mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 04:36:36 +00:00
HMConfig:introduce HM-RC-2-PBU-FM-2, correct command notification
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@22642 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ my $K_actDetID = '000000'; # id of actionDetector
,"0108" => {name=>"HM-HM-LC-DW-WM" ,st=>'rgb' ,cyc=>'' ,rxt=>'' ,lst=>'1,3' ,chn=>"Bright:1:1,Col:2:2,Bright_V1:3:3,Col_V1:4:4,Bright_V2:5:5,Col_V2:6:6",}
,"0109" => {name=>"HM-DW-WM" ,st=>'dimmer' ,cyc=>'' ,rxt=>'' ,lst=>'1,3' ,chn=>"Dim:1:2,Dim1_V:3:4,Dim2_V:5:6",}
,"010A" => {name=>"HM-SEN-MDIR-O-3" ,alias=>"HM-SEN-MDIR-O"}
,"010C" => {name=>"HM-RC-2-PBU-FM-2" ,alias=>"HM-RC-2-PBU-FM" }
,"8001" => {name=>"PS-SWITCH" ,st=>'switch' ,cyc=>'' ,rxt=>'' ,lst=>'1,3' ,chn=>"Sw:1:4",}
,"8002" => {name=>"PS-TH-SENS" ,st=>'THSensor' ,cyc=>'' ,rxt=>'' ,lst=>'1,4' ,chn=>"Sen:1:4",}
,"FFF0" => {name=>"CCU-FHEM" ,st=>'virtual' ,cyc=>'' ,rxt=>'' ,lst=>'' ,chn=>"Btn:1:50",}
@ -1670,25 +1670,26 @@ $culHmRegChan{"HM-OU-CFM-TW02"} = $culHmRegChan{"HM-OU-CFM-PL02"};
#define gets - try use same names as for set
%culHmGlobalGets = (
param => "-param-",
reg => "-addr- ... -list- -peerChn-",
regVal => "-addr- ... -list- -peerChn-",
reg => "-addr- -list- [-peerChn-]",
regVal => "-addr- -list- [-peerChn-]",
regList => "",
cmdList => "[short|long]",
saveConfig => "-filename- ...",
deviceInfo => "[short|long]",
regTable => "",
cmdList => "[({short}|long)]",
saveConfig => "[-filename-]",
deviceInfo => "[({short}|long)]",
tplInfo => ""
%culHmVrtGets = (
param => "-param-",
cmdList => "[short|long]",
cmdList => "[({short}|long)]",
%culHmSubTypeGets = (
none4Type =>{ "test"=>"" }
%culHmModelGets = (
"CCU-FHEM" =>{ "listDevice"=>""}
,ACTIONDETECTOR =>{ "listDevice"=>"[all|alive|unknown|dead|notAlive] ..."
,"status" =>""
,ACTIONDETECTOR =>{ "listDevice"=>"[({all}|alive|unknown|dead|notAlive)]"
,"status" =>""
%culHmGlobalGetsDev = (# all devices
@ -1696,39 +1697,39 @@ $culHmRegChan{"HM-OU-CFM-TW02"} = $culHmRegChan{"HM-OU-CFM-PL02"};
%culHmGlobalSets = (# all but virtuals
regBulk => "-list-.-peerChn- -addr1:data1- -addr2:data2- ..."
,getRegRaw => "[List0|List1|List2|List3|List4|List5|List6] ... [-PeerChannel-]"
regBulk => "-list-.-peerChn- -addr1:data1- -addr2:data2-..."
