mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-10 09:16:53 +00:00

49_SSCam: refactored setter: snapGallery createSnapGallery createPTZcontrol createStreamDev, minor bugfixes

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@22705 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
nasseeder1 2020-08-31 22:37:32 +00:00
parent c50202ed5d
commit 24ec0156c9

View File

@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"9.7.6" => "31.08.2020 refactored setter: snapGallery createSnapGallery createPTZcontrol createStreamDev, minor bugfixes ",
"9.7.5" => "30.08.2020 some more code review and optimisation, exitOnDis with fix check Availability instead of state ",
"9.7.4" => "29.08.2020 some code changes ",
"9.7.3" => "29.08.2020 move login, loginReturn, logout, logoutReturn, setActiveToken, delActiveToken to SMUtils.pm ".
@ -396,16 +397,20 @@ my %ttips_de = (
helpsvs => "Die Onlinehilfe der Synology Surveillance Station wird in einer neuen Browserseite geöffnet",
my %hset = ( # Hash für Set-Funktion
credentials => { fn => "_setcredentials" },
smtpcredentials => { fn => "_setsmtpcredentials" },
on => { fn => "_seton" },
off => { fn => "_setoff" },
snap => { fn => "_setsnap" },
snapCams => { fn => "_setsnapCams" },
startTracking => { fn => "_setstartTracking" },
stopTracking => { fn => "_setstopTracking" },
setZoom => { fn => "_setsetZoom" },
my %hset = ( # Hash für Set-Funktion (needcred => 1: Funktion benötigt gesetzte Credentials)
credentials => { fn => "_setcredentials", needcred => 0 },
smtpcredentials => { fn => "_setsmtpcredentials", needcred => 0 },
on => { fn => "_seton", needcred => 1 },
off => { fn => "_setoff", needcred => 1 },
snap => { fn => "_setsnap", needcred => 1 },
snapCams => { fn => "_setsnapCams", needcred => 1 },
startTracking => { fn => "_setstartTracking", needcred => 1 },
stopTracking => { fn => "_setstopTracking", needcred => 1 },
setZoom => { fn => "_setsetZoom", needcred => 1 },
snapGallery => { fn => "_setsnapGallery", needcred => 1 },
createSnapGallery => { fn => "_setcreateSnapGallery", needcred => 1 },
createPTZcontrol => { fn => "_setcreatePTZcontrol", needcred => 1 },
createStreamDev => { fn => "_setcreateStreamDev", needcred => 1 },
my %imc = ( # disbled String modellabhängig (SVS / CAM)
@ -1114,71 +1119,19 @@ sub Set {
no strict "refs"; ## no critic 'NoStrict'
if($hset{$opt} && defined &{$hset{$opt}{fn}}) {
my $ret = q{};
$ret = &{$hset{$opt}{fn}} ($params);
if (!$hash->{CREDENTIALS} && $hset{$opt}{needcred}) {
return qq{Credentials of $name are not set. Make sure they are set with "set $name credentials <username> <password>"};
$ret = &{$hset{$opt}{fn}} ($params);
return $ret;
use strict "refs";
if ($opt eq "snapGallery" && IsModelCam($hash)) {
if (!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) {return qq{Credentials of $name are not set - make sure you've set it with "set $name credentials username password"};}
my $ret = getClHash($hash);
return $ret if($ret);
if(!AttrVal($name, "snapGalleryBoost",0)) {
# Snaphash ist nicht vorhanden und wird neu abgerufen und ausgegeben
# snap-Infos für Gallerie abrufen
my ($sg,$slim,$ssize);
$slim = $prop?AttrVal($name,"snapGalleryNumber",$prop):AttrVal($name,"snapGalleryNumber",$defSlim); # Anzahl der abzurufenden Snapshots
$ssize = (AttrVal($name,"snapGallerySize","Icon") eq "Icon")?1:2; # Image Size 1-Icon, 2-Full
} else {
# Snaphash ist vorhanden und wird zur Ausgabe aufbereitet (Polling ist aktiv)
$hash->{HELPER}{SNAPLIMIT} = AttrVal($name,"snapGalleryNumber",$defSlim);
