mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 16:56:54 +00:00

10_ZWave.pm: Security rewrite with zwave_parseHook (Forum #38587)

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@10609 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
rudolfkoenig 2016-01-24 07:10:08 +00:00
parent c41c9d0595
commit 31926b8511

View File

@ -419,18 +419,12 @@ my %zwave_class = (
AV_RENDERER_STATUS => { id => '96' },
AV_CONTENT_SEARCH_MD => { id => '97' },
SECURITY => { id => '98',
set => { "secScheme" => 'ZWave_sec($hash, "0400")',
"secNonce" => 'ZWave_secCreateNonce($hash)',
"secNonceReport" => 'ZWave_sec($hash, "40")',
"secSupportedReport" => 'ZWave_sec($hash, "02")',
"secEncap" => 'ZWave_sec($hash, "%s")' },
parse => { "..9803(.*)" => 'ZWave_secSupported($hash, $1)',
"..9805(.*)" => 'ZWave_secInit($hash, $1)',
"..9807" => 'ZWave_secNetWorkKeyVerify($hash)',
"..9840" => 'ZWave_secNonceRequestReceived($hash)',
"..9880(.*)" => 'ZWave_secNonceReceived($hash, $1)',
"..9881(.*)" => 'ZWave_secDecrypt($hash, $1, 0)',
"..98c1(.*)" => 'ZWave_secDecrypt($hash, $1, 1)' } },
set => { "secSupportedReport" => 'ZWave_sec($hash, "02")', },
parse => { "..9803(.*)"=> 'ZWave_secSupported($hash, $1)',
"..9840" => 'ZWave_secNonceRequestReceived($hash)',
"..9880(.*)"=> 'ZWave_secNonceReceived($hash, $1)',
"..9881(.*)"=> 'ZWave_secDecrypt($hash, $1, 0)',
"..98c1(.*)"=> 'ZWave_secDecrypt($hash, $1, 1)' } },
AV_TAGGING_MD => { id => '99' },
IP_CONFIGURATION => { id => '9a' },
@ -445,14 +439,6 @@ my %zwave_class = (
NON_INTEROPERABLE => { id => 'f0' },
my %zwave_quietCmds = (
my %zwave_cmdArgs = (
set => {
dim => "slider,0,1,99",
@ -766,8 +752,7 @@ ZWave_Cmd($$@)
return "" if($ncmd && $ncmd eq "EMPTY"); # e.g. configRequestAll
Log3 $name, $zwave_quietCmds{$cmd} ? 4 : 2,
"ZWave $type $name $cmd ".join(" ", @a);
Log3 $name, 2, "ZWave $type $name $cmd ".join(" ", @a);
my ($baseClasses, $baseHash) = ($classes, $hash);
if($id =~ m/(..)(..)/) { # Multi-Channel, encapsulate
@ -779,7 +764,6 @@ ZWave_Cmd($$@)
$baseClasses = AttrVal($baseHash->{NAME}, "classes", "");
my $data;
if($cmd eq "neighborUpdate" ||
$cmd eq "neighborList") {
@ -790,10 +774,8 @@ ZWave_Cmd($$@)
my $cmdEf = (AttrVal($name, "noExplorerFrames", 0) == 0 ? "25" : "05");
$data = "13$id$len$cmdId${cmdFmt}$cmdEf"; # 13==SEND_DATA
$data .= $id; # callback=>id
if ($data =~ m/(......)(....)(.*)(....)/) {
my $cc_cmd=$2;
my $payload=$3;
@ -804,7 +786,8 @@ ZWave_Cmd($$@)
# message stored in hash, will be processed when nonce arrives
my $cmd2 = "$type $name $cmd ".join(" ", @a);
ZWave_secPutMsg($hash, $cc_cmd . $payload, $cmd2);
return ZWave_Cmd("set", $hash, $name, "secNonceReport");
ZWave_secAddToSendStack($hash, '9840');
@ -830,10 +813,8 @@ ZWave_Cmd($$@)
ZWave_processSendStack($hash) if($data && $cmd eq "neighborList");
} else {
if(!$zwave_quietCmds{$cmd}) {
$cmd .= " ".join(" ", @a) if(@a);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", $cmd, 1);
$cmd .= " ".join(" ", @a) if(@a);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", $cmd, 1);
@ -977,7 +958,6 @@ ZWave_scheduleSet ($$)
ZWave_scheduleParse ($$)
@ -1279,7 +1259,6 @@ ZWave_multilevelParse($$$)
int(@{$ml->{st}}) > $sc ? $ml->{st}->[$sc] : "");
@ -1382,7 +1361,6 @@ ZWave_timeOffsetReport($$)
$monthEndDST, $dayEndDST, $hourEndDST);
return (sprintf("timeOffset:$UTCoffset $DSToffset $startDST $endDST"));
@ -1591,7 +1569,6 @@ ZWave_sceneParse($)
