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synced 2025-02-07 16:59:18 +00:00
mqtt2.template: add ge-e-charger myutils + zigbee2tasmota ID changer
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@24827 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -2096,6 +2096,29 @@ deletereading -q DEVICE (?!associatedWith|IODev).*
setreading DEVICE attrTemplateVersion 20210607
setreading DEVICE attrTemplateVersion 20210607
{ AttrTemplate_Initialize() }
{ AttrTemplate_Initialize() }
prereq:{my @devices=devspec2array("model=tasmota_zigbee2tasmota_bridge");;return 1 if $devices[0];;return 0}
desc:As the bridge tends to assign a new ID each time you join a device to the ZigBee network, you may want to update existing devices with the new ID instead of reconfiguring the new ones! Don't forget to delete the autocreated other device afterwards...<br>NOTE: as the ID consists just of four letters, make sure, there's nothing beeing wrongly replaced...
par:DEV_ID;Provide the new ZigBee short ID, hex value without leading 0x;{ undef }
par:DEV_OLD_ID;ZigBee short ID, hex value without leading 0x;{ AttrVal("DEVICE","readingList","") =~ m,([^:]*)\b(tele|cmnd|stat)/.*/([^/]+)/SENSOR?:, ? "$3" : undef }
par:READINGLIST;Existing readingList attribute value;{ AttrVal("DEVICE",'readingList','') }
par:SETLIST;Existing setList attribute value;{ AttrVal("DEVICE",'setList','') }
par:GETLIST;Existing getList attribute value;{ AttrVal("DEVICE",'getList','') }
par:DEVTOPIC;Existing devicetopic attribute value;{ AttrVal("DEVICE",'devicetopic','') }
par:DEVCID;Existing CID internal value;{ InternalVal("DEVICE",'CID',"z2t_DEV_ID") }
option:{return 1 if length("DEVCID");return 0}
{my $new = q(DEVCID); $new =~ s{DEV_OLD_ID}{DEV_ID}g; CommandDefMod(undef, "DEVICE MQTT2_\DEVICE $new")}
option:{return 1 if qw(READINGLIST);return 0}
{no warnings qw(constant); my $new = q(READINGLIST); $new =~ s{DEV_OLD_ID}{DEV_ID}g; CommandAttr(undef, "DEVICE readingList $new")}
option:{return 1 if qw(SETLIST);return 0}
{no warnings qw(constant); my $new = q(SETLIST); $new =~ s{DEV_OLD_ID}{DEV_ID}g; CommandAttr(undef, "DEVICE setList $new")}
option:{return 1 if qw(GETLIST);return 0}
{no warnings qw(constant); my $new = q(GETLIST); $new =~ s{DEV_OLD_ID}{DEV_ID}g; CommandAttr(undef, "DEVICE getList $new")}
option:{return 1 if length("DEVTOPIC");return 0}
{my $new = q(DEVTOPIC); $new =~ s{DEV_OLD_ID}{DEV_ID}g; CommandAttr(undef, "DEVICE devicetopic $new")}
farewell:Template has been applied. NOTE: as the replaced ID consists just of four letters, make sure, there's nothing beeing wrongly replaced...