my %pars = ( linkparent => $name,
linkname => '',
ftui => 0
my $htmlCode = composeGallery(\%pars);
for (my $k=1; (defined($hash->{HELPER}{CL}{$k})); $k++ ) {
if ($hash->{HELPER}{CL}{$k}->{COMP}) {
# CL zusammengestellt (Auslösung durch Notify)
asyncOutput($hash->{HELPER}{CL}{$k}, "$htmlCode");
} else {
# Output wurde über FHEMWEB ausgelöst
return $htmlCode;
} elsif ($opt eq "createSnapGallery" && IsModelCam($hash)) {
if (!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) {return qq{Credentials of $name are not set - make sure you've set it with "set $name credentials username password"};}
my ($ret,$sgdev);
return qq{Before you can use "$opt", you must first set the "snapGalleryBoost" attribute, since automatic snapshot retrieval is required.}
$sgdev = "SSCamSTRM.$name.snapgallery";
$ret = CommandDefine($hash->{CL},"$sgdev SSCamSTRM {FHEM::SSCam::composeGallery('$name','$sgdev','snapgallery')}");
return $ret if($ret);
my $room = "SSCam";
$attr{$sgdev}{room} = $room;
return qq{Snapgallery device "$sgdev" created and assigned to room "$room".};
} elsif ($opt eq "createPTZcontrol" && IsModelCam($hash)) {
if (!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) {return qq{Credentials of $name are not set - make sure you've set it with "set $name credentials username password"};}
my $ptzcdev = "SSCamSTRM.$name.PTZcontrol";
my $ret = CommandDefine($hash->{CL},"$ptzcdev SSCamSTRM {FHEM::SSCam::ptzPanel('$name','$ptzcdev','ptzcontrol')}");
return $ret if($ret);
my $room = AttrVal($name,"room","SSCam");
$attr{$ptzcdev}{room} = $room;
$attr{$ptzcdev}{group} = $name."_PTZcontrol";
return qq{PTZ control device "$ptzcdev" created and assigned to room "$room".};
} elsif ($opt eq "createStreamDev") {
if ($opt eq "createStreamDev") {
if (!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) {return qq{Credentials of $name are not set - make sure you've set it with "set $name credentials username password"};}
my ($livedev,$ret);
@ -1642,10 +1595,6 @@ sub _seton { ## no critic "not used"
return if(!IsModelCam($hash));
if (!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) {
return qq{Credentials of $name are not set. Make sure they are set with "set $name credentials <username> <password>"."};
if (defined($prop) && $prop =~ /^\d+$/x) {
$hash->{HELPER}{RECTIME_TEMP} = $prop;
@ -1699,10 +1648,6 @@ sub _setoff { ## no critic "not used"
return if(!IsModelCam($hash));
if (!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) {
return qq{Credentials of $name are not set. Make sure they are set with "set $name credentials <username> <password>"."};
my $spec = join(" ",@$aref);
my ($inf) = $spec =~ m/STRM:(.*)/ix; # Aufnahmestop durch SSCamSTRM-Device
@ -1725,10 +1670,6 @@ sub _setsnap { ## no critic "not used"
my $aref = $paref->{aref};
return if(!IsModelCam($hash));
if (!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) {
return qq{Credentials of $name are not set. Make sure they are set with "set $name credentials <username> <password>"."};
my ($num,$lag,$ncount) = (1,2,1);
@ -1795,10 +1736,6 @@ sub _setsnapCams { ## no critic "not used"
my $aref = $paref->{aref};
return if(IsModelCam($hash));
if (!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) {
return qq{Credentials of $name are not set. Make sure they are set with "set $name credentials <username> <password>"."};
my ($num,$lag,$ncount) = (1,2,1);
my $cams = "all";
@ -1882,10 +1819,6 @@ sub _setstartTracking { ## no critic "not used"
