mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 16:59:18 +00:00
98_MSwitch.pm:Update -> V2.3
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@19411 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ if ( $preconf && $preconf ne "" ) {
my $autoupdate = 'off'; #off/on
my $version = '2.20';
my $version = '2.30';
my $vupdate = 'V2.00'
; # versionsnummer der datenstruktur . änderung der nummer löst MSwitch_VUpdate aus .
my $savecount = 30
@ -91,6 +91,13 @@ my $standartstartdelay = 60
; # zeitraum nach fhemstart , in dem alle aktionen geblockt werden. kann durch attribut überschrieben werden .
my $eventset = '0';
my $deletesavedcmds = 1800
; # zeitraum nachdem gespeicherte devicecmds gelöscht werden ( beschleunugung des webinterfaces )
my $deletesavedcmdsstandart = "automatic"
; # standartverhalten des attributes "MSwitch_DeleteCMDs" <manually,nosave,automatic>
# standartlist ignorierter Devices . kann durch attribut überschrieben werden .
my @doignore =
qw(notify allowed at watchdog doif fhem2fhem telnet FileLog readingsGroup FHEMWEB autocreate eventtypes readingsproxy svg cul);
@ -145,6 +152,7 @@ sub MSwitch_confchange($$);
sub MSwitch_setconfig($$);
sub MSwitch_check_setmagic_i($$);
my %sets = (
"on" => "noArg",
"off" => "noArg",
@ -175,6 +183,7 @@ my %sets = (
"clearlog" => "noArg",
"set_trigger" => "noArg",
"reset_cmd_count" => "",
"delcmds" => "",
"change_renamed" => ""
@ -226,6 +235,7 @@ sub MSwitch_Initialize($) {
. " MSwitch_Trigger_Filter"
. " MSwitch_Extensions:0,1"
. " MSwitch_Inforoom"
. " MSwitch_DeleteCMDs:manually,automatic,nosave"
. " MSwitch_Mode:Full,Notify,Toggle,Dummy"
. " MSwitch_Condition_Time:0,1"
. " MSwitch_RandomTime"
@ -265,6 +275,11 @@ sub MSwitch_Shutdown($) {
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "SaveDelay_$x", $seq, 1 );
delete( $hash->{helper}{devicecmds1} );
delete( $hash->{helper}{last_devicecmd_save} );
return undef;
@ -707,6 +722,9 @@ sub MSwitch_Get($$@) {
if ( $opt eq 'checkcondition' ) {
my ( $condstring, $eventstring ) = split( /\|/, $args[0] );
$condstring =~ s/#\[dp\]/:/g;
$condstring =~ s/#\[pt\]/./g;
@ -766,16 +784,38 @@ sub MSwitch_Get($$@) {
my $reads = '<br><br>States der geprüften Readings:<br>';
$x = 0; # exit
while ( $condsplit =~ m/(.*')(.*)',\s'(.*)',\s(.*)/ ) {
while ( $condsplit =~ m/(if \()(.*)(\()(.*')(.*)',\s'(.*)',\s(.*)/ ) {
$x++; # exit
# MSwitch_LOG( $name, 0, "$condsplit" . __LINE__ );
# MSwitch_LOG( $name, 0, "1 $1 " . __LINE__ );
# MSwitch_LOG( $name, 0, "2 $2 " . __LINE__ );
# MSwitch_LOG( $name, 0, "3 $3 " . __LINE__ );
# MSwitch_LOG( $name, 0, "5 $4 " . __LINE__ );
# MSwitch_LOG( $name, 0, "6 $5 " . __LINE__ );
# MSwitch_LOG( $name, 0, "7 $6 " . __LINE__ );
# MSwitch_LOG( $name, 0, "8 $7 " . __LINE__ );
# MSwitch_LOG( $name, 0, "---------------" . __LINE__ );
last if $x > 20; # exit
$reads .= "Reading: [$2:$3] - Inhalt: "
. ReadingsVal( $2, $3, 'undef' );
$reads .= "ReadingVal: [$5:$6] - Inhalt: "
. ReadingsVal( $5, $6, 'undef' )."<br>";
$reads .= "ReadingNum: [$5:$6] - Inhalt: "
. ReadingsNum( $5, $6, 'undef' );
$reads .=
"<div style=\"color: #FF0000\">Reading nicht vorhanden !</div>"
if ( ReadingsVal( $2, $3, 'undef' ) ) eq "undef";
if ( ReadingsVal( $5, $6, 'undef' ) ) eq "undef";
$reads .= "<br>";