return sprintf("sceneEvent%s:%s", int(hex($p)/10), $arg[hex($p)%10]);
@ -2192,7 +2169,6 @@ ZWave_associationRequest($$)
return undef; # No veto for further parsing
my %zwave_roleType = (
@ -2296,33 +2272,173 @@ ZWave_CRC16($)
# SECURITY (start)
my ($hash, $param) = @_;
my ($hash, $iodev) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $ioName = $iodev->{NAME};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "SECURITY",
"INITIALIZING (starting secure inclusion)", 0);
my $classes = AttrVal($name, "classes", "");
if($classes =~ m/SECURITY/) {
if ($zwave_cryptRijndael == 1) {
my $key = AttrVal($ioName, "networkKey", "");
if($key) {
$iodev->{secInitName} = $name;
Log3 $ioName, 2, "ZWAVE Starting secure init";
#~ ZWave_secIncludeStart($dh);
#~ return "";
# starting secure inclusion by setting the scheme
$zwave_parseHook{"$hash->{nodeIdHex}:..9805"} = \&ZWave_secSchemeReport;
ZWave_secAddToSendStack($hash, "980400"); # only scheme "00" is defined
return 1;
} else {
Log3 $ioName,1,"No secure inclusion as $ioName has no networkKey";
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "SECURITY",
'DISABLED (Networkkey not found)', 0);
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: SECURITY disabled, ".
"networkkey not found";
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "SECURITY",
'DISABLED (Module Crypt::Rijndael not found)', 0);
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: SECURITY disabled, module ".
"Crypt::Rijndael not found";
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "SECURITY",
'DISABLED (SECURITY not supported by device)', 0);
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: secure inclusion failed, ".
"SECURITY disabled, device does not support SECURITY command class";
return 0;
ZWave_secSchemeReport($$) # only called by zwave_parseHook during Include
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if ($arg =~ m/..9805(..)/) { # 03980500 is expected
if ($1 == 0) { # supported SECURITY-Scheme, prepare for setting networkkey
$zwave_parseHook{"$hash->{nodeIdHex}:..9880"} = \&ZWave_secNetworkkeySet;
ZWave_secAddToSendStack($hash, '9840');
#ZWave_Cmd("set", $hash, $name, "secNonceReport");
} else {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: Unsupported SECURITY-Scheme received: $1"
.", please report";
} else {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: Unknown SECURITY-SchemeReport received: $arg";
return 1; # "veto" for parseHook
ZWave_secNetworkkeySet($$) # only called by zwave_parseHook during Include
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $iodev = $hash->{IODev};
my $r_nonce_hex;
if ($arg =~ m/..9880(................)/) {
$r_nonce_hex = $1;
} else {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: Unknown SECURITY-NonceReport received: $arg";
my $key_hex = AttrVal($iodev->{NAME}, "networkKey", "");
my $mynonce_hex = substr (ZWave_secCreateNonce($hash), 2, 16);
my $cryptedNetworkKeyMsg = ZWave_secNetworkkeyEncode($r_nonce_hex,
$mynonce_hex, $key_hex, $hash->{nodeIdHex});
$zwave_parseHook{"$hash->{nodeIdHex}:..9807"} = \&ZWave_secNetWorkKeyVerify;
ZWave_secAddToSendStack($hash, '98'.$cryptedNetworkKeyMsg);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "SECURITY", 'INITIALIZING (Networkkey sent)',0);
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: SECURITY initializing, networkkey sent";
# start timer here to check state if networkkey was not verified
$hash->{networkkeyTimer} = { hash => $hash };
