mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 14:47:00 +00:00
93_DbRep: V7.11.0, "repairSQLite" to repair a corrupted SQLite DB
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@16191 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: 93_DbRep: V7.11.0, "repairSQLite" to repair a corrupted SQLite DB
- bugfix: 88_xs1Bridge: code changeover + safety connection check
- bugfix: 73_PRESENCE: new collectord .deb package fixing perl warnings
- bugfix: 88_HMCCU: fixed CUxD bug and minor bugs
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
# Versions History:
# 7.11.0 12.02.2018 new command "repairSQLite" to repair a corrupted SQLite database
# 7.10.0 10.02.2018 bugfix delete attr timeYearPeriod if set other time attributes, new "changeValue" command
# 7.9.0 09.02.2018 new attribute "avgTimeWeightMean" (time weight mean calculation), code review of selection
# routines, maxValue handle negative values correctly,
@ -123,11 +124,11 @@
# 5.4.0 03.07.2017 restoreMySQL - restore of csv-files (from dumpServerSide),
# RestoreRowsHistory/ DumpRowsHistory, Commandref revised
# 5.3.1 28.06.2017 vacuum for SQLite added, readings enhanced for optimizeTables / vacuum, commandref revised
# 5.3.0 26.06.2017 change of mysql_optimize_tables, new command optimizeTables
# 5.3.0 26.06.2017 change of DbRep_mysqlOptimizeTables, new command optimizeTables
# 5.2.1 25.06.2017 bugfix in sqlCmd_DoParse (PRAGMA, UTF8, SHOW)
# 5.2.0 14.06.2017 UTF-8 support for MySQL (fetchrows, srvinfo, expfile, impfile, insert)
# 5.1.0 13.06.2017 column "UNIT" added to fetchrow result
# 5.0.6 13.06.2017 add Aria engine to mysql_optimize_tables
# 5.0.6 13.06.2017 add Aria engine to DbRep_mysqlOptimizeTables
# 5.0.5 12.06.2017 bugfixes in DumpAborted, some changes in dumpMySQL, optimizeTablesBeforeDump added to
# mysql_DoDumpServerSide, new reading DumpFileCreatedSize
# 5.0.4 09.06.2017 some improvements and changes of mysql_DoDump, commandref revised, new attributes
@ -312,7 +313,7 @@ no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';
sub DbRep_Main($$;$);
sub DbLog_cutCol($$$$$$$); # DbLog-Funktion nutzen um Daten auf maximale Länge beschneiden
my $DbRepVersion = "7.10.0";
my $DbRepVersion = "7.11.0";
my %dbrep_col = ("DEVICE" => 64,
"TYPE" => 64,
@ -496,6 +497,7 @@ sub DbRep_Set($@) {
(($hash->{ROLE} ne "Agent")?"tableCurrentPurge:noArg ":"").
(($hash->{ROLE} ne "Agent" && $dbmodel =~ /MYSQL/ )?"dumpMySQL:clientSide,serverSide ":"").
(($hash->{ROLE} ne "Agent" && $dbmodel =~ /SQLITE/ )?"dumpSQLite:noArg ":"").
(($hash->{ROLE} ne "Agent" && $dbmodel =~ /SQLITE/ )?"repairSQLite ":"").
(($hash->{ROLE} ne "Agent" && $dbmodel =~ /MYSQL/ )?"optimizeTables:noArg ":"").
(($hash->{ROLE} ne "Agent" && $dbmodel =~ /SQLITE|POSTGRESQL/ )?"vacuum:noArg ":"").
(($hash->{ROLE} ne "Agent" && $dbmodel =~ /MYSQL/)?"restoreMySQL:".$cj." ":"").
