mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 10:46:53 +00:00

49_SSCam: contrib 9.3.0

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@22245 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
nasseeder1 2020-06-23 20:32:00 +00:00
parent 9c5644737c
commit 28c4e68566

@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ my %SSCAM_imc = ( # disbled String m
my $SSCam_slim = 3; # default Anzahl der abzurufenden Schnappschüsse mit snapGallery
my $SSCAM_snum = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"; # mögliche Anzahl der abzurufenden Schnappschüsse mit snapGallery
my $SSCam_compstat = "8.2.7"; # getestete SVS-Version
my $SSCam_valZoom = "uzsuSelectRadio,+,stop,-"; # Inhalt des Setters "setZoom"
my $SSCam_valZoom = "uzsuSelectRadio,.++,+,-,--."; # Inhalt des Setters "setZoom"
use vars qw($FW_ME); # webname (default is fhem), used by 97_GROUP/weblink
use vars qw($FW_subdir); # Sub-path in URL, used by FLOORPLAN/weblink
@ -1149,7 +1149,8 @@ sub SSCam_Set {
} elsif ($opt eq "setZoom" && SSCam_IsModelCam($hash)) {
if (!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) {return qq{Credentials of $name are not set - make sure you've set it with "set $name credentials username password"};}
$prop = $prop // "+"; # "+" in Taste wird als undef geliefert
$prop = $prop // "+"; # Korrektur -> "+" in Taste wird als undef geliefert
$prop = ".++" if($prop eq "."); # Korrektur -> ".++" in Taste wird als "." geliefert
SSCam_setZoom ("$name!_!$prop");
} elsif ($opt eq "snapGallery" && SSCam_IsModelCam($hash)) {
@ -2882,18 +2883,23 @@ sub SSCam_setZoom {
if ($hash->{HELPER}{ACTIVE} eq "off") {
my %zd = (
"+" => {dir => "in", moveType => "Start" },
"stop" => {dir => undef, moveType => "Stop" },
"-" => {dir => "out", moveType => "Start" }
"+" => {dir => "in", sttime => 1, moveType => "Start" },
".++" => {dir => "in", sttime => 3, moveType => "Start" },
"stop" => {dir => undef, sttime => undef, moveType => "Stop" },
"-" => {dir => "out", sttime => 1, moveType => "Start" },
"--." => {dir => "out", sttime => 3, moveType => "Start" }
$hash->{HELPER}{ZOOM}{DIR} = $zd{$op}{dir} // $hash->{HELPER}{ZOOM}{DIR}; # Richtung (in / out)
$hash->{HELPER}{ZOOM}{MOVETYPE} = $zd{$op}{moveType}; # Start / Stop
$hash->{HELPER}{ZOOM}{STOPTIME} = $zd{$op}{sttime}; # Stopzeit -> Verzögerungszeit für Stop nach Start
$hash->{OPMODE} = "setZoom";
return if(!$hash->{HELPER}{ZOOM}{DIR}); # es muss ! eine Richtung gesetzt sein
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$zd{$op}{sttime}, "SSCam_setZoom", "$name!_!stop", 0) if($hash->{HELPER}{ZOOM}{MOVETYPE} ne "Stop");
SSCam_getapisites ($hash);
@ -4868,7 +4874,8 @@ sub SSCam_camop {
# Zoom in / stop / out
my $dir = $hash->{HELPER}{ZOOM}{DIR};
my $moveType = $hash->{HELPER}{ZOOM}{MOVETYPE};
Log3($name, 4, qq{$name - execute operation Zoom "$dir:$moveType"});
my $sttime = $hash->{HELPER}{ZOOM}{STOPTIME} // "";
Log3($name, 4, qq{$name - execute operation Zoom "$dir:$moveType:$sttime"});
$url = qq{$proto://$serveraddr:$serverport/webapi/$apiptzpath?api="$apiptz"&version="$apiptzmaxver"&method="Zoom"&cameraId="$camid"&control="$dir"&moveType="$moveType"&_sid="$sid"};
@ -5288,8 +5295,6 @@ sub SSCam_camop_parse {
Log3($name, 3, qq{$name - Zoom operation "$hash->{HELPER}{ZOOM}{DIR}:$hash->{HELPER}{ZOOM}{MOVETYPE}" of Camera $camname successfully done} );
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1.0, "SSCam_setZoom", "$name!_!stop", 0) if($hash->{HELPER}{ZOOM}{MOVETYPE} ne "Stop");
} elsif ($OpMode eq "GetRec") {
my $recid = ReadingsVal("$name", "CamLastRecId", "");
my $createdTm = ReadingsVal("$name", "CamLastRecTime", "");
@ -7160,9 +7165,10 @@ sub SSCam_IsCapHLS {
return $cap;
sub SSCam_IsCapZoom { # Zoomeigenschaft
sub SSCam_IsCapZoom { # PTZ Zoom Eigenschaft
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $cap = ReadingsVal($name, "CapPTZZoom", "false") ne "false" ? 1 : 0;
return $cap;
@ -7171,6 +7177,7 @@ return $cap;
sub SSCam_IsCapPTZPan { # PTZ Pan Eigenschaft
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $cap = ReadingsVal($name, "CapPTZPan", "false") ne "false" ? 1 : 0;
return $cap;
@ -7179,6 +7186,7 @@ return $cap;
sub SSCam_IsCapPTZTilt { # PTZ Tilt Eigenschaft
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $cap = ReadingsVal($name, "CapPTZTilt", "false") ne "false" ? 1 : 0;
return $cap;