return if(!IsModelCam($hash));
if (!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) {
return qq{Credentials of $name are not set. Make sure they are set with "set $name credentials <username> <password>"."};
if ($hash->{HELPER}{API}{PTZ}{VER} < 5) {
return qq{Function "$opt" needs a higher version of Surveillance Station};
@ -1906,10 +1839,6 @@ sub _setstopTracking { ## no critic "not used"
return if(!IsModelCam($hash));
if (!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) {
return qq{Credentials of $name are not set. Make sure they are set with "set $name credentials <username> <password>"."};
if ($hash->{HELPER}{API}{PTZ}{VER} < 5) {
return qq{Function "$opt" needs a higher version of Surveillance Station};
@ -1930,10 +1859,6 @@ sub _setsetZoom { ## no critic "not used"
return if(!IsModelCam($hash));
if (!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) {
return qq{Credentials of $name are not set. Make sure they are set with "set $name credentials <username> <password>"."};
$prop = $prop // "+"; # Korrektur -> "+" in Taste wird als undef geliefert
$prop = ".++" if($prop eq "."); # Korrektur -> ".++" in Taste wird als "." geliefert
setZoom ("$name!_!$prop");
@ -1941,6 +1866,168 @@ sub _setsetZoom { ## no critic "not used"
# Setter snapGallery
sub _setsnapGallery { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $prop = $paref->{prop};
return if(!IsModelCam($hash));
my $ret = getClHash($hash);
return $ret if($ret);
if(!AttrVal($name, "snapGalleryBoost",0)) { # Snaphash ist nicht vorhanden und wird neu abgerufen und ausgegeben
my ($squant,$slim,$ssize); # snap-Infos für Gallerie abrufen
$squant = $prop // $defSlim ; # Anzahl der abzurufenden Snapshots
$slim = AttrVal($name,"snapGalleryNumber",$squant);
$ssize = AttrVal($name,"snapGallerySize","Icon") eq "Icon" ? 1 : 2; # Image Size 1-Icon, 2-Full
} else { # Snaphash ist vorhanden und wird zur Ausgabe aufbereitet (Polling ist aktiv)
$hash->{HELPER}{SNAPLIMIT} = AttrVal($name,"snapGalleryNumber",$defSlim);
my %pars = ( linkparent => $name,
linkname => '',
ftui => 0
my $htmlCode = composeGallery(\%pars);
for (my $k=1; (defined($hash->{HELPER}{CL}{$k})); $k++ ) {
if ($hash->{HELPER}{CL}{$k}->{COMP}) { # CL zusammengestellt (Auslösung durch Notify)
asyncOutput($hash->{HELPER}{CL}{$k}, "$htmlCode");
} else { # Output wurde über FHEMWEB ausgelöst
return $htmlCode;
# Setter createSnapGallery
sub _setcreateSnapGallery { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $opt = $paref->{opt};
return if(!IsModelCam($hash));
if(!AttrVal($name,"snapGalleryBoost",0)) {
return qq{Before you can use "$opt", you must first set the "snapGalleryBoost" attribute, since automatic snapshot retrieval is required.};
my $sgdev = "SSCamSTRM.$name.snapgallery";
my $ret = CommandDefine($hash->{CL},"$sgdev SSCamSTRM {FHEM::SSCam::composeGallery('$name','$sgdev','snapgallery')}");
return $ret if($ret);
my $room = "SSCam";
$attr{$sgdev}{room} = $room;
return qq{Snapgallery device "$sgdev" created and assigned to room "$room".};
# Setter createPTZcontrol
sub _setcreatePTZcontrol { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
return if(!IsModelCam($hash));
my $ptzcdev = "SSCamSTRM.$name.PTZcontrol";
my $ret = CommandDefine($hash->{CL},"$ptzcdev SSCamSTRM {FHEM::SSCam::ptzPanel('$name','$ptzcdev','ptzcontrol')}");
return $ret if($ret);
my $room = AttrVal($name,"room","SSCam");
$attr{$ptzcdev}{room} = $room;
$attr{$ptzcdev}{group} = $name."_PTZcontrol";
