash = $chnHash;
my $val = hex($msgState)/2;
my $val = hex($mI[2])/2;
$val = ($val == 100 ? "on" : ($val == 0 ? "off" : "$val %"));
push @event, "state:$val";
@ -1334,9 +1356,6 @@ sub CUL_HM_parseCommon(@){#####################################################
if ($subType =~ m/^8/){ #NACK
$success = "no";
$reply = "NACK";
elsif($subType eq "01"){ #ACKinfo#################
@ -1550,6 +1569,8 @@ sub CUL_HM_Get($@) {
my $cmd = $a[1];
my $dst = $hash->{DEF};
return "" if (!$dst);
my $isChannel = (length($dst) == 8)?"true":"";
my $chn = ($isChannel)?substr($dst,6,2):"01";
$dst = substr($dst,0,6);
@ -2704,6 +2725,10 @@ sub CUL_HM_SndCmd($$) {
$hash = CUL_HM_getDeviceHash($hash);
my $io = $hash->{IODev};
return if(!$io);
if ($io->{helper}{HMcnd} == 4){#io is in overload - dont send messages
$cmd =~ m/^(..)(.*)$/;
my ($mn, $cmd2) = ($1, $2);
@ -2732,76 +2757,85 @@ sub CUL_HM_responseSetup($$) {#store all we need to handle the response
if ($cmd =~ m/As(..)(..)(..)(..)(......)(......)(.*)/);
my ($chn,$subType) = ($1,$2) if($p =~ m/^(..)(..)/);
my $rTo = rand(20)/10+4; #default response timeout
if ($mTp eq "01" && $subType){
if ($subType eq "03"){ #PeerList-------------
#--- remember request params in device level
$hash->{helper}{respWait}{Pending} = "PeerList";
$hash->{helper}{respWait}{PendCmd} = $cmd;
$hash->{helper}{respWait}{forChn} = substr($p,0,2);#channel info we await
# define timeout - holdup cmdStack until response complete or timeout
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$rTo, "CUL_HM_respPendTout", "respPend:$dst", 0);
#--- remove readings in channel
my $chnhash = $modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{"$dst$chn"};
$chnhash = $hash if (!$chnhash);
delete $chnhash->{READINGS}{peerList};#empty old list
delete $chnhash->{helper}{peerIDsRaw};
$attr{$chnhash->{NAME}}{peerIDs} = '';
elsif($subType eq "04"){ #RegisterRead-------
my ($peer, $list) = ($1,$2) if ($p =~ m/..04(........)(..)/);
$peer = ($peer ne "00000000")?CUL_HM_peerChName($peer,$dst,""):"";
#--- set messaging items
$hash->{helper}{respWait}{Pending}= "RegisterRead";
$hash->{helper}{respWait}{PendCmd}= $cmd;
$hash->{helper}{respWait}{forChn} = $chn;
$hash->{helper}{respWait}{forList}= $list;
$hash->{helper}{respWait}{forPeer}= $peer;
# define timeout - holdup cmdStack until response complete or timeout
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$rTo,"CUL_HM_respPendTout","respPend:$dst", 0);
#--- remove channel entries that will be replaced
my $chnhash = $modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{"$dst$chn"};
$chnhash = $hash if(!$chnhash);
$peer ="" if($list !~ m/^0[34]$/);
#empty val since reading will be cumulative
my $rlName = ((CUL_HM_getAttrInt($hash->{NAME},"expert") == 2)?"":".")."RegL_".$list.":".$peer;
delete ($chnhash->{READINGS}{$rlName}{TIME});
# elsif($subType eq "0A"){ #Pair Serial----------
# #--- set messaging items
# $hash->{helper}{respWait}{Pending} = "PairSerial";
# $hash->{helper}{respWait}{PendCmd} = $cmd;
# $hash->{helper}{respWait}{forChn} = substr($p,4,20);
# # define timeout - holdup cmdStack until response complete or timeout
# InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$rTo, "CUL_HM_respPendTout", "respPend:$dst", 0);
# return;
# }
elsif($mTp eq '11' && $chn =~ m/^(02|81)$/){#!!! chn is subtype!!!