,getRegRaw => "(List0|List1|List2|List3|List4|List5|List6) [-peerChn-]"
,getConfig => ""
,regSet => "[prep|exec] -regName- -value- ... [-peerChannel-]"
,clear => "[readings|trigger|register|oldRegs|rssi|msgEvents|msgErrors|attack|all]"
,regSet => "[(prep|{exec})] -regName- -value- [-peerChn-]"
,clear => "[(readings|trigger|register|oldRegs|rssi|msgEvents|{msgErrors}|attack|all)]"
,tplDel => "-tplDel-"
%culHmGlobalSetsVrtDev = (# virtuals and devices without subtype
virtual => "-noButtons-"
,clear => "[readings|rssi|msgErrors|msgErrors|unknownDev]"
,clear => "[(readings|rssi|msgErrors|{msgErrors}|unknownDev)]"
%culHmReglSets = (# entities with regList
"0" =>{ #this is a device
raw => "data ..."
raw => "-data-..."
,reset => ""
,unpair => ""
,assignHmKey => ""
,deviceRename => "newName"
,fwUpdate => "-filename- -bootTime- ..."
,deviceRename => "-newName-"
,fwUpdate => "-filename- [-bootTime-]"
,getDevInfo => ""
,"1" =>{ #this is a channel
sign => "[on|off]"
sign => "[(on|{off})]"
,"3p" =>{ press => "[long|short] -peer- [-repCount(long only)-] [-repDelay-] ..."
,"3p" =>{ press => "[(long|{short})] [(-peer-|{self})] [-repCount-] [-repDelay-]"
,eventL => "-peer- -cond-"
,eventS => "-peer- -cond-"
,"4p" =>{ trgPressS =>"[-peer-]"
,trgPressL =>"[-peer-]"
,trgEventS =>"[-peer-] -condition-"
,trgEventL =>"[-peer-] -condition-"
,"4p" =>{ trgPressS =>"[(-peer-|{all})]"
,trgPressL =>"[(-peer-|{all})]"
,trgEventS =>"-peer- -condition-"
,trgEventL =>"-peer- -condition-"
@ -1749,7 +1750,7 @@ $culHmSubTypeDevSets{dimmer} =
$culHmSubTypeDevSets{blindActuator} = $culHmSubTypeDevSets{switch};
%culHmGlobalSetsChn = (# all channels but virtuals
peerBulk => "-peer1,peer2,...- [set|unset]"
peerBulk => "-peer1,peer2,..- [({set}|unset)]"
%culHmSubTypeSets = (# channels of this subtype
switch =>{ "on-for-timer" =>"-ontime-"
@ -1757,52 +1758,52 @@ $culHmSubTypeDevSets{blindActuator} = $culHmSubTypeDevSets{switch};
,on =>""
,off =>""
,toggle =>""
,inhibit =>"[on|off]"
,inhibit =>"[(on|{off})]"
,statusRequest =>""
,peerIODev =>"[IO] -btn- [set|unset]... not for future use"
,peerIODev =>"[IO] -btn- [({set}|unset)] 'not for future use'"
,dimmer =>{ "on-for-timer" =>"-ontime- [-ramptime-]..."
,"on-till" =>"-time- [-ramptime-]..."
,dimmer =>{ "on-for-timer" =>"-ontime- [(-ramptime-|{0})]"
,"on-till" =>"-time- [(-ramptime-|{0})]"
,on =>""
,off =>""
,old =>""
,toggle =>""
,pct =>"[-value-|old] ... [-ontime-] [-ramptime-]"
,pct =>"(-value-|old) [(-ontime-|{0})] [(-ramptime-|{0})]"
,stop =>""
,up =>"[-changeValue-] [-ontime-] [-ramptime-] ..."
,down =>"[-changeValue-] [-ontime-] [-ramptime-] ..."
,inhibit =>"[on|off]"
,up =>"[(-changeValue-|{10})] [(-ontime-|{0})] [(-ramptime-|{0})]"
,down =>"[(-changeValue-|{10})] [(-ontime-|{0})] [(-ramptime-|{0})]"
,inhibit =>"[(on|{off})]"
,statusRequest =>""
,peerIODev =>"[IO] -btn- [set|unset]... not for future use"
,peerIODev =>"[IO] -btn- [({set}|unset)] 'not for future use'"
,blindActuator =>{ on =>""
,off =>""
,toggle =>""
,toggleDir =>""
,pct =>"[-value-] ... [-ontime-]"
,pct =>"-value- [-ontime-]"
,stop =>""
,up =>"[-changeValue-] [-ontime-] [-ramptime-] ..."