@ -539,6 +541,29 @@ sub DbRep_Set($@) {
return undef;
if ($opt eq "repairSQLite" && $hash->{ROLE} ne "Agent") {
$prop = $prop?$prop:36000;
if($prop) {
unless($prop =~ /^(\d+)$/) { return " The Value of $opt is not valid. Use only figures 0-9 without decimal places !";};
# unless ($aVal =~ /^[0-9]+$/) { return " The Value of $aName is not valid. Use only figures 0-9 without decimal places !";}
$hash->{LASTCMD} = $prop?"$opt $prop":"$opt";
Log3 ($name, 3, "DbRep $name - ################################################################");
Log3 ($name, 3, "DbRep $name - ### New SQLite repair attempt ###");
Log3 ($name, 3, "DbRep $name - ################################################################");
Log3 ($name, 3, "DbRep $name - start repair attempt of database ".$hash->{DATABASE});
# closetime Datenbank
my $dbloghash = $hash->{dbloghash};
my $dbl = $dbloghash->{NAME};
CommandSet(undef,"$dbl reopen $prop");
# Befehl vor Procedure ausführen
DbRep_beforeproc($hash, "repair");
return undef;
if ($opt =~ /restoreMySQL|restoreSQLite/ && $hash->{ROLE} ne "Agent") {
$hash->{LASTCMD} = $prop?"$opt $prop":"$opt";
Log3 ($name, 3, "DbRep $name - ################################################################");
@ -576,6 +601,11 @@ sub DbRep_Set($@) {
(($hash->{ROLE} ne "Agent")?"cancelDump:noArg ":"");
if ($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_REPAIR}) {
$setlist = "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of ".
(($hash->{ROLE} ne "Agent")?"cancelRepair:noArg ":"");
if ($opt eq "cancelDump" && $hash->{ROLE} ne "Agent") {
$hash->{LASTCMD} = $prop?"$opt $prop":"$opt";
@ -584,6 +614,14 @@ sub DbRep_Set($@) {
return undef;
if ($opt eq "cancelRepair" && $hash->{ROLE} ne "Agent") {
$hash->{LASTCMD} = $prop?"$opt $prop":"$opt";
Log3 ($name, 3, "DbRep $name -> running Repair has been canceled");
ReadingsSingleUpdateValue ($hash, "state", "Repair canceled", 1);
return undef;
## keine Aktionen außer die über diesem Eintrag solange Reopen xxxx im DbLog-Device läuft
@ -1247,8 +1285,11 @@ sub DbRep_Main($$;$) {
# Entkommentieren für Testroutine im Vordergrund
# testexit($hash);
return if( ($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_BACKUP_CLIENT} ||
$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_BCKPREST_SERVER}) && $opt !~ /dumpMySQL|restoreMySQL/ );
return if( ($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_BACKUP_CLIENT} ||
$opt !~ /dumpMySQL|restoreMySQL|dumpSQLite|restoreSQLite|optimizeTables|vacuum|repairSQLite/ );
# Readings löschen die nicht in der Ausnahmeliste (Attr readingPreventFromDel) stehen
@ -1276,6 +1317,7 @@ sub DbRep_Main($$;$) {
if ($opt =~ /restoreMySQL/) {
BlockingKill($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_OPTIMIZE}) if (exists($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_OPTIMIZE}));
$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_BCKPREST_SERVER} = BlockingCall("mysql_RestoreServerSide", "$name|$prop", "RestoreDone", $to, "RestoreAborted", $hash);
ReadingsSingleUpdateValue ($hash, "state", "restore database is running - be patient and see Logfile !", 1);
@ -1283,18 +1325,29 @@ sub DbRep_Main($$;$) {
if ($opt =~ /restoreSQLite/) {
BlockingKill($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_OPTIMIZE}) if (exists($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_OPTIMIZE}));
$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_BCKPREST_SERVER} = BlockingCall("sqlite_Restore", "$name|$prop", "RestoreDone", $to, "RestoreAborted", $hash);