if (($mFlg & 0x20) && ($dst ne '000000')){
if ($mTp eq "01" && $subType){
if ($subType eq "03"){ #PeerList-------------
#--- remember request params in device level
$hash->{helper}{respWait}{Pending} = "PeerList";
$hash->{helper}{respWait}{PendCmd} = $cmd;
$hash->{helper}{respWait}{forChn} = substr($p,0,2);#channel info we await
# define timeout - holdup cmdStack until response complete or timeout
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$rTo, "CUL_HM_respPendTout", "respPend:$dst", 0);
#--- remove readings in channel
my $chnhash = $modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{"$dst$chn"};
$chnhash = $hash if (!$chnhash);
delete $chnhash->{READINGS}{peerList};#empty old list
delete $chnhash->{helper}{peerIDsRaw};
$attr{$chnhash->{NAME}}{peerIDs} = '';
elsif($subType eq "04"){ #RegisterRead-------
my ($peer, $list) = ($1,$2) if ($p =~ m/..04(........)(..)/);
$peer = ($peer ne "00000000")?CUL_HM_peerChName($peer,$dst,""):"";
#--- set messaging items
$hash->{helper}{respWait}{Pending}= "RegisterRead";
$hash->{helper}{respWait}{PendCmd}= $cmd;
$hash->{helper}{respWait}{forChn} = $chn;
$hash->{helper}{respWait}{forList}= $list;
$hash->{helper}{respWait}{forPeer}= $peer;
# define timeout - holdup cmdStack until response complete or timeout
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$rTo,"CUL_HM_respPendTout","respPend:$dst", 0);
#--- remove channel entries that will be replaced
my $chnhash = $modules{CUL_HM}{defptr}{"$dst$chn"};
$chnhash = $hash if(!$chnhash);
$peer ="" if($list !~ m/^0[34]$/);
#empty val since reading will be cumulative
my $rlName = ((CUL_HM_getAttrInt($hash->{NAME},"expert") == 2)?"":".")."RegL_".$list.":".$peer;
delete ($chnhash->{READINGS}{$rlName}{TIME});
# elsif($subType eq "0A"){ #Pair Serial----------
# #--- set messaging items
# $hash->{helper}{respWait}{Pending} = "PairSerial";
# $hash->{helper}{respWait}{PendCmd} = $cmd;
# $hash->{helper}{respWait}{forChn} = substr($p,4,20);
# # define timeout - holdup cmdStack until response complete or timeout
# InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$rTo, "CUL_HM_respPendTout", "respPend:$dst", 0);
# return;
# }
elsif($mTp eq '11' && $chn =~ m/^(02|81)$/){#!!! chn is subtype!!!