,down =>"[-changeValue-] [-ontime-] [-ramptime-] ..."
,inhibit =>"[on|off]"
,up =>"[(-changeValue-|{10})] [(-ontime-|{0})] [(-ramptime-|{0})]"
,down =>"[(-changeValue-|{10})] [(-ontime-|{0})] [(-ramptime-|{0})]"
,inhibit =>"[(on|{off})]"
,statusRequest =>""
,peerIODev =>"[IO] -btn- [set|unset]... not for future use"
,peerIODev =>"[IO] -btn- [({set}|unset)] 'not for future use'"
,remote =>{ peerChan =>"-btnNumber- -actChn- ... [single|dual|reverse] [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"}
,threeStateSensor =>{ peerChan =>"-btnNumber- -actChn- ... single [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"}
,THSensor =>{ peerChan =>"0 -actChn- ... single [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"}
,virtual =>{ peerChan =>"-btnNumber- -actChn- ... [single|dual|reverse] [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"
,press =>"[long|short] [noBurst] [-repCount(long only)-] [-repDelay-] ..."
,remote =>{ peerChan =>"-btnNumber- -actChn- [({single}|dual|reverse)] [({set}|unset)] [(actor|remote|{both})]"}
,threeStateSensor =>{ peerChan =>"-btnNumber- -actChn- [({single})] [({set}|unset)] [actor|remote|both]"}
,THSensor =>{ peerChan =>"0 -actChn- [({single})] [({set}|unset)] [actor|remote|both]"}
,virtual =>{ peerChan =>"-btnNumber- -actChn- [({single}|dual|reverse)] [({set}|unset)] [(actor|remote|{both})]"
,press =>"[(long|{short})] [(noBurst)] [(-repCount-|{1})] [(-repDelay-|{0})]"
,postEvent =>"-condition-"
,smokeDetector =>{ peerChan =>"-btnNumber- -actChn- ... single [set|unset] actor"}
,smokeDetector =>{ peerChan =>"-btnNumber- -actChn- [({single})] [({set}|unset)] [({actor})]"}
,keyMatic =>{ lock =>""
,unlock =>"[-sec-] ..."
,open =>"[-sec-] ..."
,inhibit =>"[on|off]"
,unlock =>"[(-sec-|{0})]"
,open =>"[(-sec-|{0})]"
,inhibit =>"[(on|{off})]"
,statusRequest =>""
,repeater =>{ setRepeat =>"[no1..36] -sendName- -recName- [bdcast-yes|no]"
,inhibit =>"[on|off]"
,repeater =>{ setRepeat =>"-noX- -sendName- -recName- 'bdcast'(yes|no)"
,inhibit =>"[(on|{off})]"
,statusRequest =>""
,KFM100 =>{ statusRequest =>""}
@ -1816,14 +1817,14 @@ $culHmSubTypeSets{motionDetector} =
$culHmSubTypeSets{motionAndBtn} = $culHmSubTypeSets{threeStateSensor};
%culHmModelSets = (# channels of this subtype-------------
"HM-CC-VD" =>{ valvePos =>"[off|0.0..99.0]"}
"HM-CC-VD" =>{ valvePos =>"[({off}|0.0..99.0)]"}
,"HM-RC-19" =>{ service =>"-count-"
,alarm =>"-count-"
,display =>"-text- [comma|no] [unit] [off|1|2|3] [off|on|slow|fast] -symbol-"
,display =>"-text- (comma|no) -unit- (off|1|2|3) (off|on|slow|fast) -symbol-"
,"HM-PB-4DIS-WM-2" =>{ text =>"-txt1- -txt2-..." }
,"HM-OU-LED16" =>{ led =>"[off|red|green|orange]"
,ilum => "[0-15] [0-127]"
,"HM-PB-4DIS-WM-2" =>{ text =>"-txt1- [-txt2-]" }
,"HM-OU-LED16" =>{ led =>"(off|red|green|orange)"
,ilum => "(0-15) (0-127)"
,statusRequest =>""