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+25, "ZWave_secTestNetworkkeyVerify",
$hash->{networkkeyTimer}, 0);
return 1; # "veto" for parseHook
ZWave_secNetWorkKeyVerify ($$) # only called by zwave_parseHook during Include
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $iodev = $hash->{IODev};
if (!ZWave_secIsEnabled($hash)) {
return 1;
delete $hash->{networkkeyTimer};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "SECURITY", 'ENABLED', 0);
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: SECURITY enabled, networkkey was verified";
$zwave_parseHook{"$hash->{nodeIdHex}:..9803"} = \&ZWave_secIncludeFinished;
ZWave_Cmd("set", $hash, $name, ("secSupportedReport"));
return 1; # "veto" for parseHook
ZWave_secIncludeFinished($$) # only called by zwave_parseHook during Include
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my $iodev = $hash->{IODev};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if (!ZWave_secIsEnabled($hash)) {
if ($iodev->{secInitName}) {
# Secure inclusion is finished, remove readings and execute "normal" init
delete $iodev->{secInitName};
ZWave_execInits($hash, 0);
return 0; # no "veto" for parseHook -> parsing of secureSupported
$hash->{secStatus} = 0 if(!$hash->{secStatus});
my $status = ++$hash->{secStatus};
my @stTxt = ( "secScheme", "secNonceRequest");
my $stTxt = ($status > int(@stTxt) ? "ERR" : $stTxt[$status-1]);
if($status == 1) {
ZWave_Cmd("set", $hash, $name, "secScheme");
return ""; # not evaluated
} elsif($status == 2) {
ZWave_Cmd("set", $hash, $name, "secNonceReport");
return undef;
} else {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: secureInit called with invalid status";
return undef;
ZWave_secTestNetworkkeyVerify ($)
my ($p) = @_;
my $hash = $p->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $sec_status = ReadingsVal($name, "SECURITY", undef);
delete $hash->{networkkeyTimer};
if ($sec_status !~ m/ENABLED/) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "SECURITY",
'DISABLED (networkkey not verified and timer expired)', 0);
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: SECURITY disabled, networkkey was not verified ".
"and timer expired";
my ($hash, $cmd) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $id = $hash->{nodeIdHex};
my $len = sprintf("%02x", (length($cmd)-2)/2+1);
my $cmdEf = (AttrVal($name, "noExplorerFrames", 0) == 0 ? "25" : "05");
my $data = "13$id$len$cmd$cmdEf$id"; # 13==SEND_DATA
ZWave_addToSendStack($hash, $data);
@ -2400,13 +2516,11 @@ ZWave_secIsSecureClass($$)
return 0;
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $iodev = $hash->{IODev};
my $id = $hash->{nodeIdHex};
if (!ZWave_secIsEnabled($hash)) {
@ -2432,7 +2546,6 @@ ZWave_secSupported($$)
# Add new secure_classes to classes if not already present
# Needed for classes that are only supported with SECURITY
if ($attr{$name}{secure_classes} && $attr{$name}{classes}) {
my $classes = $attr{$name}{classes};
my $secure_classes = $attr{$name}{secure_classes};
@ -2470,13 +2583,6 @@ ZWave_secSupported($$)
$classes =~ s/ +/ /gs;
$attr{$name}{classes} = $classes;
if ($iodev->{secInitName} && $hash->{secStatus}) {
# Secure inclusion is finished, remove readings and execute "normal" init
delete $iodev->{secInitName};
delete $hash->{secStatus};
return ZWave_execInits($hash, 0);
@ -2491,23 +2597,6 @@ ZWave_secNonceReceived($$)