$condsplit = $1 . $4;
$condsplit = $1 . $2 . $3 . $4. $7;
$ret .= $reads if $x > 0;
my $err1;
@ -937,6 +977,12 @@ sub MSwitch_AsyncOutput ($) {
sub MSwitch_Set($@) {
my ( $hash, $name, $cmd, @args ) = @_;
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 5, "$name Set $cmd, @args " . __LINE__ );
#lösche saveddevicecmd #
MSwitch_del_savedcmds( $hash );
return ""
if ( IsDisabled($name) && ( $cmd eq 'on' || $cmd eq 'off' ) )
@ -1077,7 +1123,14 @@ sub MSwitch_Set($@) {
if ( $cmd eq 'del_delays' ) {
# löschen aller delays
MSwitch_Delete_Delay( $hash, $name );
if ( $cmd eq 'del_repeats' ) {
my $inhalt = $hash->{helper}{repeats};
foreach my $a ( sort keys %{$inhalt} ) {
@ -1224,14 +1277,7 @@ sub MSwitch_Set($@) {
if ( $cmd eq 'del_delays' ) {
# löschen aller delays
MSwitch_Delete_Delay( $hash, $name );
if ( $cmd eq 'saveconfig' ) {
# configfile speichern
@ -1247,7 +1293,15 @@ sub MSwitch_Set($@) {
if ( $cmd eq "delcmds" ) {
delete( $hash->{helper}{devicecmds1} );
delete( $hash->{helper}{last_devicecmd_save} );
if ( $cmd eq "addevent" ) {
# event manuell zufügen
@ -2347,8 +2401,30 @@ sub MSwitch_Notify($$) {
my $devName;
$devName = $dev_hash->{NAME};
# lösche saveddevicecmd #
MSwitch_del_savedcmds( $own_hash );
# if (exists $hash->{helper}{last_devicecmd_save} && $hash->{helper}{last_devicecmd_save} < time-10))
# {
# delete( $hash->{helper}{devicecmds1} );
# delete( $hash->{helper}{last_devicecmd_save} );
# }
if ( $own_hash->{helper}{testevent_device}
&& $own_hash->{helper}{testevent_device} eq 'Logfile' )
@ -2588,16 +2664,20 @@ sub MSwitch_Notify($$) {
EVENT: foreach my $event (@eventscopy) {
MSwitch_LOG( $ownName, 5, "$ownName: event -> $event " );
MSwitch_LOG( $ownName, 6, "$ownName: event -> $event " );
if ( $event =~ m/^.*:.\{.*\}?/ ) {
# $event =~ s/:/[dp]/g;
# $event =~ s/\"/[dst]/g;
MSwitch_LOG( $ownName, 5, "$ownName: found and ignored jasonformated event -> $event " );
next EVENT;
if( $event =~ m/(.*)(\{.*\})(.*)/ ) {
if ( $event =~ m/(.*)(\{.*\})(.*)/ ) {
MSwitch_LOG( $ownName, 5,
"$ownName: changedevent1 -> $1 " );
MSwitch_LOG( $ownName, 5,
"$ownName: changedevent2 -> $2 " );
MSwitch_LOG( $ownName, 5,
"$ownName: changedevent3 -> $3 " );
my $p1 = $1;
my $json = $2;
my $p3 = $3;
@ -2611,6 +2691,9 @@ sub MSwitch_Notify($$) {
#next EVENT;
$own_hash->{eventsave} = 'unsaved';
MSwitch_LOG( $ownName, 5,
"$ownName: eingehendes Event -> "
@ -2635,13 +2718,18 @@ sub MSwitch_Notify($$) {
$triggercondition =~ s/#\[sp\]/ /g;
if ( $triggercondition ne '' ) {
MSwitch_LOG( $ownName, 6,
"$ownName: teste Triggercondition -> "
MSwitch_LOG( $ownName, 5,
"$ownName: teste die Triggercondition -> "
. $triggercondition );
MSwitch_LOG( $ownName, 5,
"$ownName: teste die eventcopy -> "
. $eventcopy );
my $ret = MSwitch_checkcondition( $triggercondition, $ownName,
$eventcopy );
MSwitch_LOG( $ownName, 6,
"$ownName: ergebniss Triggercondition -> " . $ret );
MSwitch_LOG( $ownName, 5,
"$ownName: ergebniss der Triggercondition -> " . $ret );
if ( $ret eq 'false' ) {
MSwitch_LOG( $ownName, 6,
"$ownName: ergebniss Triggercondition false-> abbruch"
@ -3123,14 +3211,20 @@ sub MSwitch_checkbridge($$$) {
sub MSwitch_fhemwebFn($$$$) {
# my $loglevel = 5;
my ( $FW_wname, $d, $room, $pageHash ) =
@_; # pageHash is set for summaryFn.