prereq:{my @devices=devspec2array("model=tasmota_zigbee2tasmota_bridge");;return 1 if $devices[0];;return 0}
prereq:{my @devices=devspec2array("model=tasmota_zigbee2tasmota_bridge");;return 1 if $devices[0];;return 0}
@ -4670,10 +4693,10 @@ attr DEVICE model McLighting
setreading DEVICE attrTemplateVersion 20200522 or prior
setreading DEVICE attrTemplateVersion 20200522 or prior
#source post: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,105457.msg993924.html#msg993924
#source post: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,105457.msg993924.html#msg993924
desc:See source post: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,105457.msg993924.html#msg993924 for details. For complete MQTT-API see https://go-e.co/app/api.pdf
desc:Old version! See source post: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,105457.msg993924.html#msg993924 for details. For complete MQTT-API see https://go-e.co/app/api.pdf
par:BASE_ID;BASE_ID typically is go-eCharger;{ AttrVal("DEVICE","readingList","") =~ m,(go-eCharger)[/][^/]+[/].*:, ? $1 : undef }
par:BASE_ID;BASE_ID typically is go-eCharger;{ AttrVal("DEVICE","readingList","") =~ m,(go-eCharger)[/][^/]+[/].*:, ? $1 : undef }
par:SERIAL;Serial number;{ AttrVal("DEVICE","readingList","") =~ m,go-eCharger[/]([^/]+)[/].*:, ? $1 : undef }
par:SERIAL;Serial number;{ AttrVal("DEVICE","readingList","") =~ m,go-eCharger[/]([^/]+)[/].*:, ? $1 : undef }
par:ICON;ICON as set, defaults to mqtt;{ AttrVal("DEVICE","icon","mqtt") }
par:ICON;ICON as set, defaults to mqtt;{ AttrVal("DEVICE","icon","mqtt") }
@ -4690,9 +4713,34 @@ ALW:Activation\
attr DEVICE devStateIcon ALW.1:status_open:Activation+0 ALW.0:status_locked:Activation+1
attr DEVICE devStateIcon ALW.1:status_open:Activation+0 ALW.0:status_locked:Activation+1
attr DEVICE userReadings charger_state:car.* { my $val = ReadingsVal($name,"car","none");; my %rets = ("none" => "-1","1" => "Ready","2" => "Charging","3" => "waiting for car","4" => "Charging finished",);; $rets{$val}}, energy_total:eto.* { ReadingsVal($name,"eto",0)*0.1 }, energy_akt:dws.* { ReadingsVal($name,"dws",0)*2.77 }
attr DEVICE userReadings charger_state:car.* { my $val = ReadingsVal($name,"car","none");; my %rets = ("none" => "-1","1" => "Ready","2" => "Charging","3" => "waiting for car","4" => "Charging finished",);; $rets{$val}}, energy_total:eto.* { ReadingsVal($name,"eto",0)*0.1 }, energy_akt:dws.* { ReadingsVal($name,"dws",0)*2.77 }
deletereading -q DEVICE (?!associatedWith|IODev).*
deletereading -q DEVICE (?!associatedWith|IODev).*
attr DEVICE model go_eCharger
attr DEVICE model go_eCharger_old
setreading DEVICE attrTemplateVersion 20200522 or prior
setreading DEVICE attrTemplateVersion 20200522 or prior
#source post: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,105457.msg993924.html#msg993924 with myutils from https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,115620.0.html
desc:New version, original source post: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,105457.msg993924.html#msg993924, uses myUtils code from https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,115620.0.html. For complete MQTT-API see https://go-e.co/app/api.pdf
par:BASE_ID;BASE_ID typically is go-eCharger;{ AttrVal("DEVICE",'readingList','') =~ m,(go-eCharger)[/][^/]+[/].*:, ? $1 : undef }
par:SERIAL;Serial number;{ AttrVal("DEVICE",'readingList','') =~ m,go-eCharger[/]([^/]+)[/].*:, ? $1 : undef }
par:ICON;ICON as set, defaults to mqtt;{ AttrVal("DEVICE",'icon','electric_car_icon') }
{ Svn_GetFile('contrib/AttrTemplate/99_attrT_go_e_Utils.pm', 'FHEM/99_attrT_go_e_Utils.pm', sub(){ CommandReload(undef, '99_attrT_go_e_Utils') }) }
attr DEVICE icon ICON
attr DEVICE readingList BASE_ID/SERIAL/status:.* { FHEM::attrT_go_e_Utils::j2rN_extended($NAME,$EVENT,1) }\
BASE_ID/SERIAL/ip:.* { json2nameValue($EVENT) }
attr DEVICE setList Activation:0,1 BASE_ID/SERIAL/cmd/req alw=$EVTPART1\
Ampere:selectnumbers,1,1,22,1,lin BASE_ID/SERIAL/cmd/req amp=$EVTPART1\
Three_Phases:0,1 BASE_ID/SERIAL/cmd/req fsp=$EVTPART1
attr DEVICE stateFormat Status: charger_state \
P_akt: energy_akt
attr DEVICE devStateIcon ALW.1:status_open:Activation+0 ALW.0:status_locked:Activation+1
deletereading -q DEVICE (?!associatedWith|IODev).*
attr DEVICE comment NOTE: additional code has been downloaded from svn (contrib).<br>There may be room for improvement, please adress any issues in https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,115620.0.html; issue "help attrT_go_e_Utils" for more info about.
