mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 04:36:36 +00:00
Updated Module to version 3.4.2 / protocols lib SD_ProtocolData.pm to version 1.1.7 git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@21620 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,25 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- featire: SD_ProtocolData.pm v1.1.7
new protocol 97 Momento remote control for wireless digital picture frame
new protocol 58 Weather F007-T
new protocol 27 for EuroChron EFTH-800
new protocol 26 - Remote control xavax 00111939
new protocol 20 - Remote control diesel heating
- feature: 00_SIGNALduino.pm version 3.4.2
automatic load cc1101 config after change value or restart
made multiple get commands more easy and robust to handle
extended cc1101 settings to ccconf reading
- bugfix: 00_SIGNALduino.pm version 3.4.2
several retrys to initialize the SIGNALduino
flash via http: Fixed Filename extraction of URL
bug fixed set sduino cc1101_rAmpl 42
Allow lower case letters for hex values in set / get cc1101_reg
- change:
filtered possible set/get commands per device type
added meta information to 00_SIGNALduino.pm
patable list values adapted to values allowed per frequency
- new: 70_HYDRAWISE: New module for controlling Hunter Hydrawise irrigation
- feature: 93_Log2Syslog: support time-secfrac of RFC 3339, minor fix
- feature: 93_Log2Syslog: new attribute 'timeSpec', send and parse messages
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ SIGNALduino_un_Initialize($)
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{Match} = '^[u]\d+#.*';
$hash->{Match} = '^[u]\d+(?:.\d)?#.*';
$hash->{DefFn} = "SIGNALduino_un_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "SIGNALduino_un_Undef";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "SIGNALduino_un_Attr";
@ -182,6 +182,8 @@ SIGNALduino_un_Parse($$)
$bitDataInvert =~ tr/01/10/; # invert message and check if it is possible to deocde now
my $rawDataInvert = SIGNALduino_b2h($bitDataInvert);
my $seconds = ReadingsAge($name, "state", 0);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "state", $rawData,0);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "bitMsg", $bitData);
@ -191,6 +193,7 @@ SIGNALduino_un_Parse($$)
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "hexMsg_invert", $rawDataInvert);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "hexCount_or_nibble", $hexcount);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "lastInputDev", $ioname);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "past_seconds", $seconds);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1); # Notify is done by Dispatch
### Example Logfile ###
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
# id => ' ' # number of the protocol definition, each number only once use (accepted no .)
# knownFreqs => ' ' # known receiver frequency 433.92 | 868.35 (some sensor families or remote send on more frequencies)
# Time for one, zero, start, sync, float and pause are calculated by clockabs * value = result in microseconds, positive value stands for high signal, negative value stands for low signal
# Time for one, zero, start, sync, float, end and pause are calculated by clockabs * value = result in microseconds, positive value stands for high signal, negative value stands for low signal
# clockrange => [ , ] # only MC signals | min , max of pulse / pause times in microseconds
# clockabs => ' ' # only MU + MS signals | value for calculation of pulse / pause times in microseconds
# clockabs => '-1' # only MS signals | value pulse / pause times is automatically
@ -18,7 +18,10 @@
# preSync => [ , ] # only MU + MS - value pair or more for preamble pulse of signal
# sync => [ , ] # only MS - value pair or more for sync pulse of signal
# float => [ , ] # only MU + MS signals | Convert 0F -> 01 (F) to be compatible with CUL
# pause => [ ] # delay when sending between two signals (clockabs * pause must be < 32768
# pause => [ ] # only MU + MS signals, delay when sending between two repeats (clockabs * pause must be < 32768)
# end => [ ] # only MU + MS - value or more for end pulse of signal for sending
# msgIntro => ' ' # only MC - make combined message msgIntro.MC for sending ('SR;P0=-2560;P1=2560;P3=-640;D=10101010101010113;',)
# msgOutro => ' ' # only MC - make combined message MC.msgOutro for sending ('SR;P0=-8500;D=0;',)
# length_min => ' ' # minimum number of bits of message length
# length_max => ' ' # maximum number of bits of message length
@ -52,10 +55,10 @@
# polarity => 'invert' # only MC signals | invert bits of the signal
##### notice #### or #### info ############################################################################################################
# !!! Between the keys and values no tabs not equal to a width of 8 or please use spaces !!!
# !!! Between the keys and values no tabs, please use spaces !!!
# !!! Please use first unused id for new protocols !!!
# ID´s are currently unused: 20 | 54 | 78
# ID´s need to be revised (preamble u): 5|6|19|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|31|36|40|42|52|56|59|63
# ID´s are currently unused: 78
# ID´s need to be revised (preamble u): 5|19|21|22|23|24|25|28|31|36|40|52|54|56|59|63
# Please provide at least three messages for each new MU/MC/MS protocol and a URL of issue in GitHub or discussion in FHEM Forum
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,58396.975.html | https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM
@ -66,19 +69,18 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '1.10';
our $VERSION = '1.17';
our %protocols = (
"0" => ## various weather sensors (500 | 9100)
