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synced 2025-03-10 09:16:53 +00:00
Freed the SVG module from FHEMWEB dependencies
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@1248 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1203,7 +1203,7 @@ FW_showLog($)
$ret = FW_fC("get $d $file INT $f $t " . join(" ", @{$flog}));
($cfg, $plot) = FW_substcfg(1, $wl, $cfg, $plot, $file, "<OuT>");
SVG_render($wl, $f, $t, $cfg, $internal_data, $plot, $FW_wname);
FW_pO SVG_render($wl, $f, $t, $cfg, $internal_data, $plot, $FW_wname, $FW_dir);
$FW_RETTYPE = "image/svg+xml";
@ -9,9 +9,13 @@ use POSIX;
sub SVG_render($$$$$$$);
sub time_to_sec($);
sub fmtTime($$);
sub SVG_render($$$$$$$$);
sub SVG_time_to_sec($);
sub SVG_fmtTime($$);
sub SVG_time_align($$);
sub SVG_doround($$$);
sub SVG_pO($);
my $SVG_RET; # Returned data (SVG)
my ($SVG_lt, $SVG_ltstr);
@ -26,7 +30,7 @@ SVG_Initialize($)
my $name = shift; # e.g. wl_8
my $from = shift; # e.g. 2008-01-01
@ -34,10 +38,13 @@ SVG_render($$$$$$$)
my $confp = shift; # lines from the .gplot file, w/o FileLog and plot
my $dp = shift; # pointer to data (one string)
my $plot = shift; # Plot lines from the .gplot file
my $FW_wname = shift; # FHEMWEB instance name
my $parent_name = shift; # e.g. FHEMWEB instance name
my $parent_dir = shift; # FW_dir
my $SVG_ss = AttrVal($FW_wname, "smallscreen", 0);
return "" if(!defined($dp));
my $SVG_ss = AttrVal($parent_name, "smallscreen", 0);
return $SVG_RET if(!defined($dp));
my $th = 16; # "Font" height
my ($x, $y) = (($SVG_ss ? 2 : 3)*$th, 1.2*$th); # Rect offset
@ -57,52 +64,52 @@ SVG_render($$$$$$$)
# Html Header
FW_pO '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
FW_pO '<!DOCTYPE svg>';
FW_pO '<svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" '.
SVG_pO '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
SVG_pO '<!DOCTYPE svg>';
SVG_pO '<svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" '.
'xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" >';
my $prf = AttrVal($FW_wname, "stylesheetPrefix", "");
FW_pO "<style lType=\"text/css\"><![CDATA[";
if(open(FH, "$FW_dir/${prf}svg_style.css") ||
open(FH, "$FW_dir/svg_style.css")) {
FW_pO join("", <FH>);
my $prf = AttrVal($parent_name, "stylesheetPrefix", "");
SVG_pO "<style lType=\"text/css\"><![CDATA[";
if(open(FH, "$parent_dir/${prf}svg_style.css") ||
open(FH, "$parent_dir/svg_style.css")) {
SVG_pO join("", <FH>);
} else {
Log 0, "Can't open $FW_dir/svg_style.css"
Log 0, "Can't open $parent_dir/svg_style.css"
FW_pO "]]></style>";
SVG_pO "]]></style>";
# gradient definitions
if(open(FH, "$FW_dir/${prf}svg_defs.svg") ||
open(FH, "$FW_dir/svg_defs.svg")) {
FW_pO join("", <FH>);
if(open(FH, "$parent_dir/${prf}svg_defs.svg") ||
open(FH, "$parent_dir/svg_defs.svg")) {
SVG_pO join("", <FH>);
} else {
Log 0, "Can't open $FW_dir/svg_defs.svg"
Log 0, "Can't open $parent_dir/svg_defs.svg"
# Draw the background
FW_pO "<rect width =\"$ow\" height=\"$oh\" class=\"background\"/>";
SVG_pO "<rect width =\"$ow\" height=\"$oh\" class=\"background\"/>";
# Rectangle
FW_pO "<rect x=\"$x\" y=\"$y\" width =\"$w\" height =\"$h\" rx=\"8\" ry=\"8\" ".