# If a nonce is received during secure_Include, send the networkkey...
if ($hash->{secStatus} && ($hash->{secStatus} == 2)) {
my $key_hex = AttrVal($iodev->{NAME}, "networkKey", "");
my $mynonce_hex = substr (ZWave_secCreateNonce($hash), 2, 16);
my $cryptedNetworkKeyMsg = ZWave_secNetworkkeySet($r_nonce_hex,
$mynonce_hex, $key_hex, $hash->{nodeIdHex});
ZWave_Cmd("set", $hash, $name, ("secEncap", $cryptedNetworkKeyMsg));
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "SECURITY", 'INITIALIZING (Networkkey sent)',0);
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: SECURITY initializing, networkkey sent";
# start timer here to check state if networkkey was not verified
$hash->{networkkeyTimer} = { hash => $hash };
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+25, "ZWave_secTestNetworkkeyVerify", $hash->{networkkeyTimer}, 0);
return undef;
# if nonce is received, we should have stored a message for encryption
my $getSecMsg = ZWave_secGetMsg($hash);
my @secArr = split / /, $getSecMsg, 4;
@ -2522,17 +2611,15 @@ ZWave_secNonceReceived($$)
my $enc = ZWave_secEncrypt($hash, $r_nonce_hex, $secMsg);
ZWave_Cmd("set", $hash, $name, ("secEncap", $enc));
ZWave_secAddToSendStack($hash, '98'.$enc);
if ($type eq "set" && $cmd && $cmd !~ m/^config.*request$/) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", $cmd, 1);
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: type=$type, cmd=$cmd ($getSecMsg)";
ZWave_secEnd($hash) if ($type eq "set");
return undef;
ZWave_secPutMsg ($$$)
@ -2573,7 +2660,7 @@ ZWave_secNonceRequestReceived ($)
return ZWave_Cmd("set", $hash, $hash->{NAME}, "secNonce");
ZWave_secAddToSendStack($hash, '98'.ZWave_secCreateNonce($hash));
@ -2602,9 +2689,11 @@ ZWave_secCreateNonce($)
if (ZWave_secIsEnabled($hash)) {
my $nonce = ZWave_secGetNonce();
setReadingsVal($hash, "send_nonce", $nonce, TimeNow());
return ("",'80'.$nonce);
#return ("",'80'.$nonce);
return ('80'.$nonce);
} else {
return ("", '00');
#return ("", '00');
return ('00');
@ -2618,41 +2707,6 @@ ZWave_secGetNonce()
return $nonce;
ZWave_secNetWorkKeyVerify ($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $iodev = $hash->{IODev};
if (!ZWave_secIsEnabled($hash)) {
delete $hash->{networkkeyTimer};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "SECURITY", 'ENABLED', 0);
Log3 $name, 3, "$name: SECURITY enabled, networkkey was verified";
ZWave_Cmd("set", $hash, $name, ("secSupportedReport"));
ZWave_secTestNetworkkeyVerify ($)
my ($p) = @_;
my $hash = $p->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $sec_status = ReadingsVal($name, "SECURITY", undef);
delete $hash->{networkkeyTimer};
if ($sec_status !~ m/ENABLED/) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "SECURITY",
'DISABLED (networkkey not verified and timer expired)', 0);
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: SECURITY disabled, networkkey was not verified ".