# ABS700 | Id:79 T: 3.3 Bat:low MS;P1=-7949;P2=492;P3=-1978;P4=-3970;D=21232423232424242423232323232324242423232323232424;CP=2;SP=1;R=245;O;
# Mebus | Id:237 Ch:1 T: 1.9 Bat:low MS;P0=-9298;P1=495;P2=-1980;P3=-4239;D=1012121312131313121313121312121212121212131212131312131212;CP=1;SP=0;R=223;O;m2;
# GT_WT_02 | Id:163 Ch:1 T: 2.9 H: 86 Bat:ok MS;P0=531;P1=-9027;P3=-4126;P4=-2078;D=0103040304040403030404040404040404040404030303040303040304030304030304040403;CP=0;SP=1;R=249;O;m2;
# Prologue | Id:145 Ch:0 T: 2.6, Bat:ok MS;P0=-4152;P1=643;P2=-2068;P3=-9066;D=1310121210121212101210101212121212121212121212121010121012121212121012101212;CP=1;SP=3;R=220;O;m2;
# Prologue | Id:145 Ch:0 T: 2.7, Bat:ok MS;P0=-4149;P2=-9098;P3=628;P4=-2076;D=3230343430343434303430303434343434343434343434343030343030343434343034303434;CP=3;SP=2;R=218;O;m2;
name => 'weather (v1)',
comment => 'temperature / humidity or other sensors',
comment => 'temperature / humidity or other sensors',
id => '0',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
one => [1,-7],
zero => [1,-3],
sync => [1,-16],
@ -175,6 +177,27 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
length_max => '36',
paddingbits => '8', # pad up to 8 bits, default is 4
"0.5" => ## various weather sensors (475 | 8000)
# ABS700 | Id:79 T: 3.3 Bat:low MS;P1=-7949;P2=492;P3=-1978;P4=-3970;D=21232423232424242423232323232324242423232323232424;CP=2;SP=1;R=245;O;
# ABS700 | Id:69 T: 9.3 Bat:low MS;P1=-7948;P2=471;P3=-1997;P4=-3964;D=21232423232324232423232323242323242423232323232424;CP=2;SP=1;R=246;O;m2;
name => 'weather (v6)',
comment => 'temperature / humidity or other sensors | ABS700',
id => '0.5',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
one => [1,-8],
zero => [1,-4],
sync => [1,-16],
clockabs => 475,
format => 'twostate', # not used now
preamble => 's', # prepend to converted message
postamble => '00', # Append to converted message
clientmodule => 'CUL_TCM97001',
#modulematch => '^s[A-Fa-f0-9]+',
length_min => '24',
length_max => '24',
paddingbits => '8', # pad up to 8 bits, default is 4
"1" => ## Conrad RSL
# on MS;P1=1154;P2=-697;P3=559;P4=-1303;P5=-7173;D=351234341234341212341212123412343412341234341234343434343434343434;CP=3;SP=5;R=247;O;
# on MS;P0=561;P1=-1291;P2=-7158;P3=1174;P4=-688;D=023401013401013434013434340134010134013401013401010101010101010101;CP=0;SP=2;R=248;m1;
@ -322,7 +345,7 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
name => 'TCM 218943',
comment => 'Weatherstation TCM 218943, Eurochron',
id => '6',
knownFreqs => '434.92',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
one => [1,-5],
zero => [1,-10],
sync => [1,-32],
@ -375,23 +398,35 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
remove_zero => 1, # Removes leading zeros from output
"9" => ## Funk Wetterstation CTW600
### ! some message are decode as protocol 42 and 75 !
## WH3080 | UV: 4 Lux: 57970 | @Ralf
# MU;P0=-1424;P1=1417;P2=-1058;P3=453;P4=-24774;P6=288;P7=-788;D=01212121232343232323232323232123232323232121232121212123212121232123212321232121212123212121232321232321212121232323212321212121212121212323467323232323232323212323232323212123212121212321212123212321232123212121212321212123232123232121212123232321232121;CP=3;R=247;O;
## WH1080
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,39451.msg844155.html#msg844155 | https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,39451.msg848667.html#msg848667 @maddinthebrain
# MU;P0=-31072;P1=486;P2=-986;P3=1454;D=01212121212121212321232321232123232121232323212121212123232123232123212321232123232323232321232323232323212323232323232323232123212121212321232323232323232323212321212321232301212121212121212321232321232123232121232323212121212123232123232123212321232123;CP=1;R=29;O;
## CTW600
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,39451.msg917042.html#msg917042 @greewoo
# MU;P0=-96;P1=800;P2=-985;P3=485;P4=1421;P5=-8608;D=0123232323232323242324232324242324232324242324242324232323242324242323232324242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242424242324242424232323235;CP=4;R=0;
name => 'CTW 600',
comment => 'FunkWS WH1080/WH3080/CTW600',
id => '9',
knownFreqs => '433.92 | 868.35',
zero => [3,-2],
one => [1,-2],
name => 'weather',
comment => 'Weatherstation WH1080, WH3080, CTW600',
id => '9',
knownFreqs => '433.92 | 868.35',
zero => [3,-2],
one => [1,-2],
clockabs => 480, # -1 = auto undef=noclock
format => 'pwm', # tristate can't be migrated from bin into hex!
preamble => 'P9#', # prepend to converted message
clientmodule => 'SD_WS09',
clientmodule => 'SD_WS09',
#modulematch => '^u9#.....',
length_min => '60',
length_max => '120',
reconstructBit => '1',
"10" => ## Oregon Scientific 2
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,60170.msg875919.html#msg875919 @David1
# MC;LL=-973;LH=984;SL=-478;SH=493;D=EF7E2DCC00000283AF5DF7CFEFEF7E2DCC;C=487;L=134;R=33;s5;b0;
# MC;LL=-975;LH=976;SL=-491;SH=491;D=BEF9FDFDEFC5B98000005075EBBEF9FDFDEFC5;C=488;L=152;R=34;s1;b0;O;w;
name => 'Oregon Scientific v2|v3',
comment => 'temperature / humidity or other sensors',
@ -641,32 +676,28 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
length_min => '19',
length_max => '23', # not confirmed, length one more as MU Message
# "20" => ## Livolo
# # https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/29
# # MU;P0=-195;P1=151;P2=475;P3=-333;D=0101010101 02 01010101010101310101310101010101310101 02 01010101010101010101010101010101010101 02 01010101010101010101010101010101010101 02 010101010101013101013101;CP=1;
# #
# # protocol sends 24 to 47 pulses per message.
# # First pulse is the header and is 595 μs long. All subsequent pulses are either 170 μs (short pulse) or 340 μs (long pulse) long.
# # Two subsequent short pulses correspond to bit 0, one long pulse corresponds to bit 1. There is no footer. The message is repeated for about 1 second.