SVG_pO "<rect x=\"$x\" y=\"$y\" width =\"$w\" height =\"$h\" rx=\"8\" ry=\"8\" ".
"fill=\"none\" class=\"border\"/>";
my ($off1,$off2) = ($ow/2, 3*$y/4);
my $title = ($conf{title} ? $conf{title} : " ");
$title =~ s/</</g;
$title =~ s/>/>/g;
FW_pO "<text id=\"svg_title\" x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" " .
SVG_pO "<text id=\"svg_title\" x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" " .
"class=\"title\" text-anchor=\"middle\">$title</text>";
# Copy and Paste labels, hidden by default
FW_pO "<text id=\"svg_paste\" x=\"" . ($ow-$x) . "\" y=\"$off2\" " .
SVG_pO "<text id=\"svg_paste\" x=\"" . ($ow-$x) . "\" y=\"$off2\" " .
"onclick=\"parent.svg_paste(evt)\" " .
"class=\"paste\" text-anchor=\"end\"> </text>";
FW_pO "<text id=\"svg_copy\" x=\"" . ($ow-2*$x) . "\" y=\"$off2\" " .
SVG_pO "<text id=\"svg_copy\" x=\"" . ($ow-2*$x) . "\" y=\"$off2\" " .
"onclick=\"parent.svg_copy(evt)\" " .
"class=\"copy\" text-anchor=\"end\"> </text>";
@ -113,13 +120,13 @@ SVG_render($$$$$$$)
$t =~ s/"//g;
if(!$SVG_ss) {
($off1,$off2) = (3*$th/4, $oh/2);
FW_pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" text-anchor=\"middle\" " .
SVG_pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" text-anchor=\"middle\" " .
"class=\"ylabel\" transform=\"rotate(270,$off1,$off2)\">$t</text>";
$t = ($conf{y2label} ? $conf{y2label} : "");
$t =~ s/"//g;
($off1,$off2) = ($ow-$th/4, $oh/2);
FW_pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" text-anchor=\"middle\" " .
SVG_pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" text-anchor=\"middle\" " .
"class=\"y2label\" transform=\"rotate(270,$off1,$off2)\">$t</text>";
@ -152,7 +159,7 @@ SVG_render($$$$$$$)
$desc = sprintf("%s: Min:%g Max:%g Last:%g",
$t, $data{"min$j"}, $data{"max$j"}, $data{"currval$j"});
FW_pO "<text title=\"$desc\" ".
SVG_pO "<text title=\"$desc\" ".
"onclick=\"parent.svg_labelselect(evt)\" line_id=\"line_$i\" " .
"x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" text-anchor=\"end\" $lStyle[$i]>$t</text>";
$off2 += $th;
@ -161,8 +168,8 @@ SVG_render($$$$$$$)
# Loop over the input, digest dates, calculate min/max values
my ($fromsec, $tosec);
$fromsec = time_to_sec($from) if($from ne "0"); # 0 is special
$tosec = time_to_sec($to) if($to ne "9"); # 9 is special
$fromsec = SVG_time_to_sec($from) if($from ne "0"); # 0 is special
$tosec = SVG_time_to_sec($to) if($to ne "9"); # 9 is special
my $tmul;
$tmul = $w/($tosec-$fromsec) if($tosec && $fromsec);
@ -195,7 +202,7 @@ SVG_render($$$$$$$)
} else {
($d, $v) = split(" ", $l);
$d = ($tmul ? int((time_to_sec($d)-$fromsec)*$tmul) : $d);
$d = ($tmul ? int((SVG_time_to_sec($d)-$fromsec)*$tmul) : $d);
if($ld ne $d || $lv ne $v) { # Saves a lot on year zoomlevel
$ld = $d; $lv = $v;
push @{$dxp}, $d;
@ -209,19 +216,19 @@ SVG_render($$$$$$$)
$dxp = $hdx[0];
if($dxp && int(@{$dxp}) < 2 && !$tosec) { # not enough data and no range...