,"HM-OU-CFM-PL" =>{ "on-for-timer" =>"-sec-"
@ -1831,16 +1832,16 @@ $culHmSubTypeSets{motionAndBtn} = $culHmSubTypeSets{threeStateSensor};
,on =>""
,off =>""
,toggle =>""
,inhibit =>"[on|off]"
,inhibit =>"[(on|{off})]"
,"HM-CC-RT-DN" =>{ inhibit =>"[on|off]"}
,"HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU" =>{ inhibit =>"[on|off]"}
,"HM-CC-RT-DN" =>{ inhibit =>"[(on|{off})]"}
,"HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU" =>{ inhibit =>"[(on|{off})]"}
,"HM-SEC-SD" =>{ statusRequest =>""}
,"HM-SEC-SD-2" =>{ statusRequest =>""}
,"HM-LC-JA1PBU-FM" =>{ pctSlat =>"[0-100]|old|noChng"
,pctLvlSlat =>"-value-|old|noChng -slatValue-|old|noChng"
,"HM-LC-JA1PBU-FM" =>{ pctSlat =>"(0-100|old|noChng)"
,pctLvlSlat =>"(-value-|old|noChng) (-slatValue-|old|noChng)"
,"ACTIONDETECTOR" =>{ clear =>"[readings|all]"
,"ACTIONDETECTOR" =>{ clear =>"(readings|all)"
,update =>""
@ -1863,106 +1864,106 @@ $culHmModelSets{"HM-HM-LC-DW-WM"} = $culHmSubTypeSets{dimmer}; ##### re
%culHmChanSets = (
"HM-CC-TC00" =>{ "desired-temp" =>"[on|off|6.0..30.0]"
"HM-CC-TC00" =>{ "desired-temp" =>"(on|off|6.0..30.0)"
,statusRequest =>""
,sysTime =>""
# ,getSerial =>""
,"HM-DIS-EP-WM5501" =>{ text =>"-txt1- -txt2-..."
,peerChan =>"-btnNumber- -actChn- ... single [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"
,"HM-DIS-EP-WM5501" =>{ text =>"-txt1- [-txt2-]"
,peerChan =>"-btnNumber- -actChn- [({single})] [({set}|unset)] [(actor|remote|{both})]"
,"HM-RC-DIS-H-X-EUxx" =>{ text =>"-txt1- -txt2-..." }
,"HM-CC-TC02" =>{ peerChan =>" 0 -actChn- ... single [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"
,"desired-temp" =>"[on|off|6.0..30.0]"
,tempListSat =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListSun =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListMon =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListTue =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListThu =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListWed =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListFri =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListTmpl =>"[verify|restore] [[-file-:]templateName] ..."
,tempTmplSet =>"[[-file-:]templateName] ..."
,partyMode =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM durationDays ..."
,displayMode =>"[temp-only|temp-hum]"
,displayTemp =>"[actual|setpoint]"
,controlMode =>"[auto|manual|central|party]"
,"HM-RC-DIS-H-X-EUxx" =>{ text =>"-txt1- [-txt2-]" }
,"HM-CC-TC02" =>{ peerChan =>" 0 -actChn- single [({set}|unset)] [(actor|remote|{both})]"
,"desired-temp" =>"(on|off|6.0..30.0)"
,tempListSat =>"[(prep|{exec})] -HH:MM- -temp- [...]"
,tempListSun =>"[(prep|{exec})] -HH:MM- -temp- [...]"
,tempListMon =>"[(prep|{exec})] -HH:MM- -temp- [...]"
,tempListTue =>"[(prep|{exec})] -HH:MM- -temp- [...]"
,tempListThu =>"[(prep|{exec})] -HH:MM- -temp- [...]"
