mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-10 09:16:53 +00:00

FRITZBOX: set call extNo say:Da schleicht jemand ums Haus

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@7585 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
tpoitzsch 2015-01-15 21:17:50 +00:00
parent 9f0b015b75
commit 365ef96a60

View File

@ -101,6 +101,10 @@ my $cmdBufferTimeout=0;
my $ttsCmdTemplate = 'wget -U Mozilla -O "[ZIEL]" "http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?ie=UTF-8&tl=[SPRACHE]&q=[TEXT]"';
my $ttsLinkTemplate = 'http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?ie=UTF-8&tl=[SPRACHE]&q=[TEXT]';
my $mohUpload = '/var/tmp/fhem_moh_upload';
my $mohOld = '/var/tmp/fhem_fx_moh_old';
my $mohNew = '/var/tmp/fhem_fx_moh_new';
sub ##########################################
@ -1072,8 +1076,9 @@ sub FRITZBOX_Cmd_Start($)
shift @val;
$timeout = 5;
$timeout = $val[2]
if $val[2] =~/^\d+$/;
if ($val[2]) {
$timeout = $val[2] if $val[2] =~/^\d+$/;
$timeout += 30;
$cmdBufferTimeout = time() + $timeout;
$handover = $name . "|" . join( "|", @val );
@ -1226,7 +1231,8 @@ sub FRITZBOX_Ring_Run($)
# Check if 1st parameter are comma separated numbers
return $name."|0|Error: Parameter '$intNo' not a number (only commas (,) are allowed to separate numbers)"
unless $intNo =~ /^[\d,]+$/;
$intNo =~ s/#$//;
# Create a hash for the DECT devices whose ring tone (or radio station) can be changed
foreach ( split( /,/, $intNo ) )
@ -1390,12 +1396,16 @@ sub FRITZBOX_Ring_Run($)
# uses name of port 0-3 (dial port 1-4) to show messages on ringing phone
my $ringWithIntern = AttrVal( $name, "ringWithIntern", 0 );
if ($ringWithIntern =~ /^([1-3])$/ )
if ( $ringWithIntern =~ /^([1-3])$/ )
push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl r telcfg settings/MSN/Port".($ringWithIntern-1)."/Name";
push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg settings/MSN/Port".($ringWithIntern-1)."/Name '$msg'";
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 4, "Change temporarily name of calling number $ringWithIntern to '$msg'";
push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg settings/DialPort $ringWithIntern"
elsif ($field{show})
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 3, "Parameter 'show:' ignored because attribute 'ringWithIntern' not defined."
# Set tts-Message
@ -1410,8 +1420,8 @@ sub FRITZBOX_Ring_Run($)
#Preparing 3rd command array to ring and reset everything
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 4, "Ringing $intNo for $duration seconds";
push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg command/Dial **".$intNo;
push @cmdArray, "sleep ".($duration+2); # 2s added because it takes sometime until it starts ringing
push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg command/Dial **".$intNo."#";
push @cmdArray, "sleep ".($duration+0); # 0s added because it takes sometime until it starts ringing
push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg command/Hangup **".$intNo;
push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg settings/DialPort 50"
if $ringWithIntern != 0 ;
@ -1440,9 +1450,6 @@ sub FRITZBOX_Ring_Run($)
} else {
push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg settings/MSN/Port".($ringWithIntern-1)."/Name '".$result->[0]."'";
} elsif ($field{show})
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 3, "Parameter 'show:' ignored because attribute 'ringWithIntern' not defined."
# Execute command array
@ -1474,7 +1481,8 @@ sub FRITZBOX_Call_Run($)
# Check if 1st parameter is a valid number
return $name."|0|Error: Parameter '$extNo' not a valid phone number"
unless $extNo =~ /^[\d\*\#+,]+$/;
$extNo =~ s/#$//;
# Check if 2nd parameter is the duration
shift @val;
if (int @val)
@ -1502,7 +1510,11 @@ sub FRITZBOX_Call_Run($)
# Create tts link to say as moh
if ( $field{say} )
if ($hash->{READINGS}{box_moh})
unless ($hash->{READINGS}{box_moh})
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 2, "Cannot do Text2Speech because box has no music on hold";
chop $field{say};
# http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?ie=UTF-8&tl=[SPRACHE]&q=[TEXT];
@ -1519,10 +1531,6 @@ sub FRITZBOX_Call_Run($)
$ttsLink =~ s/\[TEXT\]/$ttsText/;
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 5, "Created Text2Speech internet link: $ttsLink";
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 2, "Cannot do Text2Speech because box has no music on hold";
if ($field{play})
@ -1542,110 +1550,78 @@ sub FRITZBOX_Call_Run($)
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 5, "Extracted MP3 ring tone: $ttsLink";
$result = FRITZBOX_Open_Connection( $hash );
return "$name|0|$result"
if $result;
#Preparing 1st command array
@cmdArray = ();