FW_pO "</svg>";
SVG_pO "</svg>";
return $SVG_RET;
if(!$tmul) { # recompute the x data if no range sepcified
$fromsec = time_to_sec($dxp->[0]) if(!$fromsec);
$tosec = time_to_sec($dxp->[int(@{$dxp})-1]) if(!$tosec);
$fromsec = SVG_time_to_sec($dxp->[0]) if(!$fromsec);
$tosec = SVG_time_to_sec($dxp->[int(@{$dxp})-1]) if(!$tosec);
$tmul = $w/($tosec-$fromsec);
for my $i (0..@hdx-1) {
$dxp = $hdx[$i];
for my $i (0..@{$dxp}-1) {
$dxp->[$i] = int((time_to_sec($dxp->[$i])-$fromsec)*$tmul);
$dxp->[$i] = int((SVG_time_to_sec($dxp->[$i])-$fromsec)*$tmul);
@ -252,27 +259,27 @@ SVG_render($$$$$$$)
my $initoffset = $tstep;
$initoffset = int(($tstep/2)/86400)*86400 if($aligntics);
for(my $i = $fromsec+$initoffset; $i < $tosec; $i += $tstep) {
$i = time_align($i,$aligntics);
$i = SVG_time_align($i,$aligntics);
$off1 = int($x+($i-$fromsec)*$tmul);
FW_pO "<polyline points=\"$off1,$y $off1,$off2\"/>";
FW_pO "<polyline points=\"$off1,$off3 $off1,$off4\"/>";
SVG_pO "<polyline points=\"$off1,$y $off1,$off2\"/>";
SVG_pO "<polyline points=\"$off1,$off3 $off1,$off4\"/>";
# then the text and the grid
$off1 = $x;
$off2 = $y+$h+$th;
$t = fmtTime($first_tag, $fromsec);
FW_pO "<text x=\"0\" y=\"$off2\" class=\"ylabel\">$t</text>";
$t = SVG_fmtTime($first_tag, $fromsec);
SVG_pO "<text x=\"0\" y=\"$off2\" class=\"ylabel\">$t</text>";
$initoffset = $step;
$initoffset = int(($step/2)/86400)*86400 if($aligntext);
for(my $i = $fromsec+$initoffset; $i < $tosec; $i += $step) {
$i = time_align($i,$aligntext);
$i = SVG_time_align($i,$aligntext);
$off1 = int($x+($i-$fromsec)*$tmul);
$t = fmtTime($tag, $i);
FW_pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" class=\"ylabel\" " .
$t = SVG_fmtTime($tag, $i);
SVG_pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" class=\"ylabel\" " .
