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synced 2025-03-03 04:36:36 +00:00
49_SSCam: new get command saveLastSnap
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@24484 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: 49_SSCam: new get command saveLastSnap
- bugfix: 89_AndroidDB: Connection handling improved
- feature: 73_AutoShuttersControl: add abort rain unprotection waiting time
- bugfix: lib/FHEM/Core/Authentication/Passwords.pm
@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"9.9.0" => "21.05.2021 new get command saveLastSnap ",
"9.8.5" => "22.02.2021 remove sscam_tooltip.js, substitute /fhem by \$FW_ME ",
"9.8.4" => "20.02.2021 sub Define minor fix ",
"9.8.3" => "29.11.2020 fix cannot send snaps/recs if snapTelegramTxt + snapChatTxt and no cacheType (cacheType=internal) is set ",
@ -276,6 +277,7 @@ my %vNotesIntern = (
# Versions History extern
my %vNotesExtern = (
"9.9.0" => "21.05.2021 The new get command 'saveLastSnap' to save the last snapshot locally is now available. ",
"9.8.0" => "27.09.2020 New get command 'apiInfo' retrieves the API information and opens a popup window to show it. ",
"9.6.0" => "12.08.2020 The new attribute 'ptzNoCapPrePat' is available. It's helpful if your PTZ camera doesn't have the capability ".
"to deliver Presets and Patrols. Setting the attribute avoid error log messages in that case. ",
@ -493,6 +495,7 @@ my %hget = ( # Ha
listLog => { fn => "_getlistLog", needcred => 1 },
listPresets => { fn => "_getlistPresets", needcred => 1 },
saveRecording => { fn => "_getsaveRecording", needcred => 1 },
saveLastSnap => { fn => "_getsaveLastSnap", needcred => 0 },
svsinfo => { fn => "_getsvsinfo", needcred => 1 },
storedCredentials => { fn => "_getstoredCredentials", needcred => 1 },
snapGallery => { fn => "_getsnapGallery", needcred => 1 },
@ -4094,6 +4097,7 @@ sub Get {
(IsCapPTZPan($hash) ? "listPresets:noArg " : "").
"snapinfo:noArg ".
"saveRecording ".
"saveLastSnap ".
"snapfileinfo:noArg ".
"eventlist:noArg ".
"stmUrlPath:noArg "
@ -4246,6 +4250,57 @@ sub _getsaveRecording { ## no critic "not used"
# Getter saveLastSnap
# Letzten Snap in File speichern
sub _getsaveLastSnap { ## no critic 'not used'
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $path = $paref->{arg} // $attr{global}{modpath};
return if(!IsModelCam($hash));
my ($imgdata,$err);
my $cache = cache($name, "c_init"); # Cache initialisieren
Log3($name, 1, "$name - Fall back to internal Cache due to preceding failure") if(!$cache);
if(!$cache || $cache eq "internal" ) {
$imgdata = $data{SSCam}{$name}{LASTSNAP};
else {
$imgdata = cache($name, "c_read", "{LASTSNAP}");
if(!$imgdata) {
Log3($name, 2, "$name - No image data available to save locally")
my $fname = ReadingsVal($name, "LastSnapFilename", "");
my $file = $path."/$fname";
open my $fh, '>', $file or do { $err = qq{Can't open file "$file": $!};
Log3($name, 2, "$name - $err");
if(!$err) {
$err = "none";
binmode $fh;
print $fh MIME::Base64::decode_base64($imgdata);
Log3($name, 3, qq{$name - Last Snapshot was saved to local file "$file"});
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "Errorcode", "none");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "Error", $err );
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
# Getter svsinfo
@ -6172,7 +6227,7 @@ sub _parseSaveRec { ## no critic "not used"
my $err;
my $lrec = ReadingsVal("$name", "CamLastRec", "");
my $lrec = ReadingsVal($name, "CamLastRec", "");
$lrec = (split("/",$lrec))[1];
my $sp = $hash->{HELPER}{RECSAVEPATH} // $attr{global}{modpath};
my $file = $sp."/$lrec";
@ -7017,13 +7072,13 @@ sub _parsegetsnapinfo { ## no critic "not used"
Log3($name, $verbose, "$name - Snapinfos of camera $camname retrieved");
__saveLastSnap ($paref); # aktuellsten Snap in Cache zur Anzeige durch streamDev "lastsnap" speichern
__doSnapRotation ($paref); # Rotationsfeature
__saveLastSnapToCache ($paref); # aktuellsten Snap in Cache zur Anzeige durch streamDev "lastsnap" speichern
__doSnapRotation ($paref); # Rotationsfeature
setReadingErrorNone($hash, 1);
setReadingErrorNone ($hash, 1);
closeTrans ($hash); # Transaktion beenden falls gestartet
__refreshAfterSnap ($hash); # fallabhängige Eventgenerierung
closeTrans ($hash); # Transaktion beenden falls gestartet
__refreshAfterSnap ($hash); # fallabhängige Eventgenerierung
@ -7047,9 +7102,9 @@ sub _parsegetsnapgallery { ## no critic "not used"