"and timer expired";
@ -2791,7 +2845,8 @@ ZWave_secDecrypt($$$)
if ($newnonce == 1) {
ZWave_Cmd("set", $hash, $hash->{NAME}, "secNonce");
ZWave_secAddToSendStack($hash, '98'.ZWave_secCreateNonce($hash));
#ZWave_Cmd("set", $hash, $hash->{NAME}, "secNonce");
return "";
@ -2878,10 +2933,10 @@ ZWave_secGenerateAuth ($$$)
ZWave_secNetworkkeySet ($$$$)
ZWave_secNetworkkeyEncode ($$$$)
my ($nonce_hex, $mynonce_hex, $key_plain_hex, $id_hex) = @_;
my $name ="ZWave_secNetworkkeySet";
#my $name ="ZWave_secNetworkkeySet";
# The NetworkKeySet command message will be encrcpted and authentificated
# with temporary keys that are created with the networkkey and default
@ -2924,7 +2979,7 @@ ZWave_secNetworkkeySet ($$$$)
# SECURITY (end)
@ -3163,41 +3218,11 @@ ZWave_Parse($$@)
ZWave_wakeupTimer($dh, 1) if(ZWave_isWakeUp($dh));
if($iodev->{addSecure}) {
readingsSingleUpdate($dh, "SECURITY",
"INITIALIZING (starting secure inclusion)", 0);
my $classes = AttrVal($dh->{NAME}, "classes", "");
if($classes =~ m/SECURITY/) {
if ($zwave_cryptRijndael == 1) {
my $key = AttrVal($ioName, "networkKey", "");
if($key) {
$iodev->{secInitName} = $dh->{NAME};
Log3 $ioName, 2, "ZWAVE Starting secure init";
return ZWave_secInit($dh);
} else {
Log3 $ioName,1,"No secure inclusion as $ioName has no networkKey";
readingsSingleUpdate($dh, "SECURITY",
'DISABLED (Networkkey not found)', 0);
Log3 $dh->{NAME}, 1, "$dh->{NAME}: SECURITY disabled, ".
"networkkey not found";
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate($dh, "SECURITY",
'DISABLED (Module Crypt::Rijndael not found)', 0);
Log3 $dh->{NAME}, 1, "$dh->{NAME}: SECURITY disabled, module ".
"Crypt::Rijndael not found";
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate($dh, "SECURITY",
'DISABLED (SECURITY not supported by device)', 0);
Log3 $dh->{NAME}, 1, "$dh->{NAME}: secure inclusion failed, ".
"SECURITY disabled, device does not support SECURITY command class";
return "" if (ZWave_secIncludeStart($dh, $iodev) == 1);
return ZWave_execInits($dh, 0);
} elsif($cmd eq "ZW_APPLICATION_UPDATE" && $arg =~ m/....(..)..(.*)$/) {
my ($type6,$classes) = ($1, $2);
my $ret = ZWave_SetClasses($homeId, $id, $type6, $classes);
@ -3771,28 +3796,6 @@ s2Hex($)
Parameters are: groupId, sceneId, dimmingDuration.
<br><br><b>Class SECURITY</b>
(internaly used to) set the security scheme '00'
(internaly used to) send a security NONCE to the device
(internaly used to) request a security NONCE from the device
(internaly used to) send an encrypted message to the device
This class needs the installation of the perl module Crypt::Rijndael
and a defined networkkey in the attributes of the ZWDongle device<br>
Currently a secure inclusion can only be started from the command input
with "set &lt;ZWDongle_device_name&gt; addNode [onSec|onNwSec]"<br>
These commands are only described here for completeness of the
documentation, but are not intended for manual usage. These commands
will be removed from the interface in future version.</li>
<br><br><b>Class SWITCH_ALL</b>
the device does not react to swaOn and swaOff commands</li>
@ -4079,9 +4082,6 @@ s2Hex($)
(internaly used to) request the command classes that are supported
(internaly used to) send an encrypted message to the device
This class needs the installation of the perl module Crypt::Rijndael and
a defined networkkey in the attributes of the ZWDongle device<br>
@ -4377,7 +4377,7 @@ s2Hex($)
<br><br><b>Class SECURITY</b>
Note: the class security should work transparent to the sytem and is not
intended to generate event</li>
intended to generate events</li>
<br><br><b>Class SENSOR_ALARM</b>
<li>alarm_type_X:level Y node $nodeID seconds $seconds</li>