,tempListWed =>"[(prep|{exec})] -HH:MM- -temp- [...]"
,tempListFri =>"[(prep|{exec})] -HH:MM- -temp- [...]"
,tempListTmpl =>"[({verify}|restore)] [[-file-:]-templateName-]"
,tempTmplSet =>"[[-file-:]-templateName-]"
,partyMode =>"[(prep|{exec})] -HH:MM- -durationDays- [...]"
,displayMode =>"(temp-only|temp-hum)"
,displayTemp =>"(actual|setpoint)"
,controlMode =>"(auto|manual|central|party)"
,statusRequest =>""
,sysTime =>""
,"HM-CC-RT-DN00" =>{ sysTime =>"" }
,"HM-CC-RT-DN04" =>{ controlMode =>"[auto|manual|boost|day|night]"
,controlManu =>"[on|off|5.0..30.0]"
,"HM-CC-RT-DN04" =>{ controlMode =>"(auto|manual|boost|day|night)"
,controlManu =>"(on|off|5.0..30.0)"
,controlParty =>"-temp- -startDate- -startTime- -endDate- -endTime-"
,tempListSat =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListSun =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListMon =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListTue =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListThu =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListWed =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListFri =>"[prep|exec] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListTmpl =>"[verify|restore] [[-file-:]templateName] ..."
,tempTmplSet =>"[[-file-:]templateName] ..."
,"desired-temp" =>"[on|off|5.0..30.0]"
,tempListSat =>"[(prep|{exec})] -HH:MM- -temp- [...]"
,tempListSun =>"[(prep|{exec})] -HH:MM- -temp- [...]"
,tempListMon =>"[(prep|{exec})] -HH:MM- -temp- [...]"
,tempListTue =>"[(prep|{exec})] -HH:MM- -temp- [...]"
,tempListThu =>"[(prep|{exec})] -HH:MM- -temp- [...]"
,tempListWed =>"[(prep|{exec})] -HH:MM- -temp- [...]"
,tempListFri =>"[(prep|{exec})] -HH:MM- -temp- [...]"
,tempListTmpl =>"[({verify}|restore)] [[-file-:]-templateName-]"
,tempTmplSet =>"[[-file-:]-templateName-]"
,"desired-temp" =>"(on|off|5.0..30.0)"
,sysTime =>""
,"HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU00" =>{ sysTime =>""
# ,getSerial => ""
,"HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU01" =>{ peerChan =>"-btnNumber- -actChn- ... single [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"}
,"HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU02" =>{ controlMode =>"[auto|manual|boost|day|night]"
,controlManu =>"[on|off|5.0..30.0]"
,"HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU01" =>{ peerChan =>"-btnNumber- -actChn- ... [({single})] [({set}|unset)] [(actor|remote|{both})]"}
,"HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU02" =>{ controlMode =>"(auto|manual|boost|day|night)"
,controlManu =>"(on|off|5.0..30.0)"
,controlParty =>"-temp- -startDate- -startTime- -endDate- -endTime-"
,tempListSat =>"[prep|exec] [p1|p2|p3] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListSun =>"[prep|exec] [p1|p2|p3] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListMon =>"[prep|exec] [p1|p2|p3] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListTue =>"[prep|exec] [p1|p2|p3] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListThu =>"[prep|exec] [p1|p2|p3] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListWed =>"[prep|exec] [p1|p2|p3] HH:MM temp ..."
,tempListFri =>"[prep|exec] [p1|p2|p3] HH:MM temp ..."
,"desired-temp" =>"[on|off|5.0..30.0]"
,tempListTmpl =>"[verify|restore] [[-file-:]templateName] ..."
,tempTmplSet =>"[[-file-:]templateName] ..."
,peerChan =>"-btnNumber- -actChn- ... single [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"
,tempListSat =>"[(prep|{exec})] (p1|p2|p3) -HH:MM- -temp- [...]"