Log3($name, $verbose, "$name - Snapinfos of camera $camname retrieved");
__saveLastSnap ($paref); # aktuellsten Snap in Cache zur Anzeige durch streamDev "lastsnap" speichern
__doSnapRotation ($paref); # Rotationsfeature
__moveSnapCacheToOld($paref); # bestehende Schnappschußdaten aus SNAPHASH Cache auf SNAPOLDHASH schreiben und in SNAPHASH löschen
__saveLastSnapToCache ($paref); # aktuellsten Snap in Cache zur Anzeige durch streamDev "lastsnap" speichern
__doSnapRotation ($paref); # Rotationsfeature
__moveSnapCacheToOld ($paref); # bestehende Schnappschußdaten aus SNAPHASH Cache auf SNAPOLDHASH schreiben und in SNAPHASH löschen
##### transaktionaler Versand der erzeugten Schnappschüsse #####
@ -7117,12 +7172,12 @@ return;
# aktuellsten Snap in Cache zur Anzeige durch streamDev "lastsnap" speichern
sub __saveLastSnap {
my $paref = shift;
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $data = $paref->{data}; # decodierte JSON Daten
sub __saveLastSnapToCache {
my $paref = shift;
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $data = $paref->{data}; # decodierte JSON Daten
my $cache = cache($name, "c_init"); # Cache initialisieren
my $cache = cache($name, "c_init"); # Cache initialisieren
Log3($name, 1, "$name - Fall back to internal Cache due to preceding failure.") if(!$cache);
@ -11779,7 +11834,7 @@ return;
<li>Activation / Deactivation of a camera integrated PIR sensor </li>
<li>Creation of a readingsGroup device to display an overview of all defined SSCam devices (createReadingsGroup) </li>
<li>automatized definition of all in SVS available cameras in FHEM (autocreateCams) </li>
<li>save the last recording of camera locally </li>
<li>save the last recording or the last snapshot of camera locally </li>
<li>Selection of several cache types for image data storage (attribute cacheType) </li>
<li>execute Zoom actions (only if PTZ camera supports Zoom) </li>
@ -12795,6 +12850,24 @@ attr <name> genericStrmHtmlTag <img $HTMLATTR
Get a popup with a lists of presets saved for the camera.
<li><b> saveLastSnap [<Pfad>] </b> (gilt für CAM)</li> <br>
The (last) snapshot currently specified in the reading "LastSnapId" is saved locally as a jpg file.
Optionally, the path to save the file can be specified in the command (default: modpath in global Device). <br>
The file is locally given the same name as contained in the reading "LastSnapFilename". <br>
The resolution of the snapshot is determined by the attribute "snapGallerySize".
<b>Example:</b> <br><br>
get <name> saveLastSnap /opt/fhem/log
<li><b> saveRecording [<path>] </b> (valid for CAM)</li> <br>
@ -12804,7 +12877,7 @@ attr <name> genericStrmHtmlTag <img $HTMLATTR
The name of the saved local file is the same as displayed in Reading "CamLastRec". <br><br>
<b>Beispiel:</b> <br><br>
<b>Example:</b> <br><br>
get <name> saveRecording /opt/fhem/log
@ -13731,7 +13804,7 @@ attr <name> genericStrmHtmlTag <img $HTMLATTR
<li>Aktivierung / Deaktivierung eines kamerainternen PIR-Sensors </li>
<li>Erzeugung einer readingsGroup zur Anzeige aller definierten SSCam-Devices (createReadingsGroup) </li>
<li>Automatisiertes Anlegen aller in der SVS vorhandenen Kameras in FHEM (autocreateCams) </li>
<li>lokales Abspeichern der letzten Kamera-Aufnahme </li>
<li>lokales Abspeichern der letzten Kamera-Aufnahme bzw. des letzten Schnappschusses </li>
<li>Auswahl unterschiedlicher Cache-Typen zur Bilddatenspeicherung (Attribut cacheType) </li>
<li>ausführen von Zoom-Aktionen (bei PTZ-Kameras die Zoom unterstützen) </li>
@ -14782,6 +14855,24 @@ attr <name> genericStrmHtmlTag <img $HTMLATTR
<li><b> saveLastSnap [<Pfad>] </b> (gilt für CAM)</li> <br>
Der aktuell im Reading "LastSnapId" angegebene (letzte) Schnappschuß wird lokal als jpg-File gespeichert.
Optional kann der Pfad zur Speicherung des Files im Befehl angegeben werden (default: modpath im global Device). <br>
Das File erhält lokal den gleichen Namen wie im Reading "LastSnapFilename" enthalten. <br>
Die Auflösung des Schnappschusses wird durch das Attribut "snapGallerySize" bestimmt.
<b>Beispiel:</b> <br><br>
get <name> saveLastSnap /opt/fhem/log
<li><b> saveRecording [<Pfad>] </b> (gilt für CAM)</li> <br>
@ -14795,7 +14886,7 @@ attr <name> genericStrmHtmlTag <img $HTMLATTR
<li><b> scanVirgin </b> (gilt für CAM/SVS)</li> <br>
Reference in New Issue
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