# # _____________ ___ _______
# # Start bit: | |___| bit 0: | |___| bit 1: | |___|
# {
# name => 'Livolo',
# comment => 'remote control / dimmmer / switch ...',
# id => '20',
# knownFreqs => '',
# one => [3],
# zero => [1],
# start => [5],
# clockabs => 110, #can be 90-140
# format => 'twostate',
# preamble => 'u20#', # prepend to converted message
# #clientmodule => '',
# #modulematch => '',
# length_min => '16',
# #length_max => '', # missing
# filterfunc => 'SIGNALduino_filterSign',
# },
"20" => ## Remote control with 4 buttons for diesel heating
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,58397.msg999475.html#msg999475 @ fhem_user0815 2019-12-04
# RCnoName20_17E9 on MS;P0=-740;P2=686;P3=-283;P5=229;P6=-7889;D=5650505023502323232323235023505023505050235050502323502323505050;CP=5;SP=6;R=67;O;m2;
# RCnoName20_17E9 off MS;P1=-754;P2=213;P4=681;P5=-283;P6=-7869;D=2621212145214545454545452145212145212121212145214521212121452121;CP=2;SP=6;R=69;O;m2;
# RCnoName20_17E9 plus MS;P1=-744;P2=221;P3=679;P4=-278;P5=-7860;D=2521212134213434343434342134212134212121213421212134343434212121;CP=2;SP=5;R=66;O;m2;
# RCnoName20_17E9 minus MS;P0=233;P1=-7903;P3=-278;P5=-738;P6=679;D=0105050563056363636363630563050563050505050505630563050505630505;CP=0;SP=1;R=71;O;m1;
name => 'RCnoName20',
comment => 'Remote control with 4 buttons for diesel heating',
id => '20',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
one => [3,-1], # 720,-240
zero => [1,-3], # 240,-720
sync => [1,-33], # 240,-7920
clockabs => 240,
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'P20#',
clientmodule => 'SD_UT',
modulematch => '^P20#.{8}',
length_min => '31',
length_max => '32',
"21" => ## Einhell Garagentor
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php?topic=42373.0 @Ellert | user have no RAWMSG
# static adress: Bit 1-28 | channel remote Bit 29-32 | repeats 31 | pause 20 ms
@ -765,42 +796,53 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
length_min => '24',
length_max => '50', # message has only 24 bit, but we get more than one message, calculation has to be corrected
"26" => ## some remote code, send by flamingo style remote controls
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,43292.msg352982.html#msg352982
# u26#322BE3 MU;P0=1086;P1=-433;P2=327;P3=-1194;P4=-2318;P5=2988;D=01012323010123010101230123012323232323010101232324010123230101230101012301230123232323230101012323240101232301012301010123012301232323232301010123232401012323010123010101230123012323232323010101232353;CP=2;
"26" => ## xavax 00111939 Funksteckdosen Set
# https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/717 @codeartisan-de 2019-12-14
# xavax_DAAB2554 Ch1_on MU;P0=412;P1=-534;P2=-1356;P3=-20601;P4=3360;P5=-3470;D=01020102010201020201010201010201020102010201020101020101010102020203010145020201020201020102010201020102020101020101020102010201020102010102010101010202020301014502020102020102010201020102010202010102010102010201020102010201010201010101020202030101450202;CP=0;R=0;O;
# xavax_DAAB2554 Ch1_off MU;P0=-3504;P1=416;P2=-1356;P3=-535;P4=-20816;P5=3324;D=01212131212131213121312131213121213131213131213121312131213121313131212121213131314131350121213121213121312131213121312121313121313121312131213121312131313121212121313131413135012121312121312131213121312131212131312131312131213121312131213131312121212131;CP=1;R=50;O;
# xavax_DAAB2554 Ch2_on MU;P0=5656;P1=-21857;P2=413;P3=-1354;P4=-536;P6=3350;P7=-3487;D=01232423232424232424232423242324232423242424232424232423232124246723232423232423242324232423242323242423242423242324232423242324242423242423242323212424672323242323242324232423242324232324242324242324232423242324232424242324242324232321242467232324232324;CP=2;R=0;O;
# xavax_DAAB2554 Ch2_off MU;P0=3371;P1=-3479;P2=420;P3=-31868;P4=-541;P5=272;P6=-1343;P7=-20621;D=23245426242426242624262426242624242624262624262424272424012626242626242624262426242624262624242624242624262426242624262424262426262426242427242401262624262624262426242624262426262424262424262426242624262426242426242626242624242724240126262426262426242624;CP=2;R=45;O;
name => 'remote',
id => '26',
knownFreqs => '',
one => [1,-3],
zero => [3,-1],
# sync => [1,-6], # Message is not provided as MS, due to small fact
start => [1,-6], # Message is not provided as MS, due to small fact
clockabs => 380, #ca 380
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'u26#', # prepend to converted message
#clientmodule => '',
#modulematch => '',
length_min => '24',
length_max => '24', # message has only 24 bit, but we get more than one message, calculation has to be corrected
name => 'xavax',
comment => 'Remote control xavax 00111939',
id => '26',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
one => [1,-3], # 460,-1380
zero => [1,-1], # 460,-460
start => [1,-1,1,-1,7,-7], # 460,-460,460,-460,3220,-3220
# end => [1], # 460 - end funktioniert nicht (wird erst nach pause angehangen), ein bit ans Ende haengen geht, dann aber pause 44 statt 45
pause => [-44], # -20700 mit end, 20240 mit bit 0 am Ende
clockabs => 460,
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'P26#',
clientmodule => 'SD_UT',
modulematch => '^P26#.{10}',
length_min => '40',
length_max => '40',
"27" => ## some remote code, send by flamingo style remote controls
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,43292.msg352982.html#msg352982
# u27#322BE3 MU;P0=963;P1=-559;P2=393;P3=-1134;P4=2990;P5=-7172;D=01012323010123010101230123012323232323010101232345010123230101230101012301230123232323230101012323450101232301012301010123012301232323232301010123234501012323010123010101230123012323232323010101232323;CP=2;
"27" => ## Temperatur-/Feuchtigkeitssensor EuroChron EFTH-800 (433 MHz)