# Creation fhemRadioStation for ttsLink
# if (int (@FritzFons) == 0 && $ttsLink)
# {
# FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 3, "No Fritz!Fon identified, parameter 'say:' will be ignored."
# }
# elsif (int (@FritzFons) && $ttsLink && $hash->{fhem}{radio}{$fhemRadioStation} ne "FHEM")
# {
# FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 3, "Create new internet radio station $fhemRadioStation: 'FHEM' for ringing with text-to-speech";
# push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w configd settings/WEBRADIO".$fhemRadioStation."/Name FHEM";
# push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w configd settings/WEBRADIO".$fhemRadioStation."/Bitmap 1023";
#Execute command array
# FRITZBOX_Exec( $hash, \@cmdArray )
# }
#Preparing 2nd command array
# Change ring tone of Fritz!Fons
# if ($ringTone)
# {
# FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 3, "No Fritz!Fon identified, ring tone will be ignored."
# unless @FritzFons;
# foreach (@FritzFons)
# {
# push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl r telcfg settings/Foncontrol/User$_/IntRingTone";
# push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg settings/Foncontrol/User$_/IntRingTone $ringTone";
# FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 4, "Change temporarily internal ring tone of Fritz!Fon DECT $_ to $ringTone";
# if ($ttsLink)
# {
# push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl r telcfg settings/Foncontrol/User$_/RadioRingID";
# push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg settings/Foncontrol/User$_/RadioRingID ".$fhemRadioStation;
# FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 4, "Change temporarily radio station of Fritz!Fon DECT $_ to $fhemRadioStation (FHEM)";
# }
# }
# }
if ($ttsLink)
#Preparing 1st command array
push @cmdArray, '[ -f "'.$mohUpload.'" ] && rm "'.$mohUpload.'"';
push @cmdArray, '[ -f "'.$mohOld.'" ] && rm "'.$mohOld.'"';
push @cmdArray, '[ -f "'.$mohNew.'" ] && rm "'.$mohNew.'"';
push @cmdArray, 'wget -U Mozilla -O "'.$mohUpload.'" "'.$ttsLink.'"';
push @cmdArray, '[ -f "'.$mohUpload.'" ] && echo 1 || echo 0';
push @cmdArray, '[ -e /var/flash/fx_moh ] && echo 1 || echo 0';
# Execute 1st command array
$result = FRITZBOX_Exec ( $hash, \@cmdArray );
return "$name|0|Could not access '$ttsLink'"
unless $result->[4] eq "1";
return "$name|0|Could locate '/var/flash/fx_moh'"
unless $result->[5] eq "1";
# uses name of port 0-3 (dial port 1-4) to show messages on ringing phone
# my $ringWithIntern = AttrVal( $name, "ringWithIntern", 0 );
# if ($ringWithIntern =~ /^([1-3])$/ )
# {
# push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl r telcfg settings/MSN/Port".($ringWithIntern-1)."/Name";
# push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg settings/MSN/Port".($ringWithIntern-1)."/Name '$msg'";
# FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 4, "Change temporarily name of calling number $ringWithIntern to '$msg'";