ReadingsSingleUpdateValue ($hash, "state", "restore database is running - be patient and see Logfile !", 1);
if ($opt =~ /optimizeTables|vacuum/) {
BlockingKill($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_OPTIMIZE}) if (exists($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_OPTIMIZE}));
BlockingKill($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_OPTIMIZE}) if (exists($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_OPTIMIZE}));
$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_OPTIMIZE} = BlockingCall("DbRep_optimizeTables", "$name", "OptimizeDone", $to, "OptimizeAborted", $hash);
ReadingsSingleUpdateValue ($hash, "state", "optimize tables is running - be patient and see Logfile !", 1);
if ($opt =~ /repairSQLite/) {
BlockingKill($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_OPTIMIZE}) if (exists($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_OPTIMIZE}));
BlockingKill($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_REPAIR}) if (exists($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_REPAIR}));
$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_REPAIR} = BlockingCall("sqlite_Repair", "$name", "RepairDone", $to, "RepairAborted", $hash);
ReadingsSingleUpdateValue ($hash, "state", "repair database is running - be patient and see Logfile !", 1);
if (exists($hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}) && $hash->{ROLE} ne "Agent") {
Log3 ($name, 3, "DbRep $name - WARNING - old process $hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}{pid} will be killed now to start a new BlockingCall");
@ -1936,6 +1989,7 @@ sub averval_DoParse($) {
my $dblogname = $dbloghash->{NAME};
my $dbpassword = $attr{"sec$dblogname"}{secret};
my $acf = AttrVal($name, "averageCalcForm", "avgArithmeticMean"); # Festlegung Berechnungsschema f. Mittelwert
my $qlf = "avg";
my ($dbh,$sql,$sth,$err,$selspec,$addon);
# Background-Startzeit
@ -1975,14 +2029,17 @@ sub averval_DoParse($) {
} else {
$selspec = "AVG(VALUE)";
$qlf = "avgam";
} elsif ($acf eq "avgDailyMeanGWS") {
# Tagesmittelwert Temperaturen nach Schema des deutschen Wetterdienstes
# SELECT VALUE FROM history WHERE DEVICE="MyWetter" AND READING="temperature" AND TIMESTAMP >= "2018-01-28 $i:00:00" AND TIMESTAMP <= "2018-01-28 ($i+1):00:00" ORDER BY TIMESTAMP DESC LIMIT 1;
$selspec = "VALUE";
$qlf = "avgdmgws";
} elsif ($acf eq "avgTimeWeightMean") {
$selspec = "TIMESTAMP,VALUE";
$qlf = "avgtwm";
# SQL-Startzeit
@ -2161,7 +2218,7 @@ sub averval_DoParse($) {
$val1 = $val;
$to = $tn;
Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name - data element: $twmrow");
Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name - time sum: $tsum, delta time: $dt, value: $val1, twm: ".$val1*($dt/$tsum));
Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name - time sum: $tsum, delta time: $dt, value: $val1, twm: ".$val1*($dt/$tsum));
if(AttrVal($name, "aggregation", "") eq "hour") {
@ -2183,7 +2240,7 @@ sub averval_DoParse($) {
# Ergebnisse in Datenbank schreiben
my ($wrt,$irowdone);
if($prop =~ /writeToDB/) {
($wrt,$irowdone,$err) = DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($name,$device,$reading,$arrstr,"avg");
($wrt,$irowdone,$err) = DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($name,$device,$reading,$arrstr,$qlf);
if ($err) {
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 2, "DbRep $name - $err";
$err = encode_base64($err,"");
@ -3791,7 +3848,7 @@ sub currentfillup_Push($) {
my ($IsTimeSet,$IsAggrSet) = DbRep_checktimeaggr($hash);
Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name - IsTimeSet: $IsTimeSet, IsAggrSet: $IsAggrSet");
($devs,$danz,$reading,$ranz) = specsForSql($hash,$device,$reading);
($devs,$danz,$reading,$ranz) = DbRep_specsForSql($hash,$device,$reading);
# SQL-Startzeit
my $st = [gettimeofday];
@ -5557,7 +5614,7 @@ sub DbRep_optimizeTables($) {
# Tabellen optimieren
$hash->{HELPER}{DBTABLES} = \%db_tables;
($err,$db_MB_start,$db_MB_end) = mysql_optimize_tables($hash,$dbh,@tablenames);
($err,$db_MB_start,$db_MB_end) = DbRep_mysqlOptimizeTables($hash,$dbh,@tablenames);
if ($err) {
$err = encode_base64($err,"");
return "$name|''|$err|''|''";
@ -5917,7 +5974,7 @@ sub mysql_DoDumpClientSide($) {
if($optimize_tables_beforedump) {
# Tabellen optimieren vor dem Dump
$hash->{HELPER}{DBTABLES} = \%db_tables;
($err,$db_MB_start,$db_MB_end) = mysql_optimize_tables($hash,$dbh,@tablenames);
($err,$db_MB_start,$db_MB_end) = DbRep_mysqlOptimizeTables($hash,$dbh,@tablenames);
if ($err) {
$err = encode_base64($err,"");
return "$name|''|$err|''|''|''|''|''|''|''";
@ -6155,7 +6212,7 @@ sub mysql_DoDumpClientSide($) {
my $rt = tv_interval($st);
# Dumpfile per FTP senden und versionieren
my ($ftperr,$ftpmsg,@ftpfd) = sendftp($hash,$backupfile);
my ($ftperr,$ftpmsg,@ftpfd) = DbRep_sendftp($hash,$backupfile);
my $ftp = $ftperr?encode_base64($ftperr,""):$ftpmsg?encode_base64($ftpmsg,""):0;
my $ffd = join(", ", @ftpfd);
$ffd = $ffd?encode_base64($ffd,""):0;
@ -6265,7 +6322,7 @@ sub mysql_DoDumpServerSide($) {
if($optimize_tables_beforedump) {
# Tabellen optimieren vor dem Dump
$hash->{HELPER}{DBTABLES} = \%db_tables;
($err,$db_MB_start,$db_MB_end) = mysql_optimize_tables($hash,$dbh,@tablenames);
($err,$db_MB_start,$db_MB_end) = DbRep_mysqlOptimizeTables($hash,$dbh,@tablenames);
if ($err) {
$err = encode_base64($err,"");
return "$name|''|$err|''|''|''|''|''|''|''";
@ -6318,7 +6375,7 @@ sub mysql_DoDumpServerSide($) {
Log3 ($name, 3, "DbRep $name - Size of backupfile: ".DbRep_byteOutput($filesize));
# Dumpfile per FTP senden und versionieren
my ($ftperr,$ftpmsg,@ftpfd) = sendftp($hash,$bfile);
my ($ftperr,$ftpmsg,@ftpfd) = DbRep_sendftp($hash,$bfile);
my $ftp = $ftperr?encode_base64($ftperr,""):$ftpmsg?encode_base64($ftpmsg,""):0;
my $ffd = join(", ", @ftpfd);
$ffd = $ffd?encode_base64($ffd,""):0;
@ -6375,7 +6432,7 @@ sub sqlite_DoDump($) {
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name -> BlockingCall sqlite_DoDump finished");
return "$name|''|$err|''|''|''|''|''|''|''";
if($optimize_tables_beforedump) {
# Vacuum vor Dump
# Anfangsgröße ermitteln
@ -6442,7 +6499,7 @@ sub sqlite_DoDump($) {
Log3 ($name, 3, "DbRep $name - Size of backupfile: ".$fsize);
# Dumpfile per FTP senden und versionieren
my ($ftperr,$ftpmsg,@ftpfd) = sendftp($hash,$bfile);
my ($ftperr,$ftpmsg,@ftpfd) = DbRep_sendftp($hash,$bfile);
my $ftp = $ftperr?encode_base64($ftperr,""):$ftpmsg?encode_base64($ftpmsg,""):0;
my $ffd = join(", ", @ftpfd);
$ffd = $ffd?encode_base64($ffd,""):0;
@ -6526,6 +6583,155 @@ sub DumpDone($) {
# Dump-Routine SQLite
sub sqlite_Repair($) {
my ($name) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $dbloghash = $hash->{dbloghash};
my $db = $hash->{DATABASE};
my $dbname = (split /[\/]/, $db)[-1];
my $dbpath = (split /$dbname/, $db)[0];
my $dblogname = $dbloghash->{NAME};
my $sqlfile = $dbpath."dump_all.sql";
my ($c,$clog,$ret,$err);
Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name -> Start BlockingCall sqlite_Repair");
# Background-Startzeit
my $bst = [gettimeofday];