# SD_WS_27_TH_2 - T: 15.5 H: 48 - MU;P0=-224;P1=258;P2=-487;P3=505;P4=-4884;P5=743;P6=-718;D=0121212301212303030301212123012123012123030123030121212121230121230121212121212121230301214565656561212123012121230121230303030121212301212301212303012303012121212123012123012121212121212123030121;CP=1;R=53;
# SD_WS_27_TH_3 - T: 3.8 H: 76 - MU;P0=-241;P1=251;P2=-470;P3=500;P4=-4868;P5=743;P6=-718;D=012121212303030123012301212123012121212301212303012121212121230303012303012123030303012123014565656561212301212121230303012301230121212301212121230121230301212121212123030301230301212303030301212301;CP=1;R=23;
# SD_WS_27_TH_3 - T: 5.3 H: 75 - MU;P0=-240;P1=253;P2=-487;P3=489;P4=-4860;P5=746;P6=-725;D=012121212303030123012301212123012121212303012301230121212121230303012301230303012303030301214565656561212301212121230303012301230121212301212121230301230123012121212123030301230123030301230303030121;CP=1;R=19;
# short pulse of 244 us followed by a 488 us gap is a 0 bit
# long pulse of 488 us followed by a 244 us gap is a 1 bit
# sync preamble of pulse, gap, 732 us each, repeated 4 times
# sensor sends two messages at intervals of about 57-58 seconds
name => 'remote',
id => '27',
knownFreqs => '',
one => [1,-2],
zero => [2,-1],
start => [6,-15], # Message is not provided as MS, worakround is start
clockabs => 480, #ca 480
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'u27#', # prepend to converted message
#clientmodule => '',
#modulematch => '',
length_min => '24',
length_max => '24',
name => 'EFTH-800',
comment => 'EuroChron weatherstation EFTH-800',
id => '27',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
one => [2,-1],
zero => [1,-2],
start => [3,-3,3,-3,3,-3,3,-3],
clockabs => '244',
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'W27#',
clientmodule => 'SD_WS',
modulematch => '^W27#.{12}',
length_min => '48', # 48 Bit + 1 Puls am Ende
length_max => '48',
"28" => ## some remote code, send by aldi IC Ledspots
@ -857,26 +899,24 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
length_min => '12',
length_max => '12', # message has only 10 bit but is paddet to 12
"31" => ## Pollin ISOTRONIC - 12 Tasten remote
# remote basicadresse with 12bit -> changed if push reset behind battery cover
# https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/44 @kaihs
# u31#891EE MU;P0=-9584;P1=592;P2=-665;P3=1223;P4=-1311;D=01234141412341412341414123232323412323234;CP=1;R=0;
# u31#891FE MU;P0=-12724;P1=597;P2=-667;P3=1253;P4=-1331;D=01234141412341412341414123232323232323232;CP=1;R=0;
"31" => ## LED Controller LTECH, LED M Serie RF RGBW - M4 & M4-5A
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,107868.msg1018434.html#msg1018434 | https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,107868.msg1020521.html#msg1020521 @Devirex
## note: command length 299, now - not supported by all firmware versions
# MU;P0=-16118;P1=315;P2=-281;P4=-1204;P5=-563;P6=618;P7=1204;D=01212121212121212121214151562151515151515151515621515621515626262156262626262626262626215626262626262626262626262626262151515151515151515151515151515151515151515151515626262626262626215151515151515156215156262626262626262626262621570121212121212121212121;CP=1;R=26;O;
# MU;P0=-32001;P1=314;P2=-285;P3=-1224;P4=-573;P5=601;P6=1204;P7=-15304;CP=1;R=31;D=012121212121212121212131414521414141414141414145214145214145252521452525252525252525252145252525252525252525252525252521414141414141414141414141414141452141414141414145252525252525252141414141414141414525252141452525252525214145214671212121212121212121213141452;p;i;
name => 'Pollin ISOTRONIC',
comment => 'remote control model 58608 with 12 buttons',
id => '31',
knownFreqs => '',
one => [-1,2],
zero => [-2,1],
start => [-18,1],
clockabs => 600,
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'u31#', # prepend to converted message
#clientmodule => '',
#modulematch => '',
length_min => '19',
length_max => '20',
name => 'LTECH',
comment => 'remote control for LED Controller M4-5A',
id => '31',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
one => [1,-1.8],
zero => [2,-0.9],
start => [1,-0.9, 1,-0.9, 1,-3.8],
preSync => [1,-0.9, 1,-0.9, 1,-0.9, 1,-0.9, 1,-0.9, 1,-0.9, 1,-0.9, 1,-0.9],
end => [3.8, -51],
clockabs => 315,
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'u31#',
"32" => ## FreeTec PE-6946
# ! some message are decode as protocol 40 and protocol 62 !
@ -981,21 +1021,29 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
# no decode! MU;P0=-12064;P1=71;P2=-669;P3=1351;P4=-1319;D=012323414141234123232323232323232323232323;
# Ch1_off MU;P0=697;P1=-1352;P2=-679;P3=1343;D=01010101010231023232323232323232323232323;CP=0;R=27;
## Mandolyn Funksteckdosen Set
# https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/716 @codeartisan-de
## Pollin ISOTRONIC - 12 Tasten remote | model 58608 | SD_UT model QUIGG_DMV ???
# remote basicadresse with 12bit -> changed if push reset behind battery cover
# https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/44 @kaihs
# Ch1_on MU;P0=-9584;P1=592;P2=-665;P3=1223;P4=-1311;D=01234141412341412341414123232323412323234;CP=1;R=0;
# Ch1_off MU;P0=-12724;P1=597;P2=-667;P3=1253;P4=-1331;D=01234141412341412341414123232323232323232;CP=1;R=0;
name => 'QUIGG | LIBRA',
comment => 'remote control DMV-7000, TR-502MSV',
name => 'QUIGG | LIBRA | Mandolyn | Pollin ISOTRONIC',
comment => 'remote control DMV-7000, TR-502MSV, 58608',
id => '34',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
one => [-1,2],
zero => [-2,1],
start => [1],
pause => [-15], # 9900
clockabs => '660',
clockabs => '635',
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'P34#',
clientmodule => 'SD_UT',
reconstructBit => '1',
#modulematch => '',
length_min => '20',
length_min => '19',
length_max => '20',
"35" => ## Homeeasy
@ -1191,6 +1239,7 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
frequency => '10AB85550A',
"44" => ## Bresser Temeo Trend
# MU;P0=32001;P1=-1939;P2=1967;P3=3896;P4=-3895;D=01213424242124212121242121242121212124212424212121212121242421212421242121242124242421242421242424242124212124242424242421212424212424212121242121212;CP=2;R=39;
name => 'BresserTemeo',
comment => 'temperature / humidity sensor',
@ -1309,48 +1358,93 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
length_min => '47',
length_max => '48',
"49" => ## QUIGG / ALDI GT-9000
# ! some message are decode as protocol 27 !
# https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/93 @TiEr92
# U49#8B2DB0 MU;P0=-563;P1=479;P2=991;P3=-423;P4=361;P5=-1053;P6=3008;P7=-7110;D=2345454523452323454523452323452323452323454545456720151515201520201515201520201520201520201515151567201515152015202015152015202015202015202015151515672015151520152020151520152020152020152020151515156720151515201520201515201520201520201520201515151;CP=1;R=21;