my ( $FW_wname, $d, $room, $pageHash ) =@_; # pageHash is set for summaryFn.
my $hash = $defs{$d};
my $Name = $hash->{NAME};
my $jsvarset = '';
my $j1 = '';
my $border = 0;
# lösche saveddevicecmd #
my $cmdfrombase ="0";
MSwitch_del_savedcmds( $hash );
return if ( AttrVal( $Name, 'MSwitch_Mode', "Full" ) eq 'Dummy' );
if ( AttrVal( $Name, 'MSwitch_Debug', "0" ) eq '4' ) {
@ -3551,23 +3645,35 @@ sub MSwitch_fhemwebFn($$$$) {
push @found_devices, $Name;
LOOP9: for my $name ( sort @found_devices ) {
my $includewebcmd = AttrVal( $Name, 'MSwitch_Include_Webcmds', "1" );
my $extensions = AttrVal( $Name, 'MSwitch_Extensions', "0" );
my $MSwitchIncludeMSwitchcmds = AttrVal( $Name, 'MSwitch_Include_MSwitchcmds', "1" );
my $MSwitchIncludeDevicecmds =AttrVal( $Name, 'MSwitch_Include_Devicecmds', "1" );
my $Triggerdevicetmp = ReadingsVal( $Name, 'Trigger_device', '' );
my $savecmds = AttrVal( $Name, 'MSwitch_DeleteCMDs', $deletesavedcmdsstandart );
LOOP9: for my $name ( sort @found_devices )
my $selectedtrigger = '';
my $devicealias = AttrVal( $name, 'alias', "" );
my $devicewebcmd =
AttrVal( $name, 'webCmd', "noArg" ); # webcmd des devices
my $devicewebcmd = AttrVal( $name, 'webCmd', "noArg" ); # webcmd des devices
my $devicehash = $defs{$name}; #devicehash
my $deviceTYPE = $devicehash->{TYPE};
# triggerfile erzeugen
if ( ReadingsVal( $Name, 'Trigger_device', '' ) eq $name ) {
#if ( ReadingsVal( $Name, 'Trigger_device', '' ) eq $name )
if ($Triggerdevicetmp eq $name )
$selectedtrigger = 'selected=\"selected\"';
if ( $name eq 'all_events' ) { $globalon = 'on' }
$triggerdevices .=
"<option $selectedtrigger value=\"$name\">$name (a:$devicealias t:$deviceTYPE)</option>";
$triggerdevices .="<option $selectedtrigger value=\"$name\">$name (a:$devicealias t:$deviceTYPE)</option>";
# filter auf argumente on oder off ;
if ( $name eq '' ) { next LOOP9; }
@ -3575,11 +3681,26 @@ sub MSwitch_fhemwebFn($$$$) {
my $cs = "set $name ?";
# abfrage und auswertung befehlssatz
if ( AttrVal( $Name, 'MSwitch_Include_Devicecmds', "1" ) eq '1' ) {
if ($MSwitchIncludeDevicecmds eq '1' )
if (exists $hash->{helper}{devicecmds1}{$name} && $savecmds ne "nosave")
$cmdfrombase = "1";
$errors = $hash->{helper}{devicecmds1}{$name};
$errors = AnalyzeCommandChain( undef, $cs );
if ($errors) { }
if ( $savecmds ne "nosave")
else {
$errors = '';
@ -3589,7 +3710,8 @@ sub MSwitch_fhemwebFn($$$$) {
if ( !defined $tmparg[1] ) { $tmparg[1] = "" }
if ( $tmparg[1] ne '' ) {
if ( $tmparg[1] ne '' )
$errors = $tmparg[1];
else {
@ -3600,46 +3722,52 @@ sub MSwitch_fhemwebFn($$$$) {
$errors =~ s/\| //g;
$errors =~ s/\|//g;
# if ( $errors eq '' && AttrVal( $Name, 'MSwitch_Include_Webcmds', "1" ) eq '1' )
if ( AttrVal( $Name, 'MSwitch_Include_Webcmds', "1" ) eq '1' )
if ($includewebcmd eq '1' && $devicewebcmd ne "noArg" )
if ( $devicewebcmd ne "noArg" ) {
my $device = '';
my @webcmd = split( /:/, $devicewebcmd );
foreach (@webcmd) {
foreach (@webcmd)
$_ =~ tr/ /:/;
my @parts = split( /:/, $_ );
if ( !defined $parts[1] || $parts[1] eq '' ) {