FW_pO " <polyline points=\"$off1,$y $off1,$off4\" class=\"hgrid\"/>";
SVG_pO " <polyline points=\"$off1,$y $off1,$off4\" class=\"hgrid\"/>";
@ -301,13 +308,13 @@ SVG_render($$$$$$$)
for my $li (0..int(@limit)-1) {
my $l = $limit[$li];
next if($dh > $l);
$ma = doround($hmax{$axis}, $l/10, 1);
$mi = doround($hmin{$axis}, $l/10, 0);
$ma = SVG_doround($hmax{$axis}, $l/10, 1);
$mi = SVG_doround($hmin{$axis}, $l/10, 0);
if(($ma-$mi)/($l/10) >= 7) { # If more then 7 steps, then choose next
$l = $limit[$li+1];
$ma = doround($hmax{$axis}, $l/10, 1);
$mi = doround($hmin{$axis}, $l/10, 0);
$ma = SVG_doround($hmax{$axis}, $l/10, 1);
$mi = SVG_doround($hmin{$axis}, $l/10, 0);
$step = $l/10;
@ -331,10 +338,10 @@ SVG_render($$$$$$$)
$tlabel =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
$off2 = int($y+($ma-$tvalue)*$hmul);
FW_pO "<polyline points=\"$off3,$off2 $off4,$off2\"/>";
SVG_pO "<polyline points=\"$off3,$off2 $off4,$off2\"/>";
$off2 += $th/4;
my $align = ($axis eq "x1y1" ? " text-anchor=\"end\"" : "");
FW_pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" class=\"ylabel\"$align>
SVG_pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" class=\"ylabel\"$align>
@ -342,16 +349,16 @@ SVG_render($$$$$$$)
for(my $i = $mi; $i <= $ma; $i += $step) {
$off2 = int($y+($ma-$i)*$hmul);
FW_pO " <polyline points=\"$off3,$off2 $off4,$off2\"/>";
SVG_pO " <polyline points=\"$off3,$off2 $off4,$off2\"/>";
if($axis eq "x1y2") {
my $o6 = $x+$w;
FW_pO " <polyline points=\"$x,$off2 $o6,$off2\" class=\"vgrid\"/>"
SVG_pO " <polyline points=\"$x,$off2 $o6,$off2\" class=\"vgrid\"/>"
if($i > $mi && $i < $ma);
$off2 += $th/4;
my $align = ($axis eq "x1y1" ? " text-anchor=\"end\"" : "");
my $txt = sprintf("%g", $i);
FW_pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" class=\"ylabel\"$align>$txt</text>";
SVG_pO "<text x=\"$off1\" y=\"$off2\" class=\"ylabel\"$align>$txt</text>";
@ -392,7 +399,7 @@ SVG_render($$$$$$$)
$ly = $x1; $ly = $y1;
$ret = sprintf(" %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d",
$x1-3,$y1, $x1,$y1-3, $x1+3,$y1, $x1,$y1+3, $x1-3,$y1);
FW_pO "<polyline $attributes points=\"$ret\"/>";
SVG_pO "<polyline $attributes points=\"$ret\"/>";
} elsif($lType[$idx] eq "steps" || $lType[$idx] eq "fsteps" ) {
@ -417,7 +424,7 @@ SVG_render($$$$$$$)
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d", $lx, $y+$h) if($isFill && $lx > -1);
FW_pO "<polyline $attributes points=\"$ret\"/>";
SVG_pO "<polyline $attributes points=\"$ret\"/>";
} elsif($lType[$idx] eq "histeps" ) {
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d", $x+$dxp->[0], $y+$h) if($isFill && @{$dxp});
@ -436,7 +443,7 @@ SVG_render($$$$$$$)
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d", $lx, $y+$h) if($isFill && $lx > -1);
FW_pO "<polyline $attributes points=\"$ret\"/>";
SVG_pO "<polyline $attributes points=\"$ret\"/>";
} else { # lines and everything else
foreach my $i (0..int(@{$dxp})-1) {
@ -449,15 +456,16 @@ SVG_render($$$$$$$)
$ret .= sprintf(" %d,%d", $lx, $y+$h) if($isFill && $lx > -1);
FW_pO "<polyline $attributes points=\"$ret\"/>";
SVG_pO "<polyline $attributes points=\"$ret\"/>";
FW_pO "</svg>";
SVG_pO "</svg>";
return $SVG_RET;
my ($str) = @_;
if(!$str) {
@ -478,7 +486,7 @@ time_to_sec($)
my ($sepfmt, $sec) = @_;
my @tarr = split("[ :]+", localtime($sec));
@ -492,7 +500,7 @@ fmtTime($$)
my ($v,$align) = @_;
return $v if(!$align);
@ -513,7 +521,7 @@ time_align($$)
my ($v, $step, $isup) = @_;
if($v >= 0) {
@ -522,4 +530,16 @@ doround($$$)
return (int($v/$step))*$step+($isup ? 0 : -$step);
# print (append) to output
my $arg = shift;
return if(!defined($arg));
$SVG_RET .= $arg;
$SVG_RET .= "\n";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user