"49" => ## QUIGG GT-9000, EASY HOME RCT DS1 CR-A, uniTEC 48110 and other
# The remote sends 8 messages in 2 different formats.
# SIGNALduino decodes 4 messages from remote control as MS then ...
# https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/667 - Oct 19, 2019
# DMSG: 5A98B0 MS;P0=-437;P3=-1194;P4=1056;P6=297;P7=-2319;D=67634063404063406340636340406363634063404063636363;CP=6;SP=7;R=37;
# DMSG: 887F92 MS;P1=-2313;P2=1127;P3=-405;P4=379;P5=-1154;D=41234545452345454545232323232323232345452345452345;CP=4;SP=1;R=251;
# DMSG: E6D12E MS;P0=1062;P1=-1176;P2=315;P3=-2283;P4=-433;D=23040404212104042104042104212121042121042104040421;CP=2;SP=3;R=26;
name => 'QUIGG_GT-9000',
comment => 'remote control',
id => '49',
knownFreqs => '',
clockabs => 400,
one => [2,-1.2],
zero => [1,-3],
start => [6,-15],
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'U49#', # prepend to converted message
#clientmodule => '',
modulematch => '^U49#.*',
length_min => '22',
length_max => '28',
name => 'GT-9000',
comment => 'Remote control EASY HOME RCT DS1 CR-A',
id => '49',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
clockabs => 383,
one => [3,-1], # 1150,-385 (timings from salae logic)
zero => [1,-3], # 385,-1150 (timings from salae logic)
sync => [1,-6], # 385,-2295 (timings from salae logic)
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'P49#',
clientmodule => 'SD_GT',
modulematch => '^P49.*',
length_min => '24',
length_max => '24',
"49.1" => ## QUIGG GT-9000
# ... decodes 4 messages as MU
# https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/667 @Ralf9 from https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,104506.msg985295.html
# DMSG: 8B2DB0 MU;P0=-563;P1=479;P2=991;P3=-423;P4=361;P5=-1053;P6=3008;P7=-7110;D=2345454523452323454523452323452323452323454545456720151515201520201515201520201520201520201515151567201515152015202015152015202015202015202015151515672015151520152020151520152020152020152020151515156720151515201520201515201520201520201520201515151;CP=1;R=21;
# DMSG: 887F90 MU;P0=-565;P1=489;P2=991;P3=-423;P4=359;P5=-1047;P6=3000;P7=-7118;D=2345454523454545452323232323232323454523454545456720151515201515151520202020202020201515201515151567201515152015151515202020202020202015152015151515672015151520151515152020202020202020151520151515156720151515201515151520202020202020201515201515151;CP=1;R=17;
name => 'GT-9000',
comment => 'Remote control is traded under different names',
id => '49.1',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
clockabs => 515,
one => [2,-1], # 1025,-515 (timings from salae logic)
zero => [1,-2], # 515,-1030 (timings from salae logic)
start => [6,-14], # 3075,-7200 (timings from salae logic)
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'P49#',
clientmodule => 'SD_GT',
modulematch => '^P49.*',
length_min => '24',
length_max => '24',
"49.2" => ## Tec Star Modell 2335191R
# SIGNALduino decodes 4 messages from remote control as MU then ... 49.1
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,43292.msg352982.html#msg352982 - Nov 01, 2015
# message was receive with older firmware
# DMSG: CA627C MU;P0=1092;P1=-429;P2=335;P3=-1184;P4=-2316;P5=2996;D=010123230123012323010123232301232301010101012323240101232301230123230101232323012323010101010123232401012323012301232301012323230123230101010101232355;CP=2;
# DMSG: C9AFAC MU;P0=328;P1=-428;P3=1090;P4=-1190;P5=-2310;D=010131040431310431043131313131043104313104040531310404310404313104310431313131310431043131040405313104043104043131043104313131313104310431310404053131040431040431310431043131313131043104313104042;CP=0;
name => 'GT-9000',
comment => 'Remote control Tec Star Modell 2335191R',
id => '49.2',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
clockabs => 383,
one => [3,-1],
zero => [1,-3],
start => [1,-6], # Message is not provided as MS
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'P49#',
clientmodule => 'SD_GT',
modulematch => '^P49.*',
length_min => '24',
length_max => '24',
"50" => ## Opus XT300
# https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/99 @sidey79
# Ch:1 T: 25 H: 5 MU;P0=248;P1=-21400;P2=545;P3=-925;P4=1368;P5=-12308;D=01232323232323232343234323432343234343434343234323432343434343432323232323232323232343432323432345232323232323232343234323432343234343434343234323432343434343432323232323232323232343432323432345232323232323232343234323432343234343434343234323432343434343;CP=2;O;
# CH:1 T: 18 H: 5 W50#FF55053AFF93 MU;P2=-962;P4=508;P5=1339;P6=-12350;D=46424242424242424252425242524252425252525252425242525242424252425242424242424242424252524252524240;CP=4;R=0;
# CH:3 T: 18 H: 5 W50#FF57053AFF95 MU;P2=510;P3=-947;P5=1334;P6=-12248;D=26232323232323232353235323532323235353535353235323535323232353235323232323232323232353532353235320;CP=2;R=0;
name => 'Opus_XT300',
comment => 'sensor for ground humidity',
id => '50',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
clockabs => 500,
zero => [3,-2],
one => [1,-2],
# start => [-25], # Wenn das startsignal empfangen wird, fehlt das 1 bit
reconstructBit => '1',
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'W50#', # prepend to converted message
clientmodule => 'SD_WS',
modulematch => '^W50#.*',
length_min => '47',
length_max => '48',
name => 'Opus_XT300',
comment => 'sensor for ground humidity',
id => '50',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
clockabs => 500,
zero => [3,-2],
one => [1,-2],
# start => [-25], # Wenn das startsignal empfangen wird, fehlt das 1 bit
reconstructBit => '1',
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'W50#', # prepend to converted message
clientmodule => 'SD_WS',
modulematch => '^W50#.*',
length_min => '47',
length_max => '48',
"51" => ## weather sensors
# https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/118 @Stertzi
@ -1383,17 +1477,19 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
"52" => ## Oregon Scientific PIR Protocol
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,63604.msg548256.html#msg548256 @Ralf_W.
# u52#00012AE7 MC;LL=-1045;LH=1153;SL=-494;SH=606;D=FFFED518;C=549;L=30;
## note: unfortunately, the user is no longer in possession of a SIGNALduino
# FFFED5 = Adresse, die per DIP einstellt wird, FFF ändert sich nie
# 1 = Kanal, per gesondertem DIP, bei mir bei beiden 1 (CH 1) oder 3 (CH 2)
# C = wechselt, 0, 4, 8, C - dann fängt es wieder mit 0 an und wiederholt sich bei jeder Bewegung
name => 'Oregon Scientific PIR',
comment => 'JMR868 / NR868',
id => '52',
knownFreqs => '',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
clockrange => [470,640], # min , max
format => 'manchester', # tristate can't be migrated from bin into hex!