farewell:template has been applied successfully. <br>NOTE: additional code has been downloaded from svn (contrib). <br>This is in early development stage, there may be room for improvement! Please adress any issues in https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,115620.0.html. To see more info about the provided code, issue <i>help attrT_go_e_Utils</i>.
attr DEVICE model go_eCharger
setreading DEVICE attrTemplateVersion 20210804
# provided as mqtt2_siedle.template by hydrotec
# provided as mqtt2_siedle.template by hydrotec
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
# $Id$
package FHEM::attrT_go_e_Utils; ## no critic 'Package declaration'
use strict;
use warnings;
#use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday );
#use List::Util qw( min max );
use GPUtils qw(GP_Import);
## Import der FHEM Funktionen
#-- Run before package compilation
# Import from main context
sub ::attrT_go_e_Utils_Initialize { goto &Initialize }
# initialize ##################################################################
sub Initialize {
my $hash = shift;
# Enter you functions below _this_ line.
my %jsonmap = (
"alw" => "allow_charging",
"amp" => "ampere",
"tmp" => "temperature",
"rbc" => "reboot_counter",
"rbt" => "reboot_timer",
"err" => "error",
"ast" => "access_state",
"stp" => "stop_state",
"cbl" => "cable_code",
"pha" => "phase",
"dws" => "deca_watt_sec",
"dwo" => "stop_energy",
"adi" => "adapter_in",
"uby" => "unlocked_by",
"eto" => "energy_total",
"wst" => "wifi_state",
"nrg_1" => "voltage_l1",
"nrg_2" => "voltage_l2",
"nrg_3" => "voltage_l3",
"nrg_4" => "voltage_n",
"nrg_5" => "ampere_l1",
"nrg_6" => "ampere_l2",
"nrg_7" => "ampere_l3",
"nrg_8" => "power_l1",
"nrg_9" => "power_l2",
"nrg_10" => "power_l3",
"nrg_11" => "power_n",
"nrg_12" => "power_total",
"nrg_13" => "power_factor_l1",
"nrg_14" => "power_factor_l2",
"nrg_15" => "power_factor_l3",
"nrg_16" => "power_factor_n",
"fwv" => "firmware_version",
"sse" => "serial_number",
"wss" => "wifi_ssid",
"wke" => "wifi_key",
"wen" => "wifi_enabled",
"tof" => "time_offset",
"tds" => "daylight_saving_offset",
"lbr" => "led_brightness",
"aho" => "hours_charging",
"afi" => "time_charging",
"azo" => "awattar_zone",
"ama" => "max_ampere",
"al1" => "ampere_level1",
"al2" => "ampere_level2",
"al3" => "ampere_level3",
"al4" => "ampere_level4",
"al5" => "ampere_level5",
"cid" => "color_idle",
"cch" => "color_charging",
"cfi" => "color_charging_done",
"lse" => "led_save_energy",
"ust" => "unlock_state",
"wak" => "wifi_hotspot_key",
"r1x" => "flags",
"dto" => "remaining_time",
"nmo" => "norway_mode",
"eca" => "rfid1_energy",
"ecr" => "rfid2_energy",