return qq{PTZ control device "$ptzcdev" created and assigned to room "$room".};
# Setter createStreamDev
sub _setcreateStreamDev { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $prop = $paref->{prop};
return if(!IsModelCam($hash));
my ($livedev,$ret);
if($prop =~ /mjpeg/x) {
$livedev = "SSCamSTRM.$name.mjpeg";
$ret = CommandDefine($hash->{CL},"$livedev SSCamSTRM {FHEM::SSCam::streamDev('$name','$livedev','mjpeg')}");
return $ret if($ret);
if($prop =~ /generic/x) {
$livedev = "SSCamSTRM.$name.generic";
$ret = CommandDefine($hash->{CL},"$livedev SSCamSTRM {FHEM::SSCam::streamDev('$name','$livedev','generic')}");
return $ret if($ret);
if($prop =~ /hls/x) {
$livedev = "SSCamSTRM.$name.hls";
$ret = CommandDefine($hash->{CL},"$livedev SSCamSTRM {FHEM::SSCam::streamDev('$name','$livedev','hls')}");
return $ret if($ret);
my $c = "The device needs to set attribute \"hlsStrmObject\" in camera device \"$name\" to a valid HLS videostream";
CommandAttr($hash->{CL},"$livedev comment $c");
if($prop =~ /lastsnap/x) {
$livedev = "SSCamSTRM.$name.lastsnap";
$ret = CommandDefine($hash->{CL},"$livedev SSCamSTRM {FHEM::SSCam::streamDev('$name','$livedev','lastsnap')}");
return $ret if($ret);
my $c = "The device shows the last snapshot of camera device \"$name\". \n".
"If you always want to see the newest snapshot, please set attribute \"pollcaminfoall\" in camera device \"$name\".\n".
"Set also attribute \"snapGallerySize = Full\" in camera device \"$name\" to retrieve snapshots in original resolution.";
CommandAttr($hash->{CL},"$livedev comment $c");
if($prop =~ /switched/x) {
$livedev = "SSCamSTRM.$name.switched";
$ret = CommandDefine($hash->{CL},"$livedev SSCamSTRM {FHEM::SSCam::streamDev('$name','$livedev','switched')}");
return $ret if($ret);
if($prop =~ /master/x) {
$livedev = "SSCamSTRM.$name.master";
$ret = CommandDefine($hash->{CL},"$livedev SSCamSTRM {FHEM::SSCam::streamDev('$name','$livedev','master')}");
return $ret if($ret);
my $room = AttrVal($name,"room","SSCam");
$attr{$livedev}{room} = $room;
return qq{Livestream device "$livedev" created and assigned to room "$room".};
# Get
sub Get {
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
@ -3942,14 +4029,16 @@ sub exitOnDis {
$exit = 1;
my $error = expErrors($hash,$errorcode); # Fehlertext zum Errorcode ermitteln
if($exit) {
my $error = expErrors($hash,$errorcode); # Fehlertext zum Errorcode ermitteln
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "Errorcode", $errorcode);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "Error", $error );
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
Log3($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - $log - $error") if($exit);
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "Errorcode", $errorcode);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "Error", $error );
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
Log3($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - $log - $error");
return $exit;
@ -7431,7 +7520,7 @@ sub _streamDevMJPEG { ## no critic 'complexity not
my ($link,$audiolink);
my $ret = "";
if(ReadingsVal($camname, "SVSversion", "8.2.3-5828") eq "8.2.3-5828" && ReadingsVal($camname, "CamVideoType", "") !~ /MJPEG/x) {
if(ReadingsVal($camname, "SVSversion", "") eq "8.2.3-5828" && ReadingsVal($camname, "CamVideoType", "") !~ /MJPEG/x) {
$ret .= "<td> <br> <b> Because SVS version 8.2.3-5828 is running you cannot play back MJPEG-Stream. Please upgrade to a higher SVS version ! </b> <br><br>";
return $ret;