if ( !defined $parts[1] || $parts[1] eq '' )
$device .= $parts[0] . ':noArg ';
else {
$device .= $parts[0] . ':' . $parts[1] . ' ';
chop $device;
$devicewebcmd = $device;
$errors .= ' ' . $devicewebcmd;
if ( $MSwitchIncludeMSwitchcmds eq '1' )
my $usercmds = AttrVal( $name, 'MSwitchcmd', '' );
if ( $usercmds ne ''
&& AttrVal( $Name, 'MSwitch_Include_MSwitchcmds', "1" ) eq '1' )
if ( $usercmds ne '' )
$usercmds =~ tr/:/ /;
$errors .= ' ' . $usercmds;
my $extensions = AttrVal( $Name, 'MSwitch_Extensions', "0" );
if ( $extensions eq '1' ) {
if ( $extensions eq '1' )
$errors .= ' ' . 'MSwitchtoggle';
if ( $errors ne '' ) {
if ( $errors ne '' )
$selected = "";
if ( exists $usedevices{$name} && $usedevices{$name} eq 'on' ) {
if ( exists $usedevices{$name} && $usedevices{$name} eq 'on' )
$selected = "selected=\"selected\" ";
$deviceoption =
@ -3657,6 +3785,7 @@ sub MSwitch_fhemwebFn($$$$) {
else { }
my $select = index( $affecteddevices, 'FreeCmd', 0 );
$selected = "";
@ -3684,8 +3813,7 @@ sub MSwitch_fhemwebFn($$$$) {
# #devices details
# detailsatz in scalar laden
# my @devicedatails = split(/:/,ReadingsVal($Name, '.Device_Affected_Details', '')); #inhalt decice und cmds # durch komma getrennt
my %savedetails = MSwitch_makeCmdHash($Name);
my %savedetails = MSwitch_makeCmdHash($Name);
my $detailhtml = "";
my @affecteddevices =
split( /,/, ReadingsVal( $Name, '.Device_Affected', 'no_device' ) );
@ -5205,7 +5333,17 @@ sub MSwitch_fhemwebFn($$$$) {
$ret .=
"<table border='$border' class='block wide' id='MSwitchWebAF' nm='$hash->{NAME}'>
<tr class=\"even\">
<td>affected devices :</td>
<td>affected devices :
#my $savecmds = AttrVal( $Name, 'MSwitch_DeleteCMDs', $deletesavedcmdsstandart );
if ($savecmds ne "nosave" && $cmdfrombase eq "1")
$ret .="<br>(all devicecomands saved <input type=\"button\" id=\"del_savecmd\" value=\"reload\">)";
$ret .="
@ -5898,6 +6036,20 @@ und \"execute \\'cmd1+cmd2\\' only at:\" möglich. <br /><br>Die Variable \$we i
location = location.pathname+\"?detail=" . $Name . "&cmd=set \"+addcsrf(def);
var nm = \$(t).attr(\"nm\");
var def = nm+\" delcmds \";
location = location.pathname+\"?detail=" . $Name . "&cmd=set \"+addcsrf(def);
//aplly filter to trigger
var nm = \$(t).attr(\"nm\");
@ -6060,6 +6212,7 @@ und \"execute \\'cmd1+cmd2\\' only at:\" möglich. <br /><br>Die Variable \$we i
return "$ret<br>$detailhtml<br>$j1";
@ -6904,9 +7057,9 @@ sub MSwitch_checkcondition($$$) {
$condition =~ s/\[\$EVT_CMD1_COUNT\]/"\$EVT_CMD1_COUNT"/g;
$condition =~ s/\[\$EVT_CMD2_COUNT\]/"\$EVT_CMD2_COUNT"/g;
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6,
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 5,
"$name: Checkcondition - Parameter condition -> " . $condition );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6,
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 5,
"$name: Checkcondition - Parameter event -> " . $event );
if ( !defined($condition) ) { return 'true'; }
@ -7198,13 +7351,13 @@ m/(.*?)(\[\[[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,30}:[a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,30}\]-\[[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9