"ecd" => "rfid3_energy",
"ec4" => "rfid4_energy",
"ec5" => "rfid5_energy",
"ec6" => "rfid6_energy",
"ec7" => "rfid7_energy",
"ec8" => "rfid8_energy",
"ec9" => "rfid9_energy",
"ec1" => "rfid10_energy",
"rca" => "rfid1_id",
"rcr" => "rfid2_id",
"rcd" => "rfid3_id",
"rc4" => "rfid4_id",
"rc5" => "rfid5_id",
"rc6" => "rfid6_id",
"rc7" => "rfid7_id",
"rc8" => "rfid8_id",
"rc9" => "rfid9_id",
"rc1" => "rfid10_id",
"rna" => "rfid1_name",
"rnm" => "rfid2_name",
"rne" => "rfid3_name",
"rn4" => "rfid4_name",
"rn5" => "rfid5_name",
"rn6" => "rfid6_name",
"rn7" => "rfid7_name",
"rn8" => "rfid8_name",
"rn9" => "rfid9_name",
"rn1" => "rfid10_name",
"tma_1" => "internal_temperature_sensor_1",
"tma_2" => "internal_temperature_sensor_2",
"tma_3" => "internal_temperature_sensor_3",
"tma_4" => "internal_temperature_sensor_4",
"amt" => "max_ampere_temperature",
"tme" => "time",
"sch" => "scheduler",
"sdp" => "scheduler_double_press",
"upd" => "update_available",
"cdi" => "cloud_disabled",
"loe" => "loadmanagement_enabled",
"lot" => "loadmanagement_total_ampere",
"lom" => "loadmanagement_min_ampere",
"lop" => "loadmanagement_priority",
"log" => "loadmanagement_group_id",
"lon" => "loadmanagement_number_charger",
"lof" => "loadmanagement_fallback_ampere",
"loa" => "loadmanagement_ampere",
"lch" => "loadmanagement_seconds_power",
"mce" => "mqtt_enabled",
"mcs" => "mqtt_server",
"mcp" => "mqtt_port",
"mcu" => "mqtt_username",
"mck" => "mqtt_key",
"mcc" => "mqtt_connected"
my %stationStates = (
"none" => "-1",
"1" => "Ready",
"2" => "Charging",
"3" => "waiting for car",
"4" => "Charging finished"
my %todelete = (
"always" => ["wifi_key","reboot_timer","loadmanagement_seconds_power","time"],
"hourly" => ["mqtt_enabled","mqtt_server","mqtt_port","mqtt_username","mqtt_key","mqtt_connected"]
sub j2rN_extended {
my $name = shift;
my $event = shift // return;
my $useSNrs = shift // 0;
my $aDiffV = shift; #absolute voltage difference for eocr
my $rDiffV = shift; #relative voltage difference for eocr (in %)
my $tDiffV = shift // 600; #max timespan for triggering next value w/o changes; (defaults to 10 minutes)
my $aDiffA = shift; #absolute ampere difference for eocr
my $rDiffA = shift; #relative ampere difference for eocr (in %)
my $tDiffA = shift // $tDiffV; #max timespan, s.a.
my $aDiffP = shift; #absolute kW difference for eocr
my $rDiffP = shift; #relative kW difference for eocr (in %)
my $tDiffP = shift // $tDiffA; #max timespan, s.a.
my $aDiffwF = shift; #absolute Leistungsfaktor difference for eocr
my $rDiffwF = shift; #relative Leistungsfaktor difference for eocr (in %)
my $tDiffwF = shift // $tDiffA; #max timespan, s.a.