# push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg settings/DialPort $ringWithIntern"
# }
# Set tts-Message
# push @cmdArray, 'ctlmgr_ctl w configd settings/WEBRADIO'.$fhemRadioStation.'/URL "'.$ttsLink.'"'
# if $ttsLink;
#Prepare 2nd command array
push @cmdArray, 'if [ ! -f "/var/tmp/ffmpeg_mp3.tables" ]; then playerd_tables; fi';
push @cmdArray, 'ffmpegconv -i "'.$mohUpload.'" -o "'.$mohNew.'" --limit 32 --type 6';
push @cmdArray, '[ -f "'.$mohNew.'" ] && echo 1 || echo 0';
# Execute 2nd command array
$result = FRITZBOX_Exec ( $hash, \@cmdArray );
return "Could not convert '$ttsLink'"
unless $result->[2] eq "1";
#Execute command array
# $result = FRITZBOX_Exec( $hash, \@cmdArray )
# if int( @cmdArray ) > 0;
#Execute 3rd command array
FRITZBOX_Exec( $hash, \@cmdArray );
# $intNo =~ s/,/#/g;
#Prepare 4th command array
push @cmdArray, 'cat /var/flash/fx_moh >"'.$mohOld.'"';
push @cmdArray, 'cat "'.$mohNew.'" >/var/flash/fx_moh';
push @cmdArray, 'killall -sigusr1 telefon';
push @cmdArray, 'rm "'.$mohUpload.'"';
push @cmdArray, 'rm "'.$mohNew.'"';
# Execute 4th command array
FRITZBOX_Exec ( $hash, \@cmdArray );
#Preparing 3rd command array to ring and reset everything
# FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 4, "Ringing $intNo for $duration seconds";
# push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg command/Dial **".$intNo;
# push @cmdArray, "sleep ".($duration+2); # 2s added because it takes sometime until it starts ringing
# push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg command/Hangup **".$intNo;
# push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg settings/DialPort 50"
# if $ringWithIntern != 0 ;
# Reset internal ring tones for the Fritz!Fons
# if ($ringTone)
# {
# foreach (keys @FritzFons)
# {
# push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg settings/Foncontrol/User".$FritzFons[$_]."/IntRingTone ".$result->[2*$_];
# Reset internet station for the Fritz!Fons
# if ($ttsLink)
# {
# push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg settings/Foncontrol/User".$FritzFons[$_]."/RadioRingID ".$result->[2*(int(@FritzFons)+$_)];
# }
# }
# }
# Reset name of calling number
# if ($ringWithIntern =~ /^([1-2])$/)
# {
# if ($ttsLink) {
# push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg settings/MSN/Port".($ringWithIntern-1)."/Name '".$result->[4*int(@FritzFons)]."'";
# push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg command/Dial **".$intNo;
# push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg command/Hangup **".$intNo;
# } elsif ($ringTone) {
# push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg settings/MSN/Port".($ringWithIntern-1)."/Name '".$result->[2*int(@FritzFons)]."'";
# } else {
# push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg settings/MSN/Port".($ringWithIntern-1)."/Name '".$result->[0]."'";
# }
# } elsif ($field{show})
# {
# FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 3, "Parameter 'show:' ignored because attribute 'ringWithIntern' not defined."
# }
#Preparing 4th command array
# switch to (dial port 1-3) to avoid ringing of internal phone
my $ringWithIntern = AttrVal( $name, "ringWithIntern", 1 );
# push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg settings/DialPort 60";
push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg settings/DialPort $ringWithIntern"
if $ringWithIntern =~ /^([1-3])$/ ;
FRITZBOX_Log $hash, 4, "Call $extNo for $duration seconds";
push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg command/Dial ".$extNo."#";
push @cmdArray, "sleep ".($duration+0); # 0s added because it takes sometime until it starts ringing
push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg command/Hangup $ringWithIntern";
push @cmdArray, "ctlmgr_ctl w telcfg settings/DialPort 50";
if ($ttsLink)
push @cmdArray, 'cat "'.$mohOld.'" >/var/flash/fx_moh';
push @cmdArray, 'killall -sigusr1 telefon';
push @cmdArray, 'rm "'.$mohOld.'"';
# Execute command array
# FRITZBOX_Exec( $hash, \@cmdArray );
FRITZBOX_Exec( $hash, \@cmdArray );
# FRITZBOX_Close_Connection( $hash );
FRITZBOX_Close_Connection( $hash );
return $name."|1|Calling done";
# return $name."|1|Ringing done";
} # End FRITZBOX_Call_Run
@ -1761,8 +1737,8 @@ sub FRITZBOX_SetMOH($@)
push @cmdArray, $ttsCmd;
elsif ($inFile =~ /^(ftp|http):\/\//)
push @cmdArray, 'wget -O "'.$uploadFile.'" "'.$inFile.'"';
push @cmdArray, 'wget -U Mozilla -O "'.$uploadFile.'" "'.$inFile.'"';
} else {
push @cmdArray, 'cp "'.$inFile.'" "'.$uploadFile.'"';
@ -1773,12 +1749,13 @@ sub FRITZBOX_SetMOH($@)
unless $result->[3] eq "1";
#Prepare 2nd command array
push @cmdArray, 'ffmpegconv -i "'.$uploadFile.'" -o "'.$mohFile.'" --limit 32 --type 7';
push @cmdArray, 'if [ ! -f "/var/tmp/ffmpeg_mp3.tables" ]; then playerd_tables; fi';
push @cmdArray, 'ffmpegconv -i "'.$uploadFile.'" -o "'.$mohFile.'" --limit 32 --type 6';
push @cmdArray, '[ -f "'.$mohFile.'" ] && echo 1 || echo 0';
# Execute 2nd command array
$result = FRITZBOX_Exec ( $hash, \@cmdArray );
return "Could not convert '$inFile'"
unless $result->[1] eq "1";
unless $result->[2] eq "1";
#Prepare 3rd command array
push @cmdArray, 'cat "'.$mohFile.'" >/var/flash/fx_moh';