$finalstring =
"if (" . $condition . "){\$answer = 'true';} else {\$answer = 'false';} ";
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6,
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 5,
"$name: Checkcondition - finalstring -> " . $finalstring );
#MSwitch_LOG( $name, 0,"name $name ");
my $ret = eval $finalstring;
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "$name: Checkcondition - return -> " . $ret );
if ($@) {
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 1, "$name ERROR: $@ " . __LINE__ );
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 1, "$name $finalstring " . __LINE__ );
@ -7212,7 +7365,7 @@ m/(.*?)(\[\[[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,30}:[a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,30}\]-\[[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9
return 'false';
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "$name: Checkcondition - return -> " . $ret );
my $test = ReadingsVal( $name, 'last_event', 'undef' );
$hash->{helper}{conditioncheck} = $finalstring;
@ -7241,9 +7394,21 @@ sub MSwitch_Checkcond_state($$) {
$condition =~ s/\[//;
$condition =~ s/\]//;
my @reading = split( /:/, $condition );
my $return = "ReadingsVal('$reading[0]', '$reading[1]', '00:00:00')";
my $test = ReadingsVal( $reading[0], $reading[1], 'undef' );
my $return;
my $test;
if ($reading[2] eq "d") {
$test = ReadingsNum( $reading[0], $reading[1], 'undef' );
$return = "ReadingsNum('$reading[0]', '$reading[1]', 'undef')"; #00:00:00
$test = ReadingsVal( $reading[0], $reading[1], 'undef' );
$return = "ReadingsVal('$reading[0]', '$reading[1]', 'undef')"; #00:00:00
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 6, "$name: MSwitch_Checkcond_state OUT -> " . $return );
return $return;
@ -9286,7 +9451,7 @@ sub MSwitch_check_setmagic_i($$) {
my ( $hash, $msg ) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# setmagic ersetzun
# setmagic ersetzung
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 5, "vor freecmd: " . $msg );
my $x = 0;
while ( $msg =~ m/(.*)\[(.*)\:(.*)\:i\](.*)/ ) {
@ -9295,6 +9460,17 @@ sub MSwitch_check_setmagic_i($$) {
my $setmagic = ReadingsVal( $2, $3, 0 );
$msg = $1 . $setmagic . $4;
$x = 0;
while ( $msg =~ m/(.*)\[(.*)\:(.*)\:d\:i\](.*)/ ) {
$x++; # notausstieg notausstieg
last if $x > 20; # notausstieg notausstieg
my $setmagic = ReadingsNum( $2, $3, 0 );
$msg = $1 . $setmagic . $4;
MSwitch_LOG( $name, 5, "nach freecmd: " . $msg );
return $msg;
@ -9334,6 +9510,27 @@ sub MSwitch_setconfig($$) {
sub MSwitch_del_savedcmds($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $savecmds = AttrVal( $name, 'MSwitch_DeleteCMDs', $deletesavedcmdsstandart );
if (exists $hash->{helper}{last_devicecmd_save} && $hash->{helper}{last_devicecmd_save} < (time-$deletesavedcmds) && $savecmds ne "manually" )
delete( $hash->{helper}{devicecmds1} );
delete( $hash->{helper}{last_devicecmd_save} );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user