clientmodule => 'OREGON',
#clientmodule => '', # OREGON module not for Motion Detectors
modulematch => '^u52#F{3}|0{3}.*',
preamble => 'u52#',
length_min => '30',
@ -1422,6 +1518,52 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
length_min => '42',
length_max => '44',
"54" => ## TFA Drop 30.3233.01 - Rain gauge
# Rain sensor 30.3233.01 for base station 47.3005.01
# https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433/blob/master/src/devices/tfa_drop_30.3233.c | https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,107998.0.html @sido
# @sido
# SD_WS_54_R_D9C43 R: 73.66 MU;P1=247;P2=-750;P3=722;P4=-489;P5=491;P6=-236;P7=-2184;D=1232141456565656145656141456565614141456141414145656141414141456561414141456561414145614561456145614141414141414145614145656145614141732321414565656561456561414565656141414561414141456561414141414565614141414565614141456145614561456141414141414141456141;CP=1;R=55;O;
# SD_WS_54_R_D9C43 R: 74.422 MU;P0=-1672;P1=740;P2=-724;P3=260;P4=-468;P5=504;P6=-230;D=012123434565656563456563434565656343434563434343456563434343456345634343434565634565656345634563456343434343434343456563434345634345656;CP=3;R=4;
# @punker
# SD_WS_54_R_896E1 R: 28.702 MU;P0=-242;P1=-2076;P2=-13292;P3=242;P4=-718;P5=748;P6=-494;P7=481;CP=3;R=29;D=23454363670707036363670363670367070367070703636363670363636363670363636707036367070707036703670367036363636363636363636707036703636363154543636707070363636703636703670703670707036363636703636363636703636367070363670707070367036703670363636363636363636367;O;
# SD_WS_54_R_896E1 R: 29.464 MU;P0=-236;P1=493;P2=235;P3=-503;P4=-2076;P5=734;P6=-728;CP=2;R=11;D=0101023101023245656232310101023232310232310231010231010102323232310232323232310102323101023102310231023102310231023232323232323232323101010231010232;e;i;
name => 'TFA 30.3233.01',
comment => 'Rain sensor',
id => '54',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
one => [2,-1],
zero => [1,-2],
start => [3,-3], # message provided as MU
clockabs => 250,
reconstructBit => '1',
clientmodule => 'SD_WS',
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'W54#',
length_min => '64',
length_max => '68',
"54.1" => ## TFA Drop 30.3233.01 - Rain gauge
# Rain sensor 30.3233.01 for base station 47.3005.01
# https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433/blob/master/src/devices/tfa_drop_30.3233.c | https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,107998.0.html @punker
# @punker
# SD_WS_54_R_896E1 R: 28.702 MS;P0=-241;P1=486;P2=241;P3=-488;P4=-2098;P5=738;P6=-730;D=24565623231010102323231023231023101023101010232323231023232323231023232310102323101010102310231023102323232323232323232310102310232323;CP=2;SP=4;R=30;O;b=19;s=1;m0;
# SD_WS_54_R_896E1 R: 29.464 MS;P0=-491;P1=242;P2=476;P3=-248;P4=-2096;P5=721;P6=-745;D=14565610102323231010102310102310232310232323101010102310101010102323101023231023102310231023102310231010101010101010101023232310232310;CP=1;SP=4;R=10;O;b=135;s=1;m0;
name => 'TFA 30.3233.01',
comment => 'Rain sensor',
id => '54.1',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
one => [2,-1],
zero => [1,-2],
sync => [3,-3], # message provided as MS
clockabs => 250,
clientmodule => 'SD_WS',
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'W54#',
length_min => '64',
length_max => '68',
"55" => ## QUIGG GT-1000
name => 'QUIGG_GT-1000',
@ -1475,22 +1617,27 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
method => \&lib::SD_Protocols::MCRAW, # Call to process this message
polarity => 'invert',
"58" => ## TFA 30.3208.0
# Ch:2 T: 18.9 H: 69 Bat:ok MC;LL=-981;LH=964;SL=-480;SH=520;D=002BA37EBDBBA24F0015D1BF5EDDD127800AE8DFAF6EE893C;C=486;L=194;
"58" => ## TFA 30.3208.02, 30.3228.02, 30.3229.02, Froggit/Renkforce FT007TH, FT007PF, FT007T, FT007TP, Ambient Weather F007-TH, F007-T, F007-TP
# SD_WS_58_TH_200_2 Ch: 2 T: 18.9 H: 69 Bat: ok MC;LL=-981;LH=964;SL=-480;SH=520;D=002BA37EBDBBA24F0015D1BF5EDDD127800AE8DFAF6EE893C;C=486;L=194;
# Froggit FT007T - https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,58397.msg1023517.html#msg1023517
# SD_WS_58_T_135_2 Ch: 2 T: 22.2 Bat: ok MC;LL=-1047;LH=903;SL=-545;SH=449;D=800AE5E3AE7FD44BC00572F1D73FEA25E002B9788;C=494;L=161;
# SD_WS_58_T_135_2 Ch: 2 T: 22.3 Bat: ok MC;LL=-1047;LH=902;SL=-546;SH=452;D=0015CBC75CF7AA8F800AE5E3AE7BD547C00572F1D0;C=487;L=165;
# Renkforce FT007TH - https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,65680.msg963889.html#msg963889
# SD_WS_58_TH_84_2 Ch: 2 T: 23.9 H: 58 Bat: ok MC;LL=-1005;LH=946;SL=-505;SH=496;D=0015D55F5C0E2B47800AEAAFAE0715A3C0057557D7;C=487;L=168;R=0;
name => 'TFA 30.3208.0',
comment => 'temperature / humidity sensor',
id => '58',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
clockrange => [460,520], # min , max
format => 'manchester', # tristate can't be migrated from bin into hex!