#Array mit Werten des Strom- und Spannungssensors
#nrg[0]: Spannung auf L1 in Volt
#nrg[1]: Spannung auf L2 in Volt
#nrg[2]: Spannung auf L3 in Volt
#nrg[3]: Spannung auf N in Volt
#nrg[4]: Ampere auf L1 in 0.1A (123 entspricht 12,3A)
#nrg[5]: Ampere auf L2 in 0.1A
#nrg[6]: Ampere auf L3 in 0.1A
#nrg[7]: Leistung auf L1 in 0.1kW (36 entspricht 3,6kW)
#nrg[8]: Leistung auf L2 in 0.1kW
#nrg[9]: Leistung auf L3 in 0.1kW
#nrg[10]: Leistung auf N in 0.1kW
#nrg[11]: Leistung gesamt in 0.01kW (360 entspricht 3,6kW)
#nrg[12]: Leistungsfaktor auf L1 in %
#nrg[13]: Leistungsfaktor auf L2 in %
#nrg[14]: Leistungsfaktor auf L3 in %
#nrg[15]: Leistungsfaktor auf N in %
my %toCompare = (
"Voltage" => {
"a" => $aDiffV,
"r" => $rDiffV,
"t" => $tDiffV,
"elements" => ["voltage_l1","voltage_l2","voltage_l3"]
"Ampere" => {
"a" => $aDiffA,
"r" => $rDiffA,
"t" => $tDiffA
"Power" => {
"a" => $aDiffP,
"r" => $rDiffP,
"t" => $tDiffP
"PowerFactor" => {
"a" => $aDiffwF,
"r" => $rDiffwF,
"t" => $tDiffwF
my $rets = json2nameValue($event); #get reference to a flat hash
#renaming; adopted form fhem.pl, end of json2nameValue()
my %ret2;
for my $kname (keys %$rets) {
my $oname = $kname;
if(defined($jsonmap{$kname})) {
next if(!$jsonmap{$kname});
$kname = $jsonmap{$kname};
$ret2{$kname} = $rets->{$oname};
#replace stationStates
$ret2{car} = $stationStates{$ret2{car}} if !$useSNrs;
for my $obsolete (@{$todelete{always}}) {
delete $ret2{$obsolete};
for my $kname (keys %ret2) {
delete $ret2{$kname} if $ret2{$kname} eq "";
my $firstelement = ${$todelete{hourly}}[0];
my $lastloop = ReadingsAge($name, $firstelement, 10000000);
if ($lastloop < 3600) {
for my $obsolete (@{$todelete{hourly}}) {
delete $ret2{$obsolete};
} else {
for my $obsolete (@{$todelete{hourly}}) {
delete $ret2{$obsolete} if ReadingsVal($name,$obsolete,"unknown") eq $ret2{$obsolete};
compAbs {
my ($ret,$name,$val,$limit) = @_;
my $actual = ReadingsNum($name,$ret,0);
return 1 if $val >= $actual - $limit && $val <= $actual + $limit;
compRel {
my ($ret,$name,$val,$limit) = @_;
my $actual = ReadingsNum($name,$ret,0);
return 1 if $val >= $actual*(1 - $limit) && $val <= $actual*( 1 + $limit);
$firstelement = ${$toCompare{Voltage}}{elements}[0];
$lastloop = ReadingsAge($name, $firstelement, 10000000);
if ($firstelement && $lastloop < $toCompare{Voltage}{t}) {
for my $obsolete (@{$toCompare{Voltage}{elements}}) {
delete $ret2{$obsolete} if compAbs($obsolete, $name, $ret2{$obsolete}, $toCompare{Voltage}{a}) && compRel($obsolete, $name, $ret2{$obsolete}, $toCompare{Voltage}{r}) ;
#main loop for comparisons
for my $k (sort keys %ret2) {
return \%ret2;
=begin html
<a id="attrT_go_e_Utils"></a>
<b>Functions to support attrTemplates for go-e-Chargers</b><br>
This is an extended wrapper to fhem.pl json2nameValue() to prevent the device "spamming" FHEM with a lot of obsolete, unwanted, not changed and cryptically named readings due to a very poorly programmed MQTT interface. First two parameters ($NAME (device name) and $EVENT (original JSON payload)) are mandatory, next is recommended to be set to 1 to show station numbers, all the remaining parameters may allow tweaking the exact behaviour of the internal "event-on-change-reading" (and so on) mechanisms and may be subject to changes...<br>
There may be room for improvement, please adress any issues in https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,115620.0.html.
=end html
Reference in New Issue
Block a user