$c = "echo \".mode insert\n.output $sqlfile\n.dump\n.exit\" | sqlite3 $db; ";
$clog = $c;
$clog =~ s/\n/ /g;
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - Systemcall: $clog");
$ret = system qq($c);
if($ret) {
$err = "Error in step \"dump corrupt database\" - see logfile";
$err = encode_base64($err,"");
return "$name|''|$err";
$c = "mv $db $db.corrupt";
$clog = $c;
$clog =~ s/\n/ /g;
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - Systemcall: $clog");
$ret = system qq($c);
if($ret) {
$err = "Error in step \"move atabase to corrupt-db\" - see logfile";
$err = encode_base64($err,"");
return "$name|''|$err";
$c = "echo \".read $sqlfile\n.exit\" | sqlite3 $db;";
$clog = $c;
$clog =~ s/\n/ /g;
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - Systemcall: $clog");
$ret = system qq($c);
if($ret) {
$err = "Error in step \"read dump to new database\" - see logfile";
$err = encode_base64($err,"");
return "$name|''|$err";
$c = "rm $sqlfile";
$clog = $c;
$clog =~ s/\n/ /g;
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - Systemcall: $clog");
$ret = system qq($c);
if($ret) {
$err = "Error in step \"delete $sqlfile\" - see logfile";
$err = encode_base64($err,"");
return "$name|''|$err";
# Background-Laufzeit ermitteln
my $brt = tv_interval($bst);
Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name -> BlockingCall sqlite_Repair finished");
return "$name|$brt|0";
# Auswertungsroutine der nicht blockierenden DB-Funktion Dump
sub RepairDone($) {
my ($string) = @_;
my @a = split("\\|",$string);
my $hash = $defs{$a[0]};
my $brt = $a[1];
my $err = $a[2]?decode_base64($a[2]):undef;
my $dbloghash = $hash->{dbloghash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $erread;
Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name -> Start BlockingCall RepairDone");
# Datenbankverbindung in DbLog wieder öffenen
my $dbl = $dbloghash->{NAME};
CommandSet(undef,"$dbl reopen");
if ($err) {
ReadingsSingleUpdateValue ($hash, "errortext", $err, 1);
ReadingsSingleUpdateValue ($hash, "state", "error", 1);
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name -> BlockingCall RepairDone finished");
# only for this block because of warnings if details of readings are not set
no warnings 'uninitialized';
ReadingsBulkUpdateValue($hash, "background_processing_time", sprintf("%.4f",$brt));
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
# Befehl nach Procedure ausführen
$erread = DbRep_afterproc($hash, "repair");
my $state = $erread?$erread:"Repair finished $hash->{DATABASE}";
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
Log3 ($name, 3, "DbRep $name - Database repair $hash->{DATABASE} finished. - total time used: ".sprintf("%.0f",$brt)." seconds.");
Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name -> BlockingCall RepairDone finished");
# Abbruchroutine Repair SQlite
sub RepairAborted(@) {
my ($hash,$cause) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $dbh = $hash->{DBH};
my $dbloghash = $hash->{dbloghash};
my $erread;
$cause = $cause?$cause:"Timeout: process terminated";
Log3 ($name, 1, "DbRep $name -> BlockingCall $hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_REPAIR}{fn} pid:$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_REPAIR}{pid} $cause");
# Datenbankverbindung in DbLog wieder öffenen
my $dbl = $dbloghash->{NAME};
CommandSet(undef,"$dbl reopen");
# Befehl nach Procedure ausführen
no warnings 'uninitialized';
$erread = DbRep_afterproc($hash, "repair");
$erread = ", ".(split("but", $erread))[1] if($erread);