clientmodule => 'SD_WS',
modulematch => '^W58*',
preamble => 'W58#',
length_min => '52', # 54
length_max => '52', # 136
method => \&main::SIGNALduino_MCTFA, # Call to process this message
polarity => 'invert',
name => 'TFA 30.3208.0',
comment => 'Temperature/humidity sensors (TFA 30.3208.02, 30.3228.02, 30.3229.02, Froggit/Renkforce FT007xx, Ambient Weather F007-xx)',
id => '58',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
clockrange => [460,520],
format => 'manchester',
clientmodule => 'SD_WS',
modulematch => '^W58*',
preamble => 'W58#',
length_min => '52', # 54
length_max => '52', # 136
method => \&main::SIGNALduino_MCTFA,
polarity => 'invert',
"59" => ## AK-HD-4 remote | 4 Buttons
# https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/133 @stevedee78
@ -1500,7 +1647,7 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
name => 'AK-HD-4',
comment => 'remote control with 4 buttons',
id => '59',
knownFreqs => '',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
clockabs => 230,
zero => [-4,1],
one => [-1,4],
@ -1906,7 +2053,6 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
# LED_XM21_0 | off MU;P0=-189;P1=115;P4=422;D=0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101040404040101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010104040404010101010;CP=1;R=73;O;
# LED_XM21_0 | off MU;P0=-203;P1=412;P2=114;D=01010101020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020101010102020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020200;CP=2;R=74;
# LED_XM21_0 | off MU;P0=-210;P1=106;P3=413;D=0101010101010101010303030301010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101030303030100;CP=1;R=80;
name => 'LED XM21',
comment => 'remote with 2-buttons for LED X-MAS light string',
@ -2039,28 +2185,29 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
length_max => '12',
"82" => ## Fernotron shutters and light switches
# https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/257
# MU;P0=-32001;P1=435;P2=-379;P4=-3201;P5=831;P6=-778;D=01212121212121214525252525252521652161452525252525252161652141652521652521652521614165252165252165216521416521616165216525216141652161616521652165214165252161616521652161416525216161652161652141616525252165252521614161652525216525216521452165252525252525;CP=1;O;
# https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/257 @zwiebert
# down | MU;P0=-200;P1=21748;P2=-25008;P3=410;P4=-388;P5=-3189;P6=811;P7=-785;CP=3;D=012343434343434343564646464376464646437356464646437646464376435643737373764376464373564373737376437643764356437373737373737643735643737373737373737643564376464376464646464356437646437646464373735376437646464646464643537643764646464643737353737646464646437643735373764646464643737643;e;
# stop | MU;P0=-32001;P1=441;P2=-355;P3=-3153;P4=842;P5=-757;CP=1;D=0121212121212121342424242154242424215134242424215424242154213421515151542154242151342151515154215421542134215151515151515421513421515151515151515421342154242421542424242134215424242154242151513151542424242424242421315154242424242421515131542424215424215421513154242421542421515421;e;
# the messages received are usual missing 12 bits at the end for some reason. So the checksum byte is missing.
# Fernotron protocol is unidirectional. Here we can only receive messages from controllers send to receivers.
name => 'Fernotron',
comment => 'shutters and light switches',
id => '82', # protocol number
knownFreqs => '',
developId => 'm',
dispatchBin => '1',
paddingbits => '1', # disable padding
name => 'Fernotron',
comment => 'shutters and light switches',
id => '82',
knownFreqs => '',
developId => 'm',
dispatchBin => '1',
paddingbits => '1', # disable padding
one => [1,-2], # on=400us, off=800us
zero => [2,-1], # on=800us, off=400us
float => [1,-8], # on=400us, off=3200us. the preamble and each 10bit word has one [1,-8] in front
pause => [1,-1], # preamble (5x)
clockabs => 400, # 400us
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'P82#', # prepend our protocol number to converted message
clientmodule => 'Fernotron',
length_min => '100', # actual 120 bit (12 x 10bit words to decode 6 bytes data), but last 20 are for checksum
length_max => '3360', # 3360 bit (336 x 10bit words to decode 168 bytes data) for full timer message
clockabs => 400, # 400us
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'P82#', # prepend our protocol number to converted message
clientmodule => 'Fernotron',
length_min => '100', # actual 120 bit (12 x 10bit words to decode 6 bytes data), but last 20 are for checksum
length_max => '3360', # 3360 bit (336 x 10bit words to decode 168 bytes data) for full timer message
"83" => ## Remote control RH787T based on MOSDESIGN SEMICONDUCTOR CORP (CMOS ASIC encoder) M1EN compatible HT12E
# for example Westinghouse Deckenventilator Delancey, 6 speed buttons, @zwiebelxxl
@ -2147,6 +2294,11 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
# Novy 840029 | minus button MU;P0=-8032;P1=364;P2=-398;P3=700;P4=-760;P5=-15980;D=0123412341234123412341412351234123412341234123414123512341234123412341234141235123412341234123412341412351234123412341234123414123;CP=1;R=40;
# Novy 840029 | power button MU;P0=-756;P1=718;P2=354;P3=-395;P4=-16056;D=01020202310231310202 42 310231023102310231020202310231310202 42 31023102310231023102020231023131020242310231023102310231020202310231310202;CP=2;R=41;
# Novy 840029 | novy button MU;P0=706;P1=-763;P2=370;P3=-405;P4=-15980;D=0123012301230304230123012301230123012303042;CP=2;R=42;
### remote control Novy 840039 for Novy Cloud 230 kitchen hood:
# https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/792 | https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,107867.0.html @Devirex