,tempListSun =>"[(prep|{exec})] (p1|p2|p3) -HH:MM- -temp- [...]"
,tempListMon =>"[(prep|{exec})] (p1|p2|p3) -HH:MM- -temp- [...]"
,tempListTue =>"[(prep|{exec})] (p1|p2|p3) -HH:MM- -temp- [...]"
,tempListThu =>"[(prep|{exec})] (p1|p2|p3) -HH:MM- -temp- [...]"
,tempListWed =>"[(prep|{exec})] (p1|p2|p3) -HH:MM- -temp- [...]"
,tempListFri =>"[(prep|{exec})] (p1|p2|p3) -HH:MM- -temp- [...]"
,"desired-temp" =>"(on|off|5.0..30.0)"
,tempListTmpl =>"[({verify}|restore)] [[-file-:]-templateName-]"
,tempTmplSet =>"[[-file-:]-templateName-] ..."
,peerChan =>"-btnNumber- -actChn- ... [({single})] [({set}|unset)] [(actor|remote|{both})]"
,"HM-OU-CFM-PL01" =>{ led =>"[redL|greenL|orangeL|redS|greenS|orangeS|pause][,-color2-...] [-repeat-]"}
,"HM-OU-CFM-PL02" =>{ playTone =>"[replay|-MP3No-[,-MP3No-...]] [-repeat-]"
,"HM-OU-CFM-PL01" =>{ led =>"(redL|greenL|orangeL|redS|greenS|orangeS|pause)[(,-color2-...)] [-repeat-]"}
,"HM-OU-CFM-PL02" =>{ playTone =>"[replay|-MP3No-[,-MP3No-...]] [(-repeat-|{1})]"
,pct =>"[-value- ... [-ontime-]"}
,"HM-DIS-EP-WM5503" =>{ displayEP =>"text1,icon1:text2,icon2:text3,icon3 ... -sound- -repetition- -pause- -signal-"}
,"HM-DIS-WM5501" =>{ displayWM =>"[long|short|help] -lineX- -textNo1- -color1- -icon1- [-textNo2- -color2- -icon2-] ...[-textNo6- -color6- -icon6-] "
,peerChan =>"-btnNumber- -actChn- ... single [set|unset] [actor|remote|both]"}
,"HM-DIS-WM5501" =>{ displayWM =>"(long|short|help) -lineX- -textNo1- -color1- -icon1- [-textNo2- -color2- -icon2-] ...[-textNo6- -color6- -icon6-] "
,peerChan =>"-btnNumber- -actChn- ... [({single})] [({set}|unset)] [(actor|remote|{both})]"}
,"HM-ES-PMSW1-PL01" =>{ "on-for-timer" =>"-sec-"
,"on-till" =>"-time-"
,on =>""
,off =>""
,toggle =>""
,press =>"[long|short] [-peer-] [-repCount(long only)-] [-repDelay-] ..."
,inhibit =>"[on|off]"
,press =>"[(long|{short})] [(-peer-|{self})] [(-repCount-|{1})] [(-repDelay-|{0})]"
,inhibit =>"[(on|{off})]"
,statusRequest =>""
# ,"HM-ES-PMSW1-PL00" =>{ getSerial => ""
# ,getDevInfo => ""
# }
,"HM-LC-RGBW-WM01" =>{ "on-for-timer" =>"-ontime- [-ramptime-]..."
,"on-till" =>"-time- [-ramptime-]..."
,"HM-LC-RGBW-WM01" =>{ "on-for-timer" =>"-ontime- [(-ramptime-|{0})]"
,"on-till" =>"-time- [(-ramptime-|{0})]"
,on =>""
,off =>""
,toggle =>""
,pct =>"-value- ... [-ontime-] [-ramptime-]"
,pct =>"-value- ... [(-ontime-|{0})] [(-ramptime-|{0})]"
,stop =>""
,up =>"[-changeValue-] [-ontime-] [-ramptime-] ..."
,down =>"[-changeValue-] [-ontime-] [-ramptime-] ..."