$hash->{helper}{respWait}{cmd} = $cmd;
$hash->{helper}{respWait}{mNo} = $mNo; #mNo we wait to ack
$hash->{helper}{respWait}{reSent} = 1;
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+rand(40)/10+1, "CUL_HM_Resend", $hash, 0);
else{# no answer expected
if($hash->{cmdStack} && scalar @{$hash->{cmdStack}}){
$hash->{protCmdPend} = scalar @{$hash->{cmdStack}}." CMDs pending";
sub CUL_HM_eventP($$) {#handle protocol events
#todo: add severity, counter, history and acknowledge
my ($hash, $evntType) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $nAttr = $hash;
return if (!$name);
if ($evntType eq "Rcv"){
$nAttr->{"protLastRcv"} = TimeNow();
@ -2812,15 +2846,20 @@ sub CUL_HM_eventP($$) {#handle protocol events
$nAttr->{"prot".$evntType} = ++$evntCnt." last_at:".TimeNow();
if ($evntType ne "Snd"){#count unusual events
if ($hash->{helper}{burstEvtCnt}){
}else {$hash->{helper}{burstEvtCnt}=1;};
$hash->{helper}{burstEvtCnt}=0 if(!defined $hash->{helper}{burstEvtCnt});
if ($evntType eq "Nack" ||$evntType eq "ResndFail"){
$nAttr->{protCmdDel} = 0 if(!$nAttr->{protCmdDel});
$nAttr->{protCmdDel} += scalar @{$hash->{cmdStack}} if ($hash->{cmdStack});
if ($evntType =~ m/(Nack|ResndFail|IOerr)/){
if ( (CUL_HM_getRxType($hash) & 0x03) == 0 #to slow for wakeup and config
|| $evntType eq "IOerr"){ #IO problem
$nAttr->{protCmdDel} = 0 if(!$nAttr->{protCmdDel});
$nAttr->{protCmdDel} += scalar @{$hash->{cmdStack}} if ($hash->{cmdStack});
sub CUL_HM_protState($$){
@ -2855,17 +2894,10 @@ sub CUL_HM_respPendTout($) {
Log GetLogLevel($name,4),"CUL_HM_Resend: ".$name. " nr ".$pendRsndCnt;
$hash->{helper}{respWait}{PendingRsend} = $pendRsndCnt + 1;
CUL_HM_eventP($hash,"Resnd") if ($pendCmd);
CUL_HM_eventP($hash,"ResndFail") if ($pendCmd);
if ((CUL_HM_getRxType($hash) & 0x03) == 0){#to slow for wakeup and config
CUL_HM_ProcessCmdStack($hash); # continue processing commands
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","RESPONSE TIMEOUT:".$pendCmd,1);
@ -2899,8 +2931,6 @@ sub CUL_HM_ProcessCmdStack($) {
if(@{$hash->{cmdStack}}) {
CUL_HM_SndCmd($hash, shift @{$hash->{cmdStack}});
$hash->{protCmdPend} = scalar @{$hash->{cmdStack}}." CMDs pending";
elsif(!@{$hash->{cmdStack}}) {
@ -2965,12 +2995,8 @@ sub CUL_HM_Resend($) {#resend a message if there is no answer
return if(!$hash->{helper}{respWait}{reSent}); # Double timer?
if($hash->{helper}{respWait}{reSent} >= 3) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","MISSING ACK",1);
CUL_HM_ProcessCmdStack($hash); # continue processing commands if any
else {
@ -4062,9 +4088,12 @@ sub CUL_HM_putHash($) {# provide data for HMinfo
Note4: the direct buttons on a HM device are hidden by default.
Nevertheless those are implemented as links as well. To get access to
the 'internal links' it is necessary to issue 'set &lt;name&gt; regSet
intKeyVisib 1' or 'set &lt;name&gt; setRegRaw List0 2 81'. Reset it
by replacing '81' with '01'<br> example:<br>
the 'internal links' it is necessary to issue <br>
'set &lt;name&gt; <a href="#CUL_HMregSet">regSet</a> intKeyVisib visib'<br>
'set &lt;name&gt; <a href="#CUL_HMregBulk">regBulk</a> RegL_0: 2:81'<br>
Reset it by replacing '81' with '01'<br> example:<br>
set mydimmer getRegRaw List1<br>
@ -4121,8 +4150,6 @@ sub CUL_HM_putHash($) {# provide data for HMinfo
set myChannel peerBulk 12345601 unset # remove peer 123456 channel 01<br>
<li><B>regRaw [List0|List1|List2|List3|List4] &lt;addr&gt; &lt;data&gt;</B>
replaced by regBulk</li>
<li><B>regBulk &lt;reg List&gt;:&lt;peer&gt; &lt;addr1:data1&gt; &lt;addr2:data2&gt;...
</B><a name="CUL_HMregBulk"></a><br>
This command will replace the former regRaw. It allows to set register