# note: !! Clockpulse is 375, value from ID 86 350 it does not work !!
# Novy 840039 | power_button MU;P0=-749;P1=378;P2=-456;P3=684;P4=-16081;D=01230101012301232301014123012301230123012301010123012323010141230123012301230123010101230123230101412;CP=1;R=66;
# Novy 840039 | cooking_light on MU;P0=-750;P1=375;P2=-418;P3=682;P4=-16059;P5=290;P6=-5060;D=0123010123010123010123412305230123012301230101230101230101234123012301230123012301012301012301012341230123012301230123010123010123010123416505230123010123010123010123412;
### Neff Transmitter SF01 01319004 (SF01_01319004) 433,92 MHz
# https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/376 @fhemjcm
# SF01_01319004 | light_on_off MU;P0=-707;P1=332;P2=-376;P3=670;P5=-15243;D=01012301232323230123012301232301010123510123012323232301230123012323010101235101230123232323012301230123230101012351012301232323230123012301232301010123510123012323232301230123012323010101235101230123232323012301230123230101012351012301232323230123012301;CP=1;R=3;O;
@ -2162,7 +2314,7 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
# SF01_01319004_Typ2 | interval MU;P0=-334;P1=709;P2=-152;P3=-663;P4=379;P5=-15226;P6=250;D=01210134010134340101013434340101340134540101340101343401010134343401013601365401013401013434010101343434010134013454010134010134340101013434340101340134540101340101343401010134343401013401345401013401013434010101343434010134013454010134010134340101013434;CP=4;O;
name => 'BOSCH | CAME | Novy | Neff | Refsta Topdraft',
comment => 'remote control CAME TOP 432EV, Novy 840029, BOSCH / Neff or Refsta Topdraft SF01 01319004',
comment => 'remote control CAME TOP 432EV, Novy 840029 & 840039, BOSCH / Neff or Refsta Topdraft SF01 01319004',
id => '86',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
one => [-2,1],
@ -2217,12 +2369,18 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
# P88#00C7922B9D6020024 | button=two MS;P1=417;P3=847;P4=-442;P5=-858;P7=-4258;D=1734343434343434341515343434151515153434153434153434341534153415151534341515153415341515343434343434341534343434343434343434341534341;CP=1;SP=7;R=25;e;m1;
# P88#F82542039D6020014 | button=three MS;P0=-855;P1=852;P2=-433;P3=432;P5=-17236;P6=-4250;D=363030303030121212121230121230123012301212121230121212121212123030301212303030123012303012121212121212301212121212121212121212123012353232323232323232323232;CP=3;SP=6;R=29;O;s=36;m0;
# P88#DB06531F9D6020084 | button=four MS;P0=-17496;P1=435;P2=-438;P4=-4269;P5=-845;P6=850;D=141515621515621515626262626215156262156215626215156262621515151515156262151515621562151562626262626262156262626262626262621562626262101212121212121212121212;CP=1;SP=4;R=34;O;m1;
## remote enjoy motors HS-8, HS-1 / RIO HS-8 | three buttons
# Modulation = GFSK | Frequenz = 868.302 MHz | Bandwidth = 58.036 kHz | Deviation = 25.391 kHz | Datarate = 24.796 kHz
# https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,107239.0.html | https://github.com/fhem/SD_Keeloq/issues/19
# P88#31EB8B8A008B48058 | button=up MS;P1=399;P2=-421;P3=-4034;P4=800;P5=-815;P6=-15516;D=1342421515424242151515154215421515154242421542151515424242154215424242424242424242154242421542151542154242154242424242424242154215161212121212121212121212;CP=1;SP=3;R=86;O;m2;
# P88#54F58AA3008B48038 | button=down MS;P1=415;P2=-400;P3=-4034;P4=810;P5=-803;P6=-15468;D=1342154215421542421515151542154215154242421542154215421542424215154242424242424242154242421542151542154242154242424242424242421515161212121212121212121212;CP=1;SP=3;R=84;O;m2;
# P88#CBDA84D2008B48018 | button=stop MS;P1=417;P2=-400;P3=-4032;P4=-789;P5=811;P6=-15540;D=1314145252145214141414521414521452145252525214525214145214525214525252525252525252145252521452141452145252145252525252525252525214161212121212121212121212;CP=1;SP=3;R=86;O;m2;
## KeeLoq is a registered trademark of Microchip Technology Inc.
name => 'HCS300/HCS301',
comment => 'remote controls Aurel TX-nM-HCS, Rademacher RP-S1-HS-RF11, SCS Sentinel PR3-4207-002, Waeco MA650_TX',
comment => 'remote controls Aurel TX-nM-HCS, enjoy motors HS, Rademacher RP-S1-HS-RF11, SCS Sentinel PR3-4207-002, Waeco MA650_TX',
id => '88',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
knownFreqs => '433.92 | 868.35',
one => [1,-2], # PWM bit pulse width typ. 1.2 mS
zero => [2,-1], # PWM bit pulse width typ. 1.2 mS
preSync => [1,-1, 1,-1, 1,-1, 1,-1, 1,-1, 1,-1, 1,-1, 1,-1, 1,-1, 1,-1, 1,-1,], # 11 pulses preambel, 1 sync, 66 data, pause ... repeat
@ -2232,7 +2390,7 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
reconstructBit => '1',
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'P88#',
clientmodule => 'SD_Keeloq',
clientmodule => 'SD_Keeloq',
length_min => '65',
length_max => '78',
@ -2434,9 +2592,61 @@ package lib::SD_ProtocolData;
length_max => '49',
method => \&main::SIGNALduino_GROTHE,
"97" => # Momento, remote control for wireless digital picture frame - elektron-bbs 2020-03-21
# Short press repeatedly message 3 times, long press repeatedly until release.
# When sending, the original message is not reproduced, but the recipient also reacts to the messages generated in this way.
# Momento_0000064 play/pause MU;P0=-294;P1=237;P2=5829;P3=-3887;P4=1001;P5=-523;P6=504;P7=-995;D=01010101010101010101010234545454545454545454545454545454545454545456767454567454545456745456745456745454523454545454545454545454545454545454545454545676745456745454545674545674545674545452345454545454545454545454545454545454545454567674545674545454567454;CP=4;R=45;O;
# Momento_0000064 power MU;P0=-998;P1=-273;P2=256;P3=5830;P4=-3906;P5=991;P6=-527;P7=508;D=12121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121345656565656565656565656565656565656565656567070565670565656565670567056565670707034565656565656565656565656565656565656565656707056567;CP=2;R=40;O;
# Momento_0000064 up MU;P0=-1005;P1=-272;P2=258;P3=5856;P4=-3902;P5=1001;P6=-520;P7=508;D=0121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121213456565656565656565656565656565656565656565670705656705656567056565670565670567056345656565656565656565656565656565656565656567070565;CP=2;R=63;O;
name => 'Momento',
comment => 'Remote control for wireless digital picture frame',
id => '97',
knownFreqs => '433.92',
one => [2,-4], # 500, -1000
zero => [4,-2], # 1000, -500
start => [23,-15], # 5750, -3750
clockabs => 250,
format => 'twostate',
preamble => 'P97#',
clientmodule => 'SD_UT',
length_min => '40',
length_max => '40',
#### ### old information from incomplete implemented protocols #### ####
# "" => ## Livolo
# https://github.com/RFD-FHEM/RFFHEM/issues/29
# MU;P0=-195;P1=151;P2=475;P3=-333;D=0101010101 02 01010101010101310101310101010101310101 02 01010101010101010101010101010101010101 02 01010101010101010101010101010101010101 02 010101010101013101013101;CP=1;
# protocol sends 24 to 47 pulses per message.
# First pulse is the header and is 595 μs long. All subsequent pulses are either 170 μs (short pulse) or 340 μs (long pulse) long.
# Two subsequent short pulses correspond to bit 0, one long pulse corresponds to bit 1. There is no footer. The message is repeated for about 1 second.
# Start bit: | |___| bit 0: | |___| bit 1: | |___|
# {
# name => 'Livolo',
# comment => 'remote control / dimmmer / switch ...',
# id => '',
# knownFreqs => '',
# one => [3],
# zero => [1],
# start => [5],
# clockabs => 110, #can be 90-140
# format => 'twostate',
# preamble => 'uXX#', # prepend to converted message
# #clientmodule => '',
# #modulematch => '',
# length_min => '16',
# #length_max => '', # missing
# filterfunc => 'SIGNALduino_filterSign',
# },
sub getProtocolList {
return \%protocols;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user