$dbh->disconnect() if(defined($dbh));
ReadingsSingleUpdateValue ($hash,"state",$cause, 1);
# Restore SQLite
@ -6834,7 +7040,7 @@ sub createSelectSql($$$$$$$$) {
my ($sql,$devs,$danz,$ranz);
my $tnfull = 0;
($devs,$danz,$reading,$ranz) = specsForSql($hash,$device,$reading);
($devs,$danz,$reading,$ranz) = DbRep_specsForSql($hash,$device,$reading);
if($tn =~ /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/) {
$tnfull = 1;
@ -6871,7 +7077,7 @@ sub DbRep_createUpdateSql($$$$$$$$) {
my ($sql,$devs,$danz,$ranz);
my $tnfull = 0;
($devs,$danz,$reading,$ranz) = specsForSql($hash,$device,$reading);
($devs,$danz,$reading,$ranz) = DbRep_specsForSql($hash,$device,$reading);
if($tn =~ /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/) {
$tnfull = 1;
@ -6913,7 +7119,7 @@ sub createDeleteSql($$$$$$$) {
return $sql;
($devs,$danz,$reading,$ranz) = specsForSql($hash,$device,$reading);
($devs,$danz,$reading,$ranz) = DbRep_specsForSql($hash,$device,$reading);
if($tn =~ /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/) {
$tnfull = 1;
@ -6942,7 +7148,7 @@ return $sql;
# Ableiten von Device, Reading-Spezifikationen
sub specsForSql($$$) {
sub DbRep_specsForSql($$$) {
my ($hash,$device,$reading) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
@ -7463,7 +7669,7 @@ return (undef, undef);
# Tabellenoptimierung MySQL
sub mysql_optimize_tables ($$@) {
sub DbRep_mysqlOptimizeTables ($$@) {
my ($hash,$dbh,@tablenames) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $dbname = $hash->{DATABASE};
@ -7572,7 +7778,7 @@ return @fd;
# erzeugtes Dump-File aus dumpDirLocal zum FTP-Server übertragen
sub sendftp ($$) {
sub DbRep_sendftp ($$) {
my ($hash,$bfile) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $dbloghash = $hash->{dbloghash};
@ -7695,17 +7901,6 @@ sub sendftp ($$) {
return ($ftperr,$ftpmsg,@ftpfd);
# Browser Refresh nach DB-Abfrage
sub browser_refresh($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "browser_refresh");
{FW_directNotify("#FHEMWEB:WEB", "location.reload('true')", "")};
# map { FW_directNotify("#FHEMWEB:$_", "location.reload(true)", "") } devspec2array("WEB.*");
# Test auf Daylight saving time
@ -8021,6 +8216,17 @@ sub DbRep_numval ($){
return $val;
# Browser Refresh nach DB-Abfrage
sub browser_refresh($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "browser_refresh");
{FW_directNotify("#FHEMWEB:WEB", "location.reload('true')", "")};
# map { FW_directNotify("#FHEMWEB:$_", "location.reload(true)", "") } devspec2array("WEB.*");
# Test-Sub zu Testzwecken
@ -8110,6 +8316,7 @@ return;
<li> purge content of current-table </li>
<li> fill up the current-table with a (tunable) extract of the history-table</li>
<li> delete consecutive datasets with different timestamp but same values (clearing up consecutive doublets) </li>
<li> Repair of a corrupted SQLite database ("database disk image is malformed") </li>
@ -8205,7 +8412,7 @@ return;
<b>Example of building a new reading name from the original reading "totalpac":</b> <br>
avg_day_totalpac <br>
avgam_day_totalpac <br>
# <creation function>_<aggregation>_<original reading> <br>
@ -8738,7 +8945,31 @@ return;
Even though the function itself is designed non-blocking, make sure the assigned DbLog-device
is operating in asynchronous mode to avoid FHEMWEB from blocking. <br><br>
</li> <br>
<li><b> repairSQLite </b> - repairs a corrupted SQLite database. <br>
A corruption is usally existent when the error message "database disk image is malformed"
appears in reading "state" of the connected DbLog-device.