,inhibit =>"[on|off]"
,up =>"[(-changeValue-|{0})] [(-ontime-|{0})] [(-ramptime-|{0})]"
,down =>"[(-changeValue-|{0})] [(-ontime-|{0})] [(-ramptime-|{0})]"
,inhibit =>"[(on|{off})]"
,statusRequest =>""
,peerIODev =>"[IO] -btn- [set|unset]... not for future use"
,peerIODev =>"[IO] -btn- [({set}|unset)] 'not for future use'"
,"HM-LC-RGBW-WM02" =>{ brightCol =>"-bright[0-100]- -colVal[0-100]- -duration- -ramp- ..."
,color =>"-colVal[0-100]-"
,on =>""
,off =>""
,up =>"[-changeValue-] [-ontime-] [-ramptime-] ..."
,down =>"[-changeValue-] [-ontime-] [-ramptime-] ..."
,up =>"[(-changeValue-|{0})] [(-ontime-|{0})] [(-ramptime-|{0})]"
,down =>"[(-changeValue-|{0})] [(-ontime-|{0})] [(-ramptime-|{0})]"
,"HM-LC-RGBW-WM03" =>{ brightAuto =>"-bright- -colProg- -min- -max- -duration- -ramp- ..."
,colProgram =>"[0|1|2|3|4|5|6]"
@ -1971,15 +1972,15 @@ $culHmModelSets{"HM-HM-LC-DW-WM"} = $culHmSubTypeSets{dimmer}; ##### re
,off =>""
,"on-for-timer" =>"-ontime-"
,"on-till" =>"-time-"
,inhibit =>"[on|off]"
,inhibit =>"[(on|{off})]"
,"HM-SEC-SIR-WM04" =>{ alarmLevel =>"[disarmed|armExtSens|armAll|armBlocked]"
,"HM-SEC-SIR-WM04" =>{ alarmLevel =>"(disarmed|armExtSens|armAll|armBlocked)"
,"HM-SEC-WIN01" =>{ stop =>"",
,level =>"-level- -relockDly- -speed-..."
,level =>"-level- [(-relockDly-|{0})] [(-speed-|{0})]"
,keydef =>"-btn- -txt1- -txt2-"
,inhibit =>"[on|off]"
,peerIODev =>"[IO] -btn- [set|unset]... not for future use"
,inhibit =>"[(on|{off})]"
,peerIODev =>"[IO] -btn- [({set}|unset)] 'not for future use'"
,"HM-SEN-RD-O02" =>{ "on-for-timer" =>"-sec-"
,"on-till" =>"-time-"
@ -1988,10 +1989,10 @@ $culHmModelSets{"HM-HM-LC-DW-WM"} = $culHmSubTypeSets{dimmer}; ##### re
,toggle =>""
,"CCU-FHEM00" =>{ update =>""
,hmPairForSec =>"-sec- ..."
,hmPairForSec =>"[-sec-]"
,hmPairSerial =>"-serial-"
,defIgnUnknown =>""
,assignIO =>"-IO- [set|unset]..."
,assignIO =>"-IO- [({set}|unset)]"
# clones- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@ -2040,11 +2041,11 @@ $culHmChanSets{"HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU07"} = $culHmChanSets{"HM-TC-IT-WM-W-EU01"};
sdLead2 =>{ alarmOn =>""
,alarmOff =>""
,teamCall =>"no ..."
,teamCall =>"[({no})]"
vdCtrl =>{ valvePos =>"[off|0.0..99.0]"},
virtThSens =>{ virtTemp =>"[off|-20.0..50.0]",
virtHum =>"[off|0.0..99.0]"}
vdCtrl =>{ valvePos =>"(off|0.0..99.0)"},
virtThSens =>{ virtTemp =>"(off|-20.0..50.0)",
virtHum =>"(off|0.0..99.0)"}
#General $culHmFunctSets{"sdLead2"} = $culHmFunctSets{"sdLead1"};
Reference in New Issue
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