If the command was started, the connected DbLog-device will firstly disconnected from the
database for 10 hours (36000 seconds) automatically (breakup time). After the repair is
finished, the DbLog-device will be connected to the (repaired) database immediately. <br>
As an argument the command can be completed by a differing breakup time (in seconds). <br>
The corrupted database is saved as <database>.corrupt in same directory. <br><br>
<b>Example: </b><br>
set <name> repairSQLite <br>
# the database is trying to repair, breakup time is 10 hours <br>
set <name> repairSQLite 600 <br>
# the database is trying to repair, breakup time is 10 minutes
<b>Note:</b> <br>
It can't be guaranteed, that the repair attempt proceed successfully and no data loss will result.
Depending from corruption severity data loss may occur or the repair will fail even though
no error appears during the repair process. Please make sure a valid backup took place ! <br><br>
</li> <br>
<li><b> restoreMySQL <file>.csv </b> - imports the content of table history from a serverSide-backup. <br>
The function provides a drop-down-list of files which can be used for restore.
@ -9573,7 +9804,8 @@ sub bdump {
<li> leeren der current-Tabelle </li>
<li> Auffüllen der current-Tabelle mit einem (einstellbaren) Extrakt der history-Tabelle</li>
<li> Bereinigung sequentiell aufeinander folgender Datensätze mit unterschiedlichen Zeitstempel aber gleichen Werten (sequentielle Dublettenbereinigung) </li>
<li> Reparatur einer korrupten SQLite Datenbank ("database disk image is malformed") </li>
Zur Aktivierung der Funktion "Autorename" wird dem definierten DbRep-Device mit dem Attribut "role" die Rolle "Agent" zugewiesen. Die Standardrolle nach Definition
@ -9669,7 +9901,7 @@ sub bdump {
<b>Beispiel neuer Readingname gebildet aus dem Originalreading "totalpac":</b> <br>
avg_day_totalpac <br>
avgam_day_totalpac <br>
# <Bildungsfunktion>_<Aggregation>_<Originalreading> <br>
</li> <br>
@ -10218,7 +10450,32 @@ sub bdump {
Obwohl die Funktion selbst non-blocking ausgelegt ist, sollte das zugeordnete DbLog-Device
im asynchronen Modus betrieben werden um ein Blockieren von FHEMWEB zu vermeiden (Tabellen-Lock). <br><br>
</li> <br>
<li><b> repairSQLite </b> - repariert eine korrupte SQLite-Datenbank. <br>
Eine Korruption liegt im Allgemeinen vor wenn die Fehlermitteilung "database disk image is malformed"
im state des DbLog-Devices erscheint.
Wird dieses Kommando gestartet, wird das angeschlossene DbLog-Device zunächst automatisch für 10 Stunden
(36000 Sekunden) von der Datenbank getrennt (Trennungszeit). Nach Abschluss der Reparatur erfolgt
wieder eine sofortige Neuverbindung zur reparierten Datenbank. <br>
Dem Befehl kann eine abweichende Trennungszeit (in Sekunden) als Argument angegeben werden. <br>
Die korrupte Datenbank wird als <database>.corrupt im gleichen Verzeichnis gespeichert. <br><br>
<b>Beispiel: </b><br>
set <name> repairSQLite <br>
# Die Datenbank wird repariert, Trennungszeit beträgt 10 Stunden <br>
set <name> repairSQLite 600 <br>
# Die Datenbank wird repariert, Trennungszeit beträgt 10 Minuten
<b>Hinweis:</b> <br>
Es ist nicht garantiert, dass die Reparatur erfolgreich verläuft und keine Daten verloren gehen.
Je nach Schwere der Korruption kann Datenverlust auftreten oder die Reparatur scheitern, auch wenn
kein Fehler im Ablauf signalisiert wird. Ein Backup der Datenbank sollte unbedingt vorhanden
sein ! <br><br>
</li> <br>
<li><b> restoreMySQL <File>.csv </b> - importiert den Inhalt der history-Tabelle aus einem serverSide-Backup. <br>
Die Funktion stellt über eine Drop-Down Liste eine Dateiauswahl für den Restore zur Verfügung.